CHIS650 ENGLISH REFORMATION November 4-8, 2012 John W. Reeve InMinistry Center Intensive MA in Pastoral Ministry S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 1 CHIS650 ENGLISH REFORMATION NOV 11-15, 2012 InMinistry Center Intensive MA in Pastoral Ministry Southern Union Site GENERAL CLASS INFORMATION Class acronym: CHIS650 Class name: English Reformation and the Rise of Puritanism Semester & year: Fall 2012 Class location: Collegedale Community SDA Church, Collegedale, TN Class time/day: 7:00 – 9:00, Sunday, Nov 4 8:00 -12:00pm, Monday through Thursday, Nov 5-8 2:00 – 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday, Nov 5-8 Credits offered: 3 INSTRUCTOR CONTACT DETAILS Instructor: John W. Reeve, PhD Telephone: (269) 471-3195 Email:
[email protected] Office location: Seminary Hall, N330 BULLETIN CLASS DISCRIPTION Developments in the 16th and 17th centuries; the Elizabethan Settlement; the Puritan movement and its relation to authority, the kingdom of God, preaching, and the Sabbath; leading Reformers and Puritans and their legacy for today. S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 2 S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 3 CLASS OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of this class are to: . This course is designed to familiarize the students with the theological and political people and issues involved in the English Reformation and the rise of Puritanism. On the side of theological history emphasis will be placed on the role of the English Bible, the struggle for political control of the English church, and the movement of popular piety and liturgy from sacramentalism to Bible study, preaching and fellowship.