Banner of Light V25 N10 22 May 1869
I eti UL an. its ten ‘JU y. «u, od LIGH T at ter. 'ay ura Bar and ick, Old Ited •cry d In Ina. .dd; K. avid Ella eak> Cor* tion »0ay and. mlt- • f WM. WHITE & CO., 1 $3,00 PER ANNUM, VOL. XXV. (.Publishers and Proprietors.! BOSTON, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1869. In Advance. NO. 10. iglve enn- a at Wll- would show thorn how knowledge may go hand too young to lie his mother, and tho total dissim iday, .doned the workshop altogether, put Ids trowel on. graphs appended of > the great men of the present Hoa 11 £ J il 1 JJ £ U HI I 111 £ Il !♦; the hook, and buried himself among his papers. day—without counting those which I was obliged in hand with industry; I would teach them to ilarity between them rendered this st ill moro Im ■■■■ ■ ■ y .. ■■■— My wife had often blamed my.patience, declar- to sell to get bread—a note from the minister of ilnd in mental enjoyment a recompense for physl- probable. Her countenance combined greet sweet itnral cal fatigue; I would assist them ns much as lay rbu, DFirTMranPMnTa inti T'VDt'DTPAinFQ InR tbftt the wm going to ruin; she soon public instruction informing me of a bounty of ness and intelligence; her speaking, gray eyes, ■ REMINISCENCES AND EXPERIENCES Z.XS Xf-S. fifty francs 1 accorded to; my literary merit!’ in my power; I would try to elevate them aud to though bright, woro an air of sadness; her cheeks a and '■•I.'’ ><UUUII Utvi l ' times, to warn»anfl advise James in a friendly, Those were the very words; It is at pnee a proof inspire them with a love for the ideal; I would were pale, but beautifully rounded, nnd around r way, and, at first, he gave some heed to my words, of my indigence, and a certificate of my glory.
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