Forty Years of Clpd, a Cause for Celebration CLPD MORE NEEDED THAN (Cont
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CAMPAIGN BRIEFING SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION 2013 SPECIAL 40TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION 2013 ISSUE NO 76 PRODUCTION EDITOR: RAY DAVISON EAST DEVON CLP AND CLPD publication for CLPs and Labour Party Members (where this CLPD SW REGIONAL ORGANISER newsletter can be downloaded). For detailed and exclusive NEC and NPF reports, internal All enquiries: [email protected] Party news and debates including Shenanigans, visit and for lively Telephone 01395 277481 debates where you can contribute, visit or or email CLPD: [email protected] FORTY YEARS OF CLPD, Content highlights A CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION SPECIAL BILLY HAYES, bour Party, David and Morris Kogan wrote ANNIVERSARY GENERAL SECRETARY CWU of the Derers’ home in Golders Green (page EDITION 2013 45): “It is arguably the most important and best-known centre of left-wing activity in OPENS OUR Britain”. n Billy Hayes: Forty Years of CLPD: FORTIETH Such an assessment was fair, given the A cause for celebration ANNIVERSARY impact of CLPD’s successes. Today, we must EDITION. n Diane Abbott MP: CLPD and the continue their work by ensuring that CLPD struggle for black self-organisation remains a practical vehicle for progressive The Campaign for aims of Party members. n Jim Mortimer: The vital role of Labour Party De- The need for alternatives to the Coali- CLPD mocracy’s fortieth tion government’s austerity policies is widely anniversary is in- n Gavin Strang: CLPD more needed shared amongst Labour Party members. deed cause for cele- than ever More dialogue between membership and bration. Our campaign has registered a num- leadership is the best guarantee that an in- n Leo Panitch and Colin Leys: Forty ber of important successes in its existence. coming Labour government in 2015 will im- years of CLPD: our part in Labour’s Yet surely its importance really lies in its fu- plement an expansionary economic policy. history ture. For CLPD continues to offer socialists in the Party a route to effective politics. (cont. on p3) n Chris Mullin: His message to the CLPD understands that socialist policies anniversary AGM are tied to the promotion of Party democ- n Empowering women 1: Vera Derer, racy. Membership activity and involvement Sandra Ernstoff and Rachel Lever: in all areas of the Party produces better and CLPD AND THE ‘Women demand democracy too!’ more effective policies. That is a strategy and appreciation which has worked for these past STRUGGLE FOR n Empowering women 2: Loraine decades, and will work for many years ahead. Monk: From 1970 to New Labour CLPD has rejected any approach which BLACK SELF- n Empowering women 3: Christine involves presenting the membership with Shawcroft: More than a tea party: ultimatums. Instead, its approach has always ORGANISATION Have the feminists won, or did been to offer solutions which are both prac- Blairism see us off? tical and radical. WITHIN THE As a result it has, on occasion, led and n From the archive: Vladimir Derer, articulated the desires of the majority of LABOUR PARTY extract from ‘Blair must go’ Party members. This was most notable in n Dominic Curran and Conrad the achievement of the electoral college for BY DIANE ABBOTT MP FOR Landin: Young CLPD looking ahead leadership elections, and on the reselection to a more democratic Labour Party of MPs. But there are other recent victories, HACKNEY NORTH such as the four/four balance in contempo- n Ray Davison: Fighting fit at forty – rary resolutions to Conference, and the use It was, and still is, very hypocritical of people Highlights from CLPD’s anniversary of OMOV for the constituency section of who have not been bothered about majority- AGM the National Policy Forum. white conferences, and even today, in some n CLPD TUC fringe and Labour As we celebrate the successes we must areas, all-white CLPs, to conclude that black conference meetings acknowledge the outstanding contribution sections are separatist. We have de facto sep- n made by Vladimir and Vera Derer. In their aratism already. More Bitebacks less than friendly book The Battle for the La- (cont. on p2) PLEASE PASS THIS NEWSLETTER ON TO ENSURE A WIDE CIRCULATION. 