You Can Get There from Here Get There
YOU CAN GET THERE FROM HERE FACILITIES MASTER PLAN 2010 - 2020 Acknowledgements Howard Community College embarked on an exciting year-long campus master planning process to establish a framework for the orderly development of all capital improvements that support the mission, vision, values, and strategic initiatives of the College. The successful master planning process included a comprehensive look at the physical environment of the campus and how that environment helps the College succeed in its educational mission. The campus master planning initiative provided an exciting opportunity for the entire community to participate in shaping a critical aspect of the College's future. The Facilities Master Plan was prepared with support and input from the College, including the Board of Trustees, the College’s faculty, staff and students, and a Steering Committee. The consultant team acknowledges this important input, with many thanks to the following: Board of Trustees T. James Truby, Chair Katherine K. Rensin, Vice Chair Roberta E. Dillow Kevin J. Doyle Mary S. Esmond Patrick L. Huddie, Ph.D. Mr. Louis G. Hutt, Jr., Esq., C.P.A. Kathleen B. Hetherington, Ed.D., Secretary-Treasurer Steering Committee Roberta E. Dillow, Board of Trustees Kathleen B. Hetherington, Ed.D., President Lynn Coleman, Vice President of Administration and Finance Thomas Glaser, Vice President of Information Technology Cindy Peterka, Ph.D., Vice President of Student Services Ronald Roberson, Vice President of Academic Affairs Shelly Bilello, Capital Programs Administrator
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