¦ ii¦ ' ¦. ? , : - : . -:• ">- v . a1'vvt>5 i4 • . i-jn> a :- -} i; «Bs « Bam bia with expenses. *-»3mwna. no taxes., He (Mr. Jones) asserted that every pauper HONEST W^RKINjfi MB^OF paid taxeVif-not directly, at least indireetlv, and THhi mj THEAiu, that the* for their ENGLAND. ,Charter provided enfranchise* metit, j/r^Jpnea;tueu' .commented upon tho case of Capt. Somerset;' wuich 'iie called a snow' ense "got will see, l»th up for the *'" sergeant in Jr Dj f* Dear I?BiBNi>i—You ExVibttioii. .If a Capt. of the Judges in Bradahaw's siiinerset's rigitneiit.had;*truck hini in the face the d, the decision with a the Parliamentary whip he would , have been shot by .« court- e, a-Vse, a' .d the decision of martial. - ¦; jf. a- wbHu'rig-man had done.-Iho s;tme'he Laud Com- mniilomoiitfcBP. *ow sittrag.upon the wovUd\Wvo De»n sent to hard jlabduijifor three ir ttnr that Lord Meibotoke's maxim, . : - ¦ months. During the first four 'days -that Capfe. Somerset HIM WITH EXPEN$ES^ m was in prison upwards Of 100-Carriages feuiN r ¦ had set down, their inmates to visit him:.l.« (Mr. The Committe decided tieini being carried oat. Jones) was m prison fur two years any inpney; that , nnd.uin it-g that it 1 hat 1 was Pot.entiUed tov . I kM^M^mM^Mm time he was only allowed to see his wife foui- times, ' lSimM^ 1 pa paid oat bf.royioTO-pocket into the Bank,, for twenty minutes at a time, in - the piestWdf a d iad turnkey ; and yet they n»ui\mi»u««ng to£&eq&odd ; although you are called this equalir v-iti the in SElj^iS eye of the law. Out upon such enu:Ukyn-! ;He that, at the Goufetencia^ Manchester, fr' - raie;ware ' trusted Mr. O'Brien would not move an iiiuciidtnont 1 ¦ 0pp opposed eauhUahiug the Bank--; buti with XV f JSAKGUS O'UOJsKOR¦ , E5«., M.P. ¦ WINDING-UP OF,-.TnB.SA'noXAli LAW •?gj* "IW* e, referring to the appointment of an THE NATIONAL, LASiD.COMl'A upon such trifling grounds «s those he urged : «¦ ¦- -¦:¦¦' - ¦ •¦ ^ 3' I ' ¦ ' : f ¦¦- ¦¦ '¦ ' .'• -»-' -VJ , . . ,- •». N.; ¦.--iv - ' - - Tbejr . .;,.. . a.¦ . -. - - ; ¦ I omeiai manager ¦ .?«.^ :.;-• ' •• •'* i* -»:>. — * ¦ ; ¦: : vi' jp OHVJtiiY..:;- .^): < > - , which was referred to' * ' *: ~ ' ' ' ' ' ¦" ' ¦ e eihe exception of my opposition, it was unani-: v .%: L thrarbitra- ' . ' '>.. ' . - - ' ^—^™ . V , - 'T - . . ! . \ - • wanted unity of action. Quarrels had are.dy.auf. ' Respected Sir,—I basten to inform you, that our tioucfcMr. Richards,' Master in Chancery^ i-' .-.- .• ¦* were now.qufclui.ij uusJnuusl carried that it should be established in ' a D-TC;TB«e EDtTOBJ ot. a'Ha , northern :8Tar. ficiently injured them ; they and y council seeing so many attacks upon yon, have re- On Friday, "the. 23piiihst^fte^rliam ent ry ; WR?^DoTiai requested,- through Mr; ' " he trusted that they would not again bo resumed. with the Land Company, When : which .is r^f™ T .rSxRjf-I' appears toi ;me .that we shall alt soon % inB&DBexion solved to counteract them aa far aa possible by. Commitree np»n thi8.oiii; ilje object ;of , and M .is rK'^^^H^C Mr, Jones then dilated upon the. labour question, was examined on Wednesday hefoTe tfie 8taVfc!ng..a requ siriori .of friends to invite- jottito to dissolve the.-.NatnjmYl 'Land \ Com^iy; to iexistea.between .the;Land d*««tt« nave the honour of being called '' Members wat . ^ Company andv -the.: -Ban¦ ki and' showed that while riches'.extsted among¦ the! , they would not allow this; town, hkewi4r thanking" yon fir-' sow- pa*t dispose of the lands "ahd-prbperty.&lbiiging to the out the request was hot acceded4*.v '- ''-^ "-* '!';* ofth^NatlpnatLatid tlompany.''^ I must say, as f ew thbj ,.• .' 1 pmtJpmmittee rue to state V '.; ¦: ¦ •»• J ¦¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ! ' ^-;S ;;i * * , mimy would'be found amOng ni^n - The - , u b £ *V;; - 'I- ';¦" ."' . ' ' ; ' - ' • ' . ' - •: ' . >;.' i . ' • ' - r "i . ,i^ oneHiKat'I'di'^ply lament iis'failure, ;w hen f Know ribe real facts connected:,'with the Land Com-' labours on our. behalf; the^ regnUition Jis aonief Charrist Cq-op-raUve Lariat Society£M'j: ^" ' - ¦ government bad calculated upon driving t) 6 CliarJ ie what " • 'l»id , Mr. Feargus 0* ' wirid Up the umleN :: ^9o T-^*3day, after sbin~e fur, the great sacrifices, ;made• by ;»he honest " ' ' ¦ ¦ - - -¦¦ _ , snlliednn ^nsequence. of it; g;.vi$»rr Connofraiid tbv . tffe and hard - Mats into insurrection and ribi?but.they w«itl«l not »nypany. . \ ., - ' < • -.. - • riedly got: -nj nevertheless, for. taking, met for. tm>first: time-in:.Gpwmiipep-Xo0m icommittve^eclatedthe preamble^ tbisiBUVproved* eppTe':io raisei thei large amount ' ' N : : fc gra^ej^e^and; ' - .?'*^g

