CD Finance Management Co., Ltd.

18th Floor, Building A, Huangcheng International Center, 138th St.Andingmenwai, Dongcheng ,

010-62643027 2019 BRANCH 年度中和农信分支机构分布图 DISTRIBUTION MAP OF CD FINANCE





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截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日, 中和农信项目区覆盖全国 20 个省(自治区、直辖市),有 345 家分支机构。

As of December 31, 2019, 10 CD Finance have 345 branches in 20 provinces (Autonomous Regions, Municipalities). Jiangxi Province (2):Xingguo、Ningdu Banner、、Tumd Left Banner、 2019 年度中和农信分支机构名单 、Jiuyuan、Xianghuang Banner、Bahrain Left BRANCHES LIST OF CD FINANCE 辽宁省(28):康平、清原、新宾、北票、绥中、朝阳、彰武、 Banner、Hongshan、Linhe 阜新、义县、喀左、建昌、西丰、凌源、建平、昌图、开原、 北镇、岫岩、兴城、黑山、灯塔、法库、东港、新民、阜新细河、 青海省(4):互助、大通、湟中、乐都 重庆市(1):黔江 Yanshan、Nanpi、Quyang、Laishui、Julu、 抚顺、辽中、凌海 Qinghai Province (4):Huzhu、、Huangzhong、 City (1):Qianjiang Pingxiang、Guangping、Weixian、Gucheng、 Liaoning Province (28):Kangping、Qingyuan、 Ledu Zaoqiang、Lingshou、Yuxian、Fuping、Weixian、 Xinbin、Beipiao、Suizhong、Chaoyang、Zhangwu、 福建省(2):福安、霞浦 Guyuan、Renxian、Zhuolu、Neiqiu、Xingtang、 Fuxin、Yixian、Kazuo、Jianchang、Xifeng、Lingyuan、 山东省(10):冠县、莘县、东昌府、茌平、高唐、临清、阳谷、 Fujian Province (2): Fu’an、Xiapu Boye、Jize、Lincheng、Xinhe、Wangdu、 Jianping、Changtu、Kaiyuan、Beizhen、Xiuyan、 东阿、夏津、临沭 Xuanhua、Mengcun、Yangyuan、Wuqiao、 Xingcheng、Heishan、Dengta、Faku、Donggang、 Shandong Province (10):Guanxian、Shenxian、 甘肃省(20):康乐、和政、景泰、临洮、陇西、秦安、 Nanhe、Feixiang、Chongli、Zhangbei、Linxi、 Xinmin、Fuxinxihe、、Liaozhong、Linghai Dongchangfu、Chiping、Gaotang、Linqing、Yanggu、 天祝、漳县、安定、武山、甘谷、永登、古浪、临夏、渭源、 Raoyang、Lulong、Jizhou、Baixiang、Longyao、 Dong’e、Xiajin、Linshu 榆中、靖远、静宁、岷县、临夏县 Xingtai、Cheng’an、Xingdong、Cixian、Luanxian、 内蒙古自治区(78):库伦、兴和、察哈尔右翼前旗、察哈 Gansu Province (20):Kangle、Hezheng、Jingtai、 Luannan、Changli、Funing、Guantao、Ningjin、 尔右翼中旗、土默特右旗、巴林右旗、武川、奈曼、科尔沁 山西省(27):左权、榆社、和顺、介休、灵石、祁县、昔阳、 Lintao、Longxi、Qin’an、Tianzhu、Zhangxian、 Dingxing、Fengrun、Qian’an、Jingxian、 左翼后旗、科尔沁区、察哈尔右翼后旗、科尔沁右翼前旗、 寿阳、太谷、榆次、武乡、平遥、清徐、原平、盂县、交城、 Anding、Wushan、Gangu、Yongdeng、Gulang、 Xincheng、Dongguang、Hanshan、Mancheng、 扎鲁特旗、固阳、丰镇、商都、科尔沁左翼中旗、四子王旗、 黎城、沁县、五台、定襄、汾阳、文水、霍州、阳城、长治、 Linxia、Weiyuan、Yuzhong、Jingyuan、Jingning、 Lixian、Gaobeidian、Wu’an、Xinle、Kangbao、 化德、清水河、阿拉善左旗、科尔沁右翼中旗、突泉、阿鲁 长子、小店 Minxian、Linxia Country Yongnian、Botou 科尔沁、敖汉、宁城、扎赉特旗、凉城、开鲁、鄂伦春、西 Shanxi Province (27):Zuoquan、Yushe、Heshun、 乌旗、太仆寺旗、多伦、达尔罕茂明安联合旗、卓资、杭锦 Jiexiu、Lingshi、Qixian、Xiyang、Shouyang、Taigu、 广东省(6):连南、连山、佛冈、连州、阳山、清新 河南省(17):南召、镇平、社旗、淅川、西峡、唐河、 旗、阿尔山、扎兰屯、阿荣旗、莫力达瓦达斡尔旗、额尔古 Yuci、Wuxiang、Pingyao、Qingxu、Yuanping、Yuxian、 Guangdong Province (6):Liannan、Lianshan、 邓州、邓州东、郾城、宛城、内乡、获嘉、原阳、辉县、 纳、松山、克什克腾旗、乌兰浩特、苏尼特右旗、正蓝旗、 Jiaocheng、Licheng、Qinxian、Wutai、Dingxiang、 Fogang、Lianzhou、Yangshan、Qingxin 延津、卫辉、唐河北 格莱珉小贷、翁牛特旗、正镶白旗、磴口营业部、杭锦后旗、 Fenyang、Wenshui、Huozhou、Yangcheng、Changzhi、 Henan Province (17):Nanzhao、Zhenping、 乌拉特中旗、和林、五原、新巴尔虎左旗、鄂温克族自治旗、 Zhangzi、Xiaodian 贵州省(1):六枝 Sheqi、Xichuan、Xixia、Tanghe、Dengzhou、 乌拉特前旗、呼市营业部、苏尼特左旗、阿巴嘎旗、林西、 Guizhou Province (1): Liuzhi Dengzhoudong、Yancheng、Wancheng、 扎赉诺尔区、乌海、二连浩特、锡林浩特、乌拉特后旗、阿 四川省(14):绵竹、什邡、德阳、三台、罗江、广汉、荥经、 Neixiang、Huojia、Yuanyang、Huixian、Yanjin、 拉善右旗、石拐、东乌旗、满洲里、海拉尔区、土默特左旗、 中江、雨城、江油、射洪、乐山、汉源、彭州 海南省(10):昌江、白沙、儋州、琼海、屯昌、文昌、 Weihui、Tanghebei 牙克石、九原、镶黄旗、巴林左旗、红山、临河 Sichuan Province (14):Mianzhu、Shifang、Deyang、 澄迈、万宁、东方、乐东 (78):Kulun、Xinghe、Chahar Right Santai、Luojiang、Guanghan、Yingjing、Zhongjiang、 Hainan Province (10):Changjiang、Baisha、 湖北省(2):罗田、巴东 Front Banner、Chahar Right Middle Banner、Tumd Right Yucheng、Jiangyou、Shehong、Leshan、Hanyuan、 、Tunchang、、 Hubei Province (2):Luotian、Badong Banner、Bahrain Right Banner、Wuchuan、Naiman、 Pengzhou Chengmai、、Dongfang、Ledong Horqin Left Back Banner、、Chahar 湖南省(24):双牌、茶陵、安仁、新田、吉首、平江、 Right Back Banner、Horqin Right Front Banner、Jarud 云南省(11):富宁、砚山、宾川、楚雄、广南、南涧、昌宁、 河北省(86):怀安、尚义、武邑、万全、平泉、承德、 汝城、石门、永顺、洞口、沅陵、慈利、冷水滩、攸县、 Banner、Guyang、、Shangdu、Horqin Left 腾冲、隆阳、安宁、弥渡 唐县、顺平、阜城、涞源、围场、青龙、广宗、滦平、献县、 零陵区、岳阳、醴陵、湘阴、临湘、宁远、桂阳、汨罗、 Middle Banner、Siziwang Banner、Huade、Qingshuihe、 Yunnan Province (11):Funing、Yanshan、Binchuan、 海兴、兴隆、宽城、大名、丰宁、赤城、武强、隆化、 汉寿、炎陵 、Horqin Right Middle Banner、Tuquan、 Chuxiong、Guangnan、Nanjian、Changning、 盐山、南皮、曲阳、涞水、巨鹿、平乡、广平、魏县、 Hunan Province (24):Shuangpai、Chaling、 Ar Horqin、Aohan、Ningcheng、Jalaid Banner、 Tengchong、Longyang、Anning、Midu 故城、枣强、灵寿、蔚县、阜平、威县、沽源、任县、 Anren、Xintian、Jishou、Pingjiang、Rucheng、 Liangcheng、Kailu、Oroqen、、 涿鹿、内丘、行唐、博野、鸡泽、临城、新河、望都、 Shimen、Yongshun、Dongkou、Yuanling、 Taibus Banner、Duolun、Darhan Muminggan Joint 宣化、孟村、阳原、吴桥、南和、肥乡、崇礼、张北、 Cili、Lengshuitan、Youxian、Lingling District、 Banner、Zhuozi、Hangjin Banner、、Zhalantun、 注:省(自治区、直辖市)按照拼音首字母排列 临西、饶阳、卢龙、冀州、柏乡、隆尧、邢台、成安、 Yueyang、Liling、Xiangyin、Linxiang、Ningyuan、 Arun Banner、Daur Autonomous Banner of Morin Daw、 Note: Provinces (Autonomous Regions, Municipalities) in 邢东、磁县、滦县、滦南、昌黎、抚宁、馆陶、宁晋、 、Miluo、Hanshou、Yanling AErgun、Songshan、Kesketeng Banner、、 alphabetical order 定兴、丰润、迁安、景县、新城、东光、邯山、满城、 、Grameen、 蠡县、高碑店、武安、新乐、康保、永年、泊头 吉林省(1):临江 Wengniute Banner、Zhengxiangbai Banner、Dengkou Hebei Province (86):Huai’an、Shangyi、Wuyi、 Jilin Province (1):Linjiang Sales Department、Hangjin Back Banner、Urad Middle Wanquan、Pingquan、Chengde、Tangxian、 Banner、Helin、Wuyuan、Xin Barag Left Banner、Ewenki Shunping、Fucheng、Laiyuan、Weichang、 江苏省(1):赣榆 Autonomous Banner、 Sales Qinglong、Guangzong、Luanping、Xianxian、 Jiangsu Province (1):Ganyu Department、Sonid Left Banner、Abaga Banner、Linxi、 Haixing、Xinglong、Kuancheng、Daming、 Dalai Nur District、、Urad Fengning、Chicheng、Wuqiang、Longhua、 江西省(2):兴国、宁都 Back Banner、Alxa Right Banner、Shiguai、East Ujimqin 2019 年度报告 01 / ANNUAL REPORT

