Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1978-01-30
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Monday January 30, 1978 Vol. 110, No. 133 Iowa CitY's @ 1978 Student Publications Inc., 10 cents .'Morning newspaper MECCA Israeli Cabinet votes funds probe possible to resume negotiations By THERESA CHURCHILL TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) - The laraell Syrlan-dominated meeting had not gone distinction between personal attaclllllJlllA StJIf Writer Cabinet voted SUnday to resume direct far enough in opposing Sadat and Israel. attacks on the Jewlah people and the negotiations with Egypt, capplng two However, later Sunday the govern state of Israel. weeks of Intense behlnd-the-scenes ment-owned Algerian Press Service "Personal attacks are a profeSSional AllegatiOllJ of mlIUIe of alcohollam diplomatic activity by U.S. In reported Iraq had propOsed an Arab risk," he said when asked about con treabnent funds by the Mld-Eaatem tennedlaries. summit In Baghdad. It was no clear If It tinuing denunclationa of the israeli prime Communities Councll on Alcohollam The decIsIon to send a delegation to the WII meant to rival the Algiers meeting. mlniater - the latest a reference to him (MECCA) Cedar County office, may be military talks In Cairo, probably The israeli declaion to resume the II a terrorist In Saturday's lalue of the investigated, according to Paul Poulsen, sometime this week, was made despite mWtary talks came after two weeks of Egyptian mqazlne October. newly~ected MECCA board president. personal attacks on PrIme MinIster Indirect contacts with Egypt through Naor said Defense MInIster Ezer "They (the Cedar County office's Menachem Begln In the CaIro press, U.S. ambassadors In Jerusalem and Weizman would make the arrangements activities) ahould definitely be In Cabinet secretary Arye Naor told Cairo as well II the sbuttle efforts of for returning to Cairo, apparenUy this vestigated and If there III any reporters In Jerusalem. Undersecretary of State Alfred Atherton, week. wrongdoing, It lIbould be corrected," Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who President Carter's special Middle Ellt The mWtary talks are the only Poualen lAid after hiI election Sunday. will fly to Washington next weekend for envoy. remalnlng direct contacts with Egypt The Johnson County Board of Super talks with President Carter, Sunday Atherton returned to Jerusalem since Sadat decided to puB out of the vlaors baa not yet "drawn any con called on American Jews to support his Sunday from a trip to Amman, where he Jerusalem political talks, charging clusions" about the Cedar County peace efforts. The appeal was In a letter met with KIng HlUllleln in an effort to israeli lntransigience. .negatlona, but Is also conalderlng an publlahed In the Miami Herald. bring Jordan Into the peace talks. U.S . The Cabinet also named Maj. Gen. investigation, according to lupervtaor Hardilne Arab opponents of Sadat'a sources said Atherton would leave Hafael Eytan, a much-wounded Lorada CUek. peace moves were dealt a blow Sunday shorUy for Cairo. paratroop officer who trained with the Tbese potenUal investigatiOllJ are in when radical Iraq - expected to be a key Begln saId last week - when Israel U.S. Marines at Quantico, Va., to be the telpoI1IIe to charg made Friday by two In any wide anti-Sadat alliance - decided to· postpone Its participation In next chief of the general staff, the highest Cedar County aupervlaora against the By Urited rr... InternaUonaI rejected an invitation to a planned Arab the mWtary talks - that the Jewish state post In the IsrlleU armed forces. MECCA office there. The supervlaors , No deposit, no ,etUl'n . summit Feb. 2 In Algeria. could not send a delegation to Cairo In In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Minister aDeged that when the board attempted tD The official Iraqi News Agency, light of what he called insulting Mohammed Kamel briefed ambassadors recover part of alcoholism treatment A IC8V~ sea guU, reportedly Joaatbaa L.'a seCORd cousin on the mater monitored In Beirut, said the decision references in the Egfptian press. and diplomats from 19 Asian countries on costs from cll nts last fall, "ap nal side, blithely Ipare. the wamlq of a $511 fiDe for littering alORg the beacb waa the logical follow-up to Iraq's Naor told reporters following the Egypt's position In the stalled JX'olimately a1x to eight individuals" BDd obvlausly feets free to discard a beer can from a paper sack be bas just walkout at a December antl-Sadat cabinet decision: "The prime m!JiIster negotiations as part of 8 diplomatic of cIenIed they had received aervlces from plucked from a trash cootainer. s~t In Libya. Iraq charged the asked the Cabinet mlnlaters ... to draw a fensive to win lnternational support. MECCA. One of theae lndivlduals contacted denfed having a drinklni problem or ever going to the Cedar County MECCA