Every year, all Labour Party members receive a postal ballot pack to vote for places on national Party committees. This year, that mailing will be combined with the vote for Leader and Deputy Leader.

The vote at the July Party meeting will be to decide which members we as local constituency members would like to see on the ballot. Each Constituency is entitled to nominate members to be on these ballots. Over the last 2 months or so, members from all over the South East or elsewhere have written to con stituency partie s asking for nominations. Detai ls of all of those req uests received by the Secretary are contained in the attached document, ordered according to the places they are looking to fill.

There is no vote this year for constituency members of Executive Committee.

Constituencies in the South East Region have four seats on the , plus one Youth seat.

Our own member Simeon Elliott is seeking nomination to one of the four places. Every candidate has to be nominat ed by their own con stituency to be included on the ballot, so there will be a specif ic vote for Kemptown members to decide whether he will be nominated.

As well as Simeon, there are the following members seeking our nominations: Youth place: James Elliott, Helena Dollimore. Four constituency places: Duncan Enright, Vicky Grou lef , Naushabah Khan, Martin Phillips, Dylan Jeffrey, Tim Sta rk ey, Fiona Dent, Dan Sartin, Bev Clack, Joyce Still.

Conference Arrangements Committee: we can nominate two members and we have details of the following: Glor ia Del Piero, Michael Cashman, Katy Clark, Jon Lansman,

National Constitutional Committee : we can nominate one member and we have details of the following: Gary Heather.

Statements from all the ab ove candidates are found in this pack. Simeon Elliott 28A Sutherland Road Brighton East Sussex BN2 0EQ

01273 600553

[email protected]

A200661 Brighton Kemptown CLP

Dear Colleagues

Seeking nomination for the National Policy Forum representing the South East

I write to ask for your constituency’s nomination for the National Policy Forum. While we are now all busy campaigning for Labour victories in the general and local elections, I ask that your CLP members consider nominating me before nominations close on Wednesday 10 June.

I am a socialist, trades unionist, community campaigner and active member of Brighton Kemptown CLP, where I am part of the team that has been working for the election of Nancy Platts for over eighteen months. I think Nancy will be a superb Labour MP and am doing everything I can to get her elected. I am also an active member of Labour CND, committed to scrapping Trident and investing the money saved in jobs, our NHS, schools and environment.

As a part-time teacher for pre-school children with special educational needs I see first-hand how poverty undermines the education and health of our children. Having worked as a teacher in the public sector for thirty years, and now also as a part-time volunteer advocate for people with learning disabilities, I am a dedicated campaigner against austerity and the privatisation or outsourcing of our public services, and support a fair deal for all public sector workers. My work with people with learning disabilities and mental health difficulties has made me acutely aware of the necessity to protect all our public services from the fabricated notion of austerity.

After failing the 11+ I experienced the discriminatory effects of selective education. As a secondary modern student I struggled to get into university, and could only attend because I received a full maintenance grant. My own experiences have resulted in my life-long commitment to comprehensive, free, state education, managed by local authorities, and to reducing child poverty. I am a member of the NUT and I am also a member of Unite Community as I wanted to be part of a Labour-affiliated union.

I believe that Labour’s policies must reflect the views of the majority of our members. I want to increase the direct participation of Labour members in free debate and democratic decision- making. We need strong bonds between the Labour Party, trades unions, other affiliated organisations and community campaigns. Labour must promote social and economic justice, with policies that redistribute wealth and lift up our most needy and vulnerable fellow citizens.

If elected to the National Policy Forum, I shall listen to and represent all members’ views on the NPF. I shall regularly report to CLPs to keep members informed about the NPF’s work.

I live with my civil partner of 28 years and our two cats. I am happy to visit CLPs to meet members; so, if you would like any further information about me, please get in touch. Hopefully we shall meet after a Labour victory! Best wishes for your local campaign. Simeon Elliott James Elliott 1 Crown Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1QG Mobile: 07919425137 Email: [email protected] Oxford East CLP Membership Number L0135249 February 2015

To: CLP Secretaries: National Policy Forum (NPF) Youth Representative Elections 2015

Dear Secretary,

I am writing to your constituency to ask whether your CLP would give me the privilege of nominating me for the position of National Policy Forum Youth Representative, representing the South East region. The closing date for nominations has been extended to Friday 31st July, and the election is by one-member-one-vote. The ballot papers will go to all members in August along with the ballots for Leader and Deputy Leader.

I have been a Labour Party member since May 11th, 2010 - the day the Liberal Democrats went into coalition with the Tories. I have since been an active member of Oxford University Labour Club, serving on the executive committee as the Club’s LGBT Officer. I have also been an active member of the Labour Young Trade Union Network, campaigning in key marginal seats for our Parliamentary Candidates. I have always believed the Labour Party’s policy must reflect the values which its members champion - social justice, equality, trade unionism, and democracy.