CD Finance

中和农信是一家有情怀、负责任的农村微型金融服务机构,其宗 Contents 旨是为那些不能充分享受传统金融服务的县域内中低收入群体, 目 录 量身定制以小额信贷为主的多元化金融服务产品,帮助他们发展 产业、增加收入,早日实现美好生活。 董事长致辞及股东寄语 02 Messages from Chairman and Shareholders

CD Finance is a microfinance service provider that strives to serve the best interest of clients in responsible ways. We provide a range of customized financial services, 封面故事 mainly microcredit, for unserved and underserved low and middle income groups in 06 Cover Story rural areas, enabling them to start business, increase income, and pursue dreams.

2019 年大事记 08 2019 Major Events

2019 年客户满意度调查 11 Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019

我们的服务 12 Our Services

我们的客户及员工 14 Our Clients and Employees

2019 年度经营报告 16 2019 Annual Business Report

2019 年度社会绩效报告 20 2019 Social Performance Report

合作伙伴 29 Our Partners 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 02 03 / ANNUAL REPORT


2019 年,中和农信面临了很多外部挑战和内部困难,经受住了市场的考验,依然 孙强 Sun Qiang 坚守在支农支小、普惠金融的最前线。

2020 年初,突如其来的疫情是对整个社会的一场考验。中和农信积极响应号召, 及时调整产品和业务流程,捐款捐物,甚至各个分支自主自发组织志愿者参与当地 抗“疫”行动,为国家、社会及客户做出力所能及的贡献。在这里,感谢我们拥有 这样一支踏实努力、责任心强的团队。

危中有机,新冠疫情势必会影响社会很多层面的运作方式,中和农信也要积极拥抱 这种变化,发挥扎根农村的优势,让金融更好地服务农村和农民的发展,这是我们 的使命也是机遇,蚂蚁金服也会一如既往地在技术和业务等多方面支持中和农信。 我相信,在中和农信全体员工的努力下,在股东的支持下,公司将继续深度开发数 韩 歆 毅 字化技术产品,利用线上线下相结合的模式,加速在农村金融市场的布局,降低服 Cyril Han 务成本 , 扎扎实实践行普惠金融。 瑞佩霖 Randall Riopelle 中和农信董事长 Chairman of CD Finance 行稳才能致远。中和农信即将进入高速发展的快车道,我们要时刻提醒自己,牢记 郑文凯 Zheng Wenkai 初心,以合规管理为基石,守住风控底线;以科技创新为动力,打通乡村振兴的“毛 蚂蚁金服副总裁 细血管”,坚持不懈地为农户做好服务工作,真正改善他们的生活,并实现公司的 Vice President of Ant Financial 可持续发展。

In 2019, CD Finance was confronted with a myriad of internal and external challenges. Today, having risen above the difficulties, CD Finance remains firmly at the forefront of inclusive finance for small business within the agriculture sector.

In early 2020, was devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. As a caring and socially responsible institution, CD Finance proactively answered the nations call by contributing funds, supplies, and volunteering manpower in the country’s most pressing time of need. In a show of solidarity, CD Finance adjusted product specifications and business process to aid in the “fight against the pandemic” threatening our great nation. I am proud to say and sincerely thank our devoted team members for standing by our great nation and our valued customers. 应琦泓 Steven Ying In this unprecedented time of difficulty, CD Finance has embraced the challenges brought on by the outbreak and leveraged its roots in rural China to provide much needed “inclusive finance” to the various farmers within its communities. This is our vision 沈南鹏 Neil Shen and mission which we are proud to fulfill. As it always has, Ant Financial will continue to stand by CD Finance and support us from various aspects ranging from technology to operational enhancements.

I am certain that with the solidarity of our employee base and the continued support of our shareholders, CD Finance will continue to develop innovative digital products which seamlessly leverage online and offline resources, simultaneously reduce costs while widening the scope of inclusive finance in rural China.

