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An Official Nmspoper 07092 For The Bofoyqh Of MountRin.,,de VOL, 19.NO. 49 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1977 * Bateman takes borough in light turnout GOP has edge in all contests Victors unopposed in local races In :• lighter than anticipated turnout, though understandable because of the lack df ifiea! t'onfesl?., about W pert-en! • if i hi? 4.970 rpgistertJ voters in Mouniainsidi' came to the polls on Tuesday As in the pasi. borough voters threw strong support to Republican can didates in ali tho races Mountainside residents supported, almost two to one. Onp gubernatorial candidatt- ALL FOR ONE -= Success Vcuri'airside cjndida'es 'fron* left' Bruce Geiger Raymond Baleman in his losing t'ffnri bceough council. Ru?*i G cJio *ii coiiec'c a"5 *,r- Benfcc) borough count,i, -eceive CQn = 'a* :a*'Op'5 against incumbent Guv Brendan y v s^.-ig. ws.^e- ci—ca 5- —a-age' a-; Va.-r Byrne Boteman won in the borough 1.98G to Byrne's 1.101 fn the 22nd District legislative races the borough voted almost three tn urn- for incumbent Senator Peter Republicans pleased MeDonough over Demucratn- challenger Harry Poppas MeDfinough took the community. 2,043 to 857 The two GUP .V'-emhly incumbents but hardly surprised were handily helped to reelection b> ' *he de:"ea: of Republics" Mountainside voters William McGuire re'umin hirr. ifiCc and fur their 'nrial randida'e RaiTtinnd iiinfidencf ;n him In a prepared BULLSiYE—Meuntain&ldt firearms instructor QffiotrAlan garnered 1.940 votes and Donald Ba' M"iui'.ainside Unp member* ietyeman fulfilled their shooting requirjmenfs. Ail police 1 *'a'erRen: issued '<"• :h:s paper Geiger Kennedy checks a target after (from (eft) Officer Herman must qualify at the Union County pistol range In DiFrancesco received 2035. to James celebrated 'he vic'iir , of 'heir -lan Haftken, Def. 8t*vt Semeneik ana Det, Sgf. Waiter >aid. 'The endurance of -he Republics" Kenilworth fou^ times a year. SpagnoJTs «» and Melwn Chilewich's dardbearers for local (iffices at a small Party ;n Mouniamsidi 5'reises Ml party at 'he Mnur.tainside Inn Tuesda;. dramatically the confidence nur \oters Three Democratic candidates swept nigh; have m u* We '*"H no- disappoint thaf •he county in their bid for Union County The candidates for Borough Council confidence as ">ve cope with changing Training right on target freeholder skits, hui- they lost in - Bruce Geiger, elected to hi* third conditions Mountainside by about- a»anfi^ . term and Tim Benford. a newcomer '.0 Benford smilingly told the party- voie The borough tallies for that office local politics — and Ruth Gibadlo, were Republicans: Robert Morgan, winning her second term as tax goerirhe was "very"exci*.fed anfl~very Officers fulfill shooting requirements 1280, Herbert Heumann, 1,880, and collector, each look turns thanking the happy about getting aboard." He ad- William Ruocco, 1859; Democrats gathering of about 50 people for electing ded, "the team that is the Republican BvDE.VlSRREVVPBy DEVISE BE.SSERB MARTIUiOTIVN FnllFoufr limntime*s a waoryear., ff«nu4iKennedy. !„!,lake«s th tt,™e isKenned 1 iy and, _,,Officer. s Herman Hafeken ticket) has been elected since IMS and "Ready on line. Ready right Ready 18 municipal policemen in shifts to the Waller Boright, 9®; Joanne Rajoppi, them In their unopposed contests. and John Clock, Det Sgt Walter 965, and Thomas Dillon, 916, only the facet have changed," In his left. Fire," Mountainside police officer Union County police combat target Beiyeman and Del, Steve Semancik Gig thanked^he voters for range in Kenilworlh. All officer* mu*i The Democratic candidate for and firearms instructor Alan Kennedy proved those five municipal olfteeis lUttlBHI yells to four of hi* colleagues braced in fulfill pistol shooting requirements and fired wrll above the minimum shooting sheriff, R»ipi» Frortleh, won by a \mr%tt iuunuuu --WilLsaon, have jp miderKo the ^Mft* margin in the county and in the borough the attadr stance wjlhihey-ss? Smith accuracy requirements, he proved to be the strongest and Wesson magnums raised. A te*U with shotguns. Thgoffirtrs fifsfTIfc 12 rounds at a Democratic vote getter? Mountaimlde Election tabulation A. recent visit to «he range barrage of bullets follows. distance of sev*n yards from the n>an'» voter* nmrrtmly ftivwwd Republican fiOVHNOR STATE SENATE^ BOROUGH T« silouette target in 40 meonOs. Each candidate tester Sargent Jr- 978 to COUNCIL man geu ott mix round*, reloads and FroceWch's ""~ M inding in a-ftste -In—themmenimsuabormmtt- slots, £ position. Bruce Geiger. in his thirtl successful B B B Kennedy nas them all move back to bid for borough council, received 2,^ E 1 lhe 15-yard line and each then fires five votes. Mis running mate, Tim Benford, fl p 0 rounds into the unsuspecting target in who will fill retiring councilman Bill T A N N C B IS seconds. e Cullen's shoes, received 2,153 votes. £ f I A At the ffi-yard line, the men are told Tax collector Ruth Gibadlo, who after P 0 0 C D they have 90 seconds to pump 18 rounds. Tuesday's election now has tenure in R M P U The first six are fired from a kneeling the post, received 2,185 votes, A A E position. The men reload, The next six H e » Tht two bond issues on the ballot 0 R are shot from behind a right-hand appeared to nave won easily throughout I N S H barricade with the right hand. Reload the state. The first question, providing ; District w m Then they fire from behind a left-hand 530 million to municipalities on a (D) 1 97 153 153 16Z 169 17? I barricade with the left hand. (Continued on pag« 1) Then come five fait rounds in 15 Z 102 203 82 205 213 217 215 1 leconds from 25 yards in the ready 70 241 284 I position. Week is set aside 3 119 229 286 270 244 The thundering noise dies down and for children's books 4 93 232 71 2*0 241 248 only a mist of smoke remains as 194 89 195 206 219 211 I Kennedy approaches the targets for 5 94 The week of Nov. 13 to 20, designated 211 scoring. as Children's Book Week, will be ob- 6 100 175 65 198 212 221 I The minimum requirement for all served at the Free Public Library of \ 7 129 198 107 199 218 221 211 • policemen is that 70 percent of all .40 Mountainside, 113 194 201 | shots fired must be successful hits, •? Maryann Sheehan, children s | S 131 us 180 200 S9 196 202 § The target is a silhouette of the upper librarian, has compiled a list of 8 115 in 187 207 portion of a human torso. The i "Selected Children's Books 1977" which ^99 238 245 250 247 | "bullseye" is marked with an "X" and will be available to patrons throughout 1 10 121 226 is in the center of the "body," Outer the week. Books on the list will be on I Totals HOI 19S6 857 2043 2153 2222 2115 1 circles marked from nine to seven display in the children's department indicate a hit from about waist high to around the neck, and each area has a numerical scoring value. The hits are totalled and a percentage determined. RIKDY, AlW^fttountalmide police (from itft) De*. Sat. Walter Betyeman. D«t, Each Mountainside policeman who Stewe Semancik and P«1ro!man Herman Htfeken fire thoir 35? maflnums under fired that day hit at least 91 percent. lhe Insfruction of Officer Al»n Ktnntdy. (Photo Graphics) When Kennedy unhotatered his gun and fired off a fast five rounds just for practice, he hit 100 percent. The in- structor Is rated one of the top five shots Suspension possible in Union County. Kennedy has been on the Moun- tainside force for II years and is In his second year as firearms inittuctor. He for teacher who quit has attended the firearms Instructor's school at Union College and classes Controversies and Disputes in Trenton An eighth grade science teacher who (Conlinupd on Mge I) was hired to teach at Dserfleld School the week of Dec, 12, MDuntainsW« this year but, two days before the fall school board attorney Ray O'Brien and tem opened, notified Mountainside Superintendent of Schools Dr, Levin GOP club to meet school officials he would accept a Hanigan will also be present at the position in New York City, has teen hearing and are ej^ectea to testify, * next Thursday night ordered to appear before the..slate, Gallo had previously taught in the The Mountainside Republican Club school authorities to show cause why New York City system and was a part will meet next Thursday, Nov. 17, at s his license should not be suspended in of the massive teacher layoffs two p.m , instead of the usual Wednesday New Jersey tor one year. years ago. He taught in the borough meeting night, at the home of Coun- Gregory Gallo will appear before the system last year and his contract was oilman-elect and Mrs. Tim Benford. • Department of Education's Division of renewed to continue in the post, A report on election returns and an Gallo informed Hanigan of his in- update on the club's membership drive BUMUiltUllU tentions to accept the position in Nej^ ™aWJCheduled topics, according to Roy WE'VE MAD York Just before the opening of school. Mumlord, president. Prospective A COMPUTER PROBLEM Under state law; and included in members have been invited, A few of MT subscribers have teacher's contracts, an educator must had a problem with their sub- give 60 days notice of his intention to scriptions to oar newspapers. Association said there wer« almost MO demonstrators resign, Likewise, a school system must AFTER CLASS—Teachers from Union Osunty Regional This problem was caused by a give appropriate notice if a teacher is to Meeting pos*pon«d j from ail four district high schools: Jonathan Dayton In computer malfunction, if your The regular monthly meeting { High School District picketed the school board offices in Springfield. David Breariey in Kenllworth, Gov. be let go. ; Keyes Martin Sulldtng on Mountain avenue. Springfield, subscription service to oar At its September meeting, the Board of the Mountainside borough | Uvingston in Berkeley Heights and Arthur Johnson in newspaper has been Interrupted, council has been postponed until | aft»r classes last Friday. Inside, fact-finding Msiiens Clark. Regina Rict^ president of tr» teachers* group, said of Education directed Hanigan to write wer« beginning In an attempt to unblqck the impasse please call our circulation a letter to Commissioner of Education Tuesday, Nov. 22, It was I 'some progress was mide* at the ?riday session which department (6S6-7700) from 9 originally planned for Tuesday. 1 between teachers »nd th* district board over a new Fred Burke informing him of the contract, A spokasmlin for the Regional Education lasted until 2:15 a.rn, Satu'day. The negotiations were a.m. to S p.m. on Monday through situation and asking a resume of the e Nov. «. 1 icheduieti to resume yes*<»rday. CPhoioCraphics) 7 "" (Continued on Ml*.!) mmmiiuiii IThgriday. November 10, 1977.MOUNTAINSIDE (NJ.) ECHO ||||||||||||HnilllllllllllimillllMlllllllllllllllllll Audubon group School board sells bird seed meetings set I • The Union County Regional I • High School District Board of 1 at discount rate jj Education will hold an adjourned I "Bird Seed Savings Day," sponsored • regular meeting Tuesday at § i jointly by the Recves-Roed Arboretum • p.m. at the Gov. Livingston jj in Summit and the Summit Nature | Regional High School in- | Club, a local chapter of the Audubon g structlonal media center. I Society, will give area residents the g The Board of Education will | opportunity to buy bird seed at bargain g also meet to discuii items to be s prices thirMHsrhile providing-financial— 1 Included In the ig?8-7g budget J _ ay at 8 p.m. at the board g support for the educational programs of g offleei at the Keyei, Martin jj the two organizations, Arboretum = Building, Ml Mountain ave., {§ president Arthur Aekerman and Nature I Springfield. | Club president William Boyle an- = AH residents of the Regional 1 nounced this week Individual bird seed orders with covering checks must • District have been luvited to I reach the Arboretum before Tuesday, g attend both meeting!, i Nov. 21, so the seed can be purchased in rniiiiiiiiii(iii)iii(iiiiii!iiiiii!iiiii!iiii!!i(i!ii(i!(iii!iiM!i!iii!in time for distribution at the Arboretum on "Bird Seed Savings Day," Saturday, Dec, 3, between 9 am, and 3 p.m. • Marguerite Krieger, who is director Letters of the arboretum, explained that the 'MISQUOTED' seed will be bought in large quantities BOBCATS ALL—Seven new Pack 70 Cubs give an Indian yell to signify their at bulk prices from the National Since being elected to the Union Introduction to scouting. The new scouts art (first row) Tod Llsehln and Scott County Regional High School board, I Science for Youth Foundation Co-op, Crabtree and (back row from left) Sean Deianey. AAlchail Gonnella, David which sells only to nonprofit have been mildly surprised at times to Kadtsh, John Kgvaeksand Don Kuezera. At the first meeting of the scouting year read the interpretation of proceedings organizations Assortments of sun- held recently at Deerfleld school Cub /SAaster Lou Moreno announced future flower seeds, wild bird mixes, cracked of the board meetings by various PRiSf NTATIQN — Jacquelinf Vincent of AAountalnildt, a 1972 graduatt of Kean activities would Include a Chrlsfmas-Hannukah party, den Olympics Blue and newspapers in the area. College In Union, donattd a framed picture of an Abraham Lincoln monument te com, peanut hearts and suet-seed cakes Gold dinner, Plntwood Derby and a family picnic. will be available for pickup at the ar- Last week I was misquoted In the be hung In the college's library, Jamei Daniel, alumni association president, boretum, 163 Hobart ave , Summit, on Mountainside Echo and Springfield accepted the girt. Dec, 3, Several types of feeders at Leader as saying that I was not on the various prices are on sale at the ar- board when the ranking system was boretum on Tuesdays and Thursdays adopted. This smacks of "passing the during the fall and winter School Lunches buck," which is not one of my at- Remedial education Further information regarding seed tributes, and prices can be obtained by calling 1 also did not "call for a review of course categories and ranking"—but, Elizabeth Rosenthal of the Nature Club MOUNTAINSIDE ELEMENTARY Thursday—Submarine , enters second year Mr. Charles Vitale, president of the at 2734978 or the Arboretum at 273-8787 SCHOOLS fruit. Monday, Nov. 14—Bologna and board, did instruct the admlnlstrationa! The Deerfleld School, in Moun- pensatory education program are kept Friday--Tuna fish salad, carrot and employees to have a committee, in- cheese on roll, applesauce, fruit. celery sticks, fruit tainside, has received $21,700 in state informed of their child's progress by Tuesday—Salami on white bread, cluding citiiens from the entire district, compensatory education funds to be periodic reports and parent-teacher review the ranking policy. cole slaw, fruit, REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL used to finance a supplemental com- conferences. Compensatory education Know Your Wednesday—Portion of cold fried Thank you for correcting the record. munieatlon and computation skills teachers Lorraine Leber and Ken Monday— on bun, minute DR. MARILYN HART chicken, soft roll, cheese wedge, potato steak sandwich or cold turkey sand- program for 67 students in grades 5-8. Johnson work with classroom teachers salad, fruit. Mountainside representative According to Superintendent of to establish a coordinated reinforced wich, each with French fries, tossed Union County Regional High salad or vegetable, fruit or juice. Schools Levin Hanigan, "The New teaching situation. Government Jersey state compensatory education Compensatory education emphasizes BY DAVID P. MOORE Tuesday—(1) frankfurter on roll, French fries, salad or vegetable, juice program is deisgned to prevent further small group instruction (teaching NJ Taxpayers Association or 12) spaghetti or macaroni with meat Youth film set regression in the areas of mathematics groups average about six students.) sauce. Italian bread and butter, salad, and language arta." Pre and post testing monitor individual New Jersey's per capita property tax juice or 13) submarine sandwich and for Kent Place Children are recommended to the progress and help the teacher to burden in fiscal 1976 was second highest The State fruit. program on the basis of percentile determine if taught concepts have been in the nation, behind only Alaska, ac. Wednesday —Hamburger on bun, "The Lion Who Thought He Was ratings achieved on the State retained. Students remain in the cording to the N'ew Jersey Taxpayers grilled cheese sandwich or chicken People" will be shown at Kent Place Assessment Tests, the Stanford program until they can function on Association Alaska must be considered salad sandwich, each with French fries, School, Summit, tomorrow at 2:45 p.m. Achievement Test or the Iowa Test of grade level. a special case because much of its tax We're In salad or vegetable, fruit or juice. and on Saturday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Basic Skills ."Child study evaluations by This is the second year Mountainside revenue is derived from oil, gas. or Thursday—11) Frankfurter on roll, The film, which has not previously Special Services, as well as teacher has participated In the compensatory pipeline properties. French fries, salad or vegetable, fruit been distributed in the metropolitan evaluations are part of the screening education program. Last year's In fiscal 1976, the year before Nj, Consirviticin Foundation or juice, or (2) sausage patty on roll, area, tells the story of a lion who makes process, records show that there was a enactment of the personal income tax French fries, vegetable, fruit or juice or a journey from the back Herbert Brown, principal of Deer- significant improvement in the which is dedicated to various property Despite all the words flying around 13; submarine sandwich and fruit. to his native Africa. field School, said the relatively small achievement of 95 percent of the compensatory education students. tax relief programs. New Jerseyans this state we're in, basic com- Friday—I1.) Bologna sandwich or Admission will be $1 per person for all size of the school district enables the paid property taxes of $446 per capita, munications frequently fail to happen. meatball submarine sandwich, each shows. Refreshments will be sold. staff to be in an excellent position to up $34 per capita from fiscal 1975, ae- This is certainly true in the case of the with French fries and salad, or (2) identify appropriate assessment needs. Stankiewicz attends cording to data recently released by the environmental and economic sectors, pizza pie, corn, fruit. Each lunch in- All new entrants to the district who are I'.S. Bureau of the Census. which tend to blame each other for a lot cludes a peanut butter cookie. Dr. Love appointed performing below grade level, are Edmund J, Stankiewici of Moun- Massachusetts, ranked first in 1975, of problems. tested and evaluated by the learning tainside Is among 30 managerial and Available daily: Tuna salad sand- associate professor disabilities consultant and.the school California and New York lined up below Caught somewhere in between those wiches, salads, soup, desserts. supervisory personnel of the John New Jersey as high per capita property psychologist to determine if Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. two outposta of opinion are a whole lot Dr. Linda C. Love of Mountainside is remediation is necessary. tax states. Nationwide per capita of interests such as academic, labor, among the new associate professors at attending a technical workshop at John property tax burden was S266, Jersey's minorities and health. We at the New Seton Hall University, South Orange. Parents of students in the com- Hancock Institute. property taxes, nearly all locally Jersey Conservation Foundation have Gieser named A member of the department of assessed and collected, accounted for decided to open dialogue to remedy this chemistry, Dr. Love is a graduate of the FRIDAY DiADLINE more than 56 percent of total tax siutation. University of Missouri and holds a All items other than spot revenue financing both state as well as It will happen at a two-day con- to 'Who's Who' doctorate from the University of news should be in our office DELBARTON local governments, including schools, • ference next Thursday and Friday in Illinois. by noon on Friday. Only New Hampshire relied more on North Brunswick. Its theme will be Carol Gieser, daughter of Mr, and SCHOOL property tax revenue — 61 percent of Mrs. Herbart Gieser of Peachtree lane, "New Jersey: Environmental and Morristown, N.J. Q7M0 total taxes Among all 50 states, Economic Health " Mountainside, N.J., and a senior property taxes average 36 percent of Our sponsorship has been augmented elementary education major at total state and local taxes. by the support of some 25 other Lebanon Valley College, has been ENTRANCE EXAMINATION New Jersey's per capita burden of organizations representing a cross- selected for inclusion in the 1977-1978 "other taxes" — mainly non-property section of business, labor, community, edition of "Who's Who in American 9:30 A.M., Saturday, Nov. 19 ,1977 state taxes — ranks low among the minority, environmental and labor Universities and Colleges." She was viewpoints. The conference will be one of 26 students selected by Lebanon A eelltfi praearatery ieheel states (47th in fiscal 1976) at S348, lor beyi, bearalni ind flay, although it also increased nearly $34, partially funded by the Urban Valley and the editors of the annual A Different Kind of Book Store araflalMl New Jersey moved from 11th to 10th Environment Conference of publication Conducted by th« •tntaletlrit A dean's list student, she is president Now Thru Nov. 12 Menu 91 St. Miry*! Abbey among the states in total per capita tax , Washington, D.C under a grant from Early Shoppers' Sale the US. Environmental Protection of the Childhood Education Club at Btlbirtsn School aamttistuMnts burden in fiscal 1976, rising $67 to 15% OFF ALL PAPERBACKS if my riM, eolor or ertad nearly 8793, Alaska jumped to first at Agency Lebanon Valley College, She is past $1,896 per capita while New York ranks There will be a dozen workshops, first vice-president of Gamma Sigma Malt and filephsne &rd#rs w#leeme=&Qoki mailed snywhtft. second at $1,139. each of which will be held twice. That Sigma, national service sorority on the 4 NEW PROVIDENCE RD,. MOUNTAINSIDE Admissions Office 201: 538-3231 LVC campus, and a 1974 graduate of These latest tax data for the year casinos versus wetlands in Atlantic City 2:12.3023 - Open Mon, thru Sat,, 10 to S before the income tax and tax reform and housing and environmental Gov, Livingston Regional High School, program demonstrate that in the regulations. overall New Jersey tax system, local On the second day, topics will be taxes, principally on property, raised coastal zone planning, the regulation of for local governmental units flood plains, the stringency of New (municipalities, counties and schodl Jersey's air pollution standards, v districts) represented 60 percent of the preservation and development of the total while state taxes provided 40 Pine Barrens, the compatibility of percent, pointed out NJTA, Moreover, energy conservation and economic nearly half of state-budgeted ex- development and the logical limits of penditures went to state aid—payments highway construction. DECORATOR SERVING TRAY to local unita or state payment for "The Economic and Ecological services which otherwise would come Impact of Toxic Substance Regulation" ^ When you open a from local property taxes such as the will be discussed by Warren Muii, employers' contribution to the deputy administrator of the EPA, .on Teachers' Pension & Annuity Fund, the second day. The conference will focus on New IIIIUIllMllllllllllllllllliillliiililinilliiiiiiiliililliliiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllliili 1st FEDERAL SAVINGS Jersey's unemployment and continuing urban decline, loss of open space, Increased air and water pollution and CHRISTMAS CLUB ACCOUNT other'social and economic conditions (5% INTEREST PAID ON ALL COMPLETED CLUB ACCOUNTS) which involve all of us. It may not result in any solutions, but I think it will get a SUBURBAN lot of people talking to one another, in a You may select any one of Club Amount Paid BivlMnd Veu R«c«lv« NIWSP4PERI I 1,00 t 5000 i us 1 SI .25 OF t way which can only prove constructive. th« 111 FIDIRAL SAVINGS 2.00 1OOOO 2.50 102 SO The registration fee for both days is Christmas Club plans listed. 5.00 25000 6,25 25S25 10.00 50000 12 50 S1J.S0 PuMJshM •ach Thuriday fay SIS, which includes luncheons and all 20.00 100000 29,00 (025,00 Trumar Publishing Corp conference materials. Registrations Aihtr Mlnti, publisher can be made through the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, 300 Mend- NBWSBlPAHTMiNT " Dtnist Rinnsr Martin ham rd., Morristown 07960, Abner Gold, Supervising Editor way, an individual will be able to attend Les Walamut, Director four of his,or her choice during .the two BUSINESS D1PARTMBNT days. Every workshop will relate to Robert HBrumell, vice president of advertising some phase of the environmental- Beget Hslvorsen, economic Issues (which, I believe, will advertising manager1 in each case turn out to be less of an Charirt Loomer. issue than a lot of people seem to think), national advertising manager Edward Gray, director of Region jainM-D.RsEkh, 9 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU circulation manager nine of the United Auto Workers; Sam Howard Assemblyman William Perkins of the publlthtr- itJIiMr' 31st District from Hudson County; NIADOUARTMS OTfKt FRIIHQLB SOUTH FLAfMHf 1.0 Milton Mlnlir«tlr.d 1 SO Elm Street Pubiiilsar.1f71.if7S Haiel Henderson, eo-direetor of the Route No, 9 and'Carripbeli Court Middisux Mali, Stellon Road Princeton Center for Alternative WeMtitiO, N J 07090 Freehold. N j 077JB South Plamlield. NJ. 07010 Stccnd Clan Peilaflt paid at Futures, and James W. Riley, Meuntalntidt.N.J, CLARK MIDOLITOWN WOODitlOGI economistfor Merck & Co., wUl provide Pradleei Shopping Comer 1S80 Routs No, 35 117 Mwn StrHt Mailed luMcrlptJen rat* If.Stt ear yaar discussion leadership, along with many Cl*rk, N.j. 07086 MiddlMown, NJ 0?74S WeederMg*, M J, 07095 1 New Provldtnc* Rsafl, Mount»lfHld*.N J. other group leaders from across the IMSOM Phooe:*M7700 state. MOUKTAIHWDt 48 Pftrserfagt Raid 86S Mo,it.tain Avenue 935 East Fronl Street SPECIAL ftUI MEMIU IONUS , Repicienied Nationally by Edison. N j 08817 Mountainside. N j, 07MS . Plmnlnld. NJ 07060 U 5 SUBURBAN PRESS INC Three persons representing different •You ean purchase additional tray» at our cost—|"»t SI .00 each. v viewpoints will speak at each MiiuuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiitiiiiiinHiiiiiiimiiii workshop, after which open discussions, FEDERAL SAVIMfiS 150 QM STREET,WE$TFIELD,NJ,07090 PLUMBERS ATTBNTIONl Sell your will provide needed communications 1st services io 10,000 local families with low-cost want Ads, 684 7700. for all concerned. Nobel laureate Thursday, November 10, 1977 IN CONGRESS Deadlines set associated with EARTHBOUND for applicants Clifford Case AAOD research By JOSEPH TOBIN Erwifon nrnMi con'iuit.iinf = Now Yor fc Ro'^fiitsi Oiirdrn ^ U.S. Senate The selection of Dr. Roger Guillemin to seek grants to share the Nobel Priie in medicine ,-i!!liljl!MI!liltlllinilliHiijillljliliHMi!li!mljl!HliMII'Mil!JIIMIiilli!)H International lerreriim continues to -difference. At Entebbe, Ugandan- ill II IliM lilliiM 111il!in!(llHMi(!ZIEGFE Palisades called Sparkill, This made an held at three locations throughout the wounded in the various incidents, A The Pentagon recently disclosed the shared by Dr Guillemin, Dr. Andrew exit for the nutrient-rich waters of the state to give artists, arts organizations, Schally of New Orleans and Dr. Hudson in ancient times Sandstone Library of Congress summary of training of special military units for THE ftllEBI AN groups, councils and other possible- terrorist and terrorist.related rescue missions. Hosolyn Yalow of New York City. hills prevented the river from taking its applicants the chance to acquaint ITE? present course. The river poured developments since 1969 covers 23 But the key problem remains—how to The citation for the Nobel award, themselves with the types of grants which will be presented in Stockholm in MUSIUI IULLLI^ HI unr through the gap and filled the 10-mile- single-spaced pages. prevent the incidents from happening HI*, srarr in SMTM tnz available and the criteria for being Recently, there was the six-day Dec. 10, said that the three scientists' IIHE/V HI wide valley with its freshest water in approved by the council in the first place. s/IVEUt, f4ntM, fijroPf/W spring and dinosaurs roamed about hijacking ordeal in which the discoveries "have led to a formidable ^ivnuj MAU me A Nan rj The United Nations and the n OL TOIIR IN I9OT I-Ln nibbling on giant ferns and horsetails in The schedule of seminars to be passengers of a Japan Air Lines plane development of their own fields of rpQUtli_tn TUB i authorities controlling airports and 1 late summer when the flow was least conducted by Arts Council officials is were finallj taken to Algeria and freed research' and "haveopened new vistas arJ*LVU- -ZIECJ III) I airline traffic have to tighten security i, rua These waters flooded the Meadowlands Northern New Jersey—This Satur- Oct. 2 in exchange for the release of six within biological and medical research III' AupiLrtl- day, at 2 p rri at the Essex County procedures. '• .'U *Tj\B* from what is now the New Jersey—New colleagues of the Japanese "Red There is no easy or direct way to far outside the border of their own Community College in Newark spheres of interest." York State line all the way south to Army" terrorists and a $15 million exert pressure on some of the nations around Carteret. It could only be the Central New Jersey—Thursday, Nov ransom. The terrorists were reported to which aid and abet terrorists—they do thundering waters of a river the size of 17, a! 2 p m in the auditorium of the have been released from custody by not receive foreign aid from us But we the Hudson which could create a marsh State Museum in Trenton Algeria. must continue doing what we can to High mark set the size of the Hackensack The two Southern New Jersey —Tuesday. On the heels of that incident, a West ostracize them; if necessary, paying rivers which presently run through it Nov 15, at 7 30 p m in the Millville German Lufthansa airliner was the price of reduced trade and profits to on mortgages and which we cross as we travel along Public Library hijacked by four persons—apparently close off havens for terrorists. Route 3 and other highways, the Each year the State Arts Council , Palestinians—and taken to Somalia. City Federal Savings, the state's Wo also should give serious con- largest savings and loan association Passaic and the Hackensack, are mere awards both matching grants and There, after a grueling ordeal climaxed sideration to having the U.S. govern- streams compared to the ancestral fellowships in a variety of disciplines, by the execution of the pilot by the recently surpassed the II billion mark ment issue travel advisories warning in total outstanding mortages ac- UNES PCX YEARS Sff &E river including music, dance, visual arts, hijackers, the passengers were freed in flff« X5C/PIKB IN*WJT 1 theater, film, enviroment and design, of airports which do not meet security cording to an announcement made 6y OMAHDWO SK'Luar, J a commando attack Oct. IB by a standards. The possible impact on the There was only a trickle of some kind writing and expansion arts specially.tralned unit of West German Gilbert G Roessner, president of the 66- winding its way through the sandstone -. Matching grants are available to non- local tourist trade might help to prod office association^ -.. police. negligent governments into* enforcing hills flext to Manhattan, wNere the profit community groups and arts That operation has been compared security precautions. Another proposal, City Federal becomes'the first RedXress has present Hudson bed is It was only when cjrganization for projects which provide with the daring July 1976 rescue by which I joined in sponsoring, would savings and loan association in the this small stream began to wear away arts programs or services to the public Israel of passengers of an Air France permit suspension of commercial air state to surpass this milestone as total the soft sedimentary rock, creating a Fellow-ship are awarded to individual mortgages reached $1,005,746,000 as of tickets for trip river bed which was contained on both jet hijacked to Entebbe, Uganda. But service to countries which aid and abet The special projects committee of the artists for the creation of new works or there was one important and hopeful terrorists. Sept 30 — up $57,8 million from year- sides then by hard rock it could not the completion of works in progress end 1976 Union County Chapter. American Red wear away—one side of which were the Cross, has announced it has some Palisades—that it chose a new course A series of staggered deadlines has Savings deposits for City Federal been established to allow com- F were reported at $1,028,375,000 as of tickets available for their trip to the The erosion took millions of years, but Meadowlands race track on Tuesday prehensive consideration of grants and I I Sept 30. an increase of $93 8 million or it produced one of ihe truly great I I Hiking evening, Nov. 22. Details are available geologic features of the Garden State— :n better handle projects on a DINNER 10 percent since Dec 31. Total assets at the chapter house, 353-2500. chronological basis SPECIAL for the association were $1,310,307,000 the Palisades wall—as well as a vast outings as of Sept, 30, an increase of MS million The special projects committee will and unappreciated tidal meadow- A ramble and two cir- since year-end. sponsor a trip to the Ice Capades at svhich now provides a home for spec- i I FILET culars are scheduled this Net earnings for the nine-month Madison Square Garden, to see Dorothy tator sport, ribbons of roads and big Two will speak I I Hammill in '-Make A Wish " The trip is weekend for members of period ended Sept 30 were up 6 percent and bigger business I! OF FLOUNDER the Union County Hiking planned for Sunday, Jan 15 for the a 30 to So,06 million versus S3,16 million for show Seats, dessert and transportation to county group StuflM with Crib Meal, $O99 Club and their guests. the comparable period last year. with, Veoetible, will cost $15 per person Vineentz Cianci and Susan Moseley Rail* I, Butler Helene Hinie will lead English course 3 the Walchung Ramble on The Christmas show trip to Radio will be speakers at a meeting of the Saturday. Hikers will Dystrophy unit City is completely sold out as is the will be taught Union County Speech and Hearing INCLUDES OPEN SALAD BAR meet at 16 William St., theater trip to see "Annie," However, Association in Children's Specialized Summit at 10 a.m. for this the committee has obtained tickets for English as a second language will be Hospital, Mountainside, at 3 30 pm six-mile ramble. Hikers offers flu shots a Saturday mitinee to see "Side by Side offered in a free, 60-hour course al the next Thursday. -NOTICE — should bring lunch, The Northern New Jersey Chapter of by Sondheim" in February, Union County Technical Institute and Cianci, the coordinator ol pre-tchool Nancy Wolff will lead the Muscular Dystrophy Association is Vocational Center, Scotch Plains, programs lor the state's Department of WE WISH the Tuxedo Circular offering free ami-influenia inoculations beginning Monday, it was announced Special Education, will presem a film TO ANNOUNCE scheduled for Sunday, again this year to patients afflicted by Jobs available by John Dolinaj, supervisor of adult strip dealing with new legislation Hikers will meet just past muscular dystrophy or related education at the vocational center. Mosley, who operates a language THMHffilRi thFEsseyToit Plaza of the ,. neuromuscular diseases. Ene Stoll, for county vets Funded by the-New_ Jersey_ State program for pre-school children in Garden State Parkway at president of the chapter, announced Veterans who are looking for jobs — Department of Education, the course is Bernardsville, will discuss changes NO LONGER B: 15a.m., or at the Tuxedo this week. intended to provide basic language anticipated as a result of the new even if they are attending school — regulations AFFILIATED WITH Railroad Station at 9:30 MDA's medical advisers recommend were asked this week to get in touch skills in English for speakers of other a,m, for this lu-mile hike, that patients 7 to 8 years of age be given with the Union County Department of languages who need to improve their Nate Cummings will a single dose of split-virus vaccine and Human Resources, proficiency in English to meet social Nutritionists to meet DON'S PLAZA lead the Stony Brook to that patients 8 years old or younger be Brendan Ast, placement coordinator and employment objectives, he said. Fire Tower Circular on given two doses of split-virus vaccine, for the Division of Employment and Two sessions will be conducted, one Dr. Aloen Colt will speak on "A Sunday. Hikers will meet separated by an interval of four weeks Training, said his office has a number on Monday, the other on Wednesday. Biochemical and Nutritional Approach where the Appalachin or more in order to achieve satisfactory of vacancies — both full-time and part- Hours for both sessions are 6; 30 and 9 to Learning Disabilities" at a meeting IN SPRINGFIELD Trail crosses Bt. 208 at antibody responses, Stoll said. time — in a variety of fields, "The p.m. of the American Academy of 9:45 a.m. Hikers should The Northern New Jersey Chapter of primary requirement is the applicant Those interested in enrolling may call Nutritional Consultants on Nov, 20 from bring lunch and beverage MDA will pay for flu shots given to all live in Union County, excluding the City Dolinaj at 889-2000, ext 203, for in- 1 to 5:30 p.m. at the Coachman Inn. for this trek. patients it serves, whether shots are of Elizabeth. Veterans will get formation on registration. Cranford. -IRIAKFAST SPECIAL administered by the patients personal preference on all vacancies, and there 2 EGGS (ANT STYLE), Black officials physicians or by physicians at MDA are numerous positions that must be clinics. MDA supports 181 clinics filled," HOMEFRIES. TOAST 99 throughout the U.S. including Puerto AND COFFEE honor Woody Rico and Guam, The MDA clinics Those who are interested should get The Black Elected and serving this area are located at United in touch with Mary Fougere at 787-9090, ARMSTRONG Appointed Democratic Orthopedic Hospital in Newark, Officials of Union County Englewood Hospital in Englewood and 'Oliver' on stage NO-WAX DECORESQ VILLAGE BARN (BEADO) held their JFK Medical Center In Edison. "Oliver," the Broadway hit musical second annual dinner- of the 60s, will be presented at Union DONS RESTAURANT 11 dance at the Holiday Inn- Institute is closed Catholic Girls High School, 1600 SOLARIAN FLOORS... ! I Jetport honoring George Marline ave,, Scotch Plains, on 1050 STUYVESANT AVE. 11 G, Woody, Democratic The Union County Technical Institute 1 and Vocational Center, Scotch Plains, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 8 p.m. | county chairman. Mayor NOW AT SHOW-STOPPING PRICES! will be closed tomorrow in observance in the school auditorium. Tickets are $3 (At Mill Rd.) IRVIMGTON v Kenneth Gibson was the of Veterans' Day. All offices will be for adults, $2 for students and $1 for LIMITED 5-WEEK ENGAGEMENT Sj speaker before an closed and classes suspended. children under 12. a audience of 300, One look . , . and you know it's a V TV spotlight star. The Decoreiq Colleeiion FFtT Solarian. StriMjig designs on mariachh exciting colors. And thanks to STATE PRIZE The mariachi,) a name its special no-wax Mirabond WINE & CHEESE given to the performance wear surface, Decoresq keeps of a singer and guitarist its sunny shine, without waxing 2191 MORRIS AVE. of Mexican music and to or buffing, far longer than an the performer himself, ordinary vinyl Door. will be spotlighted on UNION • 686 1845 "Imagens Latinas" on New Jersey Public Television Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 10:30 p.m., with SAVE a repeat Sunday, Nov. 27, an aged 12 War Old at 7 p.m. $2 The musical special, Bf ing m u\Xs ^ [H rv IL c i which will be easily un- I9TF, ind takr In** f f HAIR UNLIMITED aivy of eur I*-A L" wrut L** Scotch at an derstood by both Spanish LMiTi One e p n >*• H ^r 11 and English-speaking yds par caip*m The ultimate in audiences, was produced Salon Services for exceptionally in Alburquerque, N.M., for mi national distribution: Slop in and Women and Men pick up a special Floor Watch for our Flshion Center Your Want Ad edition of Is Easy ToPlace Armstrong's Bsei . . . "Just Phone'^ by during our Floor 686-7700 Show S Sale. But hurry,,, we have a limited quantity


