Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Street Trading – Re-designation of Streets

Report of: Elaine McLean, Executive Director – Economy, Place and Skills

Portfolio Holder : Councillor Jean Stretton

12 th June 2012

Officer Contact : Russell Williams, Senior Licensing Officer Ext. 3472

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to ask members to make a resolution re-designating certain streets, within the Borough of , from ‘Consent / Licensed’ streets to ‘Prohibited’ streets for the purpose of street trading.


Members are recommended to:-

1. note the report; and 2. taking into account any representations, implement the proposed resolution as presented at appendix II

LICENSING 12 th June 2012


1 Background

1.1 Schedule 4 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 enables a Local Authority to adopt a code for the regulation and control of street trading within its district.

1.2 Once Schedule 4 to the Act has been adopted by a Local Authority, the Act states that the Local Authority may, by way of a resolution, choose to designate any street within its area as a prohibited, licence or consent street.

1.3 In terms of definitions, broadly speaking a prohibited street means no street trading can take place, a licence street is more suitable to streets where the strict control of trading is needed i.e. town centre / district centres and a consent street are applicable to more infrequent types of trading, such as ice cream vans.

1.4 Before a resolution can be made the Local Authority must publish notice of its intentions to pass a resolution in at least one local newspaper. A copy of the notice must also be served on the Highways Authority and the Chief Officer of Police for the district

1.5 The public notice must allow for representation to be made about the proposed resolution.

1.6 When deciding whether to pass a resolution, The Local Authority must consider any representations that have been made.

2 Current Position

2.1 The Council adopted the provisions of Schedule 4 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 and resolved to designate some of the streets within the borough as prohibited streets, licence streets and consent streets. The current designation of streets is attached at appendix I.

2.2 The Council, in its capacity as Licensing Authority, have undertaken a review of the streets in which street trading is permitted.

2.3 As part of the review officers have looked at complaints received in relation to street trading; and have consulted with each district partnership to ascertain if they would like to put forward streets, in which street trading should be prohibited.

2.4 Following this review officers have drawn up a proposed resolution that, if made, would designate the following streets as prohibited for the purpose of street trading:-

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Saddleworth and Lees Dobcross

Sugar Lane Woods Lane Platt Lane Sandy Lane


Bank Lane (road leading to Dovestones Reservoir)


Tame Street Buckley Street Chapel Street Wade Row High Street, Uppermill (from its junction with New Street, Uppermill (from its junction with New Street to its junction with Church Road High Street, to its junction with Church Road) and from its junction with Tame Street to its junction with Buckley Street) Church Road, Uppermill (from its junction with High Street to its junction with New Street)


Chadderton Hall Park

• Chadderton Hall Road (from its junction with Mill Brow to its junction with Haigh Lane); • Kiln Hill Lane; • Kiln Hill Close; • Chadderton Fold; • Road (from its junction with Chadderton Hall Road to it’s junction with Rydal Avenue); • Nordens Drive; • Haigh Lane (from its junction with Chadderton Hall Road to the entrance to the park); • Haigh Lane (B6195) (from its junction with Chadderton Hall Road to its junction with Kenilworth Avenue); • Irk Vale Drive (from its junction with Haigh Lane (B6195) to its junction with Rookwood);

Hunt Lane (from its junction with Broadway to Bay Tree Avenue (from its junction with its junction with Middleton Road) Kensington Avenue to its junction with Laurel Avenue

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Croft Head, Royton King Street, Royton Spring Garden Street, Royton Park Street, Royton Sandy Lane, Royton Radcliffe Street, Royton (from its junction with Park Street to its junction with Sandy Lane) Middleton Road, Royton (from its junction with Road, Royton (from its junction with Rochdale Road to its junction with Croft Head) Middleton Road to its junction with Whittaker Street).

3 Options/Alternatives

3.1 Taking into account any representations, Members have the option to:-

• make a resolution designating the streets presented in appendix II as prohibited streets for the purpose of street trading; • reduce the scope of the streets presented in appendix II and make a resolution based on the reduced scope; • agree that a resolution is not required;

4 Preferred Option

4.1 None, Members decision

5 Consultation

5.1 Consultation has taken place in accordance with the requirements laid down in the Act.

5.2 In addition officers have consulted with those street traders who hold permission to trade within the Borough; and consultation has also taken place with the Boroughs 6 District Partnerships.

5.3 The results of the consultation will be presented to the Committee at the meeting of the 12 th June 2012.

6 Financial Implications

6.1 There appears to be no impact on Council budgets, save for the 3 statutory notices that must be placed in a local newspaper. The fee for these notice will be approximately £1200.