nd7p<^" •No; 4 \ Sir HvTernet - el»irmM4i!8ir^5;#E^rto"i: ;.-rthe object of it being to .wind up^ the'affairs of-the 'h\8§*lMum8 in short ii tirne;; mV ' e^^< t' fttndertaking ' : 8" and under a weapons otjpeace, Jaw, and ord er; they - would S >eat peatit agaii^;th^ although-L was.piaying.a we'roiy defy tKeirsp^ -Jif::Pisgptt,'#r/..H^^ : m'the offices of tbe&stersCin.¦ ¦ Ohan- greav degression of trade, too,, (he place and their ui-ity against the wealth, " '; ¦ s ! ;iOersv.! j ;.. .i ; .f: .:,: . ., ¦:.._ .. -. , .-^. ¦ . ,..¦; .;..:,,. :. at time thfj tlieirlb'rajiis rery rei-y large, p^i^tage fo if we had a little moje dmeiSsevfe^tqnite confident tSe^nembersi; ^.u - ' ' - - S|^V * :^ ^ yfewraiaing it ; ai>d when so " and the bayorleTsof tliPir opponents. , ..The system K ' ' ;and, Mr.:Walin8iley appeared.for: 0'Connor^ had con8ulted.hi8 own inte .large a -sum aa ^ ffbicwbicliI should'riot hate; bad I that;we .- conld;. hafe'$Dt (w;rt&M;thei^»inberv 4M*.:MACNi^BA and f '^^/•^ i rest •£96:172 13s. 3d., which has been was tottering ; it needed hot' tbeir>'aidHo throw it been charged Onr council'farther instructed;me id ask jOnr' per- ;tke -^rottio^riir'pf^th^rbill;; :Mr;„ Co*tea "na '?in preference to that bf the shareholders he would upended dti . r i ,have ttie-«8.ue«s, c,m\n pass through 1 down ; it would fall ofits own accord Mm -it's:.ye)rj- paidpaid ready uiouey,that I never drew one Irac- mission W insert the requisition -W^ttllT welid .not counsel for the alllottees, or shareholders; -. ' • • •^ - saved himself the heavy.loss now entailed upon so many hands of ' s ' ,-present during the him. But be poor persons and not to prove theraselmdefaulier:., rottem\esH.- Mr. Jones coneluded nimd louvi «heer8. Son tioD outrfltbatBaplf. ' . . . ". .'i- ¦deffliwJtTMm anyiiTOia'aoUw'-bnt' ^A^'otic^i | f Mr.^PiA ROM 'Q'CoJfKOB was preferred risking his private, well-: ; Mr. Ravsops, oii being loudly called for,1 stated :' ' ' we ' proceedings •tbe;Chartist co-opei founded claim,- to'that • peaks volumes in their favour" fur " exertion - arid ' If' ^f j ^0^'.^^^, ! ym\re^ aie:.iettis)rt . yoarenemms tha^jsjataa are concOTn^we ' , ?with-several of ¦ of allowing the shareholders that he muo]&Vegr..ttod the proposed amendment of ' cry quits.; -The poorest of the rayves.1 ¦-.• - ; ; ¦ ¦j& '¦ '¦ • - .";¦ .' : ' ¦ '¦¦;>•' ¦ ¦• "• ta bejrobbed 'with:, impunity; ; One clause of the honesty of intention , when ttomsihing is offtftd sigosigoed bty the ifirafi vra, : in Lloyd's Vdper-ot pbdEwiH^smr-by . ^ .. i - ^7 •• in' an hour. , : Mr. O'Brien; Ho denied that.iiiiiistjf and his friends yoq, we feel! twite mre. TFe ahulLfeel proad in- )::;Mrv MiCSiMARAiopeped .the^ase : « bill provided that thOfe allottees who have incurred for their good. 1 believe, that if the whole of- the li.ud.any'intention of lastlast week; but Mr. M'Grath told me; that * in costs for from deserting that which they .had deed, when you get a little liberated from the Land .'speech. Ttie, S»oiety, be stated,- was ' formed- . "^defending actions ejectment thair estates are io he sold for what they will 'fetch in previously pioolaimed , as Mr. O'Brien had inti- alttalthough his name was attached to it, that he land on which to Jooate its bidding snail pay such costs before they, are eligible the wholesale Company under the old form ; hot I may as well in- 3845, to^ purchase . .; -¦ market, th« dividend to each share- mated. uadhad not seen or heard of the most important form you, '^ery great nnmber of your ad- ((heiuoerB, to erect, buildiugs,; an. per share. I now clearly n right. They would rind that it exited in honest man I ever met; but, ac- with it. If it had been so