549 MOUNTAIN AVE, Prompt Service 1224 SPRINGFIELD AVE, SPRINGFIELD, NJ, GUARANTEED HEATPROOF and' opp Lyons Ay«, 467-9711 WATERPROOF IRVINGTON LMMtt Paetsry FrlCM HI aaarMfM* TfeMt MM. Phone 371-5800 MOW, h FBI, HITES TH, MB hMHA§LlH» At OTHER DAYS TIL 5.30 642-6500 Thunday, November 10, 1977 JV record falls to 1-4 following Gymnasts at Madison Monday defeat by 28-6 in bid for best-ever season mark The Jonathan Dayton Regional High junior varsity football team saw its By MIKE MEIXNEIl High and Piscataway, The Dayton girls Monday, The Springfield gymnastics record dip to 1-4 last week, droiplng a The Jonathan Dayton Regional High have compiled an impressive 94 program has really flourished 28-6 tilt to always-tough New School gymnastics team dropped two record, and have a chance to better that throughout the years. In every year Providence, The young Bulldogs close decisions last week—to Columbia record when they fravel to Madison since their rookie season, Coach Nancy showed a good deal of offense with the Dougherty's performers have im- running of Boh Irene and Ed MeGrady proved their season mark, victory and the accurate passes of Ken Klebous Monday would better the Bulldogs' 1976 to Dave Vargas, but the defense was mark of 9-5. unable to halt the Pioneers Dayton's Columbia recorded a score of 85,20 to lone score came on a rollout by Dayton's 76,80, The bright point for the Klebous, and the offense put together Bulldog unit was the emergence of some good drives. Carol Wingard on the vaulting horse. Doing an outstanding job for the Carol recorded an 8,1 score, her highest defense were linebacker Ed Johnson, ever, by virtually perfecting an ex- who should see some varsity action, tremely difficult handspring vault, Anthony Cireelli and Chris Dillemuth Moira Halpin scored a 6,78 to outclass The squad was hampered by injuries to her foes on the balance.beam, narrowly fullback Joe Dorfman, defensive back nipping Barbara Calamusa, whose Rick Souders and wlngback Joe perforftiance was scored as a 6.7, Moira FIELD PRACTICi—Jick Hlrschbtrg and Bob McCrosson, Jonathan Dayton Polieastro scored a 7.75 in floor exercises, good for Regional High School varsity football players, prep for future gridiron games at In freshman football action, the second place, practice at A/Stlsel Field, Dayton yearlings lost to New Piscataway defeated Dayton, 88.00 to Providence, 3M. Although small in 80.70. Halpin won first place on the numbers, the boys continue to make balance beam with a 7.3 routine, while progress and show improvement The Calamusa exhibited fine prowess on the Boh rod ouster costly New Providence game marked the uneven parallel bars, scoring a 7,OS for unveiling of Fran Clemson at quar- second place. terback, and both Coach Roland Halpin will be competing statewide Marionni and Coach Rick Iacono said on he balance beam and in floor in Dayton 22-6 loss they were pleased with his play. Bill exercises and Calamusa will compete By KIRK KUBACH of Albert Freiiosi at quarterback and Meyer again sparkled both ways, and in the state sectionals on the beam and Mike Caricato and Paul D'Andrea The Jonathan Dayton football team backs Larry Irene, Dave Flood and Ed the bars Saturday at Butler, Both girls travelled to Millburn last Saturday and MeGrady, who replaced Bohrod, continued to show- well for the Bulldog will be working spectacular moves into pups was beaten, 22-6, Dayton was ex- Powering the defense were end John their already-grueling gymnastic feats. tremely upset by the expulsion of co- Ferry, who played and outstanding SHE FLIES THROUGH THE AIR—AAary jane Gagliano, a member of the Jonathan Center fullback David Lauhoff, who captain Bob Bohrod, a key performer in game, and linebacker Ken Bell, who Alholm gets 2 Dayton Regional High School gymnast team, launches herself from the should receive all-conference mention backfield. His absence hobbled of had two interceptions and a fumble springboard to mount th§ vaulting horse. The Bulldog gymnasts recently starred for this steady play, doubled up as a fensive efforts. recovery. Holding Millburn scoreless in m three events in the annual Union County Gymnastics Championihips and took goaltender late in the year, compiling The Bulldog touchdown came in the the second half was the line of Skip as lightweights Second place in the overall competition, (PhOtO.Graphlcs) an impressive 3-2 record, fourth quarter when Ken Bell picked off Liguori, Pete Rosomondo, Bill Young Tony Sangregorio, a bullish per- a Millburn pass and returned it for the and Joe Dorfman at tackles, Ferry win 3rd, 37-6 former, thwarted many an opposing score. Millburn was aided by the strong Paul Matysek and Dan Pepe at ends drive. Tony, who could boot the ball . efforts of runnlngback and extra-point and Anthony Cireelli, Jack Hirshherg, The Mountainside Jets lightweight nearly three-fburths^of^lhe "field, was * kicker Chris^Buckleyr Baylorr will be Jeff Vargasr -Dave-Flood and Pal football team played an outstanding Booters beaten in OT almost never beaten by an onrushing home to Verona Saturday and will visit Picciuto in the Secondary, game in defeating the Berkeley Heights lineman. West Orange on Thanksgiving, Golds, 37-6 The Jets scored quickly in The most determined squad member The offensive line—Bill Young and the first quarter when David Gagliano Pete Rosomondo at tackles, Ed Cagers to play tallied from seven yards out. John to finish 4-11-1 season was most probably right fullback Mar Meskin, a durable performer who never Johnson and Skip Liguori at guard, Fischer plunged for the extra point mates, tallied one goal. Greg Shomo at center and Don Lusardi, Moments later Jeff Ahlhom intercepted By MIKEMEIXN'ER gave up. The emergence of Meskin was Australian five The Jonathan Dayton Regional High Subbing for these players were four one of the pleasant performances of the Nick Caricato and Dave Vargas at a lateral and ran 30 yards for another tough competitors. Junior Steve ends—struggled to assist the backfield The Kean College basketball team touchdown School varsity soccer team dropped a 4- year. 2 overtime decision to the New Geltman, who frequently was pressed Steve Shindler, the Dayton will host the Australian Olympic team Behind the strong blocking of Darren Providence Pioneers to end their 1977 into starting duty, will be a great asset goaltender, was a good one, Steve has on Friday Dec. 16, at 8 p.m. in D'Angola Iaione. Alfred Heckel, Greg Golden- season with a record of four victories 11 next year, Chris Shields played his best super potential and could very well Marriers finish Gym, berg, Kyle Wind, Russell Picut, Bob losses and one tie. The Bulldogs, under when given the chance, A determined follow the footsteps of Sid Kaufman and The Aussies finished eighth in the Miicke and Steve Burton, the Jets' Matt the guidance of coach Jim Skobo, performer, Shields always gave one go on to become a college star. Last 8th In sectional Montreal Olympics They are coached Dooiej and Walter Kempner scored on finished sixth in the Suburban Con- hundred percent, Jeff Lubash, a strong- year Steve was the heir apparent to by Lindsay Gaze, a former Olympian, long runs. ference, Verona won the sectional title, footed senior, also filled in ably, Kaufman. The Jonathan Dayton cross-country and led by Ed Palubinskas, a 6-1 guard, In the second half, Ahlohm went losing but one game. hustling on offense and defense, Mike Others who played on the varsity who played for Louisiana State through center for 28 years and a touch- team finished eighth in its season- Jacob, a converted lineman with good level during the year included Bruce ending competition in the state sec- University. down Berkeley Heights finally scored Dayton took the lead on early goals passing skills, rounded out this ex- by Todd Melamed and Mike French but Davlson, Ron Scappetuelo, Frank tional meet, Dayton's top five were Kean finished with a 20-8 record a on a 50-yard run by a halfback. The perienced reserve corps. Schaeffer, Scott Worswlck and Bob year ago. Coach Joe Palermo has seven final score came when the defense then faltered. In fact, the second Rich Bantell, Jeff Knowles, Kevin Pioneer goal was scored by a Dayton Bob Shapiro, a halfback-fullback, will Schneider. King, Jay Bruder and Pete Keramas, of his first eight players, returning, ' stopped Berkeley Heights behind the return to help next year's outfit, Shap The Squires are led by center Jerome goal line for a safety. player, whose crisp head shot baffled Captains for 1978, voted by the Dayton was without the aid of two goalie Dave Lauhoff. New Providence was pressed into the starting role after players Friday, are Lauhoff and Tony Hubbard, forwards Vince McDonald The defense was led by Peter other top runners, Dayton's dual meet bootera scored twice within a three- goalie Steve Shindler was sidelined Snagregorio. Mare Meskin was a close season resulted in 14 victories and one and Steve Depta and guards Eloy Ash. Dachnowiic, David Rizzo, Enio minute ipan In over time. Field general with an injury. third. worth and Chuck Haub, all juniors. Pallitta, Jim Merklinger and Michael Joe Sangregorio stood out for the Wood. Mountainside's offense, which Bulldogs. gained 234 yards rughing, was led by The Dayton starting lineup was led by UC clinic in soccer John Fischer's 64, Jeff Ahlholm's 55 leftwing Melamed, who scored 10 goals and Dave Gagliano's 46, Matt Dooley, this year, easily the highest toal on the Union College will ducted by Dr. Leonard K. Walter Kempner and Jim Merklinger squad. He was brilliant throughout the sponsor a soccer clinic for Lucenko, head coach of also ran for substantial gains. The Jets year and reached his peak against Union County high school Union College's soccer squad%layed exceptionally well and Oratory, when he scored three goals, students on Saturday, team, director of the All- improved their record to three vic- Mel was backed up by Mitch Feuer, a Nov. 19, from 8;3&-a.m, to American Soccer Camp tories and two losses. Next week, the standout performer whose playing time 3:30 p.m. at Orange and New Jersey Coach of Jets play Berkeley Heights. was limited merely because he backed Avenue Middle School, the Year in 1968, 1969 and YOUR BMW DEALER CAN up Melamed, Mitch, who scored a goal Cranford, 1970. and assisted on two others, has The clinic will be con- Among those serving on unlimited potential as a lineman. the staff for the clinic ^11 Sophomore star Tim Kerrigan, agile be Ray Klinecka, assistant LEASE YOOACAR Bowling and talented, started as a rightwing, Princess coach of the Cosmos and Tim showed excellent soccer skills and assistant coach for the a strong willingness to learn. Tim induction U.S. World Cup and U.S. booted two goals in 1977. Backing him Olympic teams. YOU WONT BE BORED WITH Indain Princesses of the up was Tom Ragno, who also showed All Union County loth, Highlights Summit Area YMCA's llth and 12th grade good skills when called one Pagno Watehung Nation will scored on goal. students may participate FOUR SEASONS; induct new members on in the clinic at no charge. BEFORE THE LEASE BUR [ 1 ST. JAMES LADIES Bill Rose, another gifted sophomore, Saturday at 10 a.m., at the There i3 in oh=ole j-enue built intn labo it-iiy it irtinl y iinfid t *- !L 9—thf hinnm part th-it i implett* thi The clinic will deal with in t dutiimobilH that In nt thing *hat jiiTiuldtp thh inf I r jf mifHJHd by I mi it in utt Kay Scheider, 164.188-178-530; started at center forward and scored Summit Junior High technique improvement, from that spot. BUI is a true hustler. Twer tt do with hnw vbplltttp/rr built n 11 r fd 1HK D Dolores Johnson, 154.155-196.505; School auditorium. More fitness training and tac- It i -illt-J barFcfi m And it hd tn (1r Andlh BMW'S•Mli i idrt I UJJiL Reserve forward George Janeira itil thf w I, tlli-y d 1VH rptia tiri u! tt i K ) P it Ai ujluinoble i Ihur ighly enp Marge Doninger, 175.180-491; Terry than 200 father-daughter tical approaches, and will c Schmidt, 198475; Ruth Insley, 163-181- provided excellent backup parotection couples (grades 1-3) and stress improving in- Mr t -ir impl; ir^ n it t u It i e ed mri niPt uulu i ly i in tn i led 3a Goerge scored a goal in West Orange, uhd -i/ thit th^ ai t ~it dn in^ tit^ ump itj ij pn tor— injtpt i Jf*nt til ill ti BHW^ffli UP nrvP i inip tent rel 471; Janet Petino, 163.163-469; Gail their families from dividual skills. 3d Hid i jtl pr th-ii ju t in un n pirnd tc ur tthpe! —i quit k -ind Ipin thr t jji Rapezynski, 155-175-461; Kathy The halfback line was led by captain Summit, New Providence, IHH1 i it trjr p rHti in tl p jriiHi ii fpt r rtf; I iff, ^nd Whip it n>tr jrt irtdlni jnrt it ftjf rPtd mi ualtnruni it n Ii i f i 1 tl it II mun-c.jmpli.tE r 182.150.458; Madelyn Teja, 165-4S1; Hills, Millburn, t rn'nrtiN! — \ hilr if | r j 1s- dli ttv t rpj ?dut nuti i dvailibln) cl p pet 1/ men II i 1 ti I ULII inn ip p LK ill twice on long shots, Joe made the most iCONSUMER tuft mbrt ttf-could «inH^ i>-quri-al ita t-i h pp-ir And it m r Ipritun H, I II i t n t ell n thji Fong Yee, 158-153-447; Marge Johnson, Springfield, Gillette and 1 of every opportunity. in niluii it If—tht BMW t ii ) 1/ n d HIP up m Kilhly viiih thf- turbine Itk tin ji HMW in I h ill L 1 PK jii f 11 159430; Doris Egan, 156-426; Denise Stirling are expected to !tte 1 JI 1 'PHjIdr if "lj ti 'GUIDELINES mini \i]i ihl,i -a t =ir hiulf for and ar i met * hme 3u rhararteri tt ni thn j i^tit dhly Gallaro, 424; Mary Frances Napier, Jay Hannigan added aggressiveness participate. rennwnpd 3 liter gMW nginp And tl i liuinii \ J nn mb vl 164416; Jane Planer, 415; Jo Farinella, and stamina to the Dayton attack. A Big "braves" and rEFrsSriAfcE PERFEUIO QN THE Luifuriou117 Igj >et an funUiunc hive \ th Uip inhjiiidii p^rft- tion s f r t. tl* 162410; Dot Corrigan, 154408; Helen speedy performer, Hanigan was very "princesses," dressed in PAI.LT PAD" iiPen 1^ iHtjr yjy planned to taLilitite tutdl nmputHM etl «]urincut 1* uiBiripd durable, While it i nl iuf e Ii =i ibli- IT prtt i p control at dll time^ under lU Kilting j^r /i ing d( i untp Hip tie Hinuip Stickle, .153408; Anna Smith, 405; Ethel full regalia, will receive ninp dn ar pptiblp antjniufcilp in thp - ^itmn-3 Engineered tQJiiLludeJtiH d indjliag! u L, a? jrv iillpTidint, c Ernst, 403; Marlon Sexton, 168- , Mike French, another, of Dayton's their traditional "eagle litivP v 11 iium i t the tc t tr =J V and the 1 One of the fuuctiuning part ot thp r if tir | IPIII Madelyn Haines, 158; Florence Mur- rugged trl-captains, added scoring feathers." A highlight II tiip HnuLht nt Ii 1 rg I mr yfm punch to the halfback alignment with in -II tmlly f iipy driving itriue ,i u phy, 186, will be a special per- t /UJ pti me yt ur BMW diMli i , Top teams are the Alley Cats, three goals, tops among the mid- forniance to of American Nit u ily r^n hp arrdiifie d thnroupti Thumbs Up, Jets and Twin Goats. fielders. te 1 drive. i\ your CDIIVL Indian dancing by Louis If you ire serious about ineni i' tv Mike Wittenberg, the third captain, Mofsie of the fhunderblrd had perhaps the strongest foot on the cutting down on home iv.iiLiblp 3 v.lriHfj' n( FRIDAY DEADLINE American Indian Center, energy use, keep in mini I OlHeillEIlt ' All Items other than spot news should team, Mike, who continually shouted New York City. pldlli dj WL'II encouragement to his fellow team- that five appliances ac- be In our office by noon on Friday, Indian Princess is a count for tht majority of national YMCA father- ifietricity used in the ^American Viewpoints daughter aetlvUy whose home — tht range/ov. Wild Bird Uti Mix 25 Ita.-J3.75 50 lbs.J6.95 programs are developed en, refrigerator, water SPECIAL Wild Bird around the basic heater, air conditioner Sttd Mix 20 lta.-J5.50 40 lbt-JlO.50 American Indian theme and clothei dryer. Use 25 lbi.J5.95 501bt.J5.95 with tribes formed on a them efficiently and you Sunflower iavi both energy and 20lta.-J7.50 40 Ibt.-J13.95 school or neighborhood SPECIAL Sunflower basis and meeting in money, .;.. 25lta.-J2.75 50lta.J5.25 Cracked Com members' homes. Tribes Peanub rleirb 10 lta.45.95 come together for 10 Ita.-J5.95 Saturday morning gym Sunflower Hearts 1% !bs,-f £?S and swims, Friday family Suit Cakes nights at the Y, special pow-wows and camping weekendsr- Fathws and _Rent&JCars? daughters interested in All proceed go toward! educational ducovtriti in telenet Yes We Bun Do! Hptfnian BMW program! and activities... : . , will eonlinut to ertatt a joining have been Invited WEEKEND 425 Bl0omfii4d Avinug RUTHERFORD Ihomand newfTOnlierifer those to contact Ronald R. (201) 7484200 Park Avenue Motor Corp Wide World o! Cars, Inc •ad you iave money, too. who would stilt adventure. SPECIAL pENVIIXE 251 Plrk Avenue East Route 59 Coleman at the YMCA, (201) 935.6800 (914) 4252600 Hetbett Hoover 273.3330, Then. $OQ95 i Qiartiart Enterprisis. Inc (261)5731224 M 250 Bloomliild Assnut RAMSEY (201)8!7.07O0 i Alpint Motors, inc. JM.K. Auto Sales. Inc. Publicity 905 Routs 17 South 391.399 Route 22 faat Savings Day ympie Foreign Car Sales (201) 327.3633 (201)3797744 Chairmen: 1 Your Want Ad 0 Rivr Road* TLNAFIY Mall «rMr wrih EMM (plH tu) fey mvtmktr 11 Would you like some 01)941414*;- ' . Mid-County Motors. The.. Is Easy To Place par MMMI tim eWl ' 1 265 County Road help' In preparing (201) 5682208 .1977 BMW lit North iineiicj, l« SUMMIT NATURE CLUB or REEVES-REED ... lust Phone newspaper releases?, Ml KLSMMO KEWTM. HMACCT — • AMIIEIUM 4S6-0040 Ask for 'Ad Taker' and paper and ask for.our MS Hobart Aw.'* Box 6, Sommlt,N.J. 07901 2037 Monk fet, UIN Plck-Up day DcctmbT 3rd, 9:00 to 3:00 she will help you with a "tips on Submitting Reiuli.Setttr Want Ad. News Releases." ORT schedules Thursday, Noyembtr 10, 19/,' annualbazaar Group will hold on Nov, 20 at Y service project Women's American ORT A Church World Service Workshop (Organization for Rehabilitation will be held next Wednesday evening at Through Trainings will hold Its annual the monthly meeting of the Ladies' bazaar on Sunday, Nov. 20, at the Evening Group of the Springfield YMHA, Green lane, Union, from 9:30 to Presbyterian Church. Bandtges will be 8;30 p.m. There will be no admission rolled for mission hospitals, and game charge. prizes for Runnells Hospital will be Two floors of the Y will "be filled with pgdeleryMrfipackaged—for^—delivery- ^ all new merchandise, rescued to MaximilliaMll n Schneiderh , world sorvict' bargain pricei," Items for sale will chairman, is in charge of these include toys and games, clothing, small projects. appliances, jewelry, cosmetics, linens, A Bible study session will be held at curtains and other gift items in time for 7:30 p.m led by Dr Bruce Evans, the holiday season. A snack bar will be pastor of the local church. The regular open all day. meeting will begin at 8:15 under the The bazaar is the major fund-raising leadership of Mrs Raymond Pierson. project of the year for the 4,500 chairman of the Evening Group members of the North Central Jersey Refreshments will be served. Region, All proceeds will benefit ORT's Earning Power Improvement Courses MARY COVIKI.LO program which provides vocational QUARTET TO PERFORM—Melody's Paintbrush Quartet will perform at Program topic: education to nearly 60,000 students each Mountainside Woman's Club meeting Wednesday The quartet (from loft) includes Ken Henderson, Bill Wellman, Frank Clipper and Jim Hemming Mary Coviei! year throughout the world. abused women The Greater Westfield Section of the a future br/d Vocal unit will entertain National Council of Jewish Women will hold its annual paid-up membership Mr and Mrs Daniel Coii'i DR, AND MRS, CRISCJTIEILO dinner ai Temple Emanu-EJ in Wes! Summit have announci ! Woman's Club meeting field at 7 p.m. Monday The program engagement of their daughter V. Thomas Martino. son of Mr -, ' The Melody's Paintbrush Quartet will their reservations may call Mrs for this meeting is "The Abused Miss Friedman Woman " Pal Martini) of Warwick entertain the Mountainside Woman's Melvin E, Lemmerhirt, Mrs, M, Springneld. Club meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 Edward Dudick or Mrs W jouett Cessie Alfonso, who will lead the wedOct, 10 to discussion, is the chairperson of the MissCoviello isa gradualcul ; p.m at the Mountainside Inn Blackburn, High School and the Katli.tni''- • All men of the Melody's Paint brush battered woman education sub committee of Women Helping Women Business School in Montclair •• Dr, Criscitiello Quartet- Ken Henderson, tenor; Bill Sisterhood meeting currently employed by .VI l Marilyn Friedman, daughter of Mr. Wellman, lead, Frank Clapper, of Middlesex County She has a master's degree in socal work and a Basking Ridge as an ( v and Mrs, Edward Friedman of Union, baritone, and Jim Fleming, bass-- to hear book report secretary. was married Monday, Oct. io, to Dr! belong to their parent chapter, the license in nursing and has been doing counseling for several years Mr Martino is n graclii.v Ronald p Criacitiello, son of Mr and Wesifield Ciilonial Chorus. Karen L«vine and Nettie Levinson 1 will lead a book report and discussion Jonathan Dayton Regional IIif> . '•'. ' Mrs. Anthony Criscitiello of Moun- He is employed by Thomas C M •.- • tainside. The Woman's Club has one evening period for the Sisterhood of To Publicity Chairmen: meeting a year with husbands as guests Congregation Israel at 8 p.m on Incorporated The ceremony was held in the Crystal A November 197R weddinj! i-> j! • Plaza, Livingston, where a reception and the Evening Department as Wednesday at 42 Shunpike Hd Would you like some help In preparing Springfield. followed, hostesses It is an informal meeting newspaper releases? Write to this US1D CARS DON'T Di I "-i-, with a social hour before the dinner. Refreshments will be served Lee •. Mrs. Crisciiiellq, who was graduated newspaper and ask for our "Tips on •ift.1y Sen your*, A fri el IQ^ r ,:v ,. * • from Kean College of New Jersey. Any members who have not yet made Harellk is Sisterhood president. Submitting News releases," Can 686 7700 Union, where she received a bachelor's degree, and Syracuse University, where she received a master's degree, is employed as a counselor for Planned DIANE FIONDA, Mental Parenthood and is working on a Ph.D RICHARD ABBONDANTE in higher education administration at Garden State Farms the University of Pittsburgh. Diane Fionda DAIRY STOBJSJ Her husband, who was graduated Health from Syracuse University, where he to wed in '78 National Institute received a bachelor's degree and was A September 1978 wedding is planned of Health awarded phi Beta Kappa, holds an by Diane Teresa Fionda and Richard M.D. degree from Upstate Medical Scott Abbondante. Center, Syracuse, where he received WHAT IS ALCOHOL? Miss Dionda is the daughter of Mr WHO I'SES IT? other honors. Dr. Criscitiello is doing and Mrs. Arthur Fionda of S his residency at Montefiore Hospital, Alcohol, the major Springfield avenue, Springfield. Her active ingredient in wine, affiliated with the University of Pitt- fiance is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph sburgh Medical Center, where he is beer, and distilled liquor, Abbondante, n\m of ,5, Springfield is a natural substance specializing In internal medicine. avenue. The newlyweds, who took a formed by the reaction of The bride-elect is a senior nursing fermenting sugar with honeymoon trip to St. Maarten in the student at Seton Hall University. The Caribbean, reside in Pittsburgh. yeast spores. There are prospective bridegroom received a many alcohols, but the bachelor of science degree in business kind in alcoholic administration from EMston Hall, andhe_ beverages is ethyl alcohol -Gospel women- *is"an'accountant for the Shell Oil Co, in West Orange. — a colorless, in- flammable liquid with an schedule coffee The couple plans to be married in St. intoxicating effect. ThTTWomlns' pp James—Roman Catholic- Church-;— Springfield. Ethyralcohot ir Mountainside Gospel Chapel will meet which can produce for its monthly coffee hour next feelings of well-being, Thursday, Nov. 17. The chapel is on sedation, intoxication or At Garden Stale Farms Spruce Drive, off Central Ave, Coffee Lunch planned unconsciousness — will be served at 10 a.m. and the depending on the amount program will start at 10:14, Ruth on Wednesday and the manner in which it Goense is chairman for a demon- is drunk. Technically, it stration on floral arrangements. B'nai B'rith Women of Springfield can also be classified as a The program, "Singing through Our will meet on Wednesday at 11:30 p.m. at food, since it contains Sorrows" will bo presented by Eleanor Temple Sha'arey Shalom. calories, however, it has Isaacson, In addition to her singing A hot luncheon will be catered by Stop no nutritional value, talents, Mrs, Isaacson is a homemaker 4 Shop, at a price of 12,50 per person. Various alcoholic and a full-time college student. Born in There will be games and songs. beverages are produced Pleasing You Germany, she came to this country at Mrs. Abe Levine is president of the by using different sources age 12 to search for her parents. Springfield Chapter of B'nai B'rith of sugar for fermentation. Nursery care is provided, and the Women, Mrs, Lee Wolf Is vice-president For instance, beer is made program is open to the public. in charge of program. from germinated or malted barley, wine from grapes or berries, whiskey from malted grains and rum from molnf.acs. Hard Pleases Us liquors —such as whiskey, gin, and vodka — are produced by distillation, Buy One or All of Our Specials and SAVE! which further con- centrates the alcohol On Sale November 10-13 resulting from fer- mentation. G5F CHOCOLATE AAARSHAAALLOW Alcohol Content of Typical Alcoholic Beverages: ICE CREAM , Reg. $2,39 Half Gal. 50 OFF Beer, 4 percent; Dinner wine, 10-12 • percent; Our own Reg. $h69 - lQ-PACK Koriifted—-wine, —13-20- C percent; Distilled llguor, 40.50 percent. ICE CREAM 40 OFF Each fluid ounce of 100 percent alcohol contains GSF ALL NATURAL FLAVORS about 200 calories, C although the alcoholic beverages and drinks FROZEN YOGURT Re, OFF derived from them vary 20 widely. About the same alcoholic content, one-half Our Own Reg. 75c ounce of pure alcohol, is C found in: CREAM CHEESE 20 OFF — a 12>ounce can of beer — a S-ounee glass of dinner wine — a cocktail containing 1V4 ounces of 86-proof liquor TOTAL SAVINGS 1.30 As far back as historical records go, beverages containing alcohol have been made and used by people. Such beverages are part of the cultures of- people throughout the world. Two-thirdi of the adult population in the United * States drinks at least occasionally, while one- third does not drink at all. Pleasing YoaJL. Pleases Us If you would like to receive information and materials on different A HARVEST LUNCHEON will be »pon«ored by the Sprlngf Itld chapter of Hadassah aspects of alcohol use, Garden State Farms write to the National . -inNm,. I7«t ii:3Q_aJfn.atth«Chantlclw In Short Hlllt. Edith Callen, Itft. co- . chairwoman, and Dorothta Schwarft, In chare* of prizes, examine a door pr M—Inst. f tut^on AloohokAbuse— Sakt Flftr- Avenue will prwent a fashion thaw. Proceedi from the luncheon will b« and Alcoholism, P.O. Box used to purchase an liolette Infont transport Incubator for the new maternity wing 2848, Rockville, Maryland 2QBB2. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 AM TO 10 P M COPYRIOHT'BY GARDEN STATE FARMS INC ALL RIGHTS RE5EBVHD _OSFn77.43 at Mt, Scopus Hospital In Israel. '!,,.!,in, M,' , f JV record falls lo 1 -A following Gymnasts at Madison Monday defeal by 28-6* in bid for best-ever season mark ihr J.-IIiillinli1 1 *il\ Illll III'KUiii(i) ili^h illlliill i ill •" 4il«nyM iiutiMh Nc« Si'lliMi 1 Kytnniislik'N tl'IIHl lIl'OplNtl IWO i iHMird, nnd hnve n chance to boiler that throughout the years. In every year t'l in lilrlire 1 In- ynnitii iiiiiiiiuK<< diiM' (IIH ihluns lust WIM'k In Columbia record when ihcy trove! to Madison since their rookie season. Coach Nancy '.litiuril ii Kl"h| ilcal n( iiffi-nsi< suih ilir Dougherty's performerB have im- 1 ulinili^ nl[Huh IrtMH" mil! •'i1! Mi'Unuiv •MM proved their season mark victory 1 •1 iltlli till ill' i'iiliili' |IIIKNI«N n{ Ken KICIMIIIX • Monday would better the Bulldogs' 1S7B In PllVI- 1rnrKHis, huMhe (U'ti'MNO N*l\h wM mark of 9-5 UIKiblr In hiilt Ibc I Monet'rs Iiiiviun'y s •• Columbia recorded a score of 85.20 to lone si'iirc viwxw on n rollout by Dayton's 76,50, The bright point for the Kli'twius, iiiiil \\w offonso put logi'DuT Bulldog unit was the emergence of soiiii- KiKict drives Carol Wingard on the vaulting horse. lining ;in oulsiniHling juh for the Carol recorded an 8.1 score, her highest defense were linebacker Ed Johnson, ever, by virtually perfecting an ex- who should sec some varsity action, tremely difficult handspring vault, Anthony Circelli and Chris Dillcmuth Moira Halpin scored a 6,75 to outclass The squud was hampered by injuries to her foes on the balance beam, narrowly fullback Joe Dorfmnn, defensive back nipping Barbara Calamusa, whose Hick Soudors and wingback Juc perforrrtBrrce was scored as a 6.7 Moira FIELD PRACTICE—Jack Hlrschberg and Bob McCrosson, Jonathan Dayton Policastro scored a 7,76 in floor exercises, good for Regional High School varsity football players, prop for future gridiron games at In freshman foothall action, the second place. practice at Melsel Field. Dayton yearlings lost to New Piscataway defeated Dayton, 88.00 to Providence, 36-0 Although small in 80.70. Halpin won first place on the numbers, the boys continue to make balance beam with a 7.3 routine, while progress and show improvement The Calamusa exhibited fine prowess on the Boh rod ouster costly New Pros'idence game marked the uneven parallel bars, scoring a 7,05 for unveiling of Fran Clemson at quar- second place, terback, and both Coach Boland Halpin will be competing statewide Marionni and Coach Rick Iscono said on he balance beam and in floor in Dayton 22-6 loss they were pleased with his play Bill exercises and Calamusa will compete By KIRK KUBACH of Albert Preiiosi at quarterback and Meyer again sparkled both ways, and in the state sectionals on the beam and backs Larry Irene, Dave Flood and Ed Mike Caricato and Paul D'Andrea The Jonathan Dayton football team the bars Saturday at Butler. Both girls travelled to Millburn last Saturday and McGrady, who replaced Bohrod, continued to show well for the Bulldog will be working spectacular moves into Powering the defense were end John pups was beaten, 22-6, Dayton was ex- their already-grueling gymnastic feats. tremely upset by the expulsion of co- Ferry, who played and outstanding game, and linebacker Ken Bell, who SHE FLIES THROUGH THE Al R—/V\ary Jane Gagliano, a member of the Jonathan Center fullback David Lauhoff, who captain Bob Bohrod, a key performer in should receive all-conference mention backfield. His absence hobbled of- had two interceptions and a fumble Alholm gets 2 Dayton Regional High School gymnait team, launches herself from the recovery. Holding Millburn scoreless in springboard to mount the vaulting horse. The Bulldog gymnasts recently starred for this steady play, doubled up as a fensive efforts. goaltender late in the year, compiling The Bulldog touchdown came in the the second half was the line of Skip in three events in the annual Union County Gymnastics championships and took Liguori, Pete Rosomondo, Bill Young as lightweights second place in the overall competition. (Photo-Graphics) an impressive 3-2 record, fourth quarter when Ken Bell picked off Tony Sangregorio, a bullish per- a Millburn pass and returned it for the and Joe Dorfman at tackles, Ferry win 3rd, 37=6 former, thwarted many an opposing score. Millburn was aided by the strong Paul Matysek and Dan Pepe at ends drive. Tony, who could bout the ball efforts of runningback and extra-point and Anthony Circelli, Jack Hirshberg, The Mountainside Jets lightweight nearly three-fourths of the field, was kicker Chris Buckley. Dayton will be Jeff Vargas, Dave Flood and Pat football team played an outstanding Booters beaten in OT Picciuto in the secondary. almost never beaten by an onrushing home to Verona Saturday and will visit game in defeating the Berkeley Heights lineman. West Orange on Thanksgiving. Golds, 37-6 The Jets scored quickly in The most determined squad member The offensive line—Bill Young and the first quarter when David Gagliano to finish 4-11-1 season was most probably right fullback Mar Pete Rosomondo at tackles, Ed Cagers to play tallied from seven yards out. John Meskin, a durable performer who never Johnson and Skip Liguori at guard, Fischer plunged for the extra point tallied one goal. gave up. The emergence of Meskin was Greg Shomo at center and Don Lusardl, Moments later Jeff Ahlhom intercepted ByMIKKMKIXNKK Australian five The Jonathan Dayton Regional High Subbing for these players were four one of the pleasant performances of the Nick Caricato and Dave Vargas at a lateral and ran 30 yards for another tough competitors. Junior Steve year, ends—struggled to assist the backfield The Kean College basketball team touchdown. School varsity soccer team dropped a 4- 2 overtime decision to the NewGeltman, who frequently was pressed Steve Shindler, the Dayton will host the Australian Olympic team Behind the strong blocking of Darren Providence Pioneers to end their 1977 into starting duty, will be a great asset goaltender, was a good one. Steve has on Friday Dec, 16, at 8 p.m. in D'Angola laione, Alfred Heckel, Greg Golden- season with a record of four victories 11 next year. Chris Shields played his best super potential and could very well Harriers finish Gym. berg, Kyle Wissel, Russel! Picut, Bob losses and one tie, The Bulldogs, under when given the chance, A determined follow the footsteps of Sid Kaufman and The Aussies finished eighth in the Miicke and Steve Burton, the Jets' Matt the guidance of coach Jim Skobo. performer, Shields always gave one go on to become a college star. Last Montreal Olympics, They are coached Doolej and Walter Kempner scored on finished sixth in the Suburban Con- hundred percent, Jeff Lubash, a strong- year Steve was the heir apparent to 8th in sectional by Lindsay Gaze, a former Olympian, long runs. ference. Verona won !he sectional title, footed senior, also filled in ably, Kaufman, and led by Ed Palubinskas, a 6-1 guard, In the second half, Ahlohm went The Jonathan Dayton cross-country losing but one game hustling on offense and defense, Mike Others' who played on the varsity team finished eighth in its season- who played for Louisiana State through center for 28 years and a touch- Jacob, a converted lineman with good University, down, Berkeley Heights finally scored Dayton took the lead on early goals level during the year Included Bruce ending competition in the state sec- by Todd Melamed and Mike French but passing skills, rounded out this ex- Davison, Ron Scappetuelo, Frank tional meet, Dayton's top five were Kean finished with a 20-8 record a on a 50-yard run by a halfback. The perienced reserve corps. final score came when the defense then faltered. In fact, the second Schaeffer, Scott Worswlck and Bob Rich BanteU, Jeff Knowles, Kevin year ago. Coach Joe Palermo has seven Pioneer goal was scored by a Dayton Bob Shapiro, a halfback-fullback, will Schneider, King, Jay Bruder and Pete Keramas. of his first eight players, returning. stopped Berkeley Heights behind the return to help next year's outfit, Snap goaf line for a safety player, whose crisp head shot baffled Captains for 1978, voted by the Dayton was without the aid of two The Squires are led by center Jerome goalie Dave Lauhoff. New Providence was pressed into the starting role after players Friday, are Lauhoff and Tony other top runners. Dayton's dual meet Hubbard, forwards Vince McDonald The defense was led by Peter booters scored twice within a three- goalie Steve Shindler was sidelined Snagregorio, Marc Meskin was a close Dachnowizo, David Rlzzo, Enzo season resulted in 14 victories and one and Steve Depts and guards Eloy Ash- minute span In over time. Field general with an injury. third. worth and Chuck Raub, all juniors. Pallitta, Jim MerkUnger and Michael Joe Sangregorio stood out for the Wood, Mountainside's offense, which Bulldogs, gained 234 yards rughing, was led by The Dayton starting lineup was led by UC clinic in soccer John Fischer's 64, Jeff Ahlholm's 55 leftwing Melamed, who scored 10 goals and Dave Gagliano's 46. Matt Dooley, this year, easily the highest toal on the Union College will ducted by Dr, Leonard K. Walter Kempner and Jim Merklinger squad. He was brilliant throughout the sponsor a soccer clinic for Lueenko, head coach of also ran for substantial gains. The Jets year and reached his peak against Union County high school Union College's soccer squad played exceptionally well and Oratory, when he scored three goals, students on Saturday, team, director of the AH- improved their record to three vic- Mel was backed up by Mitch Feuer, a Nov. 16, from 6;30 a.m. to American Soccer Camp tories and twr/losses. Next week, the standout performer whose playing time 3:30 p.m. at Orange and New Jersey Coach of Jets play Berkeley Heights. was limited merely because he backed Avenue Middle School, the Year in 1MB, 1969 and 1970. YOUR BMW DEALER CAN up Melamed, Mitch, who scored a goal Cranford, and assisted _on two others, has The clinic will be con- Among those serving on unlimited potential as a lineman. the staff for the clinic will Sophomore star Tim Harrigan, agile be Ray Klinecka, assistant LEAH YOU A CAR Bowling and talented, started as a rightwing, Princess coach of the Cosmos and Tim showed excellent soccer skills and assistant coach for the a strong willingness to learn. Tim induction U.S. World Cup and U.S. booted two goals in 1977, Backing him Olympic teams. YOU WONT BE BORED WITH Highlights up was Tom Ragno, who also showed Indain Princesses of the Air Union County 10th, good skills when called one Pagno Summit Area YMCA's llth and 12th grade scored on goal. Watchung Nation will students may participate FOUR SEASONS: induct new members on in the clinic at no charge. BEFORE THE LEASE BUR ST. JAMES LADIES Bill Rose, another gifted sophomore, Saturday at 10 a.m., at the Thpr> i in t train HnLe built intr IdhuMtor; t / rt Jin mpci b'c I jl'-th Ii imari [H t V The clinic will deal with ii t-lut mi hiln t! dt !u ntihin^Ahil Kay Scheider, 164-188=178=530, started at center forward and scored Summit Junior High technique improvement, imuldtt tr-e l^f I ji-imnii I t , -i I in il ir in! from that spot. Bill is a true hustler. Nwt r tii flu V th r ov v nil the/ rt- t ill it r i II ^ U VII L A rJIH L Dolores Johnson, 154=155=196=505; School auditorium. More fitness training and tac- It did bctcdi m AMI it ha t d Aid tit Bl WS IT '0 Reserve forward George Janeira I Ii 1 rii h t rfHAIiLLA THLl Marge Doninger, i7H80-49i; Terry than 200 father-daughter tical approaches, and will lh t! i ir.ij tliny firiv^ ct w-ti n rjf II iil»ili-il M i A i it i i it Ii ) tli j j|Jil n^ • provided excellent backup parotection Mr ji dr unpl, in i t h nit II irtnll Lf n p J II t n t ri I Schmidt, 198=478; Ruth Insley, 163=161= couples (grades 1-3) andstress improving in- a j nil ii t' ii ^ Goerge scored a goal in West Orange. hd/ijih-rttli -n t I1i M^bujiup ft II [ i n ii r It r i Ii i t i Bl H VI (1 r, H nip t t I ' 471; Janet Petino, 163.163.469; Gail dividual skills. i H ifi f \\\ pr tM-iii j j t ii un i piFHd The halfback line was led by captain their families from t u whpt-l - qu V in1 I in tl r i i Rapezynski, 155=175=461; Kathy HIM i i n! tnn p rrtlt n 'I *- IHE fttn n(_ hirp =iiid Vthl ul c im i Joe Sangregorio, An unselfish player, Summit, New Providence, it iiU Ehrhardt, 184=160-459; Gen Ammiano, Berkeley Heights, Short ThP BMiV in tune lher h ind -il Ufitl- r iti ' {hi prrir- t r t I » f r* 182=150.458; Madelyn Teja, 165-451; Joe contributed crisp passes and scored Whilst [_j dn- uidleidni It t ur &^J ilHnuil IMI in KM i i i Ml -it ! 1 jrn lift tt Hills, Millburn, I m'tiTt-irU Atlilt-it pr j. 1i ill the f ii"j ' 1 f m iti i m il (- i ! I i I tM in ^ p ^ in twice on long shots, Joe made the most iCONSUMER -iihhlp) I p prf i lf Fong Yee, 158-153-447; Marge Johnsen, Springfield, Gillette and turt-' J "I irt ni-t mid .IIIHI, frq I n- nl itj ii h f-^i And it ir rlptdt jn I tl nl i it t u r tl i 159=430; Doris Egan, 156-426; Denise of every opportunity. in -int ii ir In-ihi BMW i i Irjrl, v rt JH f Uf. mj , t ith thi tutbi i I V Hie ii RMV'm i hill i IPi qu red t Stirling are expected to 1 Gallaro, 424; Mary Frances Napier, Jay Hanntgan added aggressiveness 'GUIDELINES iinm til. ilil/ i r ir hi It lor and if i nit me a i twirl™ It 11 the |u t ti -it] Ittf njt n d rp^uljr ^i jrly tn 154=416; Jane Planer, 415; Jo Farinella, and stamina to the Dayton attack. A participate. ten v;npd 3 liter Bf 1W ngnip And thi luuidn w Jdrmc iruriiri Q Big "braves" and r[>igPMANl £ FE.RFECjr.DQfJ THE Liuijriuu 'Ye >pt all lunU on have i tli the llhunnn pfdHjun ct tu Ily 162410; Dot Comgan, 154-408; Helen speedy performer, Hanigan was very RALE TPAC (• l*f«n d duoualy planned tn fai ilitale !ul-ii omputeri «i t]ui[ nieiit i ure ripid Stickle, 1B3-W8; Anna Smith, 408; Ethel durable, "princesses," dressed in Whilp it i I UUF r ti i ihlp tn prt I^I nntrul at dll time under ill in mutiny *p IL ng iL( urate rngtue tuning Ernst, 403; Marion Sexton, 168; Mike French, another of Dayton's full regalia, will receive dPirlnp in iri ppi lhlp nitnmnhile in thp diliun Engineered tu inrludf thp rirm r inri fliigrui I nl in/ impending their traditional "eagle » lit vi ! u mini ut thi- ttr j trai k and the -l UIIP of the functioning part rj1ther-iF tf lblpm Madelyn Haines, 188; Florence Mur, rugged trUeaptains, added scoring II the jf It 3_,i% a Ldi >(JIJ phy; 186. - • feathers:" A highlight: ill-t tuillytiij y dn\,iii£ fhtnuie >uu punch to the halfback alignment with 1 three goals, tops among the mid-will be a special per- " "Kfi* ' / >u P' ' "t VOJr BMW dt lltr Top teams are the Alley Cats, formance to of American Nr_t only nn he irr-in^e =i tliurou^h Thumbs Up, Jets and Twin Goats. fielders, te I drive it yuur mnvc Mike Wittenberg, the third captain, Indian dancing by Louis If you are serious about nimrp he r^n nuke Mofsie of the Thunderblrd =iv=iil ihlr ivinety u) FRIDAY DEADLINE had perhaps the strongest foot on the cutting down on home American Indian Center, energy mi, keep in mind tulMIIII 111 II All Items other than spot news should team. Mike, who continually shouted phn i well encouragement to his fellow team- New York City. that five appliances ac- be in our office by noon an Friday. Indian Princess Is a count for tht majority of national YMCA father, electricity used in the ^Americari Viewpoints daughter activily whose home — thi ringe/ov. Wild Bird Said Mix 25 Ibs.-I3.75 50 ibs,$l.tS programs are developed en, refrigerator, water SPECIAL Wild Bird around the basic heater, air conditioner SNd Mix 20 lbi.-I5.5O 40 lbi.J10.50 American Indian theme and clothei dryer. Use them efficiently and you Sunflower 25 lbi.J5.95 50 Ibs.-S5.95 with tribes formed on a 2Olb»..J7.5O 40lbi.513.95 school or neighborhood iave both energy and SPECIAL Sunflower money. 25ltK.-$2.7S 50 lbi.-SS.25 basis and meeting in tacked Com members' homes. Tribes Pnnuto Hurtt 10lb»-J5.95 come together for Sunflower Heirb 10lbi.-J5.95 Saturday morning gym I'M lbs,.$175 and swims, Friday family Suit Cikti nights at the Y, special pow-wows and camping weekends. Fathers and Rants Cars? New dyrciwn'ri in j?i?nf? All proceed go tawsrdi educational daughters interested in Yes We Sure Do! HottniLin BMW wilt fortimyf is trtai? s joining have been invited RUTHFRFORO SPRING.VALLEY program! aod activities... ihouiand newfrontienfor their WEEKEND 62i Btoomfield toenue to contact Ronald R, (201) 7488200 Puk Avenue Motor Corp Wide World ot Cars. Inc and you live money, too. who wQuId mil advffitufe ' QEMlkLE 251 Paik Avenue Last Route 59 Coleman at the YMCA, SPECIAL (201)935 5800 (914)425 2600 Gearhart Enterprises. Inc (20!) 5731224 273-33M). Z60 Btoomlieta A?enue Qr To Publicity" (201)6270700 Alpine Motors IIK: J M K Auto Sales, Inc roafwATFR TORoutii 17 South 391-399 Route 2?(m Savings Day Chairmen: irSato (201) 3273033 (201)3/9 7 744 Your Want Ad BTOywCM TIWMLY Mali MM (MM MM iHM IM1 W) Mm m torI I Would you (Ike some (201)941.1340 Mid-County Motnu. ific Is Easy To Place per MKW NM Ml ?6ftCt H(wr| help In preparing e 197? BMW « N«lh *m«t«. I™ SUMMIT NATURE CLUI or REEVES-REED .., Just Phone newspaper releases? MtNliMMW AMWETUK 818-7700 Write to this news- paper and ask for our ill Hotart Avs.- Mi i. Summit,N,J, 07*01 Ask tsr Ad Taker* and *S*-0040 Plcfc-Upf DR. AND MRS, CRISCITIELLO dinner at Temple Emanu-El In West"- .Summit have announced ' • >' Woman's Club meeting field at 7 p.m. Monday. The program engagement of their daughter. Mnr>. '•< M/ss Friedman The Melody's Paintbrush Quartet will their reservations may call Mrs for this meeting is "The Abused Thomas Marlinu, son of Mr. ;iii•• entertain the Mountainside Woman's Melvin E Lemmerhirt, Mrs M Woman " Pat Manino of Warwick Hi -I••. wedOct 10 to Club meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 Edward Dudick or Mrs W. Jouett Cessie Alfonso, who will lead the Spnngf.i-ld p.m. at the Mountainside Inn. Blackburn discussion, is the chairperson of the MissCoviello is a graduate tif Siir; -i- All men of the Melody's Paint brush battered woman education sub- High School and the Katharine <- • Or, Criscitiello Quartet- Ken Henderson, tenor; Bill committee of Women Helping Women Business School In Montelair Si • Marilyn Friedman, daughter of Mr. WeUman, lead; Frank Clapper, Sisterhood meeting of Middlesex County, She has a currently employed by A'l & and Mrs. Edward Friedman of Union master's degree in socal work and a Basking Ridge an ari n,- baritone, and Jim Fleming, bass to hear book report secretary was married Monday, Oct. 10, to Dr belong to their parent chapter, the license in nursing and has been doing Ronald p Criicitiello, son of Mr and West field Coloniaf Chorus. Karen Levine and Nettie Levinson counseling for several years Mr Martinii is u grartii.- . ,1 Mrs. Anthony Crlscitieilo of Moun- will lead a book report and discussion .Jonathan Dayton Regional High : tainside. The Woman's Club has one evening period for the Sisterhood of To Publicity Chairmen: He is employed by Thomas (' M The ceremony was held in the Crystal meeting a year with husbands as guests Congregation Israel at 8 p.m on Incorporated Plain, Livingston, where a reception and the Evening Department as Wednesday at 42 Shunplke Rd Would you like some help In preparing A November 1SJ78 wedding is pi followed. hostesses It is an informal meeting Springfield: newspaper release!? Write to this USED CARI DONT Dig -,.. ••• Mrs. Crisciliello, who was graduated with a social hour before the dinner Refreshments will be served Lt?e newspaper and ask for our "Tips on Any members who have not yet made from Kean College of New Jersey Harelik is Sisterhood president. "Submitting News releases," Can 686 7700 Union, where she received a bachelor's degree, and Syracuse University, where she received a master's degree, is employed as a counselor for Planned DIANE FIONDA, Parenthood and is working on a PhD RICHARD ABBONDANTE Mental in higher education administration at Garden State Farms the University of Pittsburgh. Diane Fionda DAIRY STOH Her husband, who was graduated Health from Syracuse University, where he received a bachelor's degree and was to wed in '78 National Institutes awarded Phi Beta Kappa, holds an A September JOTB wedding is planned of Health M.D. degree from Upstate Medical by Diane Teresa Fionda and Richard Scott Abbondante, Center, Syracuse, where he received WHAT IS ALCOHOL? other honors. Dr. Criscitiello is doing Miss Dionda is the daughter of Mr WHO I SES IT? his residency at Montefiore Hospital, and Mrs, Arthur Fionda of S Springfield avenue, Springfield, Her Alcohwl. the major affiliated with the University of Pitt- active ingredient in wine, sburgh Medical Center, where he Is fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Abbondante, also of s. Springfield beer, and distilled liquor, specializing in internal medicine. avenue. is a natural substance The newlyweds, who took a formed by the reaction of The bride-elect is a senior nursing fermenting sugar with honeymoon trip to St. Maarten in the student at Seton Hall University. The Caribbean, reside in Pittsburgh. prospective bridegroom received a yeait spores. There are bachelor of science degree in business many alcohols, but the administration from Scion Holl, and he kind in alcoholic Gospel women is an accountant for the Shell Oil Co. in beverages is ethyl alcohol Weil Ofanger — _a eoloi-Uws, in- coffee The couple plans to bo married in St. flammable liquid with an The Womens" Gospel Fellowship of Jamas Roman Catholic Church intoxicating effect. Mountainsid* Gospel Chapel will meet Springfield. Ethyl alcohol is a drug for its monthly coffee hour next which can produce Thursday, Nov. 17, The chapel is on feelings of well-being, Spruce Drive, off Central Ave, Coffee Lunch planned sedation, intoxication or At Garden State Farms will be served at 10 a.m. and the unconsciousness — program will start at 10:14. Ruth depending on the amount Goense is chairman for a demon- on Wednesday and the manner in which it stration on floral arrangements. B'nai B'rlth Women of Springfield is drunk. Technically, it The program, "Singing through Our will meet on Wednesday at 11:30 p.m. at can also be classified as a Sorrows" will be presented by Eleanor Temple Sha'arey Shalom. food, since it contains Isaacson. In addition to her singing A hot luncheon will be catered by Stop calories, however, it has talents, Mrs. Isaacson is a homemaker & Shop, at a price of 12.50 per person no nutritional value. and a full-time college student. Born in There will be games and songs, Various alcoholic beverages are produced Pleasing Yoa Germany, she came to this country at Mrs. Abe Levine is president of the age 12 to search for her parents. Springfield Chapter of B'nai B'rith by using different sources Nursery care is provided, and the Women. Mrs. Lee Wolf is vice-president of sugar for fermentation. program is open to the public, in charge of program. For instance, beer is made from germinated or malted barley, wine from grapes or berries, whiskey from malted grains and rum from Hard Pleases Us liquors —such as whiskey, gin, and vodka — are produced by distillation, Buy One or All of Our Specials and SAVE! which further con- centrates the alcohol On Sale November 10-13 resulting from fer- mentation. GSF CHOCOLATE AAARSHAAALLQW Alcohol Content of Typical Alcoholic c Beverages: ICE CREAM Reg. $2,39 Half Gal. 50 OFF Beer, 4 percent; Dinner wine, 10-12 • percent; Our own Rag. $1.69 - 10-PACK Fortified wine, 17-20 C percent; Distilled liguoc, 40-50 percent. ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 40 OFF Each fluid ounce of 100 percent alcohol contains about 200 calories, GSF ALL NATURAL FLAVORS although the alcoholic C beverages and drinks FROZEN YOGURT ^ ~ PINT derived from them vary 20 OFF widely. About the same alcoholic content, one-half Our Own Reg, 7Jc ounce of pure alcohol, is O found in: CREAM CHEESE a o: CUP OFF — a 12-ounce can of beer 20 — a s-ounce glass of dinner wine _ — a cocktail containing S i'A ounces of 86-proof liquor TOTAL SAVINGS 1.30 As far back as historical records go, beverages containing alcohol have been made and used by people. Such beverages are part of the cultures of _P??RLe throughout the world. Two-thirds of the adult population in the United States drinki at least occasionally, while one- third does not drink at all, Pleasing YoaJL. Pleases Us If you would like to receive information and materials on different A HARVEST LUNCHION will bt •penMrad by th« Springfield chaptw of HadasMh aspects of alcohol use, write to the National Garden State Farms on Nov. 17 at n:30 a.m. at tfct Chantldtr In Short Hlllg, Edith Callm, Itft, co- Institute on Alcohol Abuse ehalrwomMt, and DaretnM Sehwarti, In enarga of prim, •xamlnc a door prln, DAIRY STORES Sakf Flftr- Avwiut will prtitrrt a faihlon shew, PrsKtdi from ttit lunehten will bt and Alcoholism, P.O. Box uttd to purehatt an iMltHt Infant traniport Incubator for tht ntw maternity wing 2346, Rockvllle, Maryland at Mf, Scopus Hospital In" Itratl. 20652. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK tO AM TO 10 P M COPYRIGHT BY GARDEN STATE FARMS INC ALL RIGHTS RFGERVKD GSF.1177.43 •i.-.y, November 10, 1977 OUR LADY OF LOURUKS 300 CENTRAL AVE., MOUNTAINSIDE Annual dinner m REV, GERARD McGARRY, PASTOR REV. CHARLES B. URNIK, this Saturday REV. JOHN J.CASSIDY. Religious Notices ASSISTANT PASTORS The Sisterhood of Temple Shn'arey Sunday—Masses at ?, 8, 9:15, 10:30 Shalom, Springfield, will hold its an*, nual progressive dinner on Saturday. IKI.DKMANI'KIA'NJTKD IIOI.Y C'KOSS Lt'THERAN CHURCH a.m. and 12 noon. Each group of eight persons will have 'TIIODISTCIU'IU'II i THE CHURCH OF THE RADIO Saturdays—Evening Mass, 7 p.m ; hors doeuvres and dinner at two dif- 'HMALLATACAnKMY ••LUTHERAN HOUR" AND TV'S weekday Masses at 7 and B a.m. First ferent congregants' homes. All groups Friaay. 7, 8 and 11:30 a.m. GKKKN "THIS IS THE LIFE") will then join for dessert at the temple, S1MUNGFIKLIJ 639 MOUNTAIN AVENUE, Miraculous Medal Novena and Larry Ozone's Traveling Disco will \STOR UKOEUKC SPRINGFIELD Mass—Monday at 8 p.m. entertain the guests at the temple with SCHLKS1NOKH THE REV. JOEL R. YOSS. Benediction during the school year on rock, jazz , soul and pop tunes. id H p m., chancel choir PASTOR- dx_L2iiLp,m, „_, n p nV.Husy'Ftngefs, 8pm. Baptisms on Sunday at 2 p.m by president in charge of ways and means TELEPHONE: 379-4525 appointment. •'.i tnot'ting at the parsonage Today 10 am, Bible study Goldye Grossman is the chairperson nf :..y 7 to HI p.m , A speaker, M•:«) a m Sunday *;M o m,, worship service, ST. JAMES CHURt II Hodassah sets rhool for all agi-s'.^l :i() a in , !)'30 am, family growth hour; 10:45 45 5. SPRINGFIELD AVE a.m.. Holy Communion; 2 to 4 p.m.. 'lili- (.'lass with ilisii'ussioti of SPRINGFIELD Israeli benefit li-.'il Prwhrr" . Ki 30 a "i . Holy Cross Youth Fellowship plan folk MSGR, FRANCIS X. COYLE. PASTOR womce In honor of the 10th anniversary of the ip hour; 11 a m , nicirning REV STEPHEN P. LYNCH, reunification of the city of Jerusalem, mil (nminuniiin i; p ni , ymilh Monday • 4 p m,, Confirmation I, REV. EDWARD R. OEHLING. 7 ;ju p.m.. elders. 7:30 p.m., trustees the Westfield Chapter of Hadassah has REV. PAUL J.KOCH, begun a "big gifts" project to provide a Tuesday ^ p.m., Confirmation II; 8 ASSISTANT PASTORS ll p lled in Si 30 p.m.. "jews for Jesus" major piece of equipment for the Sunday Masses- 7 p.m Saturday 7, Ifadassuh Hospital at Ein Karem, .•\ in ;i in r "'«' f'" Kripnri'i. Wednesday—4:30 pm , youth choir, 8:15,9:30,10:45n.m and noon Daily—7 Israel ' •'"• p m adult choir Wesli'\nn Scfv if ''irili- » and 8 a.m Holydays—on eves of The chairmen of the fund-raising i.let's' mci'Iing Holyday, 7 p.m.; on Holydays at 7, H, 9, eveni. Mrs Edward Dropkin of CONGREGATION ISRAF.l 10 a.m, and 7 p.m FRENCH MONSTERS—After reading "Le Monster Dans Le Metro" in Carol •,ila> Id IS a ni . iiiid week Westfield and Mrs Mitchell Bradie of Jaekier's French class at Dierfleld School in MountalnsldB, students created their i.|y. MI)IIII. 7 30 p m , girls choir, H Saturday—9:30 am. Sabbath When the sun bakes the ground day a.m., worship service 7 p.m.. evening after day, the earth becomes hard and penny a game FRIDAY DIADLINi :nir chriir morning service followed by Kiddush; fellowship radiates more of the solar heat back All items other than spot news should •-.> a m . atlull education IS minutes before sunset, afternoon Proceeds of 525 from the events went service followed by discussion and Wednesday—9 p.m., midweek ser- into the atmosphere—boosting tem- be In our office by noon on Friday. • i ni . church school classes; to the World Friendship Fund Barbara "Farewell to Sabbath" service vice peratures still higher Zirkel, Mountainside community Girl church warship service; .Sunday—8 a.m., morning minyan Wesiimnster Fellowship service, 'J tti 11 15 a m kinderkirk Sunday through Thursday—15 Class set : 15 pm.. Hrowmes, 7 p.m., minutes before sunset, afternoon •\ H to 11 15 a m , kinderkirk service followed by advanced study in dancing session and then by evening service i 15 a m nursery open house The Summit YWCA is Monday through Thursday—7:15 Wesley Koodish; 12 30 to 2:45 offering a new course in am., morning minyan service; 3:30 to beginning creative dance ; itTkirk nursery. S 30 to 7:3(1 i:30 p.m , religious school classes M-mbiM' dinner and boutique, a for adults. The class is ii/.iihfih Presijyii-'ry Youth Task designed to allow par- . ;in [) rn , Cub pack committee MOUNTAINSIDE GOSPEL CHAPEL ticipants freedom of ex- 1180 SPRUCE DR. (ONE BLOCK pression and in- i>'scias 9 In 11 15 am , Kin- OFF RT. 22 W,), MOUNT AINSE>E terpretation of music Take the money ; Nursery, 12 3(1 In 2:45 p m,, CHURCH OFFICE: 232=3456 through body movements .-.irk nurst'O'- y;a0 a ">•• Ladies' PARSONAGE: 654=6475 Basic techniques of •li'iii Society executive board. THE REV. JOHN FAS AND, PASTOR ballet, jazz, abstract and HI . Ladies' Kvening-Ciroup Bible Sunday—9:45a.m., Sunday School for disco dance routines will H 15 p m . Ladies' Evening all youth and adults (free bus service is be included, Parieipants available; call for schedule of routes will also use aspects of and pickup times), 10:45 a.m., and slimnastics and gym- preservice prayer meeting. 11 a.m., nastics. morning worship service (nursery care iMl NITY PRESBYTERIAN The instructor, Judi is available), 7 p.m., evening worship Hedge, has studied dance CHURCH service, MEETING HOUSE LANE under Skip Randall in Wednesday—8 p.m., midweek prayer Caldwell and Toby Towson one. , H'NTAINSIDE, NEW JERSEY service. __ MINISTER: THE REV in New York City. Hedge ELMERA.TALCOTT TEMPLE SHAAHEY SHALOM . is a past gymnastles- AXtST AND CHOIR DIRECTOK: A"N AFFILIATE OF THE UNION competilor and assistant JAMES 5. LITTLE OF AMERICAN coach of the Montclalr ••lay—7:30 p.m., junior choir HEBREW CONGREGATIONS YMCA Starlettes. She :. sill. 8p.m. Christian Education S SPRINGFIELD AVE. teaches dance in Edison ii'itlee meeting. ATSHUNPIKEROAD and Caldwell and in- strucls gymnastics at the UCTC SPRINGFIELD iday- 10:3(1 a.m.. morning wor- Summit YWCA, uith Rev. Talcott preaching: !0:3Q RABBI: HOWARD SHAPIRO . church school for cradle roll CANTOR; IRVING KRAMERMAN The course will begin Wednesday, Nov. 23, and practical loans Friday—8:43 p.m., erev Shabbat •igh eighth grade; 7 p.m., senior continue every Wed- fellowship; 7 p.m., adult Bible service, response sermon, Saturday—10:30 a.m., Shabbat nesday for nine weeks lecture; 8p.m.. Veterans' service, until Jan. 25 from 8:30 to come with f'sday — 4 p.m., primary choir morning service. Thursday—8 p.m., duplicate bridge. 9:30 p.m. Women and irsai; 8 p.m., United Presbyterian men, age 15 and up, have •icn's meeting with Robert LeFrank been invited to attend. practical gifts. •cing on Poland. EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH Further information "tlnesday—R p.m., senior choir 242 SHUNPIKE ROAD, concerning memberships u'sal. SPRINGFIELD and fees is available at the Now you can borrow the money you REV. WILLIAM C.SCHMIDT JR., Summit YWCA at 273-4242, TEMPLE BETH AHM iiffcl tor whnU'viT you IHCI.1 and choosi- PASTOR 1 AN AFFILIATE OF THE REV. GARY FINN. SJIH- ut'tlicM. grtiil gilts trtu from I niu-d 'TKD SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA ASSISTANT <•>>iin(i«.~s IhiM Company, i ,TtJSBOL WAY, SPRINGFIELD Sunday—9:45 a.m., Sunday School: > 1ABBI: REUBEN R. LEVINE 11 a.m., morning worship; 7 p.m., Teen- That's right. When sou gut u I'CR'. prac- ANTOR: ISRAEL J.BARZAK evening service, tical loan of Si.500 or more you get .'.lay—8:45 p.m., Sabbath services. Wednesday—7:45 p.m., prayer TTiu- ot'tlu'si" valuable girts tree. Your only in-day—10 a.m.. Sabbath services, meeting. • Talk problem svill he deciding which of theK' \sday—noon. Senior League Friday—7:30 p.m., senior high youth THIS WEEK'S LET- group. TERs Help. lama 15year tempting gitts is right for sou. , old girl and I'm in love The Highway I'nuTguncy Kit contains with a 24 year old man. everything you could possibly need in He's married and has two children he loves very ease ot cnHTgeiH'y, much. But he loves me, The Stadium Kit comes packed in a smart too. However, he says he can't and won't do leather-like vinyl bag and contains a anything about it. Should I blanket, thermos., umbrella and raincoat go on like this? What everything you necilto-gcti-yTjrr — ~ should I do? PleaseTmlr" through the game. I'm confused, ABOVE OUR HEPLVs Accept Or you cim choose one ot live scrump- the fact that it's possible to tious gourmet gift packages — each one AND love more than one per- son. He's too old and in- with u retail value of more than SlH.OO, BEYOND volved for you. Make So it you're in the market for a home FOR certain you're clear on improvement loun, an auto loan, a New that. There's no reason to jersey Small Business Loan, secondary belabor the point. The THE truth is there's much to do mortgage or .personal loan for some and many people to meet. special need, be practical. Visit the VCVC Get about the business of office nearest you and talk to one of our TALL living in the present, not loan officers. He'll see to it your loan is the past or the future. processed immediately And then you can You're confused because you're not willing to ac- take the money and one of the great gifts EVERYTHING IN cept r( ponsibillty for the you see here absolutely free. ' si' Take charge. DRESS AND, SPORTSWEAR ( icate with your *l)ffvi- lixpirvs November 30, 1977. FOR THE FASHION-MINDED end and let him kni. .* u're on your waa BIG AND TALL MAN tu ti ionships that are" k inplicated. • UFiTIMe ALTERATIONS • r, ABOVE AND BEYONP BIG AND TALL MEN'S STORE 3RASS, INC, 201.377.S674 ileeker St. i-9 DAILY 72 MAIN STRUT , ,illburn,N.J. United Counties "ftust Company SAT, TIL 6 MADISON, NJ. The practical bank for all your banking needs.

