STATE WATER RESOURCES INSTITUTE Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

1123 Bradfield Hall, Cornell University Tel: (607) 255-3034 Ithaca, NY 14853-1901 Fax: (607) 255-2016 Email: [email protected]

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure Systems in and Municipalities

Kieran P. Donaghy Department of City and Regional Planning Cornell University, 106 W. Sibley Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853

Table 1. Types of Interdependence between Critical Infrastructure Systems in Hudson River Communities in Northeast Orange County

Types of Interdependence Examples from Northeast Orange County Municipalities Physical Interdependence Water mains underlie streets and railroad tracks. Budgetary Interdependence The scope of transportation improvements and water infrastructure upgrades is constrained by limited capital Budgets. Market Interdependence and Smart-growth-oriented urban regeneration in the City of Newburgh Spatial Economic Competition competes with ex-urban housing development in the Town of Newburgh and the Town of New Windsor.

Informational Interdependence For a viable regional water-sharing plan and regional economic development to go forward, multiple stakeholders must share information and craft stable inter-municipal agreements (IMAs). Environmental Interdependence The quality of water in Washington Lake is affected by runoff of new exurban housing developments and new access roads.


We have succeeded in developing component models of a prototype planning support system (PSS) for managing change in water infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River municipalities subject to interdependencies with other infrastructure systems, budget constraints, and principles of smart growth. We have also succeeded in partnering with a Hudson River municipality to develop and demonstrate the usefulness of the PSS in a test-bed application. The PSS when completed will enable users to determine what should be done by whom, when, where and by how much in order to implement water infrastructure repairs and upgrades in Northeast Orange A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

County (NEOC) that are consistent with transportation and land-use plans promoting smart growth. It also indicates what the economic impacts of the capital investments in NEOC would likely be, based on differing assumptions about the level of expenditures, their source, and how they are financed. The PSS can be used by stakeholders to explore contingent paths between interdependent decisions and identify a feasible set of alternative inter-municipal agreements (IMAs).

Three Summary Points of Interest • We have demonstrated that it is possible to examine a spectrum of implications of alternative water and transportation infrastructure repairs and upgrades over multiple periods from a comprehensive regional planning perspective in a PSS. • An implication of the solution of the models in the PSS is that it will be difficult to implement all changes elaborated by existing plans without alternative financial arrangements and stable, mutually acceptable IMAs. • Water and transportation infrastructure investments would appear to favor higher-income households over lower-income households, in the sense of being welfare-improving, indicating that distributional impacts should be explicitly considered in planning infrastructural changes.

Keywords: Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems, Planning Support System, Smart Growth, Inter-municipal Agreements

1. Introduction Much of the municipal infrastructure built within the last century, including that in many New York State communities has reached the end of its service life and much of the infrastructure needing substantial repair or replacement is water- related. At historical junctures such as this, societies have been confronted with choices to make regarding the lumpy, long-lived investments that infrastructure systems represent. Do they rebuild for a past period, thereby re-imposing or preserving old constraints on land uses and activity patterns, or do they develop new infrastructure systems, embodying new technologies, informed by new principles, and opening up new possibilities for land uses and activity patterns? Perhaps they embrace a combination of these two options. The present situation is complicated further, not only by the interdependence of municipal infrastructure systems and the interdependence of regional municipalities, but also by the need to use infrastructure investments to transition to sustainable lifestyles and, some would argue, to reinvigorate industries in decline. As infrastructure planners and other interested parties confront this reality they will surely ask themselves the following questions:

• What interdependent decisions are associated with managing changes in urban infrastructure systems? • What theoretical, methodological, informational, and political resources are available for supporting such decisions? • Who are the stakeholders, what are their interests, and how can they be involved in formulating and implementing comprehensive planning responses on a regional scale?

Given the complexity of the relationships between interdependent infrastructure-based networked systems, their jurisdictions, their controllers, and the nature of their financing, it is clear that their will be multiple agents—both public and private—facing this planning problem, that their decisions may have different time frames and may be taken from different perspectives but will surely affect each other, and that the overall infrastructure system (a system of systems) will be a complex adaptive one that is likely to give rise to emergent outcomes that no single ‘network controller’ will have intended.

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 2 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

Perhaps the best we can hope to accomplish in the face of complexity is to identify plans that are compatible within a web of overlapping plans of agents and planning jurisdictions—a feasible set of alternative solutions. In doing so, we will need to employ modeling tools and data bases to impose structure on problems, think through coordinated planning responses, and identify possibly compatible systems management plans. We will also want to avail ourselves of existing plans and studies and the knowledge and insights of an informed citizenry. Planning support systems facilitate implementation of the modeling and data analysis and integration of knowledge bases needed to identify a feasible set of alternative solutions to major infrastructure planning problems.

The purpose of the present project, supported by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Hudson River Estuary Program through the New York State Water Resources Institute, is to develop a planning support system (PSS) for managing change in water infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River municipalities, subject to interdependencies with other infrastructure systems, budget constraints, and principles of smart growth to which New York State is committed. In undertaking this project, we are partnering with representatives of a Hudson River municipality, the City of Newburgh, to develop and demonstrate the usefulness of the PSS in a test-bed application.

1.1 Modeling infrastructure systems to support planning decisions. Modeling infrastructure systems to support planning decisions poses numerous challenges. Terry Friesz and his colleagues in engineering at Pennsylvania State University (Friesz et al, 2007) suggest that it is helpful to view infrastructure systems involved with the movement of goods, passengers, information, water and energy as general transportation networks. Moreover, they argue that, to the extent such networked systems are interdependent, they should be viewed together as a system of systems. (See also Sheffi, 1985 and Nagurney and Dong, 2002.) Friesz et al (2007) view the five main sources of interdependence between generalized transportation networks as being physical interdependence, budgetary interdependence (when public financing is involved), market interdependence and spatial economic competition, informational interdependence, and environmental interdependence and congestion externalities. (See Table 1 for examples of these types of interdependence from Northeast Orange County municipalities.)

The practical challenge of implementing a system of systems framework in infrastructure planning exercises is to express the interdependencies between the infrastructure networks mathematically so that models supporting infrastructure planning can be formulated and solved. One way to proceed is to represent infrastructure systems as multi-layered infrastructure networks with constraints on how the networks are coupled. The layers can then be arranged in hierarchies reflecting their engineering and societal functions and the resulting multilayered coupling of infrastructure networks will constitute a system of systems.

Friesz et al (2007) remark that the over-all performance of a system of systems (SOS) “can be significantly influenced by decisions taken by individuals or groups at various levels in the subsystems (pg. 59).” Thus SOS modelers usually adopt a game-theoretic approach to representing interdependent strategic decision behavior. The workings of a system of infrastructure-based networked systems can be related to the workings of a regional economy it supports in a hybrid spatial computable general equilibrium (or SCGE) model (Donaghy, 2009). In such a model, the infrastructure networks can be represented in fine enough detail to support engineering analyses but also enable users to study the influence of specific infrastructure network features on relevant economic sectors at locations of interest.

One way to construct an SCGE model is by developing a top-down/bottom-up framework in which the top-down component is a computable general equilibrium (or CGE) model of the regional economy and the bottom-up component (or components) is a model (or models) of infrastructure network(s) of interest. (See Figure 1 for a characterization of a CGE model.) In such an arrangement, there can be a division of labor between the models such that each is employed in

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 3 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities the analysis of phenomena to which it is best suited—prices and quantities produced, exchanged, and consumed in the case of the top-down model and network modifications and flows in the case of the bottom-up model. Each model can pass information it develops to other models to be employed in their calculations.

Figure 1. Circular flow of products and payments in an economy. (Source: Sue Wing, 2004)

In the present case we seek to develop a regional CGE model embedded in a disequilibrium adjustment system to characterize the evolution of a regional water infrastructure system and the economy which it supports. Importantly, the model will focus on the implementation of options identified by existing planning documents. The stakeholders whose views are to be represented in the model are municipal governments or their representatives (e.g., municipal planning organizations), developers, firms, and households. Interdependent decisions associated with managing changes in water infrastructure systems concern when and where to introduce connectivity between independent water systems so as to develop a shared water system, what the reserve capacity of wastewater treatment plants should be, how costs should be shared and what user-fee schedules should be, how repairs or changes in multiple infrastructure systems should be coordinated, and how development plans in the Northeast Orange County region should be coordinated.

SOS models can be embedded with other tools—e.g., visualization tools or GIS tools—in decision-support and planning- support systems. Decision-support systems integrate subject-specific knowledge bases and analytical tools with inference engines to provide users with recommendations of decision sets and indications of probable outcomes of decisions taken. Planning-support systems go further, however, to indicate how decisions taken at one point in time or place by one set of agents are related to or condition other decisions occurring at other times and elsewhere.

1.2 Partnering community. The partnering community for this project is the City of Newburgh, in Orange County, situated about forty miles north of (NYC). The City of Newburgh is economically depressed with a declining industrial base and tax base, but it is experiencing an influx of young people desiring proximity to employment opportunities in NYC at a lower cost of living. The City’s water supply is the most intensively used in downstate New

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 4 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

York and its aquifers are sinking. The City’s primary sources of drinking water are located outside of the City, although much of the source water is not identified. Recent developments outside the City are causing runoff of pollutants into the City’s drinking water . The City’s water needs are related to the neighboring towns of New Windsor and Newburgh, which are dependent on the NYC aqueduct system, slated for shutdowns in 2016 and 2021, hence there is a need for a regional water-sharing plan.

The Orange County Water Authority (OCWA) has proposed a plan for inter-municipal collaboration that will, if acted upon, provide for interconnections between the City and the Towns and allow the three integrated systems to operate relatively independently of the NYC water supply system, provide for water supply capacity to address times when the NYC aqueduct supply is unavailable, provide for improved reliability among all three municipal supplies, and provide additional water supply capacity to address future growth projected within the Northeast Orange County area. All three communities need to adopt a facilities plan and secure funding for necessary infrastructure repairs and replacement.

1.3 Smart growth principles. An encouraging but complicating development has been the passage of the NYS Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act of 2010 (Gidaly, 2010), which affects how public grants and low-interest loans are awarded for public infrastructure projects. According to this legislation, among the guidelines that infrastructure projects must meet to qualify for support are:

• locating public infrastructure within existing municipal centers, • promoting development projects in developed areas or in areas identified for development in a comprehensive plan, local waterfront revitalization plan or brown-field redevelopment plan, • fostering mixed land uses and compact development, • providing for mobility through a variety of transportation choices, • coordinating action between state and local governments, and • promoting community-based planning and collaboration.

1.4 Existing planning documents drawn upon. In this project we have drawn upon existing planning documents which characterize live options for responding to the needs of the City of Newburgh and its neighboring communities, the Town of Newburgh and the Town of New Windsor. These include the “Newburgh Area Transportation and Land Use Study (2012),” the “Northeast Orange County Water Supply Project Facility Plan (2014),” the “ Watershed Management Plan (2014),” and the “Orange County Economic Development Strategy (2014).”

