PORTLAND DAILY '“f VOLUME IV. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 1864 PORTLAND, 22, WHOLE NO. 6R7 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. p irdon from Lieut. Gov. Jacobs of Kentucky, I and was restored to his MISCELLANEOUS. CARDS. CARDS. MERCHANDISE. liberty. BUSINESS _BUSINESS CLOTHING. MI8CELLAN EOU8. JOHN T.OILMAN. Editor, During (lie last six years Miss Tileston has * been residing in Oxford, Ohio, as a teacher, PAPER BOX HI BRA DLF1 MOILTOX & ROGERS a tick met nek Timber* txMlsned It No. 82* EXCHANGE 81 REM', by A X If FACTORY. Ship RBMO FOR MATERIALS win-re she be near Mr. K and where DAILY FOR TUE NAY*. might THE PRESS, Wholesale Dealer® ;« Uackinatack. and Hard Wood Plank,Tree- Val! jptOPOSAUI she could be con- N. A. FOSTER* CO. enabled to furnish him with OAK.nail* iroai 12 to 28 inches. Treenail Wedges, 4o. Nm Ocrmiin!i, .T. 4c, tinued means. As soou as lie was set at liber- P.~Libby, by L. TAT LOU, Bcriac or CoctrtioT axd MANTFA(TUKBC OP Racnrrrnro, CALORIC POWER % Grain and june28<tfra Galt's Wharf, Port'and. JOSIAH ty he repaired at once to her place of reside- Flour, Provisions, BURLEIGH July 18th, 1864. ls.1 Portland Daily l’axssia published»t #8.00 ox o nce, where were married a few weeks Paper B a, 88 Commercial street, Thomas Block, ■ At* IIKOVBD TO 6£ALK1> PROPOSALS to fernbh material* for the psrvear: it pAi-i strictly In advanot, a discount of they Treenails. Ol every *\ich e^ Ifaey. for the year «mding <>>th Juoe. 1861, will be re- • l.Ofi will be mule. since. description, ROBERT 7< >; ALKY, \ NEW n:EENA,LS’for STORE, EVANS’ ceived at the t urvau of Equipment and Single o&pies three oonts. On the he was furnished with JOB Shoe Boxee, Jewelry Boxes, Druggist Boxes. o. m MOULTON, ME. BLOCK, Raaruldng leaving prison PRINTING OFFICE, [ PORTLAND, until th« thirteenth day of August next, at tea o'clock: Tua ViAJuubTATi Panes in published every Thurs- Collar boxo*, tiheif Box**, < oucooiotficalBoxw, A. O. BOOKRB. 100,000&HL™°*K five from the fund, and au old ) SIMrdNTON k KNIGHT. AM, when the ifid* wfil be without to d»> at *3.0* per annum, in advance; Si.26 dollars, pri-ou Powder Boxes, Card ( E*e-, < igar Boxes, ko. Nos. 141& 143 Middle Street. opened, ngn»il morning, as a raa>3dtf Commercial Wharf. u> wcUmtal foUptka of maib or other cause* if within sin aud if be suit of clothes, sueh htxf-earrier might .... paid months; S2.bc, payment 144 Middle St., Me. Portland, Juno 13.1S6*. The material* and artet!a* embraced in the wear. wli sur- (Up Stairs) Portland, junelSdtf ttnrars delayed beyond the year. None of his personal properly named tie N. A. FOSTER & juneldom JOSIAH partienlarir described in lh* urtojad rendered to him, the preseut keeper lelusing CO., W. VV. CARR & ub. any of which wRl ba IdnMtad to arch as Mr* car ‘'Hoar)." BURLEIOHj to to to him, all this taken offer, on to the commandants Hut«« of give it to him, saying pro- Having the Fruit fcroio tcrmerl} occupied b It'd. PRIME CL HA for Wholesale and application of the *»• Advertising: 7 HONEY, tale in bond Batail Dealer la spretiv* or to is mine! dollars sent to I on ards, the Wry ageut nearest thereto One Inch of in of perty Seventy-five Dana & Co. a. duty paid. jpaoe length column, constitutes and 8AWYER, THOMAS Sun .platen U> th. UtM n him was withheld kept by the warden Proprietors. ASKNCIO A CO. C Tailors’ reeo. I his division into 'squaRx.” June 10.—isdtf otliing.Coths, Trimmings, cleaves l*-in< for tha ronfe ♦ •1.60 Uni 76 oents week Newton Craig. And after almost thirteen !\o. A nience of dealers on *uch per square daily week; per i^Khau^e Street, -AHD- each. portions only will ha tin ae insertions or Fish a n <1 rurnuhrd w after; lees, *1.00; continuing eve- years of imprisonment at hard labor, stripped Pox 82 1-2 Salt, and amrtiull, tr^alr-d Mr bi.ii Th. com. Block, St., Are prepared to offer to the trade a and wall Sugar .Kolaasea. mono.nt and ry other dav after first week, to cents. of ail his lie himself Exchange large narj »«*rt of«ch -tation will, in aJtli means, boarding during m.looted stock of GENTLEMEN'S tkin to th. w-h-Uu'. Half square, throe iusonions or less 76 oents; one CHOICE MUSCOVADO 8U- FURNISHING GOODS, of rlouM at IMr own TarJf, haw his incarceration, be is free!" Lmher l’oHUlMl, IIHD8.) * week, *1.00; 60 c- nls per week after. again Dana, , rfhhiid-a of thr ether two. PORTLAND, ME. 1 N»« 141 A tarn ftom !