Please note: This is a preprint for an article accepted for publication with PSPB. It may be subject to editing and other changes. The nature of Islamophobia: A test of a tripartite view in five countries Fatih Uenal1,2*, Robin Bergh1, Jim Sidanius1, Andreas Zick3, Sasha Kimel4, and Jonas R. Kunst5,6 1 Department of Psychology, Harvard University 2 Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge 3 IKG, University of Bielefeld 4 Department of Psychology, California State University San Marcos 5 Department of Psychology, University of Oslo 6 Center for research on extremism, University of Oslo *Corresponding author Please direct correspondence to Dr. Fatih Uenal, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Old Cavendish Building, Free School Lane, CB2 3RQ, Cambridge, UK, E-mail:
[email protected] Word count: 9999 (Excluding title page, tables and figures) Conflict of Interest: None Ethical Approval: This Study partly was approved by Harvard University-Area Committee on the Use of Human Subject (IRB 16-1810). Data Sharing: Please contact the PI for data accessibility. Preregistration: asPredicted #20961 ( Acknowledgements: The research was supported, in part, by a post-doctoral stipend from the Humboldt University Berlin within the Excellence Initiative of the states and the federal government (German Research Foundation). We also want to thank the reviewers and editor for their helpful comments. Page 1 of 256 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Running head: NATURE OF ISLAMOPHOBIA 1 1 2 3 Abstract 4 5 6 This article provides an examination of the structure of Islamophobia across cultures. Our novel 7 8 measure – the Tripartite Islamophobia Scale (TIS) – embeds three theoretically and statistically 9 10 grounded subcomponents of Islamophobia: anti-Muslim prejudice, anti-Islamic sentiment, and 11 12 conspiracy beliefs.