As a trade unionist in Unite’s community membership scheme, I am firmly committed to strengthening workers’ rights and representation, and the values of the labour movement. I believe that unions are an integral part of both our internal democracy - and society as a whole.

I believe that Labour has to advocate an alternative to the Tory government’s austerity and cuts, with a statutory living wage, more affordable and social housing, and greater funding for public services such as health and education - the latter of which I spend much time campaigning for with my students’ union and other organisations.

I am also a strong advocate of disabled people’s rights, campaigning with Unite and with the National Union of Students, where I represent disabled students on the national executive, against current welfare reforms. I believe a Labour party has to halt such failed welfare reforms of the Tories and champion the right to social security for all - especially for disabled people.

Finally, I want to improve the democracy of our youth structures. It is a great shame that in the last NPF elections, eight of the eleven youth positions were uncontested. We need to be including more of our membership in the policy-making process, ensuring democracy thrives within the party. If elected, I pledge to visit CLPs and discuss policy issues with young members.

Please let me know if you need any further information.

Yours in comradeship,

James Elliott Party Number: L0135249 (Oxford East CLP) NATIONAL POLICY FORUM ELECTIONS Please support Helena Dollimore, Duncan Enright, Victoria Groulef, Naushabah Khan and Martin Phillips

Dear Colleagues,

After the election result, it is clear that Labour needs to do much better in our region and the whole South of England to have any chance of winning the next general election. So we need strong and experienced voices representing the SE in party policy making. We are a strong team of active campaigners and after the conversations we've had with voters over the past two years, we know what people want from the Labour Party. We hope that your CLP will nominate us for election to the National Policy Forum to represent SE members. We want to work as a team to be a strong voice for the region, with regular reports back to you.

Nominations close at the end of July, and then the election itself will be held by postal ballot during the summer. Your CLP can nominate four candidates plus one youth candidate. Please nominate us all.

Thank you for your consideration.


I joined the Labour Party five years ago, because it stands for the values that I believe in: freedom of opportunity whatever your background, gender, race or sexuality - not a life determined by how much money or how many connections your family have. A society based on fairness, equality and opportunity.

As the current NPF Youth Rep for the South East, I have worked to increase transparency and the voices of CLPs in the party’s policy platform . If re- elected, I would continue this; the role of an NPF rep is to take forward and represent the issues raised by CLPs rather than my own personal platform.

At the last NPF meeting in 2014, I proposed South East CLP’s amendments on these 6 policy matters and negotiated with Shadow Cabinet members to secure all of them in the final Labour policy document:

1. The importance of Disabled Students' Allowance 2. Ensuring Government contracts pay the living wage to employees 3. Making tackling violence against women and girls a 'top priority' for Labour, pledging the introduction of a Commissioner on Domestic and Sexual Violence, and ring- fencing funding for women’s refuges. 4. Ensuring all Government strategies and measures under a Labour Government are assessed for their impact on equality 5. A commitment that Labour will work to tackle FGM and sexual exploitation. 6. A commitment to compulsory Sex and Relationship Education for all funded schools including faith schools. I will publish a report of every NPF meeting to keep members in the loop, and all my previous reports for 2013-14 can be found on the Young Labour website under the ‘People’ section.

I am always happy to come to CLPs or Young Labour groups to explain the process of the NPF, and hear the issues members would like to feature in Labour’s policy platform. I n the run up to the election, I canvassed in 13 seats with local Labour members and am always happy to chat to any members. Feel free to email me with any questions!

Email [email protected] NATIONAL POLICY FORUM ELECTIONS Please support Helena Dollimore, Duncan Enright, Victoria Groulef, Naushabah Khan and Martin Phillips DUNCAN ENRIGHT Member No. A353945

I've been Labour all my life. For the last 19 years I've lived in Witney. In 2011 I became the first elected Labour town councillor for Witney East, then district councillor the following year. I'm leader of the Labour opposition on West Oxfordshire District. In May I stood against Cameron and got the largest swing against a Conservative PM in history. If reflected across the country we would have won. But we lost, locally and nationally, and that makes me mad, and I bet it does you too. I'm determined if elected to the NPF to rebuild and renew the party we love, so we defend our country and values, and win the forthcoming elections including 2020. I run my own small publishing business and am married to a teacher, with two children at the local comprehensive school where I'm a governor. I am passionate that everyone gets a fair chance, that we have a more equal society, and that our economic success and social strength depend on excellent public services and stable progr essive government, where inequality falls and we all have a stake. I served on the NPF and policy commissions until 2008, and was proud of work on strengthening state education, forcing contractors to report to NHS staff, improving democracy including Lor ds reform, and introducing kerbside recycling. Not everything was introduced as planned so I want to make sure the Forum can monitor implementation. First and foremost though it is our job to make sure all opinions of South East members are heard. That inc ludes our affiliates, and I am a proud member of GMB and the Co -op.