One can only travel far on a solid foundation. As CD Finance embarks on a transformational journey, we must continually remind ourselves to stay true to our fundamental aspirations and values. On the foundation of solid risk management practices, CD Finance must continue (as it always has) to protect itself from underlying risks. On the basis of technological innovation, CD Finance will continually support the development of rural communities within China and “make a difference” by improving their lives for the better. Adhering to these core principles will simultaneously allow us to realize our goals for sustainable development and truly make the world a better place. 贝多广 Bei Duoguang 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 04 05 / ANNUAL REPORT

promoting rural financial inclusion in a commercially sustainable way. We are pleased to see that CD Finance has developed 孙 强 TPG 中国区管理合伙人 a unique business model with combined online and offline channels. CD Finance’s efforts and their work with IFC accelerates Sun Qiang Managing Partner, TPG China the achievement of the World Bank Group’s Universal Financial Access Initiative (UFA2020) to add one million new clients into the formal financial system by 2020. We are proud of our partnership with CD Finance and looking forward to the 2019 年对于小微贷款行业是充满了挑战的一年。经济下行对借贷者造成了还款压力,行业加强监管对公司的管理要求更高。在 company’s expansive growth trajectory. 行业重塑、竞争激烈的背景下,中和农信大力提升内部管理,稳步拓展分支机构,余额再创新高,夯实了行业标杆地位,取得了 极大的社会效益。 沈 南 鹏 红杉资本全球执行合伙人 Neil Shen Founding and Managing Partner, Sequoia China 更加重要的是,公司坚持初心,行小微之贷,达大善之举,致力于书写影响力投资篇章,完全符合 TPG 影响力基金的初衷。新 冠肺炎疫情发生后,中和农信更是以人为本,力保三农金融流动性供应,诠释了影响力投资的社会效应。以此为基,未来更可期。 中和农信扎根农村小微金融市场,多年来坚持科学管理,尊重客观规律,日拱一卒,稳健经营。我们期待公司能够为中国的普惠 金融、小微金融贡献更大价值! 2019 was a year full of challenges for China’s microfinance industry. Economic downturn dampened borrowers’ ability to repay, while stringent regulation required industry players to respond with greater governance. Amid the industry reshaping and Rooted in rural microfinance market, CD Finance has been committed in scientific management and continued solid intensified competition, CD Finance stood out with improved internal management. Its branches continued to expand and the operation and steady growth in years. We look forward to the company’s greater contributions to financial inclusion in China. portfolio hit a new high, which strengthened its position as the industry leader and generated substantial social impacts.

More importantly, CD Finance has adhered to its mission by promoting the public good through microloans. Its contribution 贝 多 广 中国普惠金融研究院理事会联席主席兼院长 to social impacts is fully aligned with the goal of TPG’s impact investment fund. In quick response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Bei Duoguang President, Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI) CD Finance has been putting people first to ensure the liquidity for rural areas—a great example of how impact investment contributing significantly to social good. With this, a brighter future is beckoning. 发展普惠金融的重点和难点在乡村,这是毋庸置疑的事实,也是开启乡村振兴大门的钥匙。随着 2020 年脱贫攻坚“交卷”时刻 的临近,中和农信服务中低收入人群的初心与坚持将成为脱贫“考卷”上的答案。

郑 文 凯 中国扶贫基金会理事长 行走山水间,中和农信用量身定制的专业金融服务覆盖了 40 余万用户,帮助他们增收、增福、赋能和成长,展示金融的温暖, Zheng Wenkai President of CFPA 带来金融改变贫困的美好图景和值得期许的未来。

中和农信已经成为一家扎根农村、为农户和小微企业主提供微型金融服务的主力军。尤其是 2019 年信息化技术手段的应用取得 Undoubtedly the focus and bottleneck of financial inclusion lies in rural areas. Financial inclusion in rural areas is the key to 了显著的成果,提高了农户金融服务的可获得性,也提升了农村金融服务的覆盖面,值得鼓励。 rural revitalization. With the deadline of poverty alleviation approaching in 2020, CD Finance makes its mark with aspiration and persistence in serving the low and middle income population. 2019 年脱贫攻坚取得决定性成效,2020 年更要实现完全消除绝对贫困这一目标。扶贫工作任重道远,还有很多深度贫困地区, 还有许多脆弱群体需要金融的扶持,中和农信要坚守初心,在脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴的道路上努力前行。 Rooted in rural areas, CD Finance has benefited more than 400,000 clients with customized financial services, enabling clients to increase income, pursue happiness, and improve capability. The company brings warmth to finance, demonstrates CD Finance has become a major player in rural areas providing microfinance services to farmers and micro and small the power of finance to help fight the poverty, and reveals a promising future. entrepreneurs. In particular, the application of digital technology achieved remarkable results in 2019, vastly increasing the outreach in rural areas and expanding financial access for rural households. 应 琦 泓 香港天天向上投资基金创始合伙人 We achieved remarkable milestones in our poverty alleviation efforts in 2019. In 2020, we aim to eliminate absolute poverty Steven Ying Managing Partner, High Impact Capital Advisors Ltd. in China, which is an uphill task requiring arduous efforts. There are still many areas remaining in extreme poverty, and many vulnerable groups in need of financial support. CD Finance must stay true to its original aspiration and forge ahead for the 全球 70%的人已在使用银行、保险或信贷服务,而 2011 年这一比例仅为 51%。中和农信是这场全球普惠金融运动中的改变者, goal of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. 为地位弱、收入低的群体提供金融服务。目前全球仍有 17 亿成年人在金融机构里没有账户,女性拥有银行账户的可能性比男性 低约 9 个百分点。如果世界要在 2030 年之前实现联合国的可持续发展目标(SDG),那么将所有人纳入正规金融体系至关重要。

瑞 佩 霖 国际金融公司驻中国、韩国和蒙古国首席代表 如今,数字技术是改变这些人群——没有银行账户,无法获得信贷发展生产,尤其是农村妇女的最佳机会。成功地应用数字技术, Randall Riopelle Country Manager for China, Korea瑞佩霖 and Mongolia, IFC 中和农信在让所有人都能获得金融服务方面创造了有意义、且可衡量的贡献。

中和农信作为世界银行集团成员国际金融公司(IFC)的合作伙伴已有多年。在过去的一年中,中和农信不畏艰难,恪守使命, Currently 70% of the world population has access to banking, insurance, and credit services, compared to just 51% in 2011. 继续为中国农村地区的基层农民服务。中和农信的发展历程生动地说明了,在服务基层大众的同时,可以通过可持续的商业模式 CD Finance is a major player in the global financial inclusion industry by providing financial services for vulnerable and low- 促进农村地区的金融普惠。我们高兴地看到,中和农信已开发出独特的线上线下相结合的业务模式。中和农信的努力以及与 IFC income population. However, 1.7 billion adults globally still do not have a bank account. Women are 9 percent less likely 的合作,加快了世界银行集团“全球金融普及 2020”(UFA2020)倡议的实现步伐。这一倡议的初衷是,到 2020 年将 100 万 than men to own a bank account. If the world is to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 新客户纳入正式的金融体系。我们为有中和农信这样的合作伙伴而感到自豪,期待公司的发展越走路越宽。 2030, it is critical to include all people in the formal financial systems.

CD Finance has been a long-standing partner of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group. In the past year, despite the Today Digital technology presents an opportunity to reach the bottom of pyramid—those who don’t have bank accounts challenging environment, the company adhered to its mission and continued to reach the last-mile grassroots farmers in or have access to credit, especially rural women. By leveraging digital technology, CD Finance creates a meaningful and rural areas of China. The evolution of CD Finance is also a good example of serving those at the bottom of the pyramid while measurable difference in making financial services accessible to all. 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 06 07 / ANNUAL REPORT


对于崇礼分支来说,这并不是他们的首战。“中和农信这种小额信贷模式,决定我们由衷地希望每一位客户都越过越好!帮助客户发 COVER封 面 故STORY 事 展是中和农信一直在做的事。提供资金只是第一步,我们一线员工每天帮助客户处理的事不计其数。”崇礼分支主任左栋如是说。 扎根农村十余年,如果说为县域内中低收入群体提供量身定制的金融服务体现了中和农信的使命,那么技术培训、供需对接、公益活动, 甚至调解夫妻矛盾等非金融服务则体现了中和农信的情怀。这些看似不起眼的小事,每天都在中和农信的项目区发生着。缺乏资金“帮 一把”,遇到困难“扶一程”,做 “有人情味,无人情费”的金融服务,才能真正实现我们的理想,帮助中低收入群体过上更好的生活。

When your ask a farmer about his favorite season, the answer is most likely to be autumn because of the harvest.

