Myanmar Timeline
Myanmar Capital: Naypyidaw Population: 54 million GDP: $ 6,700 per capita Religions: Buddhism (88%), Christianity (6%), Islam (4%), 2% others Ethnic groups: Bamar (68%), Shan (9%), Karen (7%), Rakhine (4%), Chinese (3%), Indians (2%), Mon (2%), others (5%) 1057 - King Anawrahta founds the first unified Myanmar state at Pagan, adopts Theravada Buddhism. Buddhist temples in Myanmar 1287 - Mongols under Kublai Khan conquer Pagan. 1531 - Toungoo dynasty, with Portuguese help, reunites country as Burma. 1755 - Alaungpaya founds the Konbaung dynasty. 1824-26 - First Anglo-Burmese war ends with the Treaty of Yandabo, according to which Burma ceded the Arakan coastal strip, between Chittagong and Cape Negrais, to British India. 1852 - Britain annexes lower Burma, including Rangoon, following the second Anglo-Burmese war. 1885-86 - Britain captures Mandalay after a brief battle; Burma becomes a province of British India. 1937 - Britain separates Burma from India and makes it a crown colony. Japanese occupation 1942 - Japan invades and occupies Burma with some help from the Japanese-trained Burma Independence Army, which later transforms itself into the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL) and resists Japanese rule. 1945 - Britain liberates Burma from Japanese occupation with help from the AFPFL, led by Aung San. 1947 - Aung San and six members of his interim government assassinated by political opponents led by U Saw, a nationalist rival of Aung San's. U Nu, foreign minister in Ba Maw's government, which ruled Burma during the Japanese occupation, asked to head the AFPFL and the government. Independence 1948 - Burma becomes independent with U Nu as prime minister.
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