office. Poulsen said the Cedar County offIce's operaUon II "subject to abUlles and No one satisfied, but crime bill to pass confusion." Although he said be Is not In person in "fear" of violence. -the establishment of a special a position to llli&est a remedy to the By NEIL BROWN U wages are lnterpreted as property, commission to study present crlmlnal situation, he said, "I think that this mess and TOM DRURY Brown said, "any strike or other sort of sentenclng methods and create sentence can be cleaned up." City Stall Writers News Analysis labor action that CJlI1 be accompanied by guidelines for federal judges. Under this Poulten's election tD the MECCA board violence, whether It be initiated by the provision, the government or the 0( directors Sunday, in addJtion to the A federal criminal code reform bllI, "It has gone througb a lot of com "I don't see anything wrong with union or management, would seem defendant could appeal a sentence that Is election of four other nominees of the regarded by some llberals II "dangerous promise. No member of the Senate Is peaceable demonstrations near a clearly a violation of this law. The very not within the established guidelines. CommIttee for Improved ServIce to to civU liberties," may be approved In really satiafled with the bUl," he said. courthouse or government buIlding," thrust of union activity when it goes on The new code would ease the penalties Alcoholics, repreaented a victory for the the Senate tonight, and It appears tD have Liberal critics assert that the bill Is a Clark said. I strike is to try to lnduce an employer to for possession of a small amount of committee, wblch hu criticized MECCA the support of Iowa's two senators. weak rewrite of a Nixon administration Clark added that he opposes a section give up his property In wages or marijuana. Citations slmllar tD traffic fir unnecessary expenditure., declining Major provisions Include uniform reform bill that died In committee of the bill that he says problblts the whatever. " tickets would be Issued to first offenders, lerviee to alcciboUcs and an over criminal sentencing, anti-demonstration because of strong public opposition. "revealing of private Information Clark said he waa unaware that the and young persons could clear their emphasis on famlly cOUlllellng. The local provisIons, the ellmlnation of the federal Sectiona of the new bill are "vague (and) against the governmellt." extortion section could be lnterpreted as records if there were no repeat offenses. MECCA offic rve Johnson, Cedar, parole system and the eaalng of penalties could infringe on legitimate political "I'm opposed to this because it a restriction on strikers' rights and said Brown said, bowever, the ACLU was not low. and Wasblngton counties. for possession of small amounts of activity," according to Steven Brown, discourages people from blowing the he would check Into the matter. satlafied with this provision. Althoueb he declined to comment on marijuana. The bill would also llmlt director of the Iowa Civil Uberties Union whlsUe on government errors," he said. "I would be very much opposed to that, "We'd hoped to see possession of smaU any possible pollcy changes prior to the rights of striking workera, according to (ICLU). "But I think we must go ahead with It. and I'd oppose any law that would regard amounts of marijuana completely next MECCA board meeting, PouJaen liberals. "There are enough sections dangerous We CJlI1 always make changes later, altl I strikers In that way. Collective decrlmlnallzed," be said. 8Iid he favon lncreased cooperation "Tbl! bUIll adequate," said Sen. Dick to clvU liberties that we feel we have to think this bUl should pass and we can bargalnlng, with all Its faults, ls a hell of The reform bUlls more than a rewrite between MECCA and other agencies on Clark, D-Iowa, In a telephone interview oppose the whole bill, although there are work with it from there," Clark saId. a lot better than anything else we've of the Nixon administration bill, ac· family counaelIng and other programs. Friday. "Though It baa some problema, I a number of good sectiona In It as well," The extortion section of S.1437 has also come up with," Clark said. cording to Clark. "MECCA can't be all things to all think it should pass, and then we can Brown said. He added that the views of received strong opposition, according to Provisions of the bUl favored by the "Kennedy has been a leader on this. HE people, and other agencies CJlI1 handle work with It from there." the ICLU are the same aa those of the Brown, who said the section can be In ACLU, according to Brown, include: has a good record, and he certainly would . American ClvU Liberties Union (ACLU). problema other than alcoholism," Other senators apparently agree with terpreted a~ restricting the rights of -the repeal of the SmIth Act, which not have !,ccepted the (Nixon ad· Criticizing the bill's riot control striking workers.