2. Results and Discussion We have succeeded in developing component models of a prototype planning support system for managing change in water infrastructure systems subject to interdependence with regional transportation systems, budget constraints and principles of smart growth for the Northeast Orange County region. These components include a multi-period model of interdependent water and highway networks and a ‘small open-economy’ (SOE) CGE model of Orange County. We employed the former model to program projects identified as needed in the Northeast Orange County Water Supply Project Facility Plan and subsets of transportation system improvements identified in the Newburgh Area Transportation and Land Use Study as promoting smart growth so as to minimize costs of implementation, subject to budget constraints, under different sets of assumptions about availability of access to aqueducts and other conditions. We employed the latter, the SOE CGE model, to assess the regional economic impacts of infrastructural improvements representing different levels of expenditure. The GAMS code for each of these component models appears in the appendices to this report. The development of the component models is propaedeutic to development of the complete PSS for use by the three communities.

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 5 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

2.1 Scenarios considered with the water/transportation network model. We have considered three different scenarios with the multi-period model of interdependent water and highway networks. The assumptions characterizing these scenarios and the resulting flows of patterns of water supply and allocation and highway projects undertaken are summarized below.

Scenario A Baseline Interest Rate for the Water development loan 0% Interest Rate for the Transportation Development Loan 0% Corresponding Inflation Rate to the Cost of Water 0% Development Project Corresponding Inflation Rate to the Cost of Transportation 0% Development Project Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, City of 0% Newburgh Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, City of 0% Newburgh Population Growth Rate in 2021, City of Newburgh 0% Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, Town of 0% Newburgh Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, Town of 0% Newburgh Population Growth Rate in 2021, Town of Newburgh 0% Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, Town of New 0% Windsor Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, Town of New 0% Windsor Population Growth Rate in 2021, Town of New Windsor 0% Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in City Unbounded of Newburgh Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in Unbounded Town of Newburgh Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in Unbounded Town of New Windsor Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Not Applicable Projects in 2014 Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Not Applicable Projects in 2016 Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Not Applicable Projects in 2021 Catskill Aqueduct Operability 100% Operability 100%

Table 1a. Assumptions on which Scenario A is Based

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 6 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


S2014olutio2014-2015n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 0.1 - - - - - Silver Stream Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.2 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 3.0 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 4.6 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.2 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 3.0 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh

Table 2a. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario A

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 7 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

S2014olutio2016-2020n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 3.7 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct ------Chadwick Lake - - 2.7 - - - Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 0.335 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 8.2 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - - - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - 2.7 - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 0.335 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh 0.629 2.786

Table 2a. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario A (continued)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 8 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


S2014olutio2021n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 3.7 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.748 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 0.527 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 8.2 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.748 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 0.527 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh 2.917

Table 2a. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario A (continued)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 9 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

# Transportation Construction Project Name 1 Route 17K & Union * St/Route 211 2 Route 17K & Route * 208 3 Route 17K & Route * 747 4 Route 17K & Rock * Cut Road 5 Route 17K & Route * 300 6 Route 17K & Route * 9W/Robinson Ave 7 Route 207 & Route * 747 X 8 Route 207 & Breunig * Road 9 Route 207 & Route * 300 10 Route 208 & Main * Street/Route 52 11 Route 208 & I- * 84/Neelytown Road 12 Route 300 & Route * 52 13 Route 300 & Route * 94 14 Route 300 & Route * 32 15 Route 9W & * Fostertown Road 16 Route 9W & Route * 32 17 Route 9W & Forge * Hill Road 18 Route 94 & Jackson * Avenue

Table 3a. Transportation System Improvements in Solution for Scenario A

Report Summary for Scenario A:

Scenario A intentionally embodies an unrealistic set of counterfactual assumptions. Under the assumption of 0% price inflation and no population growth, the water distribution system will remain unchanged (2014-2021). The City of Newburgh will be fed by Washington Lake, and Towns of Newburgh and New Windsor will be served by the Delaware and Catskill Aqueducts, respectively.

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 10 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

Furthermore, the Washington Lake Water Treatment Plant, the Town of Newburgh Plant and Riley Road Plant will be able to handle demand corresponding to the three residential areas and will not require any development plan.

Since there are no upper bounds for the construction/development budget, all transportation projects (18 in total) can be financed.

Scenario B Inflation Rate/Population Growth Rate/Aqueduct fully operable Interest Rate for the Water development loan 0% Interest Rate for the Transportation Development Loan 0% Corresponding Inflation Rate to the Cost of Water Development 2% Project (per year delay) Corresponding Inflation Rate to the Cost of Transportation 0% Development Project Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, City of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, City of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate in 2021, City of Newburgh 3% Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, Town of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, Town of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate in 2021, Town of Newburgh 3% Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, Town of New 2% Windsor Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, Town of New 2% Windsor Population Growth Rate in 2021, Town of New Windsor 3% Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in City of Unbounded Newburgh Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in Town of Unbounded Newburgh Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in Town of Unbounded New Windsor Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Projects in Not Applicable 2014 Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Projects in Not Applicable 2016 Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Projects in Not Applicable 2021 Catskill Aqueduct Operability (2016) 100% Delaware Aqueduct Operability 100%

Table 1b. Assumptions on which Scenario B is Based

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 11 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


S2014olutio2014-2015n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 0.1 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.2 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 3.0 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 4.6 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.2 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 3.0 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh

Table 2ba. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario B

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 12 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


S2014olutio2016-2020n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 0.285 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.328 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 3.0 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 4.785 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.328 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 3.0 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh 0.12

Table 2b. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario B (continued)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 13 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

S2014olutio2021n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 0.783 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.747 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 2.514 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - - 0.5 Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 5.283 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.747 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 2.514 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - 0.5 City of Newburgh MGD 0.432

Table 2b. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario B (continued)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 14 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

# Transportation Project Construction Name 1 Route 17K & Union * St/Route 211 2 Route 17K & Route * 208 3 Route 17K & Route * 747 4 Route 17K & Rock Cut * Road 5 Route 17K & Route * 300 6 Route 17K & Route * 9W/Robinson Ave 7 Route 207 & Route * 747 X 8 Route 207 & Breunig * Road 9 Route 207 & Route * 300 10 Route 208 & Main * Street/Route 52 11 Route 208 & I- * 84/Neelytown Road 12 Route 300 & Route 52 * 13 Route 300 & Route 94 * 14 Route 300 & Route 32 * 15 Route 9W & * Fostertown Road 16 Route 9W & Route 32 * 17 Route 9W & Forge Hill * Road 18 Route 94 & Jackson * Avenue

Table 3b. Transportation System Improvements in Solution for Scenario B

Report Summary for Scenario B:

Under a 2% inflation rate for the cost of the water system development and a population growth rate of 2% in 2014- 2016 and 3% in 2016-2021, there will be a new pattern of water distribution.

In this pattern, Washington Lake accommodates additional demands corresponding to population growth in both the City of Newburgh and the Town of Newburgh. This change starts as of 2016 and remains fixed until 2021. Another change is an addition of MGD wells as a supply point to serve the Town of New Windsor (total capacity of 432 m).

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 15 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

In the solution for this scenario a new water treatment plant is added at Stewart Airport. The new plant will treat water supplied by the Catskill Aqueduct.

Scenario C

Inflation Rate/Population Growth Rate/ Delaware Aqueduct Out of Service Interest Rate for the Water development loan 1% Interest Rate for the Transportation Development Loan 1% Corresponding Inflation Rate to the Cost of Water Development 2% Project (per year delay) Corresponding Inflation Rate to the Cost of Transportation 0% Development Project Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, City of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, City of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate in 2021, City of Newburgh 3% Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, Town of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, Town of Newburgh 2% Population Growth Rate in 2021, Town of Newburgh 3% Population Growth Rate between 2014-2015, Town of New 2% Windsor Population Growth Rate between 2016-2020, Town of New 2% Windsor Population Growth Rate in 2021, Town of New Windsor 3% Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in City of bounded Newburgh Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in Town of bounded Newburgh Budget Capacity for the Water Development Project in Town of bounded New Windsor Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Projects in Not Applicable 2014 Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Projects in Not Applicable 2016 Shared Resources for the Water and Transportation Projects in Not Applicable 2021 Catskill Aqueduct Operability (2016) 0% Delaware Aqueduct Operability (2021) 0%

Table 1c. Assumptions on which Scenario C is Based

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 16 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


S2014olutio2014-2015n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 0.1 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.2 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 3.0 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 4.6 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.2 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 3.0 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh

Table 2c. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario C

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 17 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

S2014olutio2016-2020n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 3.7 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct ------Chadwick Lake - - 2.7 - - - Catskill Aqueduct, ------Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, - - - 0.335 - - Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 8.2 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - - - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - 2.7 - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 0.335 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh 0.629 2.786

Table 2c. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario C (continued)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 18 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

S2014olutio2021n: 2014-2015 Supply Plan (Water Source to Water Treatment Plant) in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

Washington Washing- Town of Chadwick Lake Riley Road Stewart Lake Water ton Lake Newburgh Water Treatment Water Airport Treatment Water Water Plan Treatment Water Plant Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Treat- Plant - ment Developed Plant Washington Lake + 3.7 - - - - - Silver Stream Reservoir Catskill Aqueduct, City 4.5 - - - - - of Newburgh Delaware Aqueduct - - 3.748 - - - Chadwick Lake ------Catskill Aqueduct, - - - - 0.527 - Riley Road Catskill Aqueduct, ------Stewart Airport MGD Wells ------

Allocation Plan in Millions of Gallons per Day (GPD )

City of Town of Newburgh Town of New Newburgh Windsor Washington Lake Water Treatment 8.2 - - Plant Washington Lake Water Treatment - - - Plant - Developed Town of Newburgh Water Treatment - 3.748 - Plant Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant - - - Riley Road Water Treatment Plant - - 0.527 Stewart Airport Water Treatment Plant - - - City of Newburgh 2.917

Table 2c. Solution of Periodic Water Supply and Allocation for Scenario C (Continued)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 19 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

# Transportation Project Construction Name 1 Route 17K & Union * St/Route 211 2 Route 17K & Route * 208 3 Route 17K & Route * 747 4 Route 17K & Rock Cut * Road 5 Route 17K & Route * 300 6 Route 17K & Route * 9W/Robinson Ave 7 Route 207 & Route * 747 X 8 Route 207 & Breunig * Road 9 Route 207 & Route * 300 10 Route 208 & Main * Street/Route 52 11 Route 208 & I- * 84/Neelytown Road 12 Route 300 & Route 52 * 13 Route 300 & Route 94 * 14 Route 300 & Route 32 * 15 Route 9W & * Fostertown Road 16 Route 9W & Route 32 * 17 Route 9W & Forge Hill * Road 18 Route 94 & Jackson * Avenue

Table 3c. Transportation System Improvements in Solution for Scenario C

Report Summary for Scenario C:

To show how the regional water system will respond to a shortage of water (due, e.g., to Aqueducts being taken off- line), we simulated a shutdown of the Delaware Aqueduct in 2016 and tracked the water flow distribution paths. In this scenario we also imposed a set of budget constraints and imposed upper bounds on financing of water and transportation projects.

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 20 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

The model solution results in a distribution pattern that deviates significantly from patterns obtained in the other scenarios. With the Delaware Aqueduct off-line, Chadwick Lake Water Treatment Plant will treat 2.7 million gallons per day between 2016 and2020. This treated water will be supplied by Chadwick Lake. In 2021, when the aqueduct returns to service, the Chadwick Lake plant will be out of service.

As shown in assumption chart, a set of budget constraints limits development plans. Base on our bundle constraints (randomly, we bundled two or three projects together and limited their corresponding budget by a given value), 8 out of 18 of transportation projects cannot be completed, but all water development plans should be constructed, since the demand of water network must be met.

