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Foreign Editions FOREIGN EDITIONS The following is a list of recent foreign editions of Ayn Rand’s works that we are aware of, although we do not know which works remain in print. Whatever contact information we have for a particular publisher is listed in the table. This is updated as of October 4, 2019. Native speakers have reported that some foreign editions are not faithful translations. We are unable to evaluate the quality of a translation and therefore do not recommend any particular book. Leonard Peikoff, Ayn Rand’s literary executor, has requested that we post the following notice: “Under certain circumstances, rights are granted to publish Miss Rand’s work in foreign language editions. However, we have no power to choose the translators or to evaluate the quality of their work. We cannot, therefore, be held responsible for poor or inaccurate translations.” Language Title Publishing Information ISBN Albanian Revolta e Atlasit (Atlas Shrugged) (3 vols.) BotimePegi n/a Albanian Ne Të Gjallët (We the Living) BotimePegi 978-9928-162-71-7 Атлас Изправи Рамене Bulgarian MaK n/a (Atlas Shrugged) Капитализмът Непознатият Идеал Bulgarian MaK 9543212783 (Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal) Bulgarian Изворът (The Fountainhead) MaK 9543212287 За Новия Интелектуалец Bulgarian MaK 9789548585071 (For the New Intellectual) Добродетелта Егоизма Bulgarian MaK n/a (The Virtue of Selfishness) ⼀ 个⼈ Chinese Beijing Alpha Books Co., Inc. 978-7-229-10508-2 Anthem 阿特拉斯耸耸肩 》 Chinese Chongqing Publishing 9787536686397 Atlas Shrugged 理想 Chinese Beijing Alpha Books Co., Inc. 978-7-229-11672-9 Ideal: the Novel and the Play 源泉 Chinese Chongqing Publishing 9787536673724 The Fountainhead 一月十六日夜 Chinese Alpha Beijing 978-7-229-06746-5 Three Plays 致新知识分⼦ Shanghai Sanhui Culture & Chinese 9787801487698 For the New Intellectual Press Ltd. 1 continued Copyright © 1985–2019 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Privacy Policy Revised January 10, 2017 FOREIGN EDITIONS Language Title Publishing Information ISBN 客观主义认识论导论 Chinese Huaxia Publishing 9787508040608 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology 谁需要哲学 Chinese Huaxia Publishing 9787508077628 Philosophy: Who Needs It 通往明天的唯⼀道路 Shanghai Sanhui Culture & Chinese 9787563345335 The Ayn Rand Column Press Ltd. 浪漫主义宣言 Chinese The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Beijing Alpha Books Co., Inc. 978-7-229-09479-9 Literature ⾃私的德性 Chinese Huaxia Publishing 9787508041650 The Virtue of Selfishness 商⼈为什么需要哲学 Chinese Huaxia Publishing 9787508077635 Why Businessmen Need Philosophy Shanghai Sanhui Culture & Chinese n/a The Voice of Reason Press Ltd. Velicanstveni Izvor Croatian Jutarnji 9788689237191 (The Fountainhead) (4 vols.) Atlasova Vzpura Czech Argo 978-80-257-1297-9 (Atlas Shrugged) Czech Zdroj (The Fountainhead) Berlet 9780646398327 Objektivismus: Filozofie Ayn Randové Czech Berlet 0-957-83991-X (Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand) Ctnost sobectví [E-Book] Czech (The Virtue of Selfishness: Ukazky 9788090693616 A New Concept of Egoism) Danish Og verden skælvede (Atlas Shrugged) Grafisk Forlag n/a Danish Vi der lever (We the Living) Host and Son n/a Danish Kun den staerke er fri (The Fountainhead) Host and Son n/a Dutch De kracht van Atlantis (Atlas Shrugged) Sijthoff 9789021807768 Dutch De eeuwige bron (The Fountainhead) Sijthoff 9789024560417 Estonian Allikas (The Fountainhead) Kirjastus Oceanic 978-99499601-6-3 Finnish Kun maailma järkkyi (Atlas Shrugged) Minerva 9789523126725 French Hymne (Anthem) n/a n/a French La Grève (Atlas Shrugged) Editions Belles Lettres 978-2-251-44417-8 French La Source vive (The Fountainhead) Plon Editions 978-2-259-26447-1 French Nous les vivants (We the Living) Rive droite 978-2841520282 La Vertu d’égoïsme (The Virtue of French Editions Belles Lettres 9782251390192 Selfishness, collection of essays) 2 continued Copyright © 1985–2019 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Privacy Policy FOREIGN EDITIONS Language Title Publishing Information ISBN Georgian