ServingTyouTocally afEohoTlaza & Routft 22 & RWlsida Av,t Springfleli MEMBER FDIC County is host rUNNYSIDE Thuridoy, Navtmbtr 10, Iff? Jews' survival 'faith Cycles' others will be displayed ot Exhibition the Veterans' Hall on S. Editor's Quota Book to student view to be discussed topic of lecture 2l»t street in Kenilworth of trains A representative from II is much easier in "Earth Cycles" will be the subject the Tyco Corporation will lie iiliriil thaii in lie" of government at Y book fair Amtrnk, Perm Central, of a public lecture sponsored by be present to display its M, Union County government will play Dr. Ijoster Eckman, author and in- Amateur Astronomers, Inc., on Friday, Santa Fe and Jersey line of model trains and host to more than So nron high school structor, will talk on "Great Scholars' Nov. IB, at a p.m at Union College, Central trains, in aeeessoriei. Hi'iijamili Disi.tcli seniors when tho students participate in Reflections on Jewish Survival" Cranford. miniature, can be bought, More information can be the iecond onnuii Youth in Govern sold, swapped, or ob- Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Eastern Union Dr. Fred Hess, professor of physical obtained by calling 322- iEtL BABY'S olfl leys with ment Day today nt the County Cour- served at the third annual ,i Want Ad Call iU J700. County YM-YWHA. Green lane, Union science at tho State University of New 6240. thouse in Elizabeth, Dr. Eckman's talk Is a part of the Non-affiliated Kcnilworth daily « to 5 00 York Maritime College, will be guest Train Show on Sunday, The studenta will be welcomed by Jewish Book Fair which will run speaker. Dr. Hess, who is lecturer and SALE On SHARP TV's Expert Service On ALL Makes gives demonstration end/ net ONTVTUBBS Hillside Creative Arts will sponsor an DU/6 UrrcOMPLBTB STOCK OF: art demonstration by Thomas A Bavolar. an artist and teacher from CALL 486-0007 Westfield, Monday at 8 pm at the Hillside Community Center (/beau WELSCO ELECTRONICS Bavolar is primarily known for his watercolors and he has received f 333 St. Georges Ave. W. Linden f awards for his exhibits in juried shows. Mad© trustee SENIOR CITIZENS' Or Robert H. Siackpole hasTbeen appomretf to the racticati JL SPECIAU board of trustees of Alexinn Brothers Hospital, Elizabeth, it was Now, Patrician Floor Fashions will install enough (38 sq. > 20% OFF announced by J. Peter Cento, chief ad- famous maker broad loom {Higt'Ioiv, Cabin Craft, Muslund} of your Tuosdays' &Wednesdays'On~ly ministrative officer. Stackpole, a urologist, choice (dozens of colors and svverul styles} to carpet the On Ail Work Done'. currently serves as president of the medical main living areas (living room and dining room) of your home. AMERIGO COIFFURES staff at Alexian Brothers. 571 Rariran Rd, Roielie FRIDAY DIAPLINI (Roielle Shopping 245-9300 All Items other than spot PLUS Canter) news should be In our office by noon on Friday. Beautiful solid vinyl tile (iy6 srj. ft. by Eden) custom molded to your steps and inlaid in the main dining area (beveled and set diagonally I. We could say $ more, but you All, for much less than you would believe possible. 695 Heavy cushion-and-installation included. can't pay less! I Room scuno as shown i

long SIMV* cotton or nylon Here's an example of typical Remember, you may choose room sizes totaling 38 square from saxonies, plushes and yards. Tola! cost ««. cowl neck shags,,, dozens of colors. Living Room 13-ft. x ITtt. Come in and see for your- • • Dining Room 12 ft, x n.ft. tops self... luxurious carpet your choice for your dining and living

toyoursteps.,. stringers and high risers of your stairs with uphol- 2,99 eg stered carpet,,. Selling elsewhere far S13. If part. _iiv.\ Inlaid solid vinyl Sensuous, soft t:;V:.-...-'"-V^-'.''V tlleln themafn and totally t...... , /"*\ dlningareafor sophisticated, these under$700! long-sleeved \ cowl- neck tops I.-...,,,,,,,..-,. , .•' J1 PI.1 I «... , • • , i come in a rainbow of colors that-will compliment' your entire wardrobe,,, Washable in sizes s-M-L:

Cuttom iiiBtallation of ceramic deluxe wood floorSngis also available. Sulo Kffr«'lm- Thru S;il., 11/19/77

316 Rt 46 at Edwards Road 2834 Morris Avenue Union. NJ. Nice Stuff Parsippany Shopping Center (NoxnoA&P) "Where lo Afford the Clothes you Can f Atfatg" Parslppany, N^, opgN: gAM-SPM WON. -FRI., 9AM-6PM SAT. CHATHAM UNION EASTORANGE i 964-0070 43 OlanwsKl Plan 227-3112 Furniture shown'for iJJustration purposes only. 4SS Main Street 1714 Eluyvonnl Avtnu* typographi^l errors M§-i7go MMSli iTS^IM Somi; itgm§ may bo limited, so hurry and savo. We rwurvu thv right to limit quamitira Nut tv Op«n Mon(te»i •naThuridtyi 10 a.m. lo 1 p.m. Bihar day. 10 A.M. lo I P.M. ~When IB Horlda visit our Miattii , All our mareliandlis ii Uggad Irragular 1 ovpnts he attached to Gallo's record g Community Presbyterian Church m Matthew Rinaldo If it is determined that Gallo's cer- S on Deer Path at H p.m. tomorrow. B U.S. Senate tificate be lifted in New Jersey for one 12th District liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMnNiniMMiiMMiMiiHMiMiiiiMiif. \ear, it would not affect his present It was one of those rare and special position, but would be attached to his The arrogant demand of Cuba's United States. We should not extend moments for the United States Senate. permanent record and could be an Minister of Foreign Trade, Marcelo any further credit until the loans are After a plane ride with President influence in his future teaching ap- Election repaid, and certainly not to Cuba. (Continued frsm page U Font, that the U.S. must pay Cuba Carter, Senator Hubert Humphrey plications, hillions of dollars in reparations for the Letting Cuba dump its sugar surplus returned to the city that he captured A! that September meeting, board matching basis to restore beach facilities, was defeated by Moun- Hay of Pigs invasion has seriously on the U.S. market would be a mortal long ago with his enthusiasm, ideals member Pat Knodel said that in the damaged any prospects for resuming blow to American producers. They and good grace. future, if a similar circumstance oc- tainside voters 1,853 to 1.315. already are hard-pressed to sell their The second issue, seeking $120 million trade and diplomatic relations with On the Senate floor, colleague after curs, the administration should not (,'uhy supplies. Why give Cuba the means of to refinance the leaching hospital colleague rose to praise the man who honor the resignation, Knodel said the At the recent Washington meeting, ruining American sugar producers? has done so much for our country. To teacher should have been told he must project of the College of Medicine ami Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark was which was sponsored by the East-West Even more troubling about these me, Hubert Humphrey has always been honor the contract or work until a Trade Council. Font made it clear that initiatives towards resuming Cuban- more than a very special leader—he replacement is found. Board member approved by the borough voters 1,241 to U.S. relations is the fate of the 20,000 1,023, Ihe United States could not expect any has been my friend. Dr. Arthur Williams said, at that time, concessions in return for lifting the survivors of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Yet, I must confess, I'm not that good EDWARD R. SAUER of Rolling Rock 'severe action" should be taken to stop irade embargo with Cuba. Amnesty International estimates that at memorializing. I was pleased, of road, Mountainside, recently this from happening in the future. Choral groups AK part of the one-way deal. Font most of these prisoners are still in jail course, that the Senate voted to name a celebrated his 30-year anniversary The board also directed Hanigan to asked the United States to restore most in Cuba. Their human rights cannot be new Health, Education and Welfare with Exxon Research and institute a school policy on how to deal favored nation privileges to Cuba, ignored for the sake of detente with building after the man who has done so Engineering Company, He Is an with the situation if it arises in the to give concert including special tariff treatment. This Castro. much to promote all three. administrator In the employe* future At that time, Hanigan would enable Cuba to export its huge Another special concern is the Castro relations division at the Exxon The Jonathan Dayton Regional High But, at the same time, I know that questioned the wisdom of such a sugar surplus to the United States, in government's possible link to the Hubert would prefer an even kinder Engineering Center in Fiorham policy Recently questioned, the School vocal music department will order to obtain hard currency to pay off assassination of President John Ken- Park, present its first concert of the school tribute. In all the things he has done, superintendent said the problem with its arms debts to the Soviet Union, nedy. Until the new inquiry into the nothing has been as important as his instituting such a directive is that a year next Thursday, November 17, at H Kennedy assassination clears up these p.m. in the high school auditorium. The The next step, of course, would in- battle to promote economic health for policy has to b§ enforced without ex- volve low-interest loans to stimulate suspicions, it would be imprudent for groups performing will include the the United States to resume ties to Cuba the nation and a better quality of lite for Representing us ception and each case should be han- Vocal Workshop, the combined Concert trade with the United States. Com- the average man and woman. dled on its individual merits munist bloc nations have accumulated that may later be broken if the evidence Choirs and the Chorale, supports the theory that Lee Harvey Senator Humphrey has lent his name In Washington a debt of more than $40 billion since 1973 and his fighting spirit to a piece of The program will include foreign and with Western nations, and there are Oswald was hired by Castro to kill the /SAarksmen domestic choral works spanning five President. legislation .that could very well be the The Senate serious doubts in the world banking best monument of all. (Continued from page 1) centuries. Among the selections to be community thai these nations will be Still another major obstacle to nor- Clifford P. Case, Republican of Rahway, held in Sea Grit, He also trains new performed are works by Hassler, malizing relations is the Castro regime A measure known as the Humphrey- Mozart, Offenbach and Vaughan able to meet these obligations by 1980. 315 Old Senate Office Building, Washington, recruits entering police positions in the About $3 billion of these low-interest support of the Puerto Rican in- Hawkins bill would promote balanced DC. 20510. county, Williams, Featured will be excerpts trade credits have been made by the dependence movement to the United economic growth in our nation and help Kennedy emphasized the firing from George Gershwin's opera, "Porgy States. Through Its representatives at move us to a level of full employment. practice is just one portion of the and Bess," The soloists will be Kathy Harrison A Williams. Democrat of the United Nations, Cuba has at- In New Jersey, we are still plagued by Westfield, 352 Old Senate Office Building, weapons instruction borough police DiGiorgio. John Halecky, Ann Indiek, Fines of $200 tempted to brand the United States as a tragically high rates of unemployment. undergo. The officers all receive Kris Peterson, Doug Schon and Rick colonial oppressor In Puerto Rico. Some economists estimate that we will Washington, D.C. 20510 classroom training in when to use their Spina, There are strong suspicions that have to create nearly a half million new guns and the legalities involved when levied on three The House Three drivers were fined COO each by Castro has trained, supplied and jobs In our state alone by 1980 if our firing their sidearms financed the Puerto Rican terrorists economy is to operate at a full em- Matthew J, Rinaldo, Republican of Union, But the instructor said the most Miss Evans plays Mountainside Municipal Judge Jacob ployment level. Bauer last week for driving while their who have claimed responsibility for 314 Cannon House Office Building, important part of the program is the more than 40 bombings to U.S. cities, Washington. D.C. 20515. Represents Union, firing sessions, Kennedy said the South Pacific' lead licenses were suspended. And that will take a lot of work. But Grady Green of Irvlngton, Alphonso including New York and Newark,. Springfield, Roselle, Roselle Park, Kenilworth qualifying sessions give the men con- Jessica Evans, senior from Moun- Unfortunately, the Senate committee nothing could be more important. I and Mountainside. fidence with their weapons and makes tainside, played the role of Ensign Smith of Union and James Miley of that investigated the CIA operations know of nothing that so destroys the them conscious of being careful with Nellie Forbush in a recent Susquehanna Newark were also each charged $15 for against Cuba failed to disclose anything ^spirit of a good man, woman or family In Trenton the guns. It also helps check the University production of the Rodgers court costs. about Castro's activities here, 'as the spectre of being without a job. equipment for proper function, Ken- Bauer fined two other drivers $15 for nedy said, "We would rath'fer have it and Hammerstein musical, "South disregard of traffic signals. Frank Fidel Castro's recent junkets to President Carter will soon announce District 22 misfire on the range than on the Pacific," in Selinsgrove, Pa, Chepigi of Union and Deborah Sims of Jamaica and his close relations to the a new version of the Humphrey- State Senator-Peter j, McOonough, street," he added, Evans is the daughter of Mr, and Newark also were charged $15 in costs Panama director, General Torrijos, Hawkins full employment bill. I think Republican, Box 366, 403 Berckman st., Mrs, George Evans Jr. of Hedge Row, and Sims an additional $5 for contempt appear to be part of a strategy in that every American who has admired Plainfield 07061, PLUMBERS ATTBNT1ON! Sell your Mountainside. She is a graduate of of court. forging a Communist alliance around the work of the great Senator from Assembly-Donald T. OiFrancesco, 1926 services to 30,000 local (arnilitl with low cosj Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Eddie Martin of Plainfield was fined the perimeter of the Caribbean, Minnesota will realize • how ap- Westfield ave., Scotch Plains 07076. William Want Ads 686 7700 The biggest weapon at our disposal Is a total of $20 for being an unlldensed pp h _.!.JMaguireJjIHVestfieldjve., Clark 07066, driver arid Leriot Pilgrim of "East to keep ~Oaltf6 econornically~an<]~' jIHIIIIHIIiilKiiiiitimiiiMiiiiii lllliuilllllllllllllllllllllllll Orange paid 125 for passing on a politically isolated. Until Cuba ceases legislation will be. its interference in our Internal affaire, marked shoulder. releases 20,000 political prisoners, restores human rights in Cuba and ceases its military adventurism In Aqua Sprites Africa and Latin America, recognition of Cuba would be harmful to American swim 'Disney* interests and to peace in the Caribbean, The Westfield Aqua Sprites will open UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMitt their 1977-78 season with a producation of "The Magic of Disney" on Nov. 18,19 and 20 at the Westfield YWCA pool. | Advisory Council | Three Mountainside girls, Lisa Barre "M The Tinn Parent y and Beth and Susan McLaughlin, are s Council of the Union County I members of the 1977 New Jersey State 1 Regional High School District I Synchronized Swimming Champions ' 1 will meetiiHhe David Brearley § Aqua Sprite team. | Instructional Media Center in | Performances will be held at 8:30 g Kenllworth on Wednesday at S I p.m. on Nov. 18,at 2:30and?:30 p.m. on 1 p.m. All parents of Title I I Nov. 19 and at 5 p.m. on Nov. 20. Tickets I students and members of the S.. | community interested in title I | lit MAPLECREST may be purchased at the Westfield Y or Your AufherilM 4,1 NCOLN LA PETHE PATISSERIE from members of the team. The price is ( have been invited to attend, • ALUMINUM CO. MEHCUHYO1ALIH 721 MOUNTAIN AVE, $2,50 for adults and $1,50 for students. ffliiijiiiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiff "We Ifrvit* What Wi iali" CONTINENTAL MARK V SPRINGFIELD 2064 MORRIS AVE..UNI0N LINCOLN CONTININTAL PAITKIB1WITHTHI News editor MERCURY MARQUIJ MONARCH CONTINENTAL FLAIR COUOAR-ZBPHYR CAPRI CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Public Notice College plans NOTICi IS HBREBY NOTICE IS HIREBY conference GIVEN THAT Public Htarjng GIVBN thai public hearing B1.WS Fleet ol Truck. will be held by the Planning will be hola By the Planning Northeastern Bible Aiw»y» Re»dy to stfvt You I Board In the Mountainside Board in the Mountainside .Aluminum Ililnt CALL Municipal Building, 1385 U.S. Municipal Builalng, 13BJ U.S. College of Essex Fells is * Roollnfl -PRIIIWINNINO Rt, 22, Mountainside, N.J, Rt. 22, Mountainside, N.J. Slorm window! ftOoor l 964-7700 PAiTHY CH1F" November 21st, 1977 at 8:00 November 21st, 1977 at BOO sponsoring a month-end ,Qunirift!,MMri 2800 SPRINGFIELD AVE. HIlNiaHfT u,m, on application for RAig.m. on application for Tower conference at America's .Bithroom liiclnurM luiinMS System!, inc., for StMk House Inc., 1047 U.S. Rt. UNION 376-6969 approval to erect a wail sign 22, Mountainside, N.J. forKeswiek in Whiting, on and chsoae In tenancy and approval to erect a ground the weekend of Nov. 25-27. development at 12W U.S. Rf. Sign. 22, AAourifalnsid*, N.J, Dr. Charles W, Anderson, Meivin E. Lemmerhirt MELVIN E. LBMMERHiRT Secretary founder and president of THE GOURMET EMBASSY FEDERATED Secretary Wide Echo, Nov. 10, 1»7T Mfsde Echo, Nov. 10, 1977. the college, will be the' 273 MORRIS AVE, (Fee: S3.06) (Fee:! featured Bible speaker. ILMTROmOS SPRINGFIELD THIS SPACE 155 RT, 22 (Next to PMfclind) NOTICE IS HEREBY Music will be prodived by CHIBSp GOURMENT POODS NOTICI (8 HlREiV oiVENth«* public hearing the college. IMPORTED* DOMESTIC -.. SPRINGFIELD GIVEN that public hearing will be held by the Planning FOODSPBClALTiiS N.J.'S FINEST SELECTION will be held toy the plan* no Board in the Mountainside O1FT PACKAGES Board In the Mountainside Municipal building, 1385 U.S. FOOD PLATTERS OF CB'S, STEREOS A Municipal Building, 11IS U.S. Rt. 22, Mountainside, N.J., IS RESERVED November 21st, 1977 at 8:00 BURGLARY DETERRENT (MPORTIDeMOeOLATlS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Rt, .22, MQUntalnllde, N.J. TIP! November 21»t, 1»77 at 1:00 p.m. on aopllcatlon-ot Central p.m. on application of Jerwy •anil a. Trust Co. forWhen you go out st night, removal of proposed fence on leave one or more lights on In kymeur Simah 1017 Prospect locations not visible from the OPBNMON..TUBI., Ave. iloek IA Lot 16 forside Unt of property In favor of W1D..JAT. IMp.m, FOR YOU planting a* shown on site plan. windows. For extended THum.,Fm.,iHpm MELviN E. LEMMIRHIRT absences, there are' Stcretary, Inexpensive plug In timers 10»7? •hat wllLturriJlghfi on and off. 379-4390 _l!HL VISA • HANK AMERICARD (Fet:i2.70S (Fee; $2.88) Thursday, Novtmber 10, 1977

We dedicate ihig day to all the American heroes throughout our nation's history who rallied to her cause in lime of war and trouble. Gratefully, VM- remember the men who ser%ed, who fought, and who lay down tht'ir lives HO that the American dream might survive.

This message is presented as a public service

fay the community-minded firms listed herewith;

KENILWORTH JEWELERS SCIIERING-PLOUGH CORF 4JM Bsutfysrd UNION KENILWORTH CYCLE SHOP & watches i Repairs, Paris & VETERANS DAY C EXCAVATING CO. LINCOLN TECHNICAL GENERAL CQNTRACTDB INSTITUTE 115 MQRRli AVE November 11th • Honor Our Vets! 2299 Veus Hall Head 0890 Union 964 7800 SPRINGFIELD DIE BUCK EYE PIPE FRIEDMAN BROS,. INC • 'Approved for Veterans" V.ENET ADVERTISING AACE STERLING CO floor severing Specialists CASTING CO., INC. 4§Unlq5 Cheslnun r201 i t 68Stree7 1 3t1 3 LINE CO. Largest Selection of Seventh Avenge Lower Road Carpet* Ung!#um BrBfldloa via Springfield Avenue New York [3121 977 4610 Linden, N.J 07034 Irvinyton 371 S900 A&B AUTO SPRINGFIELD SUBURBAN VKRM1TOX GAT CORPORATION TAXI SERVICE RADIATOR CO. BUTLER CORP. LINDEN MONUMENTAL 3 Mountain Avenue LABORATORIES, INC & CHEMICAL DIVISION Irom Par* Brygss Termite &, PPIT Central 765 Chancellor Avenue Custom FaBrleetors of Springfield, N j 376 2553 J Irvingion, N J 373 Q7U welHrhenti for industry Linden. N.J. 07036 WORKS INC. All Termite Certifications 4(7 Lehlgh Avenue 1510 E Edgar I^iBd iRt Ij Waiting Room Available Paefeage Wholesale a. Retail produ Union 6H 55J5 Delivery S, Messenger Servicr 1471 ClinTgn Avenue mum Alreert Travel irvingtsn 371 6565 ADA'S BEAUTY SALON CARDINAL GARDEN CENTER GARDEN STATE BOWL A Open all 'fear 'Hound STONEWALL SAVINGS "EiclullyADA HALKQi Hil, Pror itylinp g Complit* GlFdin SuppMfi GEORGE'S PRO SHOP HERBERT LUTZ VIC'S SUPER for ih«l Ptrionsl Toy 171 MHilmsn R8«d "Nlee Pl#c« fs Bgwl & CO., INC, &701 LOANorthN Woo ASSOCIATIOd Avenue N Styyveiant Spflngfiitd 376-04^ for Nlci PHpli" Underground Pue! itoraga Tank! Llndsn 935-1111 SERVICE, INC. union N.J. (*to<34 NICK SvtrentK, Mar for Commercial 1100 Rsrlisn Hgsfl Vie Ventura. Prop. union *JI induifrlsi Furpotti ciark U1-S515 Speclalillna In Tune-Ups, BraKes, 2030 Clinton strett "Ulnden'i 8- Clerk'i Ail Minor Repairs. Towing Linden Snow Plowing. CARTERET SAVINGS & GENERAL CABLE CORP, Flrit Financial Initliytlon" IS ©ail St. CVi block from center) LOAN ASSOCIATION 100 Rahway Avenue trvlngton 372-0234 CO, INC, union. N.J. 617.Q35Q Tssj 8. Dl«-Hlgn M1M SHOES TEMPLE TRAVEL Part* PfeductTsn GENTECH INDUSTRIES. INC EOward J. NovakElttllt Argyro* MARTIN WITZBURG & 11Sf US Highway K PISCOUNT CENTER 1053 ChMtnut St. Mount»lnlla«, NJ IB 7100 COLBER CORPORATION Tt StliM it- JU i«it St. OeOffle Av». Botalif 111 B23 SON INSURORS Anthony Coll«tt, Prai. • "• • tittui Charge For Our Serviced Msnutacturari of wira Wound MACK CAMERA SERVICE ATLANTIC METAL GIBRALTAR SAVINGS 1025 Commerce Avenue TUSCAN DAIRY PRODUCTS, INC, LOAN ASSOCIATION Union, New Jersey 07011 1019 South Grange Ave. Phoni 414 5)91 FARMS, INC, WOOLLEPOr All YourY Fue FUEl OnL CO 21 f=»d«m Hod Yellibufg 372=1221 Springfield, N.J. 17? 4300 750 Union Aye , a. Heating Needs COMMUNITY STATE BANK Other offleei In East Orange, union.N.J. s» 1500 12 Burnett Avenue Mendhad m & Cedar Knolil MALIN'S Mnpiewoed, & TRUST COMPANY Serving Roieiie for BARRETT 4 CRAIN, OFFiCIS IN LINDEN, RAHWAY. Over 35 Years ULLRICH COPPER, INC 92* 1500 GLOBAL AMERICAN 203 Chtitnuf Street 2 MBrk Road REALTORS rVSIAfiBEB FipIRAL DBPOSiT Roielie Kenilworth, N J, «B8 9JS0 "Three Colonial Qlflcei" INSURANCE CORPORATION INSURANCE MANAGERS YE OLD TAVERN 2 Hew Providence Hnad For Outstanding Insurance Service 704 Washington Ave fVlountainiide 1311IM 11JS Clinton Aye. MAXON PONTIAC UNION CENTER Linden, N.J. 07034 43 Elm St., WtJtfliid 231 l»uu CONVERTERS INK CO. Irvington 374 B400 Route No 11 WestMund NATIONAL BANK iU 9559 102 I Broad St., westfleld 232 6300 1301 S. Park Ave. Philip Feidmtsser C P C.U Union, N.J. f64l6S4 5 CQNVINIINT LOCATIONS AL Linden, N J 444 5125 Irving Feldmessef c P.C.U MIKSAL PRINTING IN UNION 411 9500 YORKWOOD SAVINGS & JOHN L, CUTRUFELLOS LOAN ASSOCIATION FOOD PRODUCTS DIstflDUtOfs GORDON'S DRY GIN COMPANY VALLEY FAIR Executive Qttlee FelB Brand Prsds wholesale 2229 Morris Avenue Aii your needs ynde/j ONE 7in Irvingtgn Ave BAR & RESTAURANT COMPANY, LTD, Union. NJ 417 39BS HOOF at DISCOUNT PRICES Mapiewood 762 3202 Lunches J. Retail J05 w. Westfield Ave (00 West Edgar Road OwDinnern 7s DayBrins ag WeeThek Family Roseiie Park 241 1134 Chaneeiiof Ave. 1 FsBysn Pi Branch Offices 1330 South Wood Avenue Linden 142 4400 IRVINOfON and ipFlngfield Ave at Maplewggd. Newar Linden t6244is M&M PIZZA Vauxhall RB., UNION West Caldweil 2036 Morris Avenue DAILY PHOTO & GROVProfessionaE lCOLO Photo Rcolo LABr FinisherS s Union, NJ 617-0414 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 550 Grove Street BILL'S AUTO 117 N. Wood Aye. Irvington, N.J 373 0191 McCRACKEN FUNERAL HOME SERVICE Linden, N.J. 070)6 Auto Repair Towing 4142111 WIMiam F Mccrseken Road Service FRED HAFNER 1500 Morris Avenue 175 Main Street Union. N J. MlilBurn, NJ 17? 5704 DEUX FRERES PAINT STORE HAIR STYLISTS MURALOOLlDDiN COLONY 906 W. St. OMrBi Aye. LATEX MOUSE PAINT NEW JERSEY CRAiNKSHAFT LlnO.n, N.J. 07034 437 Boulevard BINDER, LIFSON WHIM t Keniiworih 24*5111 & MACHINE SERVICE 217 MARKET STREIT ft BORRUS KENiLWORTH, NJ 241244? Profession qi Insurance DRAKE COLLEGE CCS, HATFIELD 391 nSIlIhurn Svtnui — WIRE* CABLE AAMibyrn, NJ 374.4100 OF BUSINESS Stlln St. *. Fuller Rd, NEW JERSEY SEMI- ? Caidwtll Plan Linden, N.J, 07036 Elizabeth. N.J, 07201 272 31J0 CONDUCTOR PRODUCTS, INC, B&M ALUMINUM Regltter How Far Noy.'U 20 Commerce Street Aluminum Siding Roofing ClaSHI in Snortrland, Springfield, NJ 3762?IJ Storm Window Specieiisfs Typlno and BMkkeepIng CHARLES F. HAUSMANN 2064 Morris Avenue The_Faihlen Qrowd "Union, NJ 6B6 ?661 ft SON You Find Famqu| Label EASCO AUTO Fynaril Servlct Sportswear far m pet to 60 pet. Donald L. Heftdricktsn, Managet 1714 siyyvefinf Avenue BREEZE CORPORATIONS SEAT COVERS 1057 Sinfofd Aye, Union, New Jersey MUFFLERS AUTO GLASS Irylnston 3745400 SB? 2312 00 Liberty Avenue CONVERTIBL710 I, St. GasrEM TOP AyenuS e Union 6M 4000 4M4M0 THE HEALTH SHOPPE NICOLAS STEAK & Natural Organic Health LOBSTER HOUSE BRENNAN BICYCLE Foods and Vitamins ELKAY PRODUCTS St. George Avenue SHOP 2014 Morris Avenue Manufacturers 93 Madlion Avenue Handilns 35 Brown A PARK PLASTICS en Springfield, 104 I, Eiiiabeth Avenue Sidney PIHtF-Steve plller HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL Linden 486 9300

