Climate and hydrological processes explain temporal dissimilarity in the phytoplankton community and favor seasonal dominance of harmful and alien algae in a subtropical reservoir JONATAS ALVES1,*, ALEXANDRE MATTHIENSEN2, MÁRIO SERGIO MUNIZ TAGLIARI3 & MAURICIO MELLO PETRUCIO1,3 1 Inland Water Ecology Laboratory, Department of Ecology and Zoology, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Córrego Grande, Florianópolis, SC, 88010970, Brazil. 2 Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Rodovia BR-153, Km 110, Distrito de Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC, 89715899, Brazil 3 Department of Ecology and Zoology, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Córrego Grande, Florianópolis, SC, 88040900, Brazil. * Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract. In phytoplankton communities, dissimilarities in the species composition and abundance can be correlated with environmental variability at different spatial and temporal scales. This environmental variability can ascertain periodic replacements in phytoplankton assemblages, favoring, in some cases, the growth and dominance of specific algae groups. In this study, the occurrence of spatial/temporal dissimilarities (variation in the density of different taxonomic groups) in the phytoplankton community and their correlations with the environmental variability were studied in an artificial reservoir located in southern Brazil. Seasonal alternation of dominant groups was observed, with dominance of potential harmful cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon spp. and Dolichospermum