Monday January 30, 1978 Vol. 110, No. 133 Iowa CitY's @ 1978 Student Publications Inc., 10 cents .'Morning newspaper MECCA Israeli Cabinet votes funds probe possible to resume negotiations By THERESA CHURCHILL TEL AVIV, (UPI) - The laraell Syrlan-dominated meeting had not gone distinction between personal attaclllllJlllA StJIf Writer Cabinet voted SUnday to resume direct far enough in opposing Sadat and Israel. attacks on the Jewlah people and the negotiations with , capplng two However, later Sunday the govern­ state of Israel. weeks of Intense behlnd-the-scenes ment-owned Algerian Press Service "Personal attacks are a profeSSional AllegatiOllJ of mlIUIe of alcohollam diplomatic activity by U.S. In­ reported had propOsed an Arab risk," he said when asked about con­ treabnent funds by the Mld-Eaatem tennedlaries. summit In Baghdad. It was no clear If It tinuing denunclationa of the israeli prime Communities Councll on Alcohollam The decIsIon to send a delegation to the WII meant to rival the Algiers meeting. mlniater - the latest a reference to him (MECCA) Cedar County office, may be military talks In , probably The israeli declaion to resume the II a terrorist In Saturday's lalue of the investigated, according to Paul Poulsen, sometime this week, was made despite mWtary talks came after two weeks of Egyptian mqazlne October. newly~ected MECCA board president. personal attacks on PrIme MinIster Indirect contacts with Egypt through Naor said Defense MInIster Ezer "They (the Cedar County office's Menachem Begln In the CaIro press, U.S. ambassadors In Jerusalem and Weizman would make the arrangements activities) ahould definitely be In­ Cabinet secretary Arye Naor told Cairo as well II the sbuttle efforts of for returning to Cairo, apparenUy this vestigated and If there III any reporters In Jerusalem. Undersecretary of State Alfred Atherton, week. wrongdoing, It lIbould be corrected," Egyptian President , who President Carter's special Middle Ellt The mWtary talks are the only Poualen lAid after hiI election Sunday. will fly to Washington next weekend for envoy. remalnlng direct contacts with Egypt The Johnson County Board of Super­ talks with President Carter, Sunday Atherton returned to Jerusalem since Sadat decided to puB out of the vlaors baa not yet "drawn any con­ called on American Jews to support his Sunday from a trip to Amman, where he Jerusalem political talks, charging clusions" about the Cedar County peace efforts. The appeal was In a letter met with KIng HlUllleln in an effort to israeli lntransigience. .negatlona, but Is also conalderlng an publlahed In the Miami Herald. bring Into the peace talks. U.S . The Cabinet also named Maj. Gen. investigation, according to lupervtaor Hardilne Arab opponents of Sadat'a sources said Atherton would leave Hafael Eytan, a much-wounded Lorada CUek. peace moves were dealt a blow Sunday shorUy for Cairo. paratroop officer who trained with the Tbese potenUal investigatiOllJ are in when radical Iraq - expected to be a key Begln saId last week - when Israel U.S. Marines at Quantico, Va., to be the telpoI1IIe to charg made Friday by two In any wide anti-Sadat alliance - decided to· postpone Its participation In next chief of the general staff, the highest Cedar County aupervlaora against the By Urited rr... InternaUonaI rejected an invitation to a planned Arab the mWtary talks - that the Jewish state post In the IsrlleU armed forces. MECCA office there. The supervlaors , No deposit, no ,etUl'n . summit Feb. 2 In Algeria. could not send a delegation to Cairo In In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Minister aDeged that when the board attempted tD The official Iraqi News Agency, light of what he called insulting Mohammed Kamel briefed ambassadors recover part of alcoholism treatment A IC8V~ sea guU, reportedly Joaatbaa L.'a seCORd cousin on the mater­ monitored In Beirut, said the decision references in the Egfptian press. and diplomats from 19 Asian countries on costs from cll nts last fall, "ap­ nal side, blithely Ipare. the wamlq of a $511 fiDe for littering alORg the beacb waa the logical follow-up to Iraq's Naor told reporters following the Egypt's position In the stalled JX'olimately a1x to eight individuals" BDd obvlausly feets free to discard a beer can from a paper sack be bas just walkout at a December antl-Sadat cabinet decision: "The prime m!JiIster negotiations as part of 8 diplomatic of­ cIenIed they had received aervlces from plucked from a trash cootainer. s~t In Libya. Iraq charged the asked the Cabinet mlnlaters ... to draw a fensive to win lnternational support. MECCA. One of theae lndivlduals contacted denfed having a drinklni problem or ever going to the Cedar County MECCA office. Poulsen said the Cedar County offIce's operaUon II "subject to abUlles and No one satisfied, but crime bill to pass confusion." Although he said be Is not In person in "fear" of violence. -the establishment of a special a position to llli&est a remedy to the By NEIL BROWN U wages are lnterpreted as property, commission to study present crlmlnal situation, he said, "I think that this mess and TOM DRURY Brown said, "any strike or other sort of sentenclng methods and create sentence can be cleaned up." City Stall Writers News Analysis labor action that CJlI1 be accompanied by guidelines for federal judges. Under this Poulten's election tD the MECCA board violence, whether It be initiated by the provision, the government or the 0( directors Sunday, in addJtion to the A federal criminal code reform bllI, "It has gone througb a lot of com­ "I don't see anything wrong with union or management, would seem defendant could appeal a sentence that Is election of four other nominees of the regarded by some llberals II "dangerous promise. No member of the Senate Is peaceable demonstrations near a clearly a violation of this law. The very not within the established guidelines. CommIttee for Improved ServIce to to civU liberties," may be approved In really satiafled with the bUl," he said. courthouse or government buIlding," thrust of union activity when it goes on The new code would ease the penalties Alcoholics, repreaented a victory for the the Senate tonight, and It appears tD have Liberal critics assert that the bill Is a Clark said. I strike is to try to lnduce an employer to for possession of a small amount of committee, wblch hu criticized MECCA the support of Iowa's two senators. weak rewrite of a Nixon administration Clark added that he opposes a section give up his property In wages or marijuana. Citations slmllar tD traffic fir unnecessary expenditure., declining Major provisions Include uniform reform bill that died In committee of the bill that he says problblts the whatever. " tickets would be Issued to first