The London Gazette B?
fiumb. 40310 6067 The London Gazette b? Registered as a Newspaper .*» For Table of Contents see last page TUESDAY, 26 OCTOBER, 1954 Lord Chamberlain's Office, The Lordsi Commissioners of Her Majesty's St. James's Palace, S.W.I. Treasury hereby give notice that They have made 26th October, 1954. Regulations under Section 5 of the War Loan (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1915, as amended, The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to viz:— appoint iRear Admiral (S) Frederick Robert Joseph Mack. C.B., C.B.E., to (be a Gentleman Usiher to The Savings Certificates (Amendment) Regula- Her (Majesty. tions, 1954. The Regulation®, which come into operation on the Istt November, 1954, have been published as CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS Statutory Instrument, 1954, No. 1399. The Regula- OF KNIGHTHOOD. tions raise the limit upon the maximum holding of National Savings Certificates (Ninth Issue) by any one St. James's Palace, S.W.\. person from 700 units to 1,000 units. 26th October, 1954. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's The QUEEN has been: graciously pleased to Treasury also give notice that as from the 1st appoint The Right Honourable (Robert) Anthony November, 1954, the limit on individual holdings of Eden, M.C., M.P., to be a Knight Companion of the 3i% Defence Bonds (Subscription Issue), other than Most Noble Order of the Garter. (To be dated those acquired by inheritance, will ,be raised from 20th October, 1954.) £1,000 to £2,000. Copies of Statutory Instrument 1954 No. 1399 may 'be purchased (price 2d.) direct from York House, Clarence House, Kingsway, London, W.C2; 423, Oxford Street, St.
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