¦ ii¦ ' ¦. ? , : - : . -:• ">- v . a1'vvt>5 i4 • . i-jn> a :- -} i; «Bs « Bam bia with expenses. *-»3mwna. no taxes., He (Mr. Jones) asserted that every pauper HONEST W^RKINjfi MB^OF paid taxeVif-not directly, at least indireetlv, and THhi mj THEAiu, that the* for their ENGLAND. ,Charter provided enfranchise* metit, j/r^Jpnea;tueu' .commented upon tho case of Capt. Somerset;' wuich 'iie called a snow' ense "got will see, l»th up for the *'" sergeant in Jr Dj f* Dear I?BiBNi>i—You ExVibttioii. .If a Capt. of the Judges in Bradahaw's siiinerset's rigitneiit.had;*truck hini in the face the d, the decision with a the Parliamentary whip he would , have been shot by .« court- e, a-Vse, a' .d the decision of martial. - ¦; jf. a- wbHu'rig-man had done.-Iho s;tme'he Laud Com- mniilomoiitfcBP. *ow sittrag.upon the wovUd\Wvo De»n sent to hard jlabduijifor three ir ttnr that Lord Meibotoke's maxim, . : - ¦ months. During the first four 'days -that Capfe. Somerset HIM WITH EXPEN$ES^ m was in prison upwards Of 100-Carriages feuiN r ¦ had set down, their inmates to visit him:.l.« (Mr. The Committe decided tieini being carried oat. Jones) was m prison fur two years any inpney; that , nnd.uin it-g that it 1 hat 1 was Pot.entiUed tov . I kM^M^mM^Mm time he was only allowed to see his wife foui- times, ' lSimM^ 1 pa paid oat bf.royioTO-pocket into the Bank,, for twenty minutes at a time, in - the piestWdf a d iad turnkey ; and yet they n»ui\mi»u««ng to£&eq&odd ; although you are called this equalir v-iti the in SElj^iS eye of the law. Out upon such enu:Ukyn-! ;He that, at the Goufetencia^ Manchester, fr' - raie;ware ' trusted Mr. O'Brien would not move an iiiuciidtnont 1 ¦ 0pp opposed eauhUahiug the Bank--; buti with XV f JSAKGUS O'UOJsKOR¦ , E5«., M.P. ¦ WINDING-UP OF,-.TnB.SA'noXAli LAW •?gj* "IW* e, referring to the appointment of an THE NATIONAL, LASiD.COMl'A upon such trifling grounds «s those he urged : «¦ ¦- -¦:¦¦' - ¦ •¦ ^ 3' I ' ¦ ' : f ¦¦- ¦¦ '¦ ' .'• -»-' -VJ , . ,- •». N.; ¦.--iv - ' - - Tbejr . .;,.. a.¦ . -. - - ; ¦ I omeiai manager ¦ .?«.^ :.;-• ' •• •'* i* -»:>. — * ¦ ; ¦: : vi' jp OHVJtiiY..:;- .^): < > - , which was referred to' * ' *: ~ ' ' ' ' ' ¦" ' ¦ e eihe exception of my opposition, it was unani-: v .%: L thrarbitra- ' . ' '>.. ' . - - ' ^—^™ . V , - 'T - . ! . \ - • wanted unity of action. Quarrels had are.dy.auf. ' Respected Sir,—I basten to inform you, that our tioucfcMr. Richards,' Master in Chancery^ i-' .-.- .• ¦* were now.qufclui.ij uusJnuusl carried that it should be established in ' a D-TC;TB«e EDtTOBJ ot. a'Ha , northern :8Tar. ficiently injured them ; they and y council seeing so many attacks upon yon, have re- On Friday, "the. 23piiihst^fte^rliam ent ry ; WR?^DoTiai requested,- through Mr; ' " he trusted that they would not again bo resumed. with the Land Company, When : which .is r^f™ T .rSxRjf-I' appears toi ;me .that we shall alt soon % inB&DBexion solved to counteract them aa far aa possible by. Commitree np»n thi8.oiii; ilje object ;of , and M .is rK'^^^H^C Mr, Jones then dilated upon the. labour question, was examined on Wednesday hefoTe tfie 8taVfc!ng..a requ siriori .of friends to invite- jottito to dissolve the.