Email [email protected]


For all of its difficulties and strains, politics is the arena where we can turn our vision of a fairer more prosperous future into reality. That’s why over the next few years it is vital that we rebuild our party and win the seats we didn’t gain in the 2015 General Election. Because we know that in order for Labour to win we need to be winning here in the South East. As PPC for Reading West I spoke to tens of thousands of people over the past year and I know that people feel disconnected from politics, and sadly also Labour and our policies. That’s one of the reason s why I want to join the NPF, to ensure that our policy direction reflects both the membership and the electorate of the South East. Our region is very diverse - with areas of huge economic prosperity through to areas of depravation with a widening gap be tween rich and poor. We need policies to help those struggling, to save our NHS and to ensure our education system is the very best it can be. But we also need policies to help those setting up their own business and to help those who want to own their own home. We also need to be doing all we can to sustain and protect the vital services run by local government. I have been a Councillor and group leader on Tory controlled Wycombe District Council, the local Government Representative on SE Regional Board and more recently the candidate for one of our target seats, Reading West. I will visit CLP’s and branches to campaign with you and to ensure that you are kept up to date with the work of the NPF above all I will work my socks off.

Email [email protected] NATIONAL POLICY FORUM ELECTIONS Please support Helena Dollimore, Duncan Enright, Victoria Groulef, Naushabah Khan and Martin Phillips NAUSHABAH KHAN Member No L0096101

Our recent election defeat has brought home the fact that now more than ever we need a strong Labour voice in the South East. There is much work to be done to rebuild the party and, if we are to be in a position to win the next general election, we must win in the South East. Nationally face a challenge not only from the Tories but also the SNP and UKIP, this should not be under-estimated and it is vital that we re-establish ourselves as a progressive voice for Labour in the South East. That is why if elected as your NPF representative I will work, alongside my colleagues, with CLPs and members across the region to ensure your views are taken on board and help shape national policy at this crucial time for the party. I have been an active member of the party for over ten years and have experience campaigning across the country. I also stood as a Parliamentary Candidate, representing Labour in the Rochester and Strood by-election in November 2014 and again in the 2015 general election. I have now started my first term as newly elected Medway Councillor and remain a member of the GMB Union and the Co-op party.

Email naushabah [email protected]


As an NPF member, I have reported back regularly, visited and campaigned in CLPs in all parts of the region. I have always represented the views of CLPs rather than used the NPF as a personal platform. In the last NPF cycle, I got agreement to increase resources to fight tax evasion; review council tax bands with a view to increasing the number of them; community owned renewable energy generation; and increased safeguards for any fracking. I argued for greater consumer protection, rent controls and more house-building. And price freezes on more than just energy. We had a good manifesto, but policies were announced too late, and there weren’t enough to convince voters to trust us. So we need to build on what we have, not start from scratch. We need to win seats in the south of England in 2020 to form a government. People must believe we can deliver new homes, new, good jobs and we need more cost-of-living policies. We should take back the railway franchises when they are up to renewal. These are policies local SE parties have been advocating for years, and that I have taken to the NPF. We need strong voices for the south on the NPF and I hope to work with this strong team to make the policy that wins in 2020.

Email [email protected] Dylan Jeffrey 30 Bradstone Avenue Folkestone Kent CT19 5AG

Tel: 01303 250011 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @DylanJeffrey

June 2015 Dear CLP Secretary,

National Policy Forum Nominations for South East Region

I am writing to you to seek your CLP’s support for my supporting nominations to the National Policy Forum as one of your representatives for the South East region. I have recently been confirmed as having received enough nominations in our region to be on the OMOV ballot of members in August 2015 and the deadline for nominations has been extended to Friday 31 July 2015.

About me I am currently CLP Secretary and Agent for Folkestone and Hythe, Chair of Kent County Labour Party Local Campaign Forum and a party member for over 20 years. I am a member of several affiliated socialist societies including the Fabians and the Socialist Health Association and have held various positions in the Labour Party including being employed as an Organiser in the 1990’s. I am also a member of Unite and the GMB and hold a branch officer position within my local union branch.

Until a few weeks ago I worked in the NHS on a zero hours contract following my redundancy from Shepway District Council where I was employed to manage Electoral Registration, Elections, Committee Services, Freedom of Information and Complaints and served as the Council’s Deputy Monitoring Officer, Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer. Prior to this I worked for various organisations, including the United Nations, in North America, Asia and Africa working on projects including improving local government in Lesotho and leading on improvements to e- government in Kentucky. Before that I worked for the Department of Communities and Local Government, previously ODPM, where I was a Project Director for e- democracy and e-voting promoting the use of technology to increase transparency and engagement and served as the UK’s representative at the Council of Europe on many committees designed to encourage and promote better democracy, modern and secure ways of voting and engagement between citizens and elected bodies.