offenders, lerviee to alcciboUcs and an over­ criminal sentencing, anti-demonstration because of strong public opposition. . "revealing of private Information Clark said he waa unaware that the and young persons could clear their emphasis on famlly cOUlllellng. The local provisIons, the ellmlnation of the federal Sectiona of the new bill are "vague (and) against the governmellt." extortion section could be lnterpreted as records if there were no repeat offenses. MECCA offic rve Johnson, Cedar, parole system and the eaalng of penalties could infringe on legitimate political "I'm opposed to this because it a restriction on strikers' rights and said Brown said, bowever, the ACLU was not low. and Wasblngton counties. for possession of small amounts of activity," according to Steven Brown, discourages people from blowing the he would check Into the matter. satlafied with this provision. Althoueb he declined to comment on marijuana. The bill would also llmlt director of the Iowa Civil Uberties Union whlsUe on government errors," he said. "I would be very much opposed to that, "We'd hoped to see possession of smaU any possible pollcy changes prior to the rights of striking workera, according to (ICLU). "But I think we must go ahead with It. and I'd oppose any law that would regard amounts of marijuana completely next MECCA board meeting, PouJaen liberals. "There are enough sections dangerous We CJlI1 always make changes later, altl I strikers In that way. Collective decrlmlnallzed," be said. 8Iid he favon lncreased cooperation "Tbl! bUIll adequate," said Sen. Dick to clvU liberties that we feel we have to think this bUl should pass and we can bargalnlng, with all Its faults, ls a hell of The reform bUlls more than a rewrite between MECCA and other agencies on Clark, D-Iowa, In a telephone interview oppose the whole bill, although there are work with it from there," Clark saId. a lot better than anything else we've of the Nixon administration bill, ac· family counaelIng and other programs. Friday. "Though It baa some problema, I a number of good sectiona In It as well," The extortion section of S.1437 has also come up with," Clark said. cording to Clark. "MECCA can't be all things to all think it should pass, and then we can Brown said. He added that the views of received strong opposition, according to Provisions of the bUl favored by the "Kennedy has been a leader on this. HE people, and other agencies CJlI1 handle work with It from there." the ICLU are the same aa those of the Brown, who said the section can be In­ ACLU, according to Brown, include: has a good record, and he certainly would . American ClvU Liberties Union (ACLU). problema other than alcoholism," Other senators apparently agree with terpreted a~ restricting the rights of -the repeal of the SmIth Act, which not have !,ccepted the (Nixon ad· Criticizing the bill's riot control striking workers. The bUl makes It a Poulsen Ald. Clark; the bill Is expected to be approved WII passed In the early 19508, problblting mlniatration) bill," Clark said. by 88 many 88 7~ senatora. provision, Brown said, "There Is a federal crime to obtain someone's the advocation of subversive doctrines; Though a vote Is scheduled for tonight, Prior to the electfon, Vern Roblnaon, Sen. John Culver, D-Iowa, would not section of the bill that says members of property by threatening violence to -the expansion of antl-dlacrlmlnatlan Clark expects debate to last at least unW speUing on behalf of Poullen and Royce comment on the bill, but an alde said the public can be ordered to 'move, persons or property, or by placlng a laws to protect women and allens; and Tuesday. NelJon, called for aU 15 board positions to Culver would probably vote In favor If no disperse or refrain from specified ac­ be vacated becaUlle of administrative subetantlal changes were made. Culver tivity' where a riot Is impending or If the violations of MECCA's by-laws. The voted In favor of the bill during Judiciary order Is 'reasonably designed' to prevent CIIlIplaint .aa not acknowledged by the Committee hearings. lnjury to persons or property. board becauae the vlolationa cited were The complex bill, S.1437, wblch was "Picketing, leafleting and even Black object found in Canada In keeplna with MECCA articles or were lntroduced by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D­ canvassing can be halted If the federal Im1evant. MIa; attempts to rev1ae approJimately officer thinks the demonatration might CommIttee nom\.nees elected to the 3,000 federal laws adopted over the get violent, even though It could very well MECCA board were Poullen, Dick yeara. Debate baa lasted a week, with the be a legitimate activity, polltlcal or Myers, BUI DeBruyn, Nadine Wendell may,be part of Soviet satellite introdu.ctlon of numerous compromlle otherwise," Brown said. and Duane Robovlt, for terms yet to be amendments. Although the loudest The problbition of demonatrat1ons EDMONTON, Alberta (UPI) - A precautionary measure we are Armed Forces and Mahlon Gates, an determined by the board. Faye Peters critics are llberal organlzatlona, It II within 200 feet of a courthouse Is also group of meteorologists In the Nor­ arranging to fly out the six men," he American scientist, reported con· hi also elected. conservative oppoIIltion from senators strongly opposed by the ACLU, he said. thwest TerritorIes have reported said. flrmation of signals from a possible "We feel that provision ts overly broad. sucb II James Allen, D-Ala., that baa locating a "susplclolll looldng black "The object Is apparently man-made ~deobject. We underatand the need to control noise stalled approval. object" that might be part of the Soviet and Is lying on tDp of the snow, so It Is "They reported two very strong The differing opinions may be a result and the threat of violence. But thla just spy satellite that fell from orbit over fairly new." flat out prohibIts any sort of demon­ signals, one under the Ice two roUes off of the complelity of the ~e bill. northern Canada five days ago, a Keating said airborne teams sear­ shore and another on the shoreline," Clark admitted he WII not totally stration within 200 feet of a courthoUlle," Canadlan )Defense Department official ching for evidence of radia tlon from the Brown said. Keating said. "Hellcopters will make familiar with the bUl, and one of bla said Sunday. nuclear-powered Coemoe 1164, wblch further test flights over the area before leglalatlve alliltants, Vicki SmIth, said, Clark described the entire reform bill Wherl the IIIOIIIY wi. 00. It IOWl city get. "Six meteorologIsts working for waa belleved to have disintegrated aa It a ground team Is sent In.'' "Most of the senators haven't had time to II a "fragile compromise" and laid - .. .8Ie1lory, ~ two Environment Canada reported seeing a craabed through Earth'. atmosphere loIo!e gO.lmmlnt .hlnanlglnl and the read It thoroughly." although he Ia "troubled" with the anti· suspicious lookIng black object at Tuesday, are concentrating on two "hot Another Defense Department 1kII , .. lIMltary, p-eelivt. Concerning the bill's prosrea iD the demonstration proviliona, he still favors Warden's Grove, about 2to mUea south­ spots" at Great Slave Lake. spokesman, Capt. Craig Mills, said ~ 100 __7 PtrhlP' I Mot I, the Senate, Clark laid, "Sen. Allen, It ap­ passage of the code. west of Baker Lake," Major Vic The search corridor runs west tD eut Saturday that It w8slmposslble to say If ...... 