-.NatnjmYl 'Land \ Com^iy; to iexistea.between .the;Land d*««tt« nave the honour of being called '' Members wat . ^ Company andv -the.: -Ban¦ ki and' showed that while riches'.extsted among¦ the! , they would not allow this; town, hkewi4r thanking" yon fir-' sow- pa*t dispose of the lands "ahd-prbperty.&lbiiging to the out the request was hot acceded4*.v '- ''-^ "-* '!';* ofth^NatlpnatLatid tlompany.''^ I must say, as f ew thbj ,.• .' 1 pmtJpmmittee rue to state V '.; ¦: ¦ •»• J ¦¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ! ' ^-;S ;;i * * , mimy would'be found amOng ni^n - The - , u b £ *V;; - 'I- ';¦" ."' . ' ' ; ' - ' • ' . ' - •: ' . >;.' i . ' • ' - r "i . ,i^ oneHiKat'I'di'^ply lament iis'failure, ;w hen f Know ribe real facts connected:,'with the Land Com-' labours on our. behalf; the^ regnUition Jis aonief Charrist Cq-op-raUve Lariat Society£M'j: ^" ' - ¦ government bad calculated upon driving t) 6 CliarJ ie what " • 'l»id , Mr. Feargus 0* ' wirid Up the umleN :: ^9o T-^*3day, after sbin~e fur, the great sacrifices, ;made• by ;»he honest " ' ' ¦ ¦ - - -¦¦ _ , snlliednn ^nsequence. of it; g;.vi$»rr Connofraiid tbv . tffe and hard - Mats into insurrection and ribi?but.they w«itl«l not »nypany. \ ., - ' < • -.. - • riedly got: -nj nevertheless, for. taking, met for. tm>first: time-in:.Gpwmiipep-Xo0m icommittve^eclatedthe preamble^ tbisiBUVproved* eppTe':io raisei thei large amount ' ' N : : fc gra^ej^e^and; ' - .?'*^g<p ot miinlfy be /so. duped. ;-; They would beat ; with th«rir own ^ l b l haTe 8te^ . toJyba;;Woi^ '''liutIwiil'.Te; firmneu'in]rj^fi t$.;oar:|v ^i8^>nd7p<^" •No; 4 \ Sir HvTernet - el»irmM4i!8ir^5;#E^rto"i: ;.-rthe object of it being to .wind up^ the'affairs of-the 'h\8§*lMum8 in short ii tirne;; mV ' e^^< t' fttndertaking ' : 8" and under a weapons otjpeace, Jaw, and ord er; they - would S >eat peatit agaii^;th^ although-L was.piaying.a we'roiy defy tKeirsp^ -Jif::Pisgptt,'#r/..H^^ : m'the offices of tbe&stersCin.¦ ¦ Ohan- greav degression of trade, too,, (he place and their ui-ity against the wealth, " '; ¦ s ! ;iOersv.! j ;.. .i ; .f: .:,: . ., ¦:.._ .. -. , .-^. ¦ . ,..¦; .;..:,,. :. at time thfj tlieirlb'rajiis rery rei-y large, p^i^tage fo if we had a little moje dmeiSsevfe^tqnite confident tSe^nembersi; ^.u<M. - :.> - ' ' - - S|^V * :^ ^ yfewraiaing it ; ai>d when so " and the bayorleTsof tliPir opponents. , ..The system K ' ' ;and, Mr.:Walin8iley appeared.for: 0'Connor^ had con8ulted.hi8 own inte .large a -sum aa ^ ffbicwbicliI should'riot hate; bad I that;we .- conld;. hafe'$Dt (w;rt&M;thei^»inberv 4M*.:MACNi^BA and f '^^/•^ i rest •£96:172 13s. 3d., which has been was tottering ; it needed hot' tbeir>'aidHo throw it been charged Onr council'farther instructed;me id ask jOnr' per- ;tke -^rottio^riir'pf^th^rbill;; :Mr;„ Co*tea "na '?in preference to that bf the shareholders he would upended dti . r i ,have ttie-«8.ue«s, c,m\n pass through 1 down ; it would fall ofits own accord Mm -it's:.ye)rj- paidpaid ready uiouey,that I never drew one Irac- mission W insert the requisition -W^ttllT welid .not counsel for the alllottees, or shareholders; -. ' • • •^ - saved himself the heavy.loss now entailed upon so many hands of ' s ' ,-present during the him. But be poor persons and not to prove theraselmdefaulier:., rottem\esH.