‘<4W4Mfww 1 Under hend of Aa'Osxmxnts, S2.i.j persquare pet Woodbury Dana, ; and Domestic Fruit 1 10 TCS. ) GAR. 143 NMdle Street. onl, wMrh St may ho jn Igwl whrXr'Tt will John A. S. Dana. Foreign 3*1 week; three insertions or leer, *1,60. ) .Millllf. HHDS oipwior Muscovado, and -*■ * ar.d 'w- Special square first week Practical juneldtf Wholesale Retail 2* TC’d C’lajed Mola?i*v9, Notice*, £1.76 per Patriotism. _ il BBLS from Oflrn unut ba oiailr Mr th- •1,00 per square after; three luso rtiom* <»r lees. •1.26; Orange* Merra Jforena, JOSIAH wbrir of tb-Wawi at anr Gerrit Smith. with several of his *pruee Gum. Uteasea RHKLEI6H, vart oflh. half a square, three Inenrtiocs, *1.00; ono week, townsmen, .Now landing and loraale by upcaatw priutc.l *b«lujaa. or lw atrtrt coa. Attention is resgKni'fally invited to our unrivalled J. Smitli cfc Go., t»rmo in. t unary Nerd, Caudles, •1.2*. has issued a circular to the of bis lown 1 HUM Ad ASKNCIO 4 CO., Agent tor ©* ver A Biker's celebrated torwiity Ih-r-wtt.,, n, th>« wilt not ba -anAhtwh la people Mate*. Lemon Syrup, Honey, th- nato- Advertisements inserted in the Maine Statu lor a towu facilities for executing in XASUFACTVSKSI C»P nmygtf diatom Home Wharf. rompurinf. frww <uiwd iu. asking geueral meeting on the 13lh r'ruuet, Corea Aiutau Elga, will hr th- Free* (whioh has a largooireElaiior.tr. every part of prfc— .Un-taal, at>4 thr wtnoi. of U,. iust., to decide how large a shail be ! Cltrou, Xuix. nil kind*, Daiea, -ia— will ba -a*ri-4 out to the State) for 60 oentr per addition to the bounty Leather Slrrra Mornm Tlolasets. Sewiiiy; Machines, a—rr-lia^ th- p%-w»tav-l sqoarein Card RaUlua, It ia •hove raws, for each inac -Uon. paid to raise the quota of that lown towards Belting, Clothing, Olives, Tebarre, r—tttiwt-4 iif bul'i-r- ta awa-l —rw—wiwi na4 aubati* THE liEST STYLE OF THE ALT. SarftinfK, Q‘»~IIUt>8 Hos 141 ft 143 tattoo of Him. aaU ta m tbn I.EOAL Notices at usual rate* another regiment, which he thinks should I/'«bi Bell Leu her R«ks >ul Sidei, Cigars* Middle Street. n» aawnata in be forin ad- Straps, Wmuey Cmulles of nil / CHOICE KIKRHa MORENA iwctij -am-1 out. Trnnaientadvortleements must paid be raised in description. 30 Madisou County and at once TIKltCES i MOL *88718, T — ruutrart- will ft. to vtKioe of J.KATHF.K octiJ dtf awlM-4 th- lAwwt bow. 44a sent to the scat of Every description Til/.VMI.VOa, Ifc., Id HBI.f who •oerniee Notiob*. In reading oolnmns. 12 cents war. It will be remem- 1444-r p»r jwwrw wataif t>- k. Hanson’* Now Landing from Brig "C. 11. ^ per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty bered that to save his town from a draft Block, 144 Middle 8t., Kennedy” NATHAN Portland, THOS. ASKNCIO A CO., GOOLD c no tor each insertion. when the last call was made, Mr. Smith Or at the Caru Lewiston. IRA May».—tf c. U Wharf. Will to his irie&di that ht be U*~Ail oumranzuoations intended for the paper BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Clothing Manufactory, WINN, Agent, may touud at Bur paid au additional bounty from hi* own means H. M Koybb No. .41 ft 14i sliruld be directed to the "ifdifor qf Ike Press,7' and Bbkwbr, (juld3m, b. F. 11 lelgh'e, Kiddle stieof, nbert ha will a oliaraoterto the Publishers. ot, we #300 to each voluutcer. In this INJo. Union Scotch CanvAM. b« those of bustossr think, I _ St., plea-ed to wait upon hie forme r eutoaen. _l— C3f~jon mrxrtxo ol every description exconted Mr. Smith’s remarks are characteris- la prepared to iurotali t BOUTS—from the of David Cor* may he a* tha r ami circular, JOIIF T. XIOUERS & factory March 34. 19*4. dXg wttn CO., 1*Ers*s * sar A Sous, Uoith—a sail doth of ^i'ortland. in all nsurrU eabjwt ta im dispatch. tic of the man, and sound, of course. Our Katablislimert is with all the superior furnished ap- duality—just recoil d and lor F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. He “Ever since this of ail Oommisaion M«rehantat a ISAM ESGIHK8 and per-Jura'S .ale bv says: guiltiest re- BOILERS, McGII.Y ERY. Rk AN A proved AND WHOLKOALE I>KALK.IH IN DAVIS, just ’S&ffS&iAZ bellions began, our supreme duty to God and of various siaes and patterns, mchdo dtf ldi Cniamcroial Street received!- man has been to help put it down. During Provisions & Slow imI Mil! a— or panwularJS«*M Fn.'Uy Morning, July 22, 1864.
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