2.2 Scenarios considered with the regional CGE model. To examine potential impacts of increased economic activity by public utilities in Orange County, we ran several simulations with the small open-economy CGE model that we constructed for the county. In these scenarios infrastructure spending is increased by 5, 10, and 20 percent respectively. Summaries of the solutions to the model under these scenarios are provided in the following table.

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 21 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


5% Increase in 10% Increase in 20% Increase in

infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure

investment investment investment Variables/County OC NYS OC NYS OC NYS GDO -0.4 2.84E-03 -0.8 5.85E-03 -1.7 1.17E-02 FIN -0.1 -7.69E-04 -0.2 -1.85E-03 -0.4 -4.44E-03 AGR -4.8 5.69E-02 -9.5 0.1 -17.9 0.2

MIN 3.5 -1.66E-02 7.1 -3.35E-02 13.4 -6.32E-02

UTI 0.6 -3.32E-03 1.2 -6.55E-03 2.1 -1.19E-02

CONS 1.6 -5.43E-04 3.3 -1.11E-03 6.9 -2.18E-03 INFRA 5 -2.13E-02 10 -3.80E-02 20 -6.60E-02 MAN -1.7 1.60E-02 -3.3 3.23E-02 -6.5 6.40E-02 WTRD -0.2 5.20E-04 -0.4 1.05E-03 -0.8 1.95E-03 RTRD 0.2 -3.10E-03 0.4 -6.21E-03 0.7 -1.21E-02 TRANS -0.2 -3.34E-03 -0.5 -6.87E-03 -1 -1.32E-02 INFO 0.6 -6.18E-03 1.1 -1.25E-02 2.1 -2.40E-02 REALE 0.2 -6.70E-04 0.5 -1.36E-03 0.9 -2.86E-03 PROSERV -0.2 6.89E-04 -0.4 1.37E-03 -0.8 2.80E-03 MGMT -1.2 -5.04E-04 -2.4 -1.16E-03 -4.6 -2.07E-03

ADMIN -0.3 2.31E-03 -0.7 4.56E-03 -1.3 8.55E-03

EDU -0.2 5.59E-03 -0.4 1.11E-02 -0.9 2.05E-02 HEALTH 0.2 -2.31E-04 0.3 -4.94E-04 0.6 -1.05E-03 ENTRE 0.3 -3.74E-03 0.6 -7.68E-03 1.1 -1.51E-02 ACCFOOD 0.3 7.81E-04 0.6 1.57E-03 1.1 2.85E-03 OTHER 0.5 -2.60E-03 1 -5.19E-03 1.8 -9.76E-03 GOV -8.75E-02 -8.51E-04 -0.2 -1.83E-03 -0.4 -3.67E-03

Table 4. Economy wide and sectoral impacts of infrastructure investments in percentage change terms. (Sectors are defined in Table 5)


This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 22 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

Welfare HH_LT50 0.3 -3.87E-03 0.7 -7.85E-03 1.2 -1.53E-02 HH_50-100 0.5 -3.22E-03 0.9 -6.50E-03 1.7 -1.27E-02 HH_GT100 1.1 -1.28E-03 2.3 -2.48E-03 4.2 -4.84E-03 Trade Aggregate Imports 0.2 -1.58E-02 0.5 -3.27E-02 1.2 -6.43E-02 Aggregate Exports -1.1 2.16E-02 -2.2 4.43E-02 -4.1 8.77E-02 Employment -5.44E-13 4.44E-14 FIN -0.3 -7.55E-04 -0.5 -1.85E-03 -1 -4.50E-03 AGR -4.7 5.68E-02 -9.3 0.1 -17.6 0.2 MIN 3.4 -1.66E-02 6.9 -3.35E-02 13 -6.32E-02 UTI 0.5 -3.21E-03 0.9 -6.40E-03 1.7 -1.17E-02 CONS 1.6 -6.37E-04 3.3 -1.30E-03 6.9 -2.56E-03 INFRA 5 -2.14E-02 10 -3.81E-02 20.1 -6.62E-02 MAN -1.8 1.61E-02 -3.6 3.24E-02 -6.9 6.40E-02 WTRD 5.49E-04 1.08E-03 1.95E-03 RTRD 0.2 -3.10E-03 0.3 -6.23E-03 0.6 -1.22E-02 TRANS -0.2 -3.36E-03 -0.5 -6.91E-03 -1 -1.33E-02 INFO 0.4 -6.11E-03 0.8 -1.24E-02 1.4 -2.39E-02 REALE 5.73E-02 -5.34E-04 0.1 -1.16E-03 0.2 -2.62E-03 PROSERV -0.3 6.52E-04 -0.5 1.28E-03 -0.9 2.57E-03 MGMT -1.3 -4.80E-04 -2.6 -1.12E-03 -4.9 -2.02E-03 ADMIN -0.4 2.29E-03 -0.7 4.52E-03 -1.4 8.45E-03 EDU -0.2 5.59E-03 -0.5 1.11E-02 -0.9 2.04E-02 HEALTH 0.2 -2.66E-04 0.3 -5.67E-04 0.6 -1.19E-03 ENTRE 0.3 -3.79E-03 0.5 -7.80E-03 0.9 -1.53E-02 ACCFOOD 0.2 8.12E-04 0.5 1.60E-03 0.9 2.87E-03 OTHER 0.5 -2.71E-03 1.1 -5.41E-03 2 -1.02E-02 GOV -0.1 -8.20E-04 -0.3 -1.78E-03 -0.5 -3.61E-03

Table 4. Economy wide and sectoral impacts of infrastructure investments (continued)

The results of the simulations suggest that, all else being equal, increases in investment in the infrastructure sector will result in a small reduction in gross domestic output of Orange County but an increase in welfare for all income groups. This somewhat counterintuitive finding can be explained by the crowding out of employment of factors of production for other uses by the increased activity of the infrastructure sector.

Because of the patterns of expenditure by households, firms, and institutions (in the 2012 NYS data) on which the calibration of the model is predicated the simulation results suggest that higher-income households will benefit more from infrastructure investments than will lower income households.

GDO – Gross Domestic Output FIN – Finance and Insurance AGR – Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 23 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

MIN – Mining UTI – Utilities CONS – Construction INFRA – Infrastructure MAN – Manufacturing WTRD – Wholesale Trade RTRD – Retail Trade TRANS – Transportation and Warehousing INFO – Information REALE – Real Estate and Rental PROSERVE – Professional Services MGMT – Managerial Services ADMIN – Administration and Waste Services EDU – Educational Services HEALTH – Health and Social Services ENTRE – Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation ACCFOOD – Accommodation and Food Services OTHER – Other Services GOV – Government

Table 5. Sectoral definitions

In the continuation of this research the CGE model and interdependent water and transportation network models will be linked in a top-down/bottom-up framework, as discussed above, and planning support system users will be able to run and review simulations using an interface programmed in visual basic.

Methods The multi-period interdependent water and transportation network model was formulated as a mixed-integer programming model from information provided in the planning documents cited above. The model was solved using the General Algebraic Model Solver (GAMS) software and the code for scenario C discussed above is provided in Appendix A. The small open-economy model of the regional economy of Orange County was calibrated from county- level data supplied by IMPLAN for using the MPSGE front-end developed by Thomas Rutherford. The specification of the model is provided in Appendix B. The calibrated model was solved as a mixed-complementary problem using the GAMS software. The code for the model’s solution is provided in Appendix C.

Outreach Partnering with and providing substantial assistance to the researchers engaged in this project were the following individuals:

David Church, Executive Director, Orange County Water Authority Scott Cuppet, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kelly Dobbins, Senior Planner, Orange County Planning Department Jason Morris, City Engineer, City of Newburgh Peter Smith, resident of the City of Newburgh and historian Jeffrey Wynans, water systems operator, City of Newburgh

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 24 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

These individuals are continuing to partner with the researchers engaged in this project in its second stage.

Student Training Contributing substantially to the research of this project were the following graduate students of the Department of City and Regional Planning.

Arash Beheshtian, Ph.D. student Javier Perez Burgos, Ph.D. student (graduated in January 2014 and is now employed as an assistant professor at the University of the Andes in Bogota , Columbia) Sara Davis, M.R.P. student


Donaghy, K.P., 2009. “CGE Modeling in Space,” in Capello, R. and Nijkamp, P. (eds.), Regional Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Regional Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 731-769.

Gidaly, Glenn. November 2010. “The New York State Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act: Problem or Opportunity?” Barton and Loguidice, P.C.. Accessed August 31, 2014. Gidaly%20(from%20New%20York%20Upstate%20Planner).pdf

Friesz, T.L., Mookherjee, R., and Peeta, S. 2007. Modeling large-scale and complex infrastructure systems. In Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Systems, ed. T.L. Friesz. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Nagurney, A. and Dong, J. 2002. Supernetworks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Orange County Transportation Council. May 2012. “Newburgh Area Transportation and Land Use Study.” Accessed August 31, 2014. http:// Newburgh Area Study Final Report, May 2012 .pdf

Orange County Water Authority. May 2014. “Northeast Orange County Water Supply Project Facility Plan.” Accessed August 31, 2014. %20Supply%20Implementation%20Plan.pdf

Perez Burgos, J. and Donaghy, K.P. 2013. “Regional Economic Impact Analysis of Natural Gas Exploration and Extraction in the Marcellus Shale,” mansuscript.

Sheffi, Y. 1985. Urban Transportation Networks: Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods. Engelwood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

Sue Wing, I., 2004, “Computable General Equilibrium Models and Their Use in Economy-Wide Policy Analysis,” MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, Technical Note No. 6, Cambridge, MA. Appendix A – GAMS code for multi-period water/transportation network model

$Title HREP_Multiple_Years_TranspoWaterInterdependent_Network * July-26,2014-Cornell-Arash Bheshtian This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 25 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

Sets i14 supplier / WLSSR14 CACN14 DA14 CHL14 CARR14 CASA14 MGD14 / j14 transition node / WLWTPD14 WlWTP14 TNBWTP14 CHLWTP14 RRWTP14 SAWTP14 / k14 demander / CNB14 TNB14 TNW14 / i16 supplier / WLSSR16 CACN16 DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 MGD16 / j16 transition node / WLWTPD16 WlWTP16 TNBWTP16 CHLWTP16 RRWTP16 SAWTP16 / k16 demander / CNB16 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 26 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

TNB16 TNW16 /

i21 supplier / WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 / j21 transition node / WLWTPD21 WlWTP21 TNBWTP21 CHLWTP21 RRWTP21 SAWTP21 / k21 demander / CNB21 TNB21 TNW21 / s Dummy Super Suply / DSS / d Dummy Super Demand / DSD / trans14 Possible investments & projects in transportation infrastructures in year 2014 / T-14-1 T-14-2 T-14-3 T-14-4 T-14-5 T-14-6 T-14-7 T-14-8 T-14-9 T-14-10 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 27 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

T-14-11 T-14-12 T-14-13 T-14-14 T-14-15 T-14-16 T-14-17 T-14-18 / trans16 Possible investments & projects in transportation infrastructures in year 2016 / T-16-1 T-16-2 T-16-3 T-16-4 T-16-5 T-16-6 T-16-7 T-16-8 T-16-9 T-16-10 T-16-11 T-16-12 T-16-13 T-16-14 T-16-15 T-16-16 T-16-17 T-16-18 /

trans21 Possible investments & projects in transportation infrastructures in year 2021 / T-21-1 T-21-2 T-21-3 T-21-4 T-21-5 T-21-6 T-21-7 T-21-8 T-21-9 T-21-10 T-21-11 T-21-12 T-21-13 T-21-14 T-21-15 T-21-16 T-21-17 T-21-18 /

