PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. p irdon from Lieut. Gov. Jacobs of Kentucky, I and was restored to his MISCELLANEOUS. CARDS. CARDS. MERCHANDISE. liberty. BUSINESS _BUSINESS CLOTHING. MI8CELLAN EOU8. JOHN T.OILMAN. Editor, During (lie last six years Miss Tileston has * been residing in Oxford, Ohio, as a teacher, PAPER BOX HI BRA DLF1 MOILTOX & ROGERS a tick met nek Timber* txMlsned It No. 82* EXCHANGE 81 REM', by A X If FACTORY. Ship RBMO FOR MATERIALS win-re she be near Mr. K and where DAILY FOR TUE NAY*. might THE PRESS, Wholesale Dealer® ;« Uackinatack. and Hard Wood Plank,Tree- Val! jptOPOSAUI she could be con- N. A. FOSTER* CO. enabled to furnish him with OAK.nail* iroai 12 to 28 inches. Treenail Wedges, 4o. Nm Ocrmiin!i, .T. 4c, tinued means. As soou as lie was set at liber- P.~Libby, by L. TAT LOU, Bcriac or CoctrtioT axd MANTFA(TUKBC OP Racnrrrnro, CALORIC POWER % Grain and june28 PROPOSALS to fernbh material* for the psrvear: it pAi-i strictly In advanot, a discount of they Treenails. Ol every *\ich e^ Ifaey. for the year «mding <>>th Juoe. 1861, will be re- • l.Ofi will be mule. since. description, ROBERT 7< >; ALKY, \ NEW n:EENA,LS’for STORE, EVANS’ ceived at the t urvau of Equipment and Single o&pies three oonts. On the he was furnished with JOB Shoe Boxee, Jewelry Boxes, Druggist Boxes. o. m MOULTON, ME. BLOCK, Raaruldng leaving prison PRINTING OFFICE, [ PORTLAND, until th« thirteenth day of August next, at tea o'clock: Tua ViAJuubTATi Panes in published every Thurs- Collar boxo*, tiheif Box**, < oucooiotficalBoxw, A. O. BOOKRB. 100,000&HL™°*K five from the fund, and au old ) SIMrdNTON k KNIGHT. AM, when the ifid* wfil be without to d»> at *3.0* per annum, in advance; Si.26 dollars, pri-ou Powder Boxes, Card ( E*e-, < igar Boxes, ko. Nos. 141& 143 Middle Street. opened, ngn»il morning, as a raa>3dtf Commercial Wharf. u> wcUmtal foUptka of maib or other cause* if within sin aud if be suit of clothes, sueh htxf-earrier might .... paid months; S2.bc, payment 144 Middle St., Me. Portland, Juno 13.1S6*. The material* and artet!a* embraced in the wear. wli sur- (Up Stairs) Portland, junelSdtf ttnrars delayed beyond the year. None of his personal properly named tie N. A. FOSTER & juneldom JOSIAH partienlarir described in lh* urtojad rendered to him, the preseut keeper lelusing CO., W. VV. CARR & ub. any of which wRl ba IdnMtad to arch as Mr* car ‘'Hoar)." BURLEIOHj to to to him, all this taken offer, on to the commandants Hut«« of give it to him, saying pro- Having the Fruit fcroio tcrmerl} occupied b It'd. PRIME CL HA for Wholesale and application of the *»• Advertising: 7 HONEY, tale in bond Batail Dealer la spretiv* or to is mine! dollars sent to I on ards, the Wry ageut nearest thereto One Inch of in of perty Seventy-five Dana & Co. a. duty paid. jpaoe length column, constitutes and 8AWYER, THOMAS Sun .platen U> th. UtM n him was withheld kept by the warden Proprietors. ASKNCIO A CO. C Tailors’ reeo. I his division into 'squaRx.” June 10.—isdtf otliing.Coths, Trimmings, cleaves l*-in< for tha ronfe ♦ •1.60 Uni 76 oents week Newton Craig. And after almost thirteen !\o. A nience of dealers on *uch per square daily week; per i^Khau^e Street, -AHD- each. portions only will ha tin ae insertions or Fish a n <1 rurnuhrd w after; lees, *1.00; continuing eve- years of imprisonment at hard labor, stripped Pox 82 1-2 Salt, and amrtiull, tr^alr-d Mr bi.ii Th. com. Block, St., Are prepared to offer to the trade a and wall Sugar .Kolaasea. mono.nt and ry other dav after first week, to cents. of ail his lie himself Exchange large narj »«*rt of«ch -tation will, in aJtli means, boarding during m.looted stock of GENTLEMEN'S tkin to th. w-h-Uu'. Half square, throe iusonions or less 76 oents; one CHOICE MUSCOVADO 8U- FURNISHING GOODS, of rlouM at IMr own TarJf, haw his incarceration, be is free!" Lmher l’oHUlMl, IIHD8.) * week, *1.00; 60 c- nls per week after. again Dana, , rfhhiid-a of thr ether two. PORTLAND, ME. 1 N»« 141 A tarn ftom !‘<4W4Mfww 1 Under hend of Aa'Osxmxnts, S2.i.j persquare pet Woodbury Dana, ; and Domestic Fruit 1 10 TCS. ) GAR. 143 NMdle Street. onl, wMrh St may ho jn Igwl whrXr'Tt will John A. S. Dana. Foreign 3*1 week; three insertions or leer, *1,60. ) .Millllf. HHDS oipwior Muscovado, and -*■ * ar.d 'w- Special square first week Practical juneldtf Wholesale Retail 2* TC’d C’lajed Mola?i*v9, Notice*, £1.76 per Patriotism. _ il BBLS from Oflrn unut ba oiailr Mr th- •1,00 per square after; three luso rtiom* <»r lees. •1.26; Orange* Merra Jforena, JOSIAH wbrir of tb-Wawi at anr Gerrit Smith. with several of his *pruee Gum. Uteasea RHKLEI6H, vart oflh. half a square, three Inenrtiocs, *1.00; ono week, townsmen, .Now landing and loraale by upcaatw priutc.l *b«lujaa. or lw atrtrt coa. Attention is resgKni'fally invited to our unrivalled J. Smitli cfc Go., t»rmo in. t unary Nerd, Caudles, •1.2*. has issued a circular to the of bis lown 1 HUM Ad ASKNCIO 4 CO., Agent tor ©* ver A Biker's celebrated torwiity Ih-r-wtt.,, n, th>« wilt not ba -anAhtwh la people Mate*. Lemon Syrup, Honey, th- nato- Advertisements inserted in the Maine Statu lor a towu facilities for executing in XASUFACTVSKSI C»P nmygtf diatom Home Wharf. rompurinf. frww 4 thr wtnoi. of U,. iust., to decide how large a shail be ! Cltrou, Xuix. nil kind*, Daiea, -ia— will ba -a*ri-4 out to the State) for 60 oentr per addition to the bounty Leather Slrrra Mornm Tlolasets. Sewiiiy; Machines, a—rr-lia^ th- p%-w»tav-l sqoarein Card RaUlua, It ia •hove raws, for each inac -Uon. paid to raise the quota of that lown towards Belting, Clothing, Olives, Tebarre, r—tttiwt-4 iif bul'i-r- ta awa-l —rw—wiwi na4 aubati* THE liEST STYLE OF THE ALT. SarftinfK, Q‘»~IIUt>8 Hos 141 ft 143 tattoo of Him. aaU ta m tbn I.EOAL Notices at usual rate* another regiment, which he thinks should I/'«bi Bell Leu her R«ks >ul Sidei, Cigars* Middle Street. n» aawnata in be forin ad- Straps, Wmuey Cmulles of nil / CHOICE KIKRHa MORENA iwctij -am-1 out. Trnnaientadvortleements must paid be raised in description. 30 Madisou County and at once TIKltCES i MOL *88718, T — ruutrart- will ft. to vtKioe of J.KATHF.K octiJ dtf awlM-4 th- lAwwt bow. 44a sent to the scat of Every description Til/.VMI.VOa, Ifc., Id HBI.f who •oerniee Notiob*. In reading oolnmns. 12 cents war. It will be remem- 1444-r p»r jwwrw wataif t>- k. Hanson’* Now Landing from Brig "C. 11. ^ per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty bered that to save his town from a draft Block, 144 Middle 8t., Kennedy” NATHAN Portland, THOS. ASKNCIO A CO., GOOLD c no tor each insertion. when the last call was made, Mr. Smith Or at the Caru Lewiston. IRA May».—tf c. U Wharf. Will to his irie&di that ht be U*~Ail oumranzuoations intended for the paper BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Clothing Manufactory, WINN, Agent, may touud at Bur paid au additional bounty from hi* own means H. M Koybb No. .41 ft 14i sliruld be directed to the "ifdifor qf Ike Press,7' and Bbkwbr, (juld3m, b. F. 11 lelgh'e, Kiddle stieof, nbert ha will a oliaraoterto the Publishers. ot, we #300 to each voluutcer. In this INJo. Union Scotch CanvAM. b« those of bustossr think, I _ St., plea-ed to wait upon hie forme r eutoaen. _l— C3f~jon mrxrtxo ol every description exconted Mr. Smith’s remarks are characteris- la prepared to iurotali t BOUTS—from the of David Cor* may he a* tha r ami circular, JOIIF T. XIOUERS & factory March 34. 19*4. dXg wttn CO., 1*Ers*s * sar A Sous, Uoith—a sail doth of ^i'ortland. in all nsurrU eabjwt ta im dispatch. tic of the man, and sound, of course. Our Katablislimert is with all the superior furnished ap- duality—just recoil d and lor F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. He “Ever since this of ail Oommisaion M«rehantat a ISAM ESGIHK8 and per-Jura'S .ale bv says: guiltiest re- BOILERS, McGII.Y ERY. Rk AN A proved AND WHOLKOALE I>KALK.IH IN DAVIS, just ’S&ffS&iAZ bellions began, our supreme duty to God and of various siaes and patterns, mchdo dtf ldi Cniamcroial Street received!- man has been to help put it down. During Provisions & Slow imI Mil! a— or panwularJS«*M Fn.'Uy Morning, July 22, 1864. ail this tune we have no right to be suen Dem- ^tODEHfl MACHINERY, Flour, Groceries, Pipe iitww, S««rir.<, Ikiftmt, hil-ji.lt. hu, ocrats or such or such Abolition- No. 61 Commercial Street* Republicans Eight IIobse Work of all descriptions, and all l\ A ~4yl, ists or such as in And our collection of Tohn T. l NTS, LOST.FOIJND auyttuug else, would the Bogerf, rw^u-rr » vi* %n kinds of work required in building ROLLIXS ft Twelve iu a Prison. Okas. H. I OBII. AND, ML. UOXU, H*afl«Mi Ye*r* Kentucky slightest degree interfere with tiie faithful dis- Rogers. ( ¥ OBTXFIC ATI ‘Jh J*. hwfw IMC 146 m hj a «tuw ,.ia>w«(, th- Mm of of this Jane r fitted ^ m ._. charge pre-eminent duty. IrunStair« and BflinWe igi-ute Hanirtl. rttir ««,, tad neHnd a large •hbh tomdoafom gtoew aad a to by metofonre I-VTERE'TINO NAKUATIVE. Book, and otnci A rchi tecturai Work. aeonn.tiof Meg To lend the Government men and to Fancy Types / 1 KNTLKMKN of HArilfi, lend nt'gg ar.d iatyr.i,. m cry liousco, Store**, and other fitied with VI t it money are the principal ways iu which we Wholesale and Retail. LEldiugs, ouoty iu Mai’O, to represent a Ion, establish* ill b^ar favorable ft,, Bud Steam In the beat maancr. cd. drat ris. ^ c Nome weeks ago it was nooounced that Lt. can it overthrow the rebellion, comparison with any establish- Life Insurance ''owns ay The bmt- ELEGANT help lu both nc, Millwright,.,and 3 hip-Soild- parties \rbo wish to undertake l.u haain.il. T spare, Government. ■iri U bicb State the absence of Oov. ftttokscllcv, iivrtei-Mii ill a.nit* u* Caettna* lurnUheO can becouduited • o during temporary Hu will a liberal Stationer, ait’^r xelu.lictv la colair- get interest and the punctual at ehort notice. tion c I. Business and Professional AKD KA«rr\CTCa>R 0» with other ccrapattom In.vaiiiatc reel*** o TIIB! Bramlette. A of lha Chicago of the Backed as its Cards, afirr a- practicable hhbh •nU^m correspondent repayment principal. Sy~Urdcr, (or Machine (with referenc i) arc sted imm I: they Johbieg. Patters, as* re*,‘i s and ca«a are . States didnetjudge, Lartodptatee district la Louisville ou busiuess couuevted with the self in its life and death with MACHINESI last., a State dated Jaly loth. HC4, attorney, coi- struggle these and to the betor, or agent Ah ad Iltloaal Oberlin was CHAS J. ON iravabl order of Amt»a Sawyer oa navy security twenty (Ohio) Institute, and while there muititudious and demoniac rebels. Moreover SCHUMACHER, d per centum will be withheld from the »mount of the m*Bd, Tor the sum or Ut'j Mills. Said note was bub made with the case of a WOODJUSI, V HUE A until tha oontrurt shall have been acquainted young in making such loans we are doing the very- Hill-llend* Hated and Cut in the N’rat- CQ., sifted by l eorgatawyer Pi* meat ol «aM Not* KGK h* W Y KR. Furnishing Goods, approved tripHrar* thing property. country- AGKN18, P commandant* of the ards, will ha to to She the e«t Manner. rrlen.l lair ltd*., l»d VAVtlt- respective y paid by the escape the free States. was pro- lost. all is lost. Of no value to us then is a No. lit M DltlU* Is Grew at the of Street, X*». 14 ail H.little htie.l. Variety, MTJ «R»nt puinU delivery— unless requested by perty ol one A. L. Shortwell ol Louisville, and But our the contractor to be paid at another large properly. country saved we PORT LA XI), MF. nary agency—wijhin was named 'Tamar.' The she related to Hcrdletaat oaken* bflnalioii HnuirS. ten day* alter warrant* shall have Wan passed t»> the story are rich ill her salvation; and the more we in Trimmlagealwayt CP- Work executed every part of the State. a man Secretary of the Trca- urv. -Mr. Fau such as thousands in shall have reduced our ■ >uttr jounc nan old. Kabnam |hn. bank—though possess km* by our atsd lonr It bstipnbted in the contract ttou if juueltf Hk years .iprietet ta a itrst clan. i.ro. drfoufc be made he r condition could truly relate—so worked efforts to save the the tbs of the first generous her, richer we BLANKS AND BANK ocry ia Huston. hlao n> e year* aa earrv clerk. NXiclclle by par part in delivering all or any of bis aud so CHECKS; A CARO. Street. of the artie'es m ou leeliugs aroused his sympathies sbaii feel ourselves to be. A little with a Addre-sJ. 8. K at »Us > ttt<— mehtiooed any clam bid for in the con- Of every executed in RUFUS tract, or the •laattty at such time and above aud iudignauou that he determined to render country i< more thau much without a ilen.'riptiou the bett "lyle. DURHAM, ti»d3l* majPtf place* pro. country. Manufacturer and Wholcaalt DR. S. C. vi— l • f *, approved pursuit ever lias withheld them from such use is truly No. 176 Midcil Street. /.'•/. urramtA, for whicti he will par tiie hlcli* 3, 1H46. horse aud • *t inarart at hia ‘tore in buggy. poor. Kt*iil'(Ctt pr.ee. Sarcarat ta No hiTun*:nd Lira to hi«> former parents and the pub- MORMC, Which, fmm firm, must be signed by all the toetohtoa be was • ••••* s • m»-. FuLh.iLD, (tom it ,, I.-. -»f-. th* 8late of-, Efforts riaphln<, iouff experience, prepar- 10.—JAwtf haawhy agree ed aud then Mar- ed to i-. rt Artifl \ Portland, July PORTLAND, to furalsh aud deliver la the respective nayy vnrds afi seized by William ltonald, these men wow we tloaaiteBaaa,” Jiy obtaining shall ac- Put up la tu- the artlcba named ia thedmww* shal of enperior ntyln. and Jotbei ihods Lnown to the prrfc**ioa. hereto•naaavd igrmaklj Louisville, Kentucky, (nowSheriffl, 1 wo we shall Wholesale Dealers in to the ol the complish objects. First, exempt Flour, Portland. May U. 1%3 tf Bonisl lYiutltuI designated repository provisions schedules therefor, tad la <0m and one i»ta tnlelt, a vt'Etchmau, assisted by said our town the formRy with the adurtiwasent of tbe Kurvwa af from approaebiug draft: Second, a '. Baato. oung man and hi* wif ; within ten mi..tires’ tnvnt aad Shortwell. awl thus he was taken we Bron/.iwt \u.sl cohhekci.il street, lUcruitiag. dated July ll«h, Ihfifi gj kidnapped, shall afford more seasonable to our and Colored BTwalani the Post Office. —of help Labels Address, .dating hca- mi— rdfer be accepted. I to b* adJrv**od at ami by force from Indiana into Kentucky, lie loved ana HP. dtf WttOli AMI 4.DAL tjon, t» mu 4 c. ) request —. imperilled country.’’ »p]4 PORTLAND, the contract teat to th* navy agem at «* to was thrown into where For C. Lock —# prison in .Louisville, We hope an example of this kind will Apothecary, Merchant*, and Fancy Dealert*, C HEAT TOR B./* Box No. 42. P. O. for signature ami certificate. he about five bail CASH ! jy19d»t UNITED STATES. lay mouths awaiting trial, prove contagious. Mr. Smith is Now got up in the beat style ol the art. & ‘Signature ) A R. thousand dol- right. BURGESis, P0BE8, CO., Date. being required in the sum of fire i« :in: time to strike blows that arc effective •* SPRING MOUNTAIN, l.F.HfGU, llkZII.TON, WUaMM. lars, which he of course was unable' to procure the of the XAicr;"'^* "W anted.! for salvation country. SUGAR L'iAF. OLD CoMl*ANV I.F1IU.H. I.o The in that State. v a lady with two children a situation a* Itw. srhsdafe whirl lh* biddar tnr^sn must ba laatod 1 White *ine, CCS! MOUNTAIN JOHNS. DIAMOND. '.TF.BS- Thi> Rank It prepared to to thb offer, aad Japan, PaiM«, ]>A-foper. goteiness, or tea the would do s r-ceira; tatxcrtptlsaa tor «nch of them Mgand by bbm v/u cue aiui vj wwiuu "VVeddinj; Cards, IKItai.d BCACK ItbAitl. 1 beae Coal* are ol the wiug. Opaatito reuruary, leet not oMecttd to \ the Bear •nch arti-b in th* srbedub the price awt th* K'-tts And Ground polorn, hc«t well relied ant and Country hutae.aowar-s r oair- ba*v«, was for trial. no direct ihe qf Invitation, Vi siting Cards, Lists qf Din- vary ijuality, picked, rd. toME8. ( amount b* cartird oat, the footed arraigned Although Petersburg Express.' warraated to give satieftictiou. Au y COOK, ity llo-el Portland, aggregate tip to*a*h evidence was and tho '**» *tc.. etc., of (very and AMD PM LIBS IV ia seeds. If ma offered nothing hut < t. Coflin, who over the noni de variety cost, jylfdlw “TEN Esq., A Go tor .ale heat of "_ FORTY » pbee where the a*- slightest circumstantial evidence s furnished at short notice. LOAN,” given, of “Carleton’’ has written some of the Drug* Medicines, Pa cte, Oils As Vanishes. IVnllcl l.oAt. asromln limb o4he a a- his seen in t® plate IIAItn AVII SOFT WOOD, being Louisville on tho sat which i* dated March I, a b* hlhub. mo.'t (ketches of the in a late let- /•_ vioted him under their statute s. norN 1>» & sox. will bo rra at amfe—, *4-. la the fitoto relating’to en- LARCE liberally aided by leaving tt ti e count* »f-. haevby m, e the way, General Smith is what Urosiap Block.) room of the PaYAIJIsK in water that ia cnee the bid ticing slaves, and he was sentenced to fifteen By running POSTERS, f-.M* dly Itg Daily l’rr coin. furrgjMng of—me any *f Hksry H. Brno _ cb*Mw Vs calls the Petersburg express, which runs is, PAP11 i\n UP djalylhlw the therein named ba accepted, be ar they vtf, Tears imprisonment. During the time of his Cba&lis 8. i oBkf*. rWiMSP. nr.. wttMa mm wltcr «b tlfteen and ITuii{»-bil!s> I'rotrum- i* redo tushie at the day* me dps «g |he nntmn u ton he was very minutes, day night,one way, wiKHCV!i inpoHvs plm-ereoi the Uovsmmeut after imprisonment subjected to the most maylHdtf Pilot Wontrtl. po«t Ufef named, «v navy spent dedgnatod, emcato th* n;o the aud the messages do uot fail to ten > tare, and in brutal, wicked and inhuman treatment con- city; payable forty yean from data. contrart fi the same wtta gawd wad aafibbal mis ba. t. It is not a twohor.-e a K1 UK A N U WATER-PROOF 1 STKADY, and capable uuo, lute re. aa I case When he first ep.ir hourly, hut inf®, timilitr** competent Ioniag t ua Bonds not orer oar hundred dollan in tm said -sbsU foil to rswr Into Tirntrmt, ceivable. entered the JO.A KS A ^n. a tlwraih *>no* ledgeof PirtlenU 11 mi bur and prison, from the on BLAKE, CO., arise w aforeaoi 1. wc yvanau* to asaka th* dtifotone* be ifle.i bell battery Spring Hill, r i- Pay*1 and on all other fr«d the orofils from the labor of the itaont approach* *, want! fo ; j •«. f ally, Honda semi- t seen the offer <4 th* *ai arising pris- And t—-and that which mav ha tear the Friend House, 'i he city is iu full pi*iu printing of every Also, FELT the 51m aa.-.L Pa> meam-hit Company'* oners were divided between the Stale and the description. FLOUR & GRAIN COMPOSITION, annually. accept wt. that Tbe swift Ru'r and DEALERS, Liver* oo! aud Gla-tguw IJnt of ttiesmm iht com- Wardi n or contractor. iew froio point. messenger, Figure work, executed neatly, and on -A * I»- Bonds enn bo had la sins of abb, a UO. SUgaatores of tw* iwrmtm.) C. I prisou Each prisoner And He ing wiuur. The Pilot for thi* tervic* will MOP, 91000. uired for waul of thoubgt,’’ cienves the terms that cannot fail to satisfy. vers of engaging b r. was req to perlorm an allotted amount of whistBng b. required fo board the Hfearner* on>i«ie of the into tbe town. T lie re i'. Gravel was to ,ir and eras.'1®* goes, W estern anil C ad inn iloollng Bulwark auoal and Al-<* n * Rrck * re- WM, IDW. work, wi'ich equal what a well s lVoduee, App’iuti* OOOLn. Wita.eM. strong, word at this hour of • mehSI at is 1 wrote th.0 “crash,” ceived by JAMES L FARMER dtf Cashlor. 1 that tk kkn man could do the utmost exertion of lilt 137 ... Gr-initr JWrrJ'. FUR Ft AT ROOFS. hwhj c*tuty nrrl — kaov% Cnmmerriai Str*,%*, «3w No. lo Sir*11. 10. k’O P M. Listen'. Ten, tifieen, jylk Kxcnangt to mo a* B«a nf Tvf^pcrty, aa4 abk to ataka tlufc strength and endurance. trectsely THE DAILY PRESS iharle* BUke. \ gaaJ sscouds, nearly, 1 hear the IC. HKIIHEY, A*i*nt, ruafaaly Mr. Kairba.tk's and health soon fail- wenty, thirty deep Henry A. Jone s, PORT LAND. Ueorfft W. Han strength Office has one of Caloric J HaUtlHl. won. f^fmtaia.) 0 H. tud hollow rumb.'® of the among Printing Soper’ Improved It. W. \ It/ • N«. W Union itroet. ed him he was of explosion Ua^e. (MA) utterly incapable performing for motive aud is m I • :he brick walls ana’ i“ the streets. Euyiars power, furnished with junoldtf A BoY, leM thin sixteen years of .. t.mct To irn his tasks. Then commenced the horrible bru- _ kgiecrl Hy rba United ^tateo Lutrkt -a.\ as Carrier. Mutt curve w#!I reconi 1.— GOLD & SILVER Judge. C»l I rode to Gent. ral Smith's quarters this improved and costly Presses—Cylinder and Platen— ted State* TUnrtoi Alter b»t, ('ntkrror. or tality to which bo was subjected, lie w as put up ALBERT WEBB «* CO., A* ply at the Counting Room eft be Prets. PLATER, Blaay Agent. from the Ut- from the most celebrated makers. We have 71 The Bdlowtuf are the rlaasee at ike mat- at and tveolug. It is not far battery—a in con- JOHN LYNCH ^ Bdtf Middle He. moulted the hardest, dirtiest work, orders were Car^ j> Street, Pottland, ure nary-yards ile on its flank toward*' the town. The bolls stant use one of HOE'S LARGE CYLINDER given by Newton Craig—the then Warden— DEALJULJ IR KITTKRT—MaINF., Sew us every seven and a half minutes. PRESSES, capable of throwing o®2oOO Sheets LoM. A share of patronage svUcitud and to ‘kill him.’ The insulting language constant- past W holesale tir oeevs, rmpcifally N« 1. Flea lantes amt Twtne; Sa. i. Sam Gtl: double an hour; ono of satisfaction The l*s' l een doing Adam's Power Presses—the best from tU. of M l'.ti is Rob- given. ,, tankini ly audressed to him, the hated tones of voice “express" duty Flour and pasture So. I’tenaua; So. 10, Leather: So. IT, Leath- have been book in wor AND COMMISSION MERCHAN1S. Corn, Grain, SrKAYEOert-. Westbrook, last mouth, a thiee old Orders from er llnae; No 3 Lantern* No and iueoleut and abusive to uoth- JaU evening. The rebels pounding prose the d ; Adam s aud Potter's FasP yi-.:r the connlry promptly a'traded to. 1* Tallow So 21. Otattou- mauuer, say gray Fair, «iuall >ue ; whoever *.i r-*:ura b,:a or err;So 23, So iines a deal to and therefore Granite Stores, Commerci Addreer Hardware. 3e. Ship Chand err: ho 27. 01 the horrible oaths directed to him. were rur good day, Machine Job Presses Buggies’ superior Card Pres : al street, HEAJJ O* KUi 'U'S W HAS/, when George W. Huron, ;« Middle street. iug g.vi/ Information he may be found, will be Or) Ooode; So 29, Firewood; So. SI, Tar Oil, and Nea:>- ihe increased tire. It was really quite iuter- Adams' and at Room Bo. 10. enough to prostrate a man of bit relined and Union large Hand Presses, btandin* (Opposite head Widjarj Wharf,) suitably uwarded, by calling No. ib spring >t. up stein, Portland, He. fcot Oil. the shade k. t sensitive mind. But all this was com- Mttag to sit there beneath refreshing Presses, for a well (\gctcr>UI i'rMlim m r.rtl.ad, M«, FRANCIS MERY. Jnne 14—d3m CBABUSTOnN-MA&i.uHlSh'TTS. nothing andalj^ihe machinery necessary John Lvtieli, ) 13.1364 —cd stock of BROOKLYN, and handle about two feet COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tJP** One whj believe* the Rebellion can be put me ? You would and in theueateat aud best manner. No. Flax Oenvaa and he sometimes some- it fail sh-srl? or will it take Also. Ground down the Union forces. I, Twine: ho. 3. Iran Sails loog, ,was flogged daily, And \\ ho!et>alc Dealer* in Rock Salt. by Sheaie No , to to of a mustard Wc will do all kinds of r.3tod3iv Rivet*, air.; 4, Tin Zuic, ale., So. 6. Soenu times lour times a for net a like shrink the stnalliows printing as well and as July Boots, Shoos, day, performing OH: So. 3, White Flee, A»h Blark Walnut, ear Ne 7. wed. Ah? K fell abort. You feel easier uml promptly, and as a* other establishment FLOUR. CJRN AND CoinmiKsioii Ylrrcliaut illilALL UTHLU IS TS.IT for the D*S heavier task tha., it was for him to do cheap any PRODUCE, LIJI, ol i'ookinf l ieneila, So. 8, Slows end LObkin* I ebeome possible liilorniHUoa Wnnft'd. iataic-. t.ruth iin-o and unconcerned now. You would as lief In the or State. Children. fo which bo ia- No. 10 Leather. No Leather lu his state ol heslth. He was given from two just City, County JTOR PERCH ABE AED PALSO Y 11. Hi*-. So 12. Ufnnm- No. 5 Galt Block, Comxnero'al St, tte* the attention ot there about to make have them It all as uot. You All orders for Job COLLIN'S. WILLIAM OUDAKD purchases rtwp; Mo 13 tanteen* and latnpe hho 18 Sap aud tallow to one hundred and seven lashes at a time. keep up night Printing must h directed to a* having on- of the best in the WILLIAMand JullN K. LACEY*, who were city. Custom So 20 Brother. So ; So Ahiiardware. well a but the old resi- the ■• -opposed Work 22Siauooar) So94 uuwvMUive mv nwuiu r-v. m i«ii ■ feel feverish, Press Job <* Nu. ^2 and don* wth niinnto, Daily l-\change street, PORTLAND, ME. and Oats. to be native* of Portland, having died in the United Repairing neaterm and dis- Ship ('hand ery ; No !T Dry Qoodr, No *f 1 Dewood No comes back K^UCU^y. ! Harley, Rye once le^, nervous, lecling Portland. Me. 8ta*o»‘ **r\ ice. tlteir heir* can hoar of valaable infor- patch. 