1 CAMPAIGN BRIEFING SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION 2013 CLPD AND THE STRUGGLE FOR bring their daily experience of life and em- BLACK SELF-ORGANISATION THE VITAL ployment to the discussion of policy. Their voice and influence are essential ingredients WITHIN THE LABOUR PARTY ROLE OF CLPD for the policy of the Party. (cont. from p1) CLPD has done much since its founda- tion to initiate democratic changes, to up- The fight for JIM MORTIMER, FORMER hold democratic practices and to encourage a black section LABOUR PARTY GENERAL the rank-and-file of the Party to be vigilant within the Labour SECRETARY, LIFELONG TRADE to ensure that their voice is heard. Discussion and the consideration of op- Party was a long UNIONIST AND LONG-SERVING and hard fought tions, with the expression of criticism, is one that began at CLPD MEMBER, ASSESSES essential for policy-making. This is why the the grassroots of CLPD’s rOLE. JIM AND HIS British labour movement has never been at- tracted by ideas and proposals for “proletar- the Party. When WIFE PAT HAVE ACTIVELY I was first select- ian dictatorship”. Dictatorship of any kind ed as a Labour SUPPORTED CLPD FOR MANY can lead to the abuse of power. It took many councillor in the YEARS years of struggle to establish universal suf- then Paddington frage for ordinary citizens of both sexes. constituency, I The Campaign Accountability is an essential ingredient of was very concerned about the lack of black for Labour Party democracy. people involved in my CLP. So I organised a Democracy plays This does not imply that progressive black caucus of Party members and found a vital role in the governments challenged by military reac- that there were actually a lot of black Labour Labour Party. In tion should be denied the right to defend Party members. Organisation like this was every large or- their measures and their democratic power. happening all over the country and a nation- ganisation there We remember the example of Spain, Chile al conversation had already begun through is the possibility and the experience of fascist oppression in the National Black Caucus. This creation of authoritarian Europe. of black sections in constituencies helped decision-making, CLPD has a distinguished record and it channel black people into the mainstream of intolerance of deserves support. It is good to know that it is Labour Party activity. They came out of the internal criticism in a healthy state, is growing and, is attracting closet so to speak and became active for the or curtailment of support from young members of the Labour first time. accountability. The Labour Party is not an Party. Let us ensure that it continues to do The aims of the black sections were to exception to this possibility, even though so. encourage black people to be confident in its contribution to British political life has their involvement and activism. They pro- had many democratic attributes. Facilities vided a framework to discuss and form for democratic discussion, decision-making policy on issues of concern to black people. and accountability have been part of La- BITEBACKS Finally they gave us a forum to organise for bour’s tradition. This is not a statement of increased black representation in the form complacency, but recognition of the con- ‘Take notice, That England is not a of black councillors, MPs, school governors tribution made by Labour Party members Free People, till the Poor that have no and so on. Black sections maximised black and elected representatives extending over Land, have a free allowance to dig and people’s contribution to the mainstream of many years. Labour the Commons, and so live as politics from Parliament to all sections of Problems, nevertheless, still arise. Con- Comfortably as the Landlords that live civil society. stant vigilance is required. Democracy is es- in their enclosures’. We found our natural allies in the sential at every level. The True Levellers Standard Advanced Campaign for Labour Party Democracy. At the basic level it is important to per- (April 1649). Here the black sections were provided suade individual members and affiliated trade with a huge amount of support. Hav- union representatives to attend and partici- ‘The Chancellor seems more afraid of ing spearheaded the campaign that led pate in discussion and decision-making. This admitting that his policies have failed to formal women’s representation within is an essential part of the democratic pro- than kick-starting the economy’. the Labour Party, CLPD’s experience cess. So too is the selection of candidates for Jim O’Neill, Chairman of Goldman was invaluable in achieving our aim. public office, including parliamentary and Sachs Asset Management, Tribune We have come a long way but there is a local government candidates. (22/3/13). lot more work to be done. Despite having The full-time officials of the Party have more black MPs and councillors than we an important supportive role to play in the ‘Studies show that the vast majority of have ever had in Britain, at the current rate functioning of the Party at all levels. Their new arrivals to the UK enhance and it will still take 100 years before black repre- role should always be helpful rather than enrich our society, both economically sentation in Parliament reflects our numbers disciplinary, though it is right that the con- and culturally. The true threats to our in society. As long as inequality exists so will stitution of the Party should be upheld.