1IM.ay, p-eell.. pears, II trying to fIllIbuater the bill. He "We have now a conglomeration of Keating said. for 450 mUes between Great Slave and "beeps" recorded on monitoring equip­ Th, Ubtwtarlln party full wlnt. 10 b, IIIfI la probably the moat conservative 3,000 federal laws collected over a llttle "There II no conflnnation that the Baker lakes. ment were caused by debris from the IIane , .... lIary. p-eelv... member of the Senate, and he II very more than 200 years. These laws are full object ls part of the satellite, but aa a Col. David Garland of the Canadian satellite. oppoaed tD thla bill. of lnconalstenclea. I - " intheNew8------~--~----~~------~------In Panama, a TorriJos apokelman Sam Dawkina Jr., 49, of Wilmington, neys for an elderly woman fighting court Oblo, said Sunday. screenplay. decllned comment on the Wuhlngton described by the pUot aa appearing very orders that could lead to the amputation Met&enbaum said the Energy The TurnIng Polnt won the Golden Star Itory. Panamanlln negotiator drunk and irrational, w.. charged with of ber gangrenous feet said Sunday they Department II pbuln( out an auditing Globe, the statuette given by the RomuJo Eacobar Bethancourt ..Id a air piracy Sunday and ordered held will take Mary Carolyn Northern's battle program designed to chase such over­ Hollywood Foreign Press Association, statement on the matter would be illued without bond pending a hearing Monday to the state Supreme Court. chargee. for best moUon picture drama during the Monday or 'l'ueaday. before a U.S. magistrate. After an unaual bedside hearing at James Pbllllps, an lnvestlgator on ceremonies at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The canal treaties would cede U.s. PIedmont apokesman Don Shanks said General Hoepltai Saturday, the state Metzenbaum's Senate subcommittee, control of the canal to Panama in 2000 steward Steve Addona threw a cola drink Court of Appeals cleared the way for an baa been checking enforcement efforts of To"ijo operation to remove both the woman'. the department and Ita predecessor, the and retain American rights to protect the lnto Dawklna' face and crew members Weathe,, WASHINGTON (UPI) - Panama'. canal'. neutraUty. and plllMlliera wrestled the bljacker to frostbitten and infected feet - one jlllt Federal Energy AdminJatration. He said "mulmum leader" Omar TorrlJo, Torrljos ..Id If the treaties are ap­ the floor of the plane in the air near below the knee and the other just above MetJenbaum baa asked the department piqed to a lJ'Oup of vlatt1nll American proved, he would not be a candidate for MyrUe Beach, S.C. the ankle. to go after violatiOlUl more vigorously. Your weather staff had a rough time _tort be will atap do,", from control president, according to Melcher. Aprovl· Shanb aid Dawkina, who had claimed MIas Northern, a reclUlle who llved In trying to bring you this weather report. of !be Pal\llllalllan government If the lion under whicb he hu served u to have a weapon, turned out to be the cluttered old famlly home for nine Standing outside the buIlding, they were Ibe yeara without water or electricity, haa Panama Canal treatlea are ratified, "mulmum leader" for the put liz unanned. Awa,ds aCCOlted by an officer of the peace who reported refused WIIblnaton Star SundaJ. yean would be allowed to lapae, TorrijOl "He aaId he wanted to go to Havana to aUow doctors to perfonn the lQld them to move along, obviously In Tbt diapIItth aid Torrljoe aid he prCJpOiled, Melcber Ald. o~rltlon, which they ..y II needed to HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Director and llid he would k1II us all," laid Capt. Herbert was the biggest winner at abject terror of • violent demonatraUon. would end mWtary control and not .. Tom Stanell. "Hla behavior was lave her life. Roes !be pne1dency under civilian rule. the 35th annual Golden Globes Awards Besides, he llid, they probably would irrational One minute be said he would end up doing harm to someone's 'lbe IleWlplper, In a diJpatch from Saturday night as two of bla pictures - HUlICk kill III all. The nut be would ..y he dido't property, an allegation not without Pwma City, said It Ieunecl of Torrijol' Petrot,icks TIle fur"l", Pol"t and Th. Goodbye Girl want to hurt the women. Then be laid he foundation. The weather staff told him ,.,.. ftom Sen. Jolin M.IcIMr,D-Mont., WILMINGTON, N.C. (UPI) - A fI1ght didn't have anything to loIe." - were named beat movIea of It77 and he WASHINGTON (UPI) - Some that bill baa not yet= and ordered alDllllber of a Stnat8 dtlecalion attendant thmJ a drink Iato allljac:ker's ... honored as beat director for Th. PIaama. viii" face Saturday nlabt to foll hII plan to petroleum brokers have been running a TIImlll, Poillt. up highs around 10, bly sneaking up to the teena, a ~ per cent chance of snow M.lcher quoted TorriJos u II)'ina If divert a Piedmont Alrlln .. plane from Amputate "dally cbaln" of dwnmy companlea TIt. Goodbye Girl woo for belt 99 of In 1M treatiea art ratlfted, ·,then ID7 Nortb Carolina to Cuba, alrUne offtcIala wbleh may add as much as 1100 mlUlon to comedy or mlllical fUm of the year and and grams matljuana an­ canaJ ticipation. Job will be flnIahecI," the neWlplper aid. II1d Sunday. NASHVlUE, Tenn. (UPI) - Attar- 011 prices, Sen. Howard Metr.enbaum, D- also eamed Nell Simon an award for heat Page l-The Dally Iowu-Iowa City, low.-MoncIay, January SO, 1m CHESTNUT MT. SKI SK I GALENA, ILLINOIS , 14e ~m , Alpin. 1M. TV - Do'm /