111 Neateh-.i Utl. uontli.aud six month* pasted oil with- apprehensive ■ _ junelutJrn ara with Coruin talk tree of June rjTt lovkd charge. mxtiou on in * r 1c Portland, 21— as you remain iu rauge. juf application per-on by ter to dtoangl o 'it bis beiug whipped. During the lime he soloug juui'uicsi} mm in« persons fupervision FUILADKLFUIA. PENNSYLVANIA. that he was Hitrefaoiise No. 120 ('ouioirfinl BRADFORD A HARMON. * be was General Smith remarked pay- of the senior Nueet, Sol Flax Cant a-a and »■» imprisoned, brutally Hogged proprietor, who U the CITY 1'KINT* Iv.WE A No. S3 str«*et, Co Twine, No5 Snwrm CU- Nw T the rei-tls bait' for what Stuart did at And Citt Mills, Deeriog Bridge. Exchange pari net-whip Notice, l'ten* 11*: So laie Dealers in -AND- 18 Map and Tallow: No 9t brush**, Na Q dear Na had t ot, weakness and arlialc, year today. man. and well-skilled mechanic* jEuoleod6m teaser) through exhaustion, employs only in 23 Har-lwarw; No 21 Shin : No 17 woods It was the week of .Gettysburg. Smith was VV Lhabdlery Der fulilUew' la*k« imposed upon him. On one this ef his work. unit'd. No » Ftrewreei No *1 Va, Uil end Seal*tool force. with department and JOHN {'. ANDERSON, BUSINESS (Mi. a at CViisle with a soub't 'Stuart, Foreign Domestic A SITUATION wanted a In a i ADVERTISEMENT occasiuu, during lest winter, keeper named Dry Goods, by young man. W.L-HINUTON D. O’. his before the AND n oce and the humane ir.ar. con- ten thousand cavalry appeared wholesale store. B*»tof ref given. Whiteside,, only Tlll't So 1 Flax t'aaeaoe aud twine. No 4 TT*and town. He flt-t tent two shells into it, and The Portland and Civil Inquire of A ll 11JLDKN. office near rout Office. 'utocriUrd bavin*? on the Ttb d*jr of Jdmr lint So t nected the had di- Daily Press, "W’ Surveyor Engineer, Oil; No 8 Storee and ( with prisou management, oolons, jy4 d3w J, formed a ander the name Sperm Looking ehoraee Sts Id --eut iu a its im- of leather N.. airbank to cord a lot of tb-'i flsg of truce demanding The d copArtHf 12 Lumamrita*. 7.0 18 Lantern* Se lf rected Mr. * up largest Ally paper cast of Boston, and having No. M » jVfid« HALS hrauches, having facilities for ordered him not to cord up any more wc-ad, expired, t Now paid for the recovery of the property aud the detec- gi ing up nrst clas- work for gentlemen and ladt**, WINSLOW S MACHINE WORKS must do up ail day, but did not take the town. are and Mr. Kalmuck replying that he From wliicL ft-2 per cent, is discounted for Carriage tion of the thief. wear. now rr*dy to execute all ordera with amt- lia- its turn. >oouer or later all Ranufacturer, JAMES T. PATTEN t -tf GEORGE nos in Our work will be MAKL't'ACn.'KKK S BLOCK. as directed by the officer highest in authori- Petersburg advaxck PAYMRJfTX. Semi annual and quarterly CO., BE(K dispatch made of the are made even. The wheel turns Lest of .lock, by the Let of workmen, end Jeffries iu a rage seized a stick of woo-1, things tru’/ pro rota. Lees than three Preble Stieet. Me. iiKik, He. imported ty, subscription* months, Portland, Board. warrui-rj to give tatirfartiou It Is oar aim UNION over the a blow and surely. ptr.ccf STREET, aud struck Mr. F. temple .sixty cents per month, or 15 cents a week. Single that nr wori shall not be second to any la the l nit- of Uooms, with Board, can be obtained that cut to Uie skull, knocking him biind and SC'xirre. | BOLTS Bleachad QUITS by ed States. J. L. CvriEH HTCartiageeand Sleigh, on liand and made to C%f\J Superior k7 applying at 30 Danforth etieet. WINSLOW, kgtnt, which him in the ordcr- aUU 9)0 do All Long 1lax "Got- immediately We have also a stock of ready-made senseless, red placed prisou Newsdealers at the rate of junelodtf Alma Works, 11th. oompl-tid »» t-upplicd two and _ May muylxdtf work ol marrtorma »ud from oraatct contract/’ the drtt quality, lor hospital for several weeks, which, I 3ST I O N dollars Cm Arbroath. cms-tu'trd per hundred 800 do Extra Ail Loag •tMB Maas to tl te shock to the as iu the esse C. P. Ladles, Oentl'men, nod Children's Eaciaw. Bulan, SbalUa* hhn owing brain, KlflBALL, 9Ki do KiTjr Fine Wan ato Sumner Omria«. v4 Ww, a». of the asae olt upon Senator by Bally- Mutual Life Oo. Dfciir* red In Portlaiid or 1l] Hlrta himia. ■•nn Insurance MAXVrACTOUB OF .. A. & 8. SHURTLEPF & iimtaww At- Brooks, he has not yet fully recovered. Arrlltn. 1S«3 CO., fntmtttr i aiUM. r*kto Bai-Aaaaa *at!r. *pn .m tt- a sufferings; by telegraph, important reading PORTLAND, I geetli men • nti Ti m d is IIIRERTOR'S Silver Plntor, gri-a wear; Pat-at Leatlw-r t oa- to hope ou, aJ live, known only OFFICE, matter. Marino Li^t, Ma'ket Ac of the and ail t BtolWK.a to aaaaii permitted Reports, AND XkXTTrA( TURK* Of Men’* Youth’* gre-r -ngr».« Ha,moral aad lew Preaab -eat wonder how the fis .... SnU Booms, 110and lit Boy*' and Thick, Xip to Ills God. Yet it is a g. state Street, ilo-toii. Has-. Dai.y !’re*?,nt the following prices, viz:— Smlburf/ St., Boston, Most. Burk Boon and Calf Boots, liar, von a- a the now mind could have been pr starved from utter juoeltf at,I- I 1.1 WfCD-1 Rout mtUeut—UKIfB V CROCKER year, invariably SILVER WARE, BLi ALE Poor, sew made Hei wreck and ruin—how it vva » that insanity did Singlrcopr.snr Women's Miaae* and Children** Ooat Kid by aj-ky 9 hoa- ViCfRnsUtent—DANIEL SHARI' in advance. <8.00 ay8 jontrro ,« tit., Opp. Cuart Homo Portland,Me and Calf Balm train, Hubbnri Bhoo ry tor ueatarm. -wmtort aad besety R mraeem* not if *11 conscious- H' II. aa- tl deprive him, loug since, Secretary— HOLLISTER NOfiTON, CHAPMAN & CO., taoh ss Knives, Ac. irgeear got up la thi-cat] t ail aad aaa M to er*All kin. o^WAHK, kork», Biooh, Findings, ness of the cruel wrongs he H’i* obliged For sis aiontlifl 1.00 C'evtor*. 4c in the samples always oa hand el the aid araad *f M He-' Spoons, Ciko b •«*.’<», pitted Tari H. (i. ■ by suffer aud endure. WILSON, cf four or more to the livaiu keel runner _I all (it.i.ra Torlnbs Vloxiv, Produce our rape nor far! >tk*» for mxanUc'ariag. have we not the on in the Manager of Aycnriee in the AYii Ennlaml AI*o, RF.PAt.WKH sad HgriXlSHtXG Old RrftRTNt A BIRR But explanat- » same office, each.. 1,7 5 M mini a lar«- ax peri-aco in the i»u«ia« *» I, that state*. pa-t CouusiMi imlinK io.l Uiii*r»‘ hmit. SiiverWsre. Jac2S d«m knowledge that he surely ^>osac» s«d, wo are al*!e to «ou a* low *« in I'«h:«u or drew Hera <-fab« of tea or more, all to the was a hea.'d, made To Deal* ra arc in*it#4 to tali aa4 ex there loving and devoted olet 0*c’5, fiS.'i?,i*SS di CAiue post oftice, 51.50 o v a purvhaataf. all the loving, aud by s Pmd to dau. cuU Street. "rem lT br mail ich he (tg*Ofd*n uroa|>tl^ atta«ui*-4 to. his civil and the honor* to vvk Du'i tend Paul in ( A to And a free to the getter of the club. l->$ bondage, date. $8 3opy up Wf offer for sal© to the ma rht cc* anu Portland. Ai niaa, 44m «T%TE COLLEGE or trade, ty was subjected ? Was it not that he kue w, solicited. Agents wanted in well-known Brands of from ri'tflS offer* Subscriptions every Elonr. St. Louts.I dr. j\i:n m\ l*e- Company peculiar to Wiccoiuin, which we had faith to believe, that her efforts in his advantage* per- tow^t- Postmasters squealed to act a* agents. ft©., are constant! receiving. NOTICE. A son- int. uding to iet-ur* their iu it* ( A to Xo. 37 Middy F lialf cease ow ed lives, «*'•:> N Co are also Agent* ig Tittmau A t'a/i, would never ? And that he aud iu it* Htrrri. corner cf Frink'in meet. ► the tins*, wcnetl to'd oar M«wk »i stability, acquired fourteen y. ar*’ (>x\«ri* N. A. FOSTER & Co., Proprietors. and othc* brands of mauufaotured loha-.o. HASixm,»edhi*kWi«ie«ic* \V hating Agriculture and ■•chamc Arte I it to if not to to endeavor to once; in ita a* sc e, win;!;, (without it* OtLcd •• brrvtotoro. hr. Mb Street, In 44 t< al ud w.d»Dt« 4 oi »/•- her, himself, capital of June liv>4. dtf '**h advance.- inad© on all consignineoM * to over Portland 1, ml< Office hoar# from t to 10 f r bear with Christian patience and manly lorti- J?1 ,000 lauloiiuts three-quarters ot a million Portland. June 1. 1R04. NobV* Block. *to«r«. t A-, 4o chceria'lf r*t'o«mo»4 them to mo of more tliau two jnMtf A M 2 to n. J frora Hot o'clock P. M for«.»r A»1 TlTa *!*•..>. *f tfcr IM u'wlkx tuda the was dollai*, being hundred thou* and from S, cnrt*®ef* fwrwoa# havtog bang ifl'llm grievous affliction} which he •*•4 **4 4«**t* V* m mp— a kka * ( doiir.r* iu cxtv.-s of it* liabilities for the reinsun .uce Coparliicrxhip AoiRt. l>r N. *u! coniu of, in cc Aun'ion with n-nnraJ against a« are r gnaat»4 to pn»oi l*rator«Mie to «W*P 4"l Hi— o»4 k*a*i*»ipp*» a o— ml ik* at* compelled experience? of all out-standing rick*: iu the facilities pn seated rri**.Ka to rivoiuMiii attention loDISFASKS OP meut. a ad alt p-r-om indebted to on ar» fIIHt wndorfigned have formed a copartnership DR. W. R. JOHNSON. regn*>ted hr —4 At the accommodaiiug stem of PFMALM3 ootldtf to it « H***4 aft*** tk* 1ih» *f •**''•.** time ot the imprisonment ot Kev, ia it* payment* ofpr.-mi L >torer % sod tak- make immediate payment the aid ****** bee* 4*. x uuder the -ty of Co Ik* VvkPM. M|k* «B4 — *•«*■*• ia» — Mr. ho was urn*; in the terge number, divtmfi-d conditions aud one ot the undendpwd maybe fcmad foe the t»T*wt |ipi| Fairdauk, engaged to be married u the -tor -* and s’osfe ot 8tor« r. Cutler A Co., where DEI'I'IKT, i***i»p* it** vaiiou* and localities of live* in- •AfTRI h W H IT h| f H*mt kppiky (><* ax a ka a 10 Miss Madona occupation*, ages will a stock of for Insert* Artilicial Tilestoo, of Williamsburg, for they oonstantfy keep large goods tenth on hold. N:lv*r and Vulcan- 4. yriH*l — n— i— *** »pa*'i*»i i—a up** sured, atviug the largest requisite* scope tlm ope- a Pcwi 1*B«J. inna 1*64. Janol&tkn a general jobbing IsidNH. ite Kubbor, and warrant th* n» iu all ca-< to be a WILLIAM A. PEARCE, *■* ■»:• » *aaa*aa*p—aa Ma"., young lady of rare ipersonal attrac- ration of the law* of average aud t‘je am- *n*i *aa »*>,•***ar mortality, 1 It K ! •f k***»K* *«i p*t«pn ii« a »k* »• both of mind and this of; iu ‘he division of profit-, the mum*' ap}«ortion- 1, IT It a»*p*k*«e. Itlnil qualities l uart which ClfAS li lib>ERVK, Teeth. Ofliw Jfctj < otigrci* two doors we*t Coni and Wood' M i. a..ai kpi—x mint of which having lor the past fourteen tear* street, mint ov I»<# tom* a toav to MB f estimable lady possessed will be best illustrat- ii F. LOCK K froa the « »«rt ll- it*. r*tl(* HbwnM ha’taa IM o Fa,« nMMf, !•••»a 4a AM that all Portland, July 12. 1**4 JylBdSw Portland. Jt*n«* 1. 11 r reei t \ (from to Lite Iti*t»raiice atid at a- low i-ates as I* m«|M hr Meanra r «"»,'»». r jwmAaa twSLLwa**** imprisonment, November, 1851, Apr. t'ontp-uir*, HO. I’M tmmftr * katc was one consistent with a vlev to and IIU’IIIKOESTKEIT, am »nw |a MMl, rkat, jaW* «kil '«• •* a*, a ka» »>w*w ■» «». 1864.) Mr. F. tbe particular ot.ject of equity solvency. 'Talk about Plats ! S3 ___ toa. |a* Parties de*iriug Ag« ucic» in .own- where in* com- Removal. 03 roKrLAKP. mr fmrmvr pvmM *a,t tha i «fc *» •natalT, wttk I Bw* «**'** -»'•» »-••« Ml to a a. all her and ail her devoted affec- At a I «ar* a !>***»* k*ta *■ Niikpl «w|,tw thoughts, pany hare none, and t ho-c wishing 1 ravelin Ag€B- tor i-Mrtimt 4 tions. Her and let- JBST fkr tk* r —at* a* »*»Wrtaa4. *a ik* a** r*» • loving, cheerful, hopeful cie- wuisiu the 'c* England sta'e*, will ai-ply to J. M KNIOHT H A SON Horns, ('old itr,4 ftfcnwrr MMh*, >««k rin picihd A\r> *•* «* ■ *f aa* <■* ters were the staff ot life to him. (i. ii. WILSON, OS Stat*’ .street, B-*ton, giving tcpsMirprt % L**a * **. to- »aa BiMBi Though Bm*« A Silver IMntod *a kaaw to of ail his money, elothiug and prop- present JNRIVSTYLES. font ill i«» i n tlrrrhiiiili, Old ( nmpwnt Irhlik. t* H tkM *r stripped aud wi 1 enable him to t»>rra «»■' ka*4*( |Pia.nAk*. «•* ‘WArtln»i«aalBaMKa past bu«in<-**,a* judg- ■ when he was after bis other *“€«' I owl ~i- * 4»ltow erty imprisoned, in' nt iu regard thereto jum Ud'm JuC 4— And dealer* m Country Produce. hav< moved to No d«*cr:pUon of W «i»‘r HitiNifr-r l>ml* Uklfk, aiaa atot ’toaai waawaaa Mao mim a7„ means she sent him money with which j*»»tV IWm Mairttwn Irkkk. ^itua.J ••MC-A? ******** * 14 la M* I*tk aa4 faiied, 93 Commercial etrett. E^VKIT Itn>14toy. uw-ak* a*****.. A c aaaal aam* '.••«***» t»tta* hm niatoM to his wants—turnishcu him a bed, THU HOISKOI FI. I Portland. 1 arranged in i set uj id Um U*«t manner nod oil l«OM Moantwln aloia «a atomata aw supply TOOLBAR Eft, May *!b, 1%4. wtylOdil <”>'• 4a». Ik** M caul a laaiMaartoji*. orders in u «n or taithfVU eneented All -«***»."•* i*i.i» warn ato Aatia awaitm _ and fund* with which >oti«*«v! > Jwha'a, a. to «•* to*. l«dding, towels, linen, Siugc to a**k*rttp k> ***** t. tk* —- to Cm liutcitr't Oilrbrmltil kind* of loKbit,ir at« nded f««'*»t!» I;"*«**• My totoaaiiaa a,'t. faiaa tt A ^ » |tn>u.i>»iy While Hud R-,1 i.h, M .trl, of ik* i*pI wui J5t5*"2 to himself with suitable food, coffee, on **d Mia.ii x aa* ax* ■ ■ Ato aaalx supply For North Conway N.II. Trl-Wwhljr Liuo* PARTICIPATION. kind LEAD PIPES. Still T LF.All nad IKK.I IMatwowd and lafkrfrr | r ■ and to him with such com- PITMPfiofa!ld«» ama rk*T*t t* .«***•* tk* Maan txk M *ar tea, Ac, supply rlfitinn* ir»dtf *aM pp*«tp*i iHAlUal tx>t t.MTl have Portland at 7 46 a m over ty tat* Hba. fort* as it was to do. and that he LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, Portland Mutual Fire Insurance T tt^rthw with thr hr*t .,*• t* might obliged fiwh»», St-ndi-h limington. C< rut*h. lii- A neat, ch vap aittele, easy to Every Agency ymu lal*r,*l*4. ky ,*aa a* tl. at the Boston *t«an- Company. 1 be twit* of Kr*e To icics render* It at Ala*. Hard and Salt W**d, •to ato,• aou-a aa tba Pruroai aa,r. ^ obtain his ptrdon. §r*. • T!»«* MfW in nit sli r*». “MAINE WAR CLAIM ASSOCIATION" taa of tk* Plsck la tk* k—ooa a*4 tksw ppapp. ) the least ,aaJ it not suiwrmr to tb# oa toitolatj ofaU tkoao wow a • .. 1 be yartieipah ovlrr la aar If Ik* «aa»* tboaM **t twin, at _n c At after twelve one month eiCttilrti accommodation* and remarkable Dallryrad in part af tha aay tk*) ka*», b* fraat *•"«*»> of, kr-a«a~ • length, years, lx*t opportunity to commence a course of MaMahe. to which the expense* nr** controlled n dilator* altf. aky aaailwl oaiaN a areuot other by *4. tw. and six days In tbe State aeenerj turpa-eeu by any route TlllE1*4*00* at the reduced rate* will be given O«oe Wo. 108 Mlddl© 9t. ••tod Kie utlve Committee. l«rm»r njetntnora of Sun tom to a tom. ton hv» Imprisonment prison JOan w Tha Sawyer A If hit A. S!SS aCXl L w weeks. l£th. JOHX WATIRMAS. Ilial wUfc to» f„t -. was Wednesday. July Children meet at 2 o’clock CHARLES HOLDEN. Preft. in person, or by !*ttor. to OKORGK F. Mr »r invited to a call Jad(*. jor gap'a. tbo ato, a.a aaio.-. at Franklort, beside the four months be and Apply raepnctlalle aivau A tr». rroatbUr Driver. V M. and adults in the evening N«w c ssses will EMERY. otct the Portland Post Officr, Sd basdall. K'PT. Ntoto, tto aaaatoc to to Arawa will ba at Mr. Felrbenk received e June 41 —dim itory. mcalustbr a co. Hi'eruKF.r kamW bLw in jail Louisville, he 1for kegip tiers as needed. jj\\ rwusa.it I'or t lard Jana IS** ii|kt« lLo*« wlaaaai; arallaWato.antoaat^^ fitly IS, —dip )ilyll4f4kw1w* tor'Mtu. JACOB Mc-m.l ay *,T„ 1 "jar**—it < !»J.JL .. .. ■ to cf plainly VislUe lathe course llie Argus Is now Letter from the Upper Eoniebee, OMGIS.LL ASD SELECTED. .^“According innate there hat been SPECIAL notices. THE DAILY PRESS. in 1 Hr.tton Mock List* Anil It was still more lu taken open boats, etween tustport and the pursuing. palpable 8n.crtraEG.\:<, Sals* at Tux Brukcbb* Boabd, Ji lt 30. new Ai)vmaiaMit.vi3. July 20,1864. <~3j~A holy alliance between Russia, Prussia north end of the isle mi of maisw. '< the of the convention last yfar Catupobello, Maine, Voilertion 5 600 Amo tean POllTl.ASTi, management To the StUtorrfihe Pr a: Prompt .1 Uiiis. (iold,.768 and Austria has been consummated. a distance cf about six ta 610. whan was nominated. There were les, at least fifteen Merchant., Phvdciane, M onaulc .do.. Bradbury It be to and a'1 o'Uer* 31 Thinking might your V •.do.. .. .7, refreshing of thousand cf fl-.lt wl.hli g prutnpt eulce'iun of th' Ii I 111*, »til rectivo democrats In that convention whose hearts y Prime samples Circassian women bring i quintal pollock the present sea- 16 0.do. U57i "grand excursion dusty town-dweller* to get a whiff oi country prompmud jeisoux. attention a^d *ieeuy returns 22, 1864. 1 at Trebizond. son, a much catch than for from 16 0 o U 3 Coupon bixes«13*1 >. Friday Morning, July were but lacked courage to let their $100 being larger many JACOB Ft OST, .12/ right, they air I to send them a lew 1 •' 00.cl 1.too occasionally, propose Jimctloa Mi Id c and r>». m« up *tair*. kuown. coax- build an I years previous. 2.000 Cuitou *t tea 7 3 iut»s Impulses he fully They cringed, retreat. yThe government propotesto army Ey Post 01 ce adure-s. B„x ITi'i. Port a. d, r. O i^ct>.10 j from Ibis “down east’’ 6X1 .« a puffs pleasant C. it. o ( ug).A.1**4/ PLEASANT COVE. but all to no hospital in Troy. ^*[f the two Maie.e boys who obtained •■■/■runcu—T. Utr-py, Wotdaaaa, A. T 2 The firrelation, of the Press is larger ed, shrunk, whined, purpose. In these hot it is an thing $54,- Dole. 60) United b at_* 6-20's..1 4 Daily dry, days agreeable of £3.0 (Aon other paper in the State,and Samuel J. and others or like fh« settlers in Iowa dedicated 7i'J at the mines Idaho, will leave their names 0.do.loyf any Daily Virgil Delpbiul, to fiom the dust aud noiso of town, y Norwegian Jj2MSw* 1 000 .d other in Portland. get away with the editor of some in .Kh] double that of any were the cocks of the walk. rul- a at Decotulr on the 30th of June. newspaper the state, 2.000 Portland Div. Iv0. 95. S. klduey They and breathe the air of fields aud woods. college .do.l«v>j cf T. green with evidence of tht fact that the 6 strict >■> ad- ed the aud obtained the they got Editorial Convention. 0.'Ot-iuaiij.10ft| In with ih« rnun—#•*.00 per tear: if paid Ip coaveution, mastery a klud of Fmncis Train is chosen a 10 000 company it is true, has couutry yOeorgo delegate remove United States Currency Certificates. V3, ounce • discount Of *1.00 mil is mads. Portland, money, they will doubt from the TLa Fdltora and over better than their own. What was to the from Nebraska. Publishers of the State of Maine 1.W-0 Maine .V a*e Mixc« (1 v-0j..lH) spirits from the of green in which I Chicago Convention 1 look, garment minds of thousand;) who have read the state- aro invi’ed to meet iu Convention at Eastern kallroad.1 9 Mtint mm all raar Pum. left of the Jameson its respectrully Grand Division of 0r Km41*< wing fell, and orguui* ; but with all her ; within a [Br ?> epbeu Hrowu At bro* ] Maine, she has robed herself, beauty SP Nevada Territory has, month, ment JVeu* (ity Hdl, in ou and in the papers. Portland, Wednesday ‘A’0 Rhode I- and state *lx«i. .1004 Wi 1 make their annual Ex astlon was lost and ceased to be a lu and her fresh- Th*r»d cun Ion to l*!ea ant power she is wedded to traffic, virgin Collected $30,000 tor the C. S. Sanitary Fund. g. August li hand llih. often of con- S.nOo Bath SixeM jyon Wednesday afternoon as the Kenne. i iorpurp Ut> 1H91)., Cove, on Maine. has Wo leave h«-r sultation end th© organization of a Suite Aasocla- ! ness departed. willingly A New Turk was recently ! No. in Xnr how was 9T 'speculator bee Engine Company, 1, Bath, was going lion of E iltora and Pub and ( ambfitlje Cattlr this advantage ? Th“ the s or the J Mu ra. Brighton Market. next. gained behind for a season, for pleasure “.stuck” 0 on Wednesday Jn’y 17th. §300,0 pork. to the fire in the southern part of the city, a ; The Cumfutiou «iil a semble in 13. case is a plain one and requires no profound the Senate Cham- Wednk81»av. July 1*»!4. j actual 1 1015 t>* ef country. Sulphur in the wioks the cure of ] little boy between 8and •years of age, named t>er in the New <■ .1 Buiicing, ou at 10 A^rnarNt cattle,- tores, 4.0* alwefc to fathom As y stockings Wod-eaday, J a (1 Iambs, li&i >wiu*. philosophy it. before Intimated, on one of the Uvorile av- o’clock A. It. This Ample : — place, lying gout and rheumatism. Charles Whitmore, sou of Daniel Whitmore, nfraBftm-jutft nfilbe made I'UktH-Jit*/ t at tie Extra 913 Oft« 1360; first POPPENBURG’S CELEBRATED BAND! the peace had a detiued lor | party sharply policy, enues ot summer travel, the route to Moose- tally carrying cut the bueinea* and objects of the quality H6rtaji3 0 ): second do 11 h mb /r merely gn par- for a hot weather resort; air, „ch. 1’he the'l'inies were Wt requisites good injuries, says, regarded Committee c>f Oae lot... and and Hid *yThe hay crop of this state bids lair to be Arrangement a—Joseph B. llall, oi 15.12.00].wi DANCING AND I’UONKN ty did nothing but censure fault horses aud drives; I do ADING, good hotels, good pleasant as very serious. thoCouiler; E. U. Elwcll, of the Brown ». Wj. Of I£.9 don't entirely cut off ! transcript; do With it. Snell criticism and fault finding while the various aud brooks 111 tile vi- N 4.Id.<* ] .1*07 ponds Powers, of Thurston; A. Foster,of the Prose; M N. Rich. do The Kennebec Journal Beale’s Hotel ry Rev. Henry Mittenaque, Mass., 10. 2.4>_ 1 4* a in times like these when our gov- afford rare ol y says of the Pr-ce Current; do help party cinity sport for die gentle lovers i and Rev. Edward of Chaa. A. Lord, or the Chris- lo.11. ;i6.1.V3 at is in lull and successful Hawes, Waterville, Me do ernment Is lor its wry life. So good logus Spring opera- J tian Mirror; John M. Adams, of th Chaa &n c? 82 124| A MAMMOTH CHOWDER! struggling the Waitouun art. The beautiml blue lakes hive a lectin tour in Argus; do 59 tion. just completed tag theprut- f. I of .il.uu]. lo 3 T her with Me a can be constructed out of such materi- nicy, the Advertiser: .fair** 8 Kev do .*« a. Ico Cr.au, &c. iu .bu d- policy in tbe towns of Madison ami in Vermont in behalf of Staples; 24. il. 4i. ,.vi neighboring | eyed towns the Chtis •V. d. ©f ZiouV do •cc», wi.l be lot u.i! uu the d. als. y The prices of the weekly in Bos- j Shaller, Advocate; Cyru«S.Kiug; t>4.14 .*1 .12-0 giom Stnithfiehi are rich iu and papers ti.au Commission. the f do 2ft. shiuing pickerel, They report people of hailea A. stackpoie; F. G. Rich, of the 31.o0.. 1 71 Uau’in/ t-'oot &c., wi 1 bu of the ton are to lie raise I about the middle of Au- Temper- ““ w.. S*i'.-£*, amorg We have said the Jameson wing party U) i0).1117 t t« AlU’l tuu u a. tbe brooks of this region bold many a shelter- j the green mountain state every where and ai co Journal; B F. fhor*eUe; Ge> O. loyal Go «e of riie-u wa. a .orger .apply ol c t e ,l market Hi u and Such gust. Wat r fe«.at” coutau fell and lost It power. n to 'be E 1*. '»* week. !»,.• „«■! crm I. I u^ Ice Water, fit©to all, organization ed of marvelous aud coo ss, to res|R>ud geueruusly appeals for the Argus; Weston of 'he Northern Monthlv ; qu.li y on y c ,i. } pool depth reidy Will a.ct lup.vu) u.c i a are thousands ot The of N. was Dr. B. oi Price. Mr* duo load 10c per no U iroin lum neck ty. ts the but then there their y region Lancaster, H., of our two Colby, the Pre»a: 1. N. Fetaa. tf the Coo- NOMINATIONS. fact, win-re tbe delicious salmon trout have rel ct suffering soldiers. Tncsc gent- l io uopmud hat U'. u .cure. UNION rh R Will, the exception u | who will come out from that blessed with a shower on evt- r; W. Lincoln, of the Press; C. W. orkn and democrats yet chosen haunts. The true w to this heavy Wednesday lemen ha.e together addressed some 51) : Pickard, (roxou nillcn cow*, ih re yy'e.e no .tore- ay enjoy meetings of the at mullet. Comm lit eg the U«iou of the last. fraua-ripr. »y Arrangements: party aud join great party short is to have over uitig the last two monies, and collected over $10,000 H'< Orm—No sties FOB jour hamper pack*d Portland Ju p ft, li?A4. neiag uolicrti. Am. Lo PRESIDENT. < a ChasKra'ucU I. *, Xa h’l Wa ker. are the leathers still leu thousand Swiss are at .—Ml. <»J to. 55. M.«.. ;.. couotry. They bright it not be too numerous 9P emigrants now ( for the Commission. i fa. U. “icll, h. U. liv*u, J.»# night, your party—let Paper* throughout the State are requested to nub- Lam'i—Ttuin t,r | u which *krrp«*it lamb, at »4f0 175 O .A. Bette, V, H left in this may yet preserve its Havre and other liah. » 51. 6.«50. S’,, and aiiJUp*, >1. u ole W«. wiug in die hours, and give | liurope.au ports, awaiting pas- sheep 54 to 7|o re lb. ABRAHAM —ready caily morning /'ir II LINCOLN, if not its to the United Slates. «>— lveyll) ua ne, orgaulzztiou. to the woods. Talk not to sage I Va' the whole day me.j I’alets—sa lu 12. Ticket* (A ti or tiuaou. Hny Yonr *>*/*—CtiMmi drr lo. half rrr«. of these democrats of A valuable horse to T. i BY Stationery Package* l****** S3 io or 23 *0 r r -AA«? bv t itt* torn mil ve o it p al ut The true position peace oh dweller the sea side! ol lltc delights y belonging Isaac TELKGKAPH »•;« 8SO, 88c per* lb. by Hales—11c. TliAf igo lofui-It Wall ■*•«« tiAii » »n bar I a! i It to lie clearly defined and easily chowder and clatn bake. Hast thou 0 ir> ills, got hung by his halter a few days since THJt- At T)reHHr*r OO TUuSw— t»k«i beginning islaud j -TO Exchange ntreeti llgllje. 