ABCDE Evaluation, 155 Abscesses, 152 Foot, 152 Spinal Epidural
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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-69661-7 - Orthopedic Emergencies: Expert Management for the Emergency Physician Michael C. Bond, Andrew D. Perron and Michael K. Abraham Index More information Index ABCDE evaluation, 155 anterior posterior pelvic proximal humerus, 60–62 abscesses, 152 fracture, 88, 89, 90 arm slings, 268 foot, 152 anterior radial head dislocation, arterial injury, 69 spinal epidural, 159–160, 186 234, 235 brachial, 69 acetabular fractures, 89–93, anterior shoulder dislocations, knee, 110, 113 99, 223 44, 236, 237 arthritis, 150, 189, 200, See also Achilles tendon injuries, anterior sternoclavicular septic arthritis 142–143, 258, 269 dislocations, 55, 56, arthrocentesis, 178, 179, 180, acromioclavicular injuries, 213, 215 200–203 57–60 anterior superior iliac spine, arthroplasty, 94, 225 acromioclavicular joint, 213 82, 83 arthroscopy, 114, 115, 117, acute osteomyelitis, 183, 184 anteromedial knee dislocation, 120, 137 airway management, 155 112 aseptic technique, 203 Allis technique, 223, 225 anteroposterior radiography. ASIA impairment scale Allman Type fractures, 54 See AP view (AIS), 156 amoxicillin–clavulanate, 182 antibiotics, 18 avascular necrosis (AVN), 6 ampicillin–sulbactam, 181 amputations, 43 femoral neck fractures, 94, 100 amputation, 114 clenched fist injuries, 182 hip dislocation, 225 below knee, 151, 153 foot infections, 145, 152 hip fractures, 93, 223 hand and wrist, 38, 42–43 infectious tenosynovitis, 181 lunate, 9 anesthesia. See local anesthetics, metacarpal head fracture, proximal humerus fracture, 61 See regional anesthetics, 18, 20 scaphoid, 6, 8 See intra-articular open fractures, 186 talus, 148 anesthetic injections osteomyelitis, 184 avulsion fractures, 31, 33, 34, angular deformity, 206 septic arthritis, 179 35, 37, 82–84 angulation of fingers, 210 spinal epidural abscess, foot, 148, 149 ankle brachial index (ABI), 110, 159, 160 patella, 135, 138 112, 228 vertebral osteomyelitis, tibial spine, 118, 119 ankle fractures and 185, 186 axial compression of the dislocations, 145, 146, 153, AP view, 9 thumb, 7 192, See also foot and ankle acetabular fractures, 93 axillary nerve injuries, 44, 66, injuries carpal bone dislocations, 15 67, 236 reductions, 212 femoral neck fractures, 95 axonotmesis, 40, 41 ankylosing spondylitis, 154, 158 hip dislocations, 100, 223 Babinski response, 156 anterior ankle dislocations, 212 hip fractures, 96, 98 back pain, 185 anterior cruciate ligament non-accidental trauma, 172 bacteremia, 178 (ACL) injuries, 105, 107, normal arcs, 17 Bankart lesions, 236 117–120, 122, 226, 227 pelvic fractures, 84, 87 Barton fracture, 1, 2, 3, 4 anterior drawer test, 107, scapholunate dissociation, 12 Bennett fracture, 24 118, 121 SCFE, 174 Bier block, 193–194 anterior elbow dislocations, 68, triquetral fracture, 9, 10 bimalleolar fracture, 212 216, 218 Apley’s test, 107, 115 bipartite patella, 138, 139 anterior hip dislocations, apprehension sign, 107, 136 blood loss, 81 99, 223 arm fractures, 60 femoral shaft fractures, 101 anterior inferior iliac spine, 83 humeral shaft, 62–65 pelvic fractures, 81 270 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-69661-7 - Orthopedic Emergencies: Expert Management for the Emergency Physician Michael C. Bond, Andrew D. Perron and Michael K. Abraham Index More information Index blood pressure management, cephalic tilt views, 54 scaphoid fracture, 8 158 cervical spine injuries, 66, 67, scapula fracture, 52 blood transfusion, 81 154, 155, 158 SCIWORA, 173 blunt aortic injury, 155 chair raise test, 74 spinal injuries, 157, 158 bone biopsy, 183, 184, 185 Charcot arthropathy, 152 sternoclavicular injuries, 56 Boutonniere deformity, 36–37, Chauffer’s fracture, 1 tibial plateau fractures, 221 child abuse, 101, 171–172 127, 128 Boxer’s fracture, 20 chondral lesions, 136 upper extremity nerve brachial artery injury, 69 chronic osteomyelitis, 183, 184 injuries, 67 brachial plexus, 65 ciprofloxacin, 181, 184, 186 vertebral osteomyelitis, 185 brachial plexus injuries, 54, circulation management, 155 Cunningham technique, 237 66, 67 clavicle fractures, 53–55 debridement, 179, 183, 184, 186 bracing, 56 reduction, 213–215 deep trochanteric bursitis, 104 compression fractures, 161 clenched fist injuries, 12, 181–183 deep vein thrombosis, 268, 269 dynamic, 269 closed reduction, 18, 206 Destot’s sign, 81 epicondylitis, 74 fibula dislocations, 220 diabetes, 151, 152, 159 figure-of-8, 56, 57 hip dislocations, 100 diabetic foot infections, 152 knee braces, 268 metacarpal fractures, 21, 22, diastolic blood pressure, 187 patella, 137 25, 210–211 digital block, 43, 197 bradycardia, 155 patella dislocations, 229 digital nerves, 40, 42 breathing