Gary Soporito, 919 Talwrn Court, reported to police Sunday that a brick was thrown through a window of a warehouse under construction by the North Bay Construction Co. at 330 Second Ave. The vandalism occurred shortly before noon Sunday. The Take stock in America. window was valued at $50. Buy U.S. Savings Bond!;. Makea ~PHOTO SPECIAL~ All University Name .Amateur Photography COLOR PRINTS for yourself . Competition FROM YOUR FAVORITE SLIDES All entries must be in black & white As a Naval Officer On a modem Navy ship you wiN manage a complex system d communications, radar, Contest reserves the right to electronic countermeasures equipment. lHe reproduce all entries functions, propulsion machinery and ... PEOPlE. It's a small city and you are one d the Mayor's right All entries must be received by men. midnight, February 17 R ..\j'nntl Naval service, you take with you leadership maturity, proven ability and proven pertor· A plaque will be awarded to the winner of each an~ln~ under pressure. category. The three best entries in each category will obtain more informaHon, write or call : be reproduced in the Daily Iowan. They will be LT. Gerry Hartzell further displayed at the Iowa Memorial Union Feb· 7501 N. University, Suite 201 ruary 27 through March 13. Peoria, II. 61614 (309)671·7310 Photgraphs may be entered at the Hillcrest store 8 am until 6 pm, and at the Hillcrest Head Resident's office 7 pm until midnight daily. Entries may be reo each a portrait by claimed during the same times after March 13. NAVY Copies of contest regulations are available at the Prices effective now thru Saturday Feb. 4 Hillcrest Head Resident's office and the Daily Iowan IT'S NOT JUST A JOB, T. Wong Studiov office. For further Information call 353·31n. JOIN THE oseo FILM CLUB IT'S AN ADVENTURE. 1831 Lower Muscatine 337-396i Sponsored by Grand Avenue Programming and the Dally Iowan Ask for details at the Camera Dept. . 'lbe Dally (owu-Iowa City, Iowa-MoMIY, J... ary st, lr71-Plle S UI pro schools' applications hold steady Editor Wanted The Board of Student PubNcatiOflll & the Publisher of the Dally Iowan wUI soon Inter· IlIO .bout mil ,rltb Jut ""'" 1Iid. "A black Idd who comes '''nil whole IIIue comea down conalder.tlon II now neceuary, By JOHNOS80RN aceardklI to Dr. Dmn 1Wip, from a IUburb and hal I low to what kind of qualltlel you're Baker said. view cal)dldatea for editor of ThejDally 10Win to serve In the coming'year. This poeitIon S\IIf 'M1ter Ullatant dean of admiMiOlll. grade point average becalJle he looking f.... We look It whether Greg WUllamI, IlBiBtant dean will require a person with the ab lity, dedication, and responsibility to assume editorial There wen ItIJl 100M ap­ me.ed around ta not c:on­ the IppUcants have the ability of admllalOlll It the College of control of a dally newspaper will a draJlation of more than 16,500 in the University pUcltiona which were not Ildered ellglble, but aomeone to be good Phyllclana, and Law, said IInce the 'pplication Community. Appllcatlonl to th' Ul prOC8llld, be lAId, but II of elle from a broken home who whether they will meet aoclety'. deadline Ia not unW Marchl, no , The appWcants must be either graduate or lIndergraduate students amently enrolled _ea 01 Medicine, DenUatry Jan. S, 141 I'eIIdentI and 8112 bad to work hII WIY tbrough needa," be ..Id . deflnlte f\gureI are avaUable, In a degree program at the University of Iowa. The Board will weigh heavily the following lid Law are bold1n& lteady, IIOMIIIdenta bad Ipplied. Of acbool would be." Because of the vlrlous but Indications are tha"t the evid~ of qualflcatlons: scholarship, pertinent training and experience In editing and dllplie !be national drop In 1beIe, .. will be offered ad­ The College of Medicine does newswriting (Including substantial experience on the Dally Iowan or another dally news­ $40 .00·49 .50 programs wbich have been In numbers will be limllar to lut os - :~:\O . profmlon l l Ichool ap­ million. not have a special Ic:ImialonI operltlon for minority stuclents year's. "There baa been • paper), proven ability to organize, lead and Inspire a staff engaged In creative editorial ONS IS Pl RSONS 0" "'U~ [ pBeadona. Killlp empbuIIecI that non­ program, but Baker said lOIIIe during the laat decade, the downturn nationally in law activity and other factors . IONS - P~ONf 456 116 1 Dr. George Baker, aaoclate relld.nts mUlt have much conslderaUon Is made for III 61036 - PHON' rS15) 177.1320 differences In background are lChool appUcatlOlll the lut two Applications will be considered only for the full year from delft of IdmIoIIION at the blgber quallflcat1ona, and IIId students of differing not II IItreme II they once or three yurl, but we really College of Mediclne, IIid the that I'tIidtnts UIUlIly make up backgrounds. were, and not u much lpICial haven't felt It here," he said. I · June 1,1978 to May 31,1979 _ber of appUcatlOlll II very iii to 13 per cent of the c.... . (No application wHl be accepted after 4 pm February 10, 19IT) dole to Jut year'l figure, Laat yelr, non-residents' Application forms and additional information must be picked up at: aItboUCh fewer I~I I'tIldenta average grade point wu U 6 and more non-c"elidtnta have with the rtIIdenta' 3.311. Hard times for lobbyists 1 The Daily Iowan Business Office 1PP1l~. . "Ala ltatHuppcJrted 1Cboo~ , Baker said the 415 who lpo we have to guarlntee the Turner. The ruling laid funding baa abitted In the put .. Room 111 Communications Center By LEE SEVIG "winning and dining" In· ~ed priorto Dec. 1, II7hili be taxpayer that we are benefiting Staff Writer three years from education to offered placel In the cla_, with the state, but at the 1liiie Ume Ouenced lawmakers' declalons the aoclal servlc:ea department, Board of Student Publications, Inc. " people being placed on an we want to maintain lOme too much. Hawkins said. He said It now John Goeldner, William CeHy, lltemaiel Usl. The Ilternatel d1verllty," Kt11Ip llid. UI student lobbyists will Among other thlnga, the COlts the state $22,000 a year to Chairman Publisher ,m be offered places It ac­ The Dental College baa never apparently face problems with student coalition will try to rehabilitate a youth at the Iowa cepted IPPUcants decline to \lied a quota, Killlp u1d, but In Iowa leglalatora tbiB year due to persuade the legl.lature to State Training School In Eldora, .ttend the UI. judging non-realdenta, people many new student lobbyllts and grant the full .. million funding compared with $2,01/0 a year to LaSt yur the averlge grade who are strong ICademically a new rullng ,by the Iowa It.. Increase to the UI requllted by educate a student at the UI. / poInl of tbOle accepted WII I S. '1 and have lOme tie to the atlte of torney general. Gov. Robert Ray. Hawkins, who spoke with oUt of 4.0, IccordIng to Baker. Iowa are preferred. Some BecaWJe many atu4enta In the The budget requested by Ray fellow lobbyllt Kennedy at a Besides grldes, the mlln preferential treatment Ia given Iowa Regents' Universities for the UI II a tight one, workabop sponsored by the ~t1ck for medical ICbooI to tboee who may come from a Student Coalition lobbying although It II not tighter than explain many of them to .dmlsslon II the Medical alate without I dental school. group will be new to lobbying, any other state agency's lawmakers each year. Kennecl1 College AdmlIIIIon Teal SInce The College