APPENDIX. Have Extensive Schools Also Here
738 .HISTOBY . OF LIMERICK. projected, from designs by 5. J. M'Carthy, Esq., Dublia, by the Very Rev. Jsmes O'Shea, parish priest, and the parishioners. The Sister of Mercy have an admirable convent and school, and the Christian Brothers APPENDIX. have extensive schools also here. s~a~s.-Rathkede Abbey (G. W: Leech, Esq.), Castle Matrix, Beechmount (T. Lloyd, Esq , U.L.), Ba1lywillia.m (D. Mansell, Esq.), and Mount Browne (J. Browne, Ey.) There is a branch of the Provincial Bank of Ireland, adof the National PgqCJPhL CHARTERS OF LIMERICK, Bank of Ireland here. Charter granted by John ... dated 18th December, 1197-8 . ,, ,, Edward I., ,, 4th February, 1291 ,, ,, ,, Ditto ,, 6th May, 1303 ,, ,, Henry IV. ,, 26th June, 1400 ,, ,, Henry V. ,, 20th January, 1413 The History of Limerick closes appropriately with the recognition by ,, ,, ,, Henry VI. ,, 27th November, 1423 the government of Lord Palmerston, who has since been numbered ~6th ,, ,, ,, Ditto, ,, 18th November, l429 ,. ,, ,, Henry VI., ,, 26th July, 1449 the dead, of the justice and expediency of the principle of denominational ,, ,, ,, Edward VI. ,, 20th February, 1551 education, so far at least as the intimation that has been given of a liberal ,, ,, ,, Elizabeth, ,, 27th October, 1575 modification of the Queen's Culleges to meet Catholic requirements is con- ,, ,, ,, Ditto, ,, 19th March, 15b2 , Jrrmes I. ,, 8d March, 1609 cerned. We have said appropriately", because Limerick was the first Amsng the muniments of the Corporation is an Inspex. of Oliver Cromwell, dated 10th of locality in Ireland to agitate in favour of that movement, the author of February, 1657 ; and an Inspex. of Charles 11.
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