PARK Gardtni Mausoleums PAL1NT CONSTRUCTION CO FAIRtAWN FASHIONS 1504 Stuyvesant Ayenue S? w«B»tef St. 1434 I, Elllitntn Aye. Union 6II-4300 Irvingfon, N.J. Lind.n, N.J. 070M 3751900 4I6M1I > IRVINGTON CAB CO, Th« Sound Factory It 373-SOOu REMINGTONOTT AGENCY, INC, FEDERATEP ELECTRONICS IRVINGTON CUTLERY Insyranee Sjnee 1910 155 ftsutf 13'lHfbevnd 1017 Springfield Ave, Springfield J74 two 51 Smltti street Irvington 375N01 Irvington 372 2900 FORMAN MORTGAGE CO. ROSS BROTHERS Mortosoe Bonkeri JERSEY UNIFORM Bar-Wines- Liquors NOV M Unlgn Ave work Clothti of All Types 480 Boulevard irvlngfsn ]f?UM «11 S. Wood Ave, Kenliworth, NJ 276U76 Linden. N.J. 07034 Fr« Delivtry 11 th IM-77J7 FOUR SEASONS PLAY SA-LEE SHOPPE & RECREATION CENTER JESSE & BOB'S SBeelallling in LARGE SIX! 1185 west ChMtnut street .preiHs . coats .psntsuljs at Route 31, Union 6(7 0151 LUNCHEONETTE .SBortswiBr Modefltely Priced "Belt Ipot in Union Ctnttr" 1019 Springfield Ave,, 1045 Stuyvesant /•vanu irvington 373001? Union 6B6 9I10 SASSON'S YOUTH WORLD AMOEltnU JOSEPH'S II RESTAURANT AD«psrtm»n Compl«t«t Children'stere s 1150 sprlnofleld Ave..Irvlnoton 104? Clinton Av«. 1001 Springfield Avenue Ot imur VMta Irvlnoton, N.J, 3NM32 irvingfon, HJ. 373-6B1I Property Mintgtmtnt 171-44M Thursday, November 10, 1977 Lung group begins It's a return to his roots Writer to appear in play When "Friends and Strangers," a Strangers" is being presented. 1977 seal campaign new play by black playwright Terry Benjamin, who aspires to be a Breathing is easy, unless you suffer bronchitis, tuberculosis and other Benjamin, comes to Union College, novelist, credits Union College with his from lung disease. That's the theme of breathing disorders. It's being con- Cranford, on Saturday, it will bo more development as a writer. He came to the 197? Christmas Seal Campaign, ducted by the Control New Jersey Lung than a theatrical event. the college planning to major in visual which opened yesterday in Union Association (formerly the TB- For Benjamin, it will be almost a arts. Prof. Donald Julian, chairman of County. Respiratory Disease organization) return to his roota. It was as a student the fine arts department and a dramatist himself, turned Benjamin on The annual appeal—the nation's which also serves Hudson and Mon- at Union College that the young mouth counties. playwright first tested his talents as a to the written word, he says, oldest health crusade now in its 71st "Friends and Strangers," a drama year—solicits funds to combat nnd Dorothea K Holmes, association writer and it was at Union College that he had his first acting and first direc- set in 1964 about a TjIacTTTommuiiiiy control emphysema, asthma, chronic president, said that more than a million and a half sheets of seals are being ting experiences. that is rampant with crime and delivered by postmen in the tricounty He has not only written "Friends and violence, may not be Broadway bound, College calls region Strangers," he has directed it as well its author noted. But he is certain that "The seals," Holmes continued, and plays one of the four leading roles, no Broadway theater will ever give him "have been designed by school children Benjamin attended Union College the same thrill he anticipates will be his new enrollment across America to remind everyone under an EOF (Educational Oppor- on opening night nt Union College, that lung disease strikes all ages and tunity Fund) grant and. following his The play is open to the public. Tickets record number each state has its own colorful seal. graduation from Rider College, at |3 may be purchased at the door. returned to Union as a counselor in the A record full-time enrollment of 2,449 "This is our only general appeal for PLUMBERS ATTENTiONi Sell your assistance," she continued, "and we EOF program. And it is for the benefit student* at Union College this fall was of the EOF program that "Friends and services to 30,000 local families with low cost reported by Dr. Edward Udut, director ask all families and businesses to be Want Acts M6 7 700 of institutional research and planning generous in their support of the cam- CAMPAIGNERS—Getting an early start on the 1977 Christmas Seal Campaign are While the overall enrollment of 5,118 paign, It is only through public members of the Central New Jersey Lung Association, sponsors of the local drive represents a five percent decrease over donaiions thai we can continue to offer to raise funds to combat and control lung disease. They are, from the left, Tom Concert the 5,344 students enrolled In the fall of our community and patient services, Snead of Linden; C. Edward Keller, director of health and physical education. GRAND 1976, the number of full-time students is medical education and training Union Township Schools; Annett* RIordan of Westfleld and George M. Kofyby of planned up seven percent over a year ago, he programs and public health education Rahway, Seals are now being delivered to area homes and businesses by the OPENING stated efforts " postal service. Jazz as a stylistic force HOLIDAY Women continue to outnumber men, Ben Vereen, a star of the television in 20th Century music will Udut added, a trend that has been film series, "Roots," is national be explored in a concert by evident only in recent years, reflecting campaign chairman. L. T. Snead of Men's fashion show Kalinkas the Velvet Brass on SPECIAL! the increased numbers of women who Linden, vice-president of the Tuesday at noon at Union arc attending college as part-time association, is serving as chairman of College, Cranford. Biudents There are 1,311 men and 1,138 the Union County effort. to aid cancer society to be at Y Lawrence Ferrara of 10% Among the programs made possible A program of singing, Union^ instructor in the women enrolled as full-time students Union County male State Senator Alexander dancing, story telling, and 1,081 men and 1,588 women enrolled by the Christmas Seal campaign are: department of music and models will man the red- Mema of Hillside, Senator comedy and musical in- music education at New DISCOUNT ns part-time students —A hospital respiratory care con- carpeted runway at Saks Peter Me Donough of strument solos will be sultation team service, through which York University, will On All However, more men are enrolled as Fifth Avenue, Springfield, Plainfield, Dr. Charles E. performed by the Kalinka compare classical pieces matriculating students than women medical institutions have the op- Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 7 Dooley of Westfield, Nat Quartet at the Easter portunity to solve many problems in by Gershwin and Bartok DRAPES & That is, he said, they have determined a p.m in a benefit fashion Conti of Murray Hill, Dr Union County YM-YWHA with current jazz and rock specific curriculum There are 1,431 respiratory care via one com- show for the American Robert Knapp and on Saturday, Dec. 3, at prehensive program tunes, as the Velvet Brass BEDSPREADS matriculated men students and 1,413 Cancer Society Pericles dianakis of 8;30 p.m. The second performs. Ordered By Nov. 19, 1977 niitriculated women students. —An annual pediatric respiratory "Menswear Here and Berkeley Heights and performance in . this And what they are matriculating in care seminar for registered nurses The group has per- Our Sptciii & Ftrseni. Now" will be worn by Henry Birne and Gilbert season's Jewish Festival formed in concerts primarily, the research director from hospitals in the tricounty area; Owren of Summit. They of Arts, this show will be (Iced Service For Th« commented, is business For the second ^ —Physical reconditioning classes for throughout the Home & Office Alto will wear the season's followed by dancing to the- metropolitan-area and-is- year, enrollments in the business pMients with emphysema, asthma and Includes: Operatic newest designer fashions. live music of the quartet. frequently featured in the curriculum exceed those in all other chronic bronchitis; All proceeds from the SLIPCOViRS rurriculfl There are 719 students —Self-help classes for parents whose Newark Museum's af- program 130 tax deductible con- The group of Russian ternoon concert series. REUPHOLSTERY majoring in business, 475 men and 244 children have asthma: tributions will fund the born performers includes women. Liberal arts, according to Dr —Continuing education courses in The Jersey Lyric Opera Ferrara is a concert • ALL BLINDS society's national a folk balladeer, a dancer pianist who has performed SHADES I'dut, which traditionally has the lung diseases care for nurses and Company will present an programs of research and who also plays violin, highest enrollments, has a total repiratory therapists; "Opera Gala" Sunday, throughout the United FRAMES state and local programs piano, guitar, clarinet, Staes. He is a gradaute of enrollment of 5,3, 260 men and 315 —Cooperative action with citizen Nov. 20, at 3 p.m., at the of education and patient trumpet and balalaika, a Union College auditorium. Montclair State College women. groups to insure that clean air services and musician who is also a regulations are enforced. On the program will be and received his master's ENRICO The third most popular curriculum, rehabilitation, said Lois dancer, and a pianist. degree in piano magna in terms of enrollment, is criminal —Distribution of a "Kick the Habit" solos, duets, trios and quartets from a variety of Gannon of Plainfield and cum laude from the justice with 290 students majoring in handbook to individuals who are trying Carolyn Gibson of Sum- Admission is $3 and ' DECORATORS to stop smoking, operas. Manhattan School of this discipline, 239 men and Si women mit, co-chairmen. tickets may be purchased Music. He is currently Prop, Enrico Farro Despite the lack of jobs in the field, —Anti-smoking education programs Anyone interested in Ticket information may at the door. Seating will be joining the company or completing his disser- students continue to major in aimed at children in the early primary be obtained from the cabaret-style and parties tation for a doctorate in education. Udut noted, with 51 men and wishing information of eight or more may 2116 Morris Ave. regarding tickets may call American Cancer Society music_at NYU. _ 115 women enrolled in this curriculum. "Nobody thinks about that next 512 Westminster ave. reserve tables. Senior Union College is a two-year in- breath," Snead said, "unless they the executive director, citizens may purchase NEED HELP? Pina (he Anita Weininger of Elizabeth, 3S4-7373 or O2- RIGHT PERSON with a Union, N.J.*687-8188 stitution serving the community college suffer from lung disease, ttut the Lung 0641. tickets for S2.S0, Want Ad Call 686 7700 needs of Union County in cooperation Association cares about every breath Mountainside, at 854-5092. with Union County Technical Institute you take. So when your campaign letter General admission is $5; under contract to the Union County arrives, answer it as soon and as general admission and Coordinating Agency for Higher generously as you can. You'll be "meet the artists" Education. helping everyone to breathe easier," reception, $10, Seals arid further information are AMERICAN available from the Central New Jersey WHY A WIFE? HIL GAfVCERS0Ci£rr Lung Association, 1457 Raritan rd., Every man needs a wife Clark, because there are a number of things that go citJ wrong that can't be Hobbyists plan blamed on the govern- Your exhibit at Kean ment. OPTICIAN In observance of national Model "Gift" to Our Railroad Month, all facets of model railroading will be on display Saturday SPRINGFIELD and Sunday at Kean College, Union. FRAEBEL BROS. 248 MORRIS AVE. • 376-6108 Visitors may try their hands at building SPRINGFIELD, N.J., (CloMB model freight ears from kits. Expert TIRE model railroaders will be on hand to Expert Auto Chanukah and Christmas demonstrate many phases of the hobby and to answer questions. Repairs This seventh annual model RR hobby •ALIGNMENT show, Is an activity of the Model •BRAKES NEW DESIGNER FRAMES FOR MEN Club Members Railroad Center of the Union County •SHOCKS .OSCAR Bl LA RENTA GIVENCMY Park System.Hours are 10 6 p.m. •TUNE-UPS GEOFFREY BBINB both days. Admission is $1.50 for adults •TIRES FKEE PARKING IN REAR and 7B cents for children under 12. REINSPECTION STATION FRIDAY DEADLINE 1071 Commerce Ave, All Items other than ipot Union - 6888870 news should be In our office IiJSS B»Hy iiJH lit. by noon on Friday, link flmiriora Mip.r Chirac II! A FULL

FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT on your completed Chanukah and C what your % Christmas Club Accounts ON ALL OUR '' buying in | REGULAR STOCK! 'Diamonds/!

•Naturalizer •Enni Jettick C stands for Carat, or weight. A The highest rate in the Garden State carat is 100points, Fractionsof •Edwards Children's Shoes a carat are expressed in points. •Men's J arm an A quarter-carat diamond would why settle for less than the best? be 25 points. C also means Color. A fine HARMONIA SAVINGS BANK -ALSO- diamond should be white, with- *Thi's rate will be paid at maturity on completed P.O. iOX O out shaded streaks, Clubs only. Accounts may be opened NOW and vyill ELIZABETH, N.J. 07207 C counts for Clarity, a quality of Plea.c open a Chanukah or Chriilmai SPECIAL GROUP OF purity. The best stones are clear receive dividends next October. Club for me, I enclose S and want to • make a weekly payment of $___:. righMhrough, free of visible v spots, The Family Savings Bank NAMI. WOMEN'S SHOES C describes Cut, or shape. A ADDRESS " I diamond can be round, square, SIONATt/BF pear shaped or what have you. INDICATE CLUI YOU WISH TO JOIN ) The sum total of all four C's is D CHANUKAH D CHRISTMAS | *\ what determines the quality and Main 50 R*c*ivt N#»! Would). Paymtnii value of the diamond you buy. In ELIZABETH: 1 UNION SQUARE A 540 MORRIS AVE. • 2MMMG0 Otfobtr* | in SCOTCH PLAINS-, 2253 NORTH AVE. (Co,. C,.,iw d Rd.) • 654-4622 a si • $ SO 3 DAYS t Oo • 2 , 100 Mark in MIDDLETOWN: 1 HARMONY ROAD •671-2500 a a .ISO I Richard in TRENTON. 17OO KUSER ROAD • (609) 585-0800 a a . 210 UNION BOOTERY Jados LaMotta in TOMS RIVER: 993 FISCHER BOULEVARD • 349-2500 • D 10 . 300 1 Echo D 20 i,oflo • 1030 Sltyvtiant Awt, JEWELERS %# Mtmbtr F.D.I.C. — SAVINGS INSUBIO TO S4Q,OOQ Morris Avenue Union C«nUr Phon* MU8-54S J Open Men, ft Frt, Evw. 'W 9 UNION Bank Amerlcam 686-032 i SUBURBAN hursdfly, Novomber 10, 197,' REAL ESTATE MART Crestwood opens a full medical unit A 1500,000 medical conducted a survey of citizens who work with the ophthalmology , dentistry, center — five timei larger their own medical needs, staff for the- new facility Crest wood Village with Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake# Shore municipal government, podiatry, radiology and will inruhie members of than existing facilities and and a group of physicians from n.why the needs of the physicnl Therapy Ibc iiirr.-ni staff a' communities. designed 16: meet the professional consultants surrounding community expanding needs of all analyzed the facilities and were also surveyed. citizens in a BO-square. staff requirements for When fully staffed, the mile area of the Pinelands meeting those needs. as well aa those of 9,381-square-fool medical Working through the center will provide; in- Creitwood Village Manchester Township residents has just opened ternal medicine, surgery Coordinating Committee, (group practice), urology in Whiting. a1 body of volunteer The new faciitty^is (group practice), "designed and staffed especially for the health needs of patients of retirement age, and is the largest of any in retirement communities in the Northeast, ac- cording to Mike A, Kokcs, founder and president of 1262 Crestwood Village — with 9,000 residents the largest SQUARE FEET! CUSTOM HOMES—This 100-foot long French provincial ranch is built by Malsan retirement complex in the ACT NOW! ONLY Builders at the Tina Court neighborhood in Tprn's River off Bay avenue. The Kast. AT THESE VALUES! homes, built on larger than acre lots, are priced from $90,000. Knkes noted that A FEW LEFT! medical facilities in Crestwood Village have grown four times foster •CENTRAL AIR than the Village DON'T DELAY! COME Most Cape Roc units population during tho CONDITIONING TQDAY| DON'T AAI55 OUT seven years since such ON THE BEST DOLLAR facilities were •BUILT-IN DISHWASHER FOR DOLLAR REAL sold since Labor Day established ESTATE VALUE IN THE The new center is ad- STATE! _ Two-thirds of the 75 program began, according Cape Roc is about 14 feet jacent to the facilities •MODERN REFRIGERATOR I FANTASTIC units of Cape Roc con- to Sanford Miller, by 38 feet and each Is which have served the HOME VALUE! dominiuitis in Cape May president of S. Miller completely furnished and Village during the past •CLUBHOUSE FACILITIES have been sold since Associates of Tuckerton equipped Each unit four years, and provides Labor Day when the sales The average unit at features wall-to-wall shag 12 spacious offices in carpeting, tile bath, a 12 which a staff of more than •POOL I SAUNAS cubic-fool refrigerater 20 will provide service in freezer and a 30-ineh many general areas of •LAKESIDE AREA Two Weeks electric range with hood medical specialty, in- plus bedspreads, drapes cluding a full X-Ray Extra Vacation and a combination musk- department. The Medical CRESTWOOD VILLAGE recently held opening NATURAL GAS HEAT and intercom system. All Center will be open six ceremonies for a $500,000 medical center, Dr DIRiCTIONS- days per week 88 i gp,* Tu of this is included in a Harland Essertier deft) started Crestwood's H Every Year starting price of $24,490 "This facility, however, medical services eight years ago. Mike Kokes The units have in- is far more than an at- (center) is the founder and president of the Whiting dividuaily-controlled heat tempt to keep ahead of the retirement home and his son, Jan, (right! is a vice- LAUREL and air conditioning as growing needs of the president of the development well as a 19inch color Crestwood Village IN THE 611 NORTH LAKE DRIVE, LAKEWOOD, NJ. SSaltl s OHOHu 10 fo y television set as an added population," Kokes said Tif N JOI HS, inn |Or.<,ri,- F\»" r'y ,-v,,r • ,', d,, [",, »JJ /, ' ' \,Q Cloiud incentive. "It is an investment by the now • PINES t PMONi 3649700 builders of the Village in Common elements at the increased health and The Time You Now Spend in Maintenaining Your Cape Hoc include a heated convenience of Village Home & Property Could Be Spent Doing The swimming pool, two residents It is also an Thingi Yoy in|oy, saunas, two sundeck- investment to maintain recreation areas, laundry the self-sufficiency of the the COME INVlSTIOATt THi CARfFRlf room, elevator, a coffee Village - to make as little LllSURi LIVING IN AFFORDASLI HOMES shop and a separate AT demand as possible on the apartment for the resident services of the surroun- PIN! VIEW TERRACE manager, ding community At the * We fhinfc that pine view Terraci !i the tuburbfn tduif , Cape Roc is located one moollenome community Ihit you hivt bttn looking tir oil thi same, time, it will provide mtlsr hlgnwflyi In a &*syt(ful fftt ihadtd igbuffesn sitting block away from the ocean a concentration of medical in Cape May, With i masniflsient B»rX «r«s, swlmmlnf pool ana 3 Iskts . and facilities that will bring a clew by to Begyfllu! Mirror Lake lor iwlmmlng, boating, (lining Those interested in the whole new grade of ser- and let lasting. condominium may reach 1 Bedrsem mMilt Biglnat f)4,JM Including lufflltufi, carpeu, vice to the surrounding araMt. all apdlancH,..wairier, dryer, etc • outtld* ttoragi Cape Roc by driving south community of Manchester building, iklrtlng, Me on the Garden State Park- Township and its en- *"!$$& Pin* Vln» Tirr»cf u only Vi hour Irem th« JtrMyy way to Cape May and Short Tr.nior.non g. pnn.a.lpni. Wild to tnspelnl g 4. malsl r virons" Kokes said. ctntsfi «rs onlly 225 mlnyftlf f awtv following "To the B#aeh" signs. The condominiums "A mere seven years BiPMftaiH: N.J, Turnplkt to MuHl, HI. Ht MUM M HI, 1M< Ml ago," he said, "a single M III.JM ltJlIV!wi TtTa« •* tB»li«llVlB|l«U»»l«l are Joeatetf near _ the PRIZES:-Grand Prize^trip for rwo to the Bahamas- •rswnt Mini. Chriitian Admiral" hotel." mobile^ home— unit stood across the street from this BOB SEII.ER Lots of other great prizes' spot. It housed Dr. Harland Essertier, then MUSIC: Live performances by the Good Times- Seller Saturday and Sunday, Noon til 5PM WKINC FOR 4 the sole medical staff of Crestwood Village and Lakvhum lit mil (Hi. SMI) Thsss [itfie signified adi FASHION SHOW: See the season s latest fashions Browns Mills. SJ, OStlli ; rti# bsek at fh# papff may still a key member of a promoted 1 ;puf gsit.|(, Essh wmik staff which will shortly and informal modeling by MI'J S9J j.iSS number more than 20," Bob Seller, formerly of Reynolds Department Store- * ctsisifisd 'my if' ih 1 • »B Friday. 4-5PM,. pen Daily 8:00 • 6:00, Cloied Sundayj } and s**nr "The new medical U.S. Homes, has been cneter, like its appointed sales and marketing manager for SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES! predecessors, will be a Bring your friends' Its all happening at self-sustaifljrig operati- Ciearwater Village in Brighton at Barnegat Bi ighion at Bat negat on," KokesSkaid, "Its Spots wood, And, of course REFRESHMENTS for all' is a new adult community of manufactured Is it possible? construction an ^Seiler, a graduate of homes in New Jerseys lush Pmeiands lenance will not impose Vanderbilt in 1961 and a 2 and 3 bedroom homes start from undep A year-'round home any additional cost on licensed Real Estate $16,000 and a low monthly charge covers reisdents." Broker has spent most of Brighton all community services, taxes and land his working years in the lease Ail recreational and social activities in historic Cape May The medical facility at are yours to enjoy FREE when you move reflects some four years of housing and adult com- to Brighton at Barnegat' planning, in which many munity environments. He Routij 72 BDn3F3t members of the com- will be at the Ciearwater 4 miles West of CJarc:i';n Stale Parkway: ''Better Living for Adult* Village sales office daily Barnegat Now Jorsey 08005 munity were involved, ,609,597.1109' [»HI, from$24,490 Crestwood residents and Sunday. 201-252-5100. tBStUHJI.n llH.",i',i,l IVilMviul BHUJH'U 'Hi

A Typical $43,900 A Typical $33,900 553,900 House House

It's a FACT! No mal 10 The , Normal 5% ec Ann ' " 91 ,700flown payment 33,400 down paym ncn Monthly principal Monthly princi *3«& interest , 4 Bedrooms, 1 Vi Baths, Family room. & internal ^Private mortgage Separate Dining Room Privale _= L,in$utancg ^ : Great ne Monthly eat real 5% Down payment 96 estate taies tor a typical Ocean nj n Monthly principil typical Ocean S County town J lOS interesl READY FOR OCCUPANCY... IN MISTORIG-eAPfrMAY Couniy town Q Privite mortgagt • Total . SS4.4Q0 price Includes living room, bedroom, kitchen/dining area and 9 insurance moninly cost bath, completely furnished and equipped. I(M)OO rr Msnlhlyest, Beautiful, stalely. Cape Roc Condominium, situated in one o! the most desirable > real estate taxes. sections of Cap* May, is just a lew steps from the Atlantic,Ocean All figures rounded You're surrounded by the quaint, historic charm and elegance of Cape May county near to delightful srtopi of "Victorian Plaza" pedestrian mall, yet only a few, quick $377 Monthly total payment to the nearest dollar miles from The new Atlantic Gliy excitement The Harden Slate Parkway, scenic Ocean Drive and Route 9 permit easy access to the neighboring communities of Avalon and Slont Harbor so, that at Cape Roc, you can Comparison hive all the privacy you need or all the activity you'll aver want Compare base prices. Compare tota1 monthly costs. Compare standard features, AND LOOK WHATS INCLUDED1 ITS SO- A home at Holly Oaks gives you the same living area and virtually the same UNnCLIEVABLE WE ASK YOU TO COMPARE WITH ANY CONDOMINIUM AT ANY PRICf - ! features as a typical house costing $10,000 more. Features like double glazed insulated windows, Owens Corning High-R sheathing, full-thick wall insulation and 9 inch ceiling insulation, 240 pound self-sealing roof shingles, wall-to-wall carpeting, no maintenance aluminum siding and fully wooded homesites. And, at Holly Oaks, total monthly costs are about the same as a smaller house costing $10,000 less. That's because we have one of the lowest tax rates in the state and special financing terms. If you can find a better home buy, we'd like Move right In and discover a wonderful new life in "America's Oldest Seashore Resort," k W ab0Ut Girden Stale Parkway, soulh, lo Cap* May, Follow From $37,900 to $45,900 T & '" "° " "To The ieachci" ligns Take first left aher blinker (New Jeruy Ave). Located near ihe "Chriihan Ad 5% Down <8%% Interest mini" neiel Models open every day from 10 to i. DIRECTIONS Take Garden Slate ]~FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE, CUP AND MAIL TO: Parkwiy Exit 68 Turn fight onto 1 Route 70 West Coniinue live CAPE ROC BOX D N«wJ«rwy & Brooklyn AvM.C.p. May.N.J. 01240 miles on Route 70 Wei! to Wilbur Avenue and Holly Oaks sales otticft on right Sales Office Open ADDRESS Daily And Weeksnds (201)367.4242 ZIP Equal Housing Opportunity NEW JERSEY «. FJHOOKLYN AVENUES • CAPE MAY, N.J. 08240 at Manchester (6Q9)88(J.Z059 II no finswer cnll (609)884-2121 Thursday, Novombor 10, 1977 SUBURBAN ,r-*'i 52 or older? REAL ESTATE MART • Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake • Shore ^•B I mostat, rest room, built innir-conriitioning Agency relocates and heavy insulation T h o B a r r y m i> r the Bnrrymor building professional building, Space ranging from fiOG to was selected because of its 3,600 square feet is offered situated directly opposite central ueessibility from for lease to each tenant Paul Kimball Hospital, Ri Route 70 and surrounding Heat is supplied to the S), Lakownod, is the now ureas, excellent space upper love! at no cost to location of the Ocean facilities and appealing 4he—tenant—and—special- County Employment and style. improvements will he Training Administration, "Kach area leased," installed at builders cost it was announced recently MODEL INTERIOR—The living room of the ranch model at Bamegat Woods SHOWB stated Murray Wesnak, Also provided are lighting dining extension. Ranches and townhomea are available from 121,990, According to l,m president of Barrymor and maintenance of your own single, d«tach*d Righter, public in Enterprises, "has it own common areas, exterior formation officer for the water heater, tem- building and grounds home on your own lot, Training Administration, perature control ther- maintenance. exterior property and grounds main- Affordable homes '29,990: tenance covered by monthly costs (estimated) which ALSO Include bas/e real estate DON'T SETTLE at Barnegat Woods taxos: property insurance; clubhouse memberihlp; bus services Inside and Escalating living costs having a secure and desirables for many outiida tho community; master TV are discouraging home comfortable haven is still antenna; water (mln.) and sower; FOR MORE OR LESS people, according to the '81.58: 24-hour emergency service; many purchasing, although high on the list of developers of Barnegat other services and facilities, THAN YOU REALLY NEED. Woods, Barnegat FiNANCING AVAILABLE The southern New For thoso 52 and over, CLEARWATER VILLAGE mobile- Jersey pinelands offers a Realtor opens community of attractive home community offers the sensible alternative to sky- attached homes. Con- rocketing apartment rentals and housing costs structed on several [ifcircg elevations and surrounded 3 models Our etisytu-iHire-lor ranch btyle a shore firm with beautiful land- tllage manufactured homes utter spn- scaping, these homes are $29,990 to $34,990 tujub Irving rooms ample bed- The recent opening of within financial reach as at (JresUuood rooms with many built-ms. two lull Fred Duffy's full service well as charming and baths uo-to-the minute kitchens realty organization at efficient and a host of other features in- Brant Beach brings a new Built by the JRH Realty cluding wall-to-wall carpeting concept to the sale and Company of Wanamassa, more rental of homes on Long they are priced at $21,990 All CLEARWATER moiiols have Beacb Island and dSresttuood such standard features at. gas fur- for the one-story, two- surrounding Ocean County bedroom model, $2,000 models nace vertical skirting custom communities draperies, storm and screen win- more buys the two-story, $17,490 to $43,990 dows and doors and much mart three bedroom unit. Duffy, a native of New See all 13 models in a model com- These are not con- The ideal mm of location and com Jersey, with a background munity — complete with shopping in "value homes" for the dominiums, but individual mall, medical office building, 5 club- munity recreation facilities includ- homes—with no main- houses, courtesy bus fleet, full muni- ing a complete recreation center cost conscious, will cipal-type services and facilities. swimming pool pet park plus easy provide a complete ser- tenance fees, and no access to shops, houses of wor- vice using a "one-on-one" upkeep charges. The ship and convenient concept, complete from complex is situated within commuting makes CLEARWATER start to finish This FRED DUFFY walking distance of VILLAGE just what you need method will cater to both property sales and elementary schools and Come visit today we think you II buyer and seller leasing, investment ac- just a few minutei WRITE; Depi W, Ben 168, Whiting, NJ 08769 or traveling time to shopping stay Duffy was a million tivities wnd financing. PHONE TOLL FREE: 'n New J»rsay |00|22-|T11 centers, recreational NY. PA. Conn: 800-631-5509 dollar sales qualifier in the facilities and the Southern state of New Jersey for Ocean County Hospital. FOR FREE BROCHURE: ^^-^ both 1974 and 1975. He also The Garden State Park- holds the national way is only minutes away FROM* N Y and Noilh N.J. Gaid«n Sialo Pky, Exil 80 ihin Route #S30 IWATER deisgnation as a G.R.I., and enormously con- ri-ivm. Philadelphia Ben Franklin Bridge, then Routes #70 and #530 and a realtor member of venient for business Trenton Bouto #33, #526 to Allentown, then *539. S30 VILLAGE Ocean County, N.J. and people, students attending Armstrong carpeting and flooring tsattjroti throughout, as well as OE tpplianets Manalapan Rd, National Agsociation of nearby Ocean County Realtors. For the past Spotswood. NJ College, shoppers and year and one half was travelers. (201) 251=5100 affiliated with Fawn Lakes. Although Duffy's DiHfctTiONS r-J.fw Jprsr-y Turnpike ig fcm a Route 18 east 5 miles lu sign (or expertise centered in Mam Street SpgtswQoci turn right continue milas bearing left at fork then 1 Hiiib on right ID model area single family homes, he is qualified in industrial

Are you tired of carrying a house thaf s now too big? Bridge the gap... II your kids aru grown and you'ru tirud of pining hies an exclusive New England village. You thu rising costs on a big, half-empty home, we have may choose from a variety of floor plans, some between city and home a very pleasant alternative for you. with two bedrooms, others with two bedrooms and You can live in a home that's just right lor your den, most with two baths. All feature the latest at Shadow Lake Village. "Tiuuds now. At RossmoorrOrnit-Clearbrooki 3-wo appliances aittl cetuiuil-aii* conditionings-Some, of the most prestigious adult communities. With have oversize garages. Prices range from 529,500 some of the best home values around. to $64,900, You'll spend your spare hours playing bridge, golfing on your own on-slte If you choose Clearbrook —you'll be living in a course, swinging your racquet and sailing.. .or simply strolling or cycling Both offer the most pleasurable recreation along our splendid mile-long lake. Then, when you want to run into the facilities you're ever likely to find. Each one has a community of single-level homes, many with alu- city for busintss or pleasure, our resident bus will whisk you to the local magnificent clubhouse with fully-equipped hobby minum siding and lieldstone or brick facades. station of the Penn Central or bus terminal for a short and pleasant ride. room8. Each has an olyrnpic-slze swimming pool, Some have one bedroom, others have It's all at your bidding at New Jersey's most prestigious adult tennis nnd shuffleboard. Each has a private golf two bedrooms or two bedrooms and community, ..located conveniently in the middleof your course; 18 holus at Ross moor; nine holes at study. Most have two baths. All lea- active world, in the highly priied Middletown- Clearbrook. - ture central air conditioning, wall-to- Rumson-Fair Haven area. Our homes are equally wall carpeting and extra-largu distinguished, of fering luxury, variety and ease. Because each is a condominium commu- And you and your property will be fully nity, you have greater peace of mind and garages. Prices range from $35,990 to $59,990. protected at all times by 24'hour security /' more leisure time to unjoy yourself. A gate service. Shadow Late Village is / ^ trained Btaff maintains the grounds and The nicest part is that you the one adult community that suits ' - / J"' your home's exterior: a gateman and can see both communities in one your tastes and your active lifestyle in / #*" a security patrol protect your privacy 24 visit. They're both at Exit 8A of the every conceivable way. Do see this / J? hours a day. And both communities offer New Jersey Turnpike, just 45 miles very special place today, / J* all the tax benefits and the equity buildup from Manhattan. So come on over. of home ownership. Without the headaches Any day between 9 and 6. And see how 9 fine models from and the horrendous cost. easy it is to get that big house off •33,990 to»59,990 Shadow Latw If you choose Rossmoor —you'll be liv- your back. ing in a picturesque community that resenv If you're 48 and over ,

DIRECTIONS: (From th» North! NJ, Turnpike Rossmoor and ClearbrooH South to Exit 11; thin o,S, Parkway South to ixlt 114; turn left on Rid HI!! Rd. for two-tenths ml.; right on Dwlght Rd, (boeomei Nut Swamp Rd.-Hubbard_Rd. aftir iv* mi,5 for approx. 3 ml. to entrance of Both at Exit 8A, New Jersey Turnpike Shadow L»k« village en right... (Prom tht south). G.S, parkway North to Exit Ifif ,• cross Kt. 520 (Newman Sprinot M.) and precead on Half Mile Rd, fop Vi ml. to end; right on Front St. approx, l.three-tenths ml, to Monroe Township, N.J./Phones- Rossmoor: (609) 655-2270, Clearbrook: (609) 655-2900. , Hubbard Rtf.; left'on Hubbard Rd, (becomes Nut Swamp M.) approx, i ml, to entranEeof Shadow Lake village en reft. Sales Off lee Open 7 days a week f A,ft(»,toi^M1Phont2M2-?4MO. This adveriliement is not an offering which can be made only by formal prospectus. N.Y, 770, 578, 823 SUBURBAN 1,000 in group Thursday, November 10, 197'- REAL ESTATE MART to be sworn as Contributions to CARE • City • Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake • Shore U.S. citizens linked to holiday cards Chief U.S. District Court Judge "This coming holiday season you can East, your gift to CARE helps destitute Lawrence A. Whipple will swear in help the poorest of- the poor families nearly i,000 new American citizens families not just to survive hut also lo around thu world by sending special work their way out of poverty from 51 foreign countries at a special greetings to relatives, friends and Local communities mass naturalization ceremony at 2 p.m. "The aid you help provide includes ; business associates through CARE's food for hungry children and materials, next Wednesday at Symphony Hall in seasonal gift card plan," Frank L Newark. equipment and training for villagers to Goffio, executive director of the in- build schools, waler systems health The unique ceremony sponsored^by ternational aid and development and nutrition centers - plus vital attract new agency, said this week, An influx of professional tree-lined streets, has playing in the yards and the New Jersey Bar Association wiil agricultural projects to grow more persons and company brought what we could call going to school," help eliminate a citizen application "Attractive CARE announcemenl food And via CARE-MEDICO, you help executives, many of them new generation The recent NBC Urban backlog. Deputy U.S. Immigration and holiday greeting cards inform each send physicians and nurses to teach couples with young emigration of attorneys, Journal crew decision to Naturalization Service Commissioner person on your list that you have given modern medical methods that will save children, is perpetuating educators, insurance and feature picturesque, Mario T. Noto will address the new to CARE in his or her honor to help many thousands of lives year after the recognised high-level Wall Street executives to historic Maplewood is citizens, Noto, a graduate of Fordham others suffering from hunger, poverty, year " character of Maplewood Maplewood and South expected to add even Law School and a member of the New disease, Goffio explained. "In more Send I he names and addresses on and South Orange, says further to the influx of York and District of Columbia Bars, than 30 developing countries in Africa, your gift list, with a contribution for Orange during the past has a background of 28 years of public Asia, Latin America and (he Middle Robert M TheUe, couple of years," Theise uppermiddle-class fa- service with the U.S. Immigration and each card, to CARK. Dop! HOL. Box president of Sloan Realty says, mliies, Theisc predicts. Naturalization Office, GALEN ROBINSON grants to study at Parsons College of 570 New York, NY 10<)16, or to any in South Orange. "We're getting more Music, Berklee College of Music and regional CARE office CARK will send" "Our proximity to New "Most of them are and more calls from Normally, about 80 to 100 new citizens the cards to you or, if you want them people interested in set- Flutist at kman Rutgers University York and Newark, coupled younger people with small are sworn in several times each month Robinson played with various con mailed directly lo the person being with fine old homes children. It's a pleasure ID tling here," Theise says. by the federal courts. Lately, however, honored, indicate how (he cards should "Fortunatley, there are ceri, Latin and progressive jazz groups available on suburbia-like, us at Sloan to see them the U.S. Naturalization Service has In free concert before forming the Ensemble, which be signed Allow time for mailing still homes available from been processing more applicants than Goffio cited some examples of how 145,000 up—homes that The Galen Robinson Ensemble will has appeared at many clubs and the courts can hold in a single hearing present a free concert at 8 p m. on Nov colleges in the New York area much good contributions can do $5 represent terrific value The mass naturalization ceremony will serves up to 30 children a daily bowl of for money," 21 at Kean College in Union The Ensemble consists of Mickey Moving firm speed up this process. The Ensemble, which centers around Tucker on piano. Jay Blanc on bass, porridge for a month; $15 builds space Many of the homes are Naturalization amounts to a final flutist Galen Robinson, will perform at Eugene Ghee on tenor saxophone, for < wo more children in a rural school, on the market, Theise' hearing for prospective citizens whose the college's Little Theatre, Steven Crowles on trumpet, Eddie $25 provides a group of farmers at new site points out, because the citizenship applications have been fully The 29-year old Robinson, born in Gladden on drums and Lawrence Killen training to grow more food, or gives Jay Meyers, president Kaya Brown, general owners' children have processed. Orange, recieved scholarships and on percussion. thousands of children nutritious food. of New Jersey Inter- manager, said they expflct grown and they no longer national Movers, Inc., to employ 30 people Plans require so many rooms, Crafts show announced the signing of a include expansion into "It becomes more and lease for 20,000 square feet thecompany's own facility more difficult for the is scheduled in the Northeast Corridor woman of the house to within Northeast Corridor clean, or the man to do all The 12th annual crafts Industrial Park, Jackson Industrial Park within a exhibit and sale sponsored Township. The new ad- the chores. They prefer a few years, smaller home in an adult by the Morrlitown dress for the moving Browne added, "the Unitarian Fellowship will company is 12 Progress community, where they esthetics of NCIP, with its have the space they need be held Nov. 27 through place. The old location campus like setting, lends Dec. 3 at 812 Normandy was Sweetmans lane, and the chores are done a change of image of for them," he said Heights rd., Morristown, Freehold. moving companies in from The exhibit, featuring According to Meyers, the outmoded concept that "For a time, at least, we the works of more than 100 NCIP was chosen over all movers are located in have homes available in persons, will include other area parks because older less attractive almost every price craftmaking demonstr. of its location on Interstate warehouses." range," he says, aliens, A wine and cheese 195, which will soon "We feel," he continued, "-Mostly, they're the opening reception will be piwmxat ftuwn connect with Route 9 to the "that it will be comforting homes of couples who on Nov. 30 from 7 to 10 FOR LtSJ IN HONOR OF east and the artery's settled here in two earlier to customers to know their migrations, the first p.m. Further information convenience to the N.J. goods are safe in a well may bo obtained by Tteei THE OPENING OF OUR Pittsburgh Paint Turnpike to the west. during the late iWO's and constructed, heated, the second after World calling 335-9212, T-SHIRT with purchase of "The growing Ocean- sprinkled building with the War II Anyone who tried $25. or more,,.while T2ih STQREl Monmouth County area added incentive of ow to buy a home in Museum has supply lasts! affords a good base with insurance rates." Maplewood or South executive and New Jersey Inter Orange in the l950's wll new exhibits PiTTSIURGHPAINTS management personnel national Movers, Inc., remember how difficult it move* as well as in- specializes in export was to find one. Well, The Montclalr Art PITTSBURGH PAINTS SUH-PROOF' LATEX HAT HOUSE ureased commercial packing, storage of those early settlers have Museum has been WALLHIDE business over recent household goods, business grown children now and readying a series of new LATEX FLAT WALL PAINT ?r years," Meyers said. records. they're moving on," exhibitions for showing in most of its galleries few.nnia, I,,,., Both South Orange and with the exclutive patented PAINT 9 beginning this month. Mifroflo* Preeess •Ill Wail Paint To Condominium - NO Maintenance Fees Maplewood are ideally "Romantic Visions: 19th with byill-in located, with rapid mass Century Landscape * itlLnt, ip§u mi fi&rmil • Won1! Crock or Peel Acrylit Flexibility h§mihs!6 dirt elf ifl up Ms transit to Newark and Painting" opened last - Eicillint QSVirini ptwtr in • Fade Resistant New York, and close to the Sunday, Opening this ,mstl filsfi • Stretehes L Shrinks • lice lilt fdein major highways leading to coming Sunday Is the * Q?tf 76Q "new" cslcri ti with semp. ehonges the famous resorts of the museum's annual (Kent trim • Mildew Resistani SQ25 • Illlf 1 on imttfnljr ind tiillf taibUion,—'^The Christ fTfjUirf mrranriitM* • ~ _Ge±. and good Schools arp Whir* find ifs mas Story in Art," • Sup ind mtir cleinup Cuifom Colors Slightly Higher nearby, The following week two €tti!g!T]-mii!#d istsri •lightly * Buy Direct From Builder "People have come to Attached Ranch Home exhibitions will open. One FRiCI INCLUDES realize thai these homes, called "Every Object REZ DOUBlf TONE built during a period when BIGGEST DISCOUNTS Rightly Seen" is a SIPERSTEIN'S ADORN ONE-COAT OIL STAIN land, materials and labor selection of still-life were far less expensive paintings; the other, GUARANTEES OIL STAIN than today, represent a "Signs and Symbols," is a VINYL greater value for money Call Collect display of many forms of OUR PRICES tAHOl IfLECTION OP than new homes," Theise HANDPRINTS. SC«H4£». (809)888-7723 visual communication- SILKS, SURHFJ. days. Roman, Arabic and LOWEST OR LATEX V((#¥LS AND MACWHkf Oriental writing systems, PRINT WALLCOVER1|( pictographs, ideographs, WE REFUND WITH THIS COUPOf directional signs, sign language and other THE DIFFERENCE! symbols. SET SAVE "GRAND OPENING RECREATION LAND TRAY &' Since 1971, 706 parks with 85,544 acres of federal c land worth $288 million ROLLER 90 1977 WALL-TEX OF MODELS have been given for recreational use to every NEW SHIPMENT—SECONDS-DISCONTINUED state, the District of Full Color Russet Brown, WET LOOK • FOIL • VINYL Columbia and the Virgin Charwood Brown, Islands, according to the Decorating | C ,Q 5 SOIDIN MuiLit U.S. General Services Olive Black RCM.LS ONLY Administration. j Book ^— ' ^ SINGLE ROLL Siperstcin's FRIDAY DEADLINE Latex bill CELOTEX ,\* All Items other than spot interior wall news should be In our office SPRAY PAINTS ..w»oU" paint Non-toxic. Roof Coating $C75 by noon on Friday, White and colors. Value $4.95 WITH THIS COUPON or Roof Cement D VISITING NURSE Gal. Can and HEALTH SERVICES m Disc iWWito BASt , Your Colors Home Health Agency • Sandalwood 1 unx -^^M^- • Princess Blui WALL RAT • Home health car* by Pro- . Clwriy lies- Now, For The First Time Offered... itsslenal NursiSi Home INTERIOR um Health Aides md Physical som • From THE DOW CHIMICAL CO,, a complete envelope of insulation or Speech Therapists, under • Colonial Gold EXTERIOR ! PAINT medical direction. • Cedar featuring §tyrofoam«T.e. ... I The opportunity to keep • Fireplace* by Richard LeDroif, made in France and presented lor the trie patient at home and to .Cascade HOUSE PAINT help tanlof cltlieni main- first lime in the U.S.A. We are proud tq be the first major builder to tain thtlr rsla In the cam. CAULK WAU SATIN offer thef* fireplaces • below market price. munlty with dignity, I Health ear* Itr all regard MOOROARD • Color coordinated Iradley faucets with marbleized iink counter too, Im of six, agt, rice, creed • Magic Chef selMeaning oven and dishwasher. • or ability to pay, PITTSBURGH PAINTS 'FOR . White Only In Stack "Weldwoodrtlardboard" lidlngs. WHAT IS VMS? 10-LUSTRE PADCCT AOflPHI INTERIOR A non-profit, voluntary PAD PAINTER KIT DIRECTIONS: home health care a- g.S.rtt.VSouth Smile* •em «u ertcanl MuSt T pM mm. Mm *Xy Him **, Pitt Ht. 18to S»nd Huh gency serving fifteen t^. Hi r tan ImA. Msi wl If tanijt. LATEX FLAT •laisisi LATEX ENAMEL WHIT1PI.US m. wm right, bear toft communities in Union lit at fork, gel mil. to ^ « »™ • • - - «JI —