of Dendltry alIo leglslltors will tend not to give budget, according to Ed Jen­ said he prlnta one-page ex­ tile format of the teat cbanfled baa an Educational Opportunity them u much attention u long­ nings, UI vice president for planatiON of Luues pertaining IIIls year, no comparlble Program under wb lcb four time lobbyllts, Max Hawldna finance. to hII clients that come before figUreI from put yean are students with lOme type of and Gene Kennedy , two The money would be used for the leglllature . •vllJJble, but Baker aaid the deprived background, who may professional lobbyists, Slid Increased enrollment costs, 'lbe lobbyllts said Ieglala tors IeJI scores of thOle already have lower qualificatiOlll but Friday. salary Increases and federal do read signed petitions, despite adDlitted were well lbove the who bave ovetCOOle signIflcant Also, persons can no longer fund loasea for the medical, the recent arUele In the Des IIIUonal average. handicaps, are admitted. lobby lawmakers whUe buying nursing, pharmacy and Moines Regfater that said most TIle nwnber of IppUcatiON to Being a member of a minority them meala, due to a ruling by veterinary achoola. Moat of the leglalators never read petitions. tile College of Dent1atry were group Is not neceuary, KIllIp Iowa Atty. Gen. Richard funda would go to the UI, I I And If the le8IIlatorB are Jennings said. outside your diltrict, that Capital budget requests were doesn't make any difference cut In half because of a small becauae they're all golllg to run Libertarians: Leave state budget surplus that bas for governor some dlY

I put fIacal. constraints on all new anyway," Hawkins said. building proposals. AND America's people be The big Increase In a state RING the party In 1972. "We want not 81 GREG SMlrH par1ies." ju8t frHdom to do things we On the farm problem, Gary Sf,t§WffIIJr wlIlIt, but freedom fioom any Roewe, a central Iowa farmer Interference In doing what we and a worksho~ leader said, want with what II ours. "Government subsidies are Some folks depend In 1972 the Libertarian party "We are not against people only hurting the small family DO!Oinated a candidate who helping people, but the fann - the very fann the on Lady L.uck to get ~ to res.ign and lelve government ahould not rob you subsidies are Intended to help. the good things in life. !be American people alone If through taxes and force you to If fanners want to drive their But most everyone elected. support inefficient government trlctors to the nation's capital knows it's good sav With Ita at.nce against 10- programs," Nathan said. to protest about the farm not good fortune, that tuiereace with personal, "Government regulJltion abo"s business situation, they should bring the things you political and economic a lack of truat In the American drive their tractors to want. lreedoms, the Libertarian party people. Washington, D.C. and demand And a really g60d claims to ha ve the most c0n­ "If you take Iway govern­ that government leave them way to save is with sistent poUUc11 phUosophy of ment programs that are needed alone. Once that Js done the U.S. Savings Bonds. lilY of the U.s. political parties. they will be taken up by private farmers should then tum their And if you join the John J ph Matonoll, for enterprbe and run, not only tractors home and live a free Payroll Savings Plan, !WIIple, II a "ashInJton, D.C. more efficiently, but It a profit Ufe." yo u can be III lawyer In good standing also. The government with the Ubertarlan party. bureaucracy bas no motive to Bonds Ibtonols mat his point en­ be efficient Uke private Indllltry Ilrely within the law and drives bas," Nathan said. the IRS cruy. By COUlIIelinl Claiming that the American lupayers III bow to delay to revolution was a libertarian Plyment, Matonola said he can movement that wu JOld down EARN OVER $650 A !lad WI)'I to make the IRS the river wben the Constitution Ipelld almost II much money to was ratified, Don Emaberger, mUect taxes as they finally rodirector of the Society for receive. IndIvidual Uberty, said the :RlGHT THROUGH YOUR To promote Ubertarl.n Ubertarlan party should work philosophy on the UI campus, within the ayatem to bring the llbertartan speakers from both U.S. back to being a free CIlUta and low. came to the aoclety. . YEAR. "Freedom '71" conference. Ernsberger asked liber­ lMifereoce top CI varied from tarians to speak out and take 1IOI'kshopi on crea tI ve defiance action through census and tax - "making the federal resiltance. "SInce 11'12, when bureaucracy choke on Ita modern libertarian politics ineffectiveness" - to why farm began, many of the reforms If you're a junior or a senior majoring in math, physics or subaldles are bad f ... farmerl. advocated in education, in "11Ie lJbertarIan phllosophy II vict1mleaa crimea and tax and engineering, the Navy has a program you should know about. Imple," said Toni Nlthan, draft reslatance have .tarted to liceopresldentlal candidate for be Idopted by the two major It's called the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate­ Collegiate Program (NUPOC-C for short) and if you qualify, you can earn as much as $650 a month right through your senior year. Then after 16 weeks of Officer Candidate School, Edtor -.~...... 81"'. Tracy MII'IiIII''lII ~or ." ...... D_AIlert you'll receive' an additional year of advanced technical UrwIl'lllY ~or ...... BI. JohnIon CIty I!ditor .~ ...... " ...... Ntit Brown Ccn4nbuIIng EdItor ...... ,M ...... R .C. er.ncsau education. This would cost you thousands in a civilian school; FtMlr. Edotor ...... ~ ...... Beverly Gibet Offers another way to see . . . but in the Navy, we pay you. And at the end of the year of AuoI;, Ftatu,.. Edlor ...... ley WIIIIIIII* Food, Sex, Money, "sins RrvtITUO Ecll ...... 1111 Conroy Ect\onaI PIIjI EdItor ...... W""an BIn::iIy training, you'll receive a $3,000 cash bonus. AtIoc. Edtorill PICIe Editor ...... Don Ndloll $poria Eellor ...... R. Thurow I t isn't easy. There are fewer than 400 openings and only AuoI;, ~ ~or ...... SIll" NtmIIII fifE INTRODUCTORY ClASSES: ~~y Eellor ...... Dam Franco one of ~ery six applicants will be selected, But if you make LbwIan ...... CIrdIIlt Emili .. rY)D')OA~ IN}.30 7:3D I')tw ~I~ . (ULl"~ ~DOP "m0JV3h 11r7)f 0I>Ir00re __ 01\ .-Pltlllil.... ~ III "'1Igned IIJIIIOIIInd "., IICI ....60 · flIJ· I S:JD 8~ di~ . A. t1')lr)t~ ~hop . it, you'll have qualified for an elite engineering training ...... , be ... III "" o./I'f- 1"t)uils. ft ~ 1. 8.00 ~ ... A~«' 1It~1"'l ,..,...".., by ~ . Inc.. III 00mr!MiatI0n0 e... IqwI CIIy. Iawo f'tl. a.-.t.A.y)CCD prograhl. With unequaled hands-on responsibility, a $24,000 52242, _. • ...... haIIcIoJIlII1d urPtlrlily v_ Second- (te. 3 ~ : ~ txrl~/fP611~' +r,t ~"'3 - P*Ot ...... ,.... 