I believe passionately in democracy and a stronger and fairer society with socialist principles built on genuine engagement. I am also a community activist and a committee member of the most active resident’s association in Folkestone. We don’t just work within our area but are committed to working co-operatively with other resident’s groups and communities elsewhere in Folkestone to make our town better.

In the recent elections held in May of this year, our local Labour Party bucked the national trend by increasing the Labour vote by 3.6% as opposed to the national average increase of 1.5% and was one of the few areas to show a net gain of Council seats for Labour by winning locally for the first time in 12 years.

Why I am standing I am standing because I want to see a National Policy Forum process that works in the interests of members. Last year in Folkestone and Hythe, we held a vibrant Local Policy Forum to discuss the Your Britain documents which was attended by over 40% of the total CLP membership and we submitted our representations and that was where the communications process ended with the NPF.

Members must feel valued and more involved in the policy making process which is at the heart of our internal democracy and policy making process and this failed in 2014 and is failing through our conference not been allowed to properly debate or address policies in parts. As a party, our membership is our strength and we must allow grassroots members the opportunity to be involved more in the policy making process and to have their voice listened to and their comments considered.

The party needs to reform our ways of working and our internal democracy and funding. At the Labour Party’s 2014 Annual Conference I raised the issue of funding for CLPs and , our Party Treasurer agreed to look at the issue after the general election. CLPs are finding it harder to raise funds in the face of cold calling and constant haranguing of members for donations to the central party machine whilst receiving locally less than £2 from each member’s subscription. We must have fairer and more equitable distribution of member’s subs back to local parties to assist us in building the grassroots of our party. A party built solely on a model of a top down Head Office strategy and centralised funding will be a weaker party overall with less councillors, less activists and less engaged as a net result. I fully supported the key seats model but it should have been flexible and taken into account many CLPs who were still fighting critical local elections and local battles to establish our party in every part of our nation or those areas experiencing the rise of UKIP.

Please consider nominating me to the National Policy Forum. I promise to give regular reporting back, to listen and to be engaged with members and CLPs wherever possible.

With very best wishes,

Dylan Jeffrey Constituency: Folkestone and Hythe Membership Number: A702577 TIM STARKEY FOR NATIONAL POLICY FORUM

Dear CLP secretary,

In the aftermath of defeat urged us to "pick ourselves up, and continue the fight. We've come back before and this party will come back again." I am seeking your CLP’s nomination to the National Policy Forum to be part of that fightback.

A good starting point is listening to our army of canvassers about what went wrong. At a time when all parties are criticised for being run by people who have only ever worked in politics, we must harness the wider experiences of our members in shaping policy. I did just that as the Labour candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley in 2012 speaking to members who had volunteered for Victim Support, worked as Probation Officers and former police officers in the process of putting together my local pledges. In the election itself I achieved an 11% swing from Tories to Labour, compared with the results of the 2010 General Election.

Since then I have supported parliamentary candidates, advising on issues such as the future of legal aid and cuts to assistance for victims of domestic violence, drawing on my 13 years experience as a barrister (specializing in criminal and immigration law, with an emphasis on prosecuting human trafficking cases and sexual offences). I have also got through a considerable amount of shoe leather canvassing in Rochester, Milton Keynes, Reading and Chesham.

In addition, I have served as a primary school governor and on my village parish council and worked for free representing disabled people in challenging decisions to reduce or stop their benefits. It is this mix of experience inside and outside politics that I want to use to help develop policy. 3 brief thoughts for the next 5 years: - Tory victory will leave society bitterly divided. The housing crisis will go from bad to worse, NHS privatisation will continue and £12 billion of welfare cuts will hit the most vulnerable in society. Now is not the time to blindly accept a neo-liberal agenda. The stampede of people joining the party since the election shows that Labour's core values of equality, standing up for the marginalized and taking action when markets fail are needed more now than ever.

- To be trusted to re-distribute wealth we must get across the message that we are equally focussed on creating wealth in the first place. This will be vital to victory in 2020. Having been self-employed for 13 years I would like to see us become the champion of the 4 ½ million free-lance workers. We must provide the infrastructure that will allow their businesses to thrive, delivering superfast broadband across the UK, incentivizing councils to make empty properties available as work hubs and making mobile phone networks available on the tube, as already happens in Paris.

- I want to bring an emphasis on tackling long term problems that are too easily ignored such as climate change (perhaps the most widely ignored issue in the election), long term investment in our infrastructure and the ticking time bombs of obesity and diabetes.

I aim to bring an independent and open minded approach to policy making. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] . I would also be happy to come and meet you at your next CLP meeting if this is convenient for you.