10u'vivc1a. m. ^rtci'siy, it-usiiai « »t % ut- lOUdbia FOB VIDE-PRESIDENT, understood. The line is drawn be- trout alter aud choked todeath, iu Lewiston. J‘h S**M—Obibrid, Kc: wool. S4 10; Lamb ; b adr. distinctly ever tasted the luxury of seirod f 2 per n t boud g<> ia aud the KVKNlNtt * tween the I'rieudt of out Government the fashion? \ou lake the y A notice of the late Ye PAPEKi. J’c*uC* biea', *« a uu u it >iu tl.tb gipsy pretty, gay- Washington ilkr, j n laigo Ajg-n V *U ^liilueiUuc.dwk Luat. ANDREW JOHNSON, aiders and abettors of the rebellion. The log- colored thing Irom the hook, and dress it as by S. L. Carleton, Eaq., is unavoidably lad -y- e**Nwtn*eJ,aJdres«L. DRESSER, Port- JjJttulU land, Me., B jx 132. CARRIED. Or. TMSUKSSKK ic of events Is powerful. The true war demo- the knows how, then detily en- over t'll to-morrow. • j only angler Allujnt Confirt ucr of iteb< l aud Ftderul Jylld4w# H« a! I.NUtti* til ,%uciioia. crat is a mau who will not submit to lold a ter fold ol iresh aud IT The Fast43 Commissioners. In Belfast, .Toly 1", Marcoll s R and Mias peace velope it in leaves, British Government is Cooper Augu-t 1st., at 3 r w, on the tor*. prosecuting Obit A Ha., fo.o, Monday pirnv. War Else ON we-lial* ml a aluabic e t% o- i without and who demands that the cover it with the embers ol another man in fur men to Slw 21. THOM VS G. luCni.a 17 proj ttfror* Uuion, just deep enough Liverpool enlisting Vokk, July LORIXG, DRt’GGIST, July SI!.. Cnrmmeit, of C. and liw. I * rOi Wa* ins on and Ox fold ■*ti».. c %t. f a B. BROWN. Portland, The lie:aid’s Fail* Abnin I: ol slating AtLargi—JOHN their arms and submit time it conies i serve on Confederate ciuiscrs. Xiagaia dispatch -A5D- Worthing Palermo and * ft j rebels shslt laydown Jyour tire, in due lorth, juicy, »ays sto> $ oden turns*, with u U» u, # In North tie huff ill. d Mr. Faye July 12. c.pt F and kLd a Pina ABNERSTBI'SON.Damariacotta. Gieeley, iC.ompu.i by Hay, the BeuJ Bryant wo de*. tut uni< c»e c u- ! to the constitution and laws, or leave the morsel lor the The Palmerston PRACTICAL TRUSS FITTER, .Una Augu ta A ftfevena. steaming, fragrant—a gods. y Government has been i ui Mr. »»ed » a I? rt e V » U* > a* 1 a M. CHAPMAN, puvaiv dctieiary Liueolu, hail au iu- Iiii.ar iner. Shop Lou-** as It* tiu * DM.—RICHARD the July—, Hereon Cxrnev and Mira II ! • oiu iu as ! country fer the country's good. Aud if Shade of Alexis we forbear. defeated a of two oil the Ox- Hivit-w with ilr. N. C.rn.r of Exchange & Federal St'.. A it. d a good •tore uu .a it. » fi*» ri Tire Uiddeford. Soyeri—but again by majority Ueoige Hauders aud Bickford. boili oi U.eiirj. •r po»tf is >». w- Biripr real, b • pa mg jM «j int o- rebels will not do either must be ford lo ho Peace Cumuuasioneis A perfect fit guaranteed. The lu laruiiuginu. July l.. John W Anitin. of B< !• A.D. oflhe9e, they Iii-re one in any religious tests' question. others, elaiuuug pour liberally ocn- *Hy The budding* are new t»| hi a u tbon urfc- Xd DM—THOS. FESSENDEN,Auburn. may indulge, uurebuked, l.i 11 Toe lot about f.3 ft ft. fought subjugated. extent or d of idleness, ’TA woman iu London set ber buib and afire m gres Very pleasaut j to visit Washington aud a stale until ol In WifhtUKloii ai. aau 4* Kl o** lx ur« It i for what course hiing skovrbegan, Juno 2g Ahvio Mclatirv. ofS <1« Y'-s other un- when came «e*y MraoU prapt ft.r it**u'm. *.t the visedly. subjugated; we flud it to lounge away long mornings he home drunk, and eryoy ed the con- of the terms upon ivuicp such a visit a tl Mi^sCIa a Fletcher, o- >oKm. rtj ti*. • .§ FOB utigln Portland and h»- «x •• w i I e o it ir OOVBBNOB, : can and save our Government aud Photographic In Norri sarni ! be ■ oe made. w ere Gallery, t-ewoei, E and Mi pursued far more than he did. lliey llopUne. q. " der th shade of murmuring pines, walchiug flagration accepted. Maria 8 9awtelk. ,i,LK‘ ™ SO ? The is a-- plain as a pike- The limes uas a two column article about MIDDLE ST., POllTLASD, Mt., I:i w/wilaS** CONY country question the diin hillsides twinkling m the summer y to naval laws Winslow's Newport, Me. rharlea Brnwo. of Exeter. ao«S SAMUEL According Capt. the salil lo be Miss 1» staff, aud all the in clui-ten- peace negotiations going uu at Aui.i-* iiiac’-cetr. I Htnn u Vallandighams breezes over the will be aud each A. S. In or AVOUSTA. beat, the litile dimpling pnz mouey nearly $10.1,000, j Niagara Falls and Kichiuoiul. DAVIS, Proprietor, 'kojrh'vaii Ait** M Dins more and Miss Man Tf iiimu i.izttatpj dom, aided the Argus, cannot w ink it out K l'citcu. lotu ol Al.-oq by liver and the of the wil- of the crew about $1,500. 1 wo weeks X'. Sanders Portland, JS64. foliage ago fitorgu wrote May 12, — ■ whitening mayRMSm I. .. .1 ■ I. ,1 ■■ .1, mmmm For » term of »car«. a of It stands out iu bold luai dwcl’.i, 4tt4t. Member* of Oonsrm*. sight. relief, simple, to the soft mris/i of to Greeley C. C. Clay, Jacob l hon For lows, or listening scythes y Jits have grown nine feet high in Califor- p.sou “»-« act iu tjuiad aud the democratic must aud Holcomb Were duly recoguized Coiumis- DIED. of Portland. j plain, powerful, party lb-' d an I the 'inkle of a ! nia this an 1 woul I have reached LYNCH, ovy serso*, *- v. \tt DM—JOHN through grass, higher sioiin* ol lUe Confederate L .0,1 Ittlamn pm- meet It. If avoid or to Government, aud A K K 8 th.city primed.v %l District—SIDNEY PERHAM, of Pari*. they it, attempt pass cow-bell l the wooded hill. All but for the weatbur. Ad*,r*s« B«>x 2 M, Portland J distant beyou dry desired to know tue terms of peace. He add- lu this city. July 21 Mrs O J O wuon. wife of J C over it in or will sink to 1 Part laud. July 22.—dt: any shape form, they so ful and secure that it ed that were not ko k. ageu 3d yeans is so quiet here, peat Drees bonnets in Paris aie made without they authoriz'd lo urgoliate y niSTILLKD It ESTOBATI VK !y“Puneral (Lib af err 4 lower than ever before, snd lose forev- lor a cessation ol but (Friday) oon, ct ©cock depths is hard to realize the contrast which tie hoslihliea, they would at No »7 ALchsitic street. llnuns ,ihi War and Faaoe Demount*. might crowns—flowers, butterflies and llami lace suj- Herat.ves »Ld f ieuia art p .Hfdii't e , er the aud charm of the>r name. •ike to have a lonnal coulert-nee. invited to attend. prestige ot ail form ha Vtuaid at 1,. of found on those pleasant farms Matyiand ply what little is considered necess it w iu m«> non. of P. H. The Democratic papers, la anticipation covering y These lacis ere Communicated to President FOR THE Wintarport July 21, Ur L Mu g ot HAIR, Joseph ridge, [I*Cole, worthy, r'Mfcuye at., »bi .he ,«b- fill'I 1 UUI-I n UIV.U uvv o 10 u»«o Forward agua 33 tears Cn Convention will tUUJJ Helen an American has taWm Lincoln, aud he advised lo act as he *‘11 *Bt ,rulu o> A a u lit whai tbe coming Chicago do, y .Martin, girl Greeley Id Westbrook. 19. of *!>/> i OC. CLP Jury cnn-uiuptlon. Mrs Julia M. Ol. ro ea< over-run. Not that we can feel much proper, aud he would at Cana <1 m jO bo1 li» t> .t to convince their readers "Suicidal Monomania." iu-t the first at the school fur midwives in thought (Lincoln) L. wile oi Li ut *1 bos A Mitch .ton. a* d on * are hard at work prize Restores and daugh- Keferato uil L t a M. Uou a. d C n lime be to Oray Faded Hair and ter of »he k, r.irr. for the as a w who any pleased receive tarts Altred knight, oi t democrats are who recent- compassion class, hole, Paris. propositions. tam,ridgcpoi J,*Wl«r JJ. scAVaY that the war and peace whistling The case of young Chamberlain, Greeley having witbLiu- M*»# a*ed 22 >e*i» 5 mo ..tbs. settledpieluuinaiies m- MMMHMHHI same hive bctu sufl *rt rs. The spirit of pusillan- ■dK'Funeral on at 3 ,r mm ... the tame quill, aud playing the i committed suicide in a public bouse in lios- 3jTll iwthorne said, “Somehow, why coln, proceeded to X .again. Sunday a'ternoen, o’clock, through ly though Beard to its Natural Color, at lo t 1 «t Woodford’s Cor. er ih have not alone on A cut hip* is anxious that a of the existence imity which y shown, I never d I hive observed respondeuce was w ith the Iu Now \ ork. J 19 Mrs tuue. The Argus especially i ton.alTords striking evidence could scent, always opened ly l:«thfv wife of the laie and as a John Summer these fac- but on occasions, would rouse Commissioners, final result they made barker, form riy of this city.” the distinction between politicianssbould of a derangement of themeutal titla, previous that the popular instinct chooses the right uiuu AND IS A MOST LUXURIOUS DRESSING In peculiar me following propositions lor the restoration Lym-n. June lo, f'oiiua ti,'wife of Wm Jose, but lost of. us to Indignation If the weather were not at the time.” aged 54 « 5 raontiw. not only be ignored, entirely sight ulties which leads persons to do a thing that j right of the Uuiou ou this basis: yea lu Bust1* Berwick. July 2. Mrs O’tvo Elizabeth, DRESS matter of aod reason would too hot for the indulgence of auy feel- 1. All negroes As a policy political strategy, their judgement and prompt quite y The concent ration of troops at Montreal actually lreed to be secured FOR THE HAIR AND HEAD. wile or John G Thompson, aged <31 yikr«. FA3RICS, so decided. It is to think of iu such freedom. Iu le&a-*. B 25. do well to foster aod encourage such s them not to do—an that follows ings provoking and and the fortiftrationg of the latter Ap Lory Frontio*.'ol Ssco, sged lfi they impression Quebec, Co tl. 3ib Me hums 2. All at present slaves to remain so. year*—member Keg. for the Jameson wing of the party in them after that must the poor spirited tunning away by city, have been under consiueration in the llr.t- -0O0- in Augusta. Jul> II. in ho.pita'. Joshua BIDUCED PrtljES. belie!, day day they destroy 3. War debt of both to be Knight, at the llrst of an parties paid ba- of A-btou, aged 34 years. this Stale still or many members of It, their own lives while Hie to them has nu n w- thousands approach enemy, ish Parli intent. lives, ilie United S'ates. ^ at our next and calling upon the men of the more north- 4. The old K. I'. Hafiiiltou Sc Co.’« and may do them great iojury ] ous endearments, and the grave no charm. QTMexico is going into the cotton raising j doctrine of State right* to be CLAEK S RESTORATIVE, ern Mates to rush to the defense of their in the reconstruction. Comer aut! Preble £*8. State and Presidential elections. True, this was sent to recognized Reform the Color. MARINE Coiigri?* In the ca«e of young Chamberlain the deed bunuess extensively. Maximilian NEWS. It is not thus 1‘iiese propositions were laid before the Jjrl6eoc2w has lust some of its fair and homes and property. that the that to be overseer for that CLARK wing plumage, was in a most careful manner country great plan- who S RESTORATIVE, pre arrauged treat raiders. Pre-ident, telegraphed, proposing a lull PORT OF cannot soar so in tbe men of New England \^e ter. tbe Third. PORTLAND. therefore quite high and foretold In his journal. There could be Napoleon aud complete restorailou ol the Union under Erad cate# Dandruff. seem have heatd 01 an occasion when of as It did some to conditions w hich, while 'he pure atmosphere patriotism no reason for the act other than that he was y The late King of Wurteuiburg is said to j respecting prop- CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Thur*dnr..»»|, , H. were marched from Boston to erty-rights ot loyal men, afford OSGOOD, or two ago, but there are yet some that ci.ll- troops Lexing- have been the richest individual in the world— ample security Promote* It*Growth. A it HIVED. year laboring under menial derangement another war. ton and on an errand connected dgaiusi After considerable cor- Steamer Montreal. I DENTIST. leathers left which can lift U from the earth Concord, his tortunc it is CLARK S rince. Boston. ! ed “suicidal monomania" which has been the private amounting, reported, rsimmdeuco the entire matter was RLSTORATtVE, Steamer New with stores of flour and and referred Eug.auu, Fields, from Boston for and more Tbe certain powder, to more than 1 rt. Ho. 9 Block Market Into a higher loyal region. cause of a large proportion of the suicides. £13,000,000 sterling bach to both Governments. PrereuU Its falling off. St John N Clapps Eqaftre, a the "embattled Sch Maracaibo. would fain make theii of Held where termers,” All negotiations hr ving Henley. Boston. copperhead journals Tho oti<.clion that existed between young y Shoes were 636 a pair at Petersburg on terminated, Greeley CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Sch C C Farnsworth, tirav, Salem PORTLAND. armed with such weapons as their bold hands aud Hay called ou the Cummisoioucis at the readers believe that tbe distinction is without the 1st of we to the ScU Aiiel, Treworgy, Calais lor .>ev Haven Chambetlalu and his always indulgent parents, July, owing, may suppose, Cii'iou Is annnequallcd Dressing. ^F" Artificial Te.th luteil. J r.a ttrst hold made a stand for their House, aud had a very pleasant inter- r,o'J. S rr aait bat the fact is not so, and out could lay of, CLEAKED. IwMiitr (die. All cptratH.n- a difference, was of the most ardeut character, lie- had necessity that there is for “making tracks” view. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, l to*,ira round Dolan. Sagua — Phir.rrv k Jackson fdu.iaciioo, lao,.,, will find it out next au- own, the fame of which has echoed It is Brig Wappo, anxious in Harvard from that also stated that the Sk > — cotemporary just completed bis sophomore year city. Commissioners are Is good for Children. l >wil>c (Br t in| bell, Mai.and ns A D a..d at Vue memory ot which we a Whidden. tumn. the. world, holding conference wiih the leading Demo- * ; and reached a rank quite In advance The last and best definition we have seen College, 'Sa' and have 1 CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, B. F. have not for- thrill even now. A little of their spirit crate, prepared a letter lor the Chi- SAILED—wind NW-brig William U Parks, and HAMIi/fON&.CO. AU true war democrats yet he had held. He was a of that which formerly of copperhead is the following: “A creature I* good for Ladles. others. « ® aocr lartnerv would cago Convention, containing assur- i .**•»* t on with tbs a nong tho-e IVunsyivauia strong saken their party. They hold In the inid«tof annual through which lias all tuc instincts of a without *uee» of the restoration of the CLARK S RESTORATIVE, examinations, rebel, Uuiou. DIS A ST ERI. I hi' h we a different aspect to the results of C. IV. KuerxU> partisan preju- to his class were ol lbe perfectly hsrmle**. Our " t :.i latious happiest Mud; timated that the plunder carried ott and the Xjsw shig W| gt d Arrow, from Boston, arrived at San *. W 4rh council* c'ass—are more troubled by the contin- VoBK,Ju!y21. Fr&nCiKO ltf, with )o»4 of m.lMliatl. *0C-and do-e at eti'iou ©th* wants of dice and feeling—will yet control,the sad of close of his long w CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Ju!) and the history the young damage inflicted by the rebels iu Mary laud ill The steamer Fulton, trout Hilton ar- customers. a fears of rebel inva- H.-au, adheringstricil) tv The of this once and ued drought than by auy rived Contain* no Oil. respectable powerful political and life is one of those mchiuchoiy myste- amount to two millions of dollars. this morning. Geu. Ciaktou is among DUMBS i ll PORTS. pure is much and CLARK S RESTORATIVE The time Is fast ioli. The hay crop parched her passengers. ALF X ANDKJA—Ar lMh, i*«h Maria CASH SYSTEM* organization. approaching ries which caunot be explained or accounted Printers of Is not a Dye. Hill, Gar- are y newspapers might profitably Tue rebel otHcers' have been lic id. luisiou. we when these meu will find dried, and other tbiugs suffering severely placed iu build- CLARK S RESTORATIVE, it to be be t* r f »r tb* buyer as well as tb# apprehend, loyal for ou other than the one state.'. from tbe BALTIMORE-Ar 17lh, hsh Wm ®e’l*w*ug any ground take lessons Kennebec Journal in the on Point. Carlton Tack- ta merit * ot re. on a and for want of rain. Extensvle firm, too, are ing- Cummings' •ni. CroviUei.ee. **‘jer. wsfhope large, shurge pa a*.*e. that their have rested weak < IV amide* the Hair > hopes r.u of in It is one ol the neatest hariesum is 5*,teral lo of ftoot!s to wlw*t- cu-ap to room In with an intelligent farmer in iking up. being vigorously shelled. Ar 19th brig I rludelen, from Portsmouth. ^ foundstlon. Tnere is an element ; conversing in many parts oi the stale, aud seem CLARK'S RESTORATIVP, treacherous raging in New Fort Sumter Uas been to a Belov l9ih, ship Auuspolis, picketi. tu-ui Liver this State, upou the my stery that enshrouded papers England. subjected very N K W GOODS. at In the that Is to d all efforts to subdue them. Still the Ueavy lire Iroin Morris I-land Is for Whisker*. pool. work party gaining powei iy splendid * a of in his be said it was has been sold about ! H1LA DELPH1A —Ar ISth. vehg ^tarl Yo Mr. W, N. Prince, togcrher with the case suicide town, yThe Bangor Whig All ttie had returned from the recent ght, k. nnployrfi and it will become tbe mastei sun troop- J B Liichde.d 4u toe st r*.’ are to o* re aiued ana every day, yet last CLARK’S RESTORATIVE, Poitsum; Crockett.Key West; I oca will be hupiy to no to him. He had ieuced for in a hot aud c that “scare. The waggish “Doctor” of t onus. mystery expel ’•Ail ,pper «kj” expedition. Berry, MLA Conaa N*. ion. Boston *. *eu all the r customer* a* for* er.jr. and rule tbe Chicago Convention; anti 1 spirit wita tbe Advertiser that for homeamu.' tuent, K fuzees report that the Union Keep* the ilair In it* Place. »«l 18‘h* brig E P S la wan, Sagua; sch Martha B. F. »l v MIL- ON k CO years the suicide’s desperate struggle seems to look dim The air ut got up prisoners that is the element. It releutlet-ly. in l liarb stou are NickI #. Small, Bostou Corner ana Preble Vallandigham-Wood not for treated iuhumuiily. CKARK’S RESTORATIVE, longrvs* street*. the to isle. When a fa- and and ii exportation. Ar 19i •, "0ti Linden, Caiai*. janelTeodtf at temptation deatroyihis night is full of smoke deed leave.-, 1 he Fulton towed the steamer Rogers, stouts for peace auy price. America to Lid 13th. snip Catha me. Kree.uau l>tw! i throw' bimseil the The Clarion a little named J. Carer Nrrvon* Headache. eg. Fe^ig vorable to into we soon much mischief must y says girl ihi- -lie been opportunity do not have raiu port, having disabled. barqu Sarah B i antou. O.cut>. Bo^ioi.; u These leaders and traitor* CLARK'S hug cunning quasi razor across his Eu.c Whit tier, eleven years oli, wav drowned at The Palmetto Herald au RESTORATIVE, lie. Berry Barbados. S;h. Robert B.vce, hr At,antic & river,or to draws throat, ensue. Another foe, even more destructive, givis account ol K4.f St. Lawrence R. ii. Co. others themselves. Into th.- recent exuediliou to Prerent* tL stoi-; Te-m-b-ec. W* os er. urtland; Sea Breeze Judge by Looking seem to an al.n< st ir- Madison on the 141U lust, the was in John's Island. Eruptions. i*t ok holders of tt e Atlauiic aid St occurred, there would be so far as it thau the has made Bridge Ceoml s ii »: 1 .a, B.uke. Yarmouth I.aw goes, drought, The rebels in ide CLARK'S rtu*-e their own hearts there two furious os-aults on our RESTORATIVE, Ar l9th sch* ib W 1!aE Kaiir at loinpao. are Hereby* n- ‘turd and| finding nothing to bear him to bathe, and got beyond her depth. W#IUugio«,We Is, Crja n* Wm ichstibl# influence brought upon some localities. We r.ilude Ht th* ir A. Dual M* tih ai i he Ik »J a ? great ravages In fort -, but mured with kies. Mc< ••bo. Cblpmau. om vo * n. *14 love of and that heavy Bucssport; £ FbrV fc u„1 but pelf power, they Imagine his mortal The Convention for the 4lh Dis- St ps Itching and Bnrnisg. Boston. City Mail iu P r la d.» n Tu -d »h. 2-5 # ©f Au- to thus end existence. to the which has been on a y Union It is believed that troops nave been with- army worm, A* ’h IWi, at 10 o'clock A. M. lor the loiif* », *r. others are the same but 2 barque Mary Civs Rrmedi... "* 1 governed by motives; he resisted these constant to nounuate Ciudid.ites for and drawn from either j. -e or Johnston to the CLARK S Hcntl«y, h>o*e*. vit. For yesrs ternpta- "raid,” through some parts ot this coulry. trict, Congress RESTORATIVE, brig Abby V\ atom Dei.t JWtaaza*. we tblak at so far as number of lo deiud 1—To make choice of laue liinciurs f« f they misjudge, least, lioue to until he told a friend for w.U be hell iu 10,(KM Charleston. Cld 1> h, hrtg Fro tie Boston. the tn i* commit suicide, behind it a lamentable p.ub of devns Elector, Biugor August Keep* the Head Cool. ing > ear. member* of tbe Democratic arc leaving NEW kORta—Ar lMh. snip Urj«0o. Pratt, from many party when the » as 17th. '’LAIth S RE3T08AIIVE, J To consider the ct ol th* Co what his thought* were, spell Utioa. Extensive tracts have been * rulj jnra^y’» mo«*. swept the t‘ *p,**uu» ©ughkecpsie !/ 'Me h* lids rusts; il concerned. They know Tery well that polit- Defeat oj H< t den. thirty—Citfiture of Pmbrok ing f» i«. IMA* mi d •© t l« broken. The cure for this tnouomauia a Is ouiy bare of every grerlt We were shown y The Lewiston Journal says large party (•on. i. iht if. drlightfully perfumed A. 2oiu. ta t.rac •GchioM'ntc lie 5 cckho.au- may « itiaiie.o a thing. que Kirv.in. AJgoa Bar CG1I ical and party feeling go great v pruv iuo for the same. prejudice seems to be to talk with iutlinaie fiieuds of Irish liburers commenced on the foundation CLARK S RESTORATIVE, Jon urti? csy]vistar. Ntuwas freely a growth of you tig trees covering many Wasuixotox, July 21. II. W. HKKSEY in the of men; alsc * MiWh,»t,ii -Kuig ri.iin-p hlc^ford S»n Frsn- Clerk® vay controlling opinions the while it uu entire of the Catholic church in that on Wednes- Tim Star say* a iroin Geu. Hu Port!; nd, M ISM upon subject, kcepiug acres, which had been as oity, dispatch iter 0 Ccntainino Sediment. McmIhic. iui) 5Ici.i.verv, -Tuf? that can blind the of and completely stripped ,«■ they eyes many, almost sure to result in the commit last. report- the following just received from Geu. La rcl. Parker Bangor. secret is ! av if the winds of autnm i. I h trees day CLARK 8 RESTORATIVE, keep them to tbe traces by a pretended advo by Averb!: Ml nkb. rh F* t..iU5l»rM, O. Ellen Ansiic. W’O) STATE OF MAINE. la! of the deed. seem to be but l are wild iu some coun* Contain* no Gum. Wi t H C Wintiifop Cultivator and the and do not, however, destroyed, ETMa dogs running .Veur IFincIo.-Jer, July 2').— Rrecklnridge ency of the Union Constitution, CLAHK'S RESTORATIVE. t UoYIDENCE-Ar 2d h. brig Wm A Draper Exscu.iv* Une ol tue inoat reuiiirkaole caret ol ui- tits of in Cheater divined hi- lorce* at vllie DtrASTMrrr are beginning (o put forth green leaves. Pennsylvania, pirticularly Kerry U-t night, U* ca Ba.igor; sen I a o Ai*o Kclbn. New 1 ork that the more of the are a* a. ju i.. 1S 4. Intelligent party to Polishes Hair. 1 August;, J clde Unit has come to our occur- | and Between the bites of the dugs sending Early and the other your s.d 2 h. sch Marcel oi a eimik. Beiiam An adMurruni * «ion o» tun knowledge, from the Dauphin. Winchester, Kv(*cu(im t o:i *kj as themselves. The ladies of this place have been division CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, PA'* ILi KET-sld :Dth sch admit a will b« h Id at t*»r I'ounci! corrupt the the farmers towaidi Millwood. Roger*, Er*- hansl^r in u.bttiM „a red iu the eastern part of the Stale about aud the nips of rebels, Dutch kino. New k ork tor t» at (lit er.) In labor* tor the benefit u! 1 attacked an I lloudav.t^e ilghth d*v of Aoktu aext Now here is the rock on which they will llrst, untiring their detested Early to day in frnut Prepares your lor Parties. NEWPORT—Ar three The man referred to, were driven craty. Mlb, sch Huth 8 Hodrdou, Hall VI IN' year* ago. genth nearly of Winchester, and I -ViS?t: JH.. make a wreck of the old Democratic shiy o ir sick aud suffering soldi :rs. Tue amouut killing wouudkig over 3tK) CLARK’S RESTORATIVE, Provi*entt for New kork Jv •ld*d ■ t StrrrUsrjf •/ .stats. was strongly attached to LL family, was um- : ~3T f he South owes the North in mercantile •dicer- and in n. and captured lour camion, *r 20 h anova. from L alai- for Am over tbe troubled sea of which have raised and distributed for Bulb. Bridgeport; th*s tailed aloug pol they Prepare* you E.ge do for New Haven. Yolan'.ira ki «». i to be in -e eral hui dred small arms, and about 2J0 rib l< versally respected, always seemed obligations only §300,060,006. New York holds New I ork ; Ut fm nwfllius ZKtu. for *»!*•. tiles so and to in in aud comforts for the sick CLARK'S UESTORATIVK. pzibah. Bargortordo. Glaaroy stately triumphantly days food, clothing prisoners. Gen. Ldlev is wounded r »« was attached to of seriously iui Lardi. tl.»; N u a.o. boston it do. * two »'o good spirits, especially 6156,060,060 this; Philadelphia, §34,000,060; In bauds. All Ladies need It J ilw«n B( Iwb.hi OB f’oc*r. •« a;, Intelligent Democrats, who read counts itself in thou-auds of dollars; aud their and our Co'. Heard, of the 50th FALL Rl\ EH —Ar’2*dh. befg Lyra, Pre-eer Bau f goo* by. an t a n.u>ly oppo-H. hu «»■ t-i .i.d V.U. ,J i. children, and passionately loud of music. lie Baltimore, §100,066,000; Uvston, §7,000,- w«* kkled. The cannon CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, gor; sc-* June-, Wo oh p w, do i i for themselVM and mtke their own efforts are still imren.iltcd Their last pro Vi-glni* and prison- AAfcCtrli ». r. q ,,id ■ C .j | ,.f Ll) up opin- HULMF.S 8 ttOi E— Ar IMk. sch- 8*d would the young folks and 000. ers have been sent M na. Slir- .wroad lii. l.oi.