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Facebook Like: Parsi Times Winners Pg *FIND THE KIDDIES CONTEST WINNERS ON PAGE 7. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 18 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes Bumper Contest FaceBook Like: Parsi Times Winners Pg. 03 B.P.P. Trustees Pg. 06 Community Matters Pg. 10 Mamaiji Explains Khordad Roj Pg. 19 A Grand Celebration>Pg. 05 An Extraordinary Launch >Pg. 08 SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊dĂůŬƚŽŚĞĂƌ 02 ƌĞŐƵůĂƌWĂƉĞƌǁĂůůĂĂŶĚĐŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial CONTEST #1 WINNERR Dear Readers, The Mid Term exams are putting pressure on our kids everywhere and giving parents high blood pressure too! But it’s Khordad Sal today! Time to &+(&.287&+2.52 WDNHDEUHDNIURPWKDWELRORJ\DQGPDWKHPDWLFVDQGÀQGWKDWVSHFLDO)DPLO\ Chemistry over a nice meal and a visit to the Agiary to wish Zarathustra, a Happy Happy Birthday! $ZHHNKDVSDVVHGVLQFH1HZ<HDUDQGDOOWKH0LWKDLER[HVDUHÀQDOO\ licked clean! It’s time to stop celebrating and start solving our issues! This week we feature thoughtful words by Mrs. Jokhi, words, I’m hoping people read with as much fervor as they take in the words of Trustees who communicate with Readers through YOU WIN our pages! As always we remain uncensored and hopeful that you have the enthusiasm to read Rs.3000/- everything and make your OWN decisions. Winner may contact the Parsi Times Office from 11 am to 5 pm (Monday to Thursday) on 66330405 I am pleased to report that our Special Issue was a thorough success! We received so many EHDXWLIXOHQWULHVIRUWKH.LGGLHV&RQWHVWDQGWKHHQWLUHRIÀFHKDVFRRHGDQG¶DZZZHG·DQG subsequently turned into mush opening each one of them! Thanks Parents for making your 68%6&5,%(5$/(57 kiddies take the time to explore their creativity! Even though only one lucky person took home For those of you who have already subscribed to Parsi Times, you needn’t alert your the cash prize each entry was so fabulous that we have decided to feature one a week for the paperwalla as we are going to continue posting you your weekly dose of Parsi Times as usual. When your subscription term is up you can join the Vendor System. rest of the year at least! Thank you, Meanwhile, I’m off to Pune to have fun with the enthusiastic Bacchas that are hoping to 3DUVL7LPHV0DQDJHPHQW revive The Zoroastrian Youth Association there! I wish them luck and love and lots of good times together! Freyan. FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes NOTICE Those recipients who have still not collected their ,'&DUGVIURPWKH=7),RIÀFHDUHNLQGO\UHTXHVWHG to do so at the earliest before 30th Aug. 2014. )RULQTXLU\FDOODW=7),RIÀFH Contact: 9967458459 / 8652190527 6PHOOWKHURVHV You still Dear Editor, have time Last week, my friend in Godrej Baug received a Rose and a copy of the Letter that MLA Mangal Prabhat Lodha to win! sent to Prime Minister Modi requesting him to set aside Rs. 5 Crores a year for helping Parsis visit Iran, something like the Haj Tours for Muslims. In Nana Chowk Area the same letter was circulated with Daar-ni-pori! I wonder what is happening suddenly. Till a while Contest #2 ago I was given to understand that the BPP was a cash rich Trust. Today I am confused. Why does someone What I about outside of the Community have to suggest that we are Parsi New Year… QRWDEOHWRJRRQRXURZQÀQDQFHVWRVHH,UDQLIZHZDQW Read about to? Prophet Zarathustra WIN Today, I opened the newspaper (a regular national on Khordad Sal. GDLO\ WRÀQGDQDUWLFOHGHGLFDWHGWRWKLVWRSLF(YHQWKH Rs.2000/- CASH reporter there suggests that this is just a scheme to win votes in the upcoming Election! Tell us in 100 words or less Friends, eat the Daar-ni-pori, enjoy the smell of the what you truly love about rose! But please, pay for your own trip to Iran if you Navroze! want to go and don’t vote just because you got a gift from someone. It is bad enough that our Country is divided Mail it to us at: by Communal politics. Let us not be the ones to stir up FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP more of it! or post it to Parsi Times, Respectfully, 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Sohrab P. 6WUHHW)RUW0XPEDL POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! 'HWDLOV Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Contest deadline: 27th August 6 p.m. Publication. We reserve only the right to ‘edit for quality’ and the right to not Winner will be announced in ǡƤ or expression. If anyone has any doubts and issues about the content of the Parsi Times Issue on the letters, they are requested to contact the individual authors if his/ her details 30 of August 2014. are mentioned. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 , 2014 Community Coverage 03 Watch out for hoardings across Mumbai City wishing our Readers and others a wonderful New Year! Contest #4 1st Prize Rs. 8001/- 2nd Prize Rs. 4000/- 3rd Prize Rs. 3000/- Winners may contact the Parsi Times Office from 11am to 5pm (Monday to Thursday) on 66330405 9: NUMISMATIC 10: PUNDOLE 11: BURHANPUR 12: COMMUNICATE 10: PUNDOLE 11: BURHANPUR 12: COMMUNICATE 9: NUMISMATIC 1: ESTATE 2: HYATT REGENCY 3: UDVADA 4: CARAMEL 5: BILLION 6: AAVOJI 7: COMPUTERISED EYE 8: 25 AAVOJI 5: BILLION 6: 4: CARAMEL 3: UDVADA REGENCY 2: HYATT 1: ESTATE $1$33($/)520)52+$5)281'$7,21 Frohar Foundation is well known for the Tele-Serial “HUMTATA HUKHTA HVARSHTA” i.e. “Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds” focusing on Ancient Zoroastrian Culture & Heritage and way of life. This Unique Tele Serial is one of its kind in the world. We have also started a new Tele- Serial “Asha Vahishta” “Sarvottam Satya’, which is on Air at present on Zee Jagran Zee Network. Frohar Foundation is also involved in a very small way in other welfare and charitable activities like helping destitute women and children, giving MEDICAL AID to the needy, awarding EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS, distributing Exercise Books to students, rehabilitating poor families and has helped hundreds of XQIRUWXQDWHSHRSOHRI6XUDWZKRKDGEHHQUHQGHUHGKRPHOHVVDQGGHVWLWXWHGXHWRWKHÁRRGVE\FUHDWLQJ DVSHFLDOÁRRGUHOLHIIXQG With a view to perpetuate the memory of Mrs. Silloo Parvez Mahava, our Ex-Trustee, a social worker par excellence, we have started “The Silloo P. Mahava Memorial Fund” which focuses on the needy and helpless persons in the society. Frohar Foundation also organizes Educational Exhibitions on Ancient Culture and Heritage periodically, in order to create awareness specially among the younger generation. Recently we have opened ‘Frohar Lodge’ at Udvada which is available to all Zoroastrians visiting Iranshah $WDVKEHKUDP6DKHE8GYDGDDWDYHU\QRPLQDOUDWHDQGWKLVZLOOEHEHQHÀFLDOWRWKHOHVVSULYLOHJHGRIRXU Community. :H ORRN IRUZDUG WR FRQWLQXHG ÀQDQFLDO VXSSRUW IURP PHPEHUV RI RXU &RPPXQLW\2Q WKH DXVSLFLRXV occasions of Pateti, New Year and Khordad Sal, we urge you to contribute towards these important Community projects by sending your valuable contributions/ donations. The Donations are exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Please draw the Cheques In favour of FROHAR FOUNDATION cross and order and send them to the following address: 12, 12,KARANI KARANI HOUSE, HOUSE, OFF. OFF. DR. DR. CAWASJI CAWASJI HORMUSJIHORMUSJI STREET,STREET, DHOBI DHOBI TALAO, TALAO, MUMBAI-400 MUMBAI-400 0002. 0002. For FROHAR FOUNDATION [Trustee] SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2014 04 Bend it like Bawa! A fun look at what’s going on around us. Caution: To be taken with heavy doses of humour! )227%$// MANCHESTER CITY AND LIVERPOOL START OFF ON A WINNING NOTE IN THE ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE The Barclay’s English Premier League is one of the ewareeware of thesethese viruses,vir forever. To register yourself countrymen to rise to their toughest football leagues in the joke goes, “Isnebola, in the national database of full potential, realize their the world and features some Usnebola, kaisebola, organ donors, log onto: www. responsibilities and shape of the most popular clubs on B the planet. With clubs like kahanbola, kab-bola, tu-bola, organdonationday.in. (why their own destinies. To this wo-bola, maine-bola, yeh- wait for a non-existent vulture direction, he pushed people Manchester United, Arsenal, bola are more dangerous than to feed on your carcass, towards cleanliness, sought Chelsea and Liverpool aiming to EBOLA. possibly after a year or more, protection of women by claim the most prestigious EPL Over 1 million people GIVE sight or life to a fellow urging parents to ensure their title. This year’s battle for the highest prize in football will be Binaisha M. Surti the one to watch out for. The much awaited English Premier League season has begun with a lot of excitement in the world over arena. Defending champions Manchester City started off with a 2-0 victory over Newcastle with their star forwards David Silva and Sergio Aguero scoring for them at St. James Park. The runner-up last season Liverpool won against their Southampton counterpart 2-1. Raheem Sterling opened Liverpool’s account by scoring in the 23rd minute. Daniel Sturridge continued attacking by scoring his goal in the 79th minute, from a Raheem Sterling assist. Although Liverpool hardly looked convincing, they still won themselves 3 points in what was a very competitive second half. Sterling and Sturridge were have been affected by human being. HOW DOES boys are raised right, told MPs in full form not showing any signs of World Cup fatigue. ‘Ebola’ in Africa and there IT GET ANY BETTER THAN to create model villages with 7(11,6 is ‘no early end in sight’, THAT?). their MPLAD funds, nudged FEDERER, SERENA CLINCH TITLES WHO has warned, calling And to sum up in the industry to move towards IN WESTERN AND SOUTHERN OPEN Switzerland’s Roger Federer for extraordinary measures.
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