theVe wonid not have spare*/of £1 , 6s: each. The capital was afterward s will receive, lor compensation , the same dividend ask every shareholder, if it would not b« much Bob sober, and " all the ori ginal elements of society, -and that the coi cording m the old maxim, although he is not been, a man in the world mora likely to make raised to £185,000. The declared purpose/Of the upon excess of loss as is awarded to other sharer better for us all to give up our claims, and ha^e the people had been deprived of it by tyranny and force. it succeed than yourself; however, be it as it Company- was the purchase- 6f lands, ereMmg holders. m\ mv enemy, some of those, whom I have paid esiates put into the hands of Trustees to establish The whole people could no longer meet in ono large " may, we are determined to stand, fast iy you, schools and d wellings, and the raising of-a fund SPlf-snppurttng home colonies on plain , and eiiact what laws they thought besx. Tile ou out of my own pocket aa Directors, have been for the hewfit of members being ' the best principles through good or evil report, I may as well , allottees of land . THE NATIONAL LOAN COMPANY. of co-operation that can he devised , where every xystem of representation was tho necessary resulti ar'sny enemies ; and, according to another old inform you that our council, though some of The deed of settlement, in order to obtain complete but carried human being could he supplied with tbe necessaries out as it now was, it gave the power m; maxim, " One enemy can do yoa more harm them haie never been in the Land Company, bare registration, as sta ted in the bill before the com- TO THE EDIT OR almost entire ly into the hands of the aristocracy. uuu.lier of subscribers OF THE SOBTHEUN STAB . an d comforts of life, up to the point of tempi-- ft than a thousand friends can do you good." determined to take part with our friend Wheeler in mittee, was between a large , Sib,—Seeing in your journal of Saturday last an Mr. Reynolds then demonstrated, from the i';\te of the Loan Society, and have thereby instructed roe who exeruted it of the ti>st pat t,. and Thomas ra n cp, from the land on which he was locatfd. ¦he T Jfow that Thomas Clakk, Esq.. has got a address fro m The Managers of the National Loan window tax , income tax , and other measures, > to place myself in correspondence wi;h him to aid Slingsby Duncombs, of Spring-gardens, a trustree, " Any overplus produce which any colony mil?!! g« good situation under the Financial Reformers, * Company to the Shareholders of the National Lund ' that the middle classes were not represented : they all we can. With kindest regard, of the other p;irt ; biit, aftr-r v-rious unsuccessful have, af ter suppl y ing their wants, cou ld he s-oid to were the vbtims to a delusion , and should has become my bitterest « Company," in join tt that GENTLEMAN I remain, on behalf of the Council, fforts, it was found that the Company could not which the former gives the latter the extend tbe colonies, territori es, 'or' establish o>w honest ly in the people's movement for the lVoplo's man who has held two be ollowing invitation a) and vilest enemy ; a Sheffi eld, May 26. Geobje Ca?iw>. completely registered, and the Court of Queen's ' , "We also invite your discus- ones. This would be as good as the Charter itself Charter. The House.of Commons did not. belong at Lowbands P.S—Just before placing this in the post another Bench had decided that it was not established for sion and investigation " I, a acres of land and a cottage , and , as a shareholder of the tor those that were located , and an example for t» the middle classes—it was merely a reflex of the sheet of names was handed to me to erelose, which any commercial (mrpo.