The 2019 autumn brought a plentiful harvest of bell peppers. However, Niu Lin, a pepper farmer in Chongli district, Zhangjiakou, Hebei, was so anxious that he didn’t have an appetite for days.

Niu Lin was worried as bell pepper’s price slumped and sales sank in 2019, despite large demand in previous years. With the winter fast approaching, ten thousand tons of bell pepper were in danger of rotting in the fields. In similar peril was the earning for school tuition, the elderly’s medicine, and building a new house.

For 55-year-old Niu Lin, this demand shock was unbearable. As a registered poverty-stricken household at Shizuizi village, Niu’s family started to plant bell pepper two years ago which had improved their family incomes. In early 2019, he borrowed RMB40,000 from CD Finance to expand his planting area in hope of lifting his family out of poverty.

CD Finance credit manager Niu Zhiqiang found out the difficulty faced by Niu Lin and other pepper planters during a follow-up visit. He reported it to the head of Chongli Branch, who called for a collective effort among branch staff to help farmers with promotion. Aware of farmers’ pain points, 在中和农信的帮助下,彩椒的收购价格回升,牛林一家正在紧锣密鼓地采摘。 the headquarter of CD Finance set up a task force With the help of CD Finance, the purchase price of bell peppers went up. Niu Lin’s family was intensively busy with harvesting bell peppers. and invited the Beijing--Hebei Agricultural Product Industry Alliance to jointly organize a buyer group including supermarkets such as Carrefour China, Beijing Wumart Supermarket, and Beijing “帮一把”与“扶一程”GIVE A HAND, DO A FAVOR Chaoshifa company to visit farmers together. With all efforts, 30,000 kilograms of unsalable bell 彩椒终于售出,牛林紧锁了半个月的眉头也舒展开来。 The bell peppers were finally sold, Niu Lin finally relaxed with eyebrow no longer frowning. peppers were sold at a price slightly higher than 如果问一位农民最喜欢的季节,多半会答秋季,因为地里的丰收永远是最大的盼头。 the market level. CD Finance’s model, connecting suppliers and buyers, not only allowed farmers to liquidate inventories but also stimulated the market. After shipping his tons of 2019 年的秋天如约来了,今年彩椒收成比往年更好,原本应该举杯同庆的时刻,河北张家口崇礼区的椒农牛林却急得几天吃不下饭。 unsold stock, Niu Lin held the credit manager’s hands firmly for long to express his deep appreciation.

原来,崇礼往年销路极好的彩椒,今年受市场影响,不仅收购价惨淡,收购量更是远不如前,曾经络绎不绝的收购商今年销声匿迹。 This was not the first time Chongli Branch went extra miles to help farmers. “The business model of CD Finance determines that 天气渐冷,近万吨明亮鲜艳、品质优良的彩椒无人问津,眼看着孩子的学费、老人的药费、家里盖新房的希望也将要随之烂在地里。 we are deeply committed to improving the lives of our clients. Providing financial support is only the first step. Our field staff is helping clients deal with countless problems every day.” said Head of Chongli Branch Zuo Dong. 对于牛林来说,这个打击尤其沉重。今年 55 岁的他是石嘴子乡有名的建档立卡贫困户,前两年开始种植彩椒,家里经济条件慢慢好转。 年初,他从中和农信贷款 4 万元扩大了种植规模,指望着今年能借此脱贫,然而现实却给了他一记重拳。 Taking roots in rural China for over a decade, providing customized financial services for low and middle income people embodies the mission of CD Finance, while non-financial service such as technical training, connecting buyers and suppliers, and even family 这天,中和农信客户经理牛志强来做贷后回访,了解到牛林和其他种植彩椒客户的困境,将情况反馈给崇礼分支主任。主任动员所有 conflict mediation demonstrates the company’s value in putting clients first and striving to serve the best interest of clients. When 员工,自发采购、朋友圈宣传……消息很快传到中和农信总部。听闻此事,农产品上行业务中心迅速行动起来,成立了产销对接助农 customers lack capital, we “give them a hand”. When they encounter roadblocks, we “gave them a leg-up”. Only by providing 行动小组,邀约京津冀农产品行业联盟共同组织家乐福(中国)、北京物美超市、北京超市发公司及其他采购商齐赴崇礼入户考察。 services with “extra value but no extra fee”, can we truly fulfill our responsibilities and help clients live a better life.

多方努力下,采购商决定以略高的市场价收购客户手中的彩椒,在有限的销售期内,成功解决滞销彩椒六万余斤。蝴蝶效应很快发生, 中和农信的产销对接助农行动不但解决了部分椒农的采购问题,也让市场重新活跃起来。成吨滞销彩椒终于售出,牛林紧锁了半个月的 COVER STORY 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 08 09 / ANNUAL REPORT

在上交所首次成功发行资产支持专项计划 The first Specialized Plan of Asset Aupport successfully issued at Stock Exchange

2019 年 大 事 记 8 日,中信建投 - 中和农信 1 号公益小额贷款资产支持专项计划在上海证券交易所成功发行,发行规模 5 亿元人民币, 2019 MAJOR EVENTS 这意味着中和农信获得了市场的高度认可。

On March 8, CSC (China Securities Co.,Ltd) - CD Finance No.1 Special Plan of Asset Support for Public Welfare and Microcredit was successfully issued at Shanghai Stock Exchange, with an offering of RMB500 million. This 全面开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育活动 indicates that CD Finance has earned high recognition from financial market and been able to further expand A campaign on the theme of “Remaining True to Our Original Aspiration and Keeping Our Mission in Mind” fully financing channels. conducted

中和农信党支部积极响应党中央号召,开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育活动,组织总部中高层管理者分成 5 个调研小组,分赴 5 省、10 县、40 村,对近 700 户农户进行调研,进一步了解农户生产与生活现状、收入与消费水 贷款余额破百亿 平、金融需求等情况,并就调研结果组织扩大讨论。此次主题活动不但在公司内部掀起了全员对于“打通农村金融 Portfolio exceeding RMB10 billion 最后一百米”这一神圣使命在新经济环境下的重新思考,还对公司业务起到了积极的指导作用。 7 日,中和农信贷款余额突破 100 亿元大关,超过 600 万农村百姓从中受益。100 亿元的贷款余额既是中和农信的 里程碑,也是新起点,坚定了中和农信为更多农村百姓提供“看得见、摸得着、可持续”的多元化金融服务的决心 和信心。

On May 7, the portfolio of CD Finance exceeded RMB10 billion, benefiting more than 6 million rural people. The portfolio of RMB10 billion is not only a milestone of achievements, but also a new starting point, which has strengthened the company’s determination and confidence to provide diversified financial services that are accessible, convenient, and sustainable for more rural households.