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 28 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

; ******************************************************************************** parameters alfai14(i14) capacity of sullpier i (*1000) / WLSSR14 0 CACN14 0 DA14 0 CHL14 0 CARR14 0 CASA14 0 MGD14 0 / alfaj14(j14) transition node / WLWTPD14 0 WlWTP14 0 TNBWTP14 0 CHLWTP14 0 RRWTP14 0 SAWTP14 0 / alfak14(k14) demander / CNB14 4600 TNB14 3200 TNW14 3000 / alfai16(i16) supplier / WLSSR16 0 CACN16 0 DA16 0 CHL16 0 CARR16 0 CASA16 0 MGD16 0 / alfaj16(j16) transition node / WLWTPD16 0 WlWTP16 0 TNBWTP16 0 CHLWTP16 0 RRWTP16 0 SAWTP16 0 / alfak16(k16) demander / This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 29 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

CNB16 4700 TNB16 3300 TNW16 3100 / alfai21(i21) supplier / WLSSR21 0 CACN21 0 DA21 0 CHL21 0 CARR21 0 CASA21 0 MGD21 0 / alfaj21(j21) transition node / WLWTPD21 0 WlWTP21 0 TNBWTP21 0 CHLWTP21 0 RRWTP21 0 SAWTP21 0 / alfak21(k21) demander / CNB21 4800 TNB21 3400 TNW21 3200 / alfas(s) Dummy Super Suply / DSS 100000 / alfad(d) Dummy Super Demand / DSD 66700 / alfat14(trans14) / T-14-1 0 T-14-2 0 T-14-3 0 T-14-4 0 T-14-5 0 T-14-6 0 T-14-7 0 T-14-8 0 T-14-9 0 T-14-10 0 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 30 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

T-14-11 0 T-14-12 0 T-14-13 0 T-14-14 0 T-14-15 0 T-14-16 0 T-14-17 0 T-14-18 0 /

alfat16(trans16) / T-16-1 0 T-16-2 0 T-16-3 0 T-16-4 0 T-16-5 0 T-16-6 0 T-16-7 0 T-16-8 0 T-16-9 0 T-16-10 0 T-16-11 0 T-16-12 0 T-16-13 0 T-16-14 0 T-16-15 0 T-16-16 0 T-16-17 0 T-16-18 0 / alfat21(trans21) / T-21-1 0 T-21-2 0 T-21-3 0 T-21-4 0 T-21-5 0 T-21-6 0 T-21-7 0 T-21-8 0 T-21-9 0 T-21-10 0 T-21-11 0 T-21-12 0 T-21-13 0 T-21-14 0 T-21-15 0 T-21-16 0 T-21-17 0 T-21-18 0 /

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 31 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

; ******************************************************************************** scalar M /100001/; Scalar P /0.075/ ; *population growth rate Scalar F14 /0.000000006/; *user fee for 2014-2015 Scalar F16 /0.000000006/; *user fee for 216-2020 Scalar F21 /0.000000006/; *user fee for 2021

******************************************************************************** table capi14j14(i14,j14) Capacity i to j in 2014

WLWTPD14 WlWTP14 TNBWTP14 CHLWTP14 RRWTP14 SAWTP14 WLSSR14 5000 5000 CACN14 5000 5000 DA14 CHL14 CARR14 CASA14 MGD14 ; table capj14k14(j14,k14) Capacity j to k in 2014

CNB14 TNB14 TNW14 WLWTPD14 5000 5000 5000 WlWTP14 5000 5000 5000 TNBWTP14 5000 CHLWTP14 5000 RRWTP14 5000 SAWTP14 5000 5000 ; table capi14k14(i14,k14) Capacity i to k in 2014

CNB14 TNB14 TNW14 WLSSR14 CACN14 DA14 CHL14 CARR14 CASA14 MGD14 5000 ;

table capi16j16(i16,j16) Capacity i to j in 2016


WLSSR16 5000 5000 CACN16 5000 5000 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 32 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 MGD16 ;

table capj16k16(j16,k16) Capacity j to k in 2016

CNB16 TNB16 TNW16 WLWTPD16 5000 5000 5000 WlWTP16 5000 5000 5000 TNBWTP16 5000 CHLWTP16 5000 RRWTP16 5000 SAWTP16 5000 5000 ; table capi16k16(i16,k16) Capacity i to k in 2016

CNB16 TNB16 TNW16 WLSSR16 CACN16 DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 MGD16 5000 ; table capi21j21(i21,j21) Capacity i to j in 2021

WLWTPD21 WlWTP21 TNBWTP21 CHLWTP21 RRWTP21 SAWTP21 WLSSR21 5000 5000 CACN21 5000 5000 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 ;

table capj21k21(j21,k21) Capacity j to k in 2021

CNB21 TNB21 TNW21 WLWTPD21 5000 5000 5000 WlWTP21 5000 5000 5000 TNBWTP21 5000 CHLWTP21 5000 RRWTP21 5000 SAWTP21 5000 5000 ;

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 33 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities table capi21k21(i21,k21) Capacity i to k in 2021

CNB21 TNB21 TNW21 WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 5000 ;

table capsi14(s,i14)

WLSSR14 CACN14 DA14 CHL14 CARR14 CASA14 MGD14 DSS 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 ; table capsi16(s,i16)

WLSSR16 CACN16 DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 MGD16 DSS 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 ;

table capsi21(s,i21)

WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 DSS 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 ; table capi14i16(i14,i16)

WLSSR16 CACN16 DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 MGD16 WLSSR14 8000 CACN14 8000 DA14 8000 CHL14 8000 CARR14 8000 CASA14 8000 MGD14 8000 ;

table capi16i21(i16,i21)

WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 WLSSR16 8000 CACN16 8000 DA16 8000 CHL16 8000 CARR16 8000 CASA16 8000 MGD16 8000 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 34 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

; table capi21d(i21,d)

DSD WLSSR21 8000 CACN21 8000 DA21 8000 CHL21 8000 CARR21 8000 CASA21 8000 MGD21 8000 ; table capsd(s,d)

DSD DSS 100000 ; table capstrans14(s,trans14)

T-14-1 T-14-2 T-14-3 T-14-4 T-14-5 T-14-6 T-14-7 T-14-8 T-14-9 T-14-10 T-14-11 T-14-12 T-14-13 T-14-14 T-14-15 T-14-16 T-14-17 T-14-18 DSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; table capstrans16(s,trans16)

T-16-1 T-16-2 T-16-3 T-16-4 T-16-5 T-16-6 T-16-7 T-16-8 T-16-9 T-16-10 T-16-11 T-16-12 T-16-13 T-16-14 T-16-15 T-16-16 T-16-17 T-16-18 DSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; table capstrans21(s,trans21)

T-21-1 T-21-2 T-21-3 T-21-4 T-21-5 T-21-6 T-21-7 T-21-8 T-21-9 T-21-10 T-21-11 T-21-12 T-21-13 T-21-14 T-21-15 T-21-16 T-21-17 T-21-18 DSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; table captrans1416(trans14,trans16)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 35 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

T-16-1 T-16-2 T-16-3 T-16-4 T-16-5 T-16-6 T-16-7 T-16-8 T-16-9 T-16-10 T-16-11 T-16-12 T-16-13 T-16-14 T-16-15 T-16-16 T-16-17 T-16-18 T-14-1 1 T-14-2 1 T-14-3 1 T-14-4 1 T-14-5 1 T-14-6 1 T-14-7 1 T-14-8 1 T-14-9 1 T-14-10 1 T-14-11 1 T-14-12 1 T-14-13 1 T-14-14 1 T-14-15 1 T-14-16 1 T-14-17 1 T-14-18 1 ;

table captrans1621(trans16,trans21)

T-21-1 T-21-2 T-21-3 T-21-4 T-21-5 T-21-6 T-21-7 T-21-8 T-21-9 T-21-10 T-21-11 T-21-12 T-21-13 T-21-14 T-21-15 T-21-16 T-21-17 T-21-18 T-16-1 1 T-16-2 1 T-16-3 1 T-16-4 1 T-16-5 1 T-16-6 1 T-16-7 1 T-16-8 1 T-16-9 1 T-16-10 1 T-16-11 1 T-16-12 1

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 36 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

T-16-13 1 T-16-14 1 T-16-15 1 T-16-16 1 T-16-17 1 T-16-18 1 ;

table captrans21d(trans21,d) DSD T-21-1 1 T-21-2 1 T-21-3 1 T-21-4 1 T-21-5 1 T-21-6 1 T-21-7 1 T-21-8 1 T-21-9 1 T-21-10 1 T-21-11 1 T-21-12 1 T-21-13 1 T-21-14 1 T-21-15 1 T-21-16 1 T-21-17 1 T-21-18 1 ;

******************************************************* table costi14j14(i14,j14) Costacity i to j in 2014


table costj14k14(j14,k14) Costacity j to k in 2014

CNB14 TNB14 TNW14 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 37 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

WLWTPD14 WlWTP14 TNBWTP14 CHLWTP14 RRWTP14 SAWTP14 ; table costi14k14(i14,k14) Costacity i to k in 2014


table costi16j16(i16,j16) Costacity i to j in 2016


table costj16k16(j16,k16) Costacity j to k in 2016


WLWTPD16 WlWTP16 TNBWTP16 CHLWTP16 RRWTP16 SAWTP16 ; table costi16k16(i16,k16) Costacity i to k in 2016

CNB16 TNB16 TNW16 WLSSR16 CACN16 DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 38 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

MGD16 ; table costi21j21(i21,j21) Costacity i to j in 2021


table costj21k21(j21,k21) Costacity j to k in 2021

CNB21 TNB21 TNW21 WLWTPD21 WlWTP21 TNBWTP21 CHLWTP21 RRWTP21 SAWTP21 ; table costi21k21(i21,k21) Costacity i to k in 2021


table costsi14(s,i14)

WLSSR14 CACN14 DA14 CHL14 CARR14 CASA14 MGD14 DSS ; table costsi16(s,i16)


table costsi21(s,i21)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 39 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 DSS ; table costi14i16(i14,i16)


table costi16i21(i16,i21)

WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 WLSSR16 CACN16 DA16 CHL16 CARR16 CASA16 MGD16 ; table costi21d(i21,d)

DSD WLSSR21 CACN21 DA21 CHL21 CARR21 CASA21 MGD21 ; table costsd(s,d)



*** table coststrans14(s,trans14)

T-14-1 T-14-2 T-14-3 T-14-4 T-14-5 T-14-6 T-14-7 T-14-8 T-14-9 T-14-10 T-14-11 T-14-12 T-14-13 T-14-14 T-14-15 T-14-16 T-14-17 T-14-18

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 40 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

DSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *cost should be the project cost ; table coststrans16(s,trans16)

T-16-1 T-16-2 T-16-3 T-16-4 T-16-5 T-16-6 T-16-7 T-16-8 T-16-9 T-16-10 T-16-11 T-16-12 T-16-13 T-16-14 T-16-15 T-16-16 T-16-17 T-16-18 DSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *cost should be the project cost ; table coststrans21(s,trans21)

T-21-1 T-21-2 T-21-3 T-21-4 T-21-5 T-21-6 T-21-7 T-21-8 T-21-9 T-21-10 T-21-11 T-21-12 T-21-13 T-21-14 T-21-15 T-21-16 T-21-17 T-21-18 DSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *cost should be the project cost ; table costtrans14trans16(trans14,trans16)