-e, or for any purpose of profit, National Land Company, u never paid one fraction of rent, and the gen- crave permission for a others who have never yet contemplated the House of I'eers. II« did not wish to advocate the I do with pleasure. G, C. or for the putposeof assurance or i«8i>ra»> •f wit,hin short space iu the Northern Star in acceptance of cause ot the middle classes, he only wanted to read tl tleman who is now in possession of the clock the meaning Benefits to be derived from co-operation. We have . of the Joint-stock Registration Act. that invitation. Allowing full credit for the good them a lesson , to show them their true interests. v which was in tbe Land Office. Respected akb highly Esteemed Sir, , the Many shares had been taken, and subscri paid got the estates by co-operation , so let us win k —We ptions ; intentions of the managers and members of' the He knew equally w ith those who were interrupting I have often stated to you before, but as a undersigned, being the council, members, and and expended in the purchase of estates at Her- them on that princi ple, where the producer could him National Loan Company, 1 cannot help thinking , that the middle closes tyrannised equally with good thing cannot be too often told, let me re- friends ol the Charter Association in Sheffield , and ringsgate, or O'GounorviUe, Hem, Snig's End, be the first partaker of bis industry. tho firim oct'itcy over the working man. The middle j Lowbands that their hopes of success are built on a very false yon again. "What do you think of believing in your honest integrity and noble patriot- and Other places, purchased with the as- s, class must speedily cease to exist, if (bey did not ? peat it to hly grateful sent of the subscribers, in the name and conveyed and sandy foundation , and that their most blissful Your aid and loan money, ism, beg to inform you that we feel hig , A " Member of the National L»nd Company," join with tho democracy. Competition was. destroy- ; allottees receiving 501. for the manifold services you have hitherto rendered to Feargus O'Connor, Esq., Notting-hill, for build- expecta'ions will assuredly he wrecked. The dis- land cultivated, a l Manchester. Wiiliah Stork. ing them equally with the working man. ."The time four acres of good . arge the working classes of this country ,* at the same ing and cultivating, and in making advances to al- sentinns and want of confidence which the raana- was come to reason with them—to show 'them the anure and a beautiful quantity of the best m , time to inform you that it is our wish that you pay lottees. A National Land and LnuourBnik , under iters admit to be everywhere prevalent, are at the precipice on which they etood—to convince thi'm, as cottage with oat buildings, and not paying us a visit at your earliest convenience. We promise the management of Mr. O'Connor, had been esta- outset damnatory to all and every chance of succbss. SPREAD OF CHARTISM. they hud dmie ly tbeprogrammeof tbe Convention, blished in New Oxford-street one faction of rent for four years? What, ! you a bumper. Awaiting your answer, , in connexion withihe Secondly, after the managers have enumerated what that they meant to reason, and not to figbtj or create We remain, respectfully yours, Society, but donVts, under 7 and 8 Vic, had arsen A public meeting, called hy the Somers Town a physical revolution. say. do you think of these ruffians being my they conceive to be the difficulty, the address goes (Mr. Reynolds spoke amid George Cavill William Alian as to the legality of the banking business. There Chartists for the above object, was held on Monday some opposition from a small f greatest enemies, said yonr greatest plun- were 60 000 depositors nn t cras-roarf . Dr. Bird in the chair. Air . u'UniES read an amendment- which ho bad My friends, I do not think that if you were John Seward Henry Turner arisen as to the legality of the div:sion of the So- dividend will be declared (more than £20,000 has The Chairman opened the meeting by stating its intended to propose, but .stnted that he had nban- objects. They to live for a thousand years, you would ever William Seward James Sedgwick ciety into sections under 39 Geo. 3, intituled " an been paid in sums under £1 6s., or one share ) were met to help on the good old iUmud his iuMinuou rather than create division . Ha act for the more effectual suppression of societies IWioal cause—to protest against the exclusion of was anxious find an individual who has sacrificed his time, Aaron Higginbottom Thomas Glaves Under these circumstances the