获亿元贷款 支持甘肃文化创新发展 USD100 million loan to support cultural innovation and development in Gansu province

7 日,国际金融公司、德国投资与开发有限公司与中和农信签署一项长期贷款协议,用于中和农信扩大向甘肃农村女 性发放生产经营贷款,支持甘肃省旅游服务业的发展。此项资金支持是世界银行“丝绸之路经济带文化传承与创新 发展项目”中的重要组成部分,由国际金融公司牵头组织银团,最高可达 1.375 亿美元。

On Nov 7, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH(DEG), and CD Finance signed a long-term credit agreement, providing a credit package of up to USD137.5 million. It will be used to expand the scale of loans for micro and small enterprises run by rural women to support tourism industry development in Gansu province. Moreover, the loans will play a significant role in the Gansu Silk Road Economic Belt Cultural Heritage and Innovation Development Project. 刘冬文总裁带队下乡。调研是为了了解客户的真正需求,更精准地提供产品和服务,让中和农信成为距离客户最近的那一个。 The field survey was led by Liu Dongwen, President of CD Finance. The survey and research was aimed at identifying the real needs of customers and providing them with more appropriate products and services, thus making CD Finance the closest one to customers. 召开小额信贷研讨会 抚今追昔共探未来 Microcredit seminar conducted to reflect upon the past and explore the future In responses to CPC Central Committee’s calling, CD Finance’s Party branch has launched a campaign on the theme of “Remaining True to Our Original Aspiration and Keeping Our Mission Firmly in Mind” in September. 18 日,“不忘初心、牢记使命——共探小额信贷未来研讨会”在湖南长沙召开,小额信贷的实践者、研究者、见证 Middle and senior managers of headquarter were organized and divided into 5 groups. They surveyed and 者共聚一堂,共同探讨如何在当前的政策环境下,寻找小额信贷的发展空间和路径,继续专注为农村客户群体服务。 interviewed nearly 700 farmer households in 40 villages of 10 counties in 5 provinces. This is to further understand farmers’ business and lives, income and consumption levels, financial demands and so on. An intensive On Nov 18, CD Financed organized a seminar with the theme of “Exploring the Future of Microcredit” in discussion on the research results was conducted following the interview and survey. The campaign has not only , Hunan. Practitioners, researchers and observers of microcredit industry gathered together to discuss inspired staff to reflect up on the mission of “getting through to the last hectometer of rural finance” in a new the methods of expanding the growth of microcredit and better serving rural clients under current regulatory economic environment, but also played a positive role in guiding the company’s business. environment.

MAJOR EVENTS 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 10 11 / ANNUAL REPORT

发布中国农村金融市场研究报告 Report on China’s rural financial market released

4 日,一项研究中国农村金融市场供给与需求的报告在京发布。该研究历时 2 年,对 6 省 60 县 180 村进行了调研, 2019年度客户满意度调查 在 4600 多份有效问卷和几十家机构访谈的基础上,形成专题研究报告。报告展示了当前农村金融在需求、供给等方 CUSTOMOR SATISFACTION SURVEY 2019 面的现状和问题,为推进脱贫攻坚、做好脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴的有效衔接提供了可资借鉴的积极建议和意见。

On Dec 4, a research report on supply and demand in China’s rural financial market was released by CD Finance 《2019年度客户满意度调查问卷》 于 2020 年 1 月 9 日通过中和金服 APP 发布,截至 2020 年 1 月 19 日共收集问卷 4510 份,其中 3803 in Beijing. In a two-year span, the study surveyed 180 villages of 60 counties in 6 provinces and closed with a 人获得过中和农信的贷款 , 占总样本的 84.3%。 special research report based on more than 4,600 valid questionnaires and interviews with dozens of institutions. 参与调查的 3803 名借款人中,52.56% 的贷款额度在 3 万元以下,98.05% 在 10 万元以下,与公司总体客户贷款额度的分布情况一致, The report revealed current situation and problems faced by rural finance in terms of demand and supply, and 具有代表性。 provided constructive recommendations for poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. 样本中贷款客户在其他金融机构没有借款的占比为 42.47%。

The 2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire was published in CD Finance’s digital credit APP on Jan 9, 2020. As of Jan 19, 2020, a total of 4,510 questionnaires had been collected, of which 3,803 individuals had borrowed from CD Finance accounting for 84.3%. Among the 3803 borrowers participating in the survey, 52.56% borrowed less than RMB30,000, and 98.05% borrowed less than RMB100,000, which is consistent with loan amount percentage in total clients. The percentage of customers who did not have loans with other financial institutions in the sample was 42.47%. 数十位农村金融相关领域的专家和学 者,共同为建立多元化“三农”服务 的农村金融服务体系献计献策。

Dozens of experts and scholars in rural finance gathered to provide suggestions for the establishment of a diversified rural financial service system.

坚持合规经营 积极接受全面监管 Adherence to compliance and actively open for comprehensive supervision 了解客户的想法,发掘客户潜在需求,持 至 12 月末,中和农信已成立和获准成立的小贷公司共11 家,分别为:重庆市、四川省、海南、内蒙古、湖南、甘肃省、 续推进服务质量的改善与提高。 广东、康平县、赣州、聊城、连云港赣榆中和农信小额贷款公司,这标志着中和农信的合规性建设迈出新的步伐。 Understand what clients think, discover 其他有关省份的牌照申领工作正在积极推进中。 clients’ potential demands, and keep improving the quality of services. By the end of December, CD Finance has established and obtained permits to establish a total of 11 microcredit companies. They are Chongqing, Sichuan, Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Hunan, Gansu, Guangdong, Kangping, Ganzhou, Liaocheng, and CD Finance Co., Ltd. This marks new progress in compliance at CD Finance. License application in other provinces is actively in process. 客户满意度 Customer satisfaction 2019 年客户满意度调查结果 20 家分支机构 2019 年度放款过亿元 在所有获得贷款客户中,95.06% 的客户对于中和农信的服务满意。 The result of Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019 20 branches with loan disbursement over RMB100 million in 2019 95.06% of customers are satisfied with the service of CD 4.18% 0.76% 2019 年,有 20 家分支机构年度放款额超过 1 亿元,比 2018 年多 11 家,增幅 122%,这 20 家分支机构的有效客户 Finance. 达到 5.7 万户。其中河北 11 家、山西 3 家、内蒙古 3 家、湖南 2 家、福建 1 家,整体大于 30 天风险贷款率低于 1%。 98.50% 的贷款客户表示如果未来有资金需求愿意再找中和农信。 这充分表明农村金融市场对于小额信贷的需求很大,且真正的农户贷款风险完全可控。 98.50% of customers said they will return to CD Finance when 满意 Satisfied In 2019, there were 20 branches with yearly loan disbursement over RMB100 million, 11 more than 2018 they have financial needs. 95.06% 一般 representing an increase of 122%. The active clients of these 20 branches has exceeded 57,000. Among the 20 Average 98.47% 的贷款客户愿意将中和农信推荐给身边的亲戚朋友。 branches, 11 are in Hebei, 3 in Shanxi, 3 in Inner Mongolia, 2 in Hunan, and 1 in Fujian. The PAR over 30 days is 不满意 less than 1%. This fully shows that a huge demand for microcredit services in rural areas and the risk can be well 98.47% of customers are willing to recommend CD Finance to Dissatisfied controlled. relatives and friends.

数据来源:2019 年度客户满意度调查问卷 MAJOR EVENTS Source: Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019. 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 12 13 / ANNUAL REPORT


王文起,河北阜城客户,贷款 50,000 元。 守住匠心,传承中国剪纸艺术。

Wang Wenqi, a customer from Fucheng, Hebei, borrowed RMB50,000 to carry on the art of Chinese paper cutting.

