Extensions of Remarks E661 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E661 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING REN HARRIS Herb was a cherished member of the Miami When asked about her motivation to challenge community. One of the last living survivors of the system, Mills would later say ‘‘Our instruc- HON. MIKE THOMPSON Kristallnacht and the SS St. Louis, Herb was tors were just as good, but some of my son’s OF CALIFORNIA widely known and respected for his decades textbooks would go to page 3 and then skip to of engagement with community groups, page 35. You can’t learn like that.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES schools, churches, and synagogues. He was a Ms. Mills also was the first black career em- Thursday, June 17, 2021 ubiquitous presence as a teacher and docent ployee of the United States Postal Service in Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam at the Holocaust Memorial on Miami Beach, Winter Haven and eventually became man- Speaker, I rise today to recognize Ren Harris, where he spent every Saturday leading tours ager of the Florence Villa Post Office. But as the 2021 Napa Valley Grape Grower of the and educating generations of visitors about the first Black postal worker, her career was Year, for his accomplishments and contribu- the Holocaust. not easy. At one point, Ms. Mills was trans- tions toward our community. Born in Germany, Herb was just 12 when ferred to another post office, in an area known Born in 1941 in San Francisco, Harris is a he and his family fled the Nazi regime on ‘‘the to be unwelcoming to Black people, in an ef- sixth generation Californian. After attending Voyage of the Damned,’’ the tragic ocean liner fort to get her to quit. While the move was in- Napa Valley College, the University of San which was forced to return to Europe in 1939 timidating, she once recalled that her worst Francisco, the University of California Davis after being turned away from the United day was when a Black patron refused to buy and the University of Bordeaux, Mr. Harris States, Cuba, and Canada. When the ship re- stamps from her because she was Black. began his career in the wine community in turned to Europe, about 250 of the pas- Although Ms. Mills passed away in 2008, 1967 as a grape grower and vintner. In the sengers were killed in the Holocaust, including her legacy lives on. C.A. Boswell, Jr., the late 1960’s, Mr. Harris and his wife Marilyn Herb’s parents and two sisters. ‘‘We were so longtime attorney for the Polk County School moved from San Francisco to Oakville and close to Miami Beach, I could see it,’’ Herb Board, said of his former opponent, ‘‘She was began planting grapes on what was once a told the Miami Herald in 1997. ‘‘I said to my a good lady and had the best interests of the prune orchard. By 1975, they had successfully parents, ‘Someday, I’ll come back here.’ ’’ kids at heart, it was a different time. It took created the Paradigm brand, which is known Despite the odds, Herb survived the Nazi in- some brave people to hold that thing (the law- and loved by residents throughout Napa Val- vasion of France by hiding in the woods and suit) up.’’ ley today. working under false papers. In 1949 he immi- The recognition of Ms. Althea Margaret Mr. Harris’s contributions to the wine com- grated to Miami and would go on to serve ad- Daily Mills is all the more special as we do it munity extend far beyond Paradigm Winery. mirably in the Korean War, open a bakery, on June 17, 2021, on the first recognition of His leadership within the industry is exem- marry the love of his life, and raise a wonder- Juneteenth as a National Holiday. This plary, having served as the President of the ful family. Juneteenth is the 155th anniversary of the old- Napa County Farm Bureau, Council Member Herb dedicated much of the latter part of his est nationally celebrated commemoration of of the California Growers Board, Director of life to advocating for the rights, interests, and the ending of slavery in the United States. the Napa Valley CoOp Winery, and both needs of Holocaust survivors, especially those General Gordon Granger read General President and Director of the Oakville living in poverty. As a member of the Holo- Order No. 3 in Galveston, Texas which an- Winegrowers. Additionally, he was the founder caust Survivors Foundation USA Executive nounced the freedom of the last American of both the Napa Valley Grape Growers and Committee, he often met with elected national slaves. the California Grower Foundation. political and communal leaders, even testifying GENERAL ORDER NO. 3 Perhaps the best testament to Mr. Harris’s before Congress to ensure the rights of Holo- The