T-16-1 T-16-2 T-16-3 T-16-4 T-16-5 T-16-6 T-16-7 T-16-8 T-16-9 T-16-10 T-16-11 T-16-12 T-16-13 T-16-14 T-16-15 T-16-16 T-16-17 T-16-18 T-14-1 T-14-2 T-14-3 T-14-4 T-14-5 T-14-6 T-14-7 T-14-8 T-14-9 T-14-10 T-14-11 T-14-12 T-14-13 T-14-14 T-14-15 T-14-16 T-14-17 T-14-18 ;

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 41 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

table costtrans16trans21(trans16,trans21)

T-21-1 T-21-2 T-21-3 T-21-4 T-21-5 T-21-6 T-21-7 T-21-8 T-21-9 T-21-10 T-21-11 T-21-12 T-21-13 T-21-14 T-21-15 T-21-16 T-21-17 T-21-18 T-16-1 T-16-2 T-16-3 T-16-4 T-16-5 T-16-6 T-16-7 T-16-8 T-16-9 T-16-10 T-16-11 T-16-12 T-16-13 T-16-14 T-16-15 T-16-16 T-16-17 T-16-18 ; table costtrans21d(trans21,d) DSD T-21-1 -1 T-21-2 -1 T-21-3 -1 T-21-4 -1 T-21-5 -1 T-21-6 -1 T-21-7 -1 T-21-8 -1 T-21-9 -1 T-21-10 -1 T-21-11 -1 T-21-12 -1 T-21-13 -1 T-21-14 -1 T-21-15 -1 T-21-16 -1 T-21-17 -1 T-21-18 -1 ;

***************************************************************************************** ************* Variables xi14j14(i14,j14) shipment quantities for the first step xj14k14(j14,k14) shipment quantities for the second step xi14k14(i14,k14) shipment quantities This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 42 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

xi16j16(i16,j16) shipment quantities for the first step xj16k16(j16,k16) shipment quantities for the second step xi16k16(i16,k16) shipment quantities xi21j21(i21,j21) shipment quantities for the first step xj21k21(j21,k21) shipment quantities for the second step xi21k21(i21,k21) shipment quantities xi14i16(i14,i16) xi16i21(i16,i21) xsi14(s,i14) xsi16(s,i16) xsi21(s,i21) xi21d(i21,d) xsd(s,d) xstrans14(s,trans14) xstrans16(s,trans16) xstrans21(s,trans21) xtrans1416(trans14,trans16) xtrans1621(trans16,trans21) xtrans21d(trans21,d) z Total transportation costs in millions of dollars ; **************** binary variable yi14j14(i14,j14) shipment quantities for the first step yj14k14(j14,k14) shipment quantities for the second step yi14k14(i14,k14) shipment quantities yi16j16(i16,j16) shipment quantities for the first step yj16k16(j16,k16) shipment quantities for the second step yi16k16(i16,k16) shipment quantities yi21j21(i21,j21) shipment quantities for the first step yj21k21(j21,k21) shipment quantities for the second step yi21k21(i21,k21) shipment quantities yi14i16(i14,i16) yi16i21(i16,i21) ysi14(s,i14) ysi16(s,i16) ysi21(s,i21) yi21d(i21,d) This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 43 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

ysd(s,d) ystrans14(s,trans14) ystrans16(s,trans16) ystrans21(s,trans21) ytrans1416(trans14,trans16) ytrans1621(trans16,trans21) ytrans21d(trans21,d) si16j16(i16,j16) shipment quantities for the first step sj16k16(j16,k16) shipment quantities for the second step si16k16(i16,k16) shipment quantities ;

Positive variables xi14j14 xj14k14 xi14k14 xi16j16 xj16k16 xi16k16 xi21j21 xj21k21 xi21k21 xi14i16 xi16i21 xsi14 xsi16 xsi21 xi21d xsd xstrans14 xstrans16 xstrans21 xtrans1416 xtrans1621 xtrans21d ; ************************************************************************************* Equations

HREPcost objective function This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 44 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

flowconservationi14(i14) flowconservationi16(i16) flowconservationi21(i21) flowconservationj14(j14) flowconservationj16(j16) flowconservationj21(j21) flowconservationk14(k14) flowconservationk16(k16) flowconservationk21(k21) flowconservations(s) flowconservationd(d) flowconservationtrans14(trans14) flowconservationtrans16(trans16) flowconservationtrans21(trans21) ******************* flowcapi14j14(i14,j14) flowcapj14k14(j14,k14) flowcapi14k14(i14,k14) flowcapi16j16(i16,j16) flowcapj16k16(j16,k16) flowcapi16k16(i16,k16) flowcapi21j21(i21,j21) flowcapj21k21(j21,k21) flowcapi21k21(i21,k21) flowcapi14i16(i14,i16) flowcapi16i21(i16,i21) flowcapsi14(s,i14) flowcapsi16(s,i16) flowcapsi21(s,i21) flowcapi21d(i21,d) flowcapsd(s,d) flowcapstrans14 flowcapstrans16 flowcapstrans21 flowcaptrans1416 flowcaptrans1621 flowcaptrans21d

***************** WTPDev14one cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev14two cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev14three cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev14four cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 45 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

WTPDev16one cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev16two cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev16three cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev16four cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station

WTPDev21one cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev21two cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev21three cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station WTPDev21four cannot use both i)nondeveloped and ii)developed pump station ***************** i14j14binaryone(i14,j14) i14j14binarytwo(i14,j14) j14k14binaryone(j14,k14) j14k14binarytwo(j14,k14) i14k14binaryone(i14,k14) i14k14binarytwo(i14,k14)

i16j16binaryone(i16,j16) i16j16binarytwo(i16,j16) j16k16binaryone(j16,k16) j16k16binarytwo(j16,k16) i16k16binaryone(i16,k16) i16k16binarytwo(i16,k16) i21j21binaryone(i21,j21) i21j21binarytwo(i21,j21) j21k21binaryone(j21,k21) j21k21binarytwo(j21,k21) i21k21binaryone(i21,k21) i21k21binarytwo(i21,k21)

**** si14binaryone(s,i14) si14binarytwo(s,i14)

si16binaryone(s,i16) si16binarytwo(s,i16) si21binaryone(s,i21) si21binarytwo(s,i21) ***** i21dbinaryone(i21,d) i21dbinarytwo(i21,d)

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 46 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

***** i14i16binaryone(i14,i16) i14i16binarytwo(i14,i16) i16i21binaryone(i16,i21) i16i21binarytwo(i16,i21) ****** sdbinaryone(s,d) sdbinarytwo(s,d) *** strans14binaryone(s,trans14) strans16binaryone(s,trans16) strans21binaryone(s,trans21) trans1416binaryone(trans14,trans16) trans1621binaryone(trans16,trans21) trans21dbinaryone(trans21,d) strans14binarytwo(s,trans14) strans16binarytwo(s,trans16) strans21binarytwo(s,trans21) trans1416binarytwo(trans14,trans16) trans1621binarytwo(trans16,trans21) trans21dbinarytwo(trans21,d) ***************** yi14j14two yi14j14four yj14K14one yj14K14two yj14K14three yj14K14five yj14K14six yj14K14ten ****************** yi16j16two yi16j16four yj16K16one yj16K16two yj16K16three yj16K16five yj16K16six yj16K16ten

*** si16j16a si16j16b sj16K16c sj16K16d sj16K16e sj16K16f sj16K16g sj16K16h ;

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 47 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

***************************************************************************************** *** HREPcost.. z =e= sum((i21,j21), costi21j21(i21,j21)*yi21j21(i21,j21)) + sum((j21,k21), costj21k21(j21,k21)*yj21k21(j21,k21)) + sum((i21,k21), costi21k21(i21,k21)*yi21k21(i21,k21)) + sum(trans21,costtrans21d(trans21,'DSD')*ytrans21d(trans21,'DSD'))+ sum((s,d),costsd(s,d)*ysd(s,d)) ;

*for User Fee between 2014-2015: -[F14*(Pop14)*(1+P)]. *for user fee between 2016-2020: -[F16*pop16*((P^5-1)/(P-1))] *for user fee in 2021: -[F21*pop21] *if we have no APR and no use fees: the opjective function is just min{cost*y(2021)}. * if we have APR or user fees: we simply put the construction cost for the last year and put *the negative value (since its minimizing) for user fees as aboved. *we can do the same for the APR, but all we need to do is fiding the loan depreciation, rates, years, ....

* **we also can model the objective function based on the following formula: * min{Y14(c14-c16-c21)+y16(c16) +y21(21)+s16(-c21)} ; where s16 is a binary variable indicator * shows the investment starts at 2016 (s16=1 means no development in 2014 and everything starts in 2016 * Also, s16=0 means no development in 2014 and 2016. to do so, we need to add a new constraints: * which is [y16-y14=s16] and simply shows that everything starts at 2016 (no development for 2014, * and obviously development for 2021 *then we can add the following three constraints *yi16j16(i16,j16) - yi14j14(i14,j14) =e= si16j16(i16,j16) *yj16k16(j16,k16) - yj14k14(j14,k14) =e= sj16k16(j16,k16) *yi16k16(i16,k16) - yi14j14(i14,j14) =e= si16k16(i16,k16)

*********************************** flowconservationi14(i14).. sum((j14),xi14j14(i14,j14)) + sum((k14),xi14k14(i14,k14)) + sum((i16),xi14i16(i14,i16)) - sum((s),xsi14(s,i14)) =e= alfai14(i14) ; flowconservationi16(i16).. sum((j16),xi16j16(i16,j16)) + sum((k16),xi16k16(i16,k16)) + sum((i21),xi16i21(i16,i21)) - sum((s),xsi16(s,i16)) =e= alfai16(i16) ; flowconservationi21(i21).. sum((j21),xi21j21(i21,j21)) + sum((k21),xi21k21(i21,k21)) + sum((i16),xi16i21(i16,i21)) - This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 48 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

sum((s),xsi21(s,i21)) =e= alfai21(i21) ; flowconservationj14(j14).. sum((k14),xj14k14(j14,k14)) - sum((i14),xi14j14(i14,j14)) =e= alfaj14(j14) ; flowconservationj16(j16).. sum((k16),xj16k16(j16,k16)) - sum((i16),xi16j16(i16,j16)) =e= alfaj16(j16) ; flowconservationj21(j21).. sum((k21),xj21k21(j21,k21)) - sum((i21),xi21j21(i21,j21)) =e= alfaj21(j21) ; flowconservationk14(k14).. sum((j14),xj14k14(j14,k14)) + sum((i14),xi14k14(i14,k14)) =e= alfak14(k14) ; flowconservationk16(k16).. sum((j16),xj16k16(j16,k16)) + sum((i16),xi16k16(i16,k16)) =e= alfak16(k16) ; flowconservationk21(k21).. sum((j21),xj21k21(j21,k21)) + sum((i21),xi21k21(i21,k21)) =e= alfak21(k21) ; flowconservations(s).. sum((i14),xsi14(s,i14)) + sum((i16),xsi16(s,i16)) + sum((i21),xsi21(s,i21)) + sum((d),xsd(s,d)) =e= alfas(s) ; flowconservationd(d).. sum((i21),xi21d(i21,d)) + sum((s),xsd(s,d)) =e= alfad(d) ; flowconservationtrans14(trans14).. sum(s,xstrans14(s,trans14)) =e= sum(trans16,xtrans1416(trans14,trans16)) ; flowconservationtrans16(trans16).. sum(s,xstrans16(s,trans16))+ sum(trans14,xtrans1416(trans14,trans16)) =e= sum(trans21,xtrans1621(trans16,trans21)) This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 49 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