年放款笔数 年底在贷客户 年底大于 90/30 天的风险贷款率 无抵押贷款 The number of loans disbursed The number of active clients PAR ( > 90 days) Loan without collateral PAR ( > 30 days)

年放款额 年底贷款余额 单笔贷款额度≤ 10 万元 Disbursement amount Loan portfolio 项目累计发放贷款 Loan amount less than RMB100,000 The accumulative number and amount of loans disbursed 笔均额度 年底户均余额 Average loan amount Average outstanding loan 贷款平均使用时间(天数) Average utilization time of loans (day)

数据来源:中和农信信贷管理系统 数据截止日期:2019 年 12 月 31 日 Source: CD Finance Credit Management System. As of: December 31, 2019 2019 年度报告 2019 年度报告 ANNUAL REPORT / 14 15 / ANNUAL REPORT


张春秀,河北献县客户。 从 5 万元到 10 万元,中和农信连续五年资金支持让 他的小工坊成长为铸造厂。

Zhang Chunxiu from Xianxian, Hebei. With the credit support of CD Finance for five years, his small workshop has grown into a large foundry.

为农户 少数民族,分布在 49 个少数民族中 在职员工(名) 是女性员工 Farmers Ethnic minorities, totaling 49 Employee Female employee

为妇女 初中及以下文化水平 平均年龄(岁) 就职时间大于 2 年 Women Middle school education or below Average age Joined CD Finance over 2 years

为 45 岁以上 通过中和金服 APP 线上申请并获得贷款 是客户经理 专科及以上学历 Over 45-year-old Applied and acquired loans through CD Credit managers Associate degree or higher Finance’s digital credit APP

数据来源:中和农信信贷管理系统 数据截止日期:2019 年 12 月 31 日 Source: CD Finance Credit Management System. As of: December 31, 2019 2019 年度报告 17 / ANNUAL REPORT

2019 年,当年共发放贷款笔数约 91.5 万笔,同比增长 112%,贷款金额超 164 亿元,同比增长 27.4%,笔均额度 1.8 万元,同比下降 40%。2019 年末,贷款余额超 112 亿元,同比增长 24.7%,大于 90/30 天风险贷款率为 1.18%/1.58%。 Annual Business Report 2019 年,中和农信新设分支机构 32 家,2019 年末,公司在全国 20 省(自治区、直辖市)共有分支机构 345 家,同比增长 10.2%, 放款量与贷款余额(元) Disbursement Amount and Loan Portfolio (yuan) 在贷客户 42 万余户,同比增长 18.66%。

20,000,000,000 In 2019, CD Finance disbursed nearly 915,000 loans, increasing by 112% on a year-on-year basis. Loan disbursement exceeded 年 度放款量 经 营16,436,184,245 报 告 (disbursement amount ) RMB16.4 billion, increasing by 27.4% compared to 2018. The average loan size was RMB18,000, a year-on-year decrease of 40%. By 15,000,000,000 贷款余额 12,901,484,617 (outstanding loans) 11,218,152,550 the end of 2019, the loan portfolio exceeded 11.2 billion, increasing by 24.7% year on year. The portfolio-at-risk (PAR) ratio over 90 10,000,000,000 8,620,256,056 8,997,782,962 and 30 days were 1.18% and 1.58% respectively. 5,937,124,751 In 2019, CD Finance established 32 new branches. By the end of 2019, the total number of branches has reached 345 in 20 5,000,000,000 provinces (Autonomous Regions, Municipalities), increasing by 10.2% year on year. The number of active clients has reached 420,000, up by 18.66% compared to 2018. 0 2017 2018 2019

贷款额度分布(按笔数) Loan Size Proportion (by the number of loans)

2017 100% 86.0% 82.0% 2018 80% 66.9% 2019 60%

40% 33.0% 17.8% 20% 13.9% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0% 0-30000 30001-100000 >100000

贷款用途构成(按笔数) Loan Purpose Propotion (by the number of loans)

2017 60% 53%

2018 50% 44%45% 40% 2019 30% 21% 20% 15% 12% 11% 11%10% 11% 8%9% 8% 8% 10% 6% 6% 7% 5% 4% 2% 4% 0% 种植养殖业 生产加工业 交通运输业 批发零售业 社会服务业 农房改造 其他 Planting and Production and Transportation Wholesale Services Rural House Others Animal Husbandry Processing and Retail Reconstruction


中和农信保险业务致力于推动农村市场的保险普惠工作,为农村客户提供小额、便捷的保险产品和服务,满足客户意外、医疗等 业务升级 方面的保险需求,解决广大老百姓因病因灾返贫的问题。截至 2019 年末,中和农信已协助保险公司向广大农村中低收入家庭送 SERVICE UPGRADE 去了 120 万份保障,为 3,458 名农户获得了近 1,986 万元的保险保障。

Insurance service at CD Finance is dedicated to promoting insurance inclusion in rural markets. It provides accident and medical insurances for rural customers in small size and convenient ways, so as not to let rural clients slide into poverty 中和金服 额度提升服务多元 again due to disease and disasters. By the end of 2019, CD Finance have assisted insurance companies in providing 1.2 CD Finance digital credit APP with loan size increased and services diversified million insurances to the low- and middle-income families in rural areas, which have saved nearly RMB19.86 million losses for 3,458 farmers. 9 月,中和农信推出尽调授信产品,为中和金服 APP 这一线上贷款产品,加入人工尽调环节,同时将贷款额度上限从 2 万元提 升至 3 万元。 截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日,中和金服 APP 累计注册量达到 200 万人,申请授信量 144 万人,成功授信量接近 60 万人,申请通过 率 41.4%,贷款平均使用时间为 107.42 天,方便灵活地满足了更多农村中低收入群体的资金需求。 中和金服 APP 不但提供了新型的微型金融行业生态及服务模式,也有助于消除弱势群体与先进互联网技术之间的鸿沟。 中和农服连接厂商与农户 降低采购成本 Agriculture services connecting suppliers and buyers In September, the company launched a digital credit line product with offline due diligence on CD Finance digital credit APP, adding field evaluation to digital underwriting. The limit of loan size was raised from RMB20,000 to 30,000. 2019 年,中和农信又一项为农村客户量身打造的创新业务——中和农服农资电商平台正式上线,并率先面向内蒙古地区的 23 个 By December 31, 2019, CD Finance digital credit APP has accumulatively 2 million accounts registered. The applications for 旗县提供服务。平台依托公司金融业务和中和农信分支机构,为种植户提供金融、农资供应、农技培训、农机撮合、产品销售等 digital credit line has reached 1.44 million, and close to 600,000 applications were successful, with an approval rate of 41.4%. 服务,通过减少传统农资供应的中间环节,形成链接上游厂商与下游农户的新业务模式。在当前的产品设计中,农户不但能够节 The average utilization days of digital credit line is 107.42 days. The digital credit line product allows the company to meet 省约 10% 的采购成本,还可以享受半年免息的贷款服务。 capital needs of rural areas in a more convenient ways. The APP has not only provided a new service model for the microfinance industry but also helped reduce the digital divide In 2019, the company has launched an innovative agriculture service platform and begun providing services to 23 banners for the vulnerable groups. and counties in Inner Mongolia. The platform has integrated services such as financing, agricultural inputs supply, agricultural technique training, agricultural machinery and product selling. A new business model was formed to reduce the intermediaries in traditional supply chain and directly connect downstream farmers and upstream vendors. In current product design, farmers can save 10% of purchase cost while receiving loans with interest free for six months. 保险业务 帮千万家庭抵御风险 Insurance services providing protection for thousands of families

中和农信借助规模优势与金融产品优势,链接商家与农户,为农户降低采购成本,开拓销售渠道。 服务无微不至,关怀无处不在,中和农信只为用心守护每一个家。 CD Finance leverages the advantages of scale and financial products to connect merchants and farmers, reducing procurement costs CD Finance whole heartedly provides thoughtful caring and meticulous services for every family. and expanding sales channels for farmers.