« r ren iiur .fr, fin-lid get together irtinsburg. No will do without It. «n*>n*. I .oi and whose hearts cherish a love for the ail of the cause was a t^ Lady Bet is* Kii'hoo Muur a; Vo.a u in If wc’l lo ions, lectin good promenade The loss in itUcer* is t.f’oue »1-i>t,'.l aicon inorl.i. two m i m. an iu while his are now about sick and enemy’s heavy PtU- ElUwo »b lor New Flo eu e. spend evening singing, daugb 140,000 S Yoik; Crockett aid *11 r» . ut hui.A • i.l. «. that has our which aff irded much to those "S^Thcre CLARK RESTORATIVE, fcp ujj. Ac acd • w li Old Flag given government pres- concert pienure onersadiuit«Iji-ir lorce to liave been 5000. Tne llCrvsb- s-e*t or do; Aim* ter would the lie had invited iu wounded soldiers in the Bangor Lucy Fiat k cr iu tho y*r,». A ,arx« purr ot th. luiI.ii. play piauo. hospitals throughout Com* but di Mor*. new el v Island lor do; Ada n and power among all the civilised nation* who attended, aud it is to be hoped proved forces of Imboden and Jaeklnt the can never be induced to mourn to its The mu-ic for strength. lor d : Sam Na b. lh n do for os* earth, profitable managers. about »«p-( New Ltavtu of Auguf,, u not fold before. the evening on which ho committed the deed, hospitals, of which there are fifty thous- Ar 2 th *eh* Palmyra, smith E these arc the occasion was furnished IsSoldby Druggists mud Dialer* Every where. irabethj ort ior ALi.KS iJAISTS. the peace platform demagogues graluiluons by 4 .. to be in his usual and. Boston; Beu.al. Lott, li>»ckiaud f »r New kork. U -4 appealing good spirits. It From Con. >hermaH,e Price dl ortlaml, Julyil, busily constructing for them, nor be made u Bigelow’s Bind, aud Mr. Brewster of the Arm;/. per bottle.—6 botties lor Sh. BOSTON—Ar 21st. fob* Mayflower, lie ue’r-or was remembered alter the act was perpetra- 1 jy Maj. General Butler has ordered that the Kluab (h|ort; Oliva E UabetU. uamiltvn. Houdout! of Wasuixotox, 21. C. G. CLARK ft CO. » believe it* the divine right bolding hutnai Skowbegan House kindly gave the use of bis July Abby Bra^kv Th rndik*- do. ted that he had a word rear of the Curtis Tue National ha* occasionally dropped bitlerj in the house, before Republican the follow- Ar 21st. brig Ad Iwa. Homes. beings in bondage. Such intelligent, patriotic floe hall for tha purpose. Success to all such ing : Paoruirrona. Philadelphia; •ch- that would to that the of heretofore mown as water El /a Le au«l lie's d ou. lorthwen: Lirn Kear HIE FIRST go prove thought Petersburg, battery, W V1TI0VH UU Democrats will leave tbe party as soot The Government ha* received E. PHILLIPS. Portland, uey 1 hand u, and Ahar^di. do; just enterprises. after dispat die* Al.eu, hue. 1 OF PUHTLIND. suicide was iu his mind. This was a marked hr name i B ittery Spoffurd, Lieut. Col. W. from Gen. as a and shall be con But this letter is Sherman thi- tnnrnlug General Agent. slavery peace platform already quite long eoough of the 11th Maine announcing Below, barque tituMn from !Tew case of “suicidal monomania.’’ Oilier cases P. Spofford Volunteers. thu the enemy assaulted the three (Jrcgorr, York ! for when the army March 8, 1*64. ll»l 21-t -l.ip Spoilsman. ua«*ou. >| ut structed. dvys mercury goes up among times mchSeodly Holders of U. ». 7-30 have come to our of yesterday, and were repulsed each time Urqun* Bale ca Godaaid. lolley* ttjuhi, N Lt Notes, knowledge, persons the Some ittrfh-r items I had ;y The Chronicle ».ays a sailboat upset ofl The lime has gone oy when » l politic* nineties. which With slight Id-s to us. of T*l«v.m _,|n. ihs ra « puppet*. changed the most who ol Rj'k'WI. ill1 stances prosperous, imve taken an t while the fifth sw.arn a mile to the fences ilie c-itv to offer liable, le-caine more V\ 't h A V\ cud, iiakir. G*iu roent. to Jaly 1. and the More anon. Kpsiloji. mast, Lcr.t* *0.1 baud, ail) be dr. and men alio have changed. Floods n! tor ililiou litad, dvercil lighl their own liras. We have no doubt there are exposed aud suffered create- low." here as soon M they eai- be »r ,! shore aud proourei assistance. Phalon’i "Night Blooming C'ereas." SALEM—-%r Catharici [, e, by tbs have been upon subjects which were IWti, brig Boxers N ewton Government. JO poured who are tormented KH/abc bpOit; pcU F. Thee* year boat. are thr meal dr. many persons constantly Chronicle says there was i’htlon’? Cereus.” Mu:y Gage. H^Pkiiw, im N w once shrouded In and Truth no a Hon. Ezra B. Frenob. -yi'he Farmington "Night Blooming \ork tirableof an/ oft ie govern meat sw, rl the. darkness, with the to an end to their Foreign Vos tag*. Con. temptation put a terrible tornado at Fal s on GLOUCESTER—Ar lfltk »cU L I* voraionimnet be made la out and Farmington Mua Photon’* *• Morton. McCor- nat of «'bu 0r jt, *,),(. stands unveiled, bright powerful.— Mr. French 1* a citrzcn of DamarUeotts, and Wasuixotox. 21. "Night Blooming Cereas. mick Hau-or tor ih-’or. mortal career, and too, who have July A commi-*!on ore persons d ty of last week. It uprooted trees,demolished is h Goo p.e. of onartvr ai one Tha moral sense, the consciences of men now (Ills It officially announced tnat hereafter the ArlSib,* Henry. Harding, fm Ban >or for p»rc»nt. the to the responsible position of Second Photon’* "Night will strongest ties to bind them earlu. fences, unroofed one barn, and wrenched and to the Briil.-h West BloomingCerem." Bo-ton: M*i> LI xa. apairvw, ttanxor be charged. 'T t. liiiCi P. stirred to tbeir postage Indus, Cuba, As a have been profoundest depths lu the Dewar uncut. r 19th. *ch# t er 9 Stanley Im t a a»- for Let such make their known Auditor, Treasury A wall and I’aiiam» will las ten Phtlon* Bristol persons I'eWiugs ba dly injured other buildings. pm cents per half "Night Blooming Cerous." Fjhcx, K m Kaueor I r Bo-ton. Cathice. and the evils of human slavery, aud the enor late number ot the Po.Aland. 3fi. IHt to their friends aud the Wusbiugftu Republican ounce, p e paid. t n will NLA til KYlOLT—Ar 90 1. »*ii. Ma; mayS'o utf dinger aud anxiety Manchester Mirror the Print Postage newspapers Pillion's 1 c Herti.sbtd sin of rebellion a 22FThe says be two cents and "XlgUl b.ooming C'ereas." in.i or tv man. Hi nous agaiust government will be if not ! contains tin* I'ollowiug testimonial to his eoer each, established rate* on adolpWw; lings, kiiakc hpi.rt. v«ry much lessened, entirely Works in that h ave declared a dividend of l't>Hi'MuLTu—Ar 29 b. ach Co.com life and art city pani|Thlets, Ac., pro-paid. In future the rate Phalon's Flat fm >ow that has always protected liberty, removed. gy and worth: "Night Blooming Cereus." i UccUat .1 Nteam Mill* 29 per cent ., au l this is he fourth 20 per cent on »H letter* p ts-ing between New hi a as clear as a sunbeam. O.s Brunswick 8 '§tli «eHC rc rd Flint «• cklaud seen In light is tub A tn*ft Exquisite. Delicate ant Fragrant Perfume, l oot ol Crete, bet vi. a Fun, fc “Affaibs Sbcobd Ai oitoh’s Of six month*’ dividend, or 80 cent in two and the United States will he ten cents BANGOR— Ar WaUaee. La.. Wi»ca«'et Commercial «•.. per per distil Ue* from the Kate and Beautiiul 1 lower fiimi • old party feeling* and long cber Fits.— iu lUe oos tacit» hall ounce, to load f<>* ork teb Idaho. Lam be. t. Portland. prejudices, Another Minis»er fudy appreciate many pre-nay uicnt optional. it takes i*s name. Going. years. io It. brix WIKSLOW. ideas have to better aud mor« aud delays which imcuuit-cr business iu this Msnolactarod hr ROCKLAND—Ar Walter Hon.a. froir. DOTES & CO Ubed yielded We understand that Kev. only FHALOK k Sn&, X. Y. \and ailed I7ih Wilijam B. IIat- aud winch could liadl. Im officer in the 1st Ask for t ha'an'*— Bangor. loiTUitiiuore); »ch Ai.gt- their influences. Old cobweb* ar< office, stiruaouui- 3F“An intelligent Maine Be^xresf Counterfeits. iiue. »Hk Keitnebank. YITcTlLD InUrm former euai. ra r* .a enlightened From Jiertnmitt. no DEK, of the New Jerusalem Chtucb ed oil* of |e-» Taos Other, gold by Druggist- gen* haven t d pastor any invincible determiuatiou to a friend in this rally SlJ lib, barnue Aliea. Staple*, f r •, *SJ"er >'.«haltn»;. an er old ruta filled aud oUitera by Heavy Artillery, writing city, D’^cpfow Now M'“V l wiO, N- w brushed away, up of this aud lhau is New Yoke. 21 jant2C64aG(n lSth, rca k n.eport, k'tfuw.rlk, lh,»;ou Mtchlrcrv... d are (iwedenborglan) city, Ins received a eireigeliC iniiU'lry possessed by some information of Grant's July 'odo In ,a V w J< Freueii, necessa- "Buy Me, and 1*11 do tkjod." sawing, t* cU Tar.,, y fr.. charge which indicate that a crash at Petersburg mij no news In m iiie 4 U to tue lltb iust. you have iu And what, is better still, the public heart ii ry to know somewhat, of the nature ol the FOREIGN POUTS. operation one ol H- -ra. (irav A rusalein Church In an 1 that ho has at Fire steamers had mere W.odsnow Cincinnati, business here and the manner in he looked for no distant day. arrived from Wil- Paf ittui S!d m Fa erino 2Sd b mprov-.d i' ,or filled wit the love of country which has no* transacted, l)i*Lfin«lt‘yh Hoot Herb Hitters hit, .rqtto Ca»riua, P.ukhrm the invitation. The i- iniugton, widi an uggreggio of 30U) baica of New York. ■ UMM1 OFT I F M accepted salary *%C0 which it it carried on. a extensive to For Jaundicr. CostireBe'-*, L v r Complaint. Ho- WI !>. become a aud no mere party prepo* j3Tft requires pretty gullet cotton and a of Bid ur Liverj ool Ad Its passion, aud the ranks the heads and of this office arc large quantity tobacco. more. Indigestion, Dyspepsia. tiles, Hit. -re*. UraU- ahip Tiber, Metcalf fer ll will plana Wi ll the rml-n iccuiac society Among largest. The employees swallow in New lurk. nop, *< Irak all th» dispatches relation to the Three steameia clear acbc. Drow.iu s*. and al d teases in sessions, however strong they may have been a and never have d ou the Till ult. from arising from uia- thickuca. to lfitioii .ljuri. A -., wealthiest anl most <>t tbit always in special hurry, oruered .\t Sombrero. Ja y 14. barque Flor d *J Mar intelligent rapidly Falls Petco between Geo. stomach, torpid livir and tad Mood, to Wi*. -i.v L-o.iSH r cau resist lu time to must be Niagara negotiations, Wilmington. well from n*w York. *r 2*»ih uit, lor fit.r tr Impulses. stop. I'he work pressed for- w hich all per<*uus ar«-sutje tinnpri g aud summer. I biiado i’i i> loxq, increasing body of cbristlaus. While we con- N. flinders and ant Tue Little Ilattio had returned in t dar Hill*boro N B £ih For tawiur h, in and ward Without because those de- Horace Greeley, the two di-tress Toar cleanse tbe m. regulate the w Is, re- inat, bng Caledonia plank eg, „ bo. rtfe, Iu times of when one's sue inlersni-siuu, sy?tt Brow '. Pin 9 peace, country him from chased a Federal store the the and .land; h. sch Voigt. GtiUonj gratulate upon such an enlarged spin n on its woik, lUe allows, or r intends. being by gunboat. appetite, purify blood, giro sound- Varliculu ailenli, are pending children, gov Ar at liicliibucko ih iuat. nghriitoplaBiiig chip not endangered by foes with ness of imnil ami strength o: b<>d tu a»l who use biig Clara lire! man Liai'tu^rn h, stiu heavy r *nhjr government lor ministerial labor, we do not to other legal heirs of deceased soldiers, o ten iu I avne. ftr-w 1 > rk hesitate say the lino of the Grand them 80 d bv all d-*q’^re in Medkdr.e everywhere, For tha scrotum wlaiiou ui u aim and out or foes within—when men are iuieut or [3?*All along Trunk l Id 11th. OntyiHe other, hay- ludigeut circumstances, eoutlni wait Toe. in Haiti, th ing on (\l a* 25,50an1 Asthmatic J fictions ilUlE tN-.atbioat par u datl.e iiaydeu years doubly evening eugage- SM Im Liverpool €th injt, Webster, Norris & m above „am d la. aud trampled uuder rebel tUen Hi* assistant-, too, arc alt new to 1I12 buslin *», Experience havlog proved that-lmpl* remVdie- o*- A ..I .. d h.r .1 spit upon hot, m lit going on between the rebel* aud our Albiou. Locke, New York. 1- kv L' m- next and is therefore me of the ten act speedily wh* n tak*u iu the early of the 1 Packer ei of U aroused In the September, and require the most carclul oversight, as this ;2F Peter Almy, commonly oailed"Old Pete,” forces at stages Lnt ont tJrh. Eli**, Nickerson. Calcutta. pnrey Cambridge. ana ,,'uownol th* spirit patriotism hearts yesterday Leesburg, and when h« di*oa«*. ronu^H should at once be had to "Arora'i for oT oldeit in Portland, lie is a bureau is of rt cent construction, out Ar at L* nd<>u 7th iu«t, Auuie Word erfcioaticr aniwrinubl The Dr ,alih and pastors g.-utlemau growing a vtll-knowu colored pensioner of New Bedford, lell the long roll was lx Hr+nchial Trasks." or l o2er.-res. let the C PuugltM. fro airan.-rr lo the citiw, oi uaa*a of all citizens, political demagogue! beaten- old. New York. Portland baa »•". ,» good ol tlio necessities ot the war. The lug or Irri*a'ioii of the throa* be of and exact a clear | present a few s Cough ever o slight, but allot ll aou tii. wav to ih ripe, extensive, learning, 1 died day siuoe, aged ninety years. 11« S Id ftn Card IT i b in*? Robt Leon a: d. for hearia, f I)*, J, t have leas chance of making proselyte* to ar Auditor sets his llic best as by thi p»-ceaut on a more serious attack Huron. without a word t himself ciutks very may be New York. cemmeedatio., |,0m a and 1 an earnest and iuteresii ig under Commodore Porter in the old From Missouri. eft ctual v warded»IT Public all Ail these will work to igleal writer, in the matter ot fouglil Speakers and Sinners eon aa«eu... \ „ unholy will riud ff ctu *1 tor aud not f.oia any wan- of names aud of most undoubted Christian char aud and had a clear recollection of Sr. cMaiing strengthen- Ar at Foochow ft. M wt.ioh in ch. l,„. h » speaker, industry rigid punctuality. He is always Essex, “Middy Joseph, Mo., July 20. iu *th* voice Sui t ers 31ay t> Glover, Ku*h* *. from a. for our country's good. should have them, a* they nr.d relorotcea ,uch e- .ne gether at l. with boo is be Shanghae; !6tb, Sarah Hcvnao, Cfbb, aud to,£ acter. He is the author ol several staudaid the 'ard iu advance of his subordinates, Farragut.” Thornton, gueriillas, In Carioll can carried ia the pocket, aad taken a« • ooasiou UrltfD, A F» ou ii,in A .r,d Whitting. « o- Ambon, iru,,. ,-. c- K That there have been two factions in tbs and the in county to-d «y, and will make an ef- rt quire*. I A.r.. >«nrtou works in vindication or doctrine* systematic discipline which reigns of probably jaue25d*wlm s d May 9 Cover iiuut. St l^tb. Endeav- lormerly tuilor ,„ epiriiu.idge tbe jyWm. Fields,formerly Udtiinore, who tin- anghac: L. H Monroe Prof there can be no am! peculiar i hisofliv is worthy of the very highest com- fort to cro-s Missouri river. Gen. Fh-ke or, Uoinr. do. ei B-maMna, HeatoLAo: .Vg? Democrat^party doubt, ol his and this as a shot of Posotkixt.—W» have tried ?!» * .cry nntdeafiv church, Iu respect t: gell mendation. Vo In late—no US- by .'Jr. Isbmgel Day Bn ore coun- i- Ids band, but his lorcc is ttxi small Fragrant Hr,o- Ari>t o?uor Mm6. Emily B.nnniuc Fellow*. prvfer.d to aa t aolil lie c.u d .,7 some extent.— coming running pressing doi t, and \V; lie people of Vom -ai.. that division still exists to cordially agree with fcyrgr* d-* of other. S*n FraiiCBco: ISt Ne*t<»r. t loudman p,„, minister, he takes rook with tbe ablest of his aud out business hours. while iu the act of loo effect Hindi, 'f ile i-ts are *° w Nagasaki. ie: h.r >*J In dating The Gov- ty, taking donp the national loya rallying, *** mv? **' ^ 1“ it lug edbrtit w u u be these factious have t< *lirV Pronouncing one sd Way 6th. Luxoti, Robbrsou. New York; 7th. a) predate.) in d-.e iyme True, hitherto managed ministerial ernnt nt L well and Mr. h never.:It. l North will soou be p« the bt.t aud mo.-t fragrair Dach uow thv cam brethren. The New Church of faithfully served by Mr. flag in front of Day's house, died at the yiasouii tpo article lor the tee b Cataiepa. Stevens, Naturaki; •?*»*. 4.#orx«si Wil. apaearalDbe beyond tl e ,.r aad that ha ever lathiii ol the hot aud aud with some o hot for lie in, gum*‘ besu introduced to the iams ti eg Dr, hi n elf. inhere ai< .nr Mow cold, degree French. on — pub- Kong; Suith./u Crown, eaundeni ZJkfL Cincinnati may well West Buildiugs Hospital Friday. The lic Portland *r the li„iitnr» *e. cltic- n» demand au unconditional surrender of tbeii buckshot in his years i vra* Bill ujw Everybody is Cbengv. ot port, two hundred body. He gtid 21. I laud, os.oiadv iavile all «,-.oB to call of On the Sunday afternoon the Poughkeepsie,N. Y'., July .'km, me ow my heir become .1 tl.iclt. 4 or .Mil Arat Maul main Apnl &>, Sarah Park, Yashin, »i»n a, and We confess ^ uly. previous learn aior* -tat ,n they have a oiort nim a load.” A large tiro is in seven diiveUon, •imhi xourad.irre. iuclo.li* 50 Calcutta fully k. •» 1 t Dr. aid opponents. Ol'EM is on be “Old Day gave pretty good raging Castletou, ;ta. tiaar-n, VueroHlA losing her (Usc.dtureaie scrip vnii Prof. 441 Ar h at pars,-Ml;. Mu. aid lit. win 1 ,. than the popularity ; preached by miles south of Tins inhabitants arc Itox, Worciur, at lliti'l urr A Inat. Chapiu Hall. Cal ao. n,t defined policy other and the conlideuc* of the Albany. uokfc he rc.iKMu^if*» rha* Mrs ^ H l sharply wing British It urriRiLT 16 d3\* * Ar at i'UAba> cu 4 h In*I, Granite ae^er has vr- people. W. B. Clarks. On Tuesday evening tlp> Condo was ill the li the $6. State, »* an that her cy’W.vSUlNOTO.V 'shocndxd,” li|s Hatching of ISG*._ja') 0 u.t penuAuvH ly aa» etete4 |th ur ,a and that g»T*» them advantage which they is intimated cou«i*.t indicates more tfeslrqgtipu theip Cat ao ihs la- be The Aiumui meet- the of a as he dwellings. Jr Is Van. I that the 0A Ar at bors »» hw pro? ii4oh. I t«i« ls»*> * i h than ol ai CltruM will prevched. alariqlgg cry newsboy, pattered gfegter jxir- EM kOS .ud b.LL libAU. U..414 print. Antwerp &*b i ft Alice Gr y. M ixwcl.fm * htiiafS Itft Their tact ineie eccentricity mind. JJer Inter ih ieK.eot tuer sitye** \e will not fall M>pn>ve. superior tiou ol the town will be ed. —t (hi. (lit. 1.. Fhiladei\ hta e\pj tha** r« » raetjto Hou. his bare feet on the heated of destroy i, ♦ Terence with the mii±uui»truiion m is ing will be held nit Wednesday morning. planks the Qreat *'i b Uj s^e whu h o «m on ? tun i» Win tell on member* of th< atfaiia Ar Iz Roadi 8d inat, fnnj nD-*f© firnn. wad the Fluabiug Niagara, (US#) 1 m. io W t» .ahu*. wr<4 H • OA-e oi TigilafMC thus of by Glasgow iheJInintr : S B LU of New WM deliver Bridge. “Washington surrounded,’* exclaimed th« t*m,«/« spoken Ruygles, Lh, fo*; D-’IlfOH .rein w.ui oi »n> kiuaol rtUNTISG Antwuip. p lHowe t* iur her iu oouveut.il>.. rue the word is Xhe Float• b.mmti to or in* {,» coming feeling grows, freely passed, si “•U-kpowu number of the d ibanded be UoasnM. eat! »t the li.ih Free, itttce tt iuviUU to c-Ul °li the -» afire**. lb*ssuivsrsiry of tbs Phi lieu Homs *ro Uf*orib- rs or st %\ % lrit:. damocrat* *tlll wlthlt that lu the of the palace ministerial SPOKEN. tutu corner of c and The war wt<> keep privacy " »»hinE- New Tohk, 21. .ugres, Chastnul .tre.ta, nawr action is an Kappa 3v>c;ety will be held on Wednesday even a "Wh«’» July Jufv 7 lat Ion 13 fm N w • k y Ms 11. &re not out directed and conti'oHed in uncon- GuarJ, snatobing p!,"**’; The Herald's on 27 04. 66 16, brig Matin#, dara tVw charmed circle of the Washing di-patch *ay* the MINI ATIRK B wiou or ♦ C L. C* tx 85 Part* pirvj" stitutional mannner, and that the united will lug. Qrator, Rev. R. 3. Storrs, D. I)., of tuu surrounded f” ’Srouuded ALMANAC Ci.hi et by by Of State has determined to make a Juhr 7 lat 87 4^. from Xh. fc M» FHADGia H shrink a®‘ of a Fr,d“r loo 6-1§, brig Olivo France#, «»•>. s; Brown St spoken enough. They eringe, great uatlouis threatened with Rev. A. L. D. ..July **. Bath fur N -s-mj •«« ■, *'•» subjection Brooklyn; Post, Stow, D.,of with lots o’ guns, and they want help to man fottnal demand upon the British Government >1*. ?• MoCool dd.Htil.au:; ^dividual Heoe.4 Ui,{h water. 1 W I July 19. 'a 43 from any but a bold front. g»« 411 lon699f>. barque Cba# Biewar _ 11 MyrllesirtM-t present thing This U w irresponsible authority.’' Boston. ’em. Won't mister?’’ lor the sui tender of the pit ate Semmes. Bun «U. 7 1*1 >*•<.]>‘»IH,SJ you go, I—U«nry Bailey A Co. Thuksoay.—The follow lug cases were dis- M dicin' Mt-w Boat for •—M. ot-avoy. TOTHt posed of: ]lar|tswrll. I. of Horses, s. W«tt" \?*ut d. Rebels O. O. F.~ Carriage * Horn* strl COCNTY. Repulsed before Atlanta. >»■ Exourtiou~8. of T. CCKBKBLAXD j On and alter Mondiy, July 11th, 18n tf ;kets to 75 cents: Teak's | o M No. 80—Edwin S. vs. Aim on S. Iloh- Buffalo, July 21. Uarp«wc)l, FHIDAV, This school occupies the first and second Hovey ering rebel communications with Kichinoud. Maid. 2 centsmDir.moud or Gh* Is- mi Hind, H<*al Cviiiic at The w ith the rebel I Cove bcague Auction. son. correspondence ageuts Oil tho 17th the moved to within 6 l**'i>, tide lit-. tic £ >d«d land street, recitation and school room?. asked on the 12th of Horace the nro- qvaiL-r , art oi a .,t u Greeley Decatur. 'BOOKSELLERS! Pib-bic will be l.,Ud cuntMu.oc, b at“ j occupying 1 he are ■lireo on No. 88—Daniel C*. vs. President or of pabdc in\ Pod to this boat, it beiog ot helilinata-aatifu'y Grove I ae.u», Bid |D ,r m It is universally admitted that ia architecture, Emery Piscalaqua lection of the Secretary War 1’hc inspect THEa mn nom ibe a .Mu.joy j enemy appeared to be in force iu tho I til ed up u a u, ti jor ana is far the safest Depot, j ItmgwSeht.tlj ratory. Loan,lid b> to vi.it siyio, by oonty r air Ground, a,..,. longiee*. Mmuitoro aid Uuu nealuess of and Fire aud Marine lusiiraace Co. Washington. woods about a »*xcur>i n boat in wateia. ( which ,r« JB •« », b, it finish, general arrangement, Argued. the city, our army j *— AWP — one go- the Hi. ot , ;n on 13 occupying Hut.diufrr. of them will he n»ed u. ffitUi “S. Mr. Greeley. reply, the b, under- for tort hr nuiticular» of GKO. WATKK- oad. rid. very ce< rab e Guo. B. .1. * E. Hue an arc of a north cast ol inquire prcper'y mil bex.li. »< this building has not its in New Eng- Emery. M. Rind. w ere forming circle, Oiningkc .booth.,no. D-nc..." oo i.rm. e<(U«l standing they mere bearers of HOUdlk, Agent, on "o»-d, or rii, toen.t purehae.r. proposi- Atlanta. Pair Groand. *f, eve mi acraa will wl.hont the Bait land. tions from itichinond to I afford am ,.b^ve looking peace, ten- J. B. ! roomtor loot Hell, and On the 16ih Hooker's oorp- was into JOHNSON, Proprietor. Swing,, other amu-e- hf »•«»• talc a-ijonrnad anti dered the sale condact of ilie President. going 9 menu wh Qh » ill te Monday Jni» Mr. William P. Tucker has been Principal 21. July provided. Tea. < offc and He »• * '■ * * * be MuuicipaLCourt.—Julv position on tho left of McPutrson. Otbei Ireehm * preut.ee-. X„ were not Merchants of Me. nts III be for rale at the Pair Bui d 5 the Micliaei lor Tuey replied that they accredited Country nun Ice P*rt,cu)»r»«'l on .The of this school sluce it has occupied uew Sisk, keeping a sty too near troops were to extend the line still w ater in abnnoance will he orli.e.! Auc mn.ar. hog with such a but were in the marching p by tbe tird. r J u!iSB pr position, con- lucre i« a »icam car about one lie is a the street, was fined tlv aud costs.— further southward. wi icfi inn. beiweeu Gardi- building, year. thorough dollar* ttd> nti d of their Ai.JBICHS PATENT ner and j employ Government, and Angola, givl with aa The is iu the most con- gltcwewho opnor" and we learn has ! Committed. felt army encouraging to tali that Valuable HcuI ft.stale scholar, given very general authorized to declare, if the circumstances dition. Wu i er tuuify place ut Aut nuin, EUevator ! °'J bellow, are CAN satisfaction during the time be has John for assault ai.d battery on di-closed i tliis correspondence was commu- rat|ne,ted to meet at the Monday. Jalyiah.a’>n\lick » M outba occupied Gulliver, The investment of Atlanta must eventuate Lodge Ro un at o'clock, where * nicated to or 4 I’AiKsi com more aid thiy will torm a '*'**• <-et.b e aoeorn Uicniuond, they some other gen- lining good less bad at u.a Bear* his Mr. H. Mai V was lined two dollar* and costa. ; in its surrender. « preercaion d ch t<> the D in lull and 8 on 1 ,acu present position. Joseph Harden, Small, only XV «,Ui:i ih in au> t «*. flxtu e iu u«*e for house pi tttga ie eireet, ooo.ainin* ou toy any pump Store! ri 1m La d two tn-». police They ask a salu conduct to or drawc- now ng c lutor able Washington and has on tin- i use it w rks to easily in t * in.en.ri.te nil f0 tai.nt o.her Johnston lelnlorced Richmond, the public are Invited to In tbe •y ab.u since, and Mr. lias been boys who were iu thence to Kidunoud. child rs’old can dr«w i j in Kxcovcion MUwtbeck. a Prenyice Cummings engaged assaulting «igitt ye w.th it. it is lea "• AI.el.Hlt. .Ml . it i< believed Johnston cannot 411011 »>" **»*> 'h > at H e t at oi " * r i,, Mr. contrary ic d; tlea tsuoi.1 iu the w Ur to Depot M rite 8t ab to d his successor. the dwelliug of the old lady. Greeley answer* that the state of fads p g ir-Jureif; —A FD— at 8 ,.clock A M eojet'leg ve, ta ...u? appoint, south of Atlanta, and that hi* will be it does not it i. Jt Returning Icate Gardiner at C I flanked room.; ml ie. t r«*t army Irene; simple; is not likely U d C 0«»fc P M. -Jr III, by aJTat M behig materially different from that under- itl < ut Miss Hariette J. B. Dalton, assistant mis- j forced into the wotks of that of order the buck** has io valve ai.u In place. Ileketatl at e’oud exist the it was advisa- ***4 i'seit. 1 ou •. k.ch-tobe bad Ra k Obx. Bitleb's Kites.— Benj. Frankiin by President, Later from Gen. Sherman state that omP have our well all open or eov ley Boy,.-. tress; Miss Sarah A. Miss Katha- reports uri d at 01 uf '"he. o tlet Gilpitrick, ble for him to communicate with p ea-ur*. »nd is just tu-’h a siuipV fl .ture a« t'n° *.,!**o.