; flowconservationtrans21(trans21).. sum(s,xstrans21(s,trans21)) + sum(trans16,xtrans1621(trans16,trans21)) =e= sum(d,xtrans21d(trans21,d)) ; *************************** flowcapi14j14(i14,j14).. xi14j14(i14,j14) =l= capi14j14(i14,j14) ; flowcapj14k14(j14,k14).. xj14k14(j14,k14) =l= capj14k14(j14,k14) ; flowcapi14k14(i14,k14).. xi14k14(i14,k14) =l= capi14k14(i14,k14) ; flowcapi16j16(i16,j16).. xi16j16(i16,j16) =l= capi16j16(i16,j16) ; flowcapj16k16(j16,k16).. xj16k16(j16,k16) =l= capj16k16(j16,k16) ; flowcapi16k16(i16,k16).. xi16k16(i16,k16) =l= capi16k16(i16,k16) ; flowcapi21j21(i21,j21).. xi21j21(i21,j21) =l= capi21j21(i21,j21) ; flowcapj21k21(j21,k21).. xj21k21(j21,k21) =l= capj21k21(j21,k21) ; flowcapi21k21(i21,k21).. xi21k21(i21,k21) =l= capi21k21(i21,k21) ; flowcapi14i16(i14,i16).. xi14i16(i14,i16) =l= capi14i16(i14,i16) ; flowcapi16i21(i16,i21).. xi16i21(i16,i21) =l= capi16i21(i16,i21) ; flowcapsi14(s,i14).. xsi14(s,i14) =l= capsi14(s,i14) ; flowcapsi16(s,i16).. xsi16(s,i16) =l= capsi16(s,i16) ; flowcapsi21(s,i21).. xsi21(s,i21) =l= capsi21(s,i21) ; flowcapi21d(i21,d).. xi21d(i21,d) =l= capi21d(i21,d) ; flowcapsd(s,d).. xsd(s,d) =l= capsd(s,d) ;

flowcapstrans14(s,trans14).. xstrans14(s,trans14) =l= capstrans14(s,trans14); flowcapstrans16(s,trans16).. xstrans16(s,trans16) =l= capstrans16(s,trans16); flowcapstrans21(s,trans21).. xstrans21(s,trans21) =l= capstrans21(s,trans21); flowcaptrans1416(trans14,trans16).. xtrans1416(trans14,trans16) =l= captrans1416(trans14,trans16); flowcaptrans1621(trans16,trans21).. xtrans1621(trans16,trans21) =l= captrans1621(trans16,trans21); flowcaptrans21d(trans21,d).. xtrans21d(trans21,d) =l= captrans21d(trans21,d);

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 50 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

************************** WTPDev14one.. yi14j14('CACN14','WLWTP14')+yi14j14('CACN14','WLWTPD14') =l= 1 ; WTPDev14two.. yi14j14('WLSSR14','WLWTP14')+yi14j14('WLSSR14','WLWTPD14') =l= 1 ; WTPDev14three.. yi14j14('WLSSR14','WLWTPD14')+yi14j14('CACN14','WLWTP14') =l= 1; WTPDev14four.. yi14j14('CACN14','WLWTPD14')+yi14j14('WLSSR14','WLWTP14') =l= 1 ; WTPDev16one.. yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTP16')+yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTPD16') =l= 1 ; WTPDev16two.. yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTP16')+yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTPD16') =l= 1 ; WTPDev16three.. yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTPD16')+yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTP16') =l= 1; WTPDev16four.. yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTPD16')+yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTP16') =l= 1 ; WTPDev21one.. yi21j21('CACN21','WLWTP21')+yi21j21('CACN21','WLWTPD21') =l= 1 ; WTPDev21two.. yi21j21('WLSSR21','WLWTP21')+yi21j21('WLSSR21','WLWTPD21') =l= 1 ; WTPDev21three.. yi21j21('WLSSR21','WLWTPD21')+yi21j21('CACN21','WLWTP21') =l= 1; WTPDev21four.. yi21j21('CACN21','WLWTPD21')+yi21j21('WLSSR21','WLWTP21') =l= 1 ;

i14j14binaryone(i14,j14).. xi14j14(i14,j14) =g= yi14j14(i14,j14); i14j14binarytwo(i14,j14).. xi14j14(i14,j14) =l= M*yi14j14(i14,j14); j14k14binaryone(j14,k14).. xj14k14(j14,k14) =g= yj14k14(j14,k14); j14k14binarytwo(j14,k14).. xj14k14(j14,k14) =l= M*yj14k14(j14,k14); i14k14binaryone(i14,k14).. xi14k14(i14,k14) =g= yi14k14(i14,k14); i14k14binarytwo(i14,k14).. xi14k14(i14,k14) =l= M*yi14k14(i14,k14); This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 51 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

i16j16binaryone(i16,j16).. xi16j16(i16,j16) =g= yi16j16(i16,j16); i16j16binarytwo(i16,j16).. xi16j16(i16,j16) =l= M*yi16j16(i16,j16); j16k16binaryone(j16,k16).. xj16k16(j16,k16) =g= yj16k16(j16,k16); j16k16binarytwo(j16,k16).. xj16k16(j16,k16) =l= M*yj16k16(j16,k16); i16k16binaryone(i16,k16).. xi16k16(i16,k16) =g= yi16k16(i16,k16); i16k16binarytwo(i16,k16).. xi16k16(i16,k16) =l= M*yi16k16(i16,k16);

i21j21binaryone(i21,j21).. xi21j21(i21,j21) =g= yi21j21(i21,j21); i21j21binarytwo(i21,j21).. xi21j21(i21,j21) =l= M*yi21j21(i21,j21); j21k21binaryone(j21,k21).. xj21k21(j21,k21) =g= yj21k21(j21,k21); j21k21binarytwo(j21,k21).. xj21k21(j21,k21) =l= M*yj21k21(j21,k21); i21k21binaryone(i21,k21).. xi21k21(i21,k21) =g= yi21k21(i21,k21); i21k21binarytwo(i21,k21).. xi21k21(i21,k21) =l= M*yi21k21(i21,k21);

**** si14binaryone(s,i14).. xsi14(s,i14) =g= ysi14(s,i14); si14binarytwo(s,i14).. xsi14(s,i14) =l= M*ysi14(s,i14); si16binaryone(s,i16).. xsi16(s,i16) =g= ysi16(s,i16); si16binarytwo(s,i16).. xsi16(s,i16) =l= M*ysi16(s,i16); si21binaryone(s,i21).. xsi21(s,i21) =g= ysi21(s,i21); si21binarytwo(s,i21).. xsi21(s,i21) =l= M*ysi21(s,i21);

***** i21dbinaryone(i21,d).. xi21d(i21,d) =g= yi21d(i21,d); i21dbinarytwo(i21,d).. xi21d(i21,d) =l= M*yi21d(i21,d);

***** i14i16binaryone(i14,i16).. xi14i16(i14,i16) =g= yi14i16(i14,i16); i14i16binarytwo(i14,i16).. xi14i16(i14,i16) =l= M*yi14i16(i14,i16); i16i21binaryone(i16,i21).. xi16i21(i16,i21) =g= yi16i21(i16,i21); i16i21binarytwo(i16,i21).. xi16i21(i16,i21) =l= M*yi16i21(i16,i21); ****** sdbinaryone(s,d).. xsd(s,d) =g= ysd(s,d); sdbinarytwo(s,d).. xsd(s,d) =l= M*ysd(s,d); strans14binaryone(s,trans14).. xstrans14(s,trans14) =g= ystrans14(s,trans14); strans16binaryone(s,trans16).. xstrans16(s,trans16) =g= ystrans16(s,trans16); strans21binaryone(s,trans21).. xstrans21(s,trans21) =g= ystrans21(s,trans21); trans1416binaryone(trans14,trans16).. xtrans1416(trans14,trans16) =g= ytrans1416(trans14,trans16); trans1621binaryone(trans16,trans21).. xtrans1621(trans16,trans21) =g= ytrans1621(trans16,trans21); trans21dbinaryone(trans21,d).. xtrans21d(trans21,d) =g= ytrans21d(trans21,d); This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 52 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

strans14binarytwo(s,trans14).. xstrans14(s,trans14) =l= M*ystrans14(s,trans14); strans16binarytwo(s,trans16).. xstrans16(s,trans16) =l= M*ystrans16(s,trans16); strans21binarytwo(s,trans21).. xstrans21(s,trans21) =l= M*ystrans21(s,trans21); trans1416binarytwo(trans14,trans16).. xtrans1416(trans14,trans16) =l= M*ytrans1416(trans14,trans16); trans1621binarytwo(trans16,trans21).. xtrans1621(trans16,trans21) =l= M*ytrans1621(trans16,trans21); trans21dbinarytwo(trans21,d).. xtrans21d(trans21,d) =l= M*ytrans21d(trans21,d);

************************** *instead of all these binaries we can simply say: for all xinjn(i(n),j(n)) =l= xi(n+1)j(n+1)(i(n+1),j(n+1)) yi14j14two.. yi14j14('WLSSR14','WLWTPD14') =l= yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTPD16') ; yi14j14four.. yi14j14('CACN14','WLWTPD14') =l= yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTPD16') ; yj14K14one.. yj14k14('WLWTPD14','CNB14') =l= yj16k16('WLWTPD16','CNB16') ; yj14K14two.. yj14k14('WLWTPD14','TNB14') =l= yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNB16') ; yj14K14three.. yj14k14('WLWTPD14','TNW14') =l= yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNW16') ; yj14K14five.. yj14k14('WLWTP14','TNB14') =l= yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNB16') ; yj14K14six.. yj14k14('WLWTP14','TNW14') =l= yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNW16') ; yj14K14ten.. yj14k14('SAWTP14','TNB14') =l= yj16k16('SAWTP16','TNB16') ;

************************** yi16j16two.. yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTPD16') =l= yi21j21('WLSSR21','WLWTPD21') ; yi16j16four.. yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTPD16') =l= yi21j21('CACN21','WLWTPD21') ; yj16K16one.. yj16k16('WLWTPD16','CNB16') =l= yj21k21('WLWTPD21','CNB21') ; yj16K16two.. yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNB16') =l= yj21k21('WLWTPD21','TNB21') ; yj16K16three.. yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNW16') =l= yj21k21('WLWTPD21','TNW21') ; yj16K16five.. yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNB16') =l= yj21k21('WLWTP21','TNB21') ; yj16K16six.. yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNW16') =l= yj21k21('WLWTP21','TNW21') ; yj16K16ten.. yj16k16('SAWTP16','TNB16') =l= yj21k21('SAWTP21','TNB21') ;

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 53 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