Kind regards,

Tim Starkey (Chesham and Amersham CLP, membership number L1177790)

Centre, canvassing in General Election target seat of Reading West Fiona Dent for National Policy Forum

Mobile: 0782 495 3354


Facebook: FionaDentLabour


Email: [email protected]

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to ask your CLP to consider nominating me to be a South East representative on the National Policy Forum (each CLP can make up to 4 nominations, deadline 31st July).

Since leaving school at 16, I have spent most of my working life in public service working as a nurse. a lab technician, a social worker, probation officer, a charity manager for homeless people, a community regeneration manager and latterly as a health and social care commissioner. In each of my more recent positions I was leading cutting edge government programmes, working alongside a wide range of people including community representatives, researchers, CEOs, MPs and Council Leaders. Throughout those times each appointment was politically restricted so I was unable to hold office in the Labour Party. However I was able to campaign on the doorstep and take part in local party meetings and policy forums.

In April 2014 I was selected as Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Windsor Constituency, considered to be one of the three safest Tory seats in the country. After a very active 13 months of petitions, letters to the paper, blogging and special campaigns such as the Jarrow to Westminster 300 mile NHS March, we managed to beat the LibDems into 4th place and UKIP into 3rd. My only previous experience of being a candidate was in 2011 when I stood for election as a local councillor and beat the LibDems into 3rd place in the ward of Bray (the LibDems usually came 2nd to the Tories). Constituencies in the South East should never be abandoned to the concept of being ‘safe Tory seats.’ Electors are particularly mobile in this part of the country so there are always new people to enthuse and new ways to engage the existing residents. My belief is that we should be developing policies based on fairness and a better quality of life for everybody, not focussing on historic class systems. Today society is split between the privilidged and the remaining majority who pay for the lifestyles of the few; those are practical problems that need pragmatic policies to level the playing field. As your representative on the NPF I would use my experience of implementing and developing public policy to help shape our next manifesto into one that offers a bright future for all of us.

Additional skills and knowledge that I can offer are an Honours Law Degree, a post graduate diploma in socio-legal studies (both studied for at night class while working full time). Once fluent French and a smattering of Arabic gained while living in France and Egypt.

I was a single parent and am an active member of Maidenhead CLP, , Fabians, Labour Campaign for Human Rights and I have campaigned for decades to stop FGM in the UK. More detail of my views can be found on the blog page of my website and for details of my campaigns over the past 2 years please see my Facebook page . Thanks for taking the time to consider me for this important role.

Best regards

Fiona Dent Dan Sartin 18 Anglesea Street Worthing West Sussex BN11 4AX

01903 207180 07899 844324 [email protected]

L1185723 Worthing West CLP

Dear Colleagues

Seeking nomination for the National Policy Forum representing the South East

I am writing to ask for your constituency’s nomination for the National Policy Forum, representing the South East.

I am an active socialist, trade unionist and member of my CLP. I am Branch Secretary of UNISON West Sussex, the local government branch of UNISON which has 5,300 members and is the largest branch of any trade union in the county. As such, I am at the forefront of many local campaigns against austerity and privatisation, and am fully immersed in the everyday struggles of working people to defend their jobs, services and terms and conditions. I understand what members of our trade union branch and their 5,300 families need from the next Labour Government. I do not see any divergence between the interests of those 5,300 families and the vast majority of all other families who live and work in our region.

As a Branch Secretary of a large and successful union branch, I need and have the following skills which I believe will stand me in good stead as your NPF nominee and representative: • Listening to members • Advocating for members • Policy analysis • Active participation in forums at a senior level • Public speaking • Persuasion and negotiation skills

I am Vice-Chair of Worthing & District Trades Council, Chair of the UNISON South East Publicity & Campaigns Strategic Committee, and a member of the Labour Representation Committee.

We all need a Labour Government that will put core socialist principles and values at the heart of its programme. Labour must be the party of the 99%, and if elected to the NPF to represent the South East I will try my absolute best to ensure that our policies and programme are avowedly designed to further our interests, and not those of the 1%. I believe that is the best strategy for Labour, one which will attract ordinary working people to vote for us, and one on which we can win.

Yours fraternally

Dan Sartin Bev Clack

26 February 2015

27 Cross Street Oxford OX4 1BZ Tel: 07796800378 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @bevclack Facebook: [email protected] Labour Party membership number: A504216 (Oxford East CLP)

Dear Constituency Secretary

National Policy Forum (South East Region) - Election 2015

I am writing to your constituency to ask whether your CLP would nominat e me for election as a representative on the National Policy Forum. The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 10th June. The election is by one -member -one -vote. I understand the ballot papers will go to all members early in July, with the closing date of ballot 29 July.