0II\0e II Iawo 0Iy u...... At:J. III Cocq_ 01 MIrdI 2. 1171 salary in four years~ and gilt-edged qualifications for jobs Navy ship you win ...... Iawo CII1I111d ~ .., monIII. liN IIIOI'IIhI. 121·1 2 , in private industry should you decide to leave the Navy ~ omlmurl if'.A II M !I, radar, """"'"' .... ~twlllOl'llhl. . ,HIIIOI'IIhI._1211101'11h1. PIwo .. "" o.r,. _ drCUItOn ---. '5HIG!I •• yeo. 00 net,..,..,. ycuo Campus Ministry Invites You equipment, life In • ...,...., ... later. (But we don't think you'll want to.) "...".,.. by 7 30 • lit _ 10 _tel ... _ by ... '*' 1Itue. to participate in and ... PEOPlE. ~ .... 1\wt ... l1 Lin IIIIIHprn ItIOndIy ~ FIIdty Ask your placement officer to set up an interview with a The Study of the Navy representative when he visits the campus-Feb. 21,22,23 with you leadriip Prophet Amos and proven perlor· Tues., Jan. 31,7 pm or contact your Navy representative at 515-284-4183 (collect). Hillel Library If you prefer, send your resum~ to the Navy Nuclear Officer l eaders: Father Osborne, Rabbi Portman, Rev. Schoen mak er Program, Code 312-B468, 4015 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, 328 S. Ointon Suite 12 6 wee k course Next to Goodyear 354·7010 Va. 22203, and a Navy representative will contact you directly. Bond Copies Marriage and Family Living The NUPOC-Collegiate Program. It can do more than help for singles/or marrieds you finish college: it can lead to an exciting career opportunity. as low as 3c a copy Mon., Jan . 30, 7-8 pm also featuring: • Theses Wesley House Rm . 206 A JOB. l ead er: Yon Schoen maker • Transparencies • Resumes Cert. Marr!age Coun . REI • Color Stock • Book Copying . 6 week course NAVY OFFICER. • 1001R ag Paper • Free Collating Sponsors: Episcopal Chaplaincy, Hillel, Wesley Found. tlon • Archival Bond • Gum Labels IT'S NOT JUST AJOB, IT'S AN ADVENTURE. PIP 4-Tlte DIlly 10WID-I,.. City, 10w.... MODday, Juaary _,1m eel CIA to _IIWA8HING'l'ON IDtdIaenee (UPJ) AiIftC1 - " lowlan ,.duCInI but not abandonina ~ Monday, January 30,1978 Vol. 110, No. 133 poIIIIca1 Interflrlnct aM I _It once employed in lUi coun trle. al Vietnam II O!>ono .... _HIed on ""' PIlI" II' lilt _II ...... _11'11""y"", --"" .. _rJ "" /lotIr1o_ Anlola, CIA DIrector ~ lewpoln s PIIIII_III'Sl..-P_ 'nc "'c-c-_~ _.U4l ...... TIIIMI' llid Sunday. S.ndoll IogIIh ..dt".,., ""''''''Y •__ ...-_...... , ... 0I0ct II _~_ ... Ad "Today, we don't think III II congr ... 01 Mtr

low.'. .wlmmln, women m.r~ butterfly eventa, IIld work. The meet, ort,lnlDy Donuts .led tbelr dual IQMt IMIOII from co-apUn Sarah Eicher in lowl cUcked on 18 fer • foul acbeduled • I trlInplar with DI Classifieds 353·6201 willi 11\ ~ J.O mark, tbe IOO-Ylrd Iree.lyle. Tbe allot. fer the nlaht. and coupled NortberII Dl1no1a u the tblrd * fIctorlll over Ble T. · IIIwu 80t lOme VII')' much with Ita 18 fer 111 effort aplnat team WI. cblnged to In rIYal MlMeIota IIld WIItanI needed ~ flnlIhea IWnoIa, the IIIwks have c0n­ IllhibIUon when the NIU team ~------': IIUIIOII Unlveralty (WUI) in tile from Us Hamann in tile 100- and nected on 10 per cent of their WII stranded III route to Iowa HELP WANTED TYPING ... MOTORCYCLES ROOMMATE FIeld HOUle pool FrIday Nabt. ZOO-yard butterfly and the 400- free throwl In the laat two City. SECRETARY . ' ; WANTED The H.wkey .. dunked tbe yard Indlvldull medley. conteata. Freshmln Chi rile Jonel Grant Wood Area Education Agency ' TYPIST · Former university leeretary. Gl1000, C875O, C8550- AI Hondu at ------­ Gopbert 7... 1J1d IWIk WIU 14- MacBride IlIo took IIICOnd in IlllJieJcrde Idded 18 points to jumped 24 feet, three-fourtbl Coralvills, experienced secretery able I~ IBM Selectric II , thetll experience. 337- ..,.dll winter price•. 8eat the prica CORALVILLI! townhouse· BUI, 41. tile lCJO.yard free8tyle. the lowl ecoring attack, IlId inches to win the Jong jump by type 60 wpm with good organizational 7170. 3-6 r... . Pay In SprIng. SIarIc'I, Prllrie du ~er, dryer, parldng, $100 plUI 113 skills, salary $3 .37 an hour pIUs. Excel- _ Chien, WIsconeIn. Open 11fghta. Phone I"'lIIIes. 354-3993. 1-26 tile the the dual meet IWOIl over two feet, while Jim With removal ~ dlviDI With wu Joined In double flcurea by lent lringe benetlts. Call 351-2510, tOf In- FAST. pro/naional typing. Mnauaaiptl. 326-~78 . 2-22 .... ------boIrda from the Field HOUle over lot IOWl, the IIIwk1wlll be Lynn Oberbllllg, who bid 10. CahIlIn Idded IlIItly I foot to tervlew. An squal opportunity employer. term papers, resumes, IBM Setectrice. ' FEMALE share duplex within wllkl~ ."lmmlnl Irel for 'Ifety trytna to qualify more nrim­ UN! wu led by Helen Walker'. hla wlnninllhot put last week 1-30 ' Copy Center, too. 338-8800. 3-2 . distance eampuI, own bedroom. 338· IWOIII, the Hlwb were loreed mera fot the naUonala In thelr 13 painla, u the Plntbera' with a 411-100t 7-1nch wlIInInI -AR-C-H-IT-E~C-TU-R-A-L-dr-al-Isp-er--son-.p-n-· or IBM Correcting, pica. ethe - Warda, Fr. AU 0 . . '3770. 1·30 to forfeit 1. poInta IPlect to the lut acbeduled regular...uon record lkidded to 1·11 fer the toll. sxperlence rsqulred, full or part·Ume. Environment, 353-3886 or 353-311£ T S DOMESTIC 'IIALE e1 cI GGpberI and WIU. But the compeUUon of the .uon It the year. Double wlnnera for the Hawks Gene Gessner Inc. , Consulting Mecltanl. 2.2£ • pr er upper anman or gra~ cal Engineer, 321 E. Market 351.1349. ------tin Gran Torino lir AM-FM s~ Jludent, to sh .... rIM, spadoul 1IpII1. lII"keye. overClme tbe NortberII Dllnola InvltaUOllll The IIIwu take to the road were Jim Docherty In the mile 1-30 EXPERIENCED typing. Cedar Rapids, and Inspected. 3si04 17, evenl,;g. 2.3 ' ment new K·Mart. 354-7459 belor. 8 Of JJW1In by wlIInInI the flnt Saturday. Igllnlt Central Colle Ie (4:07.8) and 1,000 yudl (2:12.11) ______Marion students; IBM Correcting Selec- . aher 5. weekdays. 1-26 event to I·t the mcmentum. B k 1'IIeIday Nabt, IDd wW not and Bill McCalUater in the eo. PART· time bartender, evenings. apply trlc. 377·9164. 3-2 ' 1874 CJ5 Jeep. 32,000 miles, htl/d1op I "I w.. very pleued with the play at borne Iglin unU! Feb. yard dub (8.41) and 800 yudl In person, Bull Market. 2-1 and aoIt top good shape ...... to _st, as etba" $3,295. A/1';' 5 pm., 338-3342':"" 2-'2' ROOMS FOR RENT eleeUent Job done by the " 18. (1:18). TELEPHONE SECRETARV w...... __ ...... __ AUTO SERVICE 18711 Plymouth Volare 2 dOQt'. excellent medley team," Coach Deb The Iowa women'. bllketball SUll on the injured lIat lor the UNFURNISHED, t~'ll baths, kitchen Hours: 3-9 pm, Monday·Friday. No ex· ---. ------~onditlon. low miles, leaving country WooclIide Ald. "WlnnInI tbla team crept one step c10eer to the Hawks, now 2-G In dual meets, VW rep8lrs. Type I. II, III , at reasonable nust sell. $2,950. Inspected. 