Junior Section Council Meeting and Battalion A.G.M held on Thursday 1st May 2014 in Ballylinney Presbyterian Church Halls at 7.15p.m.


Present:- D.Hoy, 1st Kilbride, Lorraine Bell 1st Raloo, Wesley Magill 1st , William Payne 1st Larne, Darren Houston 1st , Andrew Hamilton 1st Ballylinney, Anne Laverty 4th , Sally Picton 1st Whitehead, Gavin Watt 1st , Gillian Armstrong 8th Carrickfergus, Gavin Patrick 1st , Neill McAdoo 1st Ballylinney

Apologies:- Daniel Lafferty 8th Carrickfergus

David Hoy opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to 1st Ballylinney. After informal introductions all the Officer Bearers seats were declared vacant and election/re-election took place.

CHAIR PERSON, Gillian Armstrong nominated David Hoy for re-election, Wesley Magill seconded, all present agreed and David Hoy accepted re-election. VICE CHAIR: - vacant COUNCIL SECRETARY, Sally Picton nominated Darren Houston, Anne Laverty seconded and all present agreed. Darren accepted the position. NID COMM REP: - Wesley Magill indicated he would prefer to step down. The position has been declared temporarily vacant, it is hoped someone will come forward. REP TO BATT EXEC: - Wesley Magill nominated Lorraine Bell and David Hoy seconded, all present agreed. Lorraine accepted the position. TRAINING: - remains vacant.

QUIZ KIDS David advised would be held on 10th October 2014 and was due in the Carrickfergus area. Sally Picton to make enquiries in relation to using 1st Whitehead and Gavin Watt to enquires in relation to using 1st Greenisland. Details to be sent via e-mail to Darren.

BATTALION PARADE AND OFFICER DEDICATION SERVICE David advised that the parade would be on Sunday 5th October 2014 at 3.00p.m in Ballyclare.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Andrew Hamilton asked, after numerous enquiries from different companies, if there could be a 7-a-side football tournament held, similar in style to 5-a-side. After discussion it was agreed to try this on a Saturday around May 2015. Andrew to make further enquiries and his happy to arrange the event. Further details at the next meeting.

Next meeting Thursday 16th October 2014 at 8.00p.m. in 2nd Presbyterain Church Halls hosted by 1st Ballyeaston BB.

David thanked everyone for attending. Everyone present then attended the meal/dinner and AGM that followed.

Signed ______Date ______