Your Want Ad -The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- for Mountainside is Just Phone 686=7700 An Official Nmspoper 07092 For The Bofoyqh Of MountRin.,,de VOL, 19.NO. 49 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1977 * Bateman takes borough in light turnout GOP has edge in all contests Victors unopposed in local races In :• lighter than anticipated turnout, though understandable because of the lack df ifiea! t'onfesl?., about W pert-en! • if i hi? 4.970 rpgistertJ voters in Mouniainsidi' came to the polls on Tuesday As in the pasi. borough voters threw strong support to Republican can didates in ali tho races Mountainside residents supported, almost two to one. Onp gubernatorial candidatt- ALL FOR ONE -= Success Vcuri'airside cjndida'es 'fron* left' Bruce Geiger Raymond Baleman in his losing t'ffnri bceough council. Ru?*i G cJio *ii coiiec'c a"5 *,r- Benfcc) borough count,i, -eceive CQn = 'a* :a*'Op'5 against incumbent Guv Brendan y v s^.-ig. ws.^e- ci—ca 5- —a-age' a-; Va.-r Byrne Boteman won in the borough 1.98G to Byrne's 1.101 fn the 22nd District legislative races the borough voted almost three tn urn- for incumbent Senator Peter Republicans pleased MeDonough over Demucratn- challenger Harry Poppas MeDfinough took the community. 2,043 to 857 The two GUP .V'-emhly incumbents but hardly surprised were handily helped to reelection b> ' *he de:"ea: of Republics" Mountainside voters William McGuire re'umin hirr. ifiCc and fur their 'nrial randida'e RaiTtinnd iiinfidencf ;n him In a prepared BULLSiYE—Meuntain&ldt firearms instructor QffiotrAlan garnered 1.940 votes and Donald Ba'err.an. M"iui'.ainside Unp member* ietyeman fulfilled their shooting requirjmenfs. Ail police 1 *'a'erRen: issued '<"• :h:s paper Geiger Kennedy checks a target after (from (eft) Officer Herman must qualify at the Union County pistol range In DiFrancesco received 2035. to James celebrated 'he vic'iir , of 'heir -lan Haftken, Def. 8t*vt Semeneik ana Det, Sgf. Waiter >aid. 'The endurance of -he Republics" Kenilworth fou^ times a year. SpagnoJTs «» and Melwn Chilewich's dardbearers for local (iffices at a small Party ;n Mouniamsidi 5'reises Ml party at 'he Mnur.tainside Inn Tuesda;. dramatically the confidence nur \oters Three Democratic candidates swept nigh; have m u* We '*"H no- disappoint thaf •he county in their bid for Union County The candidates for Borough Council confidence as ">ve cope with changing Training right on target freeholder skits, hui- they lost in - Bruce Geiger, elected to hi* third conditions Mountainside by about- a JAVo.to»anfi^ . term and Tim Benford. a newcomer '.0 Benford smilingly told the party- voie The borough tallies for that office local politics — and Ruth Gibadlo, were Republicans: Robert Morgan, winning her second term as tax goerirhe was "very"exci*.fed anfl~very Officers fulfill shooting requirements 1280, Herbert Heumann, 1,880, and collector, each look turns thanking the happy about getting aboard." He ad- William Ruocco, 1859; Democrats gathering of about 50 people for electing ded, "the team that is the Republican BvDE.VlSRREVVPBy DEVISE BE.SSERB MARTIUiOTIVN FouFnllfr timelimn*s a yearwaor., Kennedff«nu4iy. lake!„!,«s th tt,™e Kennedis 1 iy and, _,,Officer. s Herman Hafeken ticket) has been elected since IMS and "Ready on line. Ready right Ready 18 municipal policemen in shifts to the Waller Boright, 9®; Joanne Rajoppi, them In their unopposed contests. and John Clock, Det Sgt Walter 965, and Thomas Dillon, 916, only the facet have changed," In his left. Fire," Mountainside police officer Union County police combat target Beiyeman and Del, Steve Semancik Gig thanked^he voters for range in Kenilworlh. All officer* mu*i The Democratic candidate for and firearms instructor Alan Kennedy proved those five municipal olfteeis lUttlBHI yells to four of hi* colleagues braced in fulfill pistol shooting requirements and fired wrll above the minimum shooting sheriff, R»ipi» Frortleh, won by a \mr%tt iuunuuu --WilLsaon, have jp miderKo the ^Mft* margin in the county and in the borough the attadr stance wjlhihey-ss? Smith accuracy requirements, he proved to be the strongest and Wesson magnums raised. A te*U with shotguns. Thgoffirtrs fifsfTIfc 12 rounds at a Democratic vote getter? Mountaimlde Election tabulation A. recent visit to «he range barrage of bullets follows. distance of sev*n yards from the n>an'» voter* nmrrtmly ftivwwd Republican fiOVHNOR STATE SENATE^ BOROUGH T« silouette target in 40 meonOs. Each candidate tester Sargent Jr- 978 to COUNCIL