I was elected Labour and Cooperative City Councillor for St Clements Ward, Oxford, in May 2012. I have been a member of the Labour Party for around 20 years, am an active member of Oxford Labour Women, and was a CLP delegate to in 2012 and 2013. As well as being an elected councillor and active CLP member, I am involved with a number of grassroots organisations.

I am a member of the National Committee for Labour Left, a grassroots pressure group which seeks to develop policies that reflect an ethical socialist position. I blog regularly for Labour Left, and for the Huffington Post. I do not think, however, that it is enough simply to write about politics: you also have to act, and in 2013 I co- organised the Oxford demonstration against the Bedroom Tax. This reflects my belief that the Labour Party must stand up for those feeling the brunt of the current government ’s austerity policies, and I am proud to be part of a Labour administration in Oxford City that has put the needs of the most vulnerable residents first in its policy making.

I was brought up to know the importance of being a member of a trade union, and I am a member of UCU. I was Equalities Officer in 2010/2011, and Vice Chair of the Oxford Brookes University branch in 2011. I took part in the recent industrial action with Unite and Unison comrades for fair pay for all who work in Higher and Further Education, and, as a socialist, believe strongly in the power of acting together to effect real and lasting social change.

I have taught for the last 25 years in the university sector, and lecture in philosophy at Oxford Brookes. I have been extremely fortunate in my career, and attribute this to the consistent state support I received for my education. I was brought up in a working class family in Witney, David Cameron ’s constituency. I was educated at my local comprehensive school, and was the first person in my family to go to university. I believe strongly in state education, and in the power of education - both academic and vocational - to transform lives (both individually and collectively).

I believe Labour Party policy must reflect grassroots concerns and, moreover, speak to those in the wider community who feel that current politics has little to say to their experience. As such, I would value the opportunity to be elected onto the National Policy Forum. If elected, I would listen to members concerns, and feed those concerns into the policy making of the Labour Party. I would keep close contact with CLPs and their membership, sending regular reports.

If you would like to speak to me further, please do get in touch. I am also more than happy to visit CLPs.

All good wishes Bev Clack Joyce Still 10 Wistaria Lane Yateley Hampshire GU46 6HY 01252 655231 0781 267 2309 [email protected] A193693 North East Hampshire CLP

Dear Colleagues

Seeking nomination for the National Policy Forum representing the South East

This summer all members via a postal vote will have the opportunity to vote for their representatives for the National Policy Fo rum, representing the South East, and I am writing to seek your constitu ency’s nomination. The closing date for nominations to be received is 10 June 2015.

Recently, some ordinary members have become disaffected with the process of the NPF. When members attend local policy forums they need to have confidence that what is fed back to the NPF has an influence. If elected I will make sure that this happens in the future. I commit to:

 Listening to all members  Visiting CLPs and local policy forums so I know what they are saying  Making the NPF hear what the SE CLPs are saying  Putting forward the case for the SE strongly at the national level  Working closely with other SE representatives  Setting up a blog so that members can contribute their ideas

What are my credentials for the job?

Firstly, I am a long-standing and active trade unionist in my union, Unite. I strongly believe in strengthening the link between the trade unions and the Labour Party; this has never been as important as it is now, with the coalition’s attack s on trade union activities, Facilities Time and the NHS. In 2011, and again in 2014, I was honoured to be elected to the Unite National Executive Council, representing our region. I was the Unite speaker at the Public Sector Pensions rally in Reading in 2012. I sit on the SE Health Sector Committee, and represent the SE on the National Health Sector Committee, continuing to campaign against the privatisation of our NHS. I am also very concerned about the implications of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), now under negotiation between the US and Europe. Very few people have heard of this, yet is threatens the very existence of the NHS as we know it. I sit on the SE Region Women’s Committee, and also the SE Political Committee. I am a workplace representative, currently fighting grievance and disciplinary cases on behalf of my members.

Secondly, I have been a member of the Labour Party for over 20 years. I sit on the SE Regional Board of the Labour Party. I am the Secretary/Treasurer of NE Hampshire CLP. I have served at every level of the party, from Town Councillor to Parliamentary Candidate. I stood at Guildford at the 2001 General Election and in SW Bedfordshire in the 2005 election. I enjoyed the cut and thrust of the contest, canvassing at the doorstep and by phone and at street stalls. During the campaigns I learned a lot about communication skills in speeches and impromptu debates. I have spoken on several occasions at National Conferences, specifically about health, education, asylum and immigration matters.

Thirdly, I have the local knowledge to represent members from the South East. I have lived in Hampshire since 1983, and during this time I brought up 3 children, all of whom were given a good education in state schools. I was for many years a governor at Yateley School.

Next, a few words about who I am .