*" ommitt-e Jninajf it and down by telegraph Johnston moved out of Allauta am. * sent kite skyward brought light* yesterday ever) ntau net d» who values ture water for PI Jol“ i'owrgton rine B. Larraliee, Mrs. Harriet F. J. Adams. him and obtain instructions. f.miiy lil/tSIII\(> HOISE. *•“ £' u V*'. [ew 1 attacked tha left of onr at u*e. A ■•’»»» Kieh Rufu, B Franklin Butler seuds kite* wing army Deca- a D.li a' Manlev. Meat Julia H. ning. iij. sky- Alter some further in rela- -Vnuh. ha, II K ch Jo Kniate lor hale Miss Woodman. Miss M. Louisa Mer- correspondence tur. The assault was made with ilf“i)rawe:s and Town and for lab Lnrle.nb. h, ss*V. great vigoi County Eights °'”m"te* 01 AT wn J and drops down among the rebels, flut- ’i n to Mr. communication with ale hv tlrrangem nt,. fuble Aue kin on Thureoar rill, Miss Lydia A. Lord, Miss Harriet A. Den- Greeley’s and resulted iu a bloody repulse to the rebels. JyiMtd' Jcie 28 h at 1 President the was received BOYNTON A HIGGINS. tering hundreds of copies of the President’s Lincoln, following «ho retired to their work*. It is not known nison, assistants. Irom the latter: 13 and lo Wa« rou Ataiket, ortland. Amnesty Proclamation. Old Ben is a case.— whether the a'tack was made to rover a r* jylt* !3ng said he Is Greeley: BAILEY .*ir.lour» oia-ll **,? ‘i0*** we. the struction of tiie Roswell Factories ha* l*et‘t. AND tu, k, during term 2-17—number not marked ab- NOYES, t.’v* *a To tchom it tuny MTill hold on .bar Lo “4 great in the examination of and concern—Any proposition a severe blow to the rebel. thrir 4ub l^ K.ufo? .» n sent the term 120. Charles A. Has- deserters, M.OWAUD A CLEAVES. O e sio during which embraces lire restoration ol [e-ace, the 2j y Cuti«Ku aiuum o i*,-. i, cross qties i ms with such keen that the i ANNUAL uonfl kell has not been absent a for four logic, integrity ol the whole Union and the aban- PICNIC room?; single day .Vo & at Bookseller* itu«l bMXl.rei/i.r^rir; rebels are forced to tell the truth whether donment of ami which comes and Propositions of Prarr Ttoeclre.l by the Attorneys Counsellors Law, Publishers, A. Charles F Gil- slavery, by -AT— Two of the abqra b notia years. Joseph Cbickering, President. b.ina made recant -nr are to do so Am- with an authority that can control the armies Office 91 Vlidille Ca>«;o i_siau, Elward A. George L. Tur- they disposed or.not. The S|.,ovrr Bank, •- LeProhon, uow at war against the United States will be Washington. 21. PLEASANT 1 Proclamation has July COVE, 5KraiK2:«-torf Harriet Annie E nesty caused many deser- The Administration h s never l.a.1 In tore M£. ner, Blanchard, Daveis, reived by the Executive Government ol the PORTLAND, Nos. 56 and 58 °“ 0lto'd- L*»- tions to our lines as these them for a. Street, TH>\i» II. Eliza belli W. examinations prove United S'a'.e-. and will lc met by liberal terms consideration y proposition from •tar-l ru HOWARD. Exchange VV, July 1864. Henrietta D.-lande, Dyer, VATJIAN CL1AVW. Mill, Enqu.rr of tlD.tr A on the rebet authorities to nor is GOl'LD, most other substantial and collaterial amt relating peace, in The E'iza L. D-nnison, Amelia M. Fitch, Mary E conclusively. point., J. lSdkw Bar„c Comfort wil.lviveC u.iom Houae whari 74 Mildias.in.1, L> ittafn. the bearer or bearers thereof shall have ,-afe it known that any such l a* bten received at -7 '* elect. jyl«-!2w Hall. E. Hart, Frances A. Haskell. Ag- And whatever las the 1 li.k *f *r Sophia Look to tocr we conduct both way*. may acts conce ing the Portland, Adult".&)cen*»; Chi'dr^audertwaive Chimneys.—Yesterday 3. Blaine, 30cput —fo Lad st Hail A m a E. AT.lt conference at the A BLO OID y Noye-\ Kxehau*< AB it **• if a nes M. Lord, Margaret Maxwell, Mary P. cau'ioued to bo LSlgUeU) AH AM LINCOLN, reported Niagara, pre-ump- , trw or W Vi. sis is. people particularly careful Lothrvp, Middle )UM(. aud 1 urt President ol United States. tion here is, that, while there has lieeu no lo Successor to George Anderson, (•mmitite lanuiAibbii.il Mary E. Raymond, Caroline E. R >b- where Are bow to Merrluiit & Phillips, they dropped any lighted substance mal action on the of the Gov. rum. id fully prepared Ic<« < >. Aron MDp&tg «tll| be Atutn+etr, Elizabeth H. Henrietta B. Major Ilay, 2H1), note, Cougrrm Street, Portland, p ovided. >u hat liiaon, Smith, during this extremely dry season. To day we looking to ini tatorv measures lor negotiation* root Ball. Swiii*-, ae. Holcomb and others if they have any commu- **££££■£ ;*?„;? * A. “merit of It is not to hear from Ni Sign of Anderson’s Depot, i^V* Thorpe. Mary Weymouth,*,received cautiou them to look well to their chimneys, nication to send to Washington bv bim. peace. indisposed HoopSkM Meronani’a AhXiW.V. agara or els. where whatever reb- cards” for each week the term. Mias and =ec that are not Holcomb outhe 21 prominent constantly ou baud a complete assort- Supply the Trade! during they foul. One of the replies *t, regretting that ment BBBB el*, acting etiher as volunteers or authorized KKEI'8 oi M:\VS at he has been ot < Bea, be > All I Amelia M. Fitch has been present every officers informed us that a delayed by any expectations tale V»..*T. police yesterday, commissioner* may have lo say tub HOOP S K T R T *‘<1 * an answer to his communication to be deliv- regarding S, bainltaa eolKi.ad t iit** session of the school for four The bou-e of fin and -AT TH*- K*oi* rite Miiu* ; years. dwelling on Myrtle street came very important subject. every length, inane of iln* Jvenl m t’eria!. ron.pt eale. and retnrne ered to the l’re-ideut of the United State*, and warranted People! a The in to give perfect «*tisfac'iou. Also ou 1^*12 un‘'k clashes exhibited good degree of near from this a few that the Repubiic.ii, commenting on thl proficiency beiug destroyed cause! addin? communication was accepted “and a lu I u -jituiein oi 'opic. « tys M.ij Huy m ly converse with l.owrxt In their various studies. m since. As it was a considerable a* a response t o the letter of Messrs. and peo Wholesale Price*. tilings Clay in Canada his own Corsets and Skirt to Mr. to that pie upon responsibility, but Supporters, THE TO TMJS In the ailernoon the annual exhibition took of bed was Holcomb Greeley, and gentle- of the moo a- MECHANICS' ilffllCTUD / quantity clothing destroyed, and lie 1* not there in any oftleia! popu mak s. both o eign and domes- man ha* the answer been transmitted. capacity. with other a-tie!*- in the room ot the High School.— it was hard that Ihe \ roperly belonging to a Hoop place boys' only by wotking building The letter to Mr. a'tcr allud- * r* *t-r okirfs H, special contract, recent!)- made with the Bos- Greeley says, Hoop ina.io to ore er. and n- GREAT I»M. W.J%. room was was saved. pairi g doue Ht bhort notice. ANNUAL PIC-NIC! DtflllUi, Tlie large densely crowded with ing to the tender of safe conduct to From the Seiuth.re.l. ton and Sew Washing I’an 1-8 « fa with Inrk Publishers, we are enabled to lug this **t»Vi»l went mav rely Will take scholars and visitors, and stand- ton on the hypothesis that "we were dniy ac- St. uj i»u p ace on iVIeciical every sluing Louis, Mo., July 21. getting gwd* of die very best quality and at topply any and Sixth Maine.—About 100 of Ihe fro: ! .i-hearers of a u- lo* as Electrician, member* credited prep- The steamer Yellow price a re .hv can persons compress- Ntnn». from rim Upper goodartfcle bd aff rd*-d **• *• ing place being occupied by to the establishment of -inland, July 8, ISii. On «■»>’< Blacl., Oth Uaiue Regiment, under command of Cupt. etition looking peace. Missouri, reports GVn. Salley’* Indian expedi- a6w Tn33day next, the 26th ed to much less than their usual dimensions. The as inst., jORM MM Ok’i,'OMifftMSS assertion was accepted evidence of un- tion at the mouth ol the Ball r.vei All of AMD li.p Theodore Lincoln, Jr., arrived in Boston jes- C.iunon the School AT MTMMM1A Tim exercises consisted of music—Saluta- expected but moat gratifying change i.t the building a new lort. J- Books, Blt(\*\\|(k. mo«f«m ter aud will leave 'i.1. ijQwio c5z> announce!© theeitiuae of day morning, that city for ol the President. A which we Co., WOULDPortland aa«* Edward M. LeProhon, in Latin—Ora- policy change Hostile Indians were seen In force between t in The UIBcors jcuary. that he ha* Derai* tory by Ma.aractnreca and Whelraalc l)c«|e r Ails on of the Coll, gea hare y locate-i »* this The is a feel authorized to terminal*) in the In Sr*t«', tciilrrod te the tfcie city. Augusta morning. following hope might Fort Rlr> and Fori Union, and uurnber- Co0*01 tLo uec cf their *e tions ones Ilinkley and F. U. Jordan— large have otoa ia U>wu we Lave l.y-J list of the conclusion of a peace mutually honora- were said to bit some miles J*at cart dun.* o! officers: just, back. ol **»—«*» persons who John S. R. C. READY-MADE did 'iL!rZ2h bave tr»*4 DfclamatlSns by Mathews, ble and to the North and the Father de who was Sphi Gro?e k ous her tor au of t real aim r in Buck of advantageous Schmidt, sbosrd the CLOTHING, Spac Co.lege Ground*, tain, ai.u curia* • *. Surgeon—Witt. Bangor: Captains The Most tieate la eo B G. E. Geo. no condition Imt tual we Yellow AND Liberal Terms. abort a time that tbe Qu*>«tioa u Cushman. Chapman. Bird. South, exacting Slone, bad two councils with 300 Sioux Ki'HNISillNt; I3ue of the rao*t b>au ifol in *, tiJL —Theodore Lincoln,Co. F, D-miy-ville; Levi j GOODS, places Maine, cff ring “*«-■ du they cured f should be accredited from Richmond as >rn .lay lo u.?*ar ibi E. Bacon duly Indian*, nesr Flat Berthelen. Char'?,. amp'ero lor the tbo«nniiC« that a.aait '• »,1) 'hut ouaetloa L Turner, James MrCobb, Henry L. L Bassford, Co. B. of Calais; L. Smith, They expressed y j L,.,i 2 v»r#,( attena ••T ,11 that do sol M, e, b arcta of a to the Ibm* ia.ori?r excursions. Jo * 23**“ proposition looking estab- anxiety to make peacy with the whites. loetor tke wcoud tune tor um> —U-a of school Co. 1. of lliagur; Fred il <’o. C, ol Ma- f Iny* ling very interesting papers l!, of a (Over 11. J. Libby k Vo.,) .•* *** rnl^h free of a Dr. D. uae bwu a lishment peace, thus proffering basis for Idahoe mint rs eame on expetsa uraeutai rlectn«t*>. •« » cbias; Fred B. Ginn, Co. of Twenty-six down LJ*GE tL -VR »h tk time* RuR and Anna E. Daveis— E, Bucksporl. :u Ilaytcgparchosed the Smt-TTrc Plai «. f 0m lUSUlSG y*are. and ie aleo a by Mary S. McCo,**b conference as we could de- the Yellow Stone with over Ai»o ft win rt-gulgr graduated h\ bk-ilc* Lieutenant*—John C. Cn. of Ban- comprehensive #200,000 in gold. its, Fuo; Bal.s and ice Water. w Honey, B, j v. Portland, me. O. L. Siiaoia ft -CJoctrkuy i-arieeUy aaapted u> ebroi** Chari*.* A. Haskell, Sarah A. sire. I; seemed to us that the President Co of this city, a s shall in fu- >o tbe form of owiiej© Dialogue by gor; 11. S. Hobbs, Co. A, of Bangor; J. L. MUSIC BY aervonaor *ick headache aenrei*^ opened a door which bad been __jjiidtr tare * he CHANDLER'S BAND. ■ u* *~J Fairfield and Auua L Daveis, in French- Pi Co.C, of Macbias. previously O/fi or rs Aire.tetl publish valntbk* Serna uf Sra» .L Root* wok.or *ntre»5tS, closed the Slates tor full for Soiling Government i *rs will a the acute *ca«tM or where c‘“»*pt£o"2i," ri^ against Uonlederate Horsts. loave KenneW Depot at 8 o’clock. (be lanaa are uotrnf! ladies— heretofore paUiahed them. This ( ia\olved; aoute or Reading Shakespeare by .tight young of free discussion of Ciui-iu Cl arria 1 hp .erics, to* th- 714:k*t§ 7J at*—to be had &t Lowell k chroaic rbewamtwai *croiwia It* tulerchiuge sentiment*, ge«s, ges A Seotsw’a. The Collector of Internal R :venue New York, Julv 21. er with our Duu>nu *. I'aine's Music Martlia E. Worcester, Mary requests and untrammelled efforts former publication., will makr t!,r Store, and ol tht lorn- Compositions by conflicting opinions The Commercial’s I'iimly limit and Neatly FmitlKd. f.j. e u* to say that he cannot receive, in payment to remove ill cau-es-of liberal Washington dispu'ch List E Raymond, Caroline A. R-.'binson, Amelia controversy by it it that lowing furnish plec.tr of says expected nearly ail the 'a s f *iftod.rarj * for taxes, any othpr money than United Mates negotiations. We indeed could not claim the p'under J. F. >rall that desire to go M. Fitch. carried out of will lie LIBBEY. No. 20 Preble Ice benefit of safe conduct which bas been ex- Maryland reriptured St., ►E (*reaai aud other Refreshments lor salo National Bank Bills, or Gold is Norton1*. Weld and DU th" «yass.trSSSSE.«rec»« .h.i*.n iu' war ucauuiuu* uc wi « Tr-a-ury NRes, What does not revert to the tLtljj for at I*;?- QutekenW f>ram. JffOULii. sbuuui iuuiu tended to us In the character we bad no captured losers. tale, v3iat»ii>! tu< r.t. a variety btHTs right t < S. of tk, itM us or Silver coin. Several officers have been arrested for sel- Of attia^is tui e In the neat, hi andiou*i*ii£ mar. Kmkhsos. ] Committee ,n krai •/ rareala with flag*, and evergreen mottoes.— to assume, and never expected to possess, but Muit A r. riant banting ling Government horses and the kittWMir. i bt a-K.itti.tm totui i;ut ail the a, J ot of our pocketing rt *e® All wfin took in the exercises did tbem- the uniform declstations Executive 1k- °f Light Cairiis***, aud t!>«*> will be “ BtA“' ' Arrangement. part I \V. avails. A* this business has been m on ers.ixal—Major George Sabine, 1st and < and their thrice and carried on id tli most favorable term*. raraotiK inicisd* The Grammar. JolT20-4-d ongress, repeated a ?rog»e»*ive Electricity aelve* much credit, well lor their own good while the Government loss is I urchaH* will find it ior speaking Maine Artillery, *«f a on board as often to large. Carriage- their inter Tbe Kheumatic. the the passenger repulsed attempt* 01*01 negotia- e*t to examine goaty, tame and tbe !*,• as cio_*»a before buy By We'd k k*nb”«. »nd industry and application to their studies, Ur boat for luruislt a sutlkient that this con- uigo!#vwbore, Quito JO?. move with tbe agilitv aed elaetK* Listport, yesterday. Major S. tion*, pledge juneaadtf Grand Scottish of l*7 yoaib; tbe heated brain la oooled; tbe licet well a* the faithfulness of the and ciliatory manifestation on the of the Gen. Hunter Driving the Itf hole, Gathering! rftten Principal was wound in both part limb# the J legs, but is now doing The reetored. uncouth deformities re* President of the United States would be sent Pori laud Pxogre**ive Book. moved; faintnea# converted to Assistants. It was remarked by member* of well. Baltimore, July 20. Company —X olive. Far»ing vigor, weafcne*# ‘ " k Quarket»bo*. The Portland t ie Lauded iorm to move tbe had, no hesitation to diciare that if not,h.d lint the aprigtt; blemwieeaS Sor-niKits Home.—Sir. William H. rium- therefore, rebel* from Winchester. Berryville, and all Hereby HLi.ua! lit ime of the ^ yoath are obliterated; the accidents of on the that this was the most Corporal in ni l be lh!c! „i the mater# years board, this correspondence was communicated to the other w ithin 40 or Mi mile* of the vi| e:< .) the (urn- prevented the calamith* cf rW obviated ni'-r has points road, at til Hr tv on Weld'* “«m.mZ been appointed Superintendent of of the P'ny, .'L, Tuesday the iili day of New Grammar. Burns am active circulation examination and exhibition that President Confederate States, be would and no as to its now v Association \ maintained. satisfactory apprehension safety Is last. t 3 o‘cIo k in tLe altt tor this not William II. as iULUu, the ful* had laken for several institution, Pence!!, we promptly embrace the opportunity presented felt. lowii,,. ptirp place years. Weld'* In con nerlion with the ladies had it for a solution ol tbls un- A large number of trains are wait- 1—To liuar »od act on of Grammar. school was addressed In a brief and yesterday. seeking peaceful freight Reports Pirectors and w.ave oold beau* bbu The ap- strltc. Trea urer. ,M> I*nM..k., at — loae and happy ing Harper’s Ferry to go west, and at Mar- ^ fo (Old EdiMuii weak back*; ner voea manner Dr. after clt;>o-c Direct* r* for th* ri**tilDir and nick by Carruthers, Tun We feel must share ■ yrar. iiailnc and propriate degree of Doctor of Laws, wa<- eonfor- confident you our pro- titrstiurg to cotnc east. d—loaet 11 o.h,.*r .wtuimjv „ tbt any bu»iue.-c that nuv como SCOTTISH «=«1 which J. C. chairman of the tomid regret that the which dictated the before tbe i? ,b« bowel.; t Noyes, Esq., t d on Hon. Wm. Pitt Fessenden, Wednesday, spirit owning Weld'* Book, CLUB, aad hack,coaiuiipatiga, patore tlr»t towards ce had not coutiiiued to EPn C Parting leacarrbma, for white©)- fa’iln* oi the B >ard of Committee, the step p .... A NOrrs.Tlerk. •OMb presented graduat- the of Harvard Defeat anti Fnr.uit of Guerrillar, For Hand. 9t!i,,Jo lv4.-dtd or wltbreiarualMBcre; by Faculty College. animate the councils of your Pi sident. Had July BOSTON, yi tamo.;; poly faaTaiT classes with There were six- Weld * that loa, uala o. diarere. will and to ing Diplomas. Kansas 21. Latin Lesion* and a re btoctri the representative* of the two govern met. ts City, July Reader, tip re mean. o / cure. For paiafni tonaatnunci teen in the graduating classes, as follows: met to consider this the most mo- Capt. Mos. s, with forty-seven men. on Sun- BRANT’S COJFEE & sriCK MILLS. IN FULL HIGHLAND JlEAriQr.UtTEB* 7t!i Kog't Me. Vols., I question, COSTUrF, Charles II. mentous ever submitted to human day night, hail a bloody fight with o'S) guer- Joseph K. Chickering, Haskell. July 1.5,lmu. > statesman- Ofiiai.VAL xstabl 1 sumIXT. Holbrook'* Fittt Book in Arithmetic, with rutik pirta. in a I rillas. The former lost six killed and four James Hinkley, Fritz II. Jordan, Edward M. ■hip, temper ot becomiug moderation aud General John L■ ■ followed a* their wounded, and the rebel* sixteen killed and Will hold their FirU Annual tF“ bil U »1~X—- A'[j. Uo'UJon, Attgutla< equity, deliberations would J. Jack*on’* i'ic-Sic and Gian, ea .-v-AnaralUM LeProhon, Mary Carlton, Anna M. Ernst, four wounded. Arithmetic. )liuerml 1 VWJ» ir. a. Maine. have been by tne prayers ami b mediclious of Major Richards, with 250 G-BANT, )XtractU| ,u. .ntia k re Wholesale Dealer In all Hercare Antimony. Areeulc, kc. M trgaret Maxwell, Amelia M. Fitch. Eliza I.. and Christian on the habitable men, immediately pursued lh« guerrilla-, who kindeof B ft H«r>drndT wW every |*lilot X.. also publish IlsaatM.ta's Little Islai are troubled witoati# ml Snt:—I have the honor to forward to broke luto small bands to tlio Avti-Aiuh-. Chebeague d. Joint., !*,»., n, vrefc Caroline A. A. you gobe. whojs there so bold as to pronounce taking bush. oat othorditf.calttee, the direct Dennissn, Robinson, Mary LA* Skf»:xm or cauu. of which in a list of the easuidties in this Regiment in that til irigliitut waste of individual COFFEE, tine ere*, out ot ten. a the elect ot E. Had. A. Ellen M happi- bPICES, ton be reetored > rotrescu,dnuT Jones, Mary Mary Davis, to n tore nren-ta ud xlM. k. iC the la::- of ness ami public prosperity which I* sad- te out at ?*:s!;vsaitis & Cr rum Tuesday, Juty 26th, ’ *• E. Raymond. teflon ne:r tin- defences Wash- daily Tran.pm being fitt.d n'UmIngter, Tartar, j •wof froto«reto.l*htBatan. Worcester, Mary dening the universal heart, not have 0»oe hour- : might 20. .Vetc Rapid Mercantile When the t Gem,w from Ia'atoak a. ■ re 1 , ■ ta ington Foiituess Monroe. July Of. and Spier .1 !>\U, IS .radii Lnivn dr Writing, Mowing 11 becumpeltd for: * 1* Nathan Webb, Esq., addressed the classes been terminated? Or if the desolation and .l. t; tad 7 to » a. James P. Jore*. Mt:M. tOveral refug es arrived »t 1’ ini Lookout J dtbiud, it,. erewbidw Mr,Jnr war must still lie endured Kw, in kind and Lieu l John K. wnuud«d. both tertrw. carnage'if through from In tight with In 1,14■--« encouraging words, urging upon Baity, leg? yesterday, Richmond. They report twe Coflbe and Lt the Parts, printed copies at the head of Ncilc—Frod'-ienc" Highland Tip* Mule, of bio. .4 that Spice, I up'or trade, with ary Cupt. Uro II. I’ukrr. arm. weary yens and suffering, there armed fitted at adort.K, In ad Merabi, Keel,. each the importance of improving, ty a life St transport- being Wbuiingtoii, rar.'oty vt Ifckape., and warrant d each in enact lhatrupeyr. not lie at least I tup, conduct w 10; 1. page, imitation of it* Author'. COMPACT A. might Infused N.C., to go to I’olnt L okout to arm and I'pseuto t«ao- L/iMiJjjj aujiu^a the drawn [is Dascihg—Gill. Cal urn or usefulness, advantages from the < C. w Johoso i, wound in nrrrr*. something thereof ul the which so ulteu CcaVt roasted and Svrcid Dance, ai d •*ie log, spirit liberate 15,000 rebel prisoners now at that prosed (by thc tyjdf a* eaert Hf«l style of opportunities they had enjoyed. Prir r. rvW Ho arhu. killed and panially redeems tu brutalities? lighlanj F iog iu coeiumc. A prli# of Kiny Do;. Internal place. ud,< c'i.tr * Revenue. COMPACT’ a MTA1!* itbe owner*- riik. *-» will bo a»arde.i to Hie boat dan The ou the of the Iustesd of tafe conduct, which wo solicited, cut. valedictory, part girls, by L-vi* Not©*, wound In arm, mirchlMtf » Corp flight. aud it* rea- F’SMIvl ^ » which your lli»; !“"“r gave every Arrival of Prisoners. A.TTSPHF5. Ml** Dennison, was a poem of rare merit, and 1’riv K Uovrcli. hip, .t. Escap'd PLTTIXU THE STONE. Collector’s son to be Vuiire. COMPACT C. snppoee would ntltrme. tor >Ttw Yokk, 21. Kfinovtl. read in a clear and distinct manner. That of July We call .pecial attention to Frank Un*. wound in ferer*. purpose of a XG r. m.'v. d frurn o’d these Qroita—A l'rire ot ft 0 ai lb, Corp fid«, Initiating negotiation, in which The Port's Wa*h!ngU>n ofopatctf ea>8 sev- my stand to the co-^ud ,or ,K. J iili.L1 « oik I.irUeik.d, HIVp ore So. »i. Commnraal ¥ JATHaM'L K, ©tor of tbo Joseph K Chickering, on the part of the boys, Prir J thigh do neiiher govcruRjet t would its stre 1, and associated ween the P r. laud Burn. J It st « ol to*ion Diatrkt. in the compromise eral escaped prisoners from Richmond, be- J *1 to bn inest nliliMr FI ,nd toe Bo* Ay Mkico'Jojir compact r». or its a |u Henry u*. 1 wuull \cir Writ «o> g v* notice to a! r#o. • was au address of rare merit and well deliv- rights dignity, document ha* been have arrived •*1' ** in- «».Sowt'ah Uub p oo*.e incdfihat / {<) regiment!, here. ,UKr V 'uuitt 10 ihatuk mv customer* lor Hook*, firming , Rcrert esonted which longing \ past lor ©oWctn n. tb* Tu ru Ann. al Ol- p provokes at much lud gua- Mala Unit ravo^. a:u von id r-*jce»iuDv ,» ered. They most of the captured i.;jt t;4, tH;Ure LkarinG i-ctk'i Li»t. nadviiia e»anii'fa i. mt t». COMFAxr I. as prisoners 0, the aim i Esther arc admltlod to be the —High Leap, tong Leap. Kacia—Foot b> A». Uou It (.ears no features 01 resem- pvrojifcgi* rlieg * Ay' t> mart* most predict! ©Mortb in »cc* ruai 'V F.frrar. In kn€*. *>y. rr surprise. Gen. Grant’s are m Rich- Copy *ace at (.<> reof, c# with lie- let ot tea- The examination of Willis School for Scrgt wout.jl during camptd«n MfcFtifcli Willi 1 yarda, Back Rac^ girls, blance to tba' which was r, fcbnKK. reeeeau !e. *Aa Aci to m prjy rt *Cvruuui morUiiy originally offered, mond. i 1 Book, pr.t Hums .titan© ‘.’lilaud, 5tl», l 901, ever ofllred to the ‘"•■Pi ort ihetto.ernmeiii su>. Brackett St. Grammar School for girls, Cen- and i« unlike which ever before em- July JuljUdiw public; and they ate now 8mxTT-An opportunity will be to all op>\ ii.letve >a compact p. any paper girin par- .he public 4* bt,** a| prov#d 1 and ter anated fr. m I he constitutional tea to join in the abore July tbe Grammar School for girls, and Congress St. IMt John Pocket killed, executive ol a Netr York Market. game. IB Klnirutt thereto: that the " Cop.irtiiprslilp Noflre. Leiag rapidly lulrodncod. *»\rrai ettke, Jiljh K inx. ki ted free addressed To w hom it con- having tt» roll endorse, •ave* ii ca Grammar School for takes people, may N?w 21. rI1i!I. (on come, rla.r* an> p’ateja d 'l «i,,t girls, this Ak*x Uuuwc. wound iu tra. VuUl.Ju'y uudeisigued havetlf sdtj foimed a place Alight. cern.” It Copart- i*-e# rd ri uw ra’e** and c- atau o precludes and pre- Cotton—*ale*4» bale? at 130&I62 tor m.d(iliiia J. 11. under the name ai d The a Comfort > »a« ur h*va and the St. negotiation, rbhip sylo of F.iug k incut of the Bar; will 1 ara tialt'a Wharf at oecomedu* and forenoon, Park Grammar School COMPACT I. ats upland*. \\ j payable, s. d ttat Ivl | t»i»on or scri in advauce the let ts and conditions of nittemofe. and have tvh n the store formerly oe- t. M. T :>i l'.niea nill turni-b the tr own attend to Prir k Rpm wound hd»*i wren- I* tour—26c lower; *a!t* 1$ 660 I bl*; State lvj i d h U f Refreshment.. by Dipuiy. eolUc’in, aou r*e>iving iba for boys, Center Grammar School for boys. peace. It returns to the of nry i"e. No. 91, Com martial •tract, •ove-Bld Cha* duo*, thoiidrr, aerere. original policy 1000; Ui-uud Ohio 1‘fv’ul C*»J: to w du’he iax«« si.d IteeiMS 1 * interu .0 ,i ernt .ov ln?rn«td a Ticketa 3^ cent. each—can be had sse»*«d»)d 1 no iloop fug Commit’ion aud Whole- at Croecman * • •. n no truces »f PiUk a>ab.e with n theioa* f • St. Grammar School for 8 Coadou, d*\ d m bargaining, negotiations,* 4il W\ Boutht ru li avy ; sale- 2d00t>!> Kxira 1 00 S*p*riM«s4fii Sfiwnl, ,f Stale »f ty amberlano. in *• Congress boys. Fourth »a!v;b«*ue‘t, iu Tew*. Tooaooo, W. I (.ioo. ■, (iro- laiit. Ve. Loeeii * scoter's 4 w th rebels to ■0-13 25; i aiiOila *k t-a.t* I'aiae a Mu-ie 8to-e. and Di-iiic*. a* m> *•» ee. A*. 21 * xekamme Grammar COMPACT X. except any their dcaJ, until lower t *o bbl«; l.xtift seiirsand i', ori-ioi *. sir- *t, i «e•- School for boys, this afternoon. (*. ,f ( J. .»nd.jmmth Vbi o, JuJ, fw Suinne! N r»rr wound in ktciw man shall have laid lO&XftlS apt J Boyd. 115 Enehange St 1 dnp tie i* tk 00 of Corp bead, every down his amts, sub- IIKXKV FLING. noaWnrgeea fu A. L». JH betk Jos Wlicit-6a,"c lower; Bale* 76.UI0 t»nah: Chicaro Be,idea tbe ron ana p. 4, f»<7a*«re, tin I n| < In Prir urwenlow, foot, do. mitted to the and sued for STEPHEN WUJITRM08E. above li*t which we eur Co'a Work*. \l lei tu ai d teevitb Death or as Spring 3»a 2.3 >u.l 46; Ked Portland .tn'.i « IP 4. dtf g p ca* Offices.