6.3 The anticipated costs represent revenue expenditure and will be charged against Licensing, cost centre 22800.

The anticipated costs of £1200 for the statutory newspaper notice will be charged to Publicity and Marketing account code R43317. There is sufficient budget within Licensing to cover the cost of the statutory notice

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7 Legal Services Comments

7.1 The purpose of the legislation is to ensure that local authorities are able properly to regulate those who sell without resort to business premises. Local authorities are concerned not only with consumer protection but also with the suitability of those who are street traders, what they sell and also any nuisance and inconvenience or obstruction that they may cause to those using the streets in question. A district council may by resolution designate any street in their area as a consent, licence or prohibited street, subject to the requirement that notice of their intention to pass such a resolution is published and that they have notified the chief officer of police for the area in which the street is located together with any highway authority responsible for the relevant street. The aim of the legislation is clearly to ensure that any street trading which does take place within the area of a district council is properly licensed or consented to and it is an offence to engage in street trading in a licence street or a consent street without having the appropriate authorisation. (A Evans)

8. Cooperative Agenda

8.1 In consulting with the District Partnerships the Licensing Authority are ensuring the views of the citizens in each district are represented and taken into account when deciding which street should be prohibited for the purpose of street trading.

9 IT Implications

9.1 None

10 Property Implications

10.1 None

11 Environmental and Health & Safety Implications

11.1 None

12 Equality, community cohesion and crime implications

12.1 None

13 Equality Impact Assessment Completed?

13.1 No

14 Key Decision

14.1 No

15 Forward Plan Reference

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15.1 N/A

16 Background Papers

16.1 None

17 Appendices

17.1 Appendix I – Current Designation of Streets Appendix II – Copy of proposed resolution

th Page 6 of 11 Licensing\0000612 12 June 2012 Appendix I

Licensed Streets

For the purpose of its current policy, the Council have designated the streets, or part thereof, detailed below as LICENSED STREETS and can only be used by licence holders (i.e. not consent holders) for street trading purposes.

CHADDERTON Andrew Street, Chadderton Ash Walk, Chadderton Burnley Street, Chadderton Butterworth Street, Chadderton Frederick Street, Chadderton James Street, Chadderton Lignum Avenue, Chadderton Poplar Walk, Chadderton Middleton Road, Chadderton (from its junction with Milne Street to Broadway)

OLDHAM TOWN CENTRE Albion Street, Oldham Cheapside, Oldham Church Lane, Oldham Church Street, Oldham Church Terrace, Oldham Curzon Street, Oldham High Street, Oldham Market Place, Oldham Henshaw Street, Oldham (from its junction St. Mary’s Way, Oldham (from its with St. Mary’s way to West Street) junction with Henshaw Street to Yorkshire Street). Lord Street, Oldham (from its junction with Rock Street, Oldham (from its Junction High Street to St. Mary’s Way with Lord Street, to St. Mary’s Way) Yorkshire Street, Oldham (from High Street to its junction with St May’s Way).

ROYTON Croft Head, Royton King Street, Royton Spring Garden Street, Royton Park Street, Royton Sandy Lane, Royton Radcliffe Street, Royton (from its junction with Park Street to its junction with Sandy Lane) Middleton Road, Royton (from its junction Rochdale Road, Royton (from its with Rochdale Road to its junction with Croft junction with Middleton Road to its Head) junction with Whittaker Street).

SHAW Collinge Street, Shaw Kershaw Street, Shaw Market Street, Shaw Regent Street, Shaw Westway, Shaw Crompton Way, Shaw (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Rochdale Road). Farrow Street, Shaw (from its junction Rochdale Road, Shaw (from its junction with Market Street to its junction with with Crompton Way to its junction with Crompton Way). Market Street).

UPPERMILL Buckley Street, Uppermill Chapel Street, Uppermill Tame Street, Uppermill Wade Row, Uppermill High Street, Uppermill (from its junction with New Street, Uppermill (from its junction New Street to its junction with Buckley with High Street, to its junction with Street). Church Road). Church Road, Uppermill (from its junction with High Street to its junction with New Street)

Prohibited Streets For the purpose of its current policy, the Council have designated the streets, or part thereof, detailed below as PROHIBITED STREETS and cannot be used for street trading purposes:-

ALEXANDRA PARK Alexandra Road, Oldham Queens Road, Oldham Kings Road, Oldham

FAILSWORTH CEMETERY Cemetery Road, Failsworth Broome Grove; Waugh Avenue Laycock Crescent from Cemetery Road to its junction with Laycock Grove.

HOLLINWOOD CEMETERY Tiber Avenue Roman Road from its junction with Limeside Road to Montgomery Street Limeside Road from Hollins Road to Pine Tree Road.

CHADDERTON CEMETERY Edward Street. Middleton Road from its junction with Broadway to Daisy Street Fern Street

ROYTON CEMETERY Cemetery Road Nordek Drive

CROMPTON CEMETERY Blakelock Street and Alfred Street from Fraser Street to their junctions with Arthur Street. Fraser Street from its junction with

th Page 8 of 11 Licensing\0000612 12 June 2012 Rochdale Road to Salts Street;

GREENACRES CEMETERY Top Street from Greenacres Road to Buller Street. Greenacres Road from Esther Street to Oberon Street Buttermere Road

LEES CEMETERY Thomas Street, Lees from West Street to Spring Lane Stanley Street, Lees.

Consent Streets.

For the purpose of its current policy