people of Texas are informed that, in caust survivors to live in dignity. Despite the accordance with a proclamation from the dedication to Napa Valley and his fellow viti- Executive of the United States, all slaves are culturists is his extensive work throughout his tragedy he endured, Herb never let his com- free. This involves an absolute equality of career advocating for the protection of Napa mitment to justice waiver and is an enduring personal rights and rights of property, be- Valley’s land, workforce, and community. example of commitment, leadership, and serv- tween former masters and slaves and the Through the California Grower Foundation, he ice. He will be deeply missed. connection heretofore existing between was able to help improve the working condi- Herb is survived by his wife of almost 60 them, becomes that between employer and tions of viticulturalists as well as establish af- years, Vera; his daughters Debbie and hired labor. The Freedmen are advised to re- fordable healthcare access for farmworkers. Michelle; son-in-law Amir; and three grand- main at their present homes and work for wages . These contributions have made a lasting im- children, Jessica, Zachary, and Jonah. By the reading of this order two-hundred pact on Napa Valley and beyond. f Madam Speaker, Mr. Harris is a community and fifty thousand slaves were freed nearly member we should all strive to be. His pas- RECOGNITION OF MS. ALTHEA two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln’s sion for viticulture and dedication to his grape MARGARET DAILY MILLS Emancipation Proclamation went into effect. growing community make him deserving of the We thank Ms. Althea Margaret Daily Mills Napa Valley Grower of the Year. It is therefore HON. DARREN SOTO on this special day and appreciate her efforts to make our community a better place. fitting and proper that we honor Ren Harris OF FLORIDA f here today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Thursday, June 17, 2021 IN RECOGNITION OF BUILDING SAFETY MONTH HONORING THE LIFE OF HERBERT Mr. SOTO. Madam Speaker, Ms. Althea KALINER Margaret Daily Mills is an unsung hero in the HON. SHARICE DAVIDS fight for desegregation in Florida. Ms. Mills OF KANSAS began her education in Pughsville, Winter Ha- HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF FLORIDA ven’s first Black community. When she was Thursday, June 17, 2021 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 13, she moved to Pennsylvania to live with her aunt. There, she was able to attend integrated Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. Madam Speaker, in Thursday, June 17, 2021 schools. In 1963, Mills filed a lawsuit against honor of Building Safety Month, I am pleased Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam the Polk County Board of Public Instruction to to recognize the importance of safety in the Speaker, it is with a heavy heart and solemn end the ‘‘dual school system’’ and allow her built environment and the dedication of the remembrance that I rise to pay tribute to a son to attend the then, all-white, Winter Haven members of the International Code Council great man, Herbert Kaliner, who passed away High School. This lawsuit eventually led to the (ICC) to their roles in protecting our commu- on June 1st at the age of 94. integration of all Polk County public schools. nities. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:44 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17JN8.001 E17JNPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS E662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 17, 2021 members of the International Code Council safe and resilient construction, fire prevention, assistance for Greece, in the amount of at (ICC) to their roles in protecting our commu- sanitation, disaster mitigation, and new tech- least $10 million, due to its strategic impor- nities. nologies in the construction industry. tance to the United States as the House will With natural disasters only expected to in- see presented in this testimony. The East Madam Speaker, please join me in thanking Med Act authorized appropriations of $3 mil- crease in frequency and severity, building International Code Council Board President lion for FMF assistance in FY2020. codes include important safeguards to protect Greg Wheeler, as well as ICC’s Chief Execu- U.S. Interests in Southeast Europe and the the public from tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, tive Officer Dominic Sims, the International Eastern Mediterranean. The U.S. has impor- ice and snowstorms, wildland fires, and earth- Code Council leadership, and ICC’s Members tant interests in southeast Europe and the quakes.