prospects of a divi- to guard them agatn>t falling into any James Slevison William Needem established for seditious and treasonable purposes,' dend are at least hopeful." So the hopes of the five-sixths of the population of the empire ; they delusion. The press generally selected only tho bis friends his relatives, and his and for were met to secure their own his money, , John Allison John Brook better preventing treasonable and sedi- managers and members of the National Loan Com- rights, aud present resolutions, and omitted tho. speeches ; -and as tho family f or thirty years, to try and elevate the tious practices." The registrar of Joint Stock the ingenious fingers of the Chancellor of the Ex- the,speeches J-'amuel Brooks John Rodgers pany are founded on this more than £20,000, are resolutions were generally milder than , workingclasses as I have done ; and it not James Eitson James Gardner Companies and the Committee of the House of chequer from dipping too deeply into their breeches the public was led to suppose that the meeting had is Commons had refused to grant the Company com- they ? Why, surely the managers could not have pockets. This was the only object the seditious been equall y namby pamby in their sentiments an anomaly, to think that the men to whom I Thomas Lye Thomas Wilkinson read the bill now before Parliament, entitled— A treasonable Henry Ilanigan John Siddall plete registration, and doubts were also entertained " Chartists bad in view. "What honest with themselves. He wanted to sco all that was have been most kind and charitable havebeen whether the undertaking was not illegal as a com- bill to dissolve the National Land Company, and to man could blame them for thus exerting them- good in tho speeches embodied in the resolution. Joseph Thorpe Joseph Hisgtcbottom selves ? my bitterest enemies ? Now, do you think Charles Chadwick William Western pany, and as to the title of purchasers of lands. dispose of the lauds and property belonging to the What sane man believed that Lord John Any one rending the resolution ' would think that thatany man in the •world could gi ve the same Henry Milner William Shirtliffe Proceedings had been taken by the subscribers Company, and to wind up the undertaking," Had Russell's proposed bill would be anything but a Mr. Ernest Jones , Mr. Reynolds, and others account of the amount ol money received b Henry Taylor John Foster against Mr. Feargus O'Connor to recover back they read this National Land Company dissolving sham ? If such a man could be found, he should had onl y been advocating a reduction of taxation—> y be sent to the Great Exhibitiou, and stowed away him from the working classes that I have Richard Buck George Sprintdl their deposits. Mr. O'Connor had expended large affair they would have found this very more than merely advocating a modification of Cohden 's sums as chairman of the Company out of his pri- " with the raw materials. They must agitate peace- scheme. Reduction in tuxn tkn wonld at all the companies that have William Holmes Samuel Spriatall. £20.000" disposed of. Section ten, page ten, re- be no beoefi t done ? Look vate means, had incurred liabilities for contracts, ably and morally, until they changed the Chartist io the working man wlittu the present , system of , cites, " That the monies and assets of the Company minority received money from Shareholders how they Xo. 8^ Pond-street, Sheffield, and now come before the committee to divest him- among the voteless men of this land into landed pi openynud money exchanges existed. By have jnggled them and robbed them ! But, self of all title to the land and all trust under the shall be applied by the offici al manager under the a majority. He thought tho present year gave them these systems the middle and upper classes were May 19tb. a highl because there were many influential GEN- Honoured Sib,—We the nndersigned, in con- estate, and the present bill was to dissol ve the direction of the master, in the first place, iu or to- y favourable opportunity to promulgat e their enabled to rob working men of £300' ,000,000 every doctrines, and increase tiie number of TLEMEN connected