THE . [IVING CHURCH The American Roots of Indian Church Unity r:ClffirfitJ ··nr·ty p·•e ·r sn:b i s t e n i n g S e r V , Ill Leader 1v1ngFaith Receiving r a y e r SHORT-TERM INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SIP) DOMESTIC INTERNSHIPS ••• EPISCOPAL SERVICE CORPS (ESC) DOMESTIC INTERNSHIPS ••• YOUNG ADULT SERVICE CORPS (YASC) INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS Tolearn more contactthe Revd Douglas Fenton, Young Adult & CampusMinistries at
[email protected] or the RevdDavid Copley, Mission Personnel at dcopl~y@episgopalchu~ch.orgor by calling800-334 -7626 THE THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVING CHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving Episcopalians since 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. >hone: 414-276-5420 THIS WEEK 3etty Glatzel ieneral Manager (ext. 17) lohn Schuessler 1anaging Editor ( ext. I 1) \my Grau !raph ie Artist ( ext. 13) News rom Parker \dvertising Manager ( ext. 16) 5 fhais Jackson South Carolina Bishop Urges 'uifillment Manager (ext. 21) Distance from TEC Governance tenee Weber 4arket-ing!Prorrwtion Director ( ext. 19) l'!ichaelO 'Loughlin Jir ectorof A ssociat.edPublicatwns ( ext . 14) 3OARDOF DIRECTORS Features fhe Rev.Thomas A. Fraser II Riverside, Ill. (President) 7 Lessons in Contradiction \firiamK. Stauff from India Wauwatosa, Wis.(Vice President) BYSTEVEN R. FORD )aniel Muth St. Leonard, Md. (Secretary) CJowardM . Tischler Albuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) fhe Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Franklin, Tenn. Opinion fhe Rev.Jay C. James Raleigh, N.C. 9 Guest Column fhe Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Going Barefoot Year-Round Alexandria, La.