Guía inglés IV T.V CECYT 1 G.V.V. Enero 2018



Guía inglés IV T.V CECYT 1 G.V.V. Enero 2018

1. Complete the sentences with yet or still.

1 Has Sarah got her exam results ______? 2 Write a few more lines. You haven’t written enough ______. 3 They haven’t changed the sign. They’re ______mending the old one. 4 My car’s been in the garage for two weeks. They’re ______working on it! 5 Sorry, I haven’t tidied my room ______but I’ll do it right now. 6 He’s ______reading that book I gave him – he hasn’t given it back yet.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. listen | wear | give | call | turn | laugh | get | leave | leave be

1 If there’s a fire, ______the emergency services immediately. 2 If you eat too much, you ______fat. 3 If you leave ice in the sun, it ______into water. 4 If it rains before seven, it ______usually fine by eleven. 5 If your hair is long, ______a swimming cap in the pool. 6 As soon as you ______, call me. 7 When I tell a joke, nobody ______. 8 When I feel sad, I ______to happy music. 9 If you don’t like sleeping in the dark, ______the light on. 10 When you see Joe, ______him this message.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 If you ______harder, you’ll succeed. (try) 2 If Sarah ______, she’ll be late. (not hurry) 3 Unless we start now, we ______in time. (not finish) 4 If the weather’s good, we ______football. (play) 5 If he ______help, he’ll ask you for it. (need) 6 Everyone ______if you wear that hat. (laugh)

7 If you tell me your secret, I ______anyone. (not tell) 8 Unless it ______, the match will take place. (rain) 9 If you ______too late, you’ll miss breakfast. (get up) 10 If you get married, ______me to the wedding? (you, invite)

4. Make notes about these areas and add two more things to the list.

We have to start looking after our world! Have you thought about these issues? • If we don’t recycle, … • If we don’t stop wasting water, … • If we don’t try to save our rainforests, … • If we don’t try to stop global warming, … • If we don’t save energy by switching off lights, …

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5. Circle the correct relative pronouns.

1 She’s the girl that / which started at our school last week. 2 I know the people where / whose shop this is. 3 That’s the stadium which / where the match is going to be. 4 Is this the book who / that you were telling me about? 5 This is the place which / where I want to live one day. 6 This is the author that / whose book won a prize. 7 What’s the name of the street who / which leads to the park? 8 This is the house that / where I was born. 9 They are the kind of people who / whose are always happy to help. 10 My friend is somebody who / which loves swimming in the sea.

6. Complete the sentences with the past simple passive (PS) or present perfect passive (PP) of the verb in brackets.

1 The criminal ______by the police yesterday. (arrest) (PS) 2 They ______about the change of plan. (inform) (PP) 3 The train service ______recently. (improve) (PP) 4 The old house ______years ago. (destroy) (PS) 5 The cleaners ______by the manager. (criticise) (PP) 6 The ceiling ______by Leonardo da Vinci. (paint) (PS) 7 The cars ______in Italy. (make) (PS) 8 The window ______by that awful boy. (break) (PS) 9 All the prisoners ______to the new prison. (take) (PP) 10 The room ______very well. (not clean) (PP)

7. Circle the correct tense.

1 This place looks different! They’ve changed / been changing the furniture. 2 You look guilty. You’ve eaten / been eating chocolate, haven’t you! 3 We’re ready. We’ve practised / been practising for weeks. 4 She’s loved / been loving him for years. 5 I’ve studied / been studying all day. I need a break now. 6 Have you always wanted / been wanting to be a doctor?

7 I’ve wondered / been wondering what to buy you for your birthday. 8 He’s done / been doing his driving test twice already, but he still hasn’t passed. 9 Your hands are covered in paint. What have you painted / been painting? 10 Where are you? I’ve waited / been waiting for half an hour and you’re still not here!

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to + base form. Then tick (√) the three gaps where you can use would instead of used to.

1 When I was younger, I ______blonde hair, but it’s much darker now. (have) 2 ______much when you were younger, Granddad? (you, travel)

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3 I ______spinach at all, but I love it now. (not like) 4 I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid. I ______every book I could find about them. (read) 5 When my parents were children, they ______a car. (not have) 6 Our holiday was so relaxing. Every day we ______late and go to the beach. We ______in the sun for ages. (get up, lie)

9. Read the article and circle T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.

Alain Robert: the human ‘Spiderman’ Alain Robert is a 47-year-old Frenchman. He has climbed the world’s tallest buildings –including the , Paris, in Canary Wharf, , and the in New York. In 2009, he finally succeeded in climbing the 88-floor, 452-metre in , , the third tallest building in the world. It was his third attempt. Robert climbs buildings without permission, and he has often been arrested for climbing them, but that doesn’t stop him. He was held by the police in Malaysia after his climb, and he could have gone to prison for six months. Robert has become so famous that he is often asked by companies to climb as part of advertising campaigns. In 2003, he climbed the National Bank of with a crowd of 100,000 people watching. In the same year he climbed the Lloyd’s of London building for the first time – wearing a ‘Spiderman’ costume, because he was paid by Sky Movies to advertise the TV premiere of the Spiderman film. Although this is a very dangerous extreme sport, Robert has only had one accident while climbing high structures. It happened when he was sitting on traffic lights, having his photo taken for a magazine. But he had more serious accidents when he was rock climbing, before he started climbing buildings. In 1982, he fell 15 metres and broke both his arms and his nose and was in a coma for five days. He was told he would never climb again, but within a year he was climbing again.

1 Alain Robert has tried to climb the world’s third tallest building more than once. T / F 2 He has climbed 47 tall buildings. T / F 3 He often climbs even though he isn’t allowed to. T / F 4 He sometimes gets into trouble after his climbs. T / F 5 He has never fallen off a building. T / F

10. Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past simple of the verbs in the brackets.

1 She ______the letters two hours before he ______. (hide, arrive) 2 The team ______ten matches before they decided to change their manager. (lose) 3 We took off our coats as soon as we ______. (arrive) 4 They took a break because they ______all their homework. (finish) 5 Tom ______her because she ______to him before. (not believe, lie) 6 It was awful. I ______anything like that before. (not see) 7 She ______angry because they ______her ideas. (be, copy) 8 The police had received secret information so they ______the thieves easily. (catch) 9 I ______that I ______something stupid. (realise, say)

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10 He ______of this moment, but he still couldn’t believe it ______. (dream, finally happen)

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