The Trump Adminis- Tration’S Oversight of the Trump Inter- National Hotel Lease

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The Trump Adminis- Tration’S Oversight of the Trump Inter- National Hotel Lease LANDLORD AND TENANT: THE TRUMP ADMINIS- TRATION’S OVERSIGHT OF THE TRUMP INTER- NATIONAL HOTEL LEASE (116–33) HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 Printed for the use of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure ( Available online at: browsecommittee/chamber/house/committee/transportation U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 41–130 PDF WASHINGTON : 2020 VerDate Aug 31 2005 14:50 Sep 14, 2020 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 P:\HEARINGS\116\ED\9-25-2~1\TRANSC~1\41130.TXT JEAN TRANSPC154 with DISTILLER COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE PETER A. DEFAZIO, Oregon, Chair ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, SAM GRAVES, Missouri District of Columbia DON YOUNG, Alaska EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, Texas ERIC A. ‘‘RICK’’ CRAWFORD, Arkansas ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, Maryland BOB GIBBS, Ohio RICK LARSEN, Washington DANIEL WEBSTER, Florida GRACE F. NAPOLITANO, California THOMAS MASSIE, Kentucky DANIEL LIPINSKI, Illinois MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina STEVE COHEN, Tennessee SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania ALBIO SIRES, New Jersey RODNEY DAVIS, Illinois JOHN GARAMENDI, California ROB WOODALL, Georgia HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR., Georgia JOHN KATKO, New York ANDRE´ CARSON, Indiana BRIAN BABIN, Texas DINA TITUS, Nevada GARRET GRAVES, Louisiana SEAN PATRICK MALONEY, New York DAVID ROUZER, North Carolina JARED HUFFMAN, California MIKE BOST, Illinois JULIA BROWNLEY, California RANDY K. WEBER, SR., Texas FREDERICA S. WILSON, Florida DOUG LAMALFA, California DONALD M. PAYNE, JR., New Jersey BRUCE WESTERMAN, Arkansas ALAN S. LOWENTHAL, California LLOYD SMUCKER, Pennsylvania MARK DESAULNIER, California PAUL MITCHELL, Michigan STACEY E. PLASKETT, Virgin Islands BRIAN J. MAST, Florida STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts MIKE GALLAGHER, Wisconsin SALUD O. CARBAJAL, California, Vice Chair GARY J. PALMER, Alabama ANTHONY G. BROWN, Maryland BRIAN K. FITZPATRICK, Pennsylvania ADRIANO ESPAILLAT, New York JENNIFFER GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N, TOM MALINOWSKI, New Jersey Puerto Rico GREG STANTON, Arizona TROY BALDERSON, Ohio DEBBIE MUCARSEL-POWELL, Florida ROSS SPANO, Florida LIZZIE FLETCHER, Texas PETE STAUBER, Minnesota COLIN Z. ALLRED, Texas CAROL D. MILLER, West Virginia SHARICE DAVIDS, Kansas GREG PENCE, Indiana ABBY FINKENAUER, Iowa JESU´ S G. ‘‘CHUY’’ GARCI´A, Illinois ANTONIO DELGADO, New York CHRIS PAPPAS, New Hampshire ANGIE CRAIG, Minnesota HARLEY ROUDA, California ---- SUBCOMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DINA TITUS, Nevada, Chair DEBBIE MUCARSEL-POWELL, Florida MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina SHARICE DAVIDS, Kansas GARY J. PALMER, Alabama ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, JENNIFFER GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N, District of Columbia Puerto Rico HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR., Georgia CAROL D. MILLER, West Virginia JOHN GARAMENDI, California GREG PENCE, Indiana ANTHONY G. BROWN, Maryland SAM GRAVES, Missouri (Ex Officio) LIZZIE FLETCHER, Texas, Vice Chair PETER A. DEFAZIO, Oregon (Ex Officio) (ii) VerDate Aug 31 2005 14:50 Sep 14, 2020 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 5905 Sfmt 5905 P:\HEARINGS\116\ED\9-25-2~1\TRANSC~1\41130.TXT JEAN TRANSPC154 with DISTILLER CONTENTS Page Summary of Subject Matter .................................................................................... v STATEMENTS OF MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Hon. Dina Titus, a Representative in Congress from the State of Nevada, and Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Build- ings, and Emergency Management: Opening statement ........................................................................................... 1 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 3 Hon. Mark Meadows, a Representative in Congress from the State of North Carolina, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management: Opening statement ........................................................................................... 4 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 6 Hon. Peter A. DeFazio, a Representative in Congress from the State of Or- egon, and Chair, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Opening statement ........................................................................................... 7 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 9 Hon. Sam Graves, a Representative in Congress from the State of Missouri, and Ranking Member, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Opening statement ........................................................................................... 10 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 11 WITNESSES PANEL 1 Dan Mathews, Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, U.S. General Services Administration: Oral statement .................................................................................................. 12 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 13 Hon. Carol Fortine Ochoa, Inspector General, U.S. General Services Adminis- tration: Oral statement .................................................................................................. 15 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 17 PANEL 2 Michael A. Foster, Legislative Attorney, Congressional Research Service: Oral statement .................................................................................................. 62 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 64 Hans A. von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow, Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation: Oral statement .................................................................................................. 76 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 78 Liz Hempowicz, Director of Public Policy, Project on Government Oversight: Oral statement .................................................................................................. 83 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 84 Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Senior Advisor, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, and Former Director, U.S. Office on Government Ethics: Oral statement .................................................................................................. 90 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 92 (iii) VerDate Aug 31 2005 14:50 Sep 14, 2020 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 5905 Sfmt 5905 P:\HEARINGS\116\ED\9-25-2~1\TRANSC~1\41130.TXT JEAN TRANSPC154 with DISTILLER iv Page SUBMISSIONS FOR THE RECORD Submissions for the Record by Hon. Dina Titus: GSA Public Buildings Service Memo of March 29, 2019, to Inspector General .......................................................................................................... 107 GSA Office of Inspector General Memo of September 6, 2019, to GSA Deputy Administrator ................................................................................... 109 United States of America v. 3,726 Rentable Square Feet of Office Space, et al., 4:17-cv-02034-RBH (D.S.C. Florence Div.), Submitted for the Record by Hon. Steve Cohen ............................................................................................ 111 Policy Excerpt, ‘‘Trump—Donation of Profits from Foreign Government Pa- tronage,’’ Trump Organization, Submitted for the Record by Hon. John Garamendi ............................................................................................................ 113 Submissions for the Record by Hon. Mark Meadows: ‘‘Report of Material Provisions of the Old Post Office Development Agree- ment,’’ GSA, June 2013 ................................................................................ 113 Photos ................................................................................................................ 116 Joint Statement of Professor Josh Blackman and Lecturer Seth Barrett Tillman ........................................................................................................... 117 ‘‘Business Transactions and President Trump’s ‘Emoluents’ Problem,’’ by Seth Barrett Tillman, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2017 .............................................................................................. 120 Brief of Amici Curiae Scholar Seth Barrett Tillman in District of Colum- bia and State of Maryland v. Donald J. Trump, in his individual capacity, No. 18–2488 (U.S. 4th Cir.) .......................................................... 121 APPENDIX Questions from Hon. Peter A. DeFazio and Hon. Dina Titus to Dan Mathews, Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, U.S. General Services Administra- tion ........................................................................................................................ 123 Questions from Hon. Mark Meadows to Dan Mathews, Commissioner,
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