August 2017 RSE President-Elect We are delighted to announce that Professor Dame Anne Glover FRS FRSE has been elected the next President of the RSE, following an extensive consultation of the RSE Fellowship. Dame Anne’s appointment will be confirmed at the Annual Statutory Meeting on Monday 30 October 2017 and she will serve for three years from April 2018. Dame Anne will succeed Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell FRS FRSE. Thank you to all Fellows who took the time to vote in the Ballot. Dame Anne, who became a Fellow in 2005, joined the University of Aberdeen in 1983 and pursued a distinguished career in microbiology. She was appointed the first Chief Scientific Adviser to Scotland in 2006 (until 2011) and then the first Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission in 2012 (until 2014). In June 2015, she rejoined the University to take up her present Vice-Principal role. Read the full press release at: Photograph courtesy of the University of Aberdeen RSE Newsletter ReSourcE – Summer 2017 The highlight in this latest issue is the visit in July by our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen, to present the 2017 RSE Royal Medals. The publication can be viewed online at: If you would like to receive the newsletter in hard copy, contact Jenny Liddell –
[email protected] – 0131 240 5019. A video of the Royal visit is now also available at: Fellows’ Engagement Events Fellows’ Engagement Events are an opportunity for the President to provide Fellows with an update on RSE activities and developments; to start to develop regional activities for Fellows; and, most importantly, to listen to opinions and suggestions from Fellows, which will help to inform future activities of the RSE.