—We regret to an- I have the houuor to What be the of do,el, Alox Tarior.&OCommeic al St Edw. Walcb ri*e, lese- and lkmie< as a>*»»••* be, Genera’. very truly cy.' may explanation tills Wihtor Weaten 2 64*'06. ial a. a»*e**e« sr4 < contracts art for the hooka:— 00 wi'hia thr C« nounce the death of ( apt. O'Neal W. Robin- and obedient s idden and entire change In me views of the ru—-iaiuc 44 a, following Coogrrea Street, D B. Saimoi d Grand Trank oayable nuiy of Yn>k, m ..id D Mv rt respectfully, jour servant, 1 63. t.mes this rude Foe tlv© freight Al. r. at following doigoaied and |iaa • la son of the b Maine President,of withdrawal of a cour- * ! Depot, C.quburt W. Ex 4 Battery, which occurred Oa*s-—flruivt. <••!.;.« * i«'» >Iillio« Corey'. ♦yh* Tiros. W. II tdk, teous 'ii»a;}n af $ 'h St The overture'lor negotiation, at a moment Btof— tile* 2uO .nge cumber ol ticketa ia limited and at the residence of his father in dull, bbl*; coaun me** 16 0' a Eerie* Saco, at the Motet k*pt Ay tfn/V» .1/ Lard, on Waterford was Lnne’M Patent Progressive of Reader* and An*, Lt. Col. Cotn’d'g 7ih Maine Vols. wliou it likely to bo accepted, of tlieir 15 00. 'arlr appl cation only a ill a, eur# them. the 2.VA Ju from dap p. 1UJ4; last Suudiy, disease contracted in the recall of words of Pork—lower; *al*- 0100 Ml *; new mess &3O0'«< An invitation ia emphatic*! peace just ut- gtren to all pa.-tiee to join in Den- At the Itiddf/ord Monet in Riddtford. TneoSaw JnJm ■ WOO DOLL Alt 9 9 and fresh blasts or war WASHING MACHINE. 24. service. tered, to tfce bitter < Enellers. ier, Saiugaand oibec game.. 8*4} Tub Usiosi Tbisonehr is tue Cosfed- ut Meat —qnict. rt end,’ we leave for the speculation of those Lird—W* sale* practical IVtPhtn* Machine that has At Ktnnclnnk, at the Youeom H> Mr. Komuson was a lawyer by r, 1070 bbls at l&o lOjc. te en n K Ilaud msc, Wtdneo av profession, kbate > ace befo. e ! fcverv Qtiadrile will be ia Attendance. State*. Major Mull'ord, agent of ex- wh hive the tin an- or inclination to ttUtUT-Maifi -u a iZc. ItllE public fondly can Joiy 17 1*4; pene- !i > d to have o e. Hillard'* Series and had taken bis residence in 15*4*bbIk at of Reader* A I up Bethel,where trate the of his Whisker—*•<(’«> 1 ■ Speller*. OP" he Portland Pan a Aaa d lion 4' fA« Mtwichaieawf b •• change of ha* given fur mysteiies cabinet, or fathom 74'<£! tdsma-i;i I-bavins a «ale. and Souttbh I 14; ‘-s' it 1 ub o hea r ur, d». ». 18 large practise. Nearly three years tb of hi- i®1 will. It i» recotnniei ri, itetdi. l'aitiea nUhnic a Boston, led by their will ira e> Jul, ir the p. ication of the statement for captive impo enough k'jjrar-qaiet: ale* <*10 hhd> covado 20o21c plea» I’ip-.-ra. following mt and bu-iir^sby Eerie* of o At Limerick, at tkt Unirl k b% since lie offered his service iu down 1 r us to say we have po use whatever lor the Cdfoe-ioactire. priidtab!. takinz the .outvieof Sargent's Reader* A Epelle**, proctecIon Irt-ai ibelr Hall, bxcban .e St, to the p4 Amos / Irk Mat putting the beueilt of who t c can obtain tt.r ,tm, Amt- those have relations aud r Moias.-*—dull: **lw unty. by caTlfii, at 129 fon- ur*a» *,*, lfc,. p p which has been priced in ottr hands.— 6*) bbh New Oil amity St eet »»r»e did the rebellion, and was appointed to llie com- fro— next doorto New Vl'y Hall J)» And I inrther otioe hr friend* iu at the Soutii; We could not transmit it to the Naviii Store*—,iu?i * Colton's A (b. all who prison Preside nt of ju! Tdlm Fitch’s 10 tu. dntto-. mand of tiie 4th Main f to —arm Geographies e.u-ei pav t.a- • ana Ire ».> ... Battery, and hat been rrte State* n,id. ■ Nearly prisoner* recently captur- offering up lo me r b> ] ei b t in service ever until about xritbii 'In lire* * since, three mouth* ed, together wiui tu *e confine; at an indignity, dishonoring ourselves, and re- Brown* bore x| retted. i) be^niel.i’ formerly 8'or the I*laitdN. Grammar*. Safes \ Oder IHe rovbl na « ■ Safes \ \ | See he was to return conse- a id the wreii merited scorn of our conn thvck Market. 1» of ih- *e, , 0,: ago, compelled in Kidiinoud 1,) uebburg, li.no been reuiove- eiviug i.e.aai r. ai after Jane 13* b the steamer FOB AALB AT .''lopnyian ,«r «nm. addtki^ t N«w -?n*I1<* " of ill health. It was the ed to tseorgiu. ymeu. York, July 21. A *Bl Green'eaf* p u lb 'am. uot n .i.er quence hoped North- 8? d dnlr v, lb«4. S. C. liberty, self-re*pert. If it can Mis* -uri <»■», MIDDLE STREET. A long acquaintance with the deceased gave «.*»' tr X.i other m t»a» All letter hv ol be secured their submi-sion to terms e> b-Hed Stole. Tr. eanrr Sag truce should be en- only by (*aral*erlaml Coal c. ompatw prtf ,«*a fr-, BLANK VO e. nr Sot*, ui Mari us a as to bis character. BOOKS, POBTLAKD,.UK. oral « ntr.. r . oW ai * si.- good iusight Open, closed to Ueuerai of a ration unborn will witness Sew York Control,.. .131 lee ('ream ! lee W»"’* Msjor Butler, Commanding conquest, gen Cream ! ! jvl^dkm ree.ivnd nrTaae..Her HI data frank and generous, he was beloved by ail who ol and North its restitution. If there he any autn- fr.iio.....1081 Department Virginia Carolina, military Liud-on...,..)20 or to c ,i in tlie North wrlio i* knew him, and his death wiil be deeply ia Major John L. Mull'ord, Agent of Ex- entitled to prolE r Reading.!31i -AA Tirown’s Pori laud Army Coiuiuittet Out of li tter Is all mat eord.ti'ns of this manifest, there is tome in Michigan Central.. IS limited by all who had the pleasure of his ac- change. page paper STATIONERY FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! is allowed to be tnu ihe coulent- the .*>* Hi -ii authorized to entertain them.— Michigan Southern,. .\. ©» TUB laiutancr. written, Illinois Central aud Ice Cream q natuie. Those wlio control our armies are of aerip..128 Oyster Saloon, wbolly of,a peisoual Ten cents iu servants Chicago A Noith Western. JOB R SON’S the ot their 49] N'u. 1 —AXD— Union cuiieiicy must bo enclosed In eacu let i" op!*-, mover*, anti they have GhiCAgP k Rook >‘l and 131 Exchange St., [J. S. Christian Commission. Guam* Tuukk Inland.lo.j » Bailwat.—We are re- iuside of Ihe no more inclination titan have a _____ ter to pay postage rebel line*. they right, to OpposIH Hie luternttioutl Uouw. Portable Fo"re to state that the in the Ar- U eel vai.ee ol Ihe above wht in- lu* vert social institutions of States, T. R. quested paragraph regulations sovereign may’dtf Chairmen, IDyw, receivau Store, at ID Mid- I Pump! anil to barter ___ lie at re* t. of yesterday, that an injunction had been sure the speedy forwarding of letter*. away their priaeles* heritage of gus PENSIONS! BOUNTIES 1 Trev* srer ( vru§ exfinraishinf *.%•• In of active at the self government.” ROOM Sturdivant, received Moser at 7ft »«mfVf rooA, rear the Grand couseiiuence operations —~ann- PAPERSI granted against Trunk Railway, is Payment of Andro&coggin ,'oinua* rial str«et. PHI’CS. wmNmc wta Pin,. ant«fe< d«akivt front and the of communication Ccnpo..8, hat uncertainty Secretary, H. receive* in* h lies, mettii jr ta 1- L* f| ar eroneous. Tile Commissioners ! and ed will of th» Uenry Barged*, Letter* at pan p. entirely have no boxes destined for at lha South BAOI5L FAY retir pip Coupnrj An* 0 C orum -rvial »t»eet. I'roni boa’s.wsrcm strvrtp ai»<« prisoners rpiiC.l f par an r,»pna) hag | Th I.at* JlttOel Haiti into Maryland. dwfcdif^iii k K Bo .(l*. teonrrd hj he second 1 to* examined the road aud track, and a Are obtained for Aml-ew J. Chase, Dr. W. qsius « eta hearing had better be forwarded till further notice. Woandc-i Soldier* (lincharged mor s. id Kadroa'C R. Johndos C»f-’pn!ais * go-of with iute c«r to this unolSill •it trees and Wasuixotok. 21. ami the friend* ol ‘Iveeaaid soldier* who are rUi.t* shrabb«*r\ k>\ was to have been hsd on la9t- July entitled lat to th &*r>o; ut ot »7,fc9.4£. such e u A FULL ISTOCK Tuesday But to the #*tue pavin'* P i- I unp »•*% r- ▼»<» iMlt'o,roaror »be Boat have be n by a- shall « Eg'nty-onc pil*on.rs brought [>oas flr-t be present* d ut i f* file.- 31 Kx- »i;\ of Mr. one of the .aloabU tufior* for don»>fic sse. at d bos. a ho the commissiou Sewall, Bhital Affaiu —We are informed of a hero from Sid. state :l-augo St Portland, among tho»e that tell «'ue Sandy Hook, They that uvinv »». pri- Maine hare them w. a d o pat with h. b at vmtnii.i., ir to th' > *ar IKfil. JABFZ C WOOD I Wesleyan and at; pika, commissioners, having expired, the hearing bruial alfair vvh'ch occurred at they weie in charge of one of ihe WAN, Saminary nvtdf d bo mo * werr t a# bliittM CfiigeV plunder rrea'Urerof i rus cos ol tue Thi d Always On Hand ! ud it Mortgage Ins #• t do*, and w re oveitakt n uear Atlornrj Cwuidlor, IK Jiaidlf Stmt. por*sb aid £* Bpart and a ill throw tl* r al- was until the vacancy should be Snicker's of A K. K Co. Female 1 postponed Miiis—about fix mile? from Mechauic Fills— -AND- College. mtrui” fualtt IOihi. It eaa by a | * i it oi (leu. Crook’s forces. A Portland, June 3d, 1^54 0 ntoiwsnrjjsr (Jap jy!>dAw3w be easih a ait* 4 • ad I iw- errata filled. oil Wednesday last. It looms that a wa< ft l Ijiceneed Agent for all the at U> boy light immediately owed, but tbe guatd Departments Fall I>rm will commaraaon It Is stmpla I" constp c |r»B. ot HaMe »o fat oat are Washington. Monday, Aug We further informed that the company sum mischievous th* not mail tl it to save the train pc. *f d every inset.>n«* is warm ted. 1 ha playing n.h ding impossible de- For laod. 23. 1804. t' 259 »i'tn Notice. order, April N. B.— S udi eta will a admit’- d to r ee is s«> low tha'oi a st« nld bf »a are all iu their to the track- it by lire sell retreated. 1 W. Booksellers or Dealers who art any cl*a* in th» Bnm rt»ry family, doing power place cions tricks in the woolen mill at that atrojed rftniS day giro my son. F. Hodgkins, his Country o -r place H',r0. Itgt Jfornnl Cvurat, l -r rurh -h.i are •c!uv-l oa-e. factory b"l!iH a a* ail A !> t'er received an ofli ier in * time to no: and tr mo for himself; 1 shall not r* ar»tl tniirry, in first rate order. to have an overseer by Washing- John not to % Kaah is or ded wiih a oxt.a tor They expected aud threatened if he did not stop Kiuttiu;iti, sla m hi* Ids debts. comiujf the aity, may writ* to as statin* about pai'p p Xozzl*, ton front 8..i Hook, states that wu^e» orpav Beud lor a line had tons of new on the road the dy Md., many <\ Cfaioguo. .print 2.400 rsils by to throw him into a vat GAS IlOIM.KINS. what ( all ana exam!** iretirciial* >cm the I’re^ld- containing soaldlng siragg’tws from the rt treating teb l forces XITTJBH., Attest—f B. San*!*. hank! Freeman. amount they purcha-e at a time, and wa will rwiW«»- •» —A3TU — Kanfa Rill, of the If • Insarai e« (' at ante*«I Mas* 15th of July, but were disappointed—only ait wa'er. The boy continued his and the came iuto that dsiiy and themselves Portland. July b lSd4* J.iy prti«-.pa> |. sport, give up. jy9J2w* send them a ju!vl6 d| w. ehaiet.K, tbe t hi f higlwro ot ite l oron aidob- hundred tons been that Them re worn down Dealer in (kte ot having delivered at brutal fellow executed his threat, scalding the byriptd marciiiug, Fixtures, er Are dreartnents. a* d »r %< d pu it capaci- ami death is likely to result. learns a new iu’tutious, which are mitiou to Howduin < Acer's. body, The S'ur from former citizen of highly recoumuLtled for rllK oPegc «lh taker'aceon Brown's ulco*, Ubioostieat it is tummt-r nge. *he AT h of Fort and. Me ty, and impossible to roll out the rails as msu has b»eu Va.. who for some If wanted. ida> day Augas* n»*», at 8 o'clock is We understand ths arrested, MatIUou County, time ha* THE H OUSEHOLD PHYSICIAN. ho jyiodtf forenoo .hi the sew acU also on last as are wauled. b c xo. o.rj rxrox street. Mt-iiea! Melt; they The intention of tbr but declares the net wss -oj mrning in Fairfax County, tliat lie rf.ur!‘il»?,t',e tlltL rf accidental, though June 14.—eixdlm and enlarged edition can be obtei ed in twenty day An.aat Lest, is ha r< lisb'e Portland. he dame IP managers of the road Is that the if infnnuation showing that tbe N'EHthi* for u short time, at the place, and at the same hoar TOT UTEN'T A track, pos- the boy tbit it was purposely done. ctttr, puHisher's <5& charge* rebel raiders have met with so many i»ricel»y J. M. C., Agent, post Office "Bailey Noyes, LEiOiAKD WOODS. sible, shall during the be Iu a mishap* t'oj’ Xea' korU tyiili adiirifsitg autumn, placed are as w ■ Ol-p.itch, Box Brat-wick, July 6, 1?*4. Such the facts have heard them in getting a ay with their plnrder from 210 JylSeodlw* Jsl>7dt4 condition to any railroad in this equal stated second hand. Maryland that what have managed to The fine schooner they Ko»., CpI.Gilpat- llt»\%cl«>au College. REFRIGERATOR I w ill them for their rick W»u eolt *oa. oon't (ail to tiaula. ibc a vn Com pout t.i the K. G. YORK A r|!UE rUEtev* of llnwdoin College wil* bo ucki at Banister tail baal pal- letter was Aid Coppeeukad* SON, J. Sweat and Cleaves a* Attorney* a: Law, is this lara to* la Linsa.—A received in tb© on tb«2ud ■ aat, tha yesterday — i No. 15. :lai, College Tse*day I'Ue If’ot'lJ cxg rly tills two < f ts columns artou* linn*. bead of Loo* it barf. day oisaolved by mutual consent. 1 he affairs ol the Chapel, day 36 and 38 >i An,*n§t at t- n o'clock in the toenoon Charles C. Chase, of Baker's la o firm will I c ed Exchange Street I next, from Capt. Cav- w ith a irt of Dr. Cheever’s udjus by either party. * POLAR rep spt cell, deliver- New York, 21. Iuly211w_ M JOHN Ki Hi KKS. Secretary. REFRIGERATOR. July Sweat will continue in business at office No* \ in which he stated that !>e was w ounded ed at lha church o; the Turban* mi Argust Schmidt Frederick Vnu Brunswick. July 6, 1164. Jalj7dtd alry, M,inlay Troneldu, Attwiilloii Itaiial on. 117 Middle street, Mu^-ey'sKow. For .ale at tb« Furultara Boon, of Tresidcut oi In the battle on the 24th of June, and was evening, win rein Lincoln is mi-rep the purser the steamer America, from Bre- of the sixuen to lorma 'l) it Mr Clear* g ai the office o! Ylowatd A Cleaves. No. Corps’' )l Bortland, Jvle. WALTER resented, caricatured, ridiculed, aud held and three have tieen tor th* purpose 01 defending the c in c.,-e Midik* etrtvt, overt asco Ua :k Botvdoiu College, taken on the 2ibh. Ois which up men, other*, arrested on \ta*eUug ty r^MTi prisoner wounds, of to be ui der the direction ot l 1> M. SWEAT. ma>>WiSm i of to reproach as ituiiecile, unprincipled, etc. the cuar^g of {smuggling and robliery. eraereercy, th Annual Meetlrg the Ovrreeer* of Bow bland M ban were at first May r. will be held at the V> d t’i y Ua'I, on >atur- NATHAN CLK* VFS. w ill be held at were Iu the bowels, considered Tics illustrates the iu which Dr. Chcever rHF.doi*» College their Rook la the j iMI.-dtm way Cape dav 2Fd i*»et at 7 o Portland. Ifith. is* 4 n •’on.A. Hack, N. F., July 21. Kveoip«? uext, 1-2 cl- ck. lor the July jylA a Yatimble /ollegeCha H. on Tae*div. the second of but afterward* look a favorable aud a lew others are now into the Farm for bale at a day Au- fatal, they playing The weather lias been thick singe this choice of ofhoera, #K U. of lat Scarborough Btixtnn rod eight Brunswick, July 4. Pit-lou, S. sympathy "It "g eo of the steamers ___ ABLElot d.-ftnated In Westbrook, mil *f-om v. Ja'y7dt e n*e ol that mu lar county with > two , l.nuw, bury. «n.l »hrd Win HUioilml So--* .IT >vJY aai trd to tietpb. ( oa1 a. ab »• unari- iroui New and the latter from LFutifiice, Wo df.r live lotto Horse „tf wood * tr.a*, The Sabre Zouaves last Yolk, ■ ’s«.0'U*r; jmit *\*gk b* *<>ld low 1 HF Ain ual M f.»r evening, neg'ectc t to u.j, is our rvn ot conviction,and Fragrant “Sor norta C‘uipoanib ol tin cldc* k e’tlv'r tor c..h or on mortgtgo or in cx. ft ating of tk* 7: flia rat*. u Kliar.>|., a . I..r< r Quebec. e*t .ilioad, containing abort six a*'re«, thirty.two fo ratv.il b M»i"a H .'oricnl fc~ to the the de- we till k and rer' erche ingredient* the thr» e most r change r»»Urtm> ln Vo »lrd 1 Bala.-- ■* B^r-nn a**d Ilia'-* are o fa I iref’- monsly voted join battalion for the Mend* of th- -Jjve #hoi 11 not imp r son i-ai couu’v road; this lot is vBluab e f r .m Kcon a «f il a So. • 1 tant re malt** eflicaev 10 t luwdatn V 11»«* ty, Ititi to. rail r*. cleanlim** and c uv« nience buil lots or Ap ly UAKII'S INORAHAM. * ^^SBT Aoj't withhold such as 1O0 ing cultivatloi—ip mo fly covtred whh m Ihcr. i--t. Ana •■ fence of the Fill them to one hun- criticism may lie cyicuiated Daf/t Men Liable in b -ing present in the ft <• dost Vort und. < ly-u .* Hrunawirk, « U fc. < OFFI* A CO B >• a city. up Draft. igh po«'ib degree 1 cr- a hard** m--* mat ]* term* W. Dl Mi to gr«.v« For apply to B. uo'r oak a m * convince him of ids errors and lead hi in ■ •’"ra0'"* ab e rcurl 16th, lSd4. Al< a 'aw VMania n aiaa la l‘ c fat r dred. to Albany, Y 21. feCi*?n' diragreeab odor*, liOODKl U, btsisn’i P'liui. July JulyldedSw J K. 1W AHli b.iu* N- July and _ K«jra’»TT. r do better but tartarou* adhedor *, a like white DALLABP, p hereafter; the criticism which In addition to an Got. insuring pearl jv»4 2«* F.run.wkk, 1». lie teeth; given tone to tin* b e*»th and * July JyRX Jnl.'MH*. Copperheads 'Toll as a sweet morsel under of the Marshal Dolin'* Drum Cor *. The Odd Fellows leave for Gardiner this Provost General Fry, he is In- deiica:* aromatic ftwg'anCe ti ike u‘h. wi.Uh their tongue*” is of uiake^ it realiv a Drum Corpi will muv'V .. .. uuwonhy Abolitionists, formed that 100 days are. liable to be drafted, toilet luxury. It reem? to be In Hoard. * , Board. To Lei. morning at 8 o’clock; returning, leave Gardi- or one who ha* the fkvor with the ladies DKAK'Sorder* for M umwlng IP' any (merest of the coun- but their 100 will be great A FP.W more Boarders ©an be aecnmra elated at .rude*. Vl^k..*0*.?!1Marcher, to. tkraa of four .In. days credited on their 8old \ All utdrog u hg Ur* A Gentlrnan and hi. wifa. and crer rfot. -'to »» d trt Ftdrral Sf. at 6 P. M. at by Druggist* everywhere, at 76 o*nt* per bot. /V 72 Danforth two •« ° W hite’i per try he*rt.—(Anti-Slavery Standard. terra of service under the draft. street, doors above Brackett. ■ougi. A D-“ .tore, Market .V gl- gantlaroau cun flud plaoaant room, with to J. k a Co tla. mrii2l d it UrBm CHASnrRSApply COt’LllK. Apply soou. juiyi *n' M^or >onrd at M Cumtarlaud Stmt. «t j0BB*’JuDrt"' r. I. c< mowretel.tmi. BALL, Clerk, JyUdJw* C- CRAM. Pcrtlacd, Jnly T -dpr EL'iwg'WB 1 ir.» .i» r r~r —• J’UhlUV. STEAMBOATS. 1 wimi———i mi HOTELS._j ruoi’osw.s. RAILROADS. _ME m CAL. "medical. AlhLUCAJL. JsiV'.JWK •••■« rML a:-STgry-a^-7--=*-———------_- FOR CHICAGO. liEnrI Eug»no—not lost, bit gone before. CHANDLER. HOUSE, j WILWAUKIE. Portland and Penobscot .River, K,ixir PTR OPOSALS. And all part* of the Wed. on. wiiiQHT’s ii 8TMM0S lIST », rat Botliol. Snmmcr Lyons Periodical .Close the u\ea now dim and lew, Arrangement, 1MC4 Drops AND MATLK Let the fashes sweep his cheek ; This Hotel, located in the most beautiful TIMURR PROPOSALSji'OK#ALS tuK i*i t NAVY. TUKNEW, STAUNCH AND THE Pirt the soft aud silken tresses. aud romantic vil ago on the line ot t:,o EXiCRRIOK TP KHS M CBICICO, MWAtfclE, I COMMOD IOUS REJUVENATING ELIXIR! GREATFEMALE REMEDY. m Grand Trunk kailroad, So miles from Lor- From tile brow so fair and tueek. Navy DKrAnTMtNT, And all other points at the I. A MRS. ism. N i» ha- *»*n retfriiUy built, with S1HHLK 111 L A MANCHESTER Kiss the 1 now and moveless, Bureau oj uct: an d to will receive at the Bureau of l oastructiun Will commence her Summot Ar- BBTTEBTBAK ALL pains will b3 make this a lavorito resort for Av.w, Uuion Ticket Office, 31 St., oommemied loth-; 1st ol Au- fxthaege ra <»n MON MOST URLP'ATK. noticeofthe affisted. hire. W r,m the tourist and p casure-aeakei*. l art.cular atten- aiid iiepair, until 10 o elueK ol *he «»ay j gcmiril DAT MO.HN- But a little wtTle he ii ut time the will ba com* I 1NG, Juuc 6th, Powders Ar Chester be consulted lingered, tion will be pa to sportsmen. and conveyance to j gust ueat. whlca opining I». Little, Agent. Leaving Bangor ov- <£ua- the arrival and departure of jiassirgor tra n*. i Thu inatei i*ls and article* embraced in tae classes ay by Then with outspread wings he floated Station*, lea* ing Boston at 3 o’clock, 1*. M. nentmedical in u of tho ter list March with a danghtcroi minetreulled with Transient and permanent boarder* soiled. uanud hto particularly described in tho pliu ud day, audby ihempronouuc- The Boat will touch at Rockland, Camden, Bel ed to Sure to do d To that mystic land of light. V. 8. I'll AN DI.kK .v CO., Proprietor# j schedules any ot whi. h will ue luruiehed to such a* tie one ol the greatest medical discoveries ol Goodand cannot do Harsa. spinal sease. I'or which she had Lw u doct-red lor fi ! fast. Bucksport, Wlnterport and Hampden, Both Bethel, Me, July -—dim •desire to offer, on application to the commandants tbe and a number ol Montreal, Quebec, Niagara Falls, i aasengera ticketed through to and irom age. livey»»rs, by phy tulaus o( Softi af in yonder msusion*. ot tLe respective yar .it, or to the Navy Agents near- way*, * Apau AXI) HR TURK. B -ton, Lowell, Lawrence, Sal* maud One bottle will kinds; and she has had at kooi>, on Jews' breast, est thereto and those of all the yard? upon Lynn. cure ilenerm! Debility. twenty-one application* ■'(i/' applica- For more extended in lor mat ion. to J. O. Nen-Nido House, tion to tlu* Bureau. apply A few dosea cure oieelricif y applied, bat all to no effect; bnt she .ten IFluve no sin nor sorrow cometh, tue local at t‘he various Hysterics in females. LYON’S PERIODICAL This division iuto classes for the convenience Excursion Tie! ets for talc at the Kendrick. Bangor; Agent* DROPS! being One bottle cures tnuaily rrew woree. 1 ram* to the are at rest. HABI’VWCLL KECK, j the Depot Master* of the l’. S. & 1*. Palpitation of the Heart. eem-latioa, Where the weary of dealers iu each, such cia-'cs snly will belu nieh- la-diugg; The Ureal (Ym:il<- j IIE DU € ED Eastern, and B. * M Railroatia; Abicl boiuarby, A few doses the last resort, to go and see Mr*. MW that hand of holy angels. *d a- are actually required lor bids. The Command- HATES, restore the organs of generation. lieineily Manchester, and GAS CO BA Y i'ortland; Lang k D. ano Boston. «»r did and ant and Navy Agent »or euch station will, in addl- I From one te throe so; to my great surprise sho told me the u. -l Jill that gen tit* cherub train, W- I). CilAb. SI General bottles restores the manliiss tiou to the sc oi liy LITTLE, A«ent, EAit, Agent. This elegant and ootriuodlou- Ho- leauie classes cl >heir own yarns, aud full of »cse el the disease, and how she hod from never j vigor youth. been time Eugene dtctLetk, fearing on the of nave a of tbe schedules ot the otnp r y ard« lor •©!, situated extremity c^py VKIOK TICKET OFFICE, jlj A few to time, which me 1 do’es restore the LYON S PERIODICAL encouraged to try her flick nr*, trotthle, sadness, pain. Nsck, about half a mbs oxatnii.atiou only, fiom w» ich may bo judged wheth- ; m appetite. DROPS! medicintp. Harj.-woil juiu2Pf 31 street. X did so, and now nw Mansion or u will be desirable to make for ol Exchange Three bottles cur, the my daughter is able to be aroerd tM 1 i'H tiiC "* 1 -known application any worst case of Impotoner. ABB RBTf EB THAR ALL f* oh led after the classes of those All other De Montreal Ocean Co. too house all oi the thy heart, wiflowt'd mother, •fiL House, ha® lust been ootn pie yaids. things ng j Steamship A few doses cure the low-spiriicd. time. She alsm rides >o or Hi- the n M. UaroIXO, Architect, and equal, reference wiu be given to articles of Atnei- PRSPARA teen Steeped m sore and dumb .' otsigosoi K-q One of the flr*t-cfa«g One bottle restores PlLLH,POWDFll2 f QUACK TION8 miles w.thou. any trouble or anguish aud will be tor icau manutacuire. a, following mental power. iucenvenienoo.aed under his superintendence, open « REDUCED RATES T *t earners of this Line l think in a Listen, ttjo 8 — j must male for the of the class at vizPeruvian, A few dose# the short time she will be restored to ‘Uf tepherd speaking company UfTsra M whole bring rose to the cheek. perle-.t *' C *r. Hibernia, North American. Jura, Bel- health. Let the little children come." any yard, upon one of the printeu schedules, or in This medicine Since my has been On rind After the Fourth of July* inrOUTANT TO TRATELERS IBB!-M>BH>No* a Scotian, Moravian, Da- restore# to inauly vigor and robn daughter doctoring, I strict Conformity therewith, or will not be con- flnvs heard of a bear with this they laascu-. mi..-ail irom kvmv Saturday health the LYON’S great many eases that Art. f Gently, then* trouble, Tb House is the largest establishment, construct* sidered. -TO TUB- Quebec, poor, debilitated, worn-down, and do PERIODICAL DROPS! iian.