338-6013, privileges, three bIo<:ks to campus, 590 Track perience necessary, salary plus bonus. monthly. 338-5091 or 351-8333. 2·10 event hid I Jll)'cholosiCll effect .500 mark Friday evening at the are distance runner Joei' rales. Compare our prices on tune-up, 337-7794,354-1125. 2-8 brake, dutdl. muffler and engine (Ner· ______III \II fer the nat ~ the meet." Field HOIIIII by poeling a c0n­ 'lbe weather WII cold, the Moeller and Joe Paul and high INSUL·SOUNO INC. MEN, nonsmoking graduate pre/erred Coralville hau!. We have 8 good selection 0/ used flEUABLE 1969 Pontiac. red Itle, $350. kHchen. utilities paid. 337-5652 after 5: Wooda1de bid ample I'UIOIII vincing 74-64 win over Northem crowd amall and the oppoelUon jwnper Bill Hansen. 351-7114 VW s. We buy for salvage . Sorry no' 151-1173, evenings. 2-8 lor belna pIeued after the lint Iowa. Coach Lark Blrdaong Ald weak, but IIverll Iowl track· Iowa enters Big Ten com­ 2.t phone. Hours are: Monday·Friday, 8 ____...:.. ______2-9 mol 'lbe team ~ DIane Jller, her Hawkeyes played "one of men had good Individual per. petition next Saturday at .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii am-9 pm: Saturday, 8 am·5 pm; SUnday •. IoIUSTANG II · 1974 ard 1978, excelle" 'I It am·4 pm . Walt's VW Repair, Hwy. 6 · ~on . Before 10 am .. after 4 pm. SlNGLE" roo.;; ·511C). d~bi~·;~ $60, Julie Blty, Robin Relf and Us our best lames 01 the year," U formances Saturday II the Minnesota. The Gophers, a The Daily Iowan West, Opposite F&S Feed. CoraMlte. 2-6 138-6088. 2-8 kitchen privileges. Call 337-3763 Of MacBride lit III Iowa and pool IowI'slIuon record moved to Hawkeyes defeated Auguatlftl perennial power in the con­ . 353-4768. ask for Vic. 2-8 record in the .yard medley in a non«oring meet It the ference, IoIt Saturday, needs carriers for the fol· 6-1. to MUSICAL SHARE four·bedroom house, Iota of relay. The four Iwlmmera SII·foot sophomore center RecreaUon Building. Iowa State. lowing areas: AUTOS FOREIGN light. close In. $75 plus utilities. 338- IInlIbed the event with I lime ~ Erin McGrane came off the • N. Linn, N. Dubuque, E. INSTRUMENTS . 2790. 2-1 11115 VW. red title, good engine, $300 or .------tw~ four minutes, nine and bench to tally a game-high 28 Davenport, N. Clinton, E. BARENREITER Biocldloten. used less best oller. 82&-2554; 351-4052. 1-31 OUIET; spaciOUS singls on N. Clinton; tentbl .condI, I time that alIo points for Iowa. MOlt of Bloomington than two hours, $90. Contact 354-1196,. grad student preferred. Private lV, re- qIIIllfied the team for the To place your classified ~d in the DI come to Room after 7 pm. 3.10 MUST salt 1976 TA-7, under guarantee. frigerator. $125. 337-9759. 1-30 McGrane'. points were ICOl'ed ______5,000 miles, air, FM, $5,000 or beat oller. natlonala. directly under the buket II the 111, Communications Center, corner of College & • N. Linn, E. Jefferson, N. Dubuque, E. Market, N. TRUMPET, Besson model 810 with ease 354-5734. after 2 pm. 2-7 LARGE furnished on campus.Cllnton All-American Jller fIn1ahed Hawks uaed their height ad· Madison. 11 am is the deadline for placing and cancel· and anorted mutes. 354.5965. 3.9 -======;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;= Street, kllchen privileges. 338-4320. !be flrat III of the event In van..,e effectively. ling classifieds. Hours: 8 am -5 pm, Monday·' Clinton , :- 351-6129. 2-2 1:01.7, whicb qUlllfles her ler The Hawks took 21-20 lead GUITAR & 5 string banjo wilh case. ex· HOUSE FOR RENT ROOMS with cOOkIng privileges. B1ac\('s a Thursday; 8 am ·4 pm on Friday. Open during the • 1st - 4th Ave., 2nd Ave. !be nationala In the tOO-yard 7: 50 the callent condition. 338-4513. 1·27 Gasiighl Village, 422 Brown Sl. 2.21 with remaining In flrat noon hour. blCbtroke event. Jqer also half and never rel1nqu.lahed It. Pl., 5th SI., 6th Ave. TROMBONE Ki 3B 'Ih F ch 1225, two bedrooms: pets. child OK' no • : ng WI ana men! lease. Rental Directory, 338-7997, 511 EFFICIENCIES available for second recorded vlctorieJ in the 100- With 11·0 center Cindy MINIMUM AD • 10 WORDS • 3rd· 6th Ave., 4th Ave. world s greatest slide. 338-4313. 2-t Iowa Ave. 1-31 semester. Call lor delails, 35t-7360. 2-26 IIId 2CJO.yard blckatroke events. IlllJieJorde continually finding No refunds if cancelled PI., 5th Ave Pl., 7th SI. GUtLO Madlera Acoustic guitar, good . - eo.c.ptain Daty won the 100- McGrane under the blaket with condition, $135 wilh case. 354.5690. FARMHOUSE four miles out, bus. $170 ------10 wds. ·3 days· $3.05 1.30 plus utililles. February I . 645-29n. 2-6 STUDENT couple wanted 10 work motal IIId 2CJO.yard breaatatroke with sharp pallle8, Iowa eltended Its 10 wds - 5 days· $3.40 • 20th Ave, 9th SI., 8th SI. ______.:... ____ desk In exchange for living quarters. Umea of 1:10.2 and 2:37.5, 40-27 Cnrl'llville. MARTIN 000-28 guitar. $525; t928 Na $150, three bedroom, yard. garden; pets, 351-1 t27, any time. 2-28 lead to at the game's 10 wds .. 10 days· $4.30 reapectlvely, while eatabllahing midpoint. tlonal guitar; both excellent. 351.6023' children OK. Rental Directory, 338·7997, 01 Classified~.. bring results I Route average % hr. 2.3 511 Iowa Ave. 1-26 FURNISHED single tor graduate near • pool and two Iowl reccrda In Throuahout the second half, hospital; private refrigerator, television; each at $30 per mo., 5 ------~. excites you !be events. Daty alIo won the lowl enjoyed leacia rana\ng -:...... :-...---- ROLAND RE-201 Space Echo, under THREE bedroom, carpeted. thirteen $110; 337-9759. 1-3t I»-yard Indlvldual medley with from nine to 20 points, utIll.zIng PERSONALS PERSONALS days per wk. Delivery warranty. perfect condition. $450 or besl miles south Iowa City, $150. 679-2558. .. goodfood • time of 2: 17.1 to edge Gopher fine ball-bandling and team _ .. . by 7:30. No collec- offer. Call collect 1-323-1398. 1-31 3-3 All·AmericllI Sue Blolltey. APARTMENTS : ...... •••.. ~ .,..J,@. ....J::~ WANTED: Actress-actor·dancer for ex· tions, no weekends. Iowa had other victories frtm l!/.': perimsntal muslc·lhealre-comedy en- INSTRUCTION DUPLEX FOR RENT Relf, who won both the 100- IDd : RED : ,.:::;" semble. (No money promised). Non· Call the Circulation • .. Lots . ';1~1 standard perceiver wih ideas 0/ own in- Dept. 353.6203. HARPSICHORD Instruction by experl· ·100 deposit $215 two bedroom' pels SUBLEASE modern, Iwo bedroom "IIIIIf. donllt, ex· coralive painting. or quick landscapes soulh window. garage, garden $300 AfIo .. IIC' DI\'11fOtt JIIJil =0:-__------.. rackets strung with gut. 338-0474. 2. 1 C8IIenI pay, cItooIeschedule belt lUited. wiUt oils. Pickup class schedule at Stiers 351·3251.351.9065. ' 1.30 SUBLEASE lakeside efficiency apart· .. L p" G. NO COVER CHARGE ..-z....~ 338-8423. atter 1 pm. 1-31 Crafts, 413 Kirkwood , 338-3919. 2-23 ment. heat ard water provided. 