Courthouse Squares An ineipeniiv* HELP WANTED ml In ih« Unemployment ClflMlhPd P«yPS O( thli nowipapff wNI Ttsih If money is your God, NEED HELP! cwpr 30,000 nparfiy reader fsmMiei Tp plat* your art. call $77Q Cornwallis message deciphered falls by 1/897, tho dovil is ysur 1780 code is broken by Kean student says state body IN RICKEL HOME CENTER There were 169,568 persons in active complete An article by Peter P. Fagone of West "The message sent hy Cicnenil Loyalists." Orange, a graduate student at Kean claims status under Now Jersey's Cornwalli.vwas relatively easy to solve various unemployment programs DESIGNER EYEGLASSES College in Union, in the October issue of and I was surprised that it had never Fagone, who is majoring in during the week ending Oct. 22, a drop Olvuthy, SHtfriy •(•na, OlH Caillnl |M I "C'ryptologia Magazine" describes how been done before," said Fagone "It Behavioral Science at Kean College, man. INCLUDINO •insiilnal* viivlillM of 1,897 from the comparable week in elan, cm, fintinf *nd he deciphered a message son! hy was sent from Charlolletown, N.C., and plans to visit the Library of the British plcific Ooneral O'urnwallis Oct. 7, 1780 September, according to Commissioner is addressed to a major whose name Museum in London and the Bodelion John J. Horn of the New Jersey has faded beyond recognition It Library at Oxford, EnglanjMohunt up Department of Labor and Industry, Two years ago, Fagone look a course describes the reasons why Cornwallis medieval ciphers, so far"undecipfiered. Persons in active claims status are at Kean College in cryptanalysis under was going to move the 63rd Regiment' "See More For Less" If he gets sufficient material to warrant either currently collecting benefits or Complete Eyeglass Service Dr Cipher Deavours A member of the into North Carolina and what the major it, he, Dr Deavours and the chairman have filed for benefits and are awaiting New York Cipher Society, Fagone should do about acquiring horses and of the math department at Kean, Dr. final administrative review Bl 11 Union. Man, thru III. IS t»1«. MMflf henan working on a microfilmed copy the disposition of his sick and wounded Stanley Lipson, plan to rewrite modern of messages sent by the British Army men It also states that Cornwallis was computer programs to aid them in the The total claims load has dropped by which were intercepted by American surprised at the number of potential solution of medieval and later cryp- 62,846 or 27 percent over the past year forces during the Revolutionary War recruits he could get from among the tographic messages. and by 179,021 since July 1975 when it was at a recession high of 348,589, Decreases in the Extended Benefits Demonstration Program to help women Program and in the Special Unem- ployment Assistance Program between of printmaking mid-September and mid -October more CHRISTMAS than offset increases in the remaining Krishna Reddy, artist and print- to resume work, school New Jersey unemployment insurance maker, will give a lecture arid programs GIFT GUIDE demonstration at Kean College on a A one day conference for the woman lunch. Registration includes a box There were 104,517 claimants in new process of pnntmnking Friday, who is ready to return to the world of 22 The EVE office deadline is Nov October in the three regular unem- Nov 18. at 10 a in in Room 209 of work or school is being sponsored by provide further in (52722101 will ployment insurance programs (State Vaughn Fames Hall on the t'niiin FVE, the women's center at Kean formation fampus College on Saturday, Dec 1, from 9 Unemployment Insurance Program, The first program of an Arts a m to ;i p ni in [towns Hwll on the Federal Employees' Program, and PUBLISHING DATE DEC. 4th & 8th Dialogue, the three to four-hour lecture I'niiin campus DEP asks lists Unemployment Insurance for will be entitled "Simultaneous Color A panel will focus on the questions Veterans). Although this was an in- Processes and Pnintalist Struc- and problems women face when going crease of 1,774 from September, it was • A "UNIQUE AND EXCITING" turizations hack to work or school. of '78 projects a decrease, of 21,337 from October 1976. Director of graphics and print Workshops will include such topics as The Department of Environmental The increase between September and CONCEPT IN ADVERTISING-NEVER making a! New York University, Reddy "Your Job campaign," "Going Rack, Protection (DEP) is requesting county October was partly attributable to was born and raised in India He but Scared," "Assertive Techniques," and municipal governments to submit layoffs in the apparel, miscellaneous DONE BEFORE IN THIS AREA. studied in London, Paris and Milan and How to Write a Resume," "Starting detailed lists of Intended Green Acres manufacturing and textile industries. was associate director of the Inter Your Own Business." and "Exploring projects for 1978 to he considered in In the two extended unemployment • A CATALOGUE OF GIFT GIVING national Center for Graphics in Farts Your interests and Abilities." preparing a priority list for more ef- programs, the overall change showed a Associated American Artists of New Workshop leaders are Dr Marcelia fective distribution of Green Acres decrease of 725 since September The IDEAS THAT WILL REMAIN IN THE York gave him a one-man exhibition in Haslam. director of counseling and funds. extended benefits program claims load 1974, and he hai exhibited in India, psychological services at Kean Deputy Commissioner Betty Wilson declined by 998 to a total of 31,218, while HOME THROUGHOUT THE SEASON, Europe and the United States College. Barbara Maher, EVE coun- said DEP will review responses from the Federal Supplemental Benefits selor. Mary Ann Bornrnann, EVE local governments and use them as Program claims load increased by 273 counselor, Kstelle Weiner, EVE guides in developing a "Program of to a total of 22,628, Over the past year, NJARC to hold counselor, Michael Moylan, Action" for meeting the open space and the number of claims filed under the • REACHING 61,350 HOMES IN management assistance officer. Small recreation needs of the state. "This is Federal Supplemental Benefits 2-day conclave Business Administration; DT, Eleanor the first attempt to solicit advance Program has declined to less than half YOUR PRIMARY MARKET AREA, Levitt, adjunct instructor in psychology notice as to the local needs involving The second annual convention of the of its 1976 level primarily because of at Kesn College; Diana Trowbridge, acquisition or development of open federal legislation which shortened the New Jersey Association for Retarded space lands," she said. Citizens will be held in Atlantic City on coordinator of continuing education at period for which claimants may collect • A COLORFUL, ATTRACTIVE FRONT Nov. 18 and 19, according to the NJARC Kean College and Mae Hechl, director Green Acres rules adopted in July of benefits. president, Walter L, Myers Jr. of EVE. this year outlined the local response COVER TO GAIN READER INTEREST, In addition to the panel discussion, method for charting interest in Green In the Special Unemployment The conversion theme, "Together We Assistance Program the number of Can Do More." will be reflected in participants will be able to attend one Acres matching grant programs, workshop in the morning, and one in Wilson said the 1978 Program of Action persons claiming benefits fell by 2,946 DON'T MISS OUT!! presentations dealing with all aspects to 11,205 in October, This decrease was of services and issues (from prevention the afternoon The $10 registration fee will be in operation by April and responses from local governments primarily due to the return to work of CALLTODAY FOR INFORMATION AND RATES to life-lime care) related to mentally those school employees who were retarded citizens. Opening concert set must be submitted by March 31, Wilson noted that DEP will continue without a contract or a reasonable Association officials said that 1,000 assurance of employment for the 686-7700 professionals, parents and volunteers by symphonic group to process grant applications already on hand but future applications will be current school term and thus were concerned with the well-being, The opening concert of the season by eligible for unemployment benefits. COPY DEADLINE NOVEMBER 18th development and rights of the retarded the Bloomfield Symphony Orchestra, reviewed according to the priority list. will attend under the direction of Edward Registration and program in- Napiwocki of Union, will be held on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 20, at 3 p.m. at Paying for health for.nation is available from the NJARC Health professionals New Jersey League lor State Office, 99 Bayard si., New the North Junior High School, 60 Huck rd., Bloomfield, and members of the public Nursing, to hear a two-day Brunswick 0&901, or from any of the have been invited to the program entitled, association's 20 local units serving Tania Fleischer, pianist from South si!vec convention, of the ' 'Change to_ HealUi—Do HAVE every county of the state. Orange, will be the guest soloist." You Really Want It?" The program which will Include small group Masco Sports I Masco Sports I) Masco Sports III Masco Sports V discussions and op* Summit, NJ. Stirling, N.J, Union, N.J, South Orange, N.J. portunities for questions 647.5345 964.7144 7633322 will be held at the Jetport- 2734400 Holiday Inn, Elizabeth, Nov. i? and 18 from 8:30 This Thanksgiving fllv« Atom a brwk and tht whole family m treat... Dint Out at a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Con-one of the fine restaurants Ilittd htrt. You'll tn|ey tint Thankigtvlng far* and the sumers have been invited luxury of being served graciously and courteously. especially Thursday, Nov. MASCO'I SPORTS 17, 1877 from 8:30 a.m. '1,000,000 WAREHOUSE until 12:30 p.m. During these hours, there will be OLD1 BRINGTHE FAMILY no charge to the con- . PRE-HOHDAY SALE sumer. UNION HOUSE TO THE "Our citizens, Restaurant UNION HOFBRAU generally, resist healthy Featuring their Festive For an snjoyable i habits and do not think THANKSGIVING DAY 'Jrhanksglvlng Dinner. about the 'health' care chef uitctlsni with Jpecm • Fuji course dinners system until they are chlidr.n'ialnntri being served ntartlng sick" stated Ruth S««ilng»1->-»-7 P.M. TENNIS: 11 Wharf Ave..Red Bank.N.J. 1IN(»N WirmUps-Buy 1 at Maseo's regular low price & get 2nd at Belanus, president. She Cotkl.ll Loung. In 0v.rlw>kln9 thl •••Ullful Entertainment Frl, A Sat, "Higher pries Htm pr«¥«!ii" added, "Citizens are then Summit Suburban Hotel Navitlnk Hlvtr BftNCBQF (follow Hani to Rlytryliw liasaSTUYVESANTAVf^ HMD angered by the cost of 570 Springfield Ave. Summit Haipltii.RM •tnk) teardrop 27.77 PORRIIgRVATIONI UNION. 687-7020 XRC T2QQ0 Strung what service they do 273-3000 Classic l&ll Competition 25.55 CALL 842-7575 villas T3000 Strung receive." Duke Executive 24.44 P»rKln§, Comg Advantage Laaies Elite Bo_ 24.44 Program chairman Comp Kramer Imperial Personal 22.22 Mary Jane Wharton Proiessionai Smith Super Winner 22.22 defined this as a public Mister Evert Player, Special 19.99 awareness program to King J Bori & King 16.66 bring to the foreground QALAXY DINER KINGSTON World Class Autograph that "only through per- "N«w Jiriiy'i MM BMUtllw! olnir" sonal involvement 293 St. George Ave., Rahway RESTAURANT towards health orientation At Junction Routts 35& 37 8. Cocktail Lounge Cocktails BANQUET FACIUiTiES^ in our educational, social, New Salad Bar judicial, religious and SPECIAL health care gy§tems-can 5p«c!al Thinksglving Menu|, | Complete dinrurs served from tfi THANKSGIVING * Family GrooRi we ever reduce the great T •'."SPECIAL"" .. fcU. FAMILY OI*6UPi WBtCOMBj > coat of sickness care." Welcomt CHILDREN'S DINNER Reservations Suggested i Amtncan liprnl Diners CIUB | MAKE RESiRVATIONSj Analer Cr'tdlt C«rd« Menered EARLY WTM Parking I n our Own Lot 388-4220 686-2537 "MR. BIN" 624 WettrteM Ave.EUiabeth- 1181 Morris Avenue,Unloni H35Z-16S4] Sift... 4 hi Holidays art a tlmt foe fixing up your home as well as i1 giving gifts I Dining Elegance rht taslelt room for yog to tn|oyible ThinhsiMni Dinntr Gounnet Excellence decorate your self is the pow d«r roorti or ndCOIY'S SHADOWBROOK Bath roem. Zweben Family FOOTWEAR RIOT Your own taste will decide RESTAURANT COMPLETE Pony Leather Hi Basketball • • 16.66 on hew simple or fancy Serving Tretorn Cinvis 16.68 you want fo fie, TURKEY DINNER And May Others WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS Tretorn Leather 24.44 Nike Cortsi Nylon 18.SS Colors are easy to match... THANKSGIVING DINNERS at 20% off Converse Canvas Colon 10.99 lust tbring In a iamolt of FromiZ;3o Nike Marathon 14,44 wallpaper... we'll PRIME RIB our Regular Keds Sued! Oxford 14.44 .lelp you decide •Route as, Slrrewibiiry- - Tiger Pinto 14.44 Our selection ol bath M.1 Pony MacAdoo Suede • 13.33 LoirPrica fata Polylove It Slut. 9.99 accessories is unlimited I CHILDREN'S Parkway Exit 101 Prom geld end illver to the S2.50 747-0200 ihi Lirsiii Adld.1 Shoal, W«rm Upt. ••«!, B.IU In unliin county sotteU po»lel thsMl w* Ineorperatid In soap OMn 34 Hwrt-7 Dcyi • dishes, towel holders, baskets, scoles, tissue box. M, towtl srtndi and to- Thtri art lltirilly hwnd. reds of shower eurtalni,,, from our now . famous "MMMU Pirler" wrtalB to tht slmpUst vinyl* and fabrics to cho«t from, with seals, towels and other matching Items. piMit eom« in and (Off If. OWFH *M,| ; ;.. mmmDsi* , Special Menu ENJOY THANKSGIVING TMANKSQIVINODINNteR RMSrvatteni DINNER WITH USI Sogg«*t«d WIIATM Bin WAppttlltfl" •Kim BOM On Priniiu » A Show set rnursday, November iQ. I'.'••. at Movie A The Morris Stage, 100 SUBURBAN CALEND/ South st., Morristown will Times NEWARK—'Pona Bel Desti play host to a Morris area nd,' New Jersey State cancer benefit in con- All times listed ar« Music, dance Opera. Nov. 13 at 7 pm Children furnished by the theaters Newark Symphony HaU, junction with the MADISON—Robert Taub, pi 1020 Broad SI 633 575? Morrlstown Cancer -o~o- anijt. Nov li.I p m Bowne MILLBURN—'Beauty m ELMORA (Elli.)- Theater, Drew University Beast,' Nov 1J, loan Detection Program and 377 3000 WESTFIELD—New jersey and 1 30 p.m p,i[,i i the Board of Health DIAMONDS.Thur., Fri., Symphony Orchestra Playhouse, Brcx:ik',.i!r Mon., Tues., 7:30; Sat , 1, MONTGUAIR—Shirley ver Dvorak, Bartok Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Jazz, rttt, melie soprano Nov Tchaikovsky Noy 11, ID 30WEST ORANGE-. T.i poetry, modern dance, a 5, 8:33; Sun., 3:50, 7:41; Hi I 30 p.m. Unity Concert a m westfleid High School Tales tforfi /.r LJ'JI (,f ORCA, Thur , Fri., Mon , Series, Mpntclalr High 6J4 IM3 World,' presenti (I |., fashion show and a School 7446770 Cartoon Uprr,i tr. .- Broadway act will be !| Tues,, 9:25; So!,, 2:55, Theater Nov 10 ? V> "1 0:55, 10:20; Sun,, 2:10, YM VWMA Bl tf.f'.n:: • featured. way>—THE SPY WHO New jersey, W) fiurti ''* 5:55. 9:30 Theater Banjo picker Earl •-O--O-- LOVED ME, Thur, 1 45, ave 736 3300 i<,< 11 Scruggs and his Revue, FIVE POINTS CINEMA 7, 9:15; Fri , 145, 7 15, CEDAR OBOVE—'Fiddler on OH, GODI' Terl Garr and John Denver offer support the Roof,' per fgrrnanees consisting of sons, Gary, (Union)^THE SPY WHO 9:30; Sat, 1, 310, 5:20, Wednesdays, Fridays, Randy and Steve, will to comedy about a happy suburban family whose LOVED ME, Thur., Fri,, 7:35, 9:45; Sun , 2, 4 30, Saturdays and Sundays. Museum; Sept. II Nov. 13, 1050 bring their country and peaceful existence Is threatened when God Himself Sat , 1:30, 7:30, 0:35; Sun., E:5u, 9:05; Mon., Tues , 7, Pompfon avt , 154 US! MONTCLAIR— V rock music to the Morris (George Burns) starts putting Ideas In the husband's 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:25; 0 15. Museum ] \,<>j*> head. Picture Is being held over for another week at CRANFQRQ—The RoDDCr a«e 146 7iiS -.; Stage Friday, Nov. 18, at B Mon,, Tues,, 7:30, 9:35 •I)"!). Bridegroom ' Performances 5 30 p ... BROADWAY BACKIRS - Victor Lyrlt, center,, p.m. New Plaza, Linden, and AAaplewood Theater, -O--O- PARK (RoselleParki Fridays, Saturdays and Saturdays ig ,:i .• AAaplewood, Sundays through Nov I! Closed Mgndfi1 ', producer of tht Broadway play, 'Dracula,' stands The ^Fantasticks" will , FOX-UNION (Rt, 22) — BUGSY MALONE, Thur , Celebration Playhouie, 111 South ave , 27! 5704 with ftAr, and Mrs. Henry Augeniteln, owners of Cafe follow Saturday Nov 19, at STAR WARS, Thur , 2, 7, Fri,, Mon, Tues. 7 30, NEWARK—Nnw.i Moiart, IWi Morris avt,. Union. The Augensfelns B p.m., with a 2 p.m. 9; Fri,, 2, 7:30, 0:45, Sat , Sat , 1:45. 5:15. 8 35, Sun , BAST ORANpB— A Street 49 WVdSh.nylyn '. 2:30,4:45,7:30, 9:45; Sun , 1, 4:20, 7:40; BAD NEWS car Named Desire,' Oct ji Monday Sfi'yrg.i are financial backers of the production. matinee on Sunday, Nov New film Nov. 19 Per form ancps 20, Additional information 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15; Mon., BEARS IN BREAKING Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, i 30 p m Actor's may be obtoined by Tues , 7, 9 TRAINING, Thur , Fri , Cate Theatre, South Mgnn calling 540-9271, in Union -o-o- Mon., Tues 9 05 Sat and Central avenues, 6?!» Meadowbrook books 1881 MOUNTAI NSIDE "Black and WhftfrSn FOX-WOODBRIDGE- 3:15, 6:45, 10 10. Sun . Nature ,3M '3f f,, Color,' which opepC'd 2:30. 5 55, 915 MILLBURN—Shenandoah. IN THE REALM OF THE starring Ed Ames Through VS30 fifi.i Showboat' musical yesterday at thje-""L,Qst SENSES. Call theater at -o-(>.. Dec IB Papor M'II "Showboat," the Oscar Ferber's novel, opened in Picture Show, Union, 634-0044 for timeclock SANFORD 'Irvingtorn Playhouse 376 4343 NiWARK-N _. takes place during the war Hammeratein-Jerome 1927, and played 575 --O--O- THE SPY WHO LOVED MONTCLAIR—'Mother Caur Kern stage musical, will performances. It features period, 1914 1918. It pic. LOST PICTURE SHOW ME, Thur , Fri , 2, 7:15, age and Her children by lures a tiny society of Bertolt Brecht Through open Wednesday evening such songs as "01" Man (Union) -BLACK AND 9:25, Sat , Sun , 2 20, 4 45. Nov 26 Whole Theatre River," "Make Believe," white French going to war WHITE IN COLOR, Thur , 7 15, 9 40, Mon , Tues . Company, 544 Bioernfieid at the Meadowbrook ave 744 39J9 Dinner Theater, Cedar "Can't Help Lovin' That with a tiny white Germany SCINE FROAA 'The Spy Mon, Tues, 7:30, 9:20, 7 15. H 25 Art Grove, It will run through Man," "Why Do I Love society, both living in West Who Loved Me," shows Fri , 745, 9:30; Sat , 5 25, MOUNTAjN LAKBS— Hello 7 Africa (Totally Isolated, Dolly' oct 7 through late Dec. 17. You " and "Bill," in Roger Moore as James 7:05. R40, 10:15; Sun, Dee Wednesdays, Friday, IBVINGTON • L ' . addition to the title song. it is much later that they Bond and Barbara Bach 1:30. 3 10. 4:50. B 25, H 05, A special bill Saturday ana Sunday Meadowbrook producer learn of n World War in evenings and seierted DO 3."? 30~'J'- '', ', Peter Mlrabella baa an- The Meadowbrook as a Russian agent 9:40 ..„._,._ The Park Theater. matinees Neil's New weeks J3 9M> " • ' Dinner Theater will Europe I Picture can be seen at Q|d, Yorker Dinner Theatre 334 ave 3?3 6856 nounced that there is a "The movie portrays MAFLEWOOD OH. Roselle Park, is showing a oosa --.... cast of 26 and o complete present "An Evening With Rahway Theater, NEW BRUNSWICK what can cause a war," GOD!, Thur , Fri , Mon , special double feature this Niei, p a ' n 11 n g s T < orchestra at the Al Jolson," with Clive Rahway, Five Points UNION— I Do, I Do, musical says producer Arthur Tues,7:15, 9:15; Sal., 2, 4, week The movies are comedy Nov 11 and 12, 8 Nov 23 Mondflv 1 * •; Baldwin, Dec, 20, 21, and Cinema, Union, and I a m 11 30 p r F • Meadowbrook. He has had DAVID BRENNER, S, B, 10; Sun., 2, 5, 7, 9:15 "The Bad News Bears in p m Wilkins Theater Kean r 22, Cohen, "Cowardice, fear, Sanford Theater, College 5!7 !371 a m td S p t~<~\ h&i\i o three-story high comedian, will appear In --O--O- Breaking Training" and 3 m 5 p m Sun da f greed, unscrupulous- irvlngton. 1_1 30 p m. VuT^f • showboat with paddle Caldwell College's "Buggy Malone " Both ness .ignorance. f NEW PLAZA (Linden) Douglaii L ib'-gr-, [r wheels created for the Theater onvtHeHlff Sat. Everything here takes s*oldiers astray, - the OH, GOD!, Thur, Mon , pictures, In color, are •Fill show. 'Orca' seen urday, nov, 76 af B p.m. place as if we were looking patriots, and the Tues., 7:15, 9:10; Fri, rated PC UNiQN—V'den'apf "Showboat," which was In. the College Cam strategists, the horror of 7:30, 9:25; Sat,, I, 2:40, WQf k| by h • -I ' at the First World War 1 MOUNTAI Nil01—Nature at Elmora iLASTTMOillUOS r adapted from Edna pus Center. He will through a disfigured the trenches, the relief of 4:25, 6:10, 8:05, 10, Sun , films Sundays at 2 3 and 4 Apple Oct i\ ,'. F * 'Prrr n,ityf n ' hr- M Monday Pnflay, iQ •'* be followed by Peter the truce, the surprise of 1 "Orca," Dino De glass, we see the chaos of 1:45, 3:40, 5:30, 7:25. 9:15 'J(.,F t.Qn f~a!i A86 ?' CK3 Science Center. Waienyny p m Th# Co IRQ*-- •_• POINTS CINEMA Laurentiis' presentation of Lemongello, Feb. 18, 1978 mobilization of the troops, peace treaties as well as •O--O-- .if < on Reservation 232 5930 Kean Csliege 57^ I' • UNION - 9«4.9«» the epic sea adventure, is and Carol Lawrence, the war profiteers, the the bitterness of disap- OLD RAHWAY < Rah- "THE SPY WHO being shown at the Elmora April 8. women who lead the pointments/^ ^^^^ LOVED ME" Theater, Elizabeth, on a |PGI double bill with M.ilnMt: Thur., PH., i*t., HEDY'S DINER RESTAURANT Tues. I Thurs. The Fish Is Dsllsh.,,The Chicken^ for Pickin 1 :|p p.m. CsntjRugyi from "Diamonds," Fo.m.rly iuptr Dirlfr " I p.m. luridly NIVlRCLOiiD "TNB IN PLACE TO EAT " The Orclnus Orca, the Rsuti 11 L Bloy It , Hillilda Depression Nights And the Price Is 1! killer whale, has anMiDV eor^yiMy invitti you is try our DINNE R BUFFIT, itcand [' Whether yeuf mouih waters for seafocd Or te none FREE with iny tntr#t trom our rrttnu, wetNifltvi 5 fe *, Jumbo Sandwiches Til 1 A.M. never know how |ood ]t can be until n,u m-nil / enormous mouth with 48 Sundiyi 1 tQ 9 Chess & Backgammon value full meal of snac^1 SI HLLSEItTB SI teeth capable of smashing PONE ON PSIMISEl ' SPECtAL CHiLBSIN'i MiNU HOttHTSHAW the keel of a whaling boat. • UiiNIilMEN 1 LUNCHtON MON FBI • edric$ FISH & CHIP FISH noun FISH waumim lhit lh SANDWICH SNACK & CHIPS THE MMMO/IEUU. KILLER I THE SANFORD Shanghai 890 990 $1,79 I Spflnftlsli AvvnuS'lrv1flfT9fi CHICKEH VA CHICKEN HUSH SI llLLSKilTK SI I Undir Niw Mink9«msn1 i — Chtneie Rtilaurint I 1MIIMMM Cocktail Lounge & Restaurant SNACK DiHNER PUPPIES ' BUSINESS LUNCHEON 980 $1.89 60ea.61or25(; PARK l- :1 T IT ""* * THE SPY WHO LOVED ME ; 1P6 SMOROASBORD $295^- 193 Western Parkway I I^B •• •• •• io f5^ ^r I » I All VsuCcn Eli* lseiud*iSajeli Dtii*ff B8EAK!»*fi __^...,, Man- JKf u JiL IU1 lal>M IrLVJo^ton - 3'7J&MA._ MiiiMHiTaMy and PrlMy M1 p.m. 5«§y!ir Minu Alls Avallibie Qptnymytr -F£SH-A-GHIP5-: TRAINING i MALONE A ¥¥•••• Colonial 1975Morris Ave. Union 688-5678 When £ou buy a FISH & CHIPS I nul Fried Pliase present this coupon before orderi"! ulna Uck to airth Chestnut Tavern*! Restaurant Chicken Limit One coupon per customer, • •fid cenUKtad you 1 Mf Clwifnui St., Union Void where prohibited by law. I GEORGE BURNS AMPLlMRBt PARKING Open Dally This offer expires November 28, 197? • "OH, BOO" )OHN DENVER BETTY LIND 11:30 A.M. •hefTnestln SP II K " (PS! TERI GARR Midnight Fri. 4 S»f, 2480 Route 22 West, Center Island, Union, NJ. (opp.Rickels) !! DONALD PLIASENCI DINER & RESTAURANT Til 1 A.M. — OP1N 7 DAYS.24 HOURS Closed TuesdaI y ^ ^^^Ml I 201-9B4-SB70 • OPEN 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. DAILY • Fri & Sat, to Miancght I..1 "•LACK ANDWHITI Open Salad Bar With Luncheon & Dinner INCOLOB" 'Oh, God!' IPO) Special Businessmen's Lunch Pltntyof Frw parking EL PESCADOR—, 1932 E, St. George Ave, ' "The PamWm King" * ^ norir (Cer, ef Park Aft.) Restaurant.LoiUige-Cll tiring 'TMliPYWHO l!*"(i. i mgl i n ±s^ — LOVIDMI" FOX UNION li> lut iMaittr Charge LINDEN f25.2777^ " C« Ex (POi Portugueie, Spanlth & American Cuisine A long nme ago n o Spelcul Buslnessmcns' Lunch Daily! galaxy ^(^ffftvgy,,, Live Entertainment Wef kendi MOL r«i nisi iiir , N, j, 6876766 147 W, WBitflold Awe,, Roialla Park MOWI?" '« 241-7400 Froo Parking AmboynillMUf sO omvti" -i mm A liiperb collection of tempting international delights. SAfREVILLi. Hit 1 I*A 1 .140 Served in our graeioiig continental atmosphere. PC •EEDS YOU SENSIBL ONE • Lunch A GOURMET DELIGHT Cantonese.PoIyneiian.8iechuan Cuisine " ONE MAW HAMaL HWWiON rono OPEN 7DA¥S A WEEK SUN 3 PM - 11 PM •» Dinner Luncheon-Dliuier-Cocktalli '" •TKUWSTllM' Prlv.n P.rmi T.k.OulOrdtri j London Broil 2 KtO •IN own n THE JADE PAGODA, With Muihroom Sauce IllCl OU 2142100 Chopped HULiT, 1 Ml, SO JCT BTI 35 4 M US No ISO _^J BINtR. RESTAURANT FREE PARKING • 985-3331 IMOOU ntu Gill Lint W*M COCKTAILLOUNOE U.S. HIGHWAY i * PLAINFIELD AVE., EDISO Beef Steak - •£ A "Open Salid Bar with tht Finait Appttlziri" $ Butlntiimtri'i Lunch gfiiiiiimiiDiiiiiiitiiiiaiiimiiiiiiDiimiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiBtiiiiiiiiiiiq .Prime .Ribs...... -...• 3. THESihiSES ••wm Served 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily And Many More A La Carte Dinners IS* Also Children's Menu Wm'rm No. J- For Oor Salad Bar * 1 i cr.mi... 2401 Wood Avt., Roselle 1 PAY ONLY FOR RUM try N.4. Monthlyi MtifilM IN ttnlr plnir ! M H (Off St.eaargsAvt.) 241-3850 lilMfllfialMilllMlirlllttMllllal n * ITRiltl 'SlnglM j WHAT YOU EAT! i-i I •••¥«¥ 1UNDAV NITT' Route 22 i-S DANCE PARTY & SOCIAL /•; i [Westbound Lane) \ EVERGREEN LONE AND FOR YOUR KIDS EVIRORBINAVI. Union, N.J. IPRINOPilLB, N,J, !N 1M1 WOBLii !O!1*> FULL COURSE DINNER RsuttMieSprinflfitid 688-5550 99 Av«. io EvtrerHfi Avt, LOUNGE JACKETS RtpUIBIDQN P.M. AL J. Donee Theatrr Cuihi \ 943 Magie Ave. - 352-6251 - Union pmtnt!,,. THE WED , FHI , I4T » SUN lANDY WELLS OUCH, BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH nio AM .] PM.DAILY AAost AAajor Credit Cards Excepted LIVi INTERTAINMENT i NUTCRACKER! S. OANCINO NIGHTLY <• Ftvorlt.O»nctR«onH 7 P.M. to • P.M. FOR TICKETS MIDNiGHTBUFFET '5 GRAND OPENING mmm Tues, Thurs., & Sun. Eves, LIDO DINER - RESTAURANT 1 OF SWEET MOLLYS' 689-6760 ROUTE 22-CENTER ISLE I SPRINGFIELD 376-1259 | NOV. 27th WE WISHTO ANNOUNCE THAT WE WITH TOASTMASTER GENERAL JERRY MALLOY ARE NO LONGER AFFILIATED WITH Horn* M»*iBrMd* All B«klng f r; SOMETHING NSW AS A BON'! PLAZA RESTAURANT IN SPRINGFIELD Done On PrimiiM Daliyl s i £ BIKTHOAY PAW FILET OF FLOUNDER — •"•-• • • •COUPON •-•-•-•-•-• ~B ¥ UNION (HOP PROUDLY INTRODUCES ITS '" =-. SUGGESTION f Sluffad with CRAB MEAT with Potato, Vagttablt, .^^ — — Roll* & Blrtftr m g^k QA a RPIIER. SKcSnNG INCLUDES *^i OPEN SALAD BAR ^^ DOLLAR DINNER P BREAKFAST SPiCiAL—« BUY ANY OF OUR DELICIOUS DINNER ENTREES, OMELETTE 2 EGGS (ANT STTLi),AA DINNERS, OR DINNER CREPES AND RECEIVE A 2nd DINNER HOMEFRIES. TOAST 99 OF EQUAL OR LESS VALUE FOR ONLY $1.00 MD COFFEE I 1 Q VILLAGE BARN 1 RT. 22 CENTER ISLE • 11 b RESTAURANT iM«Mkml NMM of Ptmtkm1 iiii»ij4Tloyi wow ! I UUNION T • MIDNIGHT I I 10B0 STUYVEiANT AVE. Sun, • fhufi,ufi, T7AM • MI LIVINC5STON ROLLER RiNH i (At Mill Rd.) IRVINGTON Limit 1 Cdupori Per Family Offtr Valid ifftP I P.M. •• Onl«k» IMOP OnlyV.lld fliru Dte. li, IW 615 SO. LIVINGSTON AVI., 991*161 .' i .Oiler Not QoSa lor Tmki Out Ordcn

4i Thursday, November 10. 1977 ?an reading clinic: A celebration of ceramic art Rutgers honors 75 years of research 4 years of growth A series of commemorative events at Rutgers University in Ness Brunswick • ••" . Hi- Lillian Putman arrived :it equipment had been moved out NO she Saturday will mark the 75th an- .'i i>ili>jii\ 14 yi'ars i\go to di'velop a could move in niversary of the first member of ihe i.i iig rlinic', nlic found a ono-room Today, the Harvard grndunte directs state university family to acquire a i> rlmi'ti! consisting of three a rending clinic consisting of more than monetary "New .Jersey connection " 1 • • lies hunks and a sign on I hi door li,(KM) volumes, video aides, audio tape The department of ceramics will ;; ,« 'RADIATION ki-i-p out " recorders, language masters and the celebrate its diamond jubilee with a n ,c mom, which litiii bwn UHtniii-s 41- Ciyiig Header. - ._. 1 —arm-, open hnubu for- nlumnirindustry- nc'i' iaboratori,, was tlu* only otU Dr. t'utman, who initiated and representatives and the public along iilal'it) to her All tbi1 laboratory developed the annual Kean College with other events noting itss modest Heading Conference, far which she beginnings in H102 received the college's distinguished In year the slate legislature irochure aids service award, has also chaired the established a course in 'practical and committee for upgrading the master's scientific instruction in Ihe art of clay mt protection program degree requirement*) in New working and ceramics" and ap- Jersey and hns been guest speaker nt propriated the sum of SIS.OOO for 1 he International Heading Conference organization, equipment and main in-1 s ncparlnicni of u for in years lenance and a yearly $2.5(10 for salaries, MM;il and l'lant Hi'ullh Inspection ! The Heading Clinic that Dr Putman supplies and other expenses i iu has issuud a new brochure: directs is designed to diagnose, and •w Animal Welfare Act How tt The idea for Ihe course W;IH the remediate reading difficulties in' brainchild of William S. Meyers, an • M'l'ts Your nog ami I'yl children The diagnostic testing and the assistant professor of chemistry, who •1 iiildilion i" fivo suKKcstioiiii on remedial instruction are administered ; conceived of a course resembling what '• " 'lo if ,1 do(i nr i-al is stoli'n or by certified teachers who are enrolled H;IS (hen being offered by Ohio State hi' hiitikli'i dosiTihos ri'UulatiiiriH m the master's degree program in University ••Hipping pets and outlines reading specialization at Kenn College In what can be described as a - |iMiisihilil n"> nf transportation According to Dr. Putman, "Students : modern -day public relations cam- • ;.;iii]i". in niainlaininti humane rare have mode stalistica) gains ns wrll as paign using circular letters, pam- • A.'ii-- ,1111] i'iiis in transit positive changes in attitude and in PHILIP W. ANDlRSON, consulting director In the physical Research phlets and personal influence of friends \\-,i- i-nvcri'H in lhi» hooklt-l arp terest Marked successes have been in Ihe ceramics industry -Meyers, with iMilatmn* ni thf act designed lo seen in children's performances in the Division at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, and a the approval of the college's board of i-i'.iiirajjp "pciTiapping" and to make elementary and secondary schools I hey trustees, convinced the Legislature to 1 processor at Princeton University, i- [iriii-t ii-c iinprofitLihli Olht-r were attending." She added that pass a ceramics education acl us nhe how tin1 ' 1 c 1 provides has been named one of the three another indication of the program's Aside from i\ partial payment under u 1 ,M i.\ inspfc'inn of thf facilities of success improvement in students in joint recipients of the 1977 Nobel STILL GROWING—Dr AAaltglm G, McLaren, left, chairman of the department of Prize in Physics. The Academy scholarship act in 1891, the act • ' ami rai tiroerit'rs and its Iheir schools and have enrolled represented the firsi actual ex- ceramics at the Rutgtri College of inglneering, oversees the operation of an X . wilii'iioii m eases involving the themselves in the master's degree cited Anderson for his role in ray flourescence spectromiter with graduate student Charles Sikorskl of West developing an improved pendilure of funds by the slate in behalf i::i'tioti of dojj fights Those con program at Kean of ihe college which was to become the Patarson, The newlyacqulrBd machine, which performs qualitative and i'ii nl engaging 111 or promoting dog During her career as an academic understanding of localized Slate University of Now Jersey. quantitative elernental analysts, will be among the numerous facilities on display '-. .II'M subject lo largt1 fines and magnetic momen'i, atomic sizfd and professional reading specialist. Dr. In 1907, the Legislature appropriated at the department's ?Sth anniversary open house Saturday. A \ prison sentences I'ulman maintains that her greatest magnets that renain fixed at a 1 I'i'c icipies of the hriichure are particular site in a metal He also an additional yearly $2,500, and the Another attraction he said, is the foodwarc. pleasure and satisfaction comes when young department was on its way. international reputation the depart- Last June the department was ...iahlr from Information Division, "I see former students who have was cited for his explanation of how MIS. IS !>epi 1 if AgncuJlure. 2fi electrons can be localized in By contrast, the stato today provides ment has developed over Ihe past designated as the secretariat of an graduated from the master's program sevenii years with its continuing in- vnil IMnza, Ruom 1853. New York, disordered materials such as glass. about S300.000 lo the department International Standards Organization at Kean doing such a good job out in the budget. In addition the ceramics unil volvement in controlling the release of 1 llKIOT (ISO) subcommittee dealing with the field. attracts and spends a yearly average of toxic heavy metals from ceramic limits of cadmium and lead release Events to mark S228.183 in private and governmental research funds. Garfunkel set p Program --U--O-- diamond jubilee THAT AVERAGE LED the nation's for FDU stint BERT KARTZMAN SAYS* gets OK The department of cc-nmiics al the ceramics schools in the period 1971-75 "Place Your Order Now For,.. Rutgers College of Engineering. New The Rutgers unit expects to reach an Recording star Art The master of arts in Garfunkel will be at the liberal studies program at Brunswick, will mark its TRih nn. all-lime high of $350,00(1 in research THANKSGIVING!" niversary in a daylong series of events funds this year with some iJO contracts V 1 o r h a m • M a d i s o n Kean College in Union has Campus of Fairleigh •\MUSF-.MEMT GAMES been awarded full Saturday from corporations throughout lht> 1 nation and the world. Dickinson University on FOR THF HOME membership in theThe celebration will include publii Saturday, Nov. 19, The -ENJOY— Association of Graduate lours uf deparlmen! facilities nt Busth The departmen! successively oc- show will begin at 8 p.m. in New • Used • Antique Liberal Studies Program. Campus from i);:it) a.m. if noon, lunch cupied two buildings on the College The Extra Goodness Of Our Quality • PINiALL MACHINES the gym. General ad- The MA. program, in Us in the engineering building lobby ;if 1 avenue campus before moving mission is 18. The • JUKE BOXIS • POOL TABLES p m , u fip.m . cocktail reception and a to quarters in ihe new building of the • SOCCER GAMES third semester of program is sponsored by TURKEYS operation as a pilot project 1 :W p m dinner-danee a; Neilson College of Engineering on Buseh the Student Activities j is being conducted with a Dining Hall on the Douglass College Campus in 19G3 Since then it has added Board and tickets will be and Other Holiday Favorites! $50,000 grant from the campus. some SI.5 million in tools and equip- available at the door. — TURKEY DINNERS — National Endowment for The f'iiinH nri jubilee is open to rnent in line with the ceramics In- Further information may the Humanities. Rutgers ylumni, ceramics industry dusiry's move to greater and greater be obtained from the DINNER FOR 8 DINNER FOR 15 Dr. Eileen Kennedy, represemniivesi nud the 'lublic sophistication in research and its ap. Student Activities Board graduate director of the Time is being alluued in the program plication. at 377-4700, ext, 210, 12-LB, TURKEY 18-LB. TURKEY M n f-r I H program, said it "has been so that visitors can attend the Rutgers The numbers of undergraduates and STUFFED balllb attracting enthusiastic iulnne football game if they wish, said grtiduati studt-nts in the program are STUFFED (Bllen Rsaitlril! i studenla wishing to-extend _ dejjarliiient chairman Malcolm G escalating yearly and department (B.fsri Ro.illng) MAPLEWOOD i"i Springfield Ave.» 761-7355 their intellectual vistas, McLaren. "ehaTrman~DF.~~ Maleoim trntTcCarerr HILLSIDE 14SB N Broad St • SZ6-0BB6 and our full membership The department lours are free expects the largest enrollment in the SCOTCH PLAINS • 1723 E. 2nd St. • 322.7620 in the A.B.L.S.D. gives the Tickets for lunch, the football game, deparimeni's history next year. INCLUDES; INCLUDES: program a fine stamp of reception and dinner-dance may be There are currently 100 un- J7he •APPITIZiR •35 Hon d'otuvrts NEW YORK - 557 Tenin Ave till) S9J-5I52 w approval," obtained by calling Rose Miller, at M2- dergraduates and 50 graduate Chopped Liver •'Chopped Liver Consomme and 2220 students undertaking course work. Giipola •SOUP Cansofflnii Next year the total is expected to top IMatioh Balls Mitzoh Baits 180, tor senior citizens •Oiblil Gra»j • Dinner Rolli, R|» Bread Stamps to be shown invites you •Giblet Grivy Increasing interest' by students, •Dinner Roils •Noodle Pudding The Jersey Stamp Dealers to live in the grand • Candied Sweets McLaren says, is a reflection of the ft Potato Pudding Association Inc. will hold its first two- manner to wi ich you've • Pumpkin Pit THE PINGRY SCHOOL good job market in ihe field and to the been accustomed. •2 Urgi Pin day Bourse at the Ramada Inn, West department's placement efforts, • Homenndt Cranberry Sauct A COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Passaic at, (at Garden State Parkway "We've never had a student who It you're used to the but, Exit 160) in Rochelle Park on Saturday you'll want to consider The wanted to work in ceramics who Cupola—the ultimate in senior • CHICKEN or LONG 1HAND DUCKLING and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. couldn't get a job," he said. FOR citizens living. All suites are with GIBLET GRAVY • CHICKEN SOUP Admission is free. private (for individuals or BOYS AND GIRLS - K THROUGH 12 couples).' each with kitchen, • CHICKENINTHE-POT •KREPUCH title and available unfurnished • STUFFED CABBAGE • MATZOH BALLS The Pingry School admits students of any SPECIAL WEEKLV& or furnished to suit your own personal taste. Featured aia • POTATO and NOODLE KUGEL • KISHKE ract, color and national or ethnic origin. PRE-CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY 3 superb meals a day from • CHOPPED LIVER • GEFILTE FISH a diversified menu, maid MONEY NOW FOR service, planned activities, SAVING Ui iM h COUPON CHRiSTNWS- beauty shops, card & pmg AND FROM OUR OWN BAKERY rooms, libraries, dilishtful GRADES K-6 GRADES 7-12 greenhouse, even a fully staffed infirmary , , , all for • Pumpkin, Apple* Mince Or Cre«m Plt§, etc, 10 SPIED BIKE one modest monthly tee (you Short Hills Campus Hillside Campus never buy a thing)! Excillent • Assorted Coffee Cakes and Bobkas 215 North Avenue (WKD Shopping right noarby. • Many Other Delicious Holiday Treats Country Bay Drive So, come make your next Short Hills, New Jersey 07078 Hillside, New Jersey 07205 One of (he beat years the very best years of touyi around! You Cant Buy a Better Moped at This Prlco your life ... at The Cupola. ASK FOR OUR BROCHUBE- PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW "THE CUPOLA STORY" ADMISSIONS TESTING FOR 1978 79 CYCLE & 374-2800 WILL BE HELD ON DECEMBER 10, 1977 MOPED CENTER Cupola FOR CATALOG AND APPLICATION ROUTE 22 • UNION • 686-6800 Yamaba_M-Qtnfcyje|e§^flicycjes . Mopeds • Mini-Bikes W, 100 Rjdgiwgod Avenue Telephone,(201) 355-6990 Open 0-9 Mon.-Fri. Sat. till 6 .Most Major Credit Cards Accepted 25 MILL ROAD, IRVINGTON SAMXS BAGFUL OF GIF T


Schwinn-RalelghEoii.Kenti« BILINSKAS BROS. %/^^J. '„ ^(.[F £fna t riliiiArnio » For the finest In Holiday C Holiday Lingerie for Gifts! MOPEDS ftiWIfflgttKfflU B BOWLING BALLS I^^^^SfA^'| EINZIGER 0 I WSH^S^ Roait Turkeyi •BRAS •GIRDLES (CORSBTS H By MOTOBIEANE CoIdCuU-Saladi MiitMlamv Filling! ' B • y Rtlilgh, ColumBIt PartB-AcceisorlM-RepairAcceisorles. Repairss »^O AMF P Ebonite | Union , . 964^73964^733 I nun ™y»i We.ii I WJS^WSHEI. Flttlnm *ni al!tr««lsnt on iht itavi B (AHSpeidii runiwtek Colum Hallmark's wonder world o( ioelll Horf d'oeurvreo ••Mitt a PM BREHNABREHNAH'H S lflBnBn«iwi kCoiamw|H,^ ^w nd r«; d M«,,, § CHILDREN'S WEAR |^| vuii'Viui • ruiJfflztf®g^n 'blltin*" BuiiiWHi ALL C enpr«slonin O . e !«f( O« csrai, tMmg mt HenlMiMlUNlNM BIKE SHO _^ Accessories, lfatlon»ry, •iBumi, Booki, ANN LOUISE | BICYCLES cvnaies. Hallmark pen £ £• CLARK CHINA & GALLERY aiMariisnJ3 Madisonn AvAvenu< e K ••»» •*P«my O'"H« ™ Pr«mlii« w ew HDJ ON-ALUPIANOS & OROANSj WI AlwHyl H>v> lp*clrl tll(l Think(llvlnfOp*nPlllyl«-f •HuMth.tuminlf MAiTHCHAROeOICC L.l'i Pmmol. BIKlWAYSInM.J. Wiiffllll.lMiln 731-3310 Union 964-8696 Thursday, November 10, 197,

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Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined jhat Cigarette jmoking Isjlarigerous to Your Healths Thursday, November 10, 19? CALL AN "AD-VISOR" FOR ACTION, TODAY! - BUY SELL TRADE DEADLINE IS TUESDAY NOON FOR THURSDAY PUBLICATION

