June 2017 draft “A theory of cooperation with an application to market socialism” by John E. Roemer Yale University
[email protected] 1 1. Man, the cooperative great ape It has become commonplace to observe that, among the five species of great ape, homo sapiens is by far the most cooperative. Fascinating experiments with infant humans and chimpanzees, by Michael Tomasello and others, give credence to the claim that a cooperative protocol is wired into to the human brain, and not to the chimpanzee brain. Tomasello’s work, summarized in two recent books with similar titles (2014, 2016), grounds the explanation of humans’ ability to cooperate with each other in their capacity to engage in joint intentionality, which is based upon a common knowledge of purpose and trust. There are fascinating evolutionary indications of early cooperative behavior among humans. I mention two: pointing and miming, and the sclera of the eye. Pointing and miming are pre-linguistic forms of communicating, probably having evolved due to their usefulness in cooperative pursuit of prey. If you and I were only competitors, I would have no interest in indicating the appearance of an animal that we, together, could catch and share. Similarly, the sclera (whites of the eyes) allow you to see what I am gazing it: if we cooperate in hunting, it is useful for me that you can see the animal I have spotted, for then we can trap it together and share it. Other great apes do not point and mime, nor do they possess sclera. Biologists have also argued that language would likely not have evolved in a non- cooperative species (Dunbar[2009] ).