September 5, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1593 HONORING CARA FISHER Bill Raimer was stationed on the USS Flying HONORING HOWARD AND MARY Fish—an SSÐ229 Gato Class that LOUISE SHAW HON. SCOTT McINNIS was 311 feet long and carried a crew of 67 OF COLORADO men led by nine officers—as a radioman. On HON. SCOTT McINNIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the morning of May 29, 1945, the USS Flying OF COLORADO Wednesday, September 05, 2001 Fish submerged and left to an undis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES closed location that was later revealed to be Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Wednesday, September 5, 2001 extend my congratulations to Cara Fisher, the the Sea of . The Flying Fish was trav- Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Director of the Can˜on City Public Library His- eling in a wolf pack called Hydeman’s Hell- pay tribute to Howard and Mary Louise Shaw tory Center, for receiving the 2001 Colorado cats, which were three groups of three sub- for their generous gift which will help to pro- State Honor Award. Through her diligent ef- marines. The crew was charged with the duty, long and improve the lives of countless cancer forts of preservation in Can˜on City, Cara has under the orders of Commander Robert D. patients on the Western Slope. Howard Shaw, contributed volumes to our historical knowl- Risser, of spending two weeks in the Sea de- who recently passed away, did not let the op- edge as well as revitalizing significant portions stroying the remains of the Japanese fleet and portunity slip by to set in motion the founda- of the city. any supply ships heading for Japan. Their tions for the Shaw Cancer Center. I would like Cara is one of thirteen children who grew up path was laced with mines at various depths to honor this great man and also to thank and in a large house with important historical ties. and different locations. As the submarine float- recognize his wife, Mary Louise, who con- At one point, an individual threatened to tear ed by mines, crewmembers could hear the an- tinues to watch the project progress. the house down. However, the family sought For years, cancer patients on the Western to obtain a purchaser and was successful in chor cables of the mines brush against the slope have been underserved; patients in six preserving the house. Stemming from this ex- outside walls. Under attack by depth charges, counties have had no option but to drive perience, Cara gained an appreciation for pre- the USS Flying Fish felt the shakes from the across the Continental Divide to Denver in serving historical buildings and this has served explosions, but was not destroyed. However, a order to receive cancer treatments. As a re- as her guiding light for 17 years in Can˜on City. companion ship—the USS Bonefish—was not sult, patients were left stranded from their fam- Her particular focus is on preparing grants for so lucky and 85 men were lost at sea. ily and friends at a time when a strong support substantial projects, and she has been an in- The USS Flying Fish was an integral part of system is most important. tegral person in numerous efforts for the city. the efforts to ensure the Japanese fleet did The Colorado State Honor Award acknowl- Mary Louise and Howard understood this edges her persistence and dedication to her not succeed in World War II. Out of the nearly need, and they decided to do something about passion. Cara Fisher has dedicated much of 300 in that area at the time, 52 it. They ‘‘jump-started the project’’ by providing her time to ensure that our past is preserved were sunk—a statistic that Bill Raimer remem- over 2/3 of the estimated cost for the 60,000 and not compromised. bers all too well. After the war, he moved to square-foot, $19 million Shaw Cancer Center, Mr. Speaker, as we progress into the future, Montrose, Colorado with his brother 56 years located in Vail Valley. Not only will patients be able to receive treatment closer to home, but I would like to thank Cara for all of her work ago. Although he was awarded numerous rib- they will have access to state-of-the art treat- and congratulate her for being honored with bons and medals, he is most proud of his the 2001 Colorado State Honor Award. ment. Reporter Kathy Heicher quotes Dr. Submariners Medal that was presented to him Rifkin, the Director of Medical Oncology Serv- f by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. ices for the Shaw Cancer Center, as saying, HONORING WILLIAM RAIMER FOR Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to ‘‘The treatment patients can get at the Shaw HIS MILITARY SERVICE commend William Raimer on his service to Cancer Center is as good as anywhere in the this great Nation. His spirit of patriotism added region. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for HON. SCOTT McINNIS to the success of the Allied Forces and en- the patients and the people that will work there.’’ OF COLORADO sured their victory in the Pacific Ocean. While Mr. Speaker, thanks to Howard and Mary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3,308 submarines never returned home from Louise Shaw, cancer patients in the Western the war, William Raimer was a survivor and is Wednesday, September 05, 2001 Slope can receive top-notch care without sac- Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, following the able to share his story with others. I thank Bill rificing the support of friends and family. How- bombing of , many of our citizens for his dedication and extend my best wishes ard’s legacy has already taken hold, and his dedicated their efforts to the success of our to him and his family in the time to come. generosity will relieve many of the added bur- military forces. William Horace Raimer is the dens associated with not having local care. I embodiment of service, success, and sacrifice would like to pay tribute to him and to Mary and clearly deserves recognition from this Louise on behalf of Congress for this invalu- body. able gift.