IMpHinttdMin iWanin 1 Help Winltd Mm t Wonun 1 Help WintxlMtn t Women 1 _ jjtlp WinttdMin 1 Women ' 1 H*lp WintedMen t Women J Help Winfd-Man I Woman 1 HtlpWifrtMlM«ii«Wm«n 1 SECURITY FOUNDiCAT, milt, grey JOB HUNTING? white, Neir FifehWi Orove, TYPISTS REAL ESTATE SALES Ladles dressing room d more lab opparfunltiei MACHINISTS For that tprclal person supervision, II hr, week. Liberal under "HILP WANtiD" on the Intirested In H ground flosr beneflti Boowlt Teller, Short following page, LQlTi BHcKO«rmin inepherd, SECRETARIIS opportunity In the rtal estate " W'"' R1M3-1 TOOLMAKERS PAY CHECK department of Unions mast MAIM inswers tB "DUKE". VU respected real estate & _anford Ave,, Irvlngton, I10Q Prefer Machinists with Diversified Insurance firm We •re REWARD, V\ Itlt, expanding our departmertts and iTOCKWOHK PROFICIENT ' --- Rlllli experience, 2-5 yrs, minim. Precision AVAILABLE yffer Qppsftunlty and training In diversified, receiving & DO TYPING IN MY HOME, OJTi Sand «. white dutch turning & milling of close tolerance parts. commtrfilal & Industrial as well warehouse duties In T Shirt WiLL PICK UP 1 DELIVER. •bbit w slight DtacN markings. plant. Some heavy lifting, full i>tn)>l Appro, iv* lbs, Vic, vauihall as resident lol. Call Don HA 11 Hi Modern machine tools & equipment. Call A-1 TEMPORARIES MacCoy, real tsfafe manager, time tfeady work. Apply in lW5MorrnA»e., Union964 1301 person. Rfl,, Union 817 53*J. REWARD fur a private appt We are •AOLISPORTOOi MOTHER of 1 will care for child _—__ ~ Rll US or come in 101 No. Wood Ave, Linden ?J1 H01 Interested In full h part time, in Springfield, In my home, K\l 1)1- 1323 Burnet Ave days, part or full time. . and hiispitalization. Can You Qualify Temporary short & long —- i li JH Cantelm Apply after 9 A.M. term assignments Quality Control For A $15,000 avallaole. Ann Marie . Please apply any weekday at the personnel Now ACCEPTING APPLICA- Fortune Teller TIONS for bus bsyi ft. bellmen, Assistant Starting Salary? Pay Day Every Friday PIANO LESSONS department GENTECH INDUSTRIES INC. E see t lent opportunity & We train completely In life, Card 4 patrn readings- crystal Private, isperlenced, all ages, 9:30 A.M. toll A.M,.l:30to3P,M. benefits Apply In perish at the Routing checking raw health, PkC insurance. Egpelj. Stand-By Personnel-' sail 1 psychic reading In myin your home. Call 7s2SOil «?fer materials & productfen starting salary, Benefits. private home, near all trans, for 531 North Stiles St. t NEW MILTON GATEWAY, f against quality I A.M==* P.M,, Gateway center, Manager potential Is unlimited. Temporary Permanent appt. 165-4)17, 500 Broad Street, Newark, N.J, specification*. No Call for appt. PIANO LIliONl I Raymond Boulevard, Newirfc, experlfnce required, Musi — •——— KlJ-JfJ ; Mr. Bfengel caai)734JMS 427 Chestnut Sf,,.Union Linden, N.J. I " Rll 101 bt very observant, detail All agei, all levels Equal Qppgrfunifv Employer 964-771? DIVORCE YOURSELF Cail6M-tfN j|pS t^K £&£££&£& ^^ S^ 5^ oriented, technically In Dei Ray Bids, D|v«rce, Bankruptcy t- Will M First National State minded 4, consclentleus, PRUDENTIAL We ipeclailie Sn pimple Kits, For appt, tU7<74, Ml DRIVER needed for auTo EquolQppty EmployurM F | --•_ —K 11131 Stuyvesani Av., Union, ftdfe Apply The Van Be^, 24fiQ K 11-10-1 r BANK OF NEW JERSEY Rt. 72. Center 'sie, Union [gpq. LIFE INSURANCE SALES I NOW RICHAR§ D BEST TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs — —— I 11.J7I For Sad An Equa! Opportunity Employer We're leaking for future SALES mature person for short trips General A gen ft to be PENCIL CO, surrounding Union & Esses MRS, DORINE Broomed in C#r#er Shop, Do i , THRU § JOHN HANCOCK I Counties, Contact customers. SPIRITUAL READER a, A LILLIAN SMITH you have the following 211 Mountain Ave. We train. Write K.A. DleN, ADVISOR LIQUIDATION First DRIVtRS TAXI CAS full f. paff qualifications? Springfitid. N.J. MUTUAL LWE ! Prefi., Southwestern Petroleum, ApVICi ON BUSINESS a (off MARRIAGE & LOVE AFFAIRS 11 CottaglagtLanee , Sprlngflei time wsrk, must be ever 31 yrs f|ucceiiful track record | CHRISTMAS i K 1113 1 SPRINOFIELD, N.J. I ft. Worth, Tx, from —— K 11 13 1 Bring your problems to me, I Melsel Ave., across Call 373 5757 1 Geod periistincy Announces career opportunity will solve whatever problems Stinlty's) Frl- •• Set.. KM; JO. National w Make your holiday B •eautlful Thomasvllie dining ' ' R 11 13 1 3 Management Capablilflei High income opportunity for In sales & management, 4 year' TOOLMAKERS you may have, GAMES safes minded [hdlvldual wfw financing &> training program. 350 I, Westfleld Av.Ros, Pk, room let wi hi Back chairs, Pinbaifi, posi Tables, air hockey, §y £§n answer "Yes" || merrier with the! above we Offer likei people* challenge i. good Monthly salary up to 11 ,Mfl plus DIE MAKERS CALL, 145 f77! exquisite cherry BR, set, fine State fitsri Video eempyfer LQweSf IK shopping discount M Income. Multiple listings, top commission. Complete training . _ K 13-t-I Hlbov. antique bronie figure prices in Thi_ 5faf£ Call Mr 1 Tep egmmisslgn contract cemmissJsnSj medirn pleasant In Life, casualty, Pension, REPAIR PERSONS lamp.Mctlonal sofa, pr, of Quitn Upkfn 376 1777 2 vesting ef renewals s you will receive! S office, Experience preferred Mutual Funds, etc. A challenging lob for people MRS. PAULINE Ann chairs, LR desli, wing — -^= K 11 13 1 but may consider trainee. Coil with experience servicing every chair, 1 cherry hutches, tables, 3 continuous non recourse This is one of the most lamps, kitchen set, painting, Mr. RUSio 3764122; All Inquiries rewarding programs avaiiabfe type of metal stamping ale. Ail Gifted Psyehie GENERAL OFFICE confidential. benefits including Major Advice On Life china, silver, linens d Full fringes I SALES 1 today. Contact Mr. Abbruiieta chandeliers. Bold carpeting, For insurance firm IgEatea m OAK RIDGE REALTY or Mr, Mlnton ai J?f 1120. Medlesi, (12) pd, holidays, 641 St, OeorgeAv.Roselle KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Union area. laper. preferred, !all 964-8510 or 381-5300 < § DAYS PART TIME | 372 Morris Ave. Springfield excellent vacation schedule, 245-5234 draperies, dehumldltiers, but net essential Full time, 1 9 for per Syria I Interview. All ! -5 9 am-1 pm | =•—= R 11-13=1 maximum i.T & other benefits^ —- Z 12 10-5stained glass shutters, antq Excellent opportunity in expanding data pro- p.m ; with &Qrn G Saturday replies Confidential OOOD TOP RATE, join the brleabfac L tons of misc. Fine overtime Star! 1135 per week, •> ^^^^^^^——i^ K li 13 1 IEAL EitATI SALIS— SANITARY INSPECTOR fastest expanding stamping home qualify Items fc all priced ceasing section for a keypunch operator with 1 benefits1 Call ¥64 S?47 iiam-3pm I irounel! fi, Kraemer, One ofFor Regional Health Dept., shop in the last It grow with us MRS, JESSICA right to Mil quickly. No Check) to 2 years experience on 96 column card — « 11 13 1 ipm-Spm ^ NJ.'s largest mest act I ye must have ishlfary Inspecfofs Cnll Joe Of George SPIRITUALIST !'isltsr firms will trsin you to1st arade Llcenu issued from ? WH PM READER B. ADVISOR HQUtlHOLB _h#lp needed 3 ATTIC tan -it inches, Chelsea w equipment. The position offers steady MAINTENANCE become among the to,UMp Bearner=,.,ms, SfBfeDBPt.afHeslthofN.j.Fuli A True Psychic Clairvoyant, one days a week Call after 4 PM auto, shutters, new. S200, filt 687 = 7449. We have temporary |n resl estate. Cali f or npnl 664 time, must hive experience. 201^8808OO visit will convince you. Tarof employment, good starting salary and liberal K 11 13 1 Office and Building 1800, ! Call 277 4464 for Interview, Equal Oppty, Employer card readings. All readings mi fringe benefits. We are a well estsblithtd. ^ openings in varioui K " K Equalgppty.EmoiayerM.P — 1— R1M1-1 private h confidential, .—— Kii u growing 8rgan ii§Tion, I selling departments, K REFiNID middle age woman —— ." Kli'lo-1 115 Morris St.,Morrlstewn • ID, IUNK TRUNK Apply after 9 A.M. ieeafgd in eentral New wanted si companion for SECRETARIAL position TRAVEL AGENT COLLECTION from PAr, NSPECTION Jfpsey. in need e* an EKperienced in all phases of 415-9145 Sandman's furniture, 2 years old wnow Uiru Christmas fi ambulatory elderly woman. Prestigious Newark law firm. — —— R 12115 individual thSfagghiy Rasm h board In private home, travel. Salary open. Call for Mff. il7 SECRITARY, good skills, BIROSI sharing; till 9 to i, #M-u344, hours .flexible, knowledge of of benefits. Apply in public iehools. Call Mr, Cspplt Ossinlng, NY 10562 I —— Z 11 115 - K 1113 Table's Appliance, Hillside. ittno, typing etc, for Jewish INSURANCE CO. light typing & filing. Call BOB 5761025 AAEOE = K 11 13 1 non-profit organliaflon. Write ———— HIM Qreenberg 37i4jo, Int., turn, padded. Local 1 Bttimatet, insured, llfiloo. mates. M7-MU or 617 Ml? any BOOfUNO GUTTERS 1, Department at 277-6200 Repairing, Antiques _ restored, : R ll-W-SJ statewide. Short trips to li from, < lima. LEADERS, ALTBRATIONS, CARPIT INST'UO. Refinlshlng, Henry Ruff, Call 14-hr, lerv. Free ett. Piano INTIRIOR t, •XT1RI%R **' Wail to wall, Pius repairs Painting, leaders & gutters. R t-Mi FULLY- INSURID, FR1B Office Service SAVE MONEY! tpec-|'«1l.7« 57O0.(»O01 1421727, ESTIMATES. N4-M1I, Ejcperienctd^cail Andy Buy Direct Prom Pacfory Free estimates, Insured, ale- Summit and UROiNTLY NEIDHO 75567!! — _- — R H-44 WB«rTB.7W>. Mr. J, Olannlni, Predrick W, Rietards - - — ~— 1 .- Stenoi Dolly Madison Klfeheni PAINTING*. PAPERHANGINO — KtfJi Showroom and Factory, St. ]j, 1 Ti dipornt Ave, KELLY MOVERS INTBRIOR ft BXtlRIOR ' ALSOCBILINGS PAINTED Efeabeth Summit, N.J, ...Typittt Springfield 379 SBraylfig. Pully Intur.d. h typll 40 WPM', Experience A Plv.of Kelly Services Sept. '77 Interior s, exterior. Trim work. (. dormers, SB yrt. exp. Lie. •dditleni. Fully insured, prett Uniwi,N.J. Aparjmentt, Ho |ob too small. Htsiofiable ratel. 241 44OT. firewood a. Wood Chips helpful but not n»c- H,S, grad. B, IgualOppty.lImployer Call 887-2452 •_ 3119900. estlmatai. 141-2t4a attar s P.M COLLECTOR Oranoe afta. Call iJi-UM, 687-0035 MJ-TSli. •' . License No, 4Mt 762-5221 Hillside co. hat petition for -•"Tl iK 11-S4-11 •M t-f-ia R II 27-63 telephone cellecter. Experience ~ ~ K11-13-1 R t-f-Mi ZllMe nMnsary. Bilingual (English- DRIV1H for van, i«|. d LADIIS—MIN—fTUDINTI spanithj a plus, but nomafufet , Knewhiage of luax Make your own Jiours. work essential. C«II9:N'H. Of l;lu-4, County t.' surrogndlnfl area. 4 from your home. Earn 14 to U day week, apfly Inparmn,rig mrtnuTT WusthavB-carr-Cail 373-1000 ext, 35 uniori Aire., Irvlngton, — _ K 11 111 I For Silt foi Sail Houw for $_• HHW FM S_t Uh fw Slil IN Thuriday, November 10, 1?77 • Ilkl PUIILI CORN 1H A IHQIIT Hills Oiraga Sale Biltuirol Top bust published children's IRVINOTON (Unperl— 1 Antiques, tools, hardware, rooms, tnd Pi . supply own gas i raildenllti acre! eldrs, betlvlty book by Milt Himmiri andlroni, bar ttools, wrought b! pages designed to provide an heat, AvallaBle Dec. lit Call terms. ANNE SYLVESTER, Iron furn., camera, brie a brae MAKING A MOVE? Rllr. 17a INS hnlayeble ptltlme, enables the lire aitingulshars t office after 1 PM a, ail day weekends, Second tour of churches SPRiNOFIELD It the pltce to Ml Wt are offering a flna Bay or girl to better understand II I1MJ-W •upplles, many misc. Item!, all Mleetion of COLONIAL,iP>LiTI »RANCHii to meet your M9 0449. •he Bible by salving the veriefy bargains. Sat Nov 1], inj it needs, OINI QUINHL«*Wi evei will gladly help you fcf tun to do puiiies and quiiies Ottkw tw Mnt 111 So laaehcroft Rd (oil Old with your relocation plans Phone now IRVINOTON (UMPIRI 1 rm. •and 7» cents for your copy to — Short Hills Rd.i apt., modern caBlnet kitchen, lAKIR BOOK HOUSi; 1615 newly decorated throughout, IPmHQPIBL&offlc* avallaBIa Wealthy St., Grind ft.nlai " — K 11 13 Morris Ave. at Center, approx. will be held in Newark floors scraped 1230 call 37S vilchigan 49506, ' IOPA, »]" . geld ISO, gold (hair IM sq, ft, paneled walls, wall to SIS, rebound bumper pool table 7291 The Newark preser- this atop; First Baptist 5;30 p.m. Architectural M 115? wall carpet, hot wafer heat, air ilo call its not after 130 conditioning 214 2170 CEMITSRY PLOTS MAFLIWOOD-4 rmi., mikl vation and Landmarks Peddle Memorial Church and historical in- _ R It 13 own heat. Couple or 1 person, no — — z 11 13 111 TABLI lamps, 1, black wrought pets Call 7115417 Committee will sponsor its was constructed in 18B8-90 lerpretation of the ollywood Memorial Part Iron -133 ea,, black wrought Iron OffluSpattfarRiiH and is of pink granite in battery wall clock k 1 scones AT YOUR SERVICE 1111397 til second annual Newark churches will also be Oethsemane Gardens 113 set, W" black leather sola, MAMIVOOD- i rms., 1 holiday church tour, the Byzantine-Richard- provided by the com- lAausaleums stuyvesant Av needs upholstering IN, black bedroom, husBand 1 wife Heat 1000 IS. FT. OFFICE OR Union 1114)00 Office 1500 Sfuv leather reellnar uo 341 44^3 or Realtor 376-0290 lupplied. Quiet private home. LIOHT MANUFACTURING^ featuring an organ recital, sonian Romanesque style; mittee Ave,. Union Available Pec. 1st Call7|]fU7 • 295 MO., ELIZABETH AVI , ~— K f f 1111397 HAHWAV, Nj., MS 44OO choir presentation and Sacred Heart Cathedral, — — R 11 13 mvmOTOH UNION —^ Z 11 U 112 t PLOTI III. I FAM, lala Fri , Sal , Sun , UIDDLISEI N . J . , Italian pastries. The tour started in the late 1890s The price for the Jrecilend Memorial Cnieal Nov. 11, 13, 13 10-4 Much mils 3 Family J plus &, alum, !ided, 3 Hamiitonian Apt!-, warrenvliia .. UNION—wo eoelq_FLpaneled. car garag* 7 ROOMS^ Rd. & BoundBrook Rd. near Rf. TsTfT., Sluyvalant AveTTocA e. "tirbtrsSJ and-eoTnp!eted-!n-49iHr is Newark holiday church I Sect Ion.. Will sacrifice, term? 10 So. Maple Ave.. Springfield St Michael's Cape Cod, 7 RM. 3 yr llSl MM ask for Saliy, eves 4M {offMorrliAve ) CUTI Colonial, 1 BBS. LR, OR, II U 1 Barm apt! , from 1235, Individual heat control. Private of granite in the French tour is $12 50 for NPLC Kit., enclosed front porch, w w BRS, mod, kitchen, PR, 3 Baths, newly decorated, air cond. |0043, ~ ™ — K 11 13 Den, alum siding, carpeting, lav. Call 417 4411, 9 » 5. Dec. 31, beginning at 12:30 K ill!) carpeting, lvs baths, 2 car includes cooking gai, heat & hoi ——— Z 11 13 112 Gothic style, The memlMirs and $15 for ICOCKTAIL TAIL!, glass top, i pe. living room !et — 1193 3 garage 330 electric Excellent buy Lew wafer 1* iwimming pool, on-slfe pm, it was announced by f»e bedroom let 1175, 3 pc 60S Realtor Cathedral, New Jersey's nonmembers Interested •MXM, marble tap fable with ALL brick Cape, * IRS. i'i parking. Call M1MI5 or see IIJp,, Sill,, UlM 116 Don Dust, chairman of the lump, other household Items it lichen set 110 All now 141 mt Bath!, LR. PR. mod kit., rec iypf in apt V most massive church individuals and groups |af iffl fm stereo, vinyl roof, steel eovered by The Fair Labar Presents a one day conference • attic memorabilia, household, AC RealTy^tfr. 763 4S00 TIMI HIALTY lf«41JI Station, N Y.C. tsxc*ll*nt belted radlals, new baft., new BUY, SELL, HIPAIR - - Z 11 27 97 Shopping cloie By Qualify Standards Act which applies llnlerestlng bric-a-brac & more 6J5 3793 or 635 71»1 eves - -____=__. 2 11 13 96 guar trans, ejieei. cond. Must 'C empioymtnt in intersfitf LANDLORDS — NO fee. no maintenance staff sn • BROWSING WELCOMEDI II ."" — —^> HA II 1)11 MiFLiWOOD premises. iell 376 3355 311 6534 after 4 commerce, If they offer ieii STOP THE WORLD -- Iwlllbe fun Thurs ,Fri ,sal ,Nov advertising expense. we .— —-— HA 11 13 126 than the legal rn[nlm€m TV SETS WANTED recommend reliable i, icreened rz 110, li t. 12. f em 4 pm, 437 Main CUSTOM BUILT , 1974 FORD Torino Elite A C, wage (S2 30 an hsyr) or fall Porfabie, Black & White tenants Nortn Realty. U4 4405 ' ' pay the applicant 1st. (Route 141 Chatham. Par* «. Color, Call 331 1355 o. Ui 74H lr«pflnded ranch, eentrai air. i good condition. Color Brown CM GETTING BACK ON! • side streets - avoid tickets bedroom!, 3 baths, close to ••• I 11 1J?7 Call 354 4576 after I pm overtime COLFAX MANOR This newspaper ages not trens Si ihepplng. Priced at IRVINOTON 1 Bedroom spts., K 11 13 126 For the woman who ii ready to return to the MIALTH FOODS. We carry full MS.500 Call Dorothy Shepafd elevator bids 3§£ Sfuyvesanf Colfax Ave, W., knowingly accept Help Top Priewi Paid For Ave oood Iranspertaflon, call 1»71 PIUOIOT. auto AM FM. wanted ads that indicate a Nine natural foods, honey, salt learner Inferior, !yn roof, brand preference based on age world of work or school, this conference may •free a, sugarless feeds, nuts Stamp and Coin Florence M, Harris Sueer 17] MJf AiRoseile Ave,, W, •__... I II 13S7 new Michelin iteel belted rom employers covered By provide that first slep llRVINOTON HEALTH FOOD COLLECTIONS11 Realtor 147 33?! Koselle Park radiais, escelienf condition in a, the Age Discrimination In STORE, 9 Orange Ave , irv , —— Z 111) ft out Only 4J,000 miles S19O0 763 Employment Act Contact Wit-tin. SUMMIT HEALTH CALL IRV MAFLIWOOD- A tracming large rm (font apt , 3804 or 373 1591 the united States Labor FOOD STORE. 494 Spfld Ave , fire in ^f\s fireplace si ihi! raiy 5 tdd, hear syppMed, net? Res. Mgr..245-7363 _ r. n 13 \u Department's local office SATURDAY DECEMBER 3. 1977 lummlf, CR 7-i0S0. i 763.5.02 or B39 34BTi & fth&pplng Mr i. for more information. The Bm Cdlenial cheeri the cold . 2@4 Myrfle Ave . Ui j bathl. -=~^= ~ ZI1-I0-97 odd |!iai. Sweft_ Ofaami_ ^ ffiodafji Jtlfchen=^WAer movins——*ieofI i_Aduirt.Bn!jI\ S32J per mo. over book price for clean ordinancat that eonfrol _. City;, ...... State Zip ...... cents per Ib Lead & batteries,' prlvoto Mlai from nomei if Bedding. i4l ~ Cheiinuf ir. —we-afss^bvyeemp-print ovts & to larger quarters Must sell! Security & ref, rtq Seen fey Apirlrnenti Winltd 91 suburb, used ears. AirmSkes & Union, 96iitni tab card! Ai!o handle paper sppr only. Call 104 weekdayt. mod Also vintage cars. Imm !• the reipsrillljlllfy of ihm Stnd 110 check or money orflsr fo BV1, ptynble fo drive! for scout troops and civic Florence M. Harris WANiio 3 rm. apM sf,floor for cash Mr Carr,76J 6226, 743 3400, parisn placing the "For Kean College. Registration deadline November 22, „_ — K if 139 Sale" ad fa cempfy Hrlth 1977 MOVING SALE! ai!Oc . AIiP PAPER STOCK 2 mature women. Dee. or Jan. local regulation!. CO . 41 54 So. 30th It , Irvingten, IRVINOTON—1 rm!., 3ra floor, 1st, Kenllworth, union area JUNK CARS towed away Used Lovely silk Sledermeler sofa, iPRINOPIILD heat St hot wafer & gas supplied. Call SJJ2U7 pink velvet elub chairi, Danish (Prices sub) to change} 374 cars bought. Local I, long 1750 1 mo, security, %WQ, Avail, fjoy, —— Z 11-17 91 distance towing 333-3350 tables w*4 chairs, garden turn,, — - K I t 17 NEW LISTING 1st. Adults Only. 373 SIM dishes, lamps, mahog. chest, Retired widow wants 3 extra Orig.fiecycler!3crep Metal 167,500 I 11 13 f7 large rooms, or 4 rooms with labtes, shelves, cut glass, sliver MAX WIINSTIIN IONS garage or parking area,anytime &ytORtoti*i Senritl piste, clothe!, booki. paintings, U[tra modern eel In hlfcheh. 3 IHVINOTON— j rooms. liiO, 134 STNCE islo BRi, family rm. Isrg LR and fii Dee. 1st, Union or Vic, Write linens, plants, kit. stuff & much, 3436 Morris Ave , Union oven, refrig , heat i hot sinter, P.O Bos No 72, Union N J much mera. DR circular drivewaV, central canvenlenf loc NOV 1st 373 fOHEIOH CAR REPAIRS. Daily! I, S«t » 3 1M 1334 air. eves Helen Bcrko, isj 4114 07083 Tune UPS, transmission, brakes, OON'TMISS THIS ... - . -. _ - K if 1? 7743, 2 11 13 9! engine overhaul, towing sery. IUPIR1ALI 1 11 13 ?7 I ADULTS need 4 rrh apt, we also repair ali Amer. cars —Jit Way neTtr rTronion^^ used scrap gold diamonds % RLTH 379 1#*1 IHVINOTON—«'/i roomi in 2 AUTO INSURANCE irvington Center ares by Jan 5 family home, modern esperfiy. De Pasqus Bros. loH Salem Rd.l Sat., Nov Ijth, pocket watches. DENNIS „ _____„ 1111)96 Call " 371 4611 evening or I««on, 1,001 Uth Ave., 1>4 P.M. COINS, 13)4 Sprinflfleld Aye, throughout, children welcome weekends. VallsBurS 3ff 1447 or 175 9129- IFRINOFIILD 1300 * yfllltles Call 374 32iS. Irvlngton 375 54ff —. —— 211 1398 — K 11-13134 Edith It Greta Sale 2 11 13 97 " RII3O-17 UND1R 160,000 YOUNG buiiness couple seeking ' R11 1J IBVINOTON- 3 ierge rooms. NO ONE REFUSED 4 Barms., front te bacte spill 3 4 rm. apt , in MIIIBurn, • *••*••** NIW mattress, twin or full iM furnished apt , own utilities, level, modern kitchen, open Springfield. Mountainside, Now ,., Sola bedlllo Bunk beds wood BUSINESS DIRECTORY porch Call Rose virgli. private home Adults Call 374 Summit, Ntw providence area, MO 341 Mil. 6!39. with parking By Dec ist Call four "WANT *D" ein be KM Florence M. Harris ~ 111 13*7 379 4114 PLAYiB Piano, Mutafll, Child Cjfi 11 Realtor 447 3333 "" • 1111394 —— 2 1113 91 Spinal, alKfric piui rolls, ilka WILL eara for your children In new, UN, N44N), 1PRINOFIELD IRVINOTON—3 Rms, modern Houses Fsr flint "STAR ,—__—: Kilio my home while you work 101 References Union 944 1141 Garden Apt , AC, Parking, Ote. Down POOL TABLE _ ' K11I33I JUST LISTED 1 occupancy 1231 + security. ELIIAHTN.Charmlng • rm, t It, • ISO, (!) B1.W TV Mis, 1»", Immsfiulatf 3 §R Spllf on vtry Call 3717651 houie, aftraetive entrance ha|l, * • • 1 HI each deep is*. Den sn main level —. 1 11 13 97 1 '/1 baths, enclosed rear porch, Call 374 SM! Central vacuum ayitefn, Nice area. Near N.V., N,J. 10 Months To Pay ' Rill! QAULT VAN SERVICE Light eiecirlc operated garage doer train. Bus. Mu!f see to STRUCK" POBCH IALI Mltc h h itarnt Trucking Of-AIL DeK£IBtISni^ MV_!_ _ 9P . IBVINOTOM 3rm. apt., heat i JDPfJElile. _1M-74M, JM-7157. open house Sat. _ Sun Nov 12 & Local 6. Long Dlllanee, li»75W ~>tgh? by franiftrred "owner hot water !upp!ied, availaBIt -: — Z 11-10-101 Oaln tKfrfi artentien lor your 13, 10 am • s pm JI9 JOBS. — I H JB-M Dan! walfl FhSne: pec. lith, 1175 Call 374-M?!, classified ad by asklni your _- Kill) _ ~— Z 11 13 97 Rosins Foi Rent 102 "Ai.visor" to place a star at PORCH Windows (6) white DlHOrjp 15 REMLINGER IRVINOTON—3 large roomi, the top. Stirs can Be ordered MILLIIDI—Sleeping room for La CROiX INSURANCE AGENCY alum, roll out, white alum, RIALTOR 3763)19 3rd floor. Avail, Dec. 1st, heat, In Mine, 4 line or 4 line siies. jalousie door, good condition, DRIVEWAYS PAVED - Z11-U-M gas 5. elect. 4 hot water sober gentleman only, (tee samples below), 4MS913, , EQUIPMENT TO HIRE supplied, near trans. Adults convenient area IM per week UNION—Cape COB. Brick preferred. IUJ, 375 SJJI. Plus security, 3iI-o31J, iXCAVATlNO construction, esceileht cdnd., Htrt'i (he WIJ i typical 1245 Springfield Ave., Irvington RINT a new piano Irem II par OONNELLOBROI fine residential neighborhood in ' 1111397 ———— . 2-11-13102 OPPICI>]I>H4] area of SI Miehatl'i Church. IHVINOTON- Available Dee IRVINQTON—Furn RMS — classified id with i 4-line itir month applicable toward! In, 5'j io rms,, 1st fi,, heat & Light heuiekeeplng rm, I2| wk., pyrchaie, RONDO MUSIC Hwy, HOME 7119411 Flniihed Basement with bulitln FRE6 IITIMATII hot water supplied, i mo, also 1 sleeping rm,, SIS wk. would look 374-8563 374-7687 374-3677 31 at vauihail Rd , union, 417: bar 8. shuffle bonrd. expansion security, no pels, IM 4S3J. Private home for bulineas M ___ HMU attic, wood-Burning llreBlace, women. 372I1J9, " , K 11.14 oik floors rrtrogghouf. Asking In RUO r.d velvel * i 12 173, M the SO'i, C«l! ilJgJyl or SI7 727?. IRVINOTON—s rmi, sunperch, Z 111)102 Monday-Friday 8 AM-S PM, Saturday 8 AM-4 PM heat, hot wafer supplied. 2nd IRVIHOTOH-Nicely furnished HOUSEHOLD ITEMS upright (reeier S37ii port, 7111]M room for Business gentleman, dlihwashar 1100, 174 13t], MOVINO People, big _ small UNION floor, near Chancellor Ave. HeO Iswslrv, entire contents of lobs. Clean cailars, yards, mo. 3757120. Stuyvesanf Ave. 375-6072. nsuse, Prl, A Sit,, 17*0 IMtn " ' K111J — ——— Z Illl-IM Side Ave., Union BUMMAOI SALE * New attiei. Alia buy uiad lurnlture, — — 111-1397 Sam Chapman J4J MIS bet. «;30 LARCHMONT BEAUTY IRVINOTON—5 rmi., heat, 3rd IRVINOTON—Nice large room traverie rods, uphoiilary Lovely 5 rm, cape. Alum, sided, floor, no pels. Call 7S1J4I7, in private home, very piiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiHuiMiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuuiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii liiiuiiiig materiai, toyi, nousehsld Items P.M. _ midnight. )f , M ir Two-line star Sun,, Nov. 11, open f am. Cong. att, gar., oil heat, n«ei only iii convenient for senior citizen or Beth Shalom, vauxhall Rd, _ HOO-yr,, asking iSI.QOO, For IRVINOTON—IS Myrtle Ave,, 3 retiree^ nonsmeker, parking Cedar Ava , Union, General Services MA inspection call anytime. Rm, Apts. Available now. avail, 3744211, I DEATH NOTICES I RAY BELL Rtirs, 4|« SMG Adults.No peti.»17jilli. Super "" . 111 -13102 "A" Four-line star ___. Kill} _____ zll-lj.94 RUMMAOI 1A.I - Sr. FISBWOOD— Split on your on premises. IRVINSTON (UPPIRI-Lo- ^MiMmiiHininiiiiiraiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiHiiMiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiimiiffi property. Tree Service at lowest UNION furnlihed efficiency room, =-«• « ^*• V V*=9 UI!U[-4J1 __ mMMflML IHI rii _ the jjshiLF, Cryan Aiisclatlon, "~WrnTeTTrit«ir Cairf sr f rer ntr- —llnensrl'or Builnns-Mrtan, Caih Jff^—Slx-line-star •-- AUHNHAMMER—Ann M,, Of 39 servie«_ at_ _HAEalRLB_ St. Kelly it.. Union, Sat, Nev, II, 9 TSvlNOtON.) ' rm, apt., the olblln Association and Local Sehmlede Tree Expert Co, MJ- Alum, sided, 3 BR5, LR, DR, 374-a79, Northbrook Ave,, Balking Rldgo BARTH HOMI FOR ami cm. kit., 1W eaths, 3 car garage, available now. 117J. Nosacurlty. 1342 attended the funeral from fiof. _k 11-1 j-1 m To Make Ysyr Ad... gn Novtmber I, 1?7?. gelovsd FUNERALI, f?l Clinton Ave,, —. K 1111 ' ' I IJ4t4A large lot, i Cairrtf-Jitl, wlft of thf lots Ofi—WHttuf- Jtvington, on Tuesday, The FUNERAL HOME OF RUMMAOI Thur,, k A.C, Realty Ritrs. 763-450Q — Zll-lo-f? Aurnharnmer & Mothsr sf Jean Interment Alpine Cemetery, JAMII F, CAFFR1Y 8. SON, r Cat if • lor Rant Prl , Nov 17 (, Uth, f'.M>4, Sat,, -_•••':. -• -— iiiijM IM "STAR STRUCK" A, Baugntar of Emma Perth Ambey, 109 Lyons Ave,, (corner of Park 9[)e-li, Christ Lutheran Church, REAL ESTATE UNION—••AUTIPUL SPLIT j Ava., IV, sail an "Ad-VI»r" Mon. to Frl. Iweldangtr. Mamorlal Services PI,), irvington, on Wednesday, Morris Ave I, Sterling Rd,, lovely rmi., i family noun, IRVINQTON — Full file, Friday, November 11,11 A.M. at PtYNN—suddenly on Nev 5, Thence to Our Lady of Sorrows iRS, |,r. Or, Kit,, Family Rm., •vail, now, H15, supply own 9 a.m. fe I p,nr, ct Union. built-in AC, deslraBie private, for car, tha tattling Rldgs presbylerlon William j,, of Bioemfield, Church, South Orange, where a • K1M3 FMSIII neat, Call 3T5-714O MfvvMfl • k Becker Terr, near spfld, Ave, Funeral Mass was offered for neighborhood. Church. In lieu sf flowsri beloved #husband of Catherine A.C. Realty Rltr, 74J-4S00 10 AM k Bet. »li 11 P.M. or days 1729245, 9 am j pm or j pm • j eontrIbutlorn may be sent In her (nee Q £onnorh brother of his soul. Interment Holy OLEN GARDNER — . — I-li-Hfs weekend!, pm. 181-7700 nam» fo the Amtrlcan Haart Sister Johanna Flynn of Albany, Sepulchre Cemetery. , ACRIPiCI Rtms.ellng ] acret, with unfinished heuie, UNION — IlllfrW IU131M AiiHlafloh or Mtmortal Fund Margaret Lafjey and Rose of the Basking Ridge Grisler, teth of Reseile and Mrs, JESDIMIR -Pauline O. (nee ANTIQUE linMupaeii painting owner will hold mertgage with Oyukln) an Sunday, November 31X33, tofi, traditional sale) 10 percent down, cali 174SM7, PUTNAM RIDGE Prtibytffian church. Mary lurns of Newark vtrvtf Wi club chair, geld cut Plush 7 rm. Split Level, w- Relatives, friends and members 6, 1977, of Union,' beloved wife of velvet,- anllqut nalditpslriti ilnlshed Mkemenf. central air, CHRIIT—On Monday, Nov. J, of the Sf, Thomas Holy Name Zdrevko JesdimiF, devoted sold leif thalr; ll alurn. siding, patio w built In 1977, Mrl, M, Chf Istlne, of Punta society and the Knights of sister of Mrs. Angy Zamboras BirbeQys. Many otHer estras. A Oords jllai, Fla., formarly of Columbus council No 1(0, and Alexander Gyukian,- also lahsginy can* back chair,' 1 LETUSPUTA Newark attended the funeral survived^y one nephew and two fhsrhli fee~ ppedMtti ! colf« decarafori dr«om. Lew 60'i. Union, btisved-wifi of Norman SOLD SIGN Real,ter, A. Chrllf, devoted rnolhsr of from The FUNERAL HOME OF nieces. Relatives and friends tabiat, 373 MM JAMIS F, CAFPRBV & ION, are kindly Invited to attend the K-ll-11 John R. Fucnt. Chrliflne ON YOUR HOUSE Gold Crest Realty McEwen, Marie Bennar, and S09 Lyons Ave., (corner of Park funeral from HAEBERLI AND IIX Dlnliii Room chairs, RAY BELL RLTR5. iMMM At 5i ptiPts,, In Union »4;fJM Norma Mllisr, alto survived by PI.), irvington, on Tuesday, BARTH COLONIAL HOME, badroom nt, dthumldlileir, ifllMorrllAv,, Union Ill-lit* four orondchlldren. Th« Funeral Thence to it Thomas church, 1100 Pine Ave,, corner of •ntiau* drawing table, miplt - ZlllJvS •ervlce will be held at The MC tleemfleld, where a Funeral yauxhall Read, union, on chttl of dr«w«rt, MCtMnii. UNION Mass was offered for his soul. start at LYONS! CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME. Thursday, November 10, at 11 thrN placa wall tr.atmant. By IBLL BAIY'S old toys witn 1OTAD 1500 Morrlt Aye., .Union, on a.m., thence to Serbian Eastern •ppt, anly, e«ll 711WW, a!Want Ad. Csll 6M7700 OAROALOWITI—On Orthodox Churchof St, George, 1 BR COLONIAL, Putnam Thuriday at 11 A.M. Interment South Broad St., Eiliabeth for a Manor, brick front with Lyens Iwi trained rhsviandt tor nwarding cirnri in Hollywood Memorial Park, In Thursday, Nov. a, 1W7 Theresa Funeral Mass at 1 p.m. columns, formal DR, large' thiexpanding HNithA'TaehnlealliaMil Both Evtnlng lieu of flowert, contributions (Soflan) of i»0« Vorkfown Blvd., kitchen, lunporch, rec, room. may (M miM to the American Toms River, N.J., beloved wife KANKOWSKI—Joseph, on Nov., Beautiful view, quiet area, many •nd Day claim jlart wen. Call for IFM "Caratrl" Cancer Society, of (he late Alexander i. 1977, of Irvington, N.J., deer extras, W§. catalog today, you'll receive by mail tomorrow... get Oargaldwlti,' devoted mother of brother of Mrs, Mary D.OUVBIRA—Amalla (nee Ronald sargaiowlti, Mrs. Gafkowska, Mrs, Josephine iilHTUiMPFiL-OSTlBTAO in on the action! Call today tor lurtl Fernandtt) of Mravlao Manor, Gladys Metlger and Mri, Rybarciyk and John Kenkow«KI Realtors iM-MSl •illibenVofl Novemtar I,lf77 Barbara Simon, sister of Mrs, of Poland, dear cousin of —— ZI0-11-W belsved wlfi of Manuel, devoted Mary Kramer, also survivM by woclaw Kankowjklof Neshanic mother of Justlrio DeOllvelra, Call thi Lyoni Inttitutf rmrtit rou six grondchlloren. The funeral Station. Relatives, friends and Ili|ib)i Initiation undti F.dtnllj Mri. Maria diceneele'as was conductad from The ME member! of J.T, Kotclultko Iwured Student torn Program! lot youi lr*« "Cinin" Citilq! Marque* end Mr«. Merit da CRACKIN FUNERAL HOME, Assn. of irvingten attended jnt Gloria Slnelro, deir sister of 1S86 Morris Ave., Union on funeral on Saturday, from The Enroll Now For Courses In Manual DimlM ana AnlMl Monday. The Funerel Mass at PARKWAY WOZNIAK • MEDICAL ASSISTANT COURSE PernanSNi elto survived by St, Michael's Church, Union, MEMORIAL HOMI, JM Myrtle • DENTAL ASSISTANT COURSE seven grandchildren. Relatives interment St. Teresa's Ave,, irvington, thence to Mil I AUTO LGflSG and friends attenMS th. funeral Cemetery, summit. Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, • MEDICAL LAB TECHNICIAN •erylci at the SULLIVAN Irvingten for a Funeral Mass, FUNERAL HOME, 144 I, Interment Our Lady ef C0NDITI0NIN6 MECHANICS • DENTAL LAB TECHNICIAN SMBIM Ave., Roi.ll., on Prlday, HUNQVAL—Suddenly on Nev, A Clestechowa cemetery, 0NDITI1BTJO0 N I ^ • ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICAL WIRINO COURSE intermint St. Sertrude's 4, 1977, Mathiat, of Maelewesd, Ooyl.itown, P» I DIESEL ENGINES CetntftrVi Colonii. belsved husband of Anna J, (nee RIPBI81BATJON H.aly), brether of JoMpti A, 4HEATINQ PINNIN—Marjlfl s. Jr., an Hunoval Sr., M Weitfleld, uncle Friday, Nov. 4, Wl, aM 47 yn., of Jimti F, O'Dowd it neme LYONS INSTITUTE of Ifvlngton, husband of Dons and JoMpfi A., Mathlat P. and H0LLWI00D FLORIST inee Hodge), devMed father of Edwardft, Hunoval , Mrs, Once 1682 1700 Stuyveiant Aye), Mri, Deborah Utpore, Srewry, Ardrey ft I and Mrs, Amy Carroll, Mri, Hose M. Union Irvington MlehMi and Timothy Fenner, Wt jpecl»|ize in Funeral Goodwin brother of Mrs. Gloria Muehieltn, Alfle Barttlsen and GriywmiKI, grindfather of Miss Allc» •erteisen. Relatives, Design and Sympathy Motors 10 Commtrc* Place •ric and List Laport. Relatives frundt and membtn of the Holy Arrangemr>nrs for fht jOWWiSl fiianlaH and frlendt tlss mirnbtn of Name Society of Our Lady of nireaved family luitpnone Call Today (or Catalog! 574-2090 American L.glon Poit No. IM o( ^SorrM»t cnurch, the Hungarlin_ y iu.i,.H.IIRo»d. Union, N»w Jff 201784^3770 Belleville, attended the funeral American Society of Hillside, ytiMt Thursday, November 10, 197/ Holland Tunnel Unemploymen* Colleges offer Smokers get one day 50 years old down in region joint course in Unemployment in September In this Saturday Union, Essex, Morris and Somerset therapy studies for kicking the habit counties dropped to 8,2' percent from The Holland Tunnel this Saturday Kean College in Union and the the 10.1 percent recorded in September College of Medicine and Dentistry of "The Great American Smokeout—a 8-day man for whom the cigarette has will complete 50 years of service to the 197fi, according to the State Department Day to Quit Smoking" will be conducted become a virtual trademark of his citiiens of the Metropolitan Area, The of Labor and industry. New Jersey in the School of Allied by the American Cnnccr Society's New performances. As of this writing, Port Authority of New York and New Health Professions are offering a joint The seasonally adjusted unem- program in physical therapy. Jersey Division on next Thursday, Nov. Sammy's challenge to Dean Martin to Jersey, which operates the tunnel, will ployment figures for the various labor 17, in conjunction with ACS divisions all join him in the "smokeout" has not observe the Mth birthday by unveiling a Kean College is the only college In the market areas ranged from a high of 12 state to offer a baccolaureate program 0cross the country, been accepted. plaque below the bust of Clifford percent in Hudson County to a low of 6.5 Leading the campaign to quit for a The smokeout in New Jersey is being Holland at the New York entrance to percent in Mercer, in physical therapy. The program, directed by Professor day is Sammmy Davis Jr., a two-pack- headed by S. John Quattrone of the Hudson River crossing. Holland On Oct. 24, the department an- 1 Katherine Le Guin of Moniclair, makes -Trenton, who alsu was a htiavy smoker was the first chief engineer for the I *;- nounced that the statewide unem- until he suffered a heart attack, "That mile long facility. ployment figure was B,5 percent, down use of resources of Kean College, the Grand master convinced me," said Quattrone "that one-tenth of a percent from the August College of Medicine and Dentistry of smoking wasn't worth dying for," The Holland Tunnel, the first Hudson New Jersey and health care agencies Those pledging to join the smokeout River vehicle tunnel and the first to and institutions. will visit lodge require forced ventilation, was opened Grand Master Harold E. Casper of will receive 1Q buttons signifying their NJ. credit unit Students in the pror.rom graduate intention of kicking the habit. The to traffic at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. with a bachelor of science degree in the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, 13, 1927, It connects Canal street in Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will younger at heart may also apply for hears Rinaldo physical therapy from Kean and a visit Ml. Sinai Lodge 272 at the Masonic "Kiss Me—I Don't Smoke" buttons at Manhattan with 12th and 14th streets in certificate from the College of Medicine Jersey City, and annually carries some Congressman Matthew Rinaldo of and Dentistry. They are qualified for Temple, 1444 N Broad St., Hillside, on their local American Cancer Society Union (R-12) will speak before The New Monday at 8 p.m county offices. Wallet-sized pledge 21 million vehicles between the two clinical positions in hospitals, nursing states. Jersey Association of Credit Casper will be welcomed to the lodge cards will be available for those who homes and community health agenics. iNCiNTlVIS—These buttons will be Executives tomorrow night at the With further study, they may assume by the noble grand, Sam Herring of want to carry a reminder of their in- available to those smokers who At the time of its opening, the Holland Manor in West Orange. Irvington, and the district deputy grand tention to quit for good. Tunnel was the longest underwater administrative and educational participate In the American Cancer Past presidents of the 70-year-old positions master, Norman Shab of Union. , For those who don't feel capable of Society's local "Great American tunnel in the world: its north tube is organization will be honored. The An intergrated approach is used in The Aidens, a husband will demon- going it alone, stop-smoking clinics are Smokeout" on Nov. 17, The day to 8,558 feet long, portal to portal; the Association serves ita 400 members by the treatment of the muscular, skeletal strate precognition, clairvoyance and being provided by the American Cancer quit smoking Is a nationwide event south tube, 8,371 feet long promoting efficient and effective credit thought projections Refreshments for Society, Literature about the Actual construction of the tunnel management through credit education, and nervous systems. Exercise, heat, relationship between cigarette smoking Intended to get smokers to kick the electricity, water, ultrasound and other the program will be served by the good habit eventually. They will receive began in 1920. Holland, the engineer support of legislation, and improving and welfare committee under the and lung cancer, as well as tips on how who surmounted many hitherto un- the interchange of credit information " rnnarm are usert in therapy to quit, may be obtained from local ACS the buttons In exchange for a pledge direction of the chairman, Max Horwiiz to stop smoking. solved engineering problems to meet of Springfield offices. the challenge of vehicular tunnel construction, did not live to see the TURN ONS The Elizabeth Agency Group jChorus plans Lecture slated completion of the tunnel. He died in 1924 IHSuRANCi CONSULTANTS at the age of 41, a victim of overwork ISPBINCISTBIH lUJAMTH N j O71M and exhaustion in his zeal to ac- open house on art in Israel complish this pioneering engineering NATIONWIDE Group traveling? The Hickory Tree Dr. Abraham A. Davidson, professor feat. POLICYHOLDERS! Chapter of Sweet of art history at Temple University's In the development of a method to Adelines, Inc. will have an Tyler School of Art, will lecture on If Your Nationwide Coverage Ii Going To Expire handle large volumes of vehicular CaU Thf Largest "Personal Llnei" Agency In Have fun together open house Monday at 8 aspects of art in Israel at Kean College traffic in a tunnel of such great length, p.m. in St, Patrick's on Nov. 10 at 9:30 a.m. in Room J-lOOon WHERE IS IT'S IN Northern New Jersey. There's A Reason Why,,. on a the solution of the ventilation problem HOLLYWOOD CALIFORNIA Church, Chatham street the Union Campus. The lecture is free was of fundamental importance. Four AND WHV AND BfCftUSE Customer Service! and Washington, avenue, and open to the public. ventilation buildings, two on each side IS IT IVlEfONE 9 TIL 5 CALL 355-5536 or PL6-7975 chartered TNJ bus. Chatham . His 1975 book, The Story of American of the Hudson River, house immense FAMOUS ? LIVES Painting was published by Abrams and n it's the way to go to save money, beat traffic Departing from Its fans which can provide change of air regular Monday rehearsal circulated by the Literary Guild, His every 90 seconds. and parking problems . . , and to save gas! schedule, the chorus and articles and reviews have appeared in For charter information and reservations chapter quartets will the Art Bulletin, Art Journal, Art in The principles employed in the design calll: present a program of America, Art News and American and construction of theHolland Tunnel musical entertainment in Quarterly, still form the basis for construction of fourpart harmony. underwater vehicular tunnels, not only Dr. Davidson received his A.B, cum between New York and New Jersey, but 624-6622 Hickory Tree Chapter,, a laude from Harvard University in or write throughout the world. The Rsies DayDaff; 70-vocie women's chorus, Architectural Sciences, and his Ph.D in The Superb Trara»orr _ placed second in regional Art History from Columbia University The bold and Beautiful dr competition last April and in 1965. Delbarton society sign In ISk gold er p\&- of New Jersey is now preparing to tlnum sniy, In? lm= TOUR DEPARTMENT pregnable Oyster compete again next : fhf unique Frr ISO Boyden Ave., Maplewood, N.J, 07040 slates Bach recital sldent br aeelet- spring. PS earnings rise fiatftf, Public Service Electric and Gas Co, The St. Mary's Abbey-Delbarton but cennsf aeeleve, ICARPBNTBRS, wearer of this Rsley We're going your way! has announced that earnings for the Concert Series will present a recital by Dsy Date, • ATTENTION! Sell yourself to the Delbarton Chamber Music Society IsO.OOQ families with a low csst first nine months ended Sept. 30 were •K Praciltf • Want Ad. Call 416 7700, $133.1 million equal to $2.25 a share, on Sunday, Nov. 20. wlrh H'lddtn $ Cl.ip compared with $113,5 million, or $1.95 The group will present works of a share, for the year-ago period. lit Bnc.l.t wllh Schubert and Phillip Emnnuel Bach. RaSUlir fillip . Revenues for the nine months rose to $1,50 billion from $1.37 billion in the like The program will take place at 3 p.m. 1976 period. in Old Main on the Delbarton Campus.