5160 un- ~1adI'1ph1a l2 14 ... - .: ... Monday thru Thursday FISHING. Ski ard Bass Boals . Winter TWO bedroom duplex, unfurnlshed l furnished. 354-3691 , 353-5512. 2·2 New VcR a 2:l .~2 7 ~ ~Uk) • .dI!.I"" ..... ""//I Bot/!J \0 I. 21 »4 15 t!llllf;jW.. pnces, Spring layaway. 15 1t Tri Hull, TUTOR wonled: Medical or grad student GUITAR lessons· Beginning· pandng, Coralville, $215. 338-3342. 3-1 ' ------80&I0Il II • m 17 This Week: • BtBUOGRAPHV researdl: Any depart· $599. 50 used oulboards. 35 HP pro/iden! in dlernistry. physics, biology inlarmed,at&-classical·Flamenco, 100k. . FURNtSHED one bedroom apartment Ntw ...... ) , " 1'1 U', ment, any topic. Graduate and proles- JOhnson. $779. 17 It. aluminum canoes. and verbal skills. Call collect, 217.367. 337-9216. leave message. 2-8 seven miles soulh Iowa City. 679-2558. ('''''t.r D,dri6" • HOMESTRETCH: slona\. DJS Enlerpnses. 338-0148. 2-2 $215. Tlit traliers. S169. All boats. 0011. 3-6 FILLER 3-9 " 1 P<, CS • Mon· Tues Specials: : -:======-::.- motors, canoes. trailers on sale. Buy ------­ $110, one bedroom ; pets, dlild OK; no San AnlOnoo It I' .117 - now, pay in Spring. Beat Ute price raises. COUPLE to baby sil children. March MISCELLANEOUS Wasllln(l"" : $1. 25 Pitchers • ,Blark's, Prairie du Chl.n. Wisconsin. 3-14 , near hospila\. 337-5433 1·30 lease. Rental Directory, 338-7997, 511 _Orle. ••21 21 A Course of Action Iowa Avenue. 1-31 • • Phone 326-2478. Open all nights and . • ,. A-Z 0.,,11"" 2%23 • 25c off • Sundays. 2.22 BOLEO Chlldcare <.;enter neeo_ AIJ.onIl ZJ. Air Force ROTC : Mixed Drinks : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: childcare workers . Must qualify lor work . . ROOMMATE NEAR University Hospital. bus· Oui91 H IOn I' » • : . 'Iudy. 10-20 hours per week. Wages MARANTZ 1070. Thorens lurntable and two bedroom, 415 Woodside. no pets • Bpm ~ ,"",t" r"./,.'rttf"' •••••••••••••••••••• If you 've gol two academic from $3.10-$3.50 deperding on eKPeri. JBL speakers . 353-1539, Mike. 2-1 WANTED $260.338-7332, 351 -2t54. 351·1272. ~i4 •••t Il",.1tUt ence. Call Maureen at 353-4658. 2- t 2-1 " , Pr.-' 08 years remaining in school ______PETS ______ASAHI Pentax KM with 50mm 11 .7, MALE, own bedroom, $97 monthly, Dtrwtr 1117131_ (graduate or undergraduate) BEAUTIFUL, trained SeHer/Retriever DES Moines Register carrie" 35mm f3.5, 135mm 13.5, plus acces· quiet, bus block, furnished. Coralville. ONE bedroom apartment, $150. 338 • CiorI", • I: ~2 \', V. needs lCl'Jing home. 8-5 pm. needed· Several areas Iowa City ane sories. Stilt under warranty. 351-4875. 2-10 2238. after 5 pm. 2-1 ,\WnUlIff • U ~I 5 .ij~la!4iJI look into our AFROTC prog· 338-9466, $300. 338- DoITOIt 2215181 CoralVille. Earn Irom S30 to $200. How 0135. 2-1 1 rams. It's one way of planning much you want to earn? Call 337. SHARE bedroom Seville Apartment ONE bedroom lurnlshed sublet. Cali 1t n tt; 18 1 do two 1- ENDS WED. NAL g g Kanoos ClI) I J3 U7 15 for a good future . Get all the PpRO~ESSkIOI t dO gl rfolomin • 2289, Mr. Sottong or Mr. Ambrose. 2.24 ROUND poker lable. contact 354-1196, _$1_1_0,_bu_S_. _38_.608_8_._anyti...:..-·m_e_. __2_.8 evenings, 354-7441 . 1-31 up~,es , tens. trop l ca sh . pel after 7 pm. 3-10 (lOllllloft Shows: • , I'r, Cl8 details today. supplies. Brenneman Seed Siore. 1500 FULL time evening waller.waitress· MALE· Take (Ner Currier Orm coruact. SUBLEASE one-bedroom. furnished • Pwtland 17 I m _ 1:3().3 :50-6:30-9:00 1st A~enue South . 338-8501. 3-2 Saturday and Sunday morning host:' AUTOMOBILE AM·FM 8-track Slereo- pay only 60 parcent room ard board. Coralville apartment; $170 monthly. 1'112_ .., 31 15 &71 6', Call: 353-3937 =:::::::::::::::::==::::::::::::;, hostess and Salurday evening host. radio. 'Jnlvarsal mounting. 3?,\-5965. 3-9 . 337-3916. 2-1 354-3654. 1-31 S.. 11Io a I: 541 II', hOSless. Full Iringe benefits. Apply in I• .,.,. SIa'. ZJ 2$ 47t a', & person Hoiday Inn, Iowa Cily. 354·1770. FM ENTtiUSIASTS • New Channel Mas­ PERSON to ~~~e house. with'one other. JANUARY 28 sublease . Large. two I "., " ~t 222$~I& LOST FOUND t-24 ter Probe 9 directional FM antema with Rent plus uUllties · Studio space open bedroom, $220, CoralVille. 354.1129, .. ", .. den. ",... fI. Alliance heavy duty automatic rotor, 100' now. After 6 pm" 351 -0804. 2-1 after 5 pm. 1.30 GoIdtn S\..ttt. Booton '" FINEST MEXICAN FOOD LOST· Woman's tur hat. name "Rose" feel Belden coax ard corductor wire. AI"'nla 1111 IMI,I. 111% ======::::=== B:UR sewn illSlde. part of set . Reward. 351- 1-377-7612. atter 6 pm. 2-2 P.RE/AMPLIFIER required, share. fur· CLOSE in. three bedrooms, garage. WI2ShIn 1011 III. I ... AJlf/flol IU IN TOWN 1S 4779. 2·3 WANTED TO BUY nish337~82h7ou. se. own room : $110, utiMti 8S.. Must see. $3t5. 354-3043. 1-30 ~ ~~ 1t11ll'1I1lMl1JI ~ At the best prices. SOUNDCRAFTSMAN RP2212 - 2 1 TACO JOHN'S, squalizer. MInI. 1-377-7812, alter 6 pm. WANTED · Electric typewriter with Inter· . TWO room furnished apartment. 2730 2-2 ROOMMATE. $75 a month. Call 337· Wayne , $160 monthly. Call Bob 354. Hwy 8, CotIlMle. changeable typing bali. Phone Vaughan, - HELP WANTED 9572 Of 338-4135. 2-8 3t76, weekends; weekdays . 7-8:30 am , TI)I us, youl be pleased...... ______354·3303. t-30 _ TtiE BUDGET SHOP, 2121 S. Riverside MONDAY FEMALE to share large, furniShed !We- _4-_7_pm_. ______-======- TYPIST, work'study; accuracy. experj. Drive, is consigning and setling used cia- t~iitlll ICHTHYS ence pre/erred. $3.50. 20 hours weekly. thing, furlllture and apllallC9s. We trade bedroom apartment with .same. $115. DUBUQUE St .. one bedroom. com. Now End. Wid. IIbItt, _ , IndGtfIShop T'ane, Free Envlronmenl. 353-3688. WHO DOES III paperback bool

BI,""RIGHT-33WM5 7359. 3·10 BOLEX H. 16 movie camera. 3 tens tur· sao plul ullNties. 338-5364. 2-2' '.73 14x70 Freedom, two bedroom. n.30 Market rei : 75mm·f2.8. lemm·tt.5. $300. M' den, washer·dryer, stove. refrigerator. P'egnancy Test I Washington &Gilbert Confidential HelP ANTIQUES Ludolph, Walker. t-448-4189. 1-30 , IIIDDLE ctan comtort can be yours central air, disposal. located In Weat TACO JOHN'S ______------lOW. Spacious paneled b.droom In Branch, cheap. 354.5965, 3-9 ~·16 Hwy. e. Cotllllllie. BLOOM Antiques . Downlown WeI'man. USED vacuum cleans,s ,easonably nodern house. Close to Cambus, cam· COMINO out? Meail ng lor newiy gay Now IIIOng IflIlIIcotions. Iowa. 'hree buildings lull. 2.9 priced. Brandy's Vacuum,35t.14S3. 2-1E pus . Otf street parking. Available 1m Regal 14x68· Partially fumlshed, 11IOW·337.58 t9. 2·9 ' women and tor lesbians new 10 lowl Full and pwl.1Im •. deluxe Inlerlor. beautiful sunken liVing Clty. Tueedily, January 31. 7:30 al Ute Flexible houra Ivlillbl• . room. air. washer and dryer. Indian W.R A.C., t30 N. lMdison. 1-30 I DISCOUNTED FREIGHT · Wall plc~ MALE share two-bedroom apartment, LooI