I was brought up in a working class home and left school at 16. I trained as a State Registered Nurse and qualified as a midwife before eventually becoming a District Nurse. I have worked for 40 years in the NHS, and am now a Health Visitor in Bracknell. As a mature student, I gained a degree in Health Promotion. My experience of bringing up a family whilst juggling demanding work and political commitments has kept my feet firmly of the ground. I find great relaxation in gardening, swimming and watching football.

Finally, what would I like to achieve on the National Policy Forum?

I would like the Labour Party to return to our core socialist principles and values, something which I feel the electorate believe we have lost over the past years. It is often said that there is little difference between the main political parties; I don’t believe this to be true – but Labour has to be seen to be the party that stands up for hard working people and not the people of big business. It is crucial that we have strong policies that appeal to the electorate and are going to help us win the upcoming General Election, so that we in the South East take back those seats that we lost in 2010. The threat of UKIP needs to be taken seriously.

If I am fortunate to be elected, I would make efforts to re-establish links between the party, trade unions and the ordinary members. I am not shy of putting in the ground work necessary to understand the concerns of the grass roots membership. I am not afraid to take a stand for the principles I and the members think are important.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Yours fraternally

Joyce Still Your voice at Conference

Gloria DE PIERO & Michael CASHMAN for the Conference Arrangements Committee

What is the CAC section? easiest way to nominate Michael & Gloria, is for your CLP Secretary to submit the The Conference Arrangements Committee, nominations online at membersnet at known as the CAC, is the committee that oversees the running and the agenda of nominations-2015. Or your CLP Secretary Labour’s Annual Conference. should return the Annual Conference 2015 nomination form for CLPs they have received Why is it important? by emailing it to [email protected] and/ or sending the original in the post to the The CAC is your voice at Conference. This Compliance Unit, The Labour Party, One Committee oversees arrangements for Brewer’s Green, London, SW1H 0RH. Conference to ensure that its accessible to delegates and that delegates’ interests are What is the deadline for the nominations? looked after. Nominations must be received by midday on Friday 31 July 2015. Why Michael and Gloria? How can I vote for Michael and Gloria? We are standing because we want members This is the first time that all members will to have the strongest possible voice at have a direct vote on who represents CLPs Conference. Annual Conference is your and party members on the CAC. Previously Conference. Members should shape the they were elected by CLP delegates at Annual debate and have as much input as possible. Conference. Conference is a busy event but it’s important that members get the best possible Party members will get a vote for their CAC experience. and National Policy Forum representatives at the same time as voting for our new Leader How can my CLP nominate Michael and and Deputy Leader. So when you get your Gloria for the CAC? ballot in August, please remember to vote for Michael Cashman and Gloria De Piero for the Every CLP can nominate two people. The CAC.

For a stronger voice for members at Conference: Gloria De Piero & Michael Cashman Elections for the Conference Arrangements Committee

Our Conference in Brighton marks the start of our journey back to power. As we start our rebuilding process under a new Leader we need to ensure members’ voices are heard loud and clear. That’s why I’m standing for the Conference Arrangements Committee.

Since I became an MP I’ve travelled across the country, first meeting people who don’t vote to understand how we can restore their faith in politics, and then to listen to women of all ages and backgrounds about the issues that matter most to them. Too often Westminster and politicians are seen as a million miles away from the lives of theose we represent. We have to change that and Labour members must play a vital part in that discussion; discussions that should take place at Conference.

As the Member of Parliament for Ashfield since 2010 and the Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, I have the experience and clout to ensure the voices of members are heard at Conference. I want Conference to be an engaging and rewarding experience for delegates and visitors.

We have been through a traumatic defeat but for the sake of our country, Labour must begin our fightback.

I hope you can support me. Gloria

Throughout all my working life I’ve campaigned and fought for justice and equality. I first joined a union at the age of just 15 and was proud to serve as Treasurer of the British actors union Equity between 1990 and 1994 where I introduced the first pension scheme for Equity union members.

This year I will have been a member of the Labour Party for 40 years. This party has given me so much. I was honoured to serve on our National Executive Committee for 12 years, representing Constituency Labour Parties and later the PLP. During my time on the NEC, I held the positions of Vice Chair and then Chair.

In 1999, I was elected as Labour MEP for the West Midlands, and was proud to serve for 15 years in the . It was wonderful to be given the chance to represent such a great region and to continue to fight for equality internationally.

Now after stepping back from front-line politics I want to put all my experience to good use and I am putting myself forward to represent you and be your voice on the Conference Arrangements Committee. As part of the CAC, I will ensure that members’ interests are put first. Michael

For a stronger voice for members at Conference: Gloria De Piero & Michael Cashman Katy Clark 15 The Crescent Skelmorlie Scotland PA17 5DX Mobile 07702 000 716 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @KatySClark June 2015

Dear Secretary

I am writing to ask for your support to stand for the Conference Arrangements Committee and to ask that your Constituency Labour Party provide me with a supporting nomination. The closing date for nominations has been extended to Friday 31st July .

