Abbey Dore, Or Dore
ABBEY DORE. .. As regards wool, wheat, water, and wood, the reader will have ample opportunities of informin~ himself, but the m~n who can obtain for his partner, the daughter of a Herefordshire farmer, will secure a prize one fitted to grace a mansion or adorn a cottage; whatever be his station, ill prosperity or adversity, he will find in her a true helpmate. In point of hospitality, the real Herefordshire farmers are second to none in England. They are exact prototypes of John Bull, bonest, burly, and openhearted. • ABBEY DORE, OR DORE. BBE Y DORE, is a. 'Parish, Union place, and village, 2 miles north.-w€'st from llontrilas railway station, 11 south.west from Hereford, 14 west from Ross, and aboLlt 133 from London, in Webtree Hundred; petty sessions are held hf're, and it is a Usion of 28 parishes and townships; it is in Hereford archdeaconry and bishopric ; it is situated on the river Dore, which is celebrated for its trout, and from which the parish derives its name; itis also in the Golden Valley, and near the N ewport, AQer~avenny, and Hereford railway. Here was formerly an abbey of White Monks, d~dicated to the Blessed Virgin; it was built by Robert de Ewias, youngest son of Harold, lord of Ewias. At the time of its suppression, it consisted of an abbot and eight religi(ms, and was valued at £101 58. 2d. per annum; soon after thls the chapter-house, cloisters, and other buildings of the abbey were pulled down, and the materials sold, together with part of the church; it was built in the cathedral form, and its architecture was very elegant; during the reign of Charles I, John, Viscount Scudamore obtained a license to re-build this fabric, and though it was not entirely re-built, it underwent considerable repairs, and in the year )631 was re-consecrated by Theophilus Field, bi~hop of St.
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