*** si16j16a.. yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTPD16') - yi14j14('WLSSR14','WLWTPD14') =e= yi16j16('WLSSR16','WLWTPD16'); si16j16b.. yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTPD16') - yi14j14('CACN14','WLWTPD14') =e= yi16j16('CACN16','WLWTPD16') ; sj16K16c.. yj16k16('WLWTPD16','CNB16') - yj14k14('WLWTPD14','CNB14') =e= yj16k16('WLWTPD16','CNB16') ; sj16K16d.. yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNB16') - yj14k14('WLWTPD14','TNB14') =e= yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNB16') ; sj16K16e.. yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNW16') - yj14k14('WLWTPD14','TNW14') =e= yj16k16('WLWTPD16','TNW16') ; sj16K16f.. yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNB16') - yj14k14('WLWTP14','TNB14') =e= yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNB16') ; sj16K16g.. yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNW16') - yj14k14('WLWTP14','TNW14') =e= yj16k16('WLWTP16','TNW16') ; sj16K16h.. yj16k16('SAWTP16','TNB16') - yj14k14('SAWTP14','TNB14') =e= yj16k16('SAWTP16','TNB16') ;


Model HREP /all/ ; Solve HREP using MIP minimizing z ; Display xi14j14.L, xj14k14.L, xi14k14.L, xi16j16.L, xj16k16.L, xi16k16.L, xi21j21.L, xj21k21.L, xi21k21.L, xi14i16.L, xi16i21.L, xsi14.L, xi21d.L, xsd.L, xstrans14.L, xstrans16.L, xstrans21.L, xtrans1416.L, xtrans1621.L, xtrans21d.L, yi14j14.L, yj14k14.L, yi14k14.L,yi16j16.L, yj16k16.L, yi16k16.L,yi21j21.L, yj21k21.L, yi21k21.L,yi14i16.L, yi16i21.L, ysi14.L,ysi16.L, ysi21.L, yi21d.L, ysd.L, ystrans14.L, ystrans16.L, ystrans21.L, ytrans1416.L, ytrans1621.L, ytrans21d.L, Z.L ;

Appendix B – Specification of the Small Open-Economy Model for Orange County1

The Regional CGE Model

1 This appendix has been extracted from the text of Perez Burgos and Donaghy (2013). This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 54 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

The following are the activity levels and relative price variables for goods and factors to be determined by the model: ACTIVITY LEVELS Variable Description

Ys,r Sectoral production

A s,r Armington aggregation

Ch,r Consumption by household

GOVpub,r Public output

INVr Investment

RHh,r Income of representative households

GOVTpub,r Income of government agents TAXREV Income of tax revenue agent

PRICES Variable Description

pys,r Sectoral output prices

p s,r Price for domestic output

pas,r Armington aggregate prices

pch,r Consumption by household

pns Intra-national trade price

pinvr New investment

pgovpub,r Public output

pffa,r Factor prices pfx Foreign exchange

ptaxr Business taxes

In perfect competitive equilibrium, we assume both producers and consumers to be optimizing. Given this fact, we can assume that profit maximization in the constant-returns-to-scale setting is equivalent to cost minimization subject to technical constraints.

For sector Ysr, , we characterize input choices as though they arose from minimization of unit costs: min cAFBT c c (0.1) ddifmgsr,,,,, dfm f ,, sr s r++ s r


cpaddifmA sr,,,,= ∑ gr gsr g cpfdfmF sr,,,,= ∑ far fasr fa BT cptaxdfm = btax,, s r

Fsr,,,,,,(, ddifm gsr dfm f sr) = Y sr

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 55 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

where ddifmgsr,, represents the intermediate demand for imported good g in the production of good s in region r; and represents the factor demand in the production of good s in region r. The transformation function F(·) is described by a nested constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES) with s:0 va:1.

The supply of output Ysr, to domestic and trade (domestic and foreign) markets is portrayed as arising from the following profit-maximization problem:

max p sdmi pfxsxm pn sxm sdmisr,,,,,, sxm strdr s r s r++ s ,,,, ftrd r s s dtrd r s.t.

Ys,, r =Γ s r( sdmi s , r , sxm s ,, trd r )

The production function Γ(·) is described by a constant-elasticity-of-transformation (CET) with t:2.

The choice among imports from different trading partners (e.g., domestic, domestic and foreign trade) is based on Armington's idea of regionally differentiated products. This is reflected by the following cost minimization problem:

min p ddmi pfx dim pn dim ddmisr,,,,,, dim strdr s r s r++ s ,,,, ftrd r s s dtrd r s.t. A Fddmidimsr,,,,,(, sr strdr) = A sr

The import aggregation function portrayed by F A (·) in {eq:armington_aggregation} is described by the nested CES function with s:4 and m:8.

The investment demand is represented by a fixed coefficient (Leontief) aggregation of Armington goods. Its production can be portrayed by the following cost minimization problem:

min pa dinvd dinvdsr, ∑ s,, r s r s s.t.

INV FdinvdINVrsrr( , ) = where the respective production function portrayed by F INV (·) is described by a Leontief function.

Similarly, public consumption in the model is a Leontief (linear) composite of Armington goods. Its production can be portrayed by the following cost minimization problem:

⎛⎞ min pa ddgm+ digm ddgms,, pub r,,,,,,, digm s , trd ∑∑ s r⎜⎟ s pub r s trd pub r strd⎝⎠ s.t. This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 56 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

GOV FddgmdigmGOVpub,,,, r(, s pub r s trd) = pub , r

Private consumption consistent with utility maximization is portrayed by minimization of the cost of a given level of aggregate consumption:

⎛⎞ min pa ddpm+ dipm ddpmshr,,,,,,,,, dipm sh , ∑∑ s r⎜⎟ s h r s trd h r s⎝⎠ trd s.t. C Fddpmdipmhr,,,,,(, shr sh) = C hr

Final demand in the model is characterized by a Cobb-Douglas tradeoff across composite goods which include both domestic and imported inputs. The nested CD-CES function includes s:1.

We now define the general equilibrium of the model in a complementarity format. Rutherford (1995) and Mathiesen (1985) have shown that a complementary-based approach is convenient, robust, and efficient. A characteristic of economic models is that they naturally involve a complementary problem, i.e., given a function F: °°nn→ , find z∈° n such that Fz()≥ 0, z ≥ 0 , and zFzT ()= 0.

Equilibrium in a complementarity format is represented by a vector of activity levels, a non-negative vector of prices, and a non-negative vector of incomes such that:

1. No production activity makes a positive profit (zero profit conditions); 2. Excess supply (supply minus demand) is non-negative for all goods and factors (market clearance conditions); and 3. Expenditure does not exceed income (budget constraints).

Zero-profit conditions exhibit complementary slackness with respect to associated activity levels; market clearing conditions exhibit complementary slackness with respect to market prices; and budget constraints define income variables. To clarify exposition, we denote benchmark data parameters with a bar “−”' to distinguish them from model variables.

Zero-profit conditions

All production activities in the model are represented by constant-returns-to-scale technologies, and markets are assumed to operate competitively with free entry and exit. Consequently, equilibrium profits are driven to zero and the price of output reflects the cost of inputs. The following sets of equations relating marginal cost (LHS) to output prices (RHS) are part of the definition of an equilibrium (NB: we indicate the complementarity aspects by writing associated variables in parentheses):

Sectoral production (Ysr, ):

θ fr, r ifatca cf ptax py itcf pf θθθsr,, sr++ sr ,, sr sr , r = sr , s,, r= ∏ ( fa r ) fa

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 57 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

caa pa sr,,,= ∑θ gr gs g 1/(1+η ) dfxnt111+++ηηη pyss,,,,=+(θθ sr p sr sr pfx + θ sr , pn s )

Armington aggregation ( Asr, ): ()pcfnpa111/(1)−−−σσσaaaar θθsr,, sr+=∑ trdsr ,,, sr ss , trd where

1/(1−σt ) ftrd11−−σσtt ftrd itcfnsr,,=+(θθ sr pfx(1− sr , ) pn s )

Investment ( INVr ):

sumssr pa, vinvdsr, = pinv r vinv r

Public consumption (GOVrpub, ): ⎛⎞ pa vdgm vigm pgov vgm ∑ sr,,⎜⎟s,, pub r+=∑ s ,,, trd pub r pubr pub , r s⎝⎠ trd

Private consumption ( Crh, ):

c ()paθshr,, pc . ∏ sr,,= hr s

The values of shares from the benchmark data used in the zero profit conditions above are given by:

vdifm ∑ gsr,, i g θsr, = , vdmisr, vxm + ∑ s, trd trd

vfm ∑ fa,, s r fa fa θsr, = , vdmisr, vxm + ∑ s, trd trd

t vfmbtax,, s r θsr, = , vdmisr, vxm + ∑ s, trd trd

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 58 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

vfm θ = fa,, s r , fr, r vfm ∑ faʹ,, s r faʹ

vdifm θ a = gsr,, , gr, vdifm ∑ gsrʹ,, gʹ

d vdmi sr, θsr, = , vdmisr,,,+ ∑ vxm strdr trd

fx vxmsftrdr,, θsr, = , vdmisr,,,+ ∑ vxm strdr trd

nt vxmsdtrdr,, θsr, = , vdmisr,,,+ ∑ vxm strdr trd

ar vdmisr, θtrd,, s r = , vasr,

ftrd vimsftrdr,, θsr, = , and ∑ vimstrdr,, trd

vdpm vipm s,, h r+ ∑ s , trd , h θ c = trd . shr,, vdpm ∑ shrʹ,, sʹ

Market clearance conditions

Market clearance conditions exhibit complementary slackness with respect to prices. We make use of Shepard's Lemma to derive conditional demand from unit cost functions. Demand components are related to the notation used in the This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 59 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities primal formulation of the model by using braces below the respective terms on the RHS of market clearance conditions. The following sets of equations relating supply (LHS) to demands (RHS) are part of the definition of an equilibrium (NB: the variables in parentheses denote the associated price variable for each condition).

Market for domestic output ( prs, ):

ησa ⎛⎞ppasr,, ⎛⎞ sr YAsr,,⎜⎟= sr ⎜⎟. ⎜⎟py ⎜⎟ p ⎝⎠sr,,1442443 ⎝⎠ sr =dmisr,

Market for Armington aggregation ( pars, ): vasr, A vdifm Y sr, = ∑ gsr,, sr, g 14243 ddifmgsr,,

⎛⎞pchr, + ⎜⎟vdpms,, h r+ vipm s , trd ,, h r Chr, ∑∑⎜⎟pa h⎝⎠144444424444443 trd sr, =+ddpms,, h r dipm s , trd ,, h r

+ vinvdsr, INV 1442443r =dinvdsr, ⎛⎞ + sum vdgm vigm GOV pub⎜⎟s,, r pub+ ∑ s , trd , pub pub, r ⎝⎠14444444244444443trd =+ddgms,, pub r digm s ,,, trd pub r

Market for intra-national trade ( pns ):

ησa σt ⎛⎞pns ⎛⎞pasr,,⎛⎞ cfn sr vxmsdtrdr,, Ysr,,⎜⎟= A sr vim sdtrdr ,, ⎜⎟ . ∑∑⎜⎟py ⎜⎟ cfn⎜⎟ pn rr⎝⎠sr,,144444424444443 ⎝⎠ sr⎝⎠ s =dims,, dtrd r

Market for investment ( pinvr ):

vinvrhr INV vinvh , . r = ∑ h

Market for public consumption ( pgovpub, r ):

vgmpub, r GOVpub,, r pgov pub r= GOVT pub , r .