with those companies, junction with many others, having al ways iad, and Company and refer it to the tribunal of the Masters wards the payment of the costs, charges, and ex- their con- year. The people always' appeared .doomed to be in Chancery, in order that it mi ht be wound up, verts. Tbe chairman then alluded to the question of humbugged. Government w.js them, the Government would not allow any investi- still continue to place, every confidence in you, not- g penses of , and incident to the obtaining and car- humbugging though it was a question whether this latter could rying into effect of this act, and all such other costs, Papal Aggression , and the other great questions on in Portugal. English shi ps of war were in the ation to be made as to their HONOUR- withstanding the vile reports circulated by your which Ministers g enemies, do hereby solicit you to favour be done. There were no debts except the rent re- charges and expenses as the same may be liable to; had thrown odium and unpopularity, Tapus, backing tho molded class to overthro w the us vith an , and stated that it would be their own fault if they ABLE TRANSACTIONS. early visit, so that we may testify our unalterable maining unpaid. and, in the next place, in or towards the satisfaction demoer.ifcy of Oporto, wtio wove anxious for a re- However I may be persecuted, I am deter- attachment to one wbo has through evil as veil as After considerable discussion, on the suggestion did not achieve a great and successful result to public. The lower order of the middle class were , of the debts, or any of the debts of the Company, their agitation. mined never to abandon those principles b good report, remained faithful to the cause. Trust- of Mr. Coates, the committee decided on adjourn ng, bound by interest to the cause of democracy, but y in such manner, whether by way of dividend or Mr. D. W. Ruff? moved the following resolu- the rich middle class were , their the establishment of which I hope to see the ing, sir, you will comply with our united wishes, to give an opportunity to the parties, the pro- , and ever would bein moters and the soMeBoidfcrs, to come to some ar- otherwise, as the master shall direct ; and any sur- tion:—" That in the -opinion of this meeting the enemies. These men j^'e £14 for shares the or elevated and I We beg to remain your obedient servants, po , pauperism abolished. Now, Thomas Qi rangement that might obviate a protracted or ex- plus thereof, after full payment of all such costs, House of Comiftotts, aa at present constituted, New River Company, which were now worth gginbotham George Sykea does not represent the people, inasmuch as six- if the affairs of a man who had attempted to Henry Hale William Sykes pensive inquiry. charges, and expenses and the debts of the Com- £16,00(1. It was by such means that they de- enrich and elevate the middle or higher order Henry Bishop John Sykes pany, shall be divided amongst the several persons sevenths of the male adult population of frauded the working.' men—-making their livint; out this empire have no voice in making the laws had been brought before a Parliamentary James Bishop Solomon Carhufc On Wednesday, Mr. MicsAMAUi, in opening" the wbo at any time or times since the said undertakin g of the very water which they draiik Mr. O'Brien William Bishop John HandJy case, stated that the points insisted on by the oppo- they are bound to obey ; and, believing that taxa- then wont into the affai rs of the Continent, and Committee, and had he established a Bank was first projected in the year one thousand eight tion without representation is tyranny, we, there- George Brown Charles Davison sing party were, that all arrears of rent should be , have paid any concluded at a 'ate nerioi of ttocwutag, in connexion with his plan, the Committee forg hundred and forty-five, as aforesaid fore, resolve to pptition the said house to enact Mr, Thornton- John Waidel Thomas Loy iven the allottees ; that the rent should be monies or subscriptions for .. Uust supported the resolution ; would decide that he was honourable and vir- taken at the standard value'of rents in the neigh- , or on account