management, 155 pediatric fractures, 165 digital rectal exam, 155 buckle fractures, 165, 166 sternoclavicular injuries, DIP joint, 31, 221, 222 buddy-taping, 28 57, 214 amputations, 42, 43 bulbocavernosus reflex, 156 coaptation splint, 63, 64, 65 Boutonniere deformity, 36, 37 Burgess and Young system, coccyx fractures, 88 DIP joint dislocation, 33, 34, 35 82, 88 Colles fracture, 1, 2, 208 disability evaluation, 155 bursitis, 103–104 combined mechanical pelvic DISH patients, 158 calcaneus fractures, 146, 149, fracture, 88 displaced mid-shaft clavicle 150, 155 comminuted fractures, 101 fractures, 53, 55 calcifications, 74 femoral shaft, 101, 103 displaced pelvic fractures, 88–89 CAM boot, 143, 146, 269 patellar, 140 disseminated Neisseria Canadian C-spine rules, 157 tibial plateau, 129 gonorrhoeae, 178, 180, 181 capillary refill, 39 compartment syndrome, distal fibular fractures, 146 Captain Morgan technique, 225 187–189 distal phalanx fracture, 28–29 cardiac lidocaine, 191 compartment syndrome of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) C-arm fluoroscopy, 243 lower leg, 112, 113, 114, injury, 5–6, 76 carpal bone dislocations, 11–18 127, 130, 131 distal radius fracture, 5, 166, carpal bone fractures, 6 coracoclavicular injuries, 57, 58 192, 243, 244 lunate fracture, 8–9 coronoid process fracture, 69 reduction, 208–209 pisiform fracture, corticosteroids, 73, 74, 75, 104 distal tibial fracture, 144, 168 10–11 counter-traction, 102, 206, dorsal angulation, 244 scaphoid fracture, 6–8 212, 223 dorsal Barton fracture, 1 triquetral fracture, 9–10 crystal-induced arthritis, 200 dorsal dislocations, 243 carpal tunnel syndrome, 18 CT angiography, 109, 113 DRUJ, 5 carpometacarpal (CMC) joint CT scans, 8 finger, 221, 222 dislocation, 27 acetabular fractures, 89 dorsal splint, 27, 30, 34, 36, 255 cast padding, 248, 265 femoral neck fractures, 96 dorsalis pedis artery, 212 casting, 165, 166, 167 foot, 149 double sugar tong splint, 249, cauda equina syndrome, hip fractures, 94, 96 256–252 158–159, 163 knee, 109 drop foot, 110, 125, 130 cefazolin, 103, 145, 187 lunate fracture, 9 dual pubic ramus fractures, 84 cefepime, 184, 186 myelogram, 160 dynamic braces, 269 cefotaxime, 179 non-accidental trauma, 172 dynamic splinting, 269 ceftazidime, 179 osteomyelitis, 184 Earle’s sign, 81 ceftriaxone, 179, 181, 182 pelvic fractures, 84, 87 elastic bandage, 248, 249 central slip injury, 37 pisiform fracture, 11 elbow dislocations, 68–70 271 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-69661-7 - Orthopedic Emergencies: Expert Management for the Emergency Physician Michael C. Bond, Andrew D. Perron and Michael K. Abraham Index More information Index elbow injuries, 71 flexor digitorum profundus hematoma block, 193 arthrocentesis, 202 (FDP), 33, 34 hemorrhagic shock, 155 epicondylitis, 72–75 floating elbow, 62, 63 Hill–Sachs lesions, 236 nursemaid’s elbow, 71–72, fluid bulge sign, 106, 115 hind foot injuries, 146–150 73, 229–231 fluid resuscitation, 155, 158 hinged knee braces, 268 radial head, 75–78 fluoroquinolone, 142, 151 hip dislocations, 99–101 radial nerve block, 195 fluoroscopy, 151, 243 reduction, 223–225 splint, 249, 252, 256 foley catheter, 159 hip fractures, 93–99 traction, 208 foot and ankle injuries. See also hot microcautery unit, 205 ulnar nerve block, 194 ankle fractures and humeral shaft fractures, 62–65 elbow reduction, 70, 71, 72, dislocations Hutchinson fracture, 1, 2, 3, 5 216–219, 220, 245 Achilles tendon, 142–143 hydrocodone/acetaminophen, 84 electromyogram (EMG) arthrocentesis, 203 hyperextension, knee, 124, testing, 52 foreign bodies, 150–151 226, 229 electromyogram/nerve hind and mid-foot, 146–150 hyperpronation method, 71, 72, conduction velocity infections, 151–153 73, 232 studies (EMG/NCV), 67 posterior leg splint, 258 hypotension, 101, 155, 158 emergency decompression, 158 stirrup splint, 260 ibuprofen, 83, 174 epicondylitis, 72–75 foot drop, 112, 226 idiopathic avascular necrosis of epinephrine, 191 foreign bodies, 151 the lunate, 8 eversion stress, 143, 148 frozen shoulder, 268 iliac wing fractures, 86 exposure evaluation, 155 Garden system, 95 iliopsoas bursitis, 104 exsanguination, 193 gentamicin, 187 ilium fractures, 86–87 extensor carpi radialis brevis glenohumeral dislocations, immobilization, 102, 206, (ECRB), 73 44–48 269, See also splint extensor pollicis longus glenohumeral reduction, 48, ankle, 146 (EPL), 201 49, 51 distal radius, 208 extensor tendon injury, 182 glenoid fracture, 48, 52 knee, 109, 113, 118, 123, 126 external rotation dial test, gout, 104 patella, 138 107, 125 Gram-negative bacilli, 178, 179, spinal injuries, 154, 155 external rotation method, 48, 180, 181 tibial fractures, 131 49, 51, 238, 239 greenstick fractures, 165, immobilization devices, 268–269 external rotation recurvatum 166, 167 immunocompromised