The election is by one-member-one-vote and CLPs can make two nominations for the two places.

I am standing because members need a far stronger voice in our Party. Too many CLPs no longer attend Conference because they don’t see the point. Yes Conference should be a showcase for our Party and a chance to sell ourselves. But it has to be more than a PR event. There must be more opportunity for debate and members must feel that they can influence policy. CLPs, unions and the affiliated societies should be far more involved in our decision making and Conference must be a place where that happens. One of my aims would be to try and ensure that more ordinary members get to contribute in the main debates.

I was the Labour MP for North and Arran for ten years and am a member of the Scottish Constituency of Cunningham North CLP. We need to make sure that all parts of the country are represented in our democratic structures.

Before becoming an MP I worked for UNISON so have an understanding of union issues. I am still a member of UNISON as well as the GMB and CWU. I am also a member of the Cooperative Party.

I hope you will consider nominating me.

With very best wishes,

Katy Clark Membership number A533963 Jon Lansman 3 Gibraltar Walk  Bethnal Green  London E2 7LH Phone: 07710 541410  E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter: @jonlansman  Web:


Dear CLP Secretary :


Iamwritingtoyourconstituencypartytoaskwhetheryouwouldconsidernominatingme forthepositionofaconstituencypartyrepresentativeontheLabourPartyConference ArrangementsCommittee.TheclosingdatefornominationsisWednesday10June. Ev ery CLPcanmake2nominationsandt heelectionisbyone member one vote – Iaminformed thattheballotpaperswillgotoallmembersearlyinJuly( ballot closingda te : 29July).

IjoinedtheLabourPartywhenIwas16and firstcampaign edinthegenera lelectionof October1974. In fourdecadesofactivity , I’vebeen aCLPsecretaryandchair, councillor , agent,regionalboardmember,grassrootsactivistandcampaigner butIhavethesameold LabourvaluesIhadasa LabourParty YoungSocialist .

It’sthemembersthathavekeptourpartygoing in good time sandbad, eventhroughtimes whenwehavefeltdisappointed and letdown,andtoomanyofourcorevotershaveturned awayfrompoliticsandpoliticians. Andwhatkeptusgoingwere oursocialis tprinciplesand the beliefthatonlytheLabourPartycoulddeliverthe socialist policiesourcommunities and oureconomy desperatelyneed.

Ourmembersandconstituencyparties deserveapropersayin theparty’spoliciesand how it ’srun . EdMilibandha sdonemuchto rebuildanactiveandinvolvedpartybut wemust restoreourannualconference,theparty’ssovereignbody,toitsproperroleastheplace wheretradeunionandconstituency partydelegatescometogetherforopencomradely debate,togivet hepartydirectionanddecidepolicy. Thatisthewaytobuildunity.

If IamgiventheprivilegeofbeingelectedtotheCAC,Iwillfight asIalwayshave forthe rightsofconstituencypartiestobeheard,foraneffectivedemocraticpolicy making confe rencewheredelegatesareparticipatorsnotspectators.Iwouldreportbackthrough thewebsite leftf (whichIedit)andalwaysbeavailabletoassistandadvise membersandtospeaktoCLPs.

Incomradeship ,

JonLansman (BethnalGreen&BowCLP, MembershipNoA018501 ) Gary Heather 59 Mayton Street London N7 6QP Mobile: 07918 170 9 01 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Islington North CLP Membership No A006966

Dear Member, February 2015

National Constitutional Committee (NCC) elections 2015

I would very much appreciate nomination by your CLP for election to the National Constitutional Committee (NCC). The deadline for nominations to the Labour Party is 10 June, and the election will take place in September at Party annual conference.

A Party member for 25 years, I was chair of my CLP for six years. I have experience as a council and parliamentary candidate. As a trade unionist, I served on the CWU NEC and I am President of Islington TUC. I am also a Fabian and a Co-operative Party member.

I have always taken a strong interest in the rules of the Party, and believe that people receiving justice in society – including in the Labour Party – is a fundamental human right. I have vast experience of dealing with disciplinary matters in my union where I served on the National Discipline Committee and also in assisting members at Employment Tribunals.

I believe in fairness for all, and that includes in the Labour Party. This means that the Party rules must be applied fairly to all, while always looking to resolve disputes and conflict so as to maximise unity and effectiveness within the Party.

Labour has to advocate an alternative to Coalition Government austerity and cuts. I want to end child poverty, improve health and education, end tax avoidance, promote peace and international development, return utilities and the railways to public ownership, build more affordable council and social housing, create employment and improve workers’ rights, and invest in sustainable energy and green jobs.

Thanks for reading this letter and please give serious consideration to nominating me for the NCC.

Yours in comradeship, Gary Heather