-u e ’11s the ol a *i Moummo. fur Liverpool via i.ond' neerry. ter has oared, i think li holy will or God; od «xprw»ly for the purjHSt u-tcl, auy Wat- j td the Bureau, to tho Command- • pairing devotee of sensual any pertca deetrvee Upon application Also the ateumer* st. David bT. Gkokok. St pleasure. ARE SURE y Place on the coast ol Maine. It isaitnatod in to lorui North West & South TO DO GOODAND CANNOT rename, It it the one who Whom he kweiA he ebaitbeth— eriug ante! any yarn, or auy Navy Agent, the of West, West! The enervated tries to preserrs to# of «hi avr»- 1 AM’uaw. St. Pater k/ tri month > /ruin listless, youth, tho overtasked men heal- the centre oi a dense grove trees; with offer, oi guaranty, and other ne.e iu.oimatiou Quebec Of the uok and Bbw beneath the rod ary j for 1’r. and return ticket* issued at of the victim DO HARM. SWfcrisg; and I kno t U. christening utie* and vi«ta# opening fo the water* of th. Bay, toe ono als, will Ik* furnisbed. Glaagow paid business, of nervous depression, the reapectiuK p d raU*. For to H A a. ALL- every effort whhih lies to her but a few yards wist on either side. The cost met will lie awarded to Hie hv (M»t (S< of the with wide Bay, Lj oil’s Periodical ftgpexid#* building, ; op deemed eaoibiiant. fit. Louie, Louisville, < aiio International sence of Life. Drops .. ffanaKwicnss. Gift her strength from him to :iud f rrd hal.s and corridorv in the tQuincy. ludunapcii*1, Steamship Company. flrwumc*. Mao*. Augntl H», pari. tiioitJaghlyfmn I be conLaof* w id hear date tho dvy tho notifica- etc., etc., and is prepared to lurmMli Tuuocoh Price *2 interior, so that visitors can the moat © por bottle, or throe bottles lor *5, and the great female Than wnen her irrni berk is auchoral enjoy complo tion is given and deliveries ran be d inanded from Tu kiiK from Fortiaua to aii the principal cities remedy. protection troxu the summer b» af. that da e ( Far be.oml our mortal and towns in the loyal SU:ti and auadas, at tte Calais A St John. fofwardcd by Express, on of to sight, The steamboat whari ai d boat land on the Oastport, receipt money, any ngsaie BurotivS in the lull amount will be required to sign lowtat ate- or laic, and ail necdlui mini(nation address. ON* or TUB GKKATKSTPVKK3onHKCOP M-*v she meet thoa> loved ones yonder, west side, but a few step# from the Horn*. Ample tbe aud their to contract, responsibility e<.rlined uy cheerful y granted. O Man. Dior facilities are at On the j TW TUII'S |’I,H WEEK. Lyon's Periodical Mammnrr«»— Mtuuun. In that holy world of light. baud tor boatiugauafirbiog. a United a au*s District Judge, L ulted 8 ate* dis- Traveler!* will tind it greatly to their advantage to bold by all Druggists everywhere. Drops —Xh,ahteg. 1 east side is a fin© gravel beach, w lo re the luxury of Collector or As itatement of my ease be ofservioe Kmma. trict Attorney. Nkvy Agent. addi- procure theirti jket<* at the ARE BMTi HR TilAX'ALL PILLS. may to otkira soa-ba Ling can be at ail time* ol the tide. t ton si centum will be POWOBLb. Wsstbrook, 8, 1804. er. LIT I J«o. bit Liberty-st,. New York. Making House by the respective y ards, tii be paid by the Mvy Agents Wf LK, Assent. Wtiari. i'*o< ot Statu* street, at 5 form I applied to fbur dift-ronf but distant ore o< the flrest every Monday physicians, r#. ufcftr ia*l to ou toe return Brnuswlek fifteen rail** b> at tbe points ol delivery, in luuds or ccrtihcwt. s, at o'clock P. M..and the NEW Parisian* get up, for California, the Old Line Steamer ENGLAND, Ijyoii’ii Periodica! aelred no bensdt aati! Ioailed on At t d* ires in the State. and b dally steamb >#t fr. m the liovcrumeut. ..ilmaiea ai- UT Paasengers by K. Fi Drop* yoa. mi Uu>s ol a number of aioriea theoptirno* days ('apt. Id, every Thursday at b o'clock F. M., the bhoouug season, ! the inside the Mail 8teamer and Panama Itaihoad' n ay be secured 1 •*^rw to I had Po and through passagt* among t**r tue warrant for the same shah have been passed for ragtport art! bt. John, N. 1) do (food ami cannot given up bu-tuees, and *r in a very bad sue, illustrative oi «*m ol their favorite weakness* earlv ax. this oil ice. connecting at inlands of the Hay. the Secretary of tue Treasury by appJicnUi'U Ka«tport with VKimer for do but mtdiolns for by Tickets to \fafo.irenJ and and return Queen, Kobingon, bt An- Harm. aftertakmg yonr a Sheri, time 1 be- latest of the*e annua! Visitor# coming fi'*ia tbo k-*neh©o aud other Th are the classics n* Qu*t*c (via e». Thu biographies following required the re- drews and caiais, and w.th stave coaches lor \ta- to and In cun leave ih- railrviadat Bruns- the Grand Trunk Kaiiw»> ) may be ob ained at tin: gan recover, two month* I wu “a comlortabte parts oi the interior, cbia*. ami at ot. John with steamer* for enfj.-tiy tells bow g<* » Blank; No aud on REGULATOR. LYON’S * RMMAMEAJiLB t-a# empty, Jokes Ho! for the Atlant c House! 13. Ash Log* Loaro bieamera. PERIODICAL DROPS ! CCRE OR A CASH OF) jgo if be returned borne to thank; No 14, A-hOart: No 15. B;itt«; No received till 4 ABB hi-* friends empty bauded, Persons wishing spend the day at the ufokory Tor tiie 8eason of 1864. Freight o’clock P. M., Mondays and BETTER T3A1 ALL a r CVKKD B T MRS. MAX F ■ CUP jj M -i -r 1 s. u, v.Ill find 17, Cedar Board**: No !*, Locust; No 18, W hi to Oak Thurgdavg. HEALTH addressed a ms elf to the master oi a famous |Atlar.t:r PRESERVER, This la to that I haw itUHi Hi Start-and Heading: No 2 B.ac* sprues; No 23. maytidtf C. C. Pills, Powders and certify been ur A of aud desired him to fill his [kiosdCoidi Ticket* Good to Hcliiru to EATON, Agent. Quack Preparations. artsei, ^a»ir«mooiid shop, Fair from th* ; No25, Irou, round, fiat aud November I*t. Drop-yof y«u..tBnd,a,r by tie. Mnu ■arm* of train. Depot Lignumvita square; AND wild that he would call for every N CERTAIN SAFE, tug game, adding lie* the House, £#) Cti. No 2*3, OteOi; No 27, iron Spike#; No 28. Iron alls, ter. I hare bees to phy,tcli.„iu •' t*ortlau<< anil Boston Line. T>oet.-a, Xew Y ,ri it in the course of a lew minutes. True to xuim K. A. LIBBY k CO. wrought and cu ; N- Ix utl; No 3l,T*u aud Zinc jui and Philadelphia. all told ms 'ntt It No 33. Hardware; No 54, loo.- for Store*; No 86 They r 3,.u bis too disappointed sportsman re- For the removal of Obatreetiou. and tho Insurano do for promise, While Lead ; No 87. Ziao Paints; No Colored OHA.tiU THUNK nothin* ms, unless bis 38, HUUtAV. THESTEAMERS of Regularity in tne Recurrence of the LYON’S PERIODICAL they tapped me, an;! turned to the shop, received bag from the OTTAWA HOUSE Baints d NoBJ. No DROPS sured mo that j yers furpcutuic, Varnish: 40, by 1 oould o From Portland Monthly Periods. # tapping lire hat' a bauded it to him with the Linseed Oi ; No 41. Glass; No 44, H-h Oil; No Foreil City, Lewiaton and shopkeeper—who POKTLANO 1KAIKE 43, Montreal time. I had made mind to 11AHHOK. ! No 47. —TO— op my to home and Hr knowing audio of ooe who understauda the Tallow, Soa^; 8hip Chandlery. Will, anil) farther aofloe. \\ hitc rac as They cure or obviatethose numerous di*ea»e* ths 8UKE TO DO GOOD AND »lo«* •* I oocld wie« follow*: CANNOT DO IIAKM die. nature—paid ■TASOV spring from Irregularity, by removing the regular- my home I BERRY, PBOPMKTon, tioit, Chicago, W iltvaHkie, 1*,are Atlantic way stayed orar night in Por’.ai d ofe murmur the heavy aud re- Cla*«No 1. White Oak Logs; No 2. White Oak AiRgara ,, Wharf, Poitlend, ity itself. price demanded, Will for the on I a friend cf open season, Thursday, Keel Pieces: No 3. While Oak < urvi-d limber; No rtlis, and return SHJY Monday, Tuistiay, Wednesday, lliursday auu mine, and told them what »y mod turned boldly to his house, where lie knew thehith if?*/. This a; o'clock I*. care Excessive and Painful Men- **', popular Watering Place, 4 White Oak Blank; No 0. Neilow Bine Log-. No Friday, M,, and India Wharf, Boston, They Suppressed, n regird to my disease. that eertaiu of his cronies were to with it# AT VERY LOW RATES OF FARE. They dually pern, wailing White Bine M^-t* acd par limber: No 11, W bite arcry Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday,Thursday aud struation. 1), at; to *o and see Tn. learn ihe result of his A Blank »u ; Friday, o'clock l-.M. Tbaacbsf'.r. 8he day’s sport. ROM XTfC SCRXRR r, Bine Log- Boards: No 12, While Bine $10 to or They cure Green Sickness (Chlorosis!. Periodical oxan.i-iVp.j, _Wki* Only Cfticayo MUwaukie, out Far* in CUda.«1.60 Icon’s Drops »’ 1 Sold me case We!!,'have you made a good cried Deck ard 8 a td hU friends, as be made bis Cherry taken QBEAT FEMALE BEMEDT astenlshed fr think that jj* appear- Ljcu-’ ; No iD. Waite Oak Stave# and Mean- To Freight as usual. the bark and lower of the Heaviness, ti ;j No 18, Chicago and Return, nil rail, $3.% parts body, that 1 ance. l ht Company arc not for aorroctiy, told her that 1 wou’d Ue r CUSHINGS 1SLAN E>, ing* No 2d, Black Spruce ; No28, Liguumvita-; No to Boston. New responsible baggage to Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation ot the Heart i Also, York, up the HudsonHirer any uicunt (5u value, and that alnes. not hat th- ietst said but his 1 irou: No otee.: no Ir »u No easeeding person- in* tilth that spor^raan opened miles from is Sum- 26, 26, 27. Spikes; 28, Lake •• Lowness of Sick Gid- they wcaid nothing, 21 theci'y, nn«u’-pa®scd by any Saratoga, George. al, uuiee* untie1 i* given aud tor at the rate ot Spirit-, Hysteria, Headache, out amidst a rt lroc Nails wrought, and cat; No 30. Lead: No 31. pmd mi nay or that I ehoald Dag, and drew proudly chorus mer ties on tlie New England coart from on, for *oj>d. gchtb-.- ai' T .., Zinc, Tin and Soid*-r: No 83, hardware; No 54, Returning Niagara Fail fitter by Grand passenger every #500 additional valae. diness, etc., etc. In a word, by removing the Irrrg. of ad mi ra- N. h clo^d on the Sabbath to all <■ irom course of exclamations indicative equal rositiveiy Truv.k ttai way, or by me A d-d Lun I 'M d!f L. l'l LUNCH. Periodical any what-rer; baa’ly 11 th, n transient visitors. Tools for Stop Ac; No 36 White L< ad ; No 87. Zilc through Agent o lari ty, they remove the cause, and with it all the Lyon’s Drops tion and on the of bis tue 1 n* u-anu Island* ana of the bi. lst- else and w< tit home. surprise part friend**, will Paint-; No38, Co ored Paiuts; No 3b, lurpumine 1 Uapfa* Inonewe.k ,eem the time 1 The 4*team«r leave Burnham'# Wharf for this renoe. effects that spring from it. Are better than all first a hare, a of rud Varnish; N\» 4 Liu*i -l 0.1; No 41. Ola*#; No Popflsud Mint New t ork Steamers Pill*. •immsaoed the rna^nlOccnt next, couple I-daou rogularly. junelt.jnw An. riean at P taking mwiicins , Uid 6re, Whai«* Oil; .No and sweet Money taken ;r ter Tickets. of vegetable extracts, con- Powdery Utu a of tlreu, 44. 45, Tadow, So«p Oil; Sleep- Composed simple <-f water quails, couple partridges, ing Gars aud a; ruiie-hino.t ratoon* thej gallane pas. mo in see ,, boars- and No 47, Ship Chaudiery. 8KMI-WEEKI.Y tain no tiling deleterious to any constitution, how- And Quack my in- a w ild duck, and a boiled iobst* r J jCJJK/IUJLiXJ Arraugt meats ha h.-en uu-.d,- with tl.i LINE. Preparations. low saArsre be lastly rtU±\tiJUj Proprie- may atemrad „ Hlu » , tors ot the in ever delicate—their function being to substitute gntt •‘The of which followed CUuw No 1. WhiteOak No Keel principal Hotels Monareal, ^u«-o.c aud The and me. 1 not explosion laughter -OB THB- Log*; 2,Wbi'eOak j. J. splendid fast Stoamshlc# 10 tad boon if .. D m it t<»take Anieticau Mot.e> at for weaknr-ss. lo d„, iB bul „ the Uik» crustacean continues Pie*-*-; So 3, White oak Curved Timber; No 4, par, charging "LOCl'ST strength which, when properly used, appearance of J* New d *&A POINT," Cape. WiLcrpr, night before this for iwr Aniericin mill E'.iiropiuti lVan«. WniloOak I lank No 6. Yellow Pine Logs: No 7, Yorkilotelpri.es. never fail to do. H< * l ran Undo' the “may be more For Tickets <»r mf rnmtion "FttTfi.MAC," Captain Sh&u. they Periodical with slory, readily imagined Yedow Fine Hearn*; No 8, Yellow Pine Mast auj apply to A«*»t of Lyon's Drops, prrfec',ease, 1 b„, ,»kcn Cor. of Commercial & India Ste. Grand Trunk wt^anrejawoeiD, wdl,until further actio., ran All letter* seeking information or advioe will be ter modiciar than dejeribed.” litnb-r: No9 White Oak Hoard- and Plank: Hallway. as follow* -ARX- c ,ht moaihd. wad Spar K. P. BF.At tJ. General and ary as well as any aura conic No W hi e Fine Timber aud No 13. Ash Agent, 279 Broad way, NY Leave Browns Wnarf, promptly, freely discreetly answered. This* Ho; »e is si uatcd 11, Log- Tortinua.er.rr WbDKIA- to an t no directly opposite ** W« Lantern Sure to do Good and be, tigs of auk No 14 *ahOars; No 15, liar* aud FlowBEB, Agent, Hangar. DA 1, and r.t 4 Full directions each box. cannot do Harm. dropsy. I weald adel v the Grand Trunk wairoa* Hickory June SATURDAY, I', it ia'd ;,4Te j.(tr accompany — Depot,ai.uhead 11.—d4w Mr. Hand No 16. Bia* k VYaluiitaml No # North River New every that arc e.ok :a ko and Ha,tB'.r Cj.nfuskd. NoMbI«Moni ot Bcstou an rt Tort laud it* aom* Wharf spikes; Cbeiry; York, WEDNESDAY Price SI par box, or six boxes lor So. con.alt rt. U i*eru more than his of 11, Cedar; No 18, Locust; No 19, White oak >< *ves and »AU KDAY. at S o'clock, I’M. Price, 91 per Hottle. "von if ’.are Jriuk r.ther usual allowance Coune rtod with this House i- u fli-t class Bent mail, free of ou they been giren up other .« and hr* mg; No 20, Hla« * >puce: No it. Mahog- OHANB Three resscls areSttedup by postage, receipt of price. by p hot rum and one cold last winter: I aud Dining Hall. TRUNK GA1LKAY v»ithdnoacooir.modaUons For rale at! At tt'taas. I hare seat a sugar night _Oyster any No23, ( a ; No 25 Iron, round, t! it, for bathe 1 Sold all by Dra^ists. whciwal' by W. F bar aamber of ewes afc_. ! •» »Jlh3 MKAdlLY, Jr., 8t CO., Proprietors. iguamvi peMengan. making m.xt,1-t. y, safe and by respectable Druggists. iu couseqncnce of which he gave his wife the awl No 26. Hud; No 27. Iron Ntoktt; .\o oomfortable rout for travellers between H. H. k Portland. diseases, nod she has eared them also. J. Bradley, Jr. i\ li. Ar-dley. -.juar.-: Of Canatlu. New Tork Phillips. Uijr Co., Go and 28. Iruu Nails, w and cut; .No 36. Lean; No nnd Maine. traludicc Ml..wing confused account of bis conduct, on rough Passage #;,«, Fart and S*»te Dr. W. B. MERWLN & aurfU eodlr foryoLnsei-.ee. I bad no fr ith, bwt bow lkitc JvBoUdtm lin: No 33. Hardware; No 34 Tools fir Rooms Co., my Jiis return home: •il.j^uc, HlilMbU ARRANGEMENT oiaaot he .la k.d In her skill in > "i- No 36, White Lead : No 37. Zinc Paint; No Goods forwarded hy thlr Mre to and from SOLE PROPRIETORS, selling end var us “MV, Smith's Invited me Montreal, d-'seasa. grocery ftore Atlantic Houso, Ev Coiore Faints, dry«-r*: No 31). Yarni*(i; No H), Quebec, Bangor, hath, and Caen Lae S Us l,u and *iur June Acgusfa, Kwtport St No. 59 < A T A R It II ! a*a, drink Cousin Sam—and you see the weather Liu-et d Oil; No 41. Gia-*; No 42. Brush**: No44, i9BBH UouiU), 27, 1SC4, John Liberty-et., New York SCARBtlRO’ BEACIf. w:.l run Sanaa K. Uauccw, I was I Kish Oil; No 45, I allow : so 47. Ship duly, (i*uiid*7. bxcvpt* Shippers are requested to send their frtikftt to feb*k od&eowlv was dry and sloppy—>so said I tiidu't Chandlery. ad) until lurtliei notio*. m tclloirt: the A itewu-rs as 3 P. M _ klaar Haaaow mind one driuk—and it's how 1’HILADl.Ll'HI A. asearly on the day that then —ah d— punching queer THIS Pour l*"en and Train*. leave Portland. Bwrngtm, afossse, April Id. having enlarged < No l. White Oik L r*o Up head went into the The ’ass »g>; 2. White Oak Keel • my punch, though! refitted throughout wi i uj i-n lor the #es» boar# Portland ior i-lu* p;,t.d, Montreal and For freight or rsssege to Female Pier*--; No 3. White Oak Curved Timber: No 4, apply 0PV1UB HOCUS— e>OTn a A M. till I r. ■. way home was an that I a «)tk on tfuetce at 3.0.1 a. a and 1 25 7. u. EMERY k FOX. Brown « Wharf, Portland. dirziy slipped upon WhiteOak Plank;No 1* White Pine Ma.-t and fcpar saarlT tuhi-.atal H. B CROMWELL k CO.. No. M STRENGTHENING NOISES IN THE HEAD! ! cdly little old with Monday, Junr 13. West 1 CORDIAL. dog—an gentleman cropped Timber; No 11, hit- Pine l’.auk row! Boards: No Down Train*. New York. Street, cars and a brass collar on bis he said he K- (iLAMaON. 12. White Pine l> ck Plauk anu Stag** V auk: No 13, Etiax bland Fond lor neck, Portland, at« at a a and Deo. 3. I8G3. This Medicine is of long tried e for correct- K. closed on the Sabbath to all Ash Log* ami »Tank No 14. Ash o*r* No 16, Hack » 15 r. m. *i\f fttcacy D K. J B H H-TIEh belong** to the doc—and 1 under- B.—Positively ■■ all disorders incidental to CUBED BY IN HALT Vi» wa»—yu —''I ■ M. ing tho D turnin' sex. trausien visitors junell Walnut, Ch rr>, Mahogany; No 10 Litre* and _ stan— he—that is I don’t know more That the afflicted may feel assured that this Cordial nothing Cedar: No 18, LocuFtTr- erails; N* oaa aa mi-id at w.b 2d.BlackSp-uce; I he Company are pot t.r Lav-dare to is truly valuable and worthy their confidence, not About tt." No 23, • ignuruvi v No *26. Iron, round. f!*t. rctponilbk equate; any amount txocodiiig nu> in value, and .tVr. one of tho*e seer t compound* to No 25 ><*.!, 7 iron No 28. lr u NaiU. FOR SALE & TO purposed destroy A Ocean House spikes) *ot*l. uole*. ncUoe i* given, and lor at t!i« rat* LET. healthy action. 1 add a few testimonial* from Harmless PRIVATE Re-Opened! wrought, cut: No*). Lead: No 81. Zii.c. and paid phys- Fluid, KECICAIi Tin, of cue pMMiigcr lor every «0u additional value. ician* » Dom all. Javoring the Electric and Ktiorictd ROOffiB, Bolder; N 33. Har ware; no 84. Tools for Stores; The undersigned having ls*«f*i for the C. J. BRYDGE8, Director, Practice ot Medicine, respect. No. A No 36 White Lead; No 37. Zinc Faints; No Col- Managing lion*© and Uoumc Lot* Fur Or AGREEABLE Teitijslp strwt 126 Exchange Street. 126 season tbii* weue-tabiMn-d Wat. rinrpiact, 38, j M. BAILEY, Seperiiitendefit. Sf|c, DK. WILLARD U. GEORG E, formerly Professor ODOR. situated 11 the cult r vl onic Faint*, dryer*. %c; No 39. Yan-i h; No 40. in th*- charmingly verge Portland, June 25, bmp e0Tg * __Located Wt tbrook, about five in Worcester Medical College, and President of he can be Limned (Ml; Nn 41. G’aes; No 44. Kish Oii; No cosanitod privately, sad with \ ape Elisabeth. With unrivaled vacili- 45, k minute-walk from the Horn* Car* the Electric Medical Jkta>*., oi it in TaTow. Sweet Society, *peaks WtiUKKthe the ities for s«ap. OIL N<>47, Ship Chandlery: No *l " oodlord’a corui-r. th.- f« terms: atmostcualideacuby mllieteti. at ad PORTLAND AND KENNEBEC R. R. llowiug NO VIOLENT SY KINGING noiir* daily, from 8 a. h. to y p. 4- Oakum: No •an **^e'WT^ '* *. jVT. 6*Ingot Copper. AI«o. me located two 1 have used the Female and 1 [B VaU phasantly Strengthening Cordial Ib,“e *h» *»• Xiugh X^hinney, I Bulimia, BoalhiR. i«hiii|t. WABAIMlTO* jc\ Uttu-t anil •imilar to that .ml'.!■*J1**" -ulfcriB* i.actr the SPRING tSUIlMEa Dwelling Lot, rc- preparation b) DR. GEO. W *,diction of prjr ala disease, wheifcr inf »rm hi* triad* and former customer! Wi;i lor trauhi.m mu nu an; ARRANGEMENT, Mr. J. C. wj-s.l -rom rp.ij nl/m--i< ( 1 Oak Knee Piesea: i c**tly occupied by Kemick. 1 he lot con- SWEPT. 106 uaoovt r Street, aud 1 regard it as Of the Head. impure connection or the th-taebm taken tbe Store Aro 12« s*Nog. White No 11, White '*ms terrible vitae ot saU-ahnsa. WOULD Hrchanir 4 tier uuT ; two ncrev a d t* onool tho finest loca- one of the best Medicines for Female tus i Pine *lank Hoards, No li Ash Flank No 14, Commencing Monday, April 25. 1864 Complaints nevoriag satire time to that ps-ctecu ar Street, where he iutend* to carry ou the tiou for a gi nu« | v» salei wi to bt* tout'd in the sub- that can be found.” th- brsnet of AthOais; No id. Black Wa nut. ana Ma- medical profession, he feels wsrra> the 7th of June. cherry, train, ot Pori le«» to, m i, 1 a Tueaday, day No ■5 ra,»engcr leaveSkovhegac for ! land, being than two mUe> from toe DR. J. KING, Author of” Woman: Her Dis- TIIK ftKNSK OF TAHTK AND SMK I.L KESTORKL sstsbiscoji Cvuia Move ami hogany; NolTCjren; «0, spruce Pine * ai.LCA.ua, w’mihcr Furuace UuwinpftM, 2>pa*Bj V*P* 1 «rt an and Boiiot., at 8 4.i a ai Au- I’o.tiat.il l\>.wt niiiC". aud commands a bee ease* and their oJl-/a Everv desirable couve ienro will be .upplied for Yu *2 » ejdai. No 25, Iron, round. tli» and view of Treatment,'' says: •taudm* or recealiy square: *-u- a, li. A. M and bath Iv ; the contracted, entirely reaiona In a!i it* of Mil the* tdoaoure and com or;* «»i it« with No tet* No No No Id P. Al. /.u-n.ia city. “This Medicine appears to exert a specific influ- the dress ot <•*•»»-• from Lracohet. STOVES, kind*, of tk< patrons ic-gaid 86, el; 27. Spike-; 28. Nails; 3», f >r the and *'urlJ“d and Uoatou al 5-3.1 A, a.; Rath o ) A. further particular* call on the enoe on the t ter us. It is a .aiuabie in ty.tmn, matin** n- wed and most approved ! to the oquiremtnt* and character oi a Lean; N'o81 Zine, tin. and Solder: No 33, ♦•ard- undersigned at agent al> de- prefect and PEllMAXBXT pattern*, gj*" 1 ore corner Umcu S truer rangement# of the Ft male ? CL’s£ wart No 34, To tls lor Mores; h > 3)5, White Street, Reprooactive Organs.” DK. K. GOOD ALE’S Ue would call the attention ot FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Lead; Portland for lta 14d f DR. pr* sident of the afflicted to So P*iut; No G> Color-d 1'ainlr: K0 h, Au.utta, Watervil EeadaU’a j) IU'I>'U8 SMITH, the New Yorx Asso- C ot ot hie long and We fssi that c »tr to thf 37. Zinc Hu. Mill, and j DUN1|£M. .taadin* well earn- -i Furnaces and assured exertions, added Skowhogan, at l.jup. M ciation of Botanic Physician*, says: f reputatlos Tu aud Vanish; No 4**. Linseed Oil; " rnis.Mngsnh.-cisnt seeurauoe of I'm Ranges. unusual aiiraalipu# ol the house i'welf. wi;I secure u« petition Nofl, Portland for Rath and 8 15 No Female, if iu delicate #kul aud fas' (lias-: No 45, ftp; No47 t/hand- Augusta p M. House iiiul Lautl health, shoud omit the the aou of the I fallow, Soap, dMp 1*ugtra for f or Sale at a liar* CATARRH REMEDY. Tin and Hollow Ware. ai.prohat.on jgtronage public. l*uk ‘>(|tion.’uDiQ* Audrt.cv,OK(i& UrB- timely use of this valuable Cordial I owe much ot ehftifos ihe lory; No 48, akiuu; Ss4,', iron No 80, In- rt*yi t3Po$itu *lit babtxnlI will change car* a» BruiiWick. mv success in to the use of this Medi- tySreond hand Store* or taken in ex- got Copper No 52 Poles; Solti, Bellows. It-.r I train. midwifery bought, 1: M. train f oui I urtlsnd connect* at cine.” CAUTION »ornew. HILL k JORDAN, » r/ipr»etor*. *-dlttw4tt i' story brick tlm o N\> ;• Portland rtreet. L»r TO TUB PUBLIC. change ju*y kcndait • Mill* with Maine Central ivr 11' \l r.oodale has combatted Catarrh until he ha- Railroad 4be lot is 63 loot on Foitiand MOII1EKS AND MARRIED LADlEa Capo KH/abeth. June 7. W>j. dtf Ac igjno treet, running late! aad tiTortB. FumwAowi, and Tijr Vati Bangor. arriving evening. j Luck iv Da fought It down. It has bet-n a war. but his tri- Eyery igegt flunking person mast ktow E ford itreet. Said bou-o i- » tuated iutlie Tho following from Dr. FAY is no- long lust remedies repaired at%ort notice, in a faithful manner. OFFICE, leave lla h lor Kookland at 9 A M and 3 1 worthy your httuded oat from general see s'c d center ot the city, on th« direc*. line of the llorst' tice umph is all coir time hte OKD1N4M. Ijai DxpAirrtiAXT. ■ P M. complete. Through ing Ca- have their <-ff.cscytstabli.htrt BAY V IEW iUilroad. i’ii t of which cau Asa by well-tasted can*., Grateful for 'ormc r i. 1964. leave £1700,00,£900,06 re- general remedy for Female this tarrh whl he known as the one anti- r nvo in tin- nmds of a patronage, lie hoc** by *tric: HOUSE, Wa*hi»otox, Jy:y Stags# Augusta for Belfast at 4 P M. main on Complaints Komt-dy only regulaily odn situ .nj-i- a mortgage, l or further particu.ars in- Cordiai1 is a very valuable one, but the Profes- ona. wlio-e attention to baainea*. and f^ir d.atinr, to receive r fctages leave at 6 10 P. M for An« a by dote for a disease which iets preparatory study uti him u.r si. tt« CAMDEN. bkouhogRri I ‘iUirt ot w M. aLI.KN Jr sion it isesUemid more for i:s superlicla hate declar- deuce geuerou* share ot lavor. fieajad will be received at this office un- Soow.kc. highly good result he must fulMI; y»t the eoantrv I- :’oodld public proposals | j) lSeodif Ko*. mid 15 C'ouiincau-nt in ed incurable. Catarrh so wl'la at 1 id &xchange street. during relieving the great doctors, called, spring up * icir nov'rcm.i end core-all* aayMdtf The Subscribers take iu an- til M.u.Uy, Jmi* 25. 4 I*. 31., tor 10U,00) sets t>l hr ugh Iickf ts for all the station* on V «* j sufiering .purporting to be the pleasure • attendant upon childbirth 1 acknowledge with Dr. iikemushroons.cn all -o tln ir Infav.tn Accoutreii.on,s calibre 5a, to be delivered the A r.droec, can be in sides, ilia object of thoao »®t nouncing fneuu* end a,* interu-teo f-gio Ituiircad, procuried ”!-ly-^,W5'ldi.Tbt«by** Uf'i ueeitus, bat Al- Valuable* H< .U lor Smith that much of my •ucces? in is due waj i he F I O O T in a first Hotel iu the lollowiug lbtapt-rwteBd4at. mother and child. In each ca*cs I follow the di- Thttr tnanij ulaii us Irritate y «... 30 00useta at the New Y’ork Governor's is, f? train iuootlrsvertsble fact that ucup ucurl) lujubr. itcoutsn.* hlilhtinuti Arsenal, ApMi la»4 $ f aiiU plci-autlv located, aud rections of min; sj pluiil.c i. ATLANTIC m-231 fir-i-bod Prof. King, by my to the inflamed membrane. never ti nte are made eru and coi Inland. fnrni«bed trom garret to osliar in allowing patients already They cure. missraIlls with ruined eeneiituiloua improvements every ws.fence lot tn, | every thing aud u«e it a few wifks to coi.fin* Stt* at the Frankfort abcu* tin- hou* in previous mtut. as by Dr. lioodsle’s treat ment is by malircatnicntfrom comfort and accomtnodntion ol the travelling pub- 2»,0n0 Arsenal, Hridesburg, Vorfti Ac ClIItltMTlUlftd SiBliltMUl. perfect ord« r; will be -old with the it mt dicinal, not mechani- incaperieasud physicians in Pa ttu energy imparts to the uterine nervous svstem practice. for it le a lic It tS iiu« .y located. comma Qaiy. an uni. varied Furniture, which a n good Vait* and iu titeOr- cal. He does not believe in poidt gen rsl'v ‘*trt,rt Mutual Insurance Ite. ♦he labor will be very much facilitated, and removes the torce-pnmp ay stem, y the beat at ti< f.