中和农信遵循并倡导国际小额信贷的双重底线管理原则,始终坚持财务绩效与社会绩效并重,紧紧围绕社会绩 效治理、客户保护、金融普惠、人力资源和社会改善五个维度,将社会绩效的理念贯穿于公司运营的每一个环节。 Annual Social Performance Report

CD Finance has adhered to and been advocating for the double-bottom-line principle of international microfinance. It values social performance as equally as financial performance. CD Finance’s social 年度社会绩效报告 performance includes work in five dimensions: social performance governance, customer protection, financial inclusion, human resources and social change. The company incorporates the elements of social performance into every aspect of corporate management.

社会绩效治理 Social Performance Governance

人力资源 Human Resources

客户保护 Customer Protection

社会改善 Social Change

金融普惠 Financial Inclusion



深耕管理 与时俱进 与国际接轨 提升服务意识和水平 Manage conscientiously with commitment, advance with the times Improving awareness and practices in accordance with international standards

中和农信社会绩效工作委员会专门负责企业的社会绩效战略制定与相关项目立项,12 月,社会绩效工作委员会进行了换届 安信永的评估专家对中和农信的客户保护情况给予了高度的评价,评估结论是:110 条指标中,公司符合或部分符合占 98% 以 改选,委员会主席全面主持公司的社会绩效管理工作。 上。具体为:1. 在产品设计和交付维度上,符合或部分符合占 91%;2. 防止过度负债方面,符合或者部分符合占 95%;3. 在负 责任的定价上,符合或者部分符合占 93%;4. 透明度、公平对待客户、客户隐私保护、投诉解决机制层面,符合和部分符合均 7 月,中和农信主动邀请全球微型金融的发起人和推动者——安信永公司,进行客户保护评估与认证。安信永通过旗下的 为 100%。公司正在按照这一评估结论,逐条对标暴露出的问题,进行规范和调整,将最大程度地践行客户保护原则,提升客户 智库普惠金融中心发起和管理着 Smart 客户保护行动,这是世界第一个金融消费者保护标准,旨在全球推动金融业以更安 体验。 全和负责任的方式服务低收入客户,帮助金融消费者发声。评估专家根据 Smart 客户保护 7 大原则 110 条指标,通过访谈 与实地走访相结合的方式,对公司业务全流程进行为期半个月的评估和考核,并对产品设计、定价、透明度、防止客户过 The Accion assessment team highly praised CD Finance’s efforts on client protection, concluding as follows: among the 度负债、公平对待客户、数据隐私保护以及投诉机制等多方面提出了意见和建议。中和农信期望在评估的基础上,明确公 110 indicators in the standard, 98% are fully met or partially met. Specifically: 1. On the principle of appropriate product 司客户保护和社会绩效的现状,借此引入国际先进的客户保护和社会绩效理念,优化公司内部治理体系,提升和强化员工 design and delivery, 91% are fully or partially met; 2. On the principle of prevention of over-indebtedness, 95% are fully or 的社会绩效和客户保护意识,从而更好地为客户提供公平、安全和透明的服务 ,做有情怀的企业,负责任的金融。 partially met; 3. On the principle of responsible pricing, 93% are fully or partially met; 4. On the principles of transparency, fair treatment of clients, data privacy and mechanisms for complaints resolution, 100% of indicators are fully or partially met. 作为中国第一家接受数字借贷客户保护评估的金融服务机构,中和农信得到了安信永专家高度的评价。而中和农信也希望 CD Finance is currently reviewing gaps identified in the assessment and implementing the action plan to address problems 在提升自身的基础上,引起更多企业对客户保护评估的重视,理解其价值所在,从而帮助提升整个行业的从业规范和标准, in order to improve client protection practices and increase customer experience to the maximum. 造福更多弱势群体客户。

CD Finance puts its Social Performance Working Committee (the “Committee”) in charge of designing corporate social performance strategies and approving relevant projects. In December, a new Committee was elected and its chairman is now in full charge of the management of corporate social performance. FINANCIAL金融普惠 INCLUSION In July, CD Finance invited the pioneer and promoter of global microfinance—Accion—to carry out client protection assessment and certification. Accion started and manages the Smart Campaign client protection initiatives through its think tank, the Center for Financial Inclusion. As the world’s first financial client protection standard, the Smart Campaign works globally to create an environment in which financial services are delivered safely and responsibly to low-income clients, and clients’ voices are elevated. Based on the 7 principles and 110 indicators in the Smart Campaign standard, the assessment team conducted interviews and on-site visits to evaluate the company’s practices. The assessment team also offered their opinions and advice on various aspects including product design, pricing, transparency, prevention of over-indebtedness, fair treatment of clients, data privacy and mechanisms for complaint resolution. CD Finance expected the assessment to identify the current status of our company’s client protection practices and social performance, and introduce the best practices of client protection in an attempt to optimize our internal governance system and increase employees’ awareness in client protection. In this way, we expect to be better positioned to provide fair, safe and transparent services to clients as we strive to become a financial institution that

always puts clients first and acts responsibly. 数字技术助力农村金融服务发展,随着大数据 等新兴技术的深入应用,中和农信服务客群的 贷款额度明显下降,覆盖范围进一步扩大。 As the first financial institution in China to receive the assessment on digital credit client protection. CD Finance has received critical acclaim from Accion assessment team. As we keep improving ourselves, we also hope, by taking Digital technology fuels the development of rural financial services. Along with the the lead in Smart assessment, we will inspire more financial institutions to buy into the value of client protection application of innovative technology such as assessment. All these will help improve the industry’s practice standards and eventually benefit the vulnerable big data, CD Finance has decreased average loan size and further expanded the service customers. outreach.


广度拓展 深度挖掘 HUAMAN人力资源 RESOURCES Expanding outreach while increasing depth

中和农信一方面持续进行自身能力建设,一方面不断深耕农村金融市场,双管齐下,有效地保证了服务的客户定位在县域内中低 收入群体。 调整组织架构 人才强企 2019 年,中和农信更深入地为农村贫困地区和贫困群体服务,贷款笔均额度下降至 1.8 万元。 Adjust organization structure to strengthen the company with talents

While continuing to build its own capabilities, CD Finance continues to expand the outreach and go down deep in the rural 中和农信形成以企业文化为原动力的人力资源管理体系,践行人才强企战略。2019年,中和农信调整组织架构,增设大区管理部, financial market, effectively ensuring that customers are positioned in low and middle income groups in rural areas. 负责所辖区域办公室的运营管理工作。 In 2019, the average loan amount dropped to RMB18,000, which reflected the improved depth of service for rural poor areas 2019 年,中和农信针对不同岗位、不同层级和不同能力水平的员工设计培训学习项目,将面授培训、社群学习和在线学习有机 and poor groups. 结合在一起,组织实施“扬帆计划”、“绩效倍增”、“秋实计划”等一系列培训学习项目。组织面授培训 280 场次,面授培 训 11,876 人次,累计总学时 258,342 小时;提供了 201 门线上课程资源,人均学习时长 63 小时,通过培训达成了赋能员工、 提升绩效的效果。

客户年龄结构图(在贷客户) CD Finance’s human resource management system is driven by corporate culture and boosted by talents. In 2019, CD The age structure of clients (active clients) Finance adjusted organization structure and added regional management departments to take charge of the operation and management of its regional offices. 160000 33.0% In 2019, the company designed diverse training programs for employees at different positions and capability levels. Training 30.7% 28.5% formats include in-person trainings, virtual community, and online learning. A series of training programs such as “Sailing 120000 Plan”, “Double Performance” and “Autumn Plan” were organized and implemented. A total of 280 trainings were conducted, with 11,876 participants trained in a total of 258,342 training hours. Also, 201 online courses were offered, and employees 80000 averagely spent 63 hours in learning. Trainings have effectively cultivated capabilities of employees and improve their performances.

