On Sept.7 All Urged Tovote Board
RECYCLING CENTU Home of the News localicn-Date-Time Below. CANS Amttl",n Con Co" 16$1 I, 7 Milo Rd, ~r.hlvrdor, 10 .,m, I. 4 p,m. ECO.L1NE 879.' 333 ews Monda ....McIor, 10 A,m. 10 3 p.m. ross~ Pointe t5c Per Copy Vol. 33 -No. 31 le.oo Per Year 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section Ono ',', New Members of School Board Take Oaths l:lrimary Election El~ctorat~ HEADLINES I WIll Reply WEEK Set for Tuesday; On Sept. 7 AI Compiled by the All Urged toVote Board Unanimously Ap. Groue Pointe Newt I proves Superintendent ______ Anderson's Recl)m. G J::~;:68;[' :1~~o2JERN, Township to Ballot for Officials: National, State I mendation Democratic nominee for the and County Offices and Propositions By Pepper Whitelaw oIfice of President of the on Ballot United States, said that be The electorate will will stick by his running As the Tuesday, August 8, primary approaches, be al!ked to approye a mate Sen. Thomas Eagleton I Pointers have an opportunity to vote fo~ .numerous 1.~4 School OperatiO~al even though telegrams were offices, two proposals and two proposItions. And Ml11a.ge at the special pouring in asking him to pick the important point is to get out and be "heard." I electIOn slated for Thurs. a new vice.presidential can. Voters may cast their bal-'\) . ,day, September 7. The didate. Sen, McGovern com; lot for the following: U.S. T P recommendation was mented that he was 1,000 . 1 h S . d t percent behind his choice Senator,.
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