St. Barnabas NEW 1978 19" RCA ©ffsr EHplfM n-)*p -~ EXPERT book sale set TV& The Patients' Library of COLORTRAK TV Appliances "Saint Barnabas Medical TV ANTENNAS IN5TALLID Center, Livingston, will hold a book sale for the benefit of the Guild Friday, Nov. IB, from 10 Quasar CALORIC a.m. to 9 p.m, in the lower lobby of the hospital. • WHIRLPOOL Books to be donated can "Unbeatable Prices — Reputable Service" be delivered to the Guild 1070 Stuyvaunt Ave,, Union — Open Eves. New, cool running, anargy-tavlng 9649800 Office at the hospital prior chasili- only 101 watts avarag* comumptlon. Automatic contrail- Plenty ef Firking nest is tha Building to the date of the sale, color tracklngj automatic flesh OUSE which is open to the public. ton* correction; automatic light New Super Deluxe SURPLUS LIOUiDATORS HnMf, Supir AccuFlltar blade matrix picture tuba. Light-up dial NEVER STOOP and built-in antanna. Llghfwtlght, ANTENNA SYSTEM Backtd by Apt* TV'l ralllbla Completely Initalltd, You can depend on fat Mrvlci, Provldei reception for Si •CARRY-IN AND SAVE! NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! R.CA. both UHF S. VHP channels. men—they will never PERMACOLO •FAST HOME SERVICE WAREHOUSE OUTLET stoop to anything low. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONSUMER PRODUCTS, ELECTRONICS* APPLIANCES, TOYS ELECTRIC CAN OPENER DELUXE PORTABLE MEN'S SHIRTS /KNIFE SHARPENER Lang Sleeve Perm FfesS ELECTRIC BEATERS Prims i. stripes •ml Brand 4 Decorator Colors Reg $ Reg. $498 *•* IU.99 I9.S9 Great Buys on BARBIE CHRISTMAS DELUXE COUNTRY CAMPER DECORATIONS Buy Now From A, Huge Assortmenti BACKGAMMON SET or BEACH BUS QRNftMINTS, BOWS, SATINS, MANDCRAFTID $1*95 Reg- $Q99 Great!ruit from Florida s low asgH^ $14,50 3 Treat your family and friends to the greatest gift, good AUTO STEREO health. ELECTRIC SPEAKER SYSTEM STEREO TV STAND If you make sure that fruit is In the house, everyone will eat WALL PLATES Reg. $QQ95 3 Wood (. 2 Plate GlBuShelVil | it. Aii't . Wood Qraln Finish Reg $i ass R«g. A fie *49.00 V« Geiger's stock apples and citrus fruits by the trailer load. -OIRi,*' «. LAOIEI ll,7§ 49 139,00 III Come out and pickyour good health. • «V \ WINTER COATS LEATHER DOLL/PAJAMA CITRUS FRUIT COUPON: SALE STARTS NOVIMBiR 10 THRU NOVEMBiR 21 Reg. WORK GLOVES PLiASi BRING THi COUPON. WHY NOT BUY A CASE & SHARf IT WITH A FRIEND? BAG 189.19 Reg. Reg- $199 13.85 $110 12.99 I LIBBY 4-Pc, CASE LOTS NO LIMIT 4 10-oz. MONTEREY 4-Pc. COFFEE MUG SE1 DECORATOR SET COUNT ROCK GLASSES YOU YOU 6.5 oi, WINE/JUICE PER REGULAR by ANCHOR HOCKING Regency Gift Collection CASE VARIETY PRICE SAVE PAY Beautiful* sturdy fl at, size GLASSES $059 Reg. $|99 Reg. $-|99 Rag, 15.95 Si IG.99 Mt 32 White Seedless Grapefruit 5,75 1,00 4,76 I 36 Pink Seedlew Grapefruit 6.25 1,00 S.7B N9i I DELUXE H.D, FURRY ANIMAL 100 Early Juice Cringes 7.25 1.00 6.26 CORK BULLETIN BOARDS LAUNDRY BASKET CS ; 48 Navel Oranaes 8.25 1.00 7.26 Large I8"x25" She Reg, 120 .< Tingerines 10.25 1.00 9.26 Reg. %\ 99 Reg. AQ SO Tangalos 6.50 1.00 6,50 13.00 I |4,K IMP VISE-GRIPS PLANT HANGERS 8-QT. WASH BASIN Bags of Six Fruit: AND POTS with MsilM Hintiti 32 White Grapefruit Seedless .30 .20 1.10 Rig. 36 Pink Grapefruit Seedless .30 .20 1.10 Many Itylfi $195 W,ir And HIM R«g -jgc 48 Navel Oranges 1,30 .20 1.10 I »P Bags of 12 Fruit: THERMO RAY WALL HEATERS 100 Early Juice'Oranges .15 - .20 .SB ULAporovM, liSOWBftaorlWQWitfi 120 Tangerines .25 .20 1.06 'HUNDREDS OF ITEMS' 80 Tangelos 1.26 .?0 1.05 IN STOCK AND MORE ARRIVING DAILY FROM SPAINGflELO RESTAURANT COFFEE SHOP BAKEftV 4 PRODUCE 181 BALL AVE., WHO!! Mon.-Sal. 11:30 a.m. loiO p.m 7 45 am to 11 p.m 9>mlo9pm • PLAINFIELD Sun. 12' lo 10 pm M3-3444 CALL FROM 964-5206 Oum. OPEN 7 DAYS • 560 SPRINGFIELD AVE., WESTFIELD, N.J, UNION Mon., Wed., Fri. 9-6 M0WA /m IOBB/ A KENILWOflTH Tues., Thurs, t-f • Sat. 10-3 \ OUSE PL1NTY OF Supp!.,n»nl lo Morri.tewn Daily Pi,,,,,! Ho..,w

Coldw«ll Progrcii Madison |o0i, , ,.„,,lvi v "* •••- B.,L.I. .,oh,, H '"j"J"_ yVl"' E"B* Irlbuns Millbum & Short Hiiii Horn, Mopleweod/ioulh Ofanga N«w» Record, Summit Heroli Nov. 17, 1977 V M o "*' ""'• D'spetth Umgn Loader Springfield loadof. Mountainiids Echo. Vaiiiburg, Eche«s.Sentinel Thuri

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ZENITH ALLEGRO STEREO SYSTEM AM/FM RECEIVER PIONEER 8 TRACK PLAYIR AND DELUXE TUHNTABLE CINTREX THISHOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER AS SHOWN FISHER STEREO SYSTEM H purchased with *****%fte STEREO SYSTEMS Total Home Entertainment System ZENITH 19" DIAGONAL additional matching speakers *J "J flJJ AM/FM Rteeivtr AM/FM Receiver with 8 track player COLOR TVS with built in B track 1 OQ95 ind deluxe <• QASS 95 SAVE $200.00 ONLY in player 199.95 turntable. 419.80 197 walnut finish. 4S9.95 339 95 169 SAVE OVER and we will $100.00 Rgladly arrange BIG "installation for SIZE 95 AMANA RADARANGE nominal charge. 349 Microwave ovens with 2 560.00 AMERIC Value timers MICROWAVE OVENS E UNDERCOUNTER deluxe cooking kit, 95 We made a ! JVESTHWfWU&HmO ONLY 379 DISHWASHERS special purchase! 229 2 DOOR REFRIGERATORS MANY MORE REASONS TO BE THANKFUL

T.V.'S List Sale RANGES AND MICROWAVES List Sale APPLIANCES List Site GE II" DIAGONAL BLACK i KHITI TVS...... 11S.00, 69 95 HEAVY DUTY 4 IU1N[R GAS MNGIS. 241.15... 149.95 DORMITORY, BAR, DEN MINI REFRIGERATORS 119,95 13,95 ZENITH ir DlAGOHAL SUHU I WHITI TVS,, I IMS n.n HEAVT DUTY 4 BURNER Elf CTRIC RANGES ..... 219,95.,, 179JS 6110 CU, FTMMIGIRATORS. 295.00 119.15 MACNAVOIAC/OCILACK I Win TVS ,, , 129.95. HEAVY DUTY 30" GBMN6K ...... 3M.95.., 1I9.H 6114 CU. 0.1 DOOR REFRISIRATORL JMJL 211.95 1MJ5 CALORIC W 6JB MN6U .. 219.1!... 199.15 FRIGIDAIRf 17 CU H REFRIGERATORS.. 479.9! I| GE If OIASONAL lUCK * WHlftTVS;'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. MM'. lifts AMERICAN MAM MICROWAVE WINS 499.95 .. IWIRUWL15 CU. FT. RErRieEMTORS, 4?9.f! 171.95 6E10" DIAGONAL PMTASLt COLOR TVS , 270,00. 171,95 GI MICMWMt OVENS. 43195... 269.95 FRIGIDAIRE 20 CU. FT. REFRIGERATORS 519.95. 421.15 irOIAMNALSOtlBSTATIOHOI1 TVS...... 319-95 229.95 AMANA RADARANGE MICROWAVE OVENS ,. 399.95... 279.95 WHIRLPOOL 19CU.R REFRIGERATORS 529.95, 429,98 MAGNAVOX SOLID STATE PORTAiU COLOR TVS...... MISS, 291,95 TWERMADOR MICROWAVE OVEN W/BROWNER,.,. HS.M... 299.95 AMANA 1GCUFT. REFRIGERATORS .. 569.96. 441,15 R« 19" DIAiONAL SOUO STATE COLOR TVS...... M9.95 349.95 HARDNIW PiLOTUSS W GAS WNSIS ...... 417,00... 299.9} 24 CU. FT SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATORS IM.9!. S29,95 RCA ir OIASONALCOIOR TRM TVS 529.95 39i,IS CALORIC 2IOV. SIU CLEANING RANGES...... 429.95... 299.95 AMANA 19 CU. R. SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATORS 779.95, 129.95 aNBHIJOiASOIiALeONSOU COLOR TVS,...... 629.95 - 491,95 CALORIC PILOTUSS SEU CLEANING GAS RANGES . «9.95... 319.M 10CU.FT.CHISTrtlUIRS ,.... 279.91. 189.95 mli" 0IA60NALCONSO11 COLOR TVS 7N.95 iW.iS GI DELUXE MICROWAVE OVENS iM.lS.., 459,95 GI 12 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREBtRS 119,1!. 229.95 CALORIC 2 OVEN S£l/ CLEANING GAS RANGES •.. 719,95... Sra.lS llCU.r7.CHESTF«IHIK .... J45,O0. GE 30" 2 OVEN SELF CLEANING EUCTRtC...... STEREOS List Sale 1019.00... S99.95 17 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZERS, 3(9.95. 279.95 59.95. J9.S5 CALORIC COMBINATION GAS t MICROWAVE 1325.00... 959.95 CALORIC REUSE 1 HOLD UCTR DISHWASHERS . 249.95. 199,95 nmm i THAW m mum. 51.95. 39.95 THIRHUQI MICRO t CONVENTIONAL ...... 1415.00...1129.IS KITCHENAIDUCTR. DISHWASHERS (+ PANEL) - 17!.OO. 299.95 SOUNOiSIGNITRACItSni , __ WHIRLPOpL (TOP MODEU UCTR. DISHWKHIRS 411.00, 141.15 RADIOS AND CB'S List Hale IH!OttimuSUPtR«tHTR.D/WH- PANEO- hSHU DCUBI AIR SUSPENSIOli SP£«£RS .., .... 19.95 299.95. 99.95 BEUJH "TURNTUU" Cl ANTENNAS...... 35.90.. 19.95 SPKD QUIIN PORTAILE EUCTRIC DRYERS -urn, 19,95 OECTtOf HONIC PUT RECORD I TRACK STtREOS 159,95 PIONIIR anna i TRACK nutos,. .... 199.95. 129.95 Gt AM/FM CLOCK RADIOS. 25.15. i 19.95 GE FAMILY SIZE ELECTRIC DRYERS ...... 125.00. .... 119.85. 139.95 PANASONIC AM/FM TABU RADIOS ...... 39.fS... HM G£HHVYDUT»6AS DRYERS..... 209,95, 119,95 PANASONIC 1 TRAM STIRtO SYSTEMS , 119,95 SMITH ALLURO STEREO W/TURNTABLE .... 229.15. PANASONIC AM/FM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIOS 42.15.. 29.95 PORTAIU APARTMENT WASHERS 241.SS. :... 249.15. 17i.9i MAGNAVOX MULTI MUD PORTABLE RADIOS...... 79.95... J!,»5 WISTmSHOUSIHIAVYDUnilASHIRS.., 249.15 249.1! pJUMsomcpUy RECORD STIRIOS, . 319.95 MAGNAVOXSTIREO CONSOLES...... 39M5, M9.M TOSHIBA SHORT WAVE P08TABU RADIOS...... 6995 . 44 95 WdRlPOOL 2 SP. 5 CYCLL DELUXE WASHERS .... 329.95 •DRTSWr'STfREeCONSOLa,.,.. :.... 549,95. 379.99' HTGAIN23CHANNELCTS 99.95.. 49.95 WtSTINGHOUSE IILB, DELUXE MASHERS...... 386.00 319.15 ,.,,, S79.95. J99.9S PEARCE SIMPSON 40 CHANNEL DELUXE CB-S... 250.00... 99.95 S59.9!.


Reg, S.39 ::.f,? PACK , y. 7,„0 squaf,,,__ o pt of papof %EyU and 25 square tent ol l©ii CHRISTMAS *^™ And new des.ignii 20 ALL ALIKE BOWS CHRISTMAS Matching Accessories in six lovely colors YOUR XARP! Refl. 69C CHOICE Bog.2 00 All with self slicking A. Book end* backs* Asserted colors I. Oval dssk basket Matching leathertex coverings with gold A qreat selection of all alike per pkg. C. Ashtray toojino. • • I" flood looking brown, green, Christmas cards suitable for imprint. D. Stationary rack All new designs, NO, 3100 E. Memo holder pink, blu«, yellow only. ing F. Pen and bate H. LETTER OPINiR. USUAL 1.75 1.39 G. Desk pad. tlzof I2"xl9", I, PENCIL CUP, USUAL 1,75 1,39 14"x24", 16^x21", !9"«24 STATiONERY SCOTTY STORES Phone 992.0484

Sale Dates;



PANTS PIACEE BOOKSELLER 45 Livingston Mall • Upper Level 994-2250'1 WOODBBIDGECajTEB WHIN IT COMIS TO CQMPLiTfNjS^ WELOWBBOORMAU In reality, we have a special way a' making grow, but uvury tmiu you (jufdituo a I ittnvin diamonds grow. And it's possible we ro the diamond of any size, you'll receive our written only jeweler who has the secret. It's called the certified appraisal so you'll know exactly what Littman lifetime trade-in allowance guarantee you're buying With guild gemologists on our and it works like this, if you buy a half-carat staff, we're one of the few jewelers who can diamond at Littman, whenever you re ready, appraise each and every diamond ourselves. we'll apply every penny you paid toward the We can also guarantee that every diamond purchase of a larger diamond. When that we offer has been personally inspected by a becomes too small, well again apply every member of the Littman family before being penny to an even larger diamond. And we'll included in our collection. keep doing it as often as you like until your If you d like to own a diamond that grows, diamond has grown" as large as you like. come to Littman, We've been making them At Littman not only enn your diamond rjrnw for over 92 ypnrs.


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LittmaJM m A A JEWELERSn 26 fine stores in New Jersey. New York, Pennsylvania Mill Stores: Lawrence Livingston MariiUfipan Mnnio Park Monmouth Ocean County Paramys Park Quaker Bridge Rockaway Toms River West Self Stated Island N V Downtown: Dover New Brunswiiik Perth Amboy Somervillu Philadelphia Ami: Cumberland Dpptlora Echelon Lehigh Valley Levillo Montgomery Mooroblown Oxlo'd Vnllay Plymouth Meeting Willmgboro Major charge cards or Littman Flexi-Chargo orices slashed on F famous NINARICCI Designer Eyewear it- ^ Your choice of 4 popular styles

Christmas to a man .,. .95 Stylos 1063K. 108ii, 1088H, and a lot of their presents are going to come from ^ ^4 M Natelsons 1 Hour Sifvie«*» PresertBtiont Filted It's where you can shop Lenses Duplicated* Oesigner Eytwear Dteorinvt Monograms •Tinted Glasses comprehensively Take a casual corduroy suit, 105 00. the look is LIVINGSTON MALL made by a sleeveless sweater, 16 00 to 19 00 Lower Level Near Star Roebuck Toss in a wool muffler. 944-1444 IB 00. corduroy sap 8 50 And so on, throughout COHEN'S Fashion Optical Naiet You get this comprehensive shopping only in an old- time, full service men's specialty store like us We even gift wrap free, *or instance, all part of our creative attention to you, NEW JERSEY AUTOMOBILE CLUB our customer ONE HANOVIR ROAD. FLORHAM PARK, N,J _Natelsons directly off Parking Area 24 nV 1 Livingston Mall 992 8000 BUY-A-GIFT • I • -' 'i MEMBERSHIP

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YOUR EXCLUSIVE NATURALIZER. SHOE STORES RIVERSIDE SQUARE MALL THE SHOE WITH TH1 BEAUTIFUL FIT LIVINGSTON MALL HACKENSACK, N J. WM1 i LIVINGSTON, N J, "BY THE FOUNTAIN" (201) 489-2550 UPPER LEVEL (201) 992 4645 LEWS STUDENT framed prints STRAIGHT-LEG DENIM JEANS attractively framed in silver and $1199 gold metal frames. S15.SO At The County Seat we've got a large selection of Levi's straight, by .egdenim'ieans for students on sale! Choose from waist sizes 25ho "to give you that perfect fit.. .everytime! STEWART MOSKOWITZ STRAIGHT-LEG $ CORDUROY JEANS FOR MEN s 99 10 Reg, $13.80 County Seat brings you the greiftat! A large selection of Levi's the american straight-leg corduroy leans for men are now on sale! Get a super rabbit .24 \36 fit in a variety of sizes, We accept Master Charge, American Express, Visa or BankAmericard COUNTY SEAT

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thru this weekend!



Dramatic Save Energy With OPEN WEAVE FOAM BACKED DRAPERIES DRAPERIES Save $6 to $23 Fantastic Savings On TTiese Keep The Heartn With ' Fashion New "TARA" Patterned Print Draperies That Are Extra Wide, Draperies That Combine Color Machine Washable, Permanent With Light To An Enchanting Ef- Press, Insulate Against Heat And fect! Washable. Drip Dry In Colors Cold, 70% Rayon" 30% Acetate. Style Of: Flax, Brown, Blue, Gold, Green STURBRIDGE In Brown Or Gold. and Melon. $ 99 99 45 Reg. 69.00 60" W x 84" I 198 SO'W i S4'L 13" Rsg, 20.00 100"Wx84"L 99 S 100"W»M"L 31 Beg. 45.00 160" Wi 84" LI 52"

From Our ^BLOOMCRAFT" Jialh Boutique SUPERSHEER EVERY SHOWiR CURTAIN^ND BEDSPREADS MATCHING WINDOW CURTAIN OQ75 ON SALE TWIN SPREAD fcU Reg. 57.50 FULL SPREAD 3400Reg, 68,00 Over 35 Different Styles, fach style ~-—in-An Array of Faorics, Vinyls and 4Q50 Colors to Choose From. You Will Re Throw Style, Quilted to QUEEN SPREAD cognize the Manufacturer's name the Floor, Diagonal Brick T^W Reg, 81,00 on each one, Quilting, 4 Oz, Kode! 4750 Fiberfill, Back 100% DUAL KING Cotton, Supersheen ^ f Reg, 96,00 CASHIER WILL DEDUCT 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester. Solid Colors SW x 84 Drapery HfiOO of Pongee, Terra Cott, I W Reg. 32,00 Sable, Gofd and Navy. Quantities Limited to PILLOW SHAMS Reg. 17.50 THE TICKET PRICE Stock in Store. INTf RMiDIATE SALE PRICES HAVE SEEN TAKEN ON THIS ITf M. SIZE AND COLORS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALf, ROCKLAND SHOPPING PLAZA RT. 56, NANUET, NEW YORK CURTAIN WORLD ARCHWAY SHOPPING PLAZA SCARSDALE, NEW YORK LIVINGSTON MALL • UPPER LEVEL NEAR SEARS TURNPIKE SHOPPING CENTER 201 992-5042 • Hours'. Mon. Thru Sat, 10.00 • 9:30 FAIRFIELD, CONNiCTICUT GRUBEWS Do-do-doodle- DRESS SHIRTS ,, . oodle-ooh-do-do-do. Have the extra touch of elegance in various moods for fall '77 Do-do-doodle- ubtli1 Stripes - Tone on Tone oodle-ooh-do-do-do. Solids • Button Dunn U)^ -From $11.50 .•MANCIM = 817 AH) Do-do-doodle- 1 DAMON • $18. W oodle-ooh-do-do-do. ADOLPHO-827.50 Do-do-doodle- -/'The newest fall colon* to accent the shirt oodle-w^h-do-do-do. of your choice. *6JOto«17;50 • BILL BLASS • PICCOLO • LANVIN • PRINCE RINALDl

. Open • Omb.i'i charg, .eeounl • M.ior Charge Card, Honmtd GRUB€ftS LIVINGSTON MALL , IRVINGTON CENTER • UNION CENTER , FRSEX QREEN PLAZ&- WEST ORANGE WHERE CAN • Piece of French Brie • Garlic P4ekl©Jor Stick of Pepperoni • Wedge of English Stilton • Ham on rye to go .\ • Piece of Greek Feta • Piece of Cheesecake SANTA CLAUS • Piece of Italian Gorgonzola IS COMING TO LIVINGSTON MALL • Coke or coffee to go • Piece of Domestic Kasseri ON AN ANTIQUE CALUAPHONE • Lb. of Gourmet Coffee or Tea • Lb. of Thumann Cold Cuts SATURDAY MORNING SOON TO BE READY — SIT-DOWN COUNTER NOVEMBER 19-10 AM "H«'» gonna find out who's naughty anil nice," Mara than just a cheese store* • • ALSO. WITH SATfTA ROSIE and FERBERT The Clowns DONT MISS THE FUN! Livi







LOWER LEVEL NEAR BAMBERGER'S A handsome gift HONG KONG ORIENTAL GIFTS, LTD. Christmas at'7.99 Headquarters for Over 10,000 Unusual .•.And, Oriental & Domestic something items From totiett Ail Over The World. with. Gifts At Prices You Can Afford,


DRESS SHIRTS- Reg 9 99 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES. Save 20°'o on our fine Shirts Expertly tailored m washable pol ester and cotton with new (ash>on Full Line of Xmas Studio Cards collar and 2-button cu"S Nc r needed 14 '/a to 17. Stocking Stuffers, Jewelry, TIB- Reg S4 andSS iongs, Pipes and Poster Sets. free 1008e poiye'sler ties .n a groa selection of handsome patterns and solids LIVINGSTON MALL UPPIR LiVEL NEAR SEARS »92.860S

Save 33/3% on Superb Hoff ritz Knives

Jn <$/<*<**

Hoffritz, America's premier cutlery merchant for more than 44 years is proud to glltr these fine knives in four distinctive sets. The stainless blades have a high carbon content Handcrafted Result: sharper knives with a keener, longer-lasiing cutting edge. The rosewood handieu _are secuxrtjoJuJ|Jarigi^UhLlh_res^vtiS,_FuiLtang mean* t.fre blade continues the length Htmicarms^ of the handle for strength, solidity and balance. Now at a 33Vj% savings, you can chotrsi; from a fine the set that suits your needs and buy several as Christmas gifts. collection Shown: THE PROFESSIONAL (88773) 3V Paring. 5" Utility. 6" Boning. 6" tak'i 6" Fork, B' Carver. 8" Chef's. 10" SHcer starting at $10 Reg. .Price $112.50 Sale Price S75 THE UTILITY (887571 3'," Paring, 5" utility.'(T Chef's. 8" Carver. R*g, Price $57 Sale Price $31 THE BASIC (88749) 33." Paring. 5" Utility. 8' Carver Reg, Price $34,50 Sale Price 121 Not shown; THE COOK'S '88765) lu" Paring. 5" Utility. 6' Cook's 8* Chef's. 10" SKc Reg, Price $73.50 Sale Price $49 8" Boning Kmte (8S595).and 6" Fork 188587) shown in Set 188773) can be purchased separately Reg Price $12. each. Sale Price $i. each. Not shown: Magnetic Ban Wicksmticks 2B% off when you purchase any of these sets. Reg. Pfiee $6.50. Sale Price V * LiVINfiSTON MALL H°FEWTZHASIT UPPBfLSVELTreXTTO-BKMBBRGHrS*—- •JAZZ z •POP o INVENTORSAVE ON OUR COMPLETE INVENTOflY OF LP'S 4 TAPES OH THE LABELS LISTEYD HERE , INRIO THE PRICE CATEGORIES TSHOWN! •ROCK • COLUMBIA • EPIC • A&M • BUDDAH • PORTRAIT • PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL • BLUE SKY • KIRSHNER • PLAYBOY" BESERKLEY • CARIBOU • CALLA • T-NECK • TSOP • INVICTUS • VIRGIN • LIFESONG • HORIZON •FOLK (THE COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS CLASSICAL RECORDINGS ARE NOT INCLUDID IN THIS SALE) FEATURIHG SUCH GREAT ARTISTS AS: • HEART • CWCAOO • PAWi MASON • BLUE OYSTER CULT • EOZ SCA6GI • KANSAI • BOSTON • BILLY JOEL •SOUL • ENGELBERT HUMPERHNCK • NEIL DIAMOND • SANTANA • THE JACKSONS • BARBRA STREISAND • AERQSMfTH • DAN FOGELBERG • BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN •OJAYS .EARTH, WIND iRRi » GARPENTiRS « PETER FRAMPTON • CHUCK MANBIONE • SUPIRfRAMPS » CAT STEVENS » RITA GOOLJME • NILS LOFGfliN • PETER ALLEN • GATD BARtUERI . MELBA MOORE • BEN VEREEH • NORMAN CONNOBS • GLADYS KNIGHT AND MANY, MANY MORE! ON TAPE WHERE AVAILABLE

S»ts of 2 LP's or more- pi IIQ! EVERY • NONESUCH • EVERYMAN. pas _multiply no_o(-LEis^. PRICf S ARf EFFECTIVE U - "' LP IN OUR HUGf INVENTORY AT XT ,„ In sat by 2.39 "Spin-sationa! packages!" "Music system special!" ooo SAVE $30 Merilon AM/FM 8-Track/Phono 3-ln-1 Compact Music System BM-C 920 Belt-Drive B*l*C940 Bait-Drive B-l-C 960 Belt-Drive Reccwd Chonger With Base, RscOfd Changer With Record Changer WJ(h Bnmmfng with fpatufrs Cartridge, Dust Cover Base And Dust Cover Base And Dust Cover Hensiiivi? AM FM stmfio raa pr w. !oudn(*S3 componrinfinn and i-yniin Gfnai deal1 A iota! cocofd Tho B4O is Quiet as a byttefily. Msfg ydvaneed ientufes tor ou?i tnno c-onfiQis. full BI/G DSH nuin pJiiying sysinm inf one ef the and damped %uperb perlofmanc-tj and fie* mnlrc record chiinfjnf 8 track pluyi'r (Qwest prices yog il ever ^up g lor^arri. much teiiify Fyiha^e jigifer Caftndgt? with nuto mrjnuai r.hiinntM r,(;!f*f,tuf tDf this kind of qualify esfra and two high-cornpjiiifif.i' ;nr susp*""1 95 95 95 Complete' Complete' Reg. 149.95 59 89 139 "Tim©-ly buy!" "Musical marvel!"

"Our lowest price ever!" Jensen Modal 20 Meriton Batt./AC 2-W«y Speaker Lots of sound for this AM/FM Radio With low, low price1 BM Cassette Recorder woofer and 2" tweet- AM/FM Digital Clock Radio er for brilliant highs Great AM/FM Recep- Solid-state circuitry, excellent AM/FM and rich, deep lows tion! Record off-the-air sound Music or alarm wake-up, live with build-in mike ^^leep switch, more. 95 Urge 4-3/4" full range 95 39 EACH speaker lor BIG sound. Hsg. 59.95 SAVES20 "Two winners, one low price!" Sharp RT-1155 Front-Load meriton Cassette Deck With Dolby* SAVE $20 Trust your oars Exclusive Auto Program Search System lets you advance to the next selection at the -touch—f>j—n-jiytinn nuai x/u jifltnfs._ tape_ "Great track record!" selector switch, much morol OR Technics RS-615US Front-Load ADC XLM MKH Stereo Cartridge Cassette Deck With Dolby* Top-quality pick-up with "induced magnet", Has tlmar standby mechanism tor iutomatie record or playback at a preset time High design forSiper tracking accuracy. precision level meters, mic/line input selec- tor, super alloy head, more! 88 YOUR 95 CHOICl! 28 Tfc-*«™ 169 each THl *OHL0S LAHOtSl HtCQBB M« 4 AUDIO DtALgtt ?• •• PRICES km iFFfCTIVf LIVINGSTON MALL LIVINGSTON, N.J. IT'S BEGINNING TO READ A LOT LIKE • CHRISTMAS. SELECT YOUR PERFECT HOLIDAY GIFTS AT WALDENBOOKS . .. OR, GIVE A JOURNEY TO THE WORLD OF BOOKS WITH A WALDENBOOKS GIFT CERTIFICATE!


• Roekaway Townsquare Waidenbooks s u\l -,111111 •" willowbrook Moll * FABULOUS — • Wayne Hills Moll

Ruggedly built for tough wear, cushioned for comfort. Now is the time to get em . for serious hiking or city walking! ii Special Vak padded suede leather upper, Gals long-lasting ribbed soles. Fashion Jeans Men's $19,99 leys' $18,99 in Denim & Cord Reg. $18-$23 #14,90 Flannel L/S Shirts Reg. $14 HO.9O Kids Woven & Flannel Shirts liiriT W 'Guys Fashion Jeans Rugged hiker, with | Reg. $16 & Up padded leather upper, durable soles. Flannel & Western Shirts Men's 134.99 Reg.$14-$i6 Plus hundreds of oth<*store-wide Special Values!



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th, e HowarMembedr FDIC liwnwl(^IJ1tUyingstonMallXjusUnaidejriaiDlQ\6ffirJevel-Ejsfi^^ is where the r JWNJWESf fun starts! CURES the uncommonly cold: 257oOFF ALL HEAVY OUTERWEAR! Choose from a selection of polyiilled down leek, sherpB-linod nyion, pilsd=lined eordi and un=eui cords, piied-hngd Oxtofd poplin, and shofpa-lined spin cowhide rcg. S31-S9O

We lake your fun seriously Uivinpton Mai! Parartius Park Offer good; Rockaway Townsquare Wlllowbrook Mall NOV. 17-19 and other major shopping centers, LIVINGSTON

Spencer supplies tne gins you supply the love Spencer Ottts^olpsto set the Christmas scene with gifts that 8fO fun to give and receive Posters ancj Plush anlmafa for the kids, incense and exotic lighting lor leens, bath and jewelry gifts tor morn, bar mirrors and backgammon games tor dad plus so much more. This Christmas, Spencer's has it all for you.

WtMFflK-.kf, Ofl.Ll.LHV Ol UNUSUAL (t Yi~'r* I Iris iV his

The Actives by Woolrich

Th( IMJV In Ai'tr ' If' ft rl A c tjniltirt.ihlt, nuti i iiirl r i I C |>i V p itfi-Tn til i irni I HI 1 i r Ht A ul I) n,I i ,i H "III • I Mllll Wi il In I I I t y i[M


Livingston Mall, ' til \ V * H 111 iRHIilM IllXil it \1.MII\, Livingston FLORSHEIM Tf 1/WER MCNEIL 'M SI I I I -\l I Rl\l .11' *<-~l II IV si I. 1 - I i i4( \,\i i\ll \ \N| I Ml \

fWOODTONE" STARTER SET INCLUDES; 10 GALLON WOODS RAIN AQUARIUM, - - • — FUirWSH I AIR™ PUMP, BOTTOM FILTER, BOX SALE EXPIRES FLOSS AND CARBON, Nov. 23,1877 BOOK AND A QQ TUBINQ. 94V0I •HI •Mit.c*>e uqiumm BiHlliCtui For a hot, delicious / LIVINGSTON HALL LIVINGSTON, NEW JIRSEY (201) 994 2390 iAQUARIUM SALE, experience you "WOODTONE" won't get anywhere , , 20 Gal. High 11.99 until you p 20 Gal. Long 11.99 take that second bite! ED s BASIC FLAKE FOOD 29 Gallon 16.99 HOZ.Rti.99e FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT 2;;;; 1.33, TRY EM WITH MUSTARD QUIET AIR PUMPS Hot Sam Pretzels FILTER | Hush I 3.99 at ROSS 88< Hush II 5.99, .Hush III 9.99. LIVINGSTON MALL ALL Lower Level 'AQUARIUMS HAVE ED'S LIFETIME OPIN DAILY GUARANTEE, OPEN 10 to 9:30 WE RESERVtTHI RIGHT WAYNE STORE SUNDAY TO LIMIT QUANTITIIS MJ a. for men and women including newFrye designs exclusively aiVanguard s I NDEARING. Most

1295 *500 1800 i!050 *125O Diamond stud earrings, for pierced ears, set inl4K-T-gold", instant endearment themomentyou put them on. I Frye Luggage Frye fOF met! . , , •^ Weekender exclusively at Vanguard



If your expenses go up when the temperature goes down will your checking account keep P.A.C.i,? You can use your checking iccdunl to meat expenses— it its a SUMMIT PACE. Account! P.A.C.E.. you set, means Permanently Available Credit Extension—ind that i exactly what you get if you quality With a PACE, standby cash reserve, you'll have money when you need it!-* Every PACE. Account comes with a cash reserve ranging from 84QQ to S5500. With P;A.C,E, Checking, you're tree to overdraw your account (up to your pre-approved credit limit) whenever you need extra cash; the money will then be transferred to your account in multiples of $100. It's as easy as writing your own loan! Repayment is easy, tpo You can choose to repay in the manner that suits you best—either in full, or on an automatically determined monthly schedule. And finance charges correspond to an annual rate of 12%, So. why not open a PACE. Account today? Remember: with P.ACE. Checking, you'll have money when you need it! P.A.C.E. Checking—only from:

SummiITt 3DQ \ Member FDIC «L I Qepasilpeso!s Federally ElizabethrlN / Insurered To 140.000


For qomplete inlejmBtlori, call J776jog SUMMIT: 367 Springfield Avenue BIRKILEY HEIOHTS; 145 Snyder-Avenue- NEW PROVIDENCE: 15 Soulh Sired SHOUT HILLS: 88 Morns-Ellen Tumoikt? (Sunmi;(| LIVINQSTON; Livingston M»l! (Upper Level) IS THERE SOMEBODY YOU'RE FORGETTING? RJ FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING . BOGGS THK PLACK SETTING In nl 3 SUPER SWEATER SAVINGS Featuring Gourmet Kitehtn Shop Casual A Fin* China Dlnnerwara 100% 2-ply cashmere Vneck StainlsBi 4 Siivarplate Flatware Flna Crystal Glassware Reg. S65, Now $49. Beautiful Serving Pieces 100% sherland wool crew neck

For That Special Someone Reg. $25. Now $19. W« h*va • Jewelry Department ipaetaHztng In Marling,lurquoisa. Ivory and gold. Orion sleeveless sweater vest SOMETHING FOR (VERY TIME I DA Til Reg. $18.50 Now $12. THE PLACE SETTING LIVINGSTON MALL, LIVINGSTON, N. J. 07039 Livingston Moll • Monmourh Moll • Woodbridge Shopping Center Quokerbridge Mall • Montgomery Moll • Oxford Valley (201) 994-4288

Perkins Great

CORPS DIPLOMATIQUE Hand made imported luxury cigars Irem SUB pliers to the Royalty o( Europe §nd inier national Diplomatic corps CHOICE OF 4 SIZES • After-Dmner, Reg 60c ea • Ambassadeur, Reg 70e ea • Delagacion. Reg 70c ea • Conference, Reg 80c ea Sale45c ea, BOXOF10 FLOR de PALICIO Imported Havana Seed Hondurgn gro tooacco and manufactured under the super vitiOn ot a lormer head oi the lamous Hoyo and leiinfla cigar (actofy m Cuba CHOICE OF 2 SIZES - BOX OF 25 Corona #1 sscea 12.95 Corona #2 50c ea- 11,95

We're proud of our superb selec RIONDO tion o( short" suede and leather All long tiller tobacco with natural «viapiw tack«!s, and long leather coifi f rtciory Iresih Unusual smokinq ggality See our newest ityles it special 1 CHOICE OF 3 SIZES - BOX OF 25 low prices' • California 36c ea •Caribe - -P • Elegante ff •

All Prices Effective thru Dec, 26,1977 L - LIVtNGSTON Also at Bergen Mali. Paramus LIVINGSTON MALL < a. The m most beautiful offer 1 you've had all year

A $25 value, only $4 with any $6.50 or more purchase of Merle Norman cosmetics. We've saved our best offer for now. An elegant smoke-gray cosmetic tray filled with carefully selected Merle Norman cosmetics. Now through December 31 or while supplies last.

noRmnn cosmETic STUDIO LIVINGSTON MALL Lower Level-Hahne'* Entranceway 994-3621

M^aybe he was grouchy because his shoes were too tight* A pair of Regal shoes could have , Rene a lona way tow*rd improving old Scrooge's hoUday spirit. Chances are a pair or two of ne\v Regal shoes could do the same for you or somebody you know. Regal shoes for men make for an outstanding Christmas —past, present or future.


UVlNbsTON MALU CHARQt IT WITH YOUR • * MASTER CHAB01, BANK AMEHICARD OR AMERICAN EXPRESS 1 YOUR vastfiifHABOj BaNK*MIHIC»B0 AM"'»'<«f r»HE55 z Healthy Holidays! o < (n CD VALUES! VITAMIN E VALUES! No N 500 mg. 994 500 mg. NO. a? No 100I.U. 4001.U 901 988 Capsules with mm •• CNC VALUE • • • m Rose $159 100 I Start YOUR Bay Hips VHamtnC | 100 250 , 250 teiSfowtfi Good 100 $4.88 100 Safflower 25Q.$4 75 250 S3.89 50* lOOOmg. lOOOmg. MOI.U. » i.W. 989 Oil Capsules 6 Capsules

Vitamin C 100 2S0-SB.39 Premier Granola ISM. COMPARE & SAVE! GHC me Value Brands °c Last Chance Diet Granola MM. S8.51 Supertron $1.1 DOOK VaVue S3.M DtCiCO*'-' !H<> (eyoluhon.ify AfM^jhl i'r,', ih.ii Fi HlghRN UnMn s,n ilock"«i in lh|. lilttirji;', tiorlnr *Ini (].. ji'ir;[i'.'tl il Granola Stress-Tab* S7.95 Stress-O-Vite S4.N Free with coupon and purchase at GNC. 600w/iron NO w/lron PRINT (UMi M,U Geradec S3.99I - APT HO CITI - sr*ii JIF i 1 4 -1 14 M, Chocks S3.1I MutrtChews wHh Iron $1,71 EQUAL MFWfl ZESTY mmmmuto B-Complex S7.95 B-Contplex $5.75 NQrvFatttninSunfloweg inr Seeds ftaittn The newett eatitst way to High in Prottin Granola Low In Carbohydrates GIVE THE GIFT OF California HEALTH Dates Btack Mltslon 100% Natural Deluxe it at.

• HlqIfllhi nuicProteimn ,,,-,.,i,.,t T.iki• HUH.iiih-ii n.-i.'hi i.II 1 ki11 ith m Reducing Iliul'"- i -""'|'rr.ri-HI Niilii' ••". "nil "! I MI jgtf Formula 28 M. si 2.95 Golden Harvest^ Pried Fruit Pack With Dates, Raisins, $^C99 CMC VALUE I Prunes and Figs. No 969 f*™ Alfalfa M g\t B-6 M«dlom 2/$ • Pumpkin NisH 95%AM-Star "I Wafers Bread Protein Supreme Protein Powder ««• YOUR CHOICE - 26 grama 01 protsw Iodine 95 forttfled w/trypto 1L 325 phane. lecithin pa 100 mg CNC VALUE I Tablets No. 2520 Tablets No.zsos jjer serving |0% cortxihydratos Dokmilte Brewer's Yeast 11b. $^75 100 250 «7E* 4ib.-S15.49 4 ib.-S18.95 Tablets Tablets /& frBanana No, 544 No. S33 id Predigested Protein Each ouncs (2 labtesoooos) supplies 15 grans ol preduested protein, but only 60 caiooeiwiHi zeio "Chips Super B-4 B-4 13 6)) carbohydratebhd s andd rattts B-6. Kelp. C Utlthin. l Cldtft Vlnrgar ViGAl. 1QAL. $23.00 $40.00


•"" J up to ill*: iinj«|i«t: A good f lUiiilt* fot'llll y t»in*il«W Full comes round

Scholl's ruthloiicd arch comforts and cradle* your foot.

Soft, supppU leather*

Long.wearing Rhino crepe sole Naturally Toes lie rounded unhampered Scholl casuals . comfort by the foot Women's One Way: Raisin Brown other colors also available 00


Same fine quality Still only $3.25 per Ib. a m assistant buyers'sale days s FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT BAMBERGER'S

JUNIORS' SCARFCGATS, EVERY MISSES* LEATHER, FUR TRIMMED WRAPCOATS SUEDE COAT, JACKET pis- heltM hf»igf> wnnl wrap Buttery soft leathers, Shear- with dyed rabbit shawl collar, Itngs.—Boffea—goedes-—Shtrt^ buttoned tabs on the sleeves. coats, wraps, trenches, wrap The single breasted brown and jackets, blazers, trouser jack- green tweed with fly-away ets. Real fur trim. Satin, quilt or scarf, big hood. Wool nylon. 5 zip acrylic pile-lined. Pius dash- 13. ing bolero/skirt sets, 6-16 pe- tite, 8-18 misses, 20% to 33% off women. MISSES' SCARFCOATS/WOOL COATS. Scarf coats with striped scarves to wrap around and around. Single or double breasted coats in stripes, tweeds, solids. Wool or wool- WOMEN'S SHORT COATS, MISSES' SKI JACKETS: nylon. S S ANTIFREEZE STORMCOATS WHITE STAG AND IMPORTS Regularly $100-$ 145 Sale 79- IO9 S S 25% Off Now 22 to 82 MISSES' FOXTRIMMED STORMCOATS. Single Originally $55 to $100 breasted shortcoats, trimmed with fox tails, hooded and lined Orig. $30 to $110 with warm acrylic pile. Choose the turn-key closing or belted Ready, weather or not. Wraps, Zip and snap fronts, belts, single breasted. Bonded polyester solids. Walnut, rust, tan, single and double breasteds with hoods, ties, big pockets. hoods. Blue, rust, beige, green, Sizes. 8-18. Wools, wool-nylons, cotton/ nylon with polyester fill. Regularly $75 Your choice polyesters with acrylic pile (in- ing. MISSES' BQRGAZIA* COATS. Fake seal look with Tis saveP fake mink collar and cuffs. Choose the double breasted with back belt or the tailored with notched collar. Black. 8-18.

Regularly $170

borfy, no mail or phone orders. Misses, Women's, Juniors' Coals, at all BamlMfger stores. assistant buyers'day



2O% V ' I I Regularly 7 50 to $85 WINTER COATS AND JACKETS; Wool meltons, real suede, make believe leather-vinyl, quilted nylon, acrylic pile-lined canvas and more, 4 6X, 7 14, Regularly $20 to $85 20% OFF JUMPERS AND PANTSETS: Challis-, holiday velvets,, cotton-cordu- roys, acrylic knits. 4-6X, 7-14, Reg. 7.50 to $20 , . . . . 20% OFF OVERALLS AND GAUCHOS: Brushed cotton-denims, corduroys, acrylic knits. Zips, rainbow-stitching, brights and neutrals. 4-6X, 7 Regularly $12 to $20 20% OFF GIFTS, ACCESSORIES, ETCETERAS: Dresser sets, jewel boxes, some musical. Knit hats, gloves, scarves and mittens. Stationery, photo albums, back packs, lightweight luggage and banks. Regularly S2toS15 .. , , 20% OFF TEENS' OUTERWEAR, SWEATERS, JUMPERS; Coats, jackets, cowl tops, pullovers, cardigans, jumpers. Reg. $8 to $68 ..".... , 30% OFF


20% to 28% off Reg. 4.40 to $45

ers. rainwear, more. 4-7, 8-20. Regularly $24 to $45 . . 20% OFF KNIT TOPS: Long sleeved crews, turtlenecks. collared crews. Polyester cotton, 4-7, 8-20, Regularly 4.40 to $9 20% OFF BIG BOYS' SWEATERS, "SPORT" SHIRTS: Wool-acrylic crews and Vs, acrylic knit cardigans, ski sweaters, argyles, more. Plus football, soccer jerseys. 8 20. Regularly $6 to $20 . . 20% tO 25% OFF CORDUROY JEANS; Big boys' cotton Levi's*. Little boys' in cotton- polyester with matching vests. 4-7, 8-12R, 8-145. 25-30 waist. Reg. 7.50 to 15.50 .". 20% OFF LEATHER HIKING BOOTS: Lace-ups with padded ankle collar, MEN'S RANCHERS, STADIUM COATS, JACKETS rugged molded non-skid sole. Tan leather. 13VI-3, 3Va-6, Regularly WINTERIZED WITH f HICK $19 to $21 SALE 13.99 to 14 99 ; ACRYLIC PILE LININGS SAVINGS FOR INFANTS' ANDTODDLERS 2O% off Regularly $56 to $100 INFANT AND TODDLER BOYS' SUITS: Knits, velvets, more, some THE CQWHjDES; Brawny rancher or battle jackets in sueded split vested. 12-24 mos., 2, 3, 4. Regularly 7.50 to $41 .... 20% OFF cowhide, deep-lined with Sherpa-look acrylic pile. 36 to 48. The rancher, regularly $100, SALE $80 INFANTS', TODDLERS', 1IG AND LITTLE GIRLS' SLEEPWEARj The battle jacket, regularly $75 SALE $49 Stretch coveralls for infants, toddlers' and girls' pajamas and gowns. THE CORDUROYS: Rancher in ribless cotton corduroy or ribbed Regularly 5.25 to $21 20% OFF corduroy stadium coat with on/off hood. Both lined edge to edge with thick acrylic pile. , , The rancher, regularly $55 SALE $44 The stadium coat, regularly $75 SALE $60

Sorry, no mail or phone orders. Savings for Men and Young Men,


MEN'S LEATHER PALM GLOVES Warm driving gloves in acrylic knit with leather palms. Tan, brown or black tor all your lackets. S.M.L.XL. Specipi purchase $6

lOUNG MEN'S WINTER JACKETS Nplon tankers, hooded bombers in nblass cotton corduroy. Split cowhide jackets in tan or brown and more. Oig. $35 to $75 Now 24.50 to 52.50 YOUNG MEN'S LEVI'S" JEANS Western style flares in brushed cot- ton denim. Flares and straight legs in pre washed cotton denim. Plus Levi's flannel and woven shirts in assorted colors and plaids. Blue, tan, brown, natural, Reg. 15.50 to 19.50 20% off

MEN'S, MISSES' SKI PARKAS Snap or zip fronts. Hoods, Zip or slash pockets. Lightweight nylon with warm polyester fiberfill. Light blue, white, navy, blue, Reg. $36 to $40 Sale *30 Not in Princeton and Plainfield MEN'S SWEATERS Crewnecks Cardigans. Some cable, wing collars or ribbed. Washable acrylic

Solids aVid stripes. Regularly $22 to $28 Sale 15.40 to 26.60

MEN'i~~WARM SPORTSHIRTS SPECIAL Corduroys. Flannels. Supersuede11, 25% off I 25% off PURCHAS Great for layering, warm enough to Regularly $35 to $250 Hegularly $14 to $70 go it alone. Cotton, • wool-nylon, Arnet11 triacetate-nylon. Solids, plaids. MEN'S VESTED SUITS, BLAZERS, DRESS SLACKS. Reg. $15 to $20 Sale'12 to »15 Traditional and European sutis by Botany, Geoffrey Beene, Cardin, YSL, more. 2-button jackets with side or center vents. Watch-pocket vests with back belts. Flares. Plus British-look and classic MEN'S JEANS. VESTS, BLAZERS blazers, sportcoats, coordinating flares. Wool, polyester-wool, polyester. Solids, pinstripes, patterns. Brushed denim flared.jeans. Coordi- Suits Not in Plainfield, Prlneiten, Morriltown nating blue denim blazers. Vests, pasual short iackets. Cotton or polyester-cotton, MEN'S SLACK/SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES, A huge selection at Orig. $17 to $55 2R% Off slacks. Belt loop flares. Western or top pockets. Knits. Corduroys. Texturized polyesters. Solids. Patterns. Loads of colors. Sizes 32 423, M, L. Plus sportcoats. Vests. Long sleeve shirts. Cabled MEN'S WOOL SCARVES Tartan sweaters, V-nedks. plaids, assorted plaids, solids. Fine , Alpaca wool, Australian wool. Choose from brown, navy, grey, burgundy, MEN'S QiANA® DRESS SHIRTS IN 6 COLORS, gold, olive, charcoal in the group. Soft, silky Qiana" nylon from a famous maker. Tailored with point collar, two-button cuffs, chest Special purchase 5.50 pocket White, tan, blue, mint, grey, melon.

at all Bamberger stores unless otherwise specified.


SHARP 19" "RAPID-ON" COLOR TVt Linytron Pius* one-gun picture tube for less color distortion, sharper contrast. One button automatic color system holds color in balance. Energy saving rapid-on. 1 yr. in-home service. Walnut finish cabi net, SO|0 "335 Regularly $400 19" picture measured diagonally • CHANNEL MASTER 8-TRACK STIRlOt (D296-36) AM/FM/FM receiver, slide rule tuning. Record changer, cue/pause, anti skate. Built-in 8- track recorder/player, channel and stereo indicator lights, 2 mikes. Pair of 20" high bass reflex ported speakers. S Now I3O Originally $200 • SUPREMACY AM/FM CLOCK RADIO (B123-10) Wake to music, 24-hour alarm, lighted digital clock, circular tuning dial. AFC for drift-free FM, Top mounted controls. White plastic case. S Now 2O Orig. $25 RCA 25" XL-100 CONSOLE TVt New Color Irak* system refines and redefines all colors for sharper contrast and truer tones, Xtended Life* chassis for longer life and cooler operation. Contemporary walnut-vinyl cabinet. 25" picture measured diagonally. Sale *53O Reg. $700 • MIDLAND 40-CHANNEL MOBILE CB (C123-6) Top mounted lighted digital channel indica- tor, automatic gain control, variable squelch, built-in automatic noise limiter. Lighted S/RFO meter. PA/CB switch. Mounting bracket included. s Now 55 Originally $105 • FISHER STEREO SYSTEM. 8-TRACKt (A296-38) AM/FM/FM stereo receiver, balanced fly- wheel tuning. Built-in 8-track recorder-player, fast forward/pause/record. Built-in belt driven turntable, magnetic cartridge. Pair of 22" full range speakers. $ Now 25O Originally $450 SONY 3" PIC. MEAS. DiAG, BLACK/WHITE TV, AC/DC, BUILT=IN ANTENNA, EARPHONE, REG, $150 Sal© $1QO PREMIER CANISTER VACUUM, 360s SWIVEL TOP, PERMANENT DUST BAG, 6 TOOLS. ORIG. $60 ...... NOW *35 REQINA2=SPEED ELECTRIKBROOM®, EDGE CLEANER, 4=SETTING RUG PILE DIAL REG. $35 Sal© *29 NORGE 7-CYCLE PORTABLE DISHWASHER, BUTCHER BLOCK CUTTI NG BOARD TOP.. AVOCADO ONLY. ORIG. $335 NOW *190 PREMIER POWER TEAM VACUUM, 2 MOTORS, UPRIGHT-AND-CANISTER IN ONE. QRIG. $130. NOW *80 MEN'S LEDt WATCH: HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, DATE, DAY OF WEEK Special Value »22

tThe warranty (or this product (excluding batteries) is enclosed with the product. Order by mail ant) phone on starred (#) items for delivery within New J«rs»y and in our delivery areas in N.Y., Pa,, and Dei. Phort«(20i) 3764444 or your local Decks.Jhere is an additonal delivery charge on TV's. Sorry, no CO.D.'s under $100. C.O.D.'s over 1100 and under $500 require a 20% deposit and a Vacuums, Calculators at all Barnbefger stores except


:**. *|*»* fc: '--'•* •PIONEER AM/FM STEREO SYSTEMt (E296-75) 35 watt per channel receiver, slide rule tuning, signal strength meters. BSR belt drive turnta >-Xi ble, cue/pause, magnetic cartridge. Pair of sonic tea. ' 26" high 4 way speakers, 12" woofer, dual 3" tweet ers,

-'^.QQ^) If purchased separately $625 • MINOLTA SR-T 200 35mm CAMERAt (F9S 16) Single lens reflex viewing. CLC metering system automatically adjusts for correct exposure. T Shutter speeds to 1/1000th second. Flash, telephoto or wide angle lens also sale priced.

*£i SO 1^ Regularly £230 • LADIES1 6-FUNCTION LED WATCHt (G218-5) Bright, easy to-read display shows the hour, minute, second, day, date, and even the day of the week. Adjustable bracelet fits your wrist to a T. Goldtone, NOWS22

•AMANA TOUCHMATIC* MICROWAVE OVENt (H180 10) "Remembers" with one setting to defrost, cook, and signal when meal is ready. Digital clock. Bonus ttiermometer, 2 browning skillets, grill. Pyrex dish and Country Slow cooker at no extra charge.

*488 Originally $600

(G275-31) instant rug adjustment deep-cieans low. normal, high, or shag-pile rugs. Beater bars muscle out embedded lint. One year's normal supply of bags at no extra charge. S Sale 58 Regularly $70 WESTINGHOUSE 18-LB. WASHERf 3 agitation/spin speed selections, 3 permanent press settings, 5 water temperatures, soak cycle. Automatic bleach dispenser. Porcelain enamel tub. top, safety lid. Avocado only, s NOW 25O Originally $390


Or wrilt 10: B»nbef(ef t Warranty Office, P,0, Box 110. Newark, NJ,. 07101, BambOfUr Teteserviee luriw or write, 'There'is a f2 delryefj charge on CB't, WatcJies, Cameras, Recorders, 3.50 dtlivery on Stereroi and Tape 2.29 CO.D. lee, or a 1100 deposit. C.0.0. lees me in addition to any delivery Charges. CB's, TV's, Recorders, Sttrsos, Camera!. Major Appliances, Princeton, Watches, Cwntras at all Samberggf uorm.


EKCO 7PIECE KITCHIN TOOL SETS Bast ing spoon, slotted spoon, pancake turner, small turner, two-tine fork, 3 " strainer, plus wall rack to keep them all neatly in place. "Spice Garden" or "Teak Isle" patterns. Regularly 11.50 and $14 Sale *9 and *1T

SAY CHEESE AND SAVE 20% Keep fine cheeses fresh, moist and ready to serve. 8x8" teakwood square wift set-in wheat colored tile and clear plastic dome. By Julie Pomerantz. Regularly $10 Sale *8 Sales8fosi8 SalesIO Regularly $12 to $27 Regularly $14 STEAK AND CARVING SETS Washington • POLISHED COPPER Forge stainless set of 6 steak knives with wood • REVERE STAINLESS STEEL handles or 5-pc. stainless cutlery set including OPEN STOCK C00KWARE KETTLES IMPORTED FROM roast slicer, pot fork, utility knife, sandwich (11-9) Choose all stainless steel or stain- PORTUGAL knife, paring knife. less steel with copper bottoms. Buy a (131-10) Burnished copper, fully lined for complete set or just the pieces you need. Special purchase *1Q even heating. With wood handles that stay A. lV4-qt. covered saucepan, reg. $14 Sale $10 Your choice cool to the touch. Nice for gifts, for yourself.- B. 2-qt. covered saucepan, reg. $17 Sale $12 STAINLESS FLATWARE FOR 12 Pistol-grip C. 7" skillet, reg, $12 Sale $8 F. IVj-qt. Colonial G. 2-qt. Round stay-shiny stainless is perfect for day-to-day D. 9" skillet, reg, 17.50 Sail $12 H. 2-qt. Aladdin j. 2-qt. Whistler use. Complete 74-pc. service includes 12 E. 6-qt. covered stock pot, reg. $27 Sale $18 each-, dinner knives, dinner forks, salad forks, soup spoons, 24 teaspoons and 2 serving pieces. "Spirit of America" by Washington Forge. Special Purchase $25


Sols I.OWReg. 2.2Qto2.7Q • Cheese slicer • Vegetable slicer • Splatter preventer # Roasting rack SQ|2 2.00 Reg. 3.10to3.50 • Winged corkscrew • Pastry brush set • Christmas cookie cutter • Canolli set s • Baking set Sale 2O Special Purchase bQl2 3,OO Reg. 4.40 to 5.50 Regularly $28 -»_Meat_ttietmome.ter • Outdoor jherrnometgr •24 PC, CRYSTAL-CLEAR • Spring form pan • Blender splatter shield •SERVE SALAD FOR 4 IN PARTY GLASSWARE SET • 5-cup sifter • Cookie gun INCH-THICK TEAKWOOD (K110-34) Solid teak, hand carved and (L66-21) Great for your big holiday bash naturally grained. 7-piece salad sef by and all year long. 24-pc. matched set so Upper includes large serving bowl plus 4 there's plenty for everyone. Set includes 8 individual bowls and pair of servers. each: 5-oz. juice, 8-oz. beverages and 12ys-oz. tumblers.

Phone or write on 7.01 or more on starred (•) items only for delivery within New Jersey and our delivery areas in N.Y., Pa. and Del. Phone (201) 376-4444, or your local Bamberger Teleservice number or write. There is a 50C handling charge. Housewares, at all Bamberger stores.

SAT. FROM 9:30 A.M. TO'5:45 P.M. WED.AND FRI. 8:30 A.M. TOfrP.M. MON. THRU FRI. 9:30 A.M. TO 9:30 1 sales friday & Saturday 1 THAT THEY'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES. . .& YOUR CHANCE TO TAKE HOME TERRIFIC BUYS !

' - >V •*-**.: quilted '» birdprinti_ • , Herculon or soft velvet Special Purchase Your Choice $

^T-Quiited bird-prlntixr loose pillowback Tuxedo side bolsters, skirt. Scotchgard* protected tDeige/blue print, B. Contemporary 84" Herculon* T cushion loose pillowback with channel sides. Ivory geometric Herculon* C. Luxurious 77" velvet pillowback. Lots of toss pillows for super comfort. Brick or tan polyester velvet.

Sorry, no mail or phone. Sofas, at all Bamberger stores except Plainfield, Princeton and Morristown,


Twin mattress or foundation Reg. 590 (A414-26) (B414-26) Full mattress or foundation, Reg $110 SALE $75 (C414-26) 2-pc. queen size set, Reg. $300 SALE $215

(D414-26) 3 pc. king size set, Reg. $390 SALE $285 . ,-' •:., '"'•'... ,•..•<*,' EXTRA FIRM SUPPORT Print cover quilted to Sealy Foam" for comfort. Cotton felt and Dura Tex1 insulation for cushioning, hundreds of steel coils to the full size for lasting firmness. Dura Guard" I torsion bar foundation for extra support and balance. Sale $66 Twin mattress or foundation Reg, $100 (E414 27) (F414-27) Full mattress or foundation, Reg, $120 SALE $86 (G414-27) 2 pc. queen size set, Reg. $320 SALI $236 (H414-27) 3-pc. king size set, Reg, $420 SALE $286 EXTRA FIRM PLUS SUPPORT Satin print cover quilted to W thick layer of Sealy Foam" for comfort wherever your body touches. Double thick layers of cotton felt and Dura Tex" padding for even more comfort, 312 steel coils to the full size for lasting support. Sale 77 Twin mattress or foundation Reg, $110 (J414-28) (K414-28) Full mattress or foundation, RegJgjgQ ^ . . ^ SALE $97 0.414-28) 2-pc." queen size set^Reg. $340 SALE $257 (M414-28! 3-pc. king size set, Reg, $450 . SALE $307 SUPER FIRM SUPPORT Damask cover quilted to heavy density Vi" layer of Sealy Foam" plus a special layer..of heavier density Sealy Foam". Pounds of cotton felt and Dura-Tex insulation for even more support, 312 heavy gauge steel coils for superior support.

OFF: THE ACTION WALL SAVER© SWIVELS, RECLINES, SAVES SPACE, TOO Now S2OO Originally $300 We bought every one to bring you these exceptional savings. Swivel all the way around, sit-up, lean back and put your feet up. Stretch- out, you can do it all just inches from the wall. Contemporary flare arm in leathery brown vinyl with burnished brass finished nailhead trim.

Phons or write on mattrtssts only lor delivery in New Jersey and in our delivery areai Ther§ is a 50C handling charge On your total mail or phone order. There is a $3 delivtry Bedding not at Princeton, rugs and


Imsfccf Star Sale 9.99 sq yd. installed* Regularly 13.99 sq, yd,

Trevira1 polyester pile looks just like woof, feels just like wool. The colors are incredibly rich and lustrous like wool The texture is thick like wool due to a special heat set process that locks in the twist of the yarn. Your broadloom sheds less, has less static and will keep its good looks for years to come with a minimum new of maintenance and care, In 17 glorious colors, from the deep vibrants to the new California naturals. And, if you order now, you're sure to have your broadloom installed in time for Christmas,

'Bamberger's sale prices always include custom tack- less wall to wall installation over sponge rubber pad-

v •--- ;*•&•** ding. There is an additional labor charge for custom •H stairwork and for installations of less than 16 square yards.

HAND-WOVEN, HAND-CARVED WORSTED WOOL INDIA RUGS Sal<2$2OO Regularly $350 It takes master rug makers over a month to make each one of these rugs. Each has over 28,000 knots of pure wool pile to the square yard for luxurious thickness. Each Is hand carved and hand sheared with that meticulous attention to details that makes these rugs true to the classic originals, Peking Oriental medallion design in blue or gold on ivory, French Aubusson floral design in blue or rust on ivory,

in NY, Pa, and Del, Phone (201) 376-4444 or your local Teleserwice number or write. charge on your total mattress order. Savings for the home at ail Bamberger's stores Broadleem not at Princeton or Morristown. mmtttm—•—— MON. THRU SAT. 10 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. NEWARK, MON., TUIS., THURS,,

P.M. SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M.

\ o o, ft a_ UJ assistant buyers'day CD


YOUR CHOICE Sale$ 35 Regularly $65-$78

• LIGHT 3 WAYS: BURL. BURNISHED BRONZE OR CERAMIC (C67-43) The classic Grecian urn in burled elm (A67 37) The burnished bronze finish traditional (B87-36) The great ginger jar. Essentially eclectic that's been carefully hand rubbed to bring out Its candlestick. Tall and dramatic, for your end so it tits beautifully into any decor. Wheat design natural wood graining. With Corinthian burnished tables or chests. Heavy weighted base for stabil- on beige crackle-glazed ceramic stands on an bronze accents and white pleated fabric-over- ity, textured eggshell fabric-over-vinyl shade. Im- ebony base. Beige textured fabric-over-vinyl pleat- vinyl shade. 33" tall. pressive 36" tall. ed shade. 32" tall.

Special purchase ai 2O% "off Regularly $48 Regularly $10 to $25 FOR THE HOLIDAYS FAMOUS MAKER 12 ETCHED CRYSTAL LONG STEMS MIKASA JUNE ROSE OR CHESHIRE SILVERPLATED OIFTS/SERVERS IN READY-TO-GIVE GIFT BOXES TREASURED BONE CHINA GIFTS Sentimental fine white bone china keepsakes. Gleaming silverplate polished till it glows. Cran- (Dl 17-41) Fine long stem crystal wIBi delicately Candy boxes, vases, heart boxes, napkin rings berry dish bud vases, coasters, candlesticks, etched wheat shafts and strawflowers. 12-piece and tidbit dishes. June Roses, full-blown pink candy dishes, salt and pepper sets, salad tongs, set includes 4 goblets, 4 wines, 4 champagnes. A roses and buds. Cheshire, an old-fashioned gar- salad sets or pie servers. All at one special price. beautiful accent for your holiday table or for someone special. den bouquet.

Phone or write on starred (Hr) items only for delivery within New jersey and our delivery areas in N.Y., Pa. and Del. phone order. There is a %2 delivery charge on lamps. Savingj for


i', o sales friday & Saturday m< s m THAT THEY'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES. . & YOUR CHANCE TO TAKE HOME TERRIFIC BUYS ! 5O


Bone china, pottery look stoneware, Irish Ennstone, porcelain by Lenox, Every Spode pattern in stock , , , 20% off Royal Doulton, Mikasa, Spcde and so many others. Complete services for 4, Royal Worcester "Evesham" cookware .... 20% off 8, 12, open stock, place settings, hostess sets plus special orders, Mikasa 'ine china services for 8 or 12 .... 25% to 50% off Wedgwood, Coalport bone china services for 8 20% off Johnson Bros, "Friendly Village" sets, open stock ...... 20% to 40% off Royal Coulton, Minton bone china Spc, place settings , 15% off Toscany white porcelain dinner and serving piece 20% off

& Sale \O tenCHOICE 3O% off Regularly $20 and $23 Regularly $20 HAND CUT LEAD CRYSTAL GIFTS, ONEIDA STAINLESS FLATWARE , *7-FIECE CLEAR CRYSTAL FOR 4 OR 8 IN 5 PATTERNS CORDIAL OR WINE SETS ALL FINE VALUES NOW Glinting lead crystal carefully hand cut and polish- From Oneida's new "Achievement" collection. (El 17-52) Sleeh clear crystal flat-bottomed decanters with ground and polished stoppers.. ed by Old World artisans. Choose covered candy Hand forged and beautifully sculptured. Plus 8 matching long-stemmed cordial or wine box, captain's decanter, cake plate, bowl, vase, 2Qpieee service for 4, Reg, $65 ... SAL! $45 glas wine decanter or handled basket. Imported by 40 piece service for 8, Reg. $130.,, SALE $90 * 7-piece cordial set, Regularly $20, SALE $16 Argentum. 5 piece hostess set, Reg, $30 ..,.".. SALE $20 7-piece wine set, Regularly $23 ,, SALE $18

Phont (201) 3764444 or your loeal Bamberier Toleserv.ce number. There ii a SOe handhni Charge tor your total mail or thehomeatallBamberier'sStorss.LarnpsnOtitPrinceion.PlaintieldandMorristOwn.


CLAIROL "KINDNESS" HAIR SETTER Makes curls that really last. Heats 20 large and medium rollers at one time. With clips, ready light, compact take-it-atong case. Regularly $21 SALE *18

SUNBEAM SWINGAIRE1' HAIR DRYER Swing the nozzle to direct air flow exactly where you want it. 1000 watts of drying/ styling/shaping power. Small and light- weight. Regularly $23 SALE *20

CUIROL "HOT STUFF" STYLER/DRYER 1000 watts of drying power, 2 speeds and 2 heat settings. With directional nozzle, con- centrator nozzle, 2 combs, styling brush. SPECIAL Sale «22. Regularly $30 SALE *25 PURCHASE Regularly $37 • RACINE HAIR CUTTING SET • PRESTO SMOKE DETECTOR LETS YOU DO IT YOUR WAYf OSTROW STEAMSTRESS II PRESSER BE SAFE. NOT SQRRYf (A149-67) Everything you need to do profes Pro-type pressing with 4way steam action (B159 93) lonization type detector sounds sional styling at home. Forged barber that reaches all the hard to get at areas; alarm against fire in its earliest stages. shears, tapered comb, 4 special clipper seams, corners, cuffs. Safe on all fabrics, Battery powered with test button which indi- guide attachments, storage tray and instruc SPECIAL PURCHASE^ »16 cates battery replacement when necessary. tion book. By Oster. Easy to install. Regularly $37. (AA159-61) Oster lighted make up mirror CONTEMPRA YOGURT MAKER SPECIAL PURCHASE $12 Mix up a batch in minutes. Makes-six 8-oz. jars of yogurt in the same or different flavors. Bonus yogurt cultures, lids and re- cipes. ____^ Regularly $12 SALE »1O

FARBER DOUBLE BURGER LIL GRILL Make burgers, franks, sandwiches for 2 in Just minutes. Flip up the grid for hors d'o- euvres, more. Non-stick cooking surface. SPECIAL PURCHASE 14.99

HAMILTON BEACH DONUT FACTORY Fresh homemade donuts in minutes. Just pour in the batter and shut the iid.They're ready in no time. Non-stick surface. Plus recipes. SPECIAL Regularly $25 SALE »22 PURCHASE

MIRROR WATTA PIZZARIA • STYLEM ASTER 1250-WATT • SUNBEAM SELF-CLEANING Make It from scratch, or use frozen. HAIR STYLER/DRYERf Thermostatically controlled even-heating SHOT-OFSTEAM IRONt (C149-67) 1250 watts of fast drying power non-stick Aluminum. Bake potatoes, grill (D159 86) Dry/steam iron with 36 vents and that's great especially if you have hair down sandwiches, too. burst of steam to press out stubborn wrin- Regularly $25 SALE *20 to there. 4 temperature settings and 2 kles in cottons and linens. Easy-to-read fab- speeds so you can set your own drying/ ric guide, water window, reversible cord and styling pace. safety heel rest. Regularly $27

Phon« or write on starred (*) items only lor delivery in New im%ey and our delivery areas in N.Y,, Pe, and Dei Ther« is a $2 delivery charge on imall

tThe warranty tor this product A endQMri with the product. Of write for a copy to:



Sale Now S2O Sale 24.99 Regularly $25 Grinmally $25 Regularly $30 • FOR SOUP TO NUTS: •CGNTEMPRA ELECTRIC PAN • PRESTO 4-CUP FRY DADDYT OSTER 1O-SPEED BLENDERt MAKES PERFECT CREPESt FOR A BUCKET OF CHICKEN (El59-82) Chops, grates, grinds, blends, (F159 84) Light, thin, evenly browned entree (G159-94) Does French fries, shrimp and purees, and more. 6 continuous speeds plus or dcssort crepes every time. Indicator light eggrolls, too. Automatic temperature con- 2 high and low ranges (or control, 5 cup tells you when they're done to perfection, trol, nonstick surface inside and out. Works glass mixing jar plus 2 oz, measuring lid and Nnn stick Teflon* cooking surface. Bonus like a grill too. Regularly $30 cookbook. Regularly $25, cookbook. Originally $25, 2 cup Fry Baby, Regularly $23 SALE 19.99

Sale 18.99 SPiCIAL Now Regularly $22 PURCHASE Originally $17

• SUNBEAM VISTA HIGH DOME • FARBERWARE ROTISSERIEt * FARBERWARE NO PEEKING ELECTRIC FRY PANt ROASTS AND BROILS 3VWJT, CROCK-R-COOKERt (HI59-53) Big enough for eggs for 4, high (159 83) Even cooking rotisserie seals in (j 159-90) It does the cooking while you do dome lid accommodates a pile of chicken. __ the juices for tastier chicken, tender roasts. something else. No scprching or stirring. Spatter free broiling for steaks, chops. Con- Stainless steel cooking surface, removable Removable stoneware cookwell, 3-position tinuous cleaning. Stainless steel for Indoor thermostat. Completely immersible for easy heat control, heattempered glass lid, wrap- or outdoor use. cleaning. Regularly $22 around heating element. Originally $17.

Phoni (201) 376-4444 or your loea! Bamberger Ttleseryice number or write electrics. Sayings for the Home it a!! Bamberger's stores

Bamberger't Warranty Office, P.O. Box IIP. Newark, N.J. 07101


New softbags and Amelia in leather or leather-like vinyl luggage

THE MELLOW LEATHERS: Softened. Supple, With a beautiful AMELIA EARHART ID STRIPES new feeling. Lots of compartments to hold everything, Sig carry- (97-13) Heavy duty vinyl recognizable at a single glance because alls, zip pouches, super shoulder organizers, totes, and zip top of its unique color-coordinated stripes. Aluminum frames for bodybags. Browns, stamina, combination locks for added security. Red, blue, gold, Originally $27 to $49 ".. .7."..". Now 20,90 to 29.90 A. Train case, reg7~44.95 5Ile~3&95 **" ——• plus Special Purchase S. Carry-on, reg, 54.95 Sale 41.20 THE SOFTENED VINYLS, They look like leather, feel like leather, C. 24" pullman, reg. 59,95 Sale 44.95 but are so easy to take care of. Choose bodybags with pockets, in- D. 27" pullman on wheels, reg. 79,95 Salt 59.95 % side or out. Pouchy shoulder bags. Double handle totes with E. 30" pullman on wheels, reg. 89.95 Sale 67.45 # frame closings or lip tops. Attache looks and more. New earthtanes and essential black. AIRWAY "ENCORE" ZIP-VINYL Originally $17 to $19. Now 11.90to 13.90 (97-30) Lightweight softslde luggage that gives so you can get plus Special Purchases more In. All-around zips, wooden frames for extra strength. Comfortable continental handles. Tan and green. Men's 2-suiter and 4-suiter in tan only, Burlington support pantyhose. Sheer nylon-spandex legs, rein- F. Midi-tote, reg. 39.95 Sale 29.95 forced panty and toe, 5, M, L, XL, Originally 5.95 ,.. Now 2.95 G. Carry-on, reg. 42.50 Sale 31.87 Textured pantyhose. Skinny ribs, wide ribs, lace-looks. Nylon in 6 H, 24" pullman, reg, 54.50 Sale 40.87 colors. A,B,C,D, Originally $3 ...... ,, Now 1.99 j. 26" pullman, reg, 59.50 Sale 44.62 Palm driving gloves. Acrylc knit with leather palms. One size fits all K. 29" pullman, reg. 65,95 Sale 49.96 ,,,, , Special Purchase 3.90 L, Family garment bag, reg, 89,50 Sale 67.12 Ponchos and shawls, over-all, Challis, crochets, tweeds, florals, MO7-56) Soft garment carrier, reg. $50 Sale 37.50 fringes. Reg. $10 to $100 ...... Sale 7.50 to $75 N. Mens 2 suiter, reg, 73.95 Sale 55.45 14-kt. gold chains. Serpentines, box links, infinity, foxtails, more, P. Mens 4 suiter, reg, 96,50 Sale 72,37 7" to 30" neck and wrist lengths. Reg. 22,50 to $180 , 25% off R., Ladies train case, reg. 39.95 Sale 29.95 Dearfoam slippers. Scuffs and ballerinas in foot-warming Orion* acrylic pile. Dreamy colors. S,M, L, XL.. Special purchase $4

if Phone or write on luggage only far delivery within New jersey and our delivery areas in N.Y., Pa, arid Del, Phone (201 )376-4444 or your local Bamberier Teliiirvici number or write. There is a SOc handling charge. Savings for Misses and Men, at all Bamberger stores.



LACE-LOOK TABLECLOTH IRREGS. Ai! the delicacy and beauty at Alencon 3O% to men, in machine washable, no iron polyester,. White or natural in round, oblong and oval sizes. By Lorraine, 35% off Reg, pm If perfect, $15 to $20 ENERGYSAVING SELFL1NED Sale 9.99 ANTIQUE SATIN DRAPERIES BATH/AREA RUG IRREGULARS Luxurious, heavyweight draperies, self lined to A famous maker's nylon pile plush arevi hold in warmth in winter, hang in full, smooth rugs in assorted shapes and sizes mcluil (olds. Brown, blue, gold, white or celery rayon ing contoured rugs. Lots of colors, too, acetate, 48". 96" and 144" widths; 63", 84" and if perfect, $6 to $15 Sale 3.99 95" lengths. $ Coordinating lids, if pert, $4 , Sale 75c Reg. $25 to $107 SALE *17 to 74 QUILTED BEDSACK IRREGULARS Fringed tie backs, regularly Sale $8 New look and new life tor mattresses and INSULATIONLINED, NO-IRON boxsprings. Dacron" polyester with cu OPEN WEAVE DRAPERIES shiony Kodel* polyester fiberfi!!. Twin to Contemporary open weaves insulate your win king, plus standard pillow sacks. daws from the inside. Brown or russet chains on If perfect, $5 to $27 natural polyester cotton. 48", 96" and 144" wide; Sale 3.50 to 16,50 63", 84" long. s FAMOUS MAKE TOWEL IRREGS. Regularly $39 $137 SALE 25-*89 Cannon and J.P. Stevens solids, prints, THERMAL-LINED FLORAL lacquards in thick, fluffy cotton polyester PRINT DRAPERIES terry or velour. Bath to hand sizes. Gentle looking floral in blue or brown polyester If perfect, 1.50 $6 cotton with acrylic backing for added insulation. Sale$ltol3 18", 96 and 144" wide; 63" and 84" long. EMBROIDERED SHEER CURTAINS Regularly $22 $86 SALE *15-*60 "Villa," imported by Karpel and made of BURLINGTON THERMAL-LINED Tergal14 polyester, the fabric that stays TEXTURED DRAPERIES Heavy polyester-cotton with acrylic backing. Bur fresh washing after washing. White or champagne 60x84" and 90", lap rust, oyster or buttercup. Single, double and Originally $34 and $36 triple widths, 63", 84" and 95" long, some patio Now'igand'Zl VINYL MATCHSTICK ROLLUP SAV- Reg. $28 $136 SALE »19-*95 INGS Tortoise look vinyl reeds you ran use them indoors or out because even the tapes are sun-resistant. Easy-clean, 6' lengths. 2Vi', 3', 4'and 6'width. Regularly $14 to $26 Sale »9 to '19 50% OFF- DECORATOR PILLOWS From small accent pillows to big 16" scatter-seating pillows from India, Lots of naturals, brights, neutrals and prints in assorted fabrics. Sale 2.99 Originally $14 Now *7 Twin flat or fitted, if pert. $8 Twin, regularly $35 to $40 HALF PRICE: FLORAL BEDSPREAD traditional throw-style •44% TO 50% OFF- SPRINGMAID* • BURLINGTON'S "SERENGHETTI11 with clusters «*f blue flowers. "RADIANCE" PERCALE IRRIGS, TANZANIAN SCENIC COMFORTER Polyester-cotton, Kodel" polyester fill. (A92 76) Stay-smooth polyester-cotton percales (B59-26) Snuggly warm Avril* rayon-polyester Twin to dual. with tucked borders. Bone, blue or yellow. plumped with polyester fiberflll. Brown/bone. Just Originally $30 to $60 Twin flat or fitted, if perl, $8 Sale 2,99 one of many famous maker patterns at these NowU5to«30 Full flat or fitted, if pert. $9 .,..,,..,".. Sale $5 exceptional sale-prices. Queen flat or fitted, if pert 14,50 Sale $8 Twin, regularly $35 to $40 , ., . Sale $22 King flat or fitted, if peri, 17,50 Sale 9.25 Full, regularly $45 to $50, Sale $35 2 standard cases, if pert, $7 ,,,,,,,, Sale 4.50 Queen/king, regularly $55 to $80 , ,,, Sale $45

Phone and mail orders on starred (•) items only For delivery within New Jersey and in our delivery areas in NY, Pa. and Del,, phone (201) 3764444 or your local Bamberger TelesBrviee number or write. There is a 50c handling charge for your total mail or phone order. Sayings (or the Home at ail Bafntoerger stores, Bedspfeatfc, draperies, curtains and home furnishing accessories not at PnncttQrv


MISSES'CRICKET LANE LAYER-ON COORDINATES MISSES' SCARFCOATS, PANTCOATS, Proportioned pull-on FAKE FURS, SKI JACKETS Aline skirt. Hip- Scarfcoats On/off hooded coats. Military button-front vest. styles. Pant and boot lengths. __Wxap Shirt-jacket, Town or coats. Fur trimmed. Stripes. All weathers. country, dressed up or Many styles with zip-out acrylic pile lin- down. Easy-care acrylic, ings. Trenches, Fake furs, Pea jackets. Reg. S12-S18 Wool meltons. Ski coats. Plaids. All the new colors and color mixes. In misses' 20% to 25% off sizes 8 to 18. Regularly $28 to $84 20% off


Big and little girls1 coats

boys' jeans and winter ^ outerwear. Little boys' pajamas and slack sets. Reg. 4.75-S4O 20% off Misses' sweater-wraps, pullovers and cowls in soft acrylic knit. S,M,L, Reg. $9-$24 25% off Misses' "furry" turtlenecks and cowls. Cuddly lambswoolangora-nylon. Orig. $16 -.,,;,., Now*S9— Misses' famous maker coordinates. Acrylic pants, blazer, skirt, shirts Spec, Pur, 8.99-13.99 Misses' pants. Cinch waist, side buckles, zip front and more. Polyester. Reg. $14 Sale 10.99 Misses' blouses in the new geometries, striped and floral prints. Nylon ,,, Spec. Pur. S.f 9 Misses' dresses, skirt and pant sets, jumpers, jumpsuits, separates. Polyester. Reg. $11 $28 20% off Shawls, this year's nicest fashion news. Lots of great colors and prints. Reg. $6-$7 25% off Misses', junior wlntergowns, robes. Arnel® polyester fleece brushed acetate-nylon. Reg. S6-S22 20% off Exquisite Form full figure longllne bra in cotton. 834-42, C, D34-44 Spec. Pur. 3.79 Cupid girdles: pantliners and control briefs. Reg. 4.50-7.50 Sale 3.50-$6 Misses' wedge-loafers, vinyl with sturdy crepe sole. Tan, 6 to 9. Reg. $9 Salt 6.75 Misses' and juniors' vinyl handbags: body bags, swaggers, clutches, more. Reg. $6-$13 .... Sale 4.50-9.75 Goldtone and silvertone chains, 15" to 30" long, chain bracelets. Reg. $2-$3 25% off Juniors' coats, some fur-trimmed. Wool meltons, plaids, blanket stripes, solids^ Reg. S26-$7Q 20% off Juniors' fleecy-warm pullovers. New winter colors, in acrylic knit. Reg. $1Q-$18 ., 20% off Juniors' pants: belted woven polyester in classic winter colors .,...,,,..., Spec. Pur. 9.99 Women's winter coats, ski wear and pantcoats. Wools, fake furs, more. Reg. 2I,9Q-$68 ,, 25% off Women's blousons, tunics, cowl neck tops, blouses, more. Polyester. Reg. $9-$14 25% off Big girls' sweaters, washed denim and corduroy, jeans. 7-14. Reg, $6-$16.;,.,,... Sale 4.80-12.80 Big boys' pajamas, casual and sport shirts. 8-18, Reg, $6-$9 , Sale and Spec, Pur. 4.50-S7

Sorry, no mail or phone orders, Savings for


MEN'S SWEATER SALES: MEN'S WOO^ORESS COATS, CARDIGANS TO CREWS LEATHERS, PVC, SK! JACKETS Burly fisherman sweaters, Fine wool dress coats, 'Single or double V-necks to wear over breasted. Some with furry acrylic pile col everything. Classic crews. lars. Reg, 59.90 $75 Sale 47.92=$60 Ski sweaters with Nordic Every suede and leather rancher, bomber prints. Button and wrap jacket and dress coat. Acrylic pile linings sweater jackets. Acrylic- Reg. 39,99 12999 Sale 31.99-103.99 wotil and acrylic. Reg, Leather-look PVC bombers, trenches, $10-$3 CPQs. Pile or quilt lined. Reg. $20 $29 Sale$16-$20 20% to Down-look PVC ski jackets with insulating polyester fill. Navy, green or 2S% off brown Spec. Pur, 14.99 20% off }0 PLUS SPECIAL PURCHASES


^-bufton jacket with front pockets, center vented. Matching vest. Gentleman's flares. Fine- ly woven polyester. Special Purchase 2 for $89 49,99 ea. There is a charge tor alterations. Men's patterned sportcoats. Plaids and checks in polyester doubleknit. Ong. $30 $35 Now $24 LONG-SLEEVED, SOFT- Men's dress slacks and jeans. Acrylic-wool plaids plus denim jeans. Reg. $15 . Sale and Spec. Pur. 7.99 AS-SILK Qiana» nylon Men's button down dress shirts, Tattersalls solids, cotton polyester, Reg, 9.50 , Sate 7.50 idress/sport shirts. White, Men's long-sleeve dress shirts. Stripes, solids, plaids in cotton polyester, Reg, $7 Sale 5.50 pastels. Reg, $12 Men's sportshirts: flannel, corduroy, wool, acrylic knits, more. Reg. 7.50 $14 Sale $6-11.20 Sale 9.60 Men's collared and turtleneck, layered look acrylic knit shirts. Reg, $10 $12 20%-30% off Hanas* boxers, briefs, V and T-shirts, athletic shirts. Reg, pkg. of 3 4,59-5.99 Sale 3.67-4.79 Men's warm cotton-flannel robes in assorted plaids. Sizes S XL. Reg, $9 Sale $6 Men's vinyl scurfs and slippers with soft, tricot nylon lining, Reg, $8 $7 ., Sale 4.80-5.60 Men's Hickok belts. Natural cowhide leather, dress or reversible styles . . Spec, Pur, 4,99 , Men's ties in classic and contemporary styles. Wool, Qiana* nylon. Reg, 2,99-5,50 Sale 2.39-4.40 Men's winter gloves. Suede, leather, vinyl and knits in many styles. Reg. $2-9,50 Sale 1,60-7,60 Men's big mufflers and scarves in Australian wools, acrylic knits, Reg, 1,99-8.50 /.,,, Sale 1.59-6.80 Young men's down-look nylon ski jackets, snorkels, doggers, Reg, 23.99$35 ,, 25% off Young men's Levi's* western jean irregulars. Pre washed cotton. If perl, 19,50 , Sale 10.50 Young men's Wrangler* flare and straight leg jeans. Cotton-corduroy. Reg. $15 .'...... Sale 10.99 Young men's western shirts, In stay-smooth cotton-polyester and cotton .77"."... Spec. Pur. 5.99 Young men's warm cotton-flannel shirts in colorful plaids, Reg, 7,50 ...... , Sale $6 ea., 2 for $11 Young men's acrylic knit shirts. Long sleeved solids and stripes, Reg, $9$ 12 ...... : 25% off

the Family, at all Bamberger Budget Stores,


It") <

m UJ O

MISSES' FLANNEL TROUSERS, BROWN. BLUE. HUNTER She-tailored to go with your sweaters and blazers. Heathery polyester wool flannel in sizes 8 to 16, Regularly $28 bale WOMEN'S 2 PC. PANTSUITS FOR ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Western yoke front, pleated front and pockets or cargo pocketed pantsuits in soft polyestersilk. Tan, coral, blue. Special Purchase 21.99 FAMOUS MAKER COORDINATES FROM OUR WOMEN'S WORLD ~ ~ $ Jackets, pants, vests, shirts and skirts to mix and match in easy-care acrylic. Originally $19 to $44 NOW l<£lO JUNIOR INSEPARABLES; TROUSERS AND COWLS Belted, texturized polyester trousers in 6 colors. Long sleeve acrylic K cowls in thick, thin stripes. • • • •..,,,,. Regularly $16 $17Sale *10-H3 MISSES' WARM SLEEPGOWN3 AND PAJAMA, IRREGS. Ankle and Knee length gowns.cuddly pajamas in brushed acetate-nylon solids, prints. Sale 5.99-7,99 MISSES' PANTSUITS, SEPARATES FOR DAYTIME AND EVENING 2, 3 and 4-pieee pantsuits, wardrobers. Evening separates, too. Fine wools, polyester gabardine«,Supersuede«, more. 20 m Off

The season's favorite, perfect for the layered look or to wear solo. 14 colors from grape to peach, ... Regularly $14 S3I6 8 MISSES'SOLID AND HERRINGBONE COORDINATES ' Put together blazers, shirt jackets, skirts, pants and shirts in navy or cognac. Polyester, acrylic.. Regularly $15$29 20 /o Off MISSES' VELOUR SOFT-TOPS, CUDDLY WOOL SWEATERS ~ Cotton velour peasants, crews, V-necks in 6 colors. Wool cowls, turtles or V-puliovers in 18 colors. .... 20-25% Off regular prices MISSES' SKIRTS: DIRNDLS. SWIRLS, MORE Dirndls, A-Knes, gored or belted skirts. Tweeds, plaids also checks in wool blends. Orig. $2&$29 NOW *20 MISSES' SLEEK LEATHER BOOTS ON A CREPE SOLE Buttery leather, lean, slender, side-zipped, strapped front harness vamp. Brandy. 5V4 to lO.(no 9V4) Regularly $55 Sale 34,99 MISSES'FAMOUS MAKER WOOL COORDINATES Blazers, blousons, vests, trousers, skirts, more. In gray, navy, wine, camel wool.. Regularly $22 to $69 $316 15 to *48

1 Misses' Pierrot blouses, Ultressa* polyester, Reg. $16 Sale Misses' button-front tweed dirndls. Regularly $46. .. Sale $32 $12 Misses' zip-front fleece robe. Regularly $25...... Sale 18.90 Misses' cashmere cowls, turtlenecks. Originally $60. Now $45 Juniors'polyester-silk print shirts. Originally $15. ... Now $12 Misses' velveteen dirndls, drop-waist skirts. Reg. $36, Sale Juniors' gored or dirndl skirts. Regularly $22-$23, .. Sale $17, $27 Misses' shirts, bow blouses, more. Reg. $18-$25. Salt 11.99- Misses' acrylic cowls in 7 colors. Regularly $18. .,. Sale $13 16,99 Misses' crepe de chine blouses, tunics. Reg, $28-$32. 25% Women's long sleeve, polyester cowls. Regularly $13.. Sale $9 Off

Savings for Misses, Women, Juniors at all Barnberger stores.