- Mr. Jones coneluded nimd louvi «heer8. Son tioD outrfltbatBaplf. ' . ". .'i- ¦deffliwJtTMm anyiiTOia'aoUw'-bnt' ^A^'otic^i | f Mr.^PiA ROM 'Q'CoJfKOB was preferred risking his private, well-: ; Mr. Ravsops, oii being loudly called for,1 stated :' ' ' we ' proceedings •tbe;Chartist co-opei founded claim,- to'that • peaks volumes in their favour" fur " exertion - arid ' If' ^f j ^0^'.^^^, ! ym\re^ aie:.iettis)rt . yoarenemms tha^jsjataa are concOTn^we ' , ?with-several of ¦ of allowing the shareholders that he muo]&Vegr..ttod the proposed amendment of ' cry quits.; -The poorest of the rayves.1 ¦-.• - ; ; ¦ ¦j& '¦ '¦ • - .";¦ .' : ' ¦ '¦¦;>•' ¦ ¦• "• ta bejrobbed 'with:, impunity; ; One clause of the honesty of intention , when ttomsihing is offtftd sigosigoed bty the ifirafi vra, : in Lloyd's Vdper-ot pbdEwiH^smr-by . ^ .. i - ^7 •• in' an hour. , : Mr. O'Brien; Ho denied that.iiiiiistjf and his friends yoq, we feel! twite mre. TFe ahulLfeel proad in- )::;Mrv MiCSiMARAiopeped .the^ase : « bill provided that thOfe allottees who have incurred for their good. 1 believe, that if the whole of- the li.ud.any'intention of lastlast week; but Mr. M'Grath told me; that * in costs for from deserting that which they .had deed, when you get a little liberated from the Land .'speech. Ttie, S»oiety, be stated,- was ' formed- . "^defending actions ejectment thair estates are io he sold for what they will 'fetch in previously pioolaimed , as Mr. O'Brien had inti- alttalthough his name was attached to it, that he land on which to Jooate its bidding snail pay such costs before they, are eligible the wholesale Company under the old form ; hot I may as well in- 3845, to^ purchase . .; -¦ market, th« dividend to each share- mated. uadhad not seen or heard of the most important form you, '^ery great nnmber of your ad- ((heiuoerB, to erect, buildiugs,; an<i . allot them 'to to receive compensation. , ,. holder wtll tha^a enable According be very small, after all the legal ex- Mr. O'BniEs denied that he had made such a parparts of it until it was published. 2Zow, as to mirers here would like yon to establish another ;sun8cribers, upon such terms as should . as the bill now stands all allottees penses are paid. charge. manage- them, by moderate industry, to Jive in comparative will be allowed a lease , would, ks I have often Laud Company, under your own entire for ever, the rent to he fixed It appears The Chairman also intimated that Mr. O'Brien Ph Philip M'Ghath I ment then it would leave no margin for individuals comfort and independence. The society was to be by the Master in Chancery, also the arrears of from a circular issued in Manchester, with millions of money, , that, there would had withdrawn his proposud amendment. Bta'Stated before, trasthim to torn upon you. We did think, when the letter divided into branches, and the capital was-to tie rent- Those who may not choose to accept of be £7,000 t, b* divided amount Mr honourable,v r , " 50,000 shareholder!,—atjuut .
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