Parnasi 978-99940-54-59-6 (Atlas Shrugged) The University of Georgia Georgian 978-99940-50-46-8 (We the Living) Publishing House The University of Georgia Georgian 978-99940-50-93-2 Publishing House (Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal) German Hymne (Anthem) Juwellen 978-3932564628 German Der Streik (Atlas Shrugged) Verlag Kai M. John 978-3000370946 German Der Ursprung (The Fountainhead) 2000 Gewis 978-3932564369 German Der Ursprung (The Fountainhead) 2019 TvR Medienverlag Jena 978-3000370946 Für den neuen Intellektuellen German Mises Inst. 978-3-902639-36-3 (For the New Intellectual) Kapitalismus: Das unbekannte Ideal German TvR Medienverlag 978-3-940431-63-9 (Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal) Philosophie: Wer braucht das schon? German Juwellen 978-3945822432 (Philosophy: Who Needs It) Zurück in die Steinzeit: Die anti-industrielle Revolution German Taschenbuch 978-3939562672 (Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution) Die Tugend des Egoismus German (The Virtue of Selfishness: TvR Medienverlag Jena 978-3940431554 A New Concept of Egoism) ΚΕΦΙΜ (ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΦΙΛΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ) Greek Ύμνος (Anthem) 9786188092518 KEFIM (Liberal STUDIES CENTER) Ο Άτλας επαναστάτησε (τόμος Α΄: Η αντίφαση) Greek n/a 978-960-410-643-1 (Atlas Shrugged volume A: The contradiction [Non-Contradiction]) Ο Άτλας επαναστάτησε (τόμος Β': Το δίλημμα) Greek n/a 978-960-410-645-5 (Atlas Shrugged volume II: The Dillema [Either-Or]) 3 continued Copyright © 1985–2019 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Privacy Policy FOREIGN EDITIONS Language Title Publishing Information ISBN Ο Άτλας επαναστάτησε (τόμος Γ': Η ταυτότητα) Greek n/a 978-960-410-646-2 (Atlas Shrugged volume III: The Identity [A Is A]) Κοντά στον Oυρανό Greek Oceanida; 9789604106967 (The Fountainhead) (in 2 parts) Greek Εμείς οι ζωντανοί (We the Living) Oceanida; 9607213874 Anthem) Anochi 978-965-92710-4-7) המנון Hebrew Atlas Shrugged) Kinneret Zmora-Bitan 978-965-552-281-5) מרד הנפילים Hebrew The Fountainhead) Kinneret Zmora-Bitan 978-965-552-249-5) כמעיין המתגבר Hebrew קפיטליזם: האידיאל Hebrew Sella-Meir Publishers 1386-1010 (Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal) Hungarian AZ ŐSFORRÁS (The Fountainhead) PATH KIADÓ 963 204 479 7 Hungarian Fogoly lelkek (We the Living) REGÉNY Icelandic Undirstaðan (Atlas Shrugged) Almenna 978-9935-426-42-0 Icelandic Uppsprettan (The Fountainhead) Almenna 978-9935-426-13-0 Icelandic Kira Argúnova (We the Living) Almenna 978-9935-426-88-8 La notte del 16 gennaio Italian n/a 88-85140-81-8 (The Night of January 16th) Italian Antifona (Anthem) Liberilibri 9788885140585 Italian Ideale (Idceal) Corbaccio 978-88-6700-147-7 Italian Inno (Anthem) Alfa Editrice n/a La rivolta di Atlante: Il Tema Italian Corbaccio 978-88-6700-217-7 (Atlas Shrugged: The Theme) La rivolta di Atlante: L’Uomo Che Apparteneva Alla Terra Italian Corbaccio 978-88-6700-219-1 (Atlas Shrugged: The Man Who Belonged on Earth) La rivolta di Atlante: L’Atlantide Italian Corbaccio 978-88-6700-218-4 (Atlas Shrugged: Atlantis) Italian La fonte meravigliosa (The Fountainhead) Corbaccio 9788879726481 Italian Noi vivi (We the Living) Corbaccio n/a La virtù dell’egoismo Italian Liberilibri 9788885140400 (The Virtue of Selfishness) Japanese 肩をすくめるアトラス (Atlas Shrugged) n/a 4-8284-1149-6 Japanese ⽔源 (The Fountainhead) 4-8284-1132-1 Japanese われら⽣きるもの (We the Living) n/a 978-4-8284-1690-8 4 continued Copyright © 1985–2019 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Privacy Policy FOREIGN EDITIONS Language Title Publishing Information ISBN 利⼰主義という気概 Japanese 978 4 8284 1266 9 (The Virtue of Selfishness) 979-11-959357-1-0- Korean 우리는 너무 평등하다 (Anthem) Read it Forward (14190) Korean 아틀라스 (Atlas Shrugged) (3 vols.) Humanist 9788958626664 파운틴헤드 Korean Humanist 9788958623977 (The Fountainhead) (2 vols.) 낭만주의 선언 Korean Yolimwon 8970634517 (The Romantic Manifesto) 자본주의의 이상 Korean Center for Free Enterprise 8987579581
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