The regions of and Murcia have a large number of protected areas, nature reserves and natural parks which make them very attractive natural tourist destinations.

Some of its most outstanding natural spaces in terms of their ecological interest are:

Salinas de : South of Santa Pola (Alicante), on the Mediterranean coast. Here there are areas for watching birds of great ecological and recreational interest: flamingos, marbled teal, shelducks, and many others. There are observatories and organized activities to enable you to make the most of the natural features of Salinas de Santa Pola.

El Hondo: Marshland of extraordinary importance, not only in but in Europe. Many different types of birds can be seen from the observatories. El Hondo lagoon, which is only 6 metres above sea level, is an ecological niche of enormous interest, declared a Nature Reserve, where species such as the purple heron or the flamingo can be observed.

Isla de Tabarca: The Island of Tabarca is the only uninhabited island in the Region of Valencia. Declared a Marine Nature Reserve, it is renowned for its great seafood and fish. Surrounded by crystalline waters packed with natural riches, which lap one of the beaches awarded the E.U.’s blue flag.

Now discover some more examples of nature which make Las Colinas – not only because of its location and landscape – a world apart: NATURE RESERVES IN THE PROVINCE OF MURCIA:

NATURE RESERVES: OTHER NATURE RESERVES: Cabezo Gordo Saladares de Guadalentín Cañón de los Almadenes Sotos y Bosques de la ribera de Cañaverosa Islas e Islotes del Litoral Mediterráneo Sierra del Carche Sierra La Muela-Cabo Tiñoso Sierra Salinas

REGIONAL PARKS: PROTECTED AREAS: Cabo Cope y Puntas de Calnegre Barrancos de Gebas Carrascoy y El Valle Cuatro Calas Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar Espacios Abiertos e Islas del Mar Menor Sierra Espuña Humedal del Ajauque y Rambla Salada Sierra de la Pila Sierra de las Moreras Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila


NATURE RESERVES: MUNICIPAL NATURE RESERVES: MARINE RESERVES: Carrascar de la Font Roja Arenal de l'Amorxó Cap de Sant Antoni El Hondo Racó de Sant Bonaventura-Canalons Isla de Tabarca Llacunes de la Mata i Macizo de Montgó Marjal de Pego-Oliva Penyal D'Ifac Salines de Santa Pola Sierra de Mariola