Prehospital Airway Management Using the Laryngeal Tube an Emergency Department Point of View
Notfallmedizin Anaesthesist 2014 · 63:589–596 M. Bernhard1 · W. Beres2 · A. Timmermann3 · R. Stepan4 · C.-A. Greim5 · U.X. Kaisers6 · DOI 10.1007/s00101-014-2348-1 A. Gries1 Published online: 2. Juli 2014 1 Emergency Department, University Hospital of Leipzig, Leipzig © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 2 Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Main Klinik Ochsenfurt, Ochsenfurt 3 Department of Anaesthesiology, Pain Therapy, Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine, DRK Kliniken Berlin Westend und Mitte, Berlin Redaktion 4 Department of Public Health, Fulda County, Fulda A. Gries, Leipzig 5 Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Hospital of Fulda, Fulda V. Wenzel, Innsbruck 6 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Leipzig, Medical Faculty, Leipzig Prehospital airway management using the laryngeal tube An emergency department point of view Securing the airway and maintaining ox- Studies describing the successful use of mittee of the Medical Faculty of Leipzig, ygenation and ventilation represent es- the laryngeal tube in the prehospital setting Germany. Single cases were documented sential life-saving strategies in emergen- sound promising [9, 10, 22]. However, the initially after ED admission. The case se- cy medicine [1, 2, 3, 40]. Depending on results of these studies and of case reports ries was evaluated retrospectively, was not the experience of the person performing were not reported by an independent ob- preregistered, and written informed con- the procedure and on the individual in- server and, therefore, reporting bias could tent could not be obtained. tubation conditions, endotracheal intuba- be possible [11, 22]. Only one prospective, tion (ETI) is still considered to be the gold randomized study has confirmed that the Results standard [4, 5, 40].
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