Portland Daily Press: July 22,1864
PORTLAND DAILY '“f VOLUME IV. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 1864 PORTLAND, 22, WHOLE NO. 6R7 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. p irdon from Lieut. Gov. Jacobs of Kentucky, I and was restored to his MISCELLANEOUS. CARDS. CARDS. MERCHANDISE. liberty. BUSINESS _BUSINESS CLOTHING. MI8CELLAN EOU8. JOHN T.OILMAN. Editor, During (lie last six years Miss Tileston has * been residing in Oxford, Ohio, as a teacher, PAPER BOX HI BRA DLF1 MOILTOX & ROGERS a tick met nek Timber* txMlsned It No. 82* EXCHANGE 81 REM', by A X If FACTORY. Ship RBMO FOR MATERIALS win-re she be near Mr. K and where DAILY FOR TUE NAY*. might THE PRESS, Wholesale Dealer® ;« Uackinatack. and Hard Wood Plank,Tree- Val! jptOPOSAUI she could be con- N. A. FOSTER* CO. enabled to furnish him with OAK.nail* iroai 12 to 28 inches. Treenail Wedges, 4o. Nm Ocrmiin!i, .T. 4c, tinued means. As soou as lie was set at liber- P.~Libby, by L. TAT LOU, Bcriac or CoctrtioT axd MANTFA(TUKBC OP Racnrrrnro, CALORIC POWER % Grain and june28<tfra Galt's Wharf, Port'and. JOSIAH ty he repaired at once to her place of reside- Flour, Provisions, BURLEIGH July 18th, 1864. ls.1 Portland Daily l’axssia published»t #8.00 ox o nce, where were married a few weeks Paper B a, 88 Commercial street, Thomas Block, ■ At* IIKOVBD TO 6£ALK1> PROPOSALS to fernbh material* for the psrvear: it pAi-i strictly In advanot, a discount of they Treenails. Ol every *\ich e^ Ifaey. for the year «mding <>>th Juoe. 1861, will be re- • l.Ofi will be mule.
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