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 60 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

Market for primary factors ( pf fa, r ):

cf evo= vfm Y sr, . ∑∑hfar,,fa,, s r sr ,pf hs1442443fa, r =dfms,, fa r

Market for foreign exchange ( pfx):

η ⎛⎞pfx TAXREVr incadjhr,,++ vgm pubr vxms,, ftrd r Ysr,,⎜⎟ =+ dfx sr where ∑∑ ∑ ∑∑⎜⎟py ∑∑ ∑ pfx rh pubr, rs⎝⎠sr, rs r

σ a σt ⎛⎞pasr,,⎛⎞ cfn sr dfxsr,,= A sr vims,, ftrd , r ⎜⎟ . ⎜⎟cfn⎜⎟ pfx 144444424444443⎝⎠sr, ⎝⎠ =dims,, ftrd r

Market for private consumption ( pcrh, ):

vpmhr,, C hr pc hr ,= rh hr ,.

Market for business taxes ( ptax ):

vfm vfm Y . ∑∑btax,, s r= btax ,, s r sr, ss

Income definitions

Private income ( RH hr, ):

RH pf evoh,, fa r pfxincadj pinv() vinvh h , r . h,, r=++∑ fa rhr, r − fa

Public income (GOVTpub, r ):

GOVTpub, r = pfxvgm pub, r .

Income of tax revenue agent (TAXREVr ):

TAXREV ptax vfm . rr= ∑ btax,, s r s

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 61 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

This completes the sets of equations that describe the equilibrium conditions.

Appendix C – GAMS Code for Small Open-Economy Model for Orange County

[This code is a place holder for the actual code employed.]

$title Simple Static Small Open Economy Model with Intra-national Trade

$if not set target $set target gtap

* Read the IMPLANinGAMS dataset:

$batinclude build\regionaldata This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 62 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

* Define value share parameters to simplify algebra:

PARAMETER thetai(r,s) Value share of intermediate input thetaf(r,s) Value added share of sectoral output thetae(r,s) Value share of emmissions thetat(r,s) Value share of business taxes; thetai(r,s)$vdmi(r,s) = sum(g,vdifm(r,g,s))/(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd))); thetaf(r,s)$vdmi(r,s) = sum(fa,vfm(r,fa,s)/(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd)))); thetat(r,s)$vdmi(r,s) = vfm(r,"btax",s)/(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd)));

*------* Formulate a stylized SOE US regional model in GAMS/MCP based on * these statistics and verify that the resulting data represents * an equilibrium:

POSITIVE VARIABLES y(r,s) Sectoral production a(r,s) Armington aggregation c(r,h) Consumption by household gov(r,pub) Public output inv(r) Investment

p(r,s) Sectoral output prices pa(r,s) Armington aggregate prices pc(r,h) Consumption by household pn(s) Intra-national trade price pinv(r) New investment pgov(r,pub) Public output pf(r,fa) Factor prices pfx Foreign exchange ptax Tax

rh(r,h) Representative households govt(r,pub) Government (different levels) taxrev Tax revenue agent

cf(r,s) User cost index for primary factors ca(r,s) User cost index for Armington inputs cfn(r,g) User cost index for domestic and imported inputs dfm(fa,r,s) Sectoral demand for primary factors dfx(r,g) Armington demand for foreign exchange dfn(r,g) Armington demand for domestic trade da(r,s,g) Sectoral demand for Armington good dad(r,g) Armington demand for domestic output py(r,s) Price for sectoral output;

EQUATIONS prf_y(r,s) Sectoral production prf_a(r,s) Armington aggregation prf_c(r,h) Consumption by household prf_gov(r,pub) Public output prf_inv(r) Investment This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 63 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities

mkt_p(r,s) Sectoral output prices mkt_pa(r,s) Armington aggregate prices mkt_pc(r,h) Consumption by household mkt_pn(s) Intra-national trade price mkt_pinv(r) New investment mkt_pgov(r,pub) Public output mkt_pf(r,fa) Factor prices mkt_pfx Foreign exchange mkt_ptax(r) Business taxes

inc_rh(r,h) Representative households inc_govt(r,pub) Government (different levels) inc_taxrev(r) Tax revenue agent

eq_cf(r,s) eq_ca(r,s) User cost index for Armington inputs eq_cfn(r,g) User cost index for domestic and imported inputs eq_dfm(fa,r,s) Sectoral demand for primary factors eq_dfx(r,g) Armington demand for foreign exchange eq_dfn(r,g) Armington demand for domestic trade eq_da(r,s,g) Sectoral demand for Armington good eq_dad(r,g) Armington demand for domestic output eq_py(r,s) Price for sectoral output;

* Equation definitions to simplify algebra: eq_cf(r,s)$(sum(fa,vfm(r,fa,s))).. cf(r,s) =e= prod(fa, pf(r,fa)**(vfm(r,fa,s) /sum(ffa,vfm(r,ffa,s)))); eq_ca(r,s)$(sum(g, vdifm(r,g,s))).. ca(r,s) =e= sum(g, vdifm(r,g,s)/sum(gg,vdifm(r,gg,s)) * PA(r,g)); eq_cfn(r,g)$(sum(trd,vim(r,g,trd))).. cfn(r,g) =e= (vim(r,g,"ftrd")/sum(trd,vim(r,g,trd))*PFX**(1-es_t) + vim(r,g,"dtrd")/sum(trd,vim(r,g,trd)) *PN(g)**(1-es_t))**(1/(1-es_t)); eq_dfm(fa,r,s).. dfm(fa,r,s) =e= vfm(r,fa,s)*Y(r,s)*cf(r,s)/pf(r,fa); eq_dfx(r,g).. dfx(r,g) =e= A(r,g) * vim(r,g,"ftrd") *(PA(r,g)/cfn(r,g))**es_a * (cfn(r,g)/PFX)**es_t; eq_dfn(r,g).. dfn(r,g) =e= A(r,g) * vim(r,g,"dtrd") *(cfn(r,g)/PA(r,g))**(-es_a) * (cfn(r,g)/PN(g))**es_t; eq_da(r,s,g).. da(r,s,g) =e= vdifm(r,g,s)*Y(r,s); eq_dad(r,g).. dad(r,g) =e= vdmi(r,g)*A(r,g)*(PA(r,g)/P(r,g))**es_a; eq_py(r,s)$(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd))).. py(r,s) =e= (vdmi(r,s)/(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd)))*P(r,s)**(1+eta) + vxm(r,s,"ftrd")/(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd)))*PFX**(1+eta) + vxm(r,s,"dtrd")/(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd)))*PN(s)**(1+eta) This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 64 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities


* Zero profit conditions: prf_y(r,s)$((vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd)))) .. thetai(r,s)*ca(r,s) + thetaf(r,s)*cf(r,s) + thetat(r,s)*PTAX(r) =e= py(r,s); prf_a(r,s)$va(r,s).. (vdmi(r,s)/va(r,s)*(P(r,s)**(1-es_a)) + sum(trd,vim(r,s,trd)) /va(r,s)*cfn(r,s)**(1-es_a))**(1/(1-es_a)) =e= PA(r,s); prf_inv(r).. sum(g, PA(r,g) * vinvd(r,g)) =e= PINV(r) * vinv(r); prf_gov(r,pub).. sum(g, PA(r,g) * (vdgm(r,g,pub)+sum(trd,vigm(r,g,trd,pub)))) =e= PGOV(r,pub) * vgm(r,pub); prf_c(r,h).. pc(r,h) =e= prod(s, pa(r,s)**((vdpm(r,s,h) + sum(trd,vipm(r,s,trd,h))) /sum(ss,(vdpm(r,ss,h) + sum(trd,vipm(r,ss,trd,h))))));

* Market clearing conditions: mkt_p(r,s)$(vdmi(r,s)+sum(trd,vxm(r,s,trd))).. vdmi(r,s)*Y(r,s)*(P(r,s)/PY(r,s))**eta =e= dad(r,s); mkt_pa(r,s)$va(r,s).. va(r,s)*A(r,s) =e= sum(g, da(r,g,s)) + sum(h, (vdpm(r,s,h)+sum(trd,vipm(r,s,trd,h)))*PC(r,h)/PA(r,s)*C(r,h)) + vinvd(r,s)*INV(r) + sum(pub, (vdgm(r,s,pub)+sum(trd,vigm(r,s,trd,pub)))*GOV(r,pub)); mkt_pn(s).. sum(r, vxm(r,s,"dtrd")*Y(r,s)*(PN(s)/PY(r,s))**eta) =e= sum(r, dfn(r,s)); mkt_pinv(r).. vinv(r) * INV(r) =e= sum(h, vinvh(r,h)); mkt_pgov(r,pub).. vgm(r,pub) * GOV(r,pub) * PGOV(r,pub) =e= GOVT(r,pub); mkt_pf(r,fa).. sum(h,evo(r,h,fa)) =e= sum(s, dfm(fa,r,s)); mkt_pfx.. sum((r,h), incadj(r,h)) + sum((r,pub), vgm(r,pub)) + sum((r,s), vxm(r,s,"ftrd")*Y(r,s)*(PFX/PY(r,s))**eta) =e= sum((r,s), dfx(r,s)) + sum(r, taxrev(r)/PFX); mkt_pc(r,h).. vpm(r,h) * C(r,h) * PC(r,h) =e= RH(r,h); mkt_ptax(r).. sum(s,vfm(r,"btax",s)) =e= sum(s, vfm(r,"btax",s) * Y(r,s));

* Income definitions: inc_rh(r,h).. RH(r,h) =e= sum(fa, pf(r,fa)*evo(r,h,fa)) + pfx*incadj(r,h) + pinv(r)*(-vinvh(r,h));

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 65 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

A Prototype Planning Support System for Managing Change in Water Infrastructure systems in Hudson River and Mohawk River Municipalities inc_govt(r,pub).. GOVT(r,pub) =e= pfx*vgm(r,pub); inc_taxrev(r).. TAXREV(r) =e= ptax(r) * sum(s, vfm(r,"btax",s));

* Define model and match equations and variables: model soe_mcp /prf_y.y,prf_a.a,prf_c.c,,prf_inv.inv,mkt_p.p,,mkt_pc.pc,,mkt_pinv.pinv,mkt_pgov.pgov,,mkt_pfx.pfx,mkt_ptax.ptax,inc_rh.rh, inc_govt.govt,inc_taxrev.taxrev,,,eq_cfn.cfn,eq_dfm.dfm,eq_dfx.dfx,eq_dfn.dfn,eq_da.da,,;

* Assign default values: y.l(r,s)=1;a.l(r,s)=1;c.l(r,h)=1;gov.l(r,pub)=1;inv.l(r)=1;p.l(r,s)=1; pa.l(r,s)=1;pc.l(r,h)=1;pn.l(s)=1;pinv.l(r)=1;pgov.l(r,pub)=1;pf.l(r,fa)=1; pfx.l=1;ptax.l(r)=1;rh.l(r,h)=vpm(r,h);govt.l(r,pub)=vgm(r,pub); cf.l(r,s)=1;ca.l(r,s)=1;cfn.l(r,g)=1;dfm.l(fa,r,s)=vfm(r,fa,s); dfx.l(r,g)=vim(r,g,"ftrd");dfn.l(r,g)=vim(r,g,"dtrd");da.l(r,s,g)=vdifm(r,g,s); dad.l(r,g)=vdmi(r,g);py.l(r,s)=1;taxrev.l(r)=sum(s, vfm(r,"btax",s));

* Fix variables which should not be in the model:

PN.fx(s)$(vn(s)=0) =1;

* Choose a numeraire:

PFX.fx =1;

* Verify benchmark consistency: soe_mcp.iterlim = 0; solve soe_mcp using mcp;

This report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River 66 Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.