-nerai sv; re. Company, view of the Penobscot The ol sea- 80,(k*» sat* th* AlegUany Ar-cuel, Limburg, SUMMER Huint diate po*peA«.|oL given. 1 he bonM and !uio*r»ph. thstetuJv and man- Bay. auvaur.gr. ARRANGEMENT. the scraps which many female* are liable to. No which is *v» much mischief. His agement of these »hW YORK, JANUARY 26,1864 bathing and tne t.ciiitn* tor hhi j r« furniture can be examined u ami in for- | working remedy complaint. sK a J .a Urhing boating anytime, w**o|fia. if•h*1 knew tho great value of this auoietimeof theweaho > or it beautiful 20.000 nti at the St Louis Arsenal. Mo. aiu .ion give on Strength- pa-ses through the absorbents, to the seat of the dis- wenid be crirteient aad a out* or the cr.o-t eligible and dcluh age T L-i f«>li»»R mi) L-dtt erent practitioner, bwvfrig neith.r ep- Cumpau>.tu m»t the UdJowing statement o jgiT further notice: parts of the country where used for a day. but Tor all time. it coeie a dollar nor time to makt TUT, ful in >tw Connected I fortuity with the tuw pattern set*, to be seeu at the Knowing Lastly, atmseli acoBAintfu with itf nff»»r* vii thr 3l*t *■ -IF: watsriug pluses Kughtud. Saco Ui\ t*r lor Portland r: 6 4L the it i* I w ii wariaat po.iunitTt Dtcombir, Arsenal* l,irrt ■Ml j^ood caaabic ofduing. every a with the II<‘Ud iso hue horstn aud above naiut-ti. witu the fo lowing excep- ** bo?t!*—no more. cirpslholoty, ecamoaly oMsruos on. e-sjon. of r< loiiii'i- received cu Rariue Livery oiatne, Train with dud «it botiic •; in. \ 3, to Slit De- carnages having great Caral and 9.15 \ u w.d 3.3<> r u. suits. Ur. Auburn ,fc*' January, cite- wide, and no should* r will be ftir- fPlllF. va u*bl® re*I on Dotfge X. F. “u dsi oron ; carriages are from the bent catablailments iu iht oelt-plalc Lestf T.45 a u. ai cl cet§to Fret- street, known The «rs, on. Mer- ceolrf iStfS, »«5,214,31*8 9 ni-h-.d tie inside ll of PortUud Hner, a the indicate those affections count* v. ana on the most ar fcteum- j ; p the cartiidg* box and I "t t»rbi- b The Jpt i* about 106 following-ymptoms Alter oury1 Pr inftiTD* on policies not marked off proven style# 1U0 and 6,'A' v u. The iOOr u. traiu out. cud 5 4," property in which llie Ptm*nt Coccm.' has having witnessed flu* effects of this Remedy boat la.’; ot oce-re; »t: aruer* I cap pouch are to be leit oft, and the otiiare to be iut on jiiee•trfut «i:dO'-tei dp bnck about 174 fett. Strengthening l«t )8C3, 1,706 ff>8 2s ings easy ioualung ov* a m traiu into 1 ortland, wil. be freight trains with proved 10* aiuable: in Catarrh, thus speaks of it :-)t ia truly ai.d uu- January, Um week, : -tv. :\ on ’he outer flap; the letters L\ B with a Said tv * w i!l be sold a* a wit !c, or the #ry day in inkgrapb eommutiicatiou passenger cars attaci.t d. eaiterly Iuii*t>osition to Exertion. Uneasi- conditionally a Her culeau specific tor the • holt- Uis- have contoknck. of the c* nntrv. I in. i border, a/e to be upou ti« box. hall ol inerts* iiog house, wiib lot about Wakefulness, w*th al! parts -c wielJug o hi stamped cartridge .* tu»res eouiKfCt at for South 40by 175 of «a*e. Suok au article ought not to be -hid uniter iota' am.>untof Marine Premium*, #10,o06,001 V 1 same tue s on *aecarappa daily will ness, Spirits, Loss of n cure r*»)Bii will do wel* to a* main th*- %nd style he plate winch it re-^ leet, lie aold by itHrlf Depression Trembling. All who have eommIIiNSTOV. Proprietor# Fall*, Baldwin. Stbaao,Bridgtor, ilijani, JACK>ON, Lower Part of the disease, ought to b* col-iu4-red cue t.f the bene ac- misplaced uiliTir .ryrr.rt with alfnne w<-parate l»ia> wi 1 be receive* for (he u*uiuta.ture Limw-s- Body, Headjpfeo, Languor Ach- ) t'ftxdh r, June 2t lSw> -aIt • Julyldtt £41 l.x hange street. tor* of hi* Prt Munv marked ofl from 1st Jan tou, Denmark, Brownfield. Level | ing Along tlm intolercuee of and race, and his name and Die effect* of bis of those Accent remeuls o* pure bdJP leather, of if*/r- Corpiph, Frye thighs, Light skill ll t- 31* Decam tw 18 j Con BArticU, t.:ti m Pwie Coun per|>eluated. Your* respeett'uil SERK FOR AX AXTWOTE f.\ „■* t. r, 8. i erf tannage n it faith, and all hemlock. IJ.e belts burg, way, Ai*a»iy, op nance, Derangement ot he ASO.V. fxw.e* during t*e same 3.806 651 04 INi-atiwnt 8uSmi«*aii llf.orl. ton. N. li. t or Saiit, Stomach and Bowel*, Difficult D. L DOLHiE, A. M. paid period, arc ti; 4fe Oi gtwineii leather. Breathiug, Uysteria, Re torus ot and 4V At Buxton Center for West Buxton. Bonnov Fa- i Ac.. Ac. Tb< Pa'-u ami Acbos, se.J Lasaitada Premium* Expenses, 1,062,967 kf Accoutrements are to be seen at SQIJAUK bloekofland, of about 79J00 aorea PH*y JiTtUt, the weli-kitor* Trm■>. and \ .. .Sampler and 'Ur, Pro-tration that ! git-, south Umington. Limiu^ton lam trick £\ oi wood on tho south *ide of the It is a specific iu all Uterine may fellow »rs * the above named ArseaaU in or about the 26ih inst laud, river remedy Di. viz: C YI IS l- tri-weekly, iioUit, Limerick, Law m in Canada Last It fe intercteded Chlorosis of Green rdeknes*. Painful- -'.s system Company I C~i IO I I to b<* distinctly uudtrtftood that , Irr^gultrity, *av*—"l I t)r. < USK, ihL depart- ! by many years, fieodaie say he cau um l'o not wait fer Uuit d *>a fraud fct*t of New York Newfifld, far s field. F.t! i»i/ an. Free- twoeonaiderable rivers with ne*s, Proftoe or or Di*- the consentins'Lin that is to ful.. ment is to have the prtvi)*»e oi inspecting the work Oaaipoo. eligible Mnlsit-. Well Suppression Customary Caurih, hero* cure it.” Ac. lire Ban* an I <»tnor dom. aton, Cormeh, Porter, Be wooded w»t« or ttoc<, City. stocks, $3,462 631 3 WEST 3 ROOK. contract It iu all every 04-^cripUou of timber, »uuh as charge*. Lcucorruaa White*. Scirrhus or Ulcer- Lleers, for doll* under an> raiy award, s’pgot 1 Price 5*1 hi ud a stamp lor a j •twDM .W."‘ l01 Lr',,*b“'' ana secured 5to< k* and ••titer t» Far^fft ccnfi'tea* wnen'tT,iL'.'t4 ve in nine and in ate State oi the amph’et. UtosMiM Limbi, ior Low t,f U»autT Li bp wise, 1,46*.»,7US Tl.s *vegnnr suburban Watering Place, of its j;od o p ciuiL to exaiaiue th*' itciK'k purchased spruce large iiaLUfities, |0(1 rnapie, Uteri*, Sterility, Ac Dr K UlX»DALL’> Office ana tat© Loud* Mod progr^aj, the thau when lib the < ar». No Dep»'t 75, (Meeker ftBii Rea £ and aud gage*. I9j,7t>0 0 lodged upon a eminence near fa- »v.- :•> to Olfiee, paid be rob tccch, tamarnc ami ba?i» wo a tetuiy amount, better Tonic can possibly "be put than this, ono ror«p4mxioii. pleasant befoiT* cuttiug They J>e subject Inspection DAN. CAKPEN l up s*rett, dour west ol l!ro* wav, New Vwk. Divide ndton Stocks,Intere*ton Boude i- c Pond, but ti mile# from hav- £B, Supt. huquire of H. f. UACttib. ortland. and none less likely to do and it »# II. Portland, hfrm, composed H. liar Agent Ibr Portland! "OWMJLX1 M ano ct4«r L aus.suu* Portland April 7, l *4. Foreland, Feb. 1W4* ot and su< h as we have TBOUXtSDE CAX TESTIFY t;nd ‘rtg»g«* ing U*en plac*. d in the most ample oiuer by «-■■ IE V. claims doe he estimated at Si tun »f.cu(ion of the paid y«*ars. f:% Comp’y 164,664 public, and cordially invite# a .ion. Lills 6. call ror sp.jf, One Dollar Per Prem.um Nous and Receivable, 8,2/8,676 Irvin hi- old ftpsth must l*e <:*a a b» |,Jv.J ,* | turviture an sre aii ana he room- Should vour druggist not have it, *«rt;4 dtreotly to treated lurn.'shuigi- ur-vv, I contrnctsd lor The u< >t delivery to be made op •'•'l ono-h*!T milf« from and the >09 wianuticaly, and a peUcet » 31 c aud t^ie Portland, u*. and w hen **x ntre * Total amount of /Iwtt*. #6,265 466 ( »sy sightly ’Jh? laMe* are with ail <»t Trains leave Portland, Grand Truck bottles or u*.*rv are ordered we will »B or uo made. ar* supplied loth day August, 1m>4. naraHHarj i.uift -itnation in Elisabeth lor a wo* charge e-at latoreet ou outatan certiii the ■ Cap© MY and h*ve it Patent Metallic or .xpe tn>» mg dolaeaciet* ** well a# t*. Hiibrtantialf oi t).e —a- maxr detiwrios at a Uf *ton a »d Ant arc. at fill •oeurely packed from Paint* Ha > a but we nr. t«4m*ry •«*!. * Extec-:ve shed-* and a flue ► tabic with stalls, atftlOA.M and C'oifrcu Botanic Depot 106 Hanover St. Boston. had roomy lb Accoutrements must be L./icd In the usual RKTUBN.f.J9G—laart Lcwteton the mnwtin. a-«i their menu. After and Onr are am> GEO. W XL by reserving Throe hail Million Doliiri j ng tlie couvomeno*»ol tin t•?eblinhmcnt arrh•;* In Por laud at S CO a. m. Lea'C at SWETT, D., Proprietor. To to hive it. Ad such? #•#. .:r|K««S manner ; tb»- bo.v* t<» beuhirged at cost, to be de- Bangor Owucia. nud lluMm ol Ve«wl». jk-V.I to the prt| .1 of profltf. thi outstanding oettiUcntes of the ligat oi A nice Baihing House sufli.tent for the acc^iumo a. and arrive ii Portland at 2 15 p. m. Both For comet o' terminal by the mapecor ?«£ £.. Male, H. 11. ewiy tma-ment. «,:d ra a w li < ■ U.\Vt Ag«ui, Portland. crap* abort (tea“* 1662, be redeemed and paid to the hola.'ts there- dation f sc*\ r I batbois l.us been t rocH*d with train* at with train# for TUia superior erUclu is oft rut with the fullest con- are a.ade to ntep** hiddurs will state explicitly the Arsenal or ArsC- there Per?’*** \>IubMp rstato on the comer of mohS tiodupi rejoice tepe.-twt health. or their • present *: iv *, as aid after Tut* \ into ten l.-et of a I rJ'HE westerly Monte. of, le^al aud the hole #e- When to projoctiu^ water, I uai- wh^rc they o*u> to deliver, and the number Boatoa. 1 itigl: and spring street#, !pr mane applied dar, the Socond Of let rtury next, from which dwH cared Lryjtt <»ori vat on pro( * years qwned l.y rf.losriug screen Of set* to r at such it for Frotaht train leave# Portland a4 a. m., and re- ’lid the late will retro. they propose dg!|v. place, occupied by George Bartol. all iSftereaULtroom lY»e oertijlfate* to t* hruoklng Ariw>rs grace the bank* *>i the Poiol ami at 1 p.m. WOODiVN BOTTOM more than one. turning Ip duein Portland J. A E. M. KtND, 123 Middle St. VFSSELS JIJDHLE product* at the tine o; Ray mast, ana cancelled invite the of the at AUI1) j iudulgeun^ lcunger. No bids will be con* id* red from other tpan oocnect with train* priaoM station#, July A 1SA4* 6dlm statement qt the l« will bo found a p-rfect substitute for A Dinkfenf of Forty Pit Cent. I* declared on th* fvr a h are of tiw the on- parties July Ceppct Hoping public patronage aud such as are kn<>w*i. to for of th® North and E*»t of this and a Those are men at regular manufaeturem, daily t£*p# Shoathinir, COMPLETE PliESEK VAIl\ l raM’y tna t.. u jar-r ior tl prom #.# to » <• rnort r ih** en er- Etna Insurance IVtUMpUl, ccrrfgiied spa.e t. tliia i (epartni* dt to b*' »ully ciiup-t-nt to execute in line. i.’. at jitiKto*. Sup'i. Company, from WORMs. BARS St 1 ES, ironbfcd with too fro^Mt i D-ooioh r, livit, for which oertifcaU- ttinru.-ut o.‘ Lip W For GRASS.*; Tr|. evacuatm* from M: enduig.il gu.->tr. bEO. MU ECU. their own the work ibr. HbouM .tar WatervOle f? vetnber, Med. a*o:4 Mile. set, t' the India bladder, often i-»u shop* proposed I OK’HAKTJOKD. iradii.it West and noorhrru Por:- accompanied by a •lirfet or will p* vl.vtt aud alW Tuesday, tha Filth o Wa#tbrook, 2», 1H64. mm 2ldtt CONN., wiil unariu* May pariy of* dui t situated on Port- dud it fcr their interest to nee Lands* aenration. and weak next. in the 1st day of November. A. D. 1183. a# particularly t t ..ategil*, “jttom in u. Apnl er than those :u his own will l*. PORTLAND, ft AUO4# PORTSMOUTH «nd stre-t, wit la .Stable and required tAHST ilLT.1 LHC 04 esi: uuuaor tbo cannot The Prods* of the shops, they V other oat buddings. tUu Lawa of the State of Maine. C»l PAISr. patient sccvuai lor. o* exam- Coinpaoy.aaceiiainad atul the contract r*,rje,ed null and void. \iso two i..4^ by rhe will n l-na* sit* a from the 1st of Julv.1842.to the lat of Piea>ure Kesort rejected, RAILROAD, adjoining containing abou* eight proprietors every ease ruersntso.no. nrinnry dep< rosy sediment w ill o n n bo Splendid Th* name and place of inanulactare of each thousand wiuare I it. an. only that their t Paint i« to ioand, and sometime * *mail Ja*i 1863. for w inch Ort ideate* were ; party qirv of N. iiTEVEjitf, The Itepital Stock I#...•1.600.CM) opper eu.eiier any now particle of seam or a contract a»a«t be No. iu ue. hut also to * or aoMunt to #14,328,83 obtaining stamped on each part 47 Cortland street. juacOdtf any that lies bee" hereto tote ul. ytm?\wlU *PI***» tbooolor wui u 01 a thin inHiorf, of each set of Aoroutroment#. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, amd with ihe avrpina ia in ratted oj foi/owa: I red to the milkish hne, Aoditiouai tr tu lat Jan., 1543, to 1st public. again chancier to a d#r* mi tortid 17th, 1864. it* al estate, unlncnmb< red. Priuted direct ioiu fbr i»osct e.zch apLe'arauoe. There art m#n who January, ioo4. 2.630 06 THE OLAKAM1 Commencing April For Sale. s»£7,v.H33 1$ «mitipy can. many u.» of* his WHITE Cash iu on Fcr sala, a iniquity, irUviict of HOUSE, i a“ 'T,u”-r dl leav** tae 6ta- baud, djjjun*. ana in agent#’ vhoMtoale and retail, by (ho Afauutsc Uaaause. whic». i» the (V9BHIIT WIL30W BOU«».) anil be r oc »*%53W2 wooden No. 18 Adams turer*’ *» The bld-lti quirv4 tq •mpanv his pro- story house. street, baiids. 216,960 M Agci.u, SSCOND STAOM oral profile for 21| years, $16,668,£8; lion, L’anu: >r .ail; ^Sunday® ex- 11 OF SEMINAL WMaKNKS J. P. MILLKR,...... FfrOTaiFTOB. v ith n t-igiod by tw>* stble VTWOfinished rooms, convenient tor two Dunlin**, United States Stocks, *12 *47 60 The Certificate# p> avion# to lrkffi, have ponltioB reaper e:f a* follow?: | I oau a that in tun his bi J is he ut water. 1 warrant perfect care iu *uch ea.-t-e, i. ; a person*, accepted, alii :it S;**»a.m. pltu > good For pamuuiani inquire oi State and City Stock*, and Town Honda, u t» 460 00 LYMAN & Ueen route mod and ".(•■} MARHETT, fall and rjj.craiion o* c:. by This ! unoeevs'Ute the c out rue t lor the with B. J. WILLARD. ! Hank and front UwUtby Ibe arinarr me. popular recently beta pur- *«me, good V. M Company St^k#, 1, 47.27V u© i>r*oss who and sureli*in a sum to the j cannot peiwoaaUj co&i'Uat to* I’r. '|r .I;IW MHi-A:L .' if: .At *uitio«eut tqua amount Portland, May 14,18£4. niayl4eodif Mortgage Bondi. 900 00 Xiot sartdnjr# with the Com* Leave Boston for Porttenc -t 7.30 a m and 8.00 ®lilp eau tio to writiBir in a mnnaer a fwaitU^jPfi It»- ■ ! ot tin? contract, to deliver tno article in Atlanta Mutual l$a. Co'* 15.»se Olvanciloi’s, by plain onerij tier. ou lit IsX, #5,263,C7 r.d re- proposed, P.M. scrip, 1802-3, 80 Of thair and the l any, January. * No. Ill ditvtasc. appropriate remedied v> ii£ red, and ntrm oouforrnitv with the term* of th advertisement, aud Itiiiiineieml Street, Bv of the Board, |P« Leave Portsmouth for Portiao3 at 10.00 a. M.aad To Lot. bo foraai. order Bbiade. It i- wi •>«» for Lomc# not These trains veil! take aed leave p**#ti»Kcrs at way X 1&2 an i 154 Exchange Street, opposite the I liter* 2t«w3a»_PORTLAND. be returned il de^iTtd, drive crer a and tar t w. on the otf ot M|d bidder and the n«xt due or adjuvted. *175 411 good road, Jun about enough j respon- italics^. natiouui Htu e Apply q.»the premise* tq t4 Ad-lrcaa, *>K. J il for sible bidder, on he person to whom the contract Amount at risk, eatiinfttcd, .116 516,479 (H THU BOSTON CIHE BKICK HI«J1RS, T H l 8 pleasure. may Freight train* leave Portland ..nd Boston jy4 dtf A. L. BROWN. Ho. 6 1 t-mpie dt.. f earner at Middled T EES. It has a flue be awarded. daily. lilt>S. A. ALEXANDER. Portland, large Dancing Hall and good Bowling { r RAM 18 CU1BE, President. And Clay flctuyt Manufacturing Co., Works, 3S4 ataaip for o.ri ular. JOlr* I' .Tone*. Da rid in Clowe i no of the guarantor- must be shown Superintendent. Lucius J. Haudks. luiae, Alley*- proximity to the botue i* a war® rreponaildlity Por land. Oct. 9). 1S68. ocSl edtf Secretary. Fodwral »i***t, Ottice and Warchouto IS Liberty fhark? Deni,!#. .Isaac* and Btablo, stall*. • by th official cjrtifleate of »no Clerk of tlm mtir-at To Fet. ff 'irir'ord, Xt-v. 1>$3. Bry.e, rt'oroy containing tv^rr nice 7, Square and 7 Battervmarch St, man u : act are 1 o\ VV. li. H. Moore Win. u v«U District t or of the United Mates District At- Stargi*. jr.# There afro a sheltered bhed, 106 fret i^ty. lor eurt, new occupied by us. Possession given Brick, ail shapes and «tzw, for turuac to J'Uof. frk^ton, li K. .required Vrltcfic .tl'dinil Bogert, hi.- Mug hor?%a torney. SfOBfimmediately. •tauu the mo*! intense heat *!**> a urn ace Block* CHt A A. u4.' a «um to th J. lufirinr.ry. JI«nry Low. ike ohoiooet 8 uppers frill bo got up for ®!eighing in equal amount of the con- Also, a Front OUiot-io Hanson Block Q. CGUaOHILL, Agoni, zud Slats, Locomotive r';r* blu*ks, Baker*’Oven W O’. Wm K. Dad tr.. si*red the at d both of hi* TO TWE LADIES. P/Ckers^id, re, and dancing parka*. who wii’ fled it greatly to their t»> contractor guar- Jan8 dtf U J LIBBEY A CO. \u. I Iron Wlock, l’orthtml Pier. zud Ureeu-lkHij t: rort- »nd nec»< Lewie Curti*, Deunis antor*. wiU t*. required of MAINE INSURANCE CO. lib.*,Clay lVrkinn, aua to rctwvt to ph?i Whiu- iiouae. tii* tUA^tnl Liddir or files to sot and HUGHES invite. »>i ft pleasure Advantage d.cf dtr them, Fir#Cvmoat, Fireclay kaolin parti'll :»rl) Ladle# wha Cha«. J. iiwfc^ll. Jo«. No effort bo for the biddeis upon sig ing the contract. AugQHta, Jlaiut. need a medics’ to (iail’ard.Jr.. srlil ^papbd enPtxMunb.ynt ol | To DR advUer, rali at lil-rooil \c Low li Unfit do#, J. M* nry Burg' ■*?. d order* for the above isAUurit*. lure art- execu- their "veci#: ueowaodatioa. W. Wc-U'i. ii. A. —— I or to H. T. MACH Hand, We the tinder-lgned, reaitjv*** of in the loss damfcge by Fire. Buildings Meri-han- ONE Apply IN, Dirigo Insurance ted with Or If ’. Eel c Kci oralia g trial Pheln Watt* a# dtf Company prvoiptnee*, Maaieiao.artuarlral ». febermau, HALLO WELL HOUSE county of-and State of—— .hereby, diro aud Funiiture. on term# favorable as it car ap22 or TUB CITY or PORTLAND. HdlauSoneyaad superior virtue iu Hu AM F K. Morras rogulatine a!i Okie# w» joint!) and severally covenant with the U. Mat pa, bo done bv any solvent Company. Policies Issued J AMES V. MOM) A C O. reeealelrreawlanUo# -.heir acticu |, -rTlHuiT- A, K. Piljot. h.J Holland, aud for °r Five *trtt e< rnxiuci lit • REO PEN E E> I • guaranioe, in case tim foregoing bid of—- Oue> Tftf#***. year*. gruli'i athorttm-e M. hjibeock. Office No. !!8 Sbllino Amis 13 Bus ton. 1 Til t'ii «rP. Sail .♦ nvilaahU lw _ti Leror Wftlcf, be accepted, that be or the> will at once execute the j. L- CUTLER, X’ruddect •ilXHWN Ul5KR\L'8 0mil£1 » !'\cliaiige street, re, Liberty Square, Danio 8 Fletehr-e inch 11 codSm lliiler, Wf*tray, contract for the s m « ith'good and suffici nt sure- J. H WILLIAMS,Secretary. Washing: uCitv, June24,1854. J S. T. Nie K. B NEW FURNITURE' & FIXTURES! I It, Min'urti.Jr., ties it.uonoinp.ini to the amount of tbe contract, ■VIT ANTs'D— Surpe- u > ami A*s ttat,t tom G. W. Burn ham, my Onpitn? Joeb’aJ. II wry. to f'irftifthtbe urtiole* prop -am in coDormitv to the HOWARD SHAW-Agent, VT fur t*c lore- Tr amlidstm mint be $200,000 1 red. />*— Geo. G. HoUo®, Chaancey, S.O. DENNIS, Proprietor. terra* of the adt rfiartbeM. dated Ju y 4. ISfil, up- Graduates of some Regular Medical Coll*-e and ri’.UU t t» uo« prci«.rod to i,„uo The Cabinet JkUlU: LOW. 1 pu,(«ny rolicl,-r er wni lithe lid wav uwi ; in '*a«e tho No, 10? Middle Street. must hr* exatniiu <» hv h Board c! X ou »>) kmd! of Organs | apd sjijd ^wdjca! Oitioer* to property iu,arable airnm-tB dr,- JOHN D JONKS*. Pn»*!dent. •SF* The are informed that the at nu-a public specially i shall ‘nil to fut^r into a uautr&ir, as afore- be c i»,eutd by tn** Surgeon utie*&}. The Board ettirrnt MADE EXCLUSIVELY B\ h»addiMtaV,*a,’<,,,*C**B:-iK,|aoHMC!lC"' tUsKI.K* D NMS. Vice President. •paciou*. convenient well known HaIIOWiil said. we to niske A. K. 8HL1 No. 6 Toiae'.i ,• SDfl guarantee good the tifti rrnew. e wi ! «kt( rinit.e w In t r the candidate uni be ap- KTLt.K. rre.ideut. struct, ,rn«r # M'.dslc W. H. U MOOKfcC. *1 Vice President. llocea, iu the ilter of two mile* from u the ofl. r [ .’crtlaad. UakoawH, twet of *he ssld-and tie next low- pointed surgeon i>r Assistant Surgeon, according to JEKKS11AU DOW, Secretary. MASON & H A M L IN AttgUem. and lour ml'ea from tog..* ha* •*t r> bidd* r ortho m i llVATlO i \I, spring, spomdUe person to whom the merit Applic itHns by one or mun •< coosai* *»• »l thclf , Vo bu aw ardc d. accompanied kre tbt: best instrument!) of their ela*s in the world. unS£'Lt^iS*a,'° Folicxh beanfce&nUahtfd.andi* open for contractniay ft out isri s > to c** v * fot warded and 0999 rvcrpuouvl I t **t monial* re'ptciaoh j moral i. ia constant. tead wo-Application* company and _ UlWI«M. % p* rtuaueut boarder*. cbu"ficter. &o.,rh u d b© etl J. I Skarly all the mostpromlaen* a.~t>*fs in tbe country procured by I #.ljlvfcU un?er oy band* and coair Fire Insurance 1 [ m!^jre> totfce>urgein Brown, E. S. >uriu \f. —~ U. Clara, _ Krery sttention will be to the tb|S Company U. 8. Washington. lb or to‘he lave given writtenteatimoBy to thia Hfeot, aud these given comfort C4 l fifty 0f-jjUj < j General. A., C A*- J. H W. B Carroll, .Jutm i.Vncii. U I. Kcbiu.cn in JOHN MUXGER, Agent, j gucHe. Of Jt>K» Yo''f:, Office 113 reunite ay. sistant Surgeon General. U. S. > Looi-' tlla. Ky. usirumeut* are in constant'u-* the conceit* 01 Witness l^wal j arti*tn—a* w M ;*4 ho »uu*i d'Htinguiabed t.otteohalk aiw\ For© Btroet, bead of l Seal. J u ,0 #pgs,' pootcil. #ivw po>|( lio. 100 Long Wiiari St. T»r.Ta*j >there—as well ** iu too ras in tuw priuc ett* ST To this guaranty ust be n !**• official Uihcinppti, pcai* and Now Or* q-A append*, Wa/bln|lou, St. John Smith. os. whenever such in**rtimeu!i age JAMES EDMOND & CO. PORTLAND, MR. and all the u*u3iABX,I3SrGt, ; certificate above wi*-nttoned. CASH CAPITAL I leant, roomed. Vri^ ^tivcnfooc'-? of *a noonlnr hotel $1,000,000. H. M. son. ( U, UsUali. z<6 to *500 each. Those instruments pop"!ar Hotel, Kaoh a contract will 1 Pay may found are amply party obtaining be obliged WM. E. WARREN, 1'reaid nt. Also wauled, Stewards for Colored Reg- Andrew N. O. it the Music Hoorn* of the COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jaue 8. -w2vrfcv‘©dtojansa provided. ♦o enter into bond with lio-p'.tal Spring, Cram, *ul>»c.ibt r. where, they Hallow*! Feb 11*64. approved sureties for its iments. Candidates u»u»t a lair English Ed- li* N.Joae. eill be sold at the mchigaodtf I faithful execution. HAMILTON BRICE, Vice l*resident pop*©-* Philip Brown, inaaotaot'^rera' prices. ucation, and be laini’iar w ith the coin; curding and Jers. i». IV Woodman, 13 LIBERTY 1IOSTO.N the award made, successful Yf. a VG B, Dow, U. SQUARE, Upon being bidder* jjLOfiGE Ay secretary. of Medicines. must i>e made J. If. J. s. El)TV ARDS, with dispensing Applications U Libby, Robinson, Ar# to order at THE AHFRICAg will be not.Cod, and furnished forma of con- c«se of Mir oom and aut <6. p-epared favorable rate, (an firm of Howard k StiM *« Attorney*net HOLSK, * a«ju the Aaaia Surgeoua. J. N. Winslow. 8. 0. Chase. SWj Slower.e P'uck, jt. tract and b 'nd Portland Board of Pefrrmcei: to 00 Contcruse NESS and GLEN C A KNOCK OtonfcP&Hor* •* Uk, i* thi* da* dissolved by mu Compensation from *23 00 S3S per month, with Alvafi Conant, Wra Moulton dtt TIfF 1 •'«» Dept rtment reserve* the right to reject any or Jomt II. Brown 4 Son. Hkrset Fletcher 4 tuel and __aprl.T taal couNBt. Kitber er wid gt.aRd 1° the *et fevract * * j Co. nothing, rations, quarter*. Uav 4, 1864 parti [Hanover all bids It not deemed catiafaetorv, end cfneeia ly H. J. Libbv 4 Co. John Lynch 4 nf of I he baJneMof the la’e firm Bouton, Co. jos k barnes, x» I U tlcfiftocf tho«e made parti* * who nave retied to matte time Evpi'Br«*«*ii IKO^j, — "■ by Cemetery. Mr. Howard will mntioueto occupy office 81 —re The undesigned having been Agent julyl-Ssw.lin Acting Surgeon General. JIU deliveries uud r ffreviou-* contracts without fu noth* appointed Notice. of die • ovor C«aoo Bank. and Attornfy for 1 hi* y, m now Superintendent Everirrcen (Vine Wry will A1.0. BAR. SHEET. I BOILER FLATS treat, I Tb. and Best Motet i iua *a a Brigadi* rates. Ouiulrtilf Maud X Randal], tLeir time, to act and trad for them* m Msrtle Street, Irom U o'clock M. to 3 o clock P. English Scotch Manufacture. 4-apositrfiiead of Plumb if root. ENGLAND. ®1 Geo D of I Ramsay. Chief Or'nance. Washing- 110" r< ndy to ftirnia~h Rail*. Cotillon end I shall not claim their or their II.. to oails We ihaUeontiuue to •* Fio reives; wages par erery day, except Suudays. atteudto any receive, iu Joscfh Howard, I). and for fcy"Portland Office, 166 tore Street. addition to our ton, C.,** eudor.-d, Propoaala infantry Nic l'artia, on the most tavoraUo T C. Kez^r Me. o connection with said JLmiWui S a WALL C. STBOUT. 18 terms debt*. RANDaLL, Falla, Cemetery. Brice, a i.gulir supply of Proprietor. Accoutrement. GKO. D K A MS AY, JOHN W. Ail order* left ai False', Mu-ie Orders June 1684 ^ J^KVjtj RfCEf HUNGER, Aftut. ,tore (lt-8 Middle Witnom. Mary PilUbury, Mary S. PUlsbuiy. may be left et the office at any time. EKULISII, $'0fU$nJ; 17, —din* Gen Chief of Ordnanoa Juntl, lW4.-utf (treat■ will receive SCOTCH, h W ELCH URE BRICK Jylltodtd brigadier prompt attention J) UMlm June 27,16