of any such a law as will place tbe franchise on a jn.'t and after alluding to the subject mooted by Mr. Patrick Gorman John Gregory share or shares in the Company, and who shall and equitable basis. tuous, was not only entitledto the John Leraard George Nuuill bourhood of the estate, instead of at four per " Tbe working classes were 0'Ufi<>n , expressed his opinion that the public and that he make and prove their claims in the manner and recommencing the agitation in which f>r years bark of the money which he had paid Henry Bradley --- Thomas Taylor cent on the outlay, and that the allottees should would he in no danger of being deceived when repayment receive compensation for all losses, including loss within the time to be for that purpose appointed by they had struggled and failed. If they coulu not, ihey bea rd th«t a meeting bud been held to peti- out of the Bank, bnt he was also entitled to Thomas Evans Robert Hatlison. by peaceable and legal means, wring their rights Solomon Harback Robert Bean of time, and daring the period of their occupancy. the master, rateably and in proportion to the tion for the dinner. They would not think that a large compensation for bis honourable ser- They bad met at chambers to arrange the matter amount of their subscription." Surely this literal from a reluctant government, they must place they had advocated Mr. Hume' a , Richard Stacey Jonas Hall themselves in a position so commanding s me sure or a vices ; but as I have done it, I am entitled to John Roberts Samuel Hall in dispute, and had agreed thai the question of recital from " the Bill must destroy all hopps of that g<> paltry measure of taxation. arrears and future scale of rent should bo referred vernment dare not deny them. The middle elander and persecution. But however 1 William Talbot John Swrkey pecuniary gain on the part of the National Loan Mr. Lu.vn expressed his opinion that the resolu- to the decision of the Master in Chancery, and that classes had frequently requested the working tion was not uet' enoug may be persecuted and slandered, Jet me James M'Dunn Henry Clegs Company, as its managers do not, I hope, loot on im!'! h. It said " an equi- the allottees should receive as compensation for men to follow their dictum , and allow them t able system of lepieseutntion. " Any class might assure yon, that when this Company Daniel Wall Edward M'Canna the bill otherwise than as a bona f ide measure. Then to have the guidance of the movement. For some is wound Michael Murey Richard Dawson any proved losses over and above the sums received int t wh.it construction they pleased upon it; as an up, is my affection and feeling for by them from the Company the same dividend as would it not be wise in the managers of the Na- time the working men bad been laying ou their old democrat he protested aitainst it. He had no so strong Peter Dolan Nicholas Monaghan tional Loan Company,' after paying any expenses oirs, and Cobdi u and Co., who promised them the poor and impoverished unwilling idler, ban the rest of the shareholders. On these conditions connexion with • Mr. O'Brien , but he thought, their James Bryan John Monag opposition was withdrawn. household suffrage , had then a good opportunity to resolutions that I am determined to go on with another Thomas ilaslam John Co»ney be presumed the that may have been incurred on account of the should express their opinions . The.re- Mr. Coates stated that he was on 'y present dur- to return remnant achieve it. Ifad they done so ? Look at their coil solution was then put Land Company, as it makes my very Wood run — Warham William Cooney Company, the- of money and any , and carried with a few dis- ing a portion of the interview, and that he could acrtp they may have received to the several deposi- duct on the motion for the little Charter, and say sentients. cold, when 1 go through the manufacturing Lewes Taylor James Hanley if, after that, they could place any faith iu these Mr. Wkkkes moved Thomas Gillot James Him not agree to the terms of the proposed arrange- tors, and apply all their energies to honourably a petition to tho House Of districts, and see men, , and