VerDate 112000 05:29 Sep 06, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05SE8.007 pfrm04 PsN: E05PT1 E1594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 5, 2001 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS SEPTEMBER 11 opment of energy resources on Indian Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, 10 a.m. and Alaska Native lands, including the generation and transmission of elec- agreed to by the Senate on February 4, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions To hold hearings to examine early learn- tricity. 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- ing as an investment for children and SD–366 tem for a computerized schedule of all the future. meetings and hearings of Senate com- SR–325 SEPTEMBER 13 mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine issues relat- tees, and committees of conference. Commerce, Science, and Transportation ing to the failure of Superior Bank, This title requires all such committees To hold hearings to examine Corporate FSB, Hinsdale, Illinois. to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Stand- Digest—designated by the Rules com- SD–538 10:30 a.m. ards. mittee—of the time, place, and purpose Judiciary SR–253 of the meetings, when scheduled, and To hold hearings on the nomination of 10 a.m. any cancellations or changes in the John P. Walters, of Michigan, to be Di- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions meetings as they occur. rector of National Drug Control Policy. To hold hearings to examine issues con- As an additional procedure along SD–226 cerning genetics. with the computerization of this infor- 2 p.m. SD–430 mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Commerce, Science, and Transportation 2 p.m. Digest will prepare this information for Communications Subcommittee Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions printing in the Extensions of Remarks To hold hearings to examine E–911 issues. Public Health Subcommittee SR–253 section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD To hold hearings to examine human pro- on Monday and Wednesday of each tection issues. SEPTEMBER 12 SD–430 week. 9 a.m. Meetings scheduled for Thursday, Commerce, Science, and Transportation Judiciary Science, Technology, and Space Sub- September 6, 2001 may be found in the Immigration Subcommittee committee Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. To hold hearings to examine S. 1265, to To hold hearings to examine digital di- amend the Immigration and Nation- vide issues. MEETINGS SCHEDULED ality Act to require the Attorney Gen- SR–253 eral to cancel the removal and adjust the status of certain aliens who were SEPTEMBER 7 SEPTEMBER 19 brought to the United States as chil- 9:30 a.m. dren. 2 p.m. Armed Services SD–226 Judiciary Closed business meeting to continue mark- 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings on S. 702, for the relief up on proposed legislation authorizing Governmental Affairs of Gao Zhan. appropriations for fiscal year 2002 for To hold hearings to examine the security SD–226 military activities of the Department of critical governmental infrastruc- of Defense. ture. SEPTEMBER 20 SR–222 SD–342 10 a.m. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Children and Families Subcommittee To hold oversight hearings to examine To hold hearings on the nomination of To hold hearings to examine the national the Administration’s national money Eugene Scalia, of Virginia, to be Solic- health crisis regarding teen and young laundering strategy for 2001. adult suicide issues. itor for the Department of Labor. SD–538 SD–430 SD–430 Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Joint Economic Committee 2 p.m. Business meeting to consider S. 952, to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions To hold hearings to examine the employ- provide collective bargaining rights for To hold hearings to examine the effects ment-unemployment situation for Au- public safety officers employed by of the drug OxyContin. gust. States or their political subdivisions; SD–430 1334, Longworth Building S. 928, to amend the Age Discrimina- 10 a.m. tion in Employment Act of 1967 to re- Judiciary quire, as a condition of receipt or use SEPTEMBER 25 To hold hearings to examine the histor- of Federal financial assistance, that 10 a.m. ical opportunity for U.S.-Mexico mi- States waive immunity to suit for cer- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions gration discussions. tain violations of that Act, and to af- Public Health Subcommittee SD–106 firm the availability of certain suits To hold hearings to examine environ- 10:30 a.m. for injunctive relief to ensure compli- mental health issues. Commission on Security and Cooperation ance with that Act; and the nomina- SD–430 in Europe tion of Brian Jones, of California, to be 2 p.m. To hold a joint briefing to examine re- General Counsel, Department of Edu- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions search data on domestic violence and cation. Employment, Safety and Training Sub- the extent to which governments, par- SD–430 committee ticularly law enforcement authorities, 2 p.m. To hold hearings to examine workplace have fulfilled their responsibilities to Judiciary protect individuals from such abuse, fo- safety for immigrant workers. Technology, Terrorism, and Government SD–430 cusing on U.S. models for providing Information Subcommittee services to victims of domestic vio- To hold hearings to examine the Privacy SEPTEMBER 26 lence, including the response of faith- Act of 2001, focusing on the preserva- based communities. tion of privacy for social security num- 10 a.m. 2200 Rayburn Building bers, health information, and Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions commerical actions in the 21st century. Business meeting to consider pending SEPTEMBER 10 SD–226 calendar business. 3 p.m. Commission on Security and Cooperation SD–430 Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions in Europe To hold hearings to examine contracep- To hold hearings to examine U.S. policy tive insurance coverage issues. toward the Organization for Security CANCELLATIONS SD–430 and Cooperation in Europe and review 3:30 p.m. the implementation of OSCE human SEPTEMBER 19 Environment and Public Works rights commitments. Transportation, Infrastructure, and Nu- SR–485 10 a.m. clear Safety Subcommittee 2:30 p.m. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions To hold oversight hearings to examine Indian Affairs Children and Families Subcommittee the implementation of the Intelligent Energy and Natural Resources To hold hearings to examine early child- Transportation Systems program. To hold joint hearings to examine legis- hood issues. SD–406 lative proposals relating to the devel- SD–430

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