118Th Pennsylvania Infantry Soldier Roster
One Hundred and Eighteenth Kegiment. AT a ineeting of the Corn Exchange of Philadelphia, on the 27th of July, 1862, it was resolved to furnish the means necessary to raise a regiment of infantry for service in the national armies. Eecruiting offices were opened on the 30th, and a camp laid out on Indian Queen Lane, near the Falls of Schuyl- kill, known as Camp Union, where the men rendezvoused as fast as enlisted. By the 30th of August, the companies were full, and the regiment was organ- ized with the following field oflScers : Charles M. Provost, Colonel ; James Gwyn, Lieutenant Colonel ; Charles P. Herring, Major. Many of the officers and men had served in the three months' campaign, under Patterson, and in the summer campaign of 1862. Besides furnishing all the material aid for re- cruiting the regiment, tl;ie Corn Exchange gave each enlisted man a bounty of ten dollars. On the 31st of August, the day after being mustered into the United States service, orders were received from Adjutant General Thomas, for the regiment to report to General Wool, in command at Baltimore, where, upon its arrival, it was directed to proceed to Washington. Encamping first at Fort Albany, and subsequently at Fort Corcoran, it was, on the 12th of September, assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, of the Fifth Corps, and marched at once on the Maryland campaign. Passing Silver Springs, Eockville, Frederick, and Middletown, it arrived at the Antietam Creek on the evening of the 16th. During the battle of the 17th, it was held in reserve, and suffered but slight loss.
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