State Park and Forest Commission
$tate of (Eannecticixt PUBLIC DOCUMENT NO. 60 THIRTEENTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE PARK AND FOREST COMMISSION For the Fiscal Years July 1, 1936 to June 30, 1938 C^rrt Oct" ezi\, DEAN'S RAVINE. HOUSATONIC FOREST §tats of (Eatinecticut PUBLIC DOCUMENT NO. 60 THIRTEENTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE PARK AND FOREST COMMISSION TO THE GOVERNOR For the Fiscal Term ended June 30, 1938 PRINTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATUTE HARTFORD PUBLISHED BY THE STATE 1938 PUBLICATION APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND CONTROL The Peiper Press, Inc., WaUingford, Conn. Hartford, Connecticut November 16, 1938 To His Excellency, WILBUR L. CROSS, Governor of the State of Connecticut, In accordance with Chapter 114, Revised Statutes of 1930, and on behalf of the Commissioners appointed under such statute, I have the honor to submit for your consideration the biennial report of the State Park and Forest Commission for the two years ended June 30, 1938, including the report of the State Forester for the same period. HERMAN H. CHAPMAN Chairman of the Commission CONNECTICUT STATE PARK AND FOREST COMMISSIONERS Appointed by the Governor Arthur L. Peale, Norwich, Term ends Sept. 1, 1939 Dwight C. Wheeler, Bridgeport., Term ends Sept. 1, 1939 Herman H. Chapman, New Haven, Term ends Sept. L 1941 Edward H. Wilkins, Cobalt, Term ends Sept. 1, 1941 Lucius F. Robinson, Hartford, Term ends Sept. L 1943 Thomas Hewes, Hartford, Term ends Sept. 1, 1943 Ex-officio Walter 0. Filley, New Haven, Forester, C.A.E. Station Officers, June 30, 1938 Chairman, Herman H. Chapman Vice-Chairman, Edward H.
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