children, ment. It was then decided that the question men. The speaker referred to the bribery prac- Commons, embodying the whole of the principles women Francis M'Enulty Patrick Reilly winding up the National Land Company, which they tised at Aylesbury and St. Albans, and asked whe- who work constantly in a heated atmosphere, should be argued de novo. Mr. Coates stated that cotitfttticd in the IWie's Chat ter. John Cannon Niney Buekinshaed admit to be a partial failure ? ther such conduct on the part of tbe voters of the Mr. Elms seconded the starving and begging King he might save the committee time by stating the adoption of tho petition. their bread. Peter Burns John terms upon wUich he would withdraw all opposi- I am, respectfully, middle class showed that they possessed any supe- lie was very pleased with the results of tho meet- I gave you an account in last week's Star B-irthowmerly Meehan Cbnrles Packard ' Edmund Stailwood. riority over working men, in either morality or in- Ridgway tion, which he did in the terms originally proposed ing. Ah long as there were opposing interests, so of the amount of money that I had paid into Francis Smith John telligence. The intelligence displayed by working lone: would there be opposing ciar'ges ; they must James Xnlan William Hill by himself, as stated by Mr. Macnaroara in his 2, Little Vale Place, Hammersmith-road. the Company out of my own pocket ; but I opening address. May 20th, 1851. men, not only of this, biit every other country, by endeavour, by kindness and persuasion, to mode- George Watts James Pearson their products exhibited in the Glass P-ilace de- will now present you with an additional sum, Mr. Macsamaba, after a consultation with Mr. , rate this evil. Patrick Hargata John Lye could not agree to the monstrated that they were worthy of exercising the The petition was then ordered to be si ibe account of which I did not receive till George AIsop O'Connor, stated that he gned by Patrick Buck unlimited terms of compensation demanded for the franchise to protect the labour which had produced tho Chairman, and presented by Lord 'Dudley Monday last The sums were paid by Mr. Patrick Iawleys E. Canter NATIONAL LOAN SOCIETY. such surprising results. He would never rest Davis John Nicholson allottees. He then entered into arguments in Stuart. FetHEBSTojte; the auctioneer, at Bromsgrove William bill satisfied until they had the Charter whole and A vote of thanks was unanimously given to the John Gavan John Wibley favour of the , as amended to meet the views of This body met at the office in Golden-lane, Bar. —thus making the Company owe me £71261. the opponents to the bill. bican, on Wednesday evening. Mr. Edwards in the entire, and ho entreated them to adopt the same vestrymen of the parish for the use of tbe ball, John Shiridan John Monkes course. Here it is :— - ~ Mb. Coates said that, in the absence of chair. Mr. Wheeler reported the proceedings be- and also to the Chairman. Tho meeting then Laurence Curtin , Robert Birks Mr. G. J. Holtoake seconded the resolution . adjourn ed , £ s. d. * Thomas Rudford counsel, he had, in consequence of the extreme fore the Committee of the House of Commons in John Sheridan poverty of the parties, undertaken to represent the As a resident in the parish, he felt great pleasure in. Paid Mr. Bomford 20 0 0 Patrick M'Canna Joseph Rudford relation to tbe bill for Winding-up the affairs of attending the meeting. Taxation without repre- „ Mr. Doyle 86 0 O opponents of the measure, and the principal amend* • Massacre or Yubscb Bbauex bt CanxiimIs. William Teuton Robert Harrison propose on the National Lind .Company. The meeting ap- sentation had long since been acknowledged by all „ Guano -.. ... ••¦ ••• ••• 42 13 2 Charles Burden John fiwinton meats he had to bebalf of the allottees Private letters have been received in Paris from the-- in the unfortunate concerntwere^ to the affect, that proved of the acts of the Committee, except that reformers to be an evil. He thought that Hume corvette Aiui ncne „ W. Boyle • 2 2 0 Charles Sory John Bradley and his friends had done some good by their agita- , comman ded by Captain