40000 5.9%

1.9% 0 25 岁以下 25-34 岁 35-44 岁 45-54 岁 55 岁以上 Under 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 Above years old years old years old years old 55 years old

客户学历结构图(在贷客户) The education structure of clients (active clients)

300000 64.4% 250000



100000 13.8% 15.7% 50000 5.8% 2019 年,企业文化活动平台“聚活悦”共举办 40 次活动,其中总部主题活动 28 次,“悦悦到我家”活动 7 次,全员活动 5 次,不但凝聚 0.3% 0 了公司的团队力量,更展示了中和农信人的精神风貌。 小学以下 小学 初中 高中 大专及以上 In 2019, a total of 40 corporate culture events were held, which strengthened the team culture and demonstrated the corporate spirit. Under primary Primary Middle High College and school school school school above



分层赋能体系初见规模 Capability building system for different client segments began to take shape 一路有你 温暖同行 A warmth to accompany 2019 年,中和农信发起“赋农百千万(百家合作机构、千场知识培训、万场金融教育)”的培训活动,通过对农户的陪伴式服务, 涵养他们的综合实力,增加他们的抗风险能力,旨在帮助客户尽快进入良性发展轨道。其中大学生农村金融教育普及践行活动的 自 2010 年 3 月成立起,中和基金已成为传递公司关爱,体现中和农信人友爱互助精神的重要纽带。 “+ 乡计划”;提倡慢病管理理念的“她计划”;帮助女性客户更好地经营小微企业,解决发展中瓶颈的福特微型女企业主经营 2019 年,中和基金累计救助因疾病、意外、自然灾害等临时性困难陷入困境的项目区贫困农户 189 人,捐助金额 526,000 元。 能力培训;瞄准小微初创企业主,为其提供有针对性赋能服务的壳牌中国“创之道”中小企业扶持项目等纷纷落地,一个为农村 在募捐方面,中和基金 2017 年在中国扶贫基金会在线捐赠平台下开通了“中和公益”专项月捐,截至 2019 年 12 月底,已有 客户量身打造的分层级、多元化的赋能体系初见规模。 4046 人参与,员工开通月捐比例为 66%。此外,中和农信员工还举办爱心义卖、专项募捐等,所募款项均用于支持中和农信项 目区的困难农户。2019 年,中和基金共募款 726,631.12 元。 In 2019, CD Finance launched a training campaign to empower farmers, in which 100 partners were involved, and 1,000 截至 2019 年 12 月底,中和基金累计募集善款 3,915,634.87 元,累计捐出 2,605,180.45 元,帮助 1744 人。 knowledge sessions and 10,000 financial trainings were held. The campaign was aimed to boost economic growth of clients by cultivating the capability and increase the resiliency. Several projects have been implemented: such as the “+ Since its establishment in March, 2010, CD Finance Charitable Fund has become an important vehicle to demonstrate the Village program” that brought financial knowledge to mountainous and remote areas by university students; the “She Plan” company’s caring for clients and the spirit of friendship and mutual help. that was aimed to advocate the concept of chronic disease management; the Ford Foundation sponsored female micro In 2019, the fund donated RMB526,000 to 189 poor CD Finance clients who were struggling with temporary difficulties such entrepreneur training project to solve bottlenecks in business development, and the Shell China sponsored LiveWIRE project as diseases, accidents, and natural disasters. that was aimed to provide small and micro startup entrepreneurs customized mentoring services. A capability building By the end of 2019, as many as 4,046 people had participated in the monthly donation program opened in 2017 on the system targeting different rural client segments has begun to take shape. online donation platform managed by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA). The participation rate among our employees is 66%. Moreover, our staff held charity sales and special donations to raise funds to support poor clients of CD Finance. In 2019, the Fund raised RMB726,631.12. As of December 31, 2019, CD Finance Charitable Fund had accumulatively raised a total of RMB3,915,634.87, and donated RMB2,605,180.45 helping 1,744 people.

2019 年,中和农信共为 4.2 万农户提供近 1300 场金融教育培训。 2019 年,内蒙古四子王旗分支,客户赠的锦旗就是我们坚持的动力。 In 2019, CD Finance has provided 1,300 financial trainings for a total of 42,000 farmers. In 2019, a customer sent a pennant to Siziwang Banner Branch at Inner Mongolia as a way to express his gratitude.



中 华 网 我们的股东 Our Shareholders 中华网刊发题为《中和农信深耕小微金融市场 贷款余额破 100 亿元》的文章,文章指出,中和农信坚持做“有情怀的企业,负责任的 金融”,公司在提供信贷服务的同时,赋能客户,增加他们的抗风险能力,获得了客户的认可与信任。 A report titled “CD Finance deepens microfinance in rural market with outstanding loans exceeding RMB10 billion” was published on The report pointed out the company is dedicated to “a caring, trustable, and responsible financial institution”. While providing credit services, the company also has built the capability of clients, increased their resiliency to shocks, and earned great recognition and trust from clients.

新 浪 财 经 Sina Finance

新浪财经刊发题为《中和农信白雪梅:为农户提供金融服务要以线下为主》的文章,中和农信副总裁白雪梅女士在文章中谈及什么是 金融合作 Financial Support 真正的普惠金融,并指出中和农信是一支纯正的普惠金融的队伍。 Sina Finance published the report “CD Finance’s Bai Xuemei: financial services for farmers should mainly be offline”. The report quoted Vice President’s discussion on what real financial inclusion means. Bai also pointed out in the report that CD Finance is an institution conducting real financial inclusion business.

农 民 日 报 Farmer’s Daily

《农民日报》 刊发题为《中和农信 完善农村普惠金融服务体系》的文章。文章指出,中和农信推出的中和金服,在技术引领金融服务模 式创新环境下,能够快速、准确地帮助客户解决燃眉之急,提高客户的贷款效率,降低借款门槛。 Farmer’s Daily published an article “CD Finance: bettering inclusive finance system”. It said that CD Finance digital credit APP has quickly and accurately solved the clients’ urgent needs, improved efficiency and lowered thresholds of access to credit, against the backdrop that technologies have provoked innovations in financial service models.

中 国 网

中国网刊发题为《中和农信:创新农村供给 打通金融服务最后 100 米》的文章,讲述了中和农信山西区域 18 年的变化与发展,中和 农信探索“金融 + 多样化”供给,针对性解决农户现实需求,以创新金融供给为脱贫攻坚提供坚实支撑。 published an article “CD Finance: innovate rural finance supply, get through to the last hectometer of rural finance” The article unfolded the changes and development in Shanxi region of CD Finance in the past 18 years. CD Finance has built a 行业协会 Association “finance + diversity” business model, which targets at farmers’ actual demands and adopts innovation to build a strong foundation for poverty alleviation.

金 融 时 报 Financial Times 《金融时报》 刊发题为《坚守普惠初心,期待差异化认同——小额信贷参与者共探行业前路》的文章,展示了小额信贷的发展历程,肯 合作支持 Other Partners 定了小额信贷对普惠金融的支持力度。并提出,要尽快解决小额信贷机构的法律地位、融资渠道等支持政策。 A report with title of “Remaining true to the aspiration of financial inclusion, looking forward to differentiated recognition – microcredit industry players jointly explore the future” was released on Financial Times. It demonstrated the development history of microcredit and recognized its contributions to financial inclusion. Also, it called for the support policies like legal status and funding channels for microcredit intitutions.