man geu ott mix round*, reloads and FroceWch's ""~ M inding in a-ftste -In—themmenimsuabormmtt- slots, £ position. Bruce Geiger. in his thirtl successful B B B Kennedy nas them all move back to bid for borough council, received 2,^ E 1 lhe 15-yard line and each then fires five votes. Mis running mate, Tim Benford, fl p 0 rounds into the unsuspecting target in who will fill retiring councilman Bill T A N N C B IS seconds. e Cullen's shoes, received 2,153 votes. £ f I A At the ffi-yard line, the men are told Tax collector Ruth Gibadlo, who after P 0 0 C D they have 90 seconds to pump 18 rounds. Tuesday's election now has tenure in R M P U The first six are fired from a kneeling the post, received 2,185 votes, A A E position. The men reload, The next six H e » Tht two bond issues on the ballot 0 R are shot from behind a right-hand appeared to nave won easily throughout I N S H barricade with the right hand. Reload the state. The first question, providing ; District w m Then they fire from behind a left-hand 530 million to municipalities on a (D) 1 97 153 153 16Z 169 17? I barricade with the left hand. (Continued on pag« 1) Then come five fait rounds in 15 Z 102 203 82 205 213 217 215 1 leconds from 25 yards in the ready 70 241 284 I position. Week is set aside 3 119 229 286 270 244 The thundering noise dies down and for children's books 4 93 232 71 2*0 241 248 only a mist of smoke remains as 194 89 195 206 219 211 I Kennedy approaches the targets for 5 94 The week of Nov. 13 to 20, designated 211 scoring. as Children's Book Week, will be ob- 6 100 175 65 198 212 221 I The minimum requirement for all served at the Free Public Library of \ 7 129 198 107 199 218 221 211 • policemen is that 70 percent of all .40 Mountainside, 113 194 201 | shots fired must be successful hits, •? Maryann Sheehan, children s | S 131 us 180 200 S9 196 202 § The target is a silhouette of the upper librarian, has compiled a list of 8 115 in 187 207 portion of a human torso. The i "Selected Children's Books 1977" which ^99 238 245 250 247 | "bullseye" is marked with an "X" and will be available to patrons throughout 1 10 121 226 is in the center of the "body," Outer the week. Books on the list will be on I Totals HOI 19S6 857 2043 2153 2222 2115 1 circles marked from nine to seven display in the children's department indicate a hit from about waist high to around the neck, and each area has a numerical scoring value. The hits are totalled and a percentage determined. RIKDY, AlW^fttountalmide police (from itft) De*. Sat. Walter Betyeman. D«t, Each Mountainside policeman who Stewe Semancik and P«1ro!man Herman Htfeken fire thoir 35? maflnums under fired that day hit at least 91 percent. lhe Insfruction of Officer Al»n Ktnntdy. (Photo Graphics) When Kennedy unhotatered his gun and fired off a fast five rounds just for practice, he hit 100 percent. The in- structor Is rated one of the top five shots Suspension possible in Union County. Kennedy has been on the Moun- tainside force for II years and is In his second year as firearms inittuctor. He for teacher who quit has attended the firearms Instructor's school at Union College and classes Controversies and Disputes in Trenton An eighth grade science teacher who (Conlinupd on Mge I) was hired to teach at Dserfleld School the week of Dec, 12, MDuntainsW« this year but, two days before the fall school board attorney Ray O'Brien and tem opened, notified Mountainside Superintendent of Schools Dr, Levin GOP club to meet school officials he would accept a Hanigan will also be present at the position in New York City, has teen hearing and are ej^ectea to testify, * next Thursday night ordered to appear before the..slate, Gallo had previously taught in the The Mountainside Republican Club school authorities to show cause why New York City system and was a part will meet next Thursday, Nov. 17, at s his license should not be suspended in of the massive teacher layoffs two p.m , instead of the usual Wednesday New Jersey tor one year. years ago. He taught in the borough meeting night, at the home of Coun- Gregory Gallo will appear before the system last year and his contract was oilman-elect and Mrs. Tim Benford. • Department of Education's Division of renewed to continue in the post, A report on election returns and an Gallo informed Hanigan of his in- update on the club's membership drive BUMUiltUllU tentions to accept the position in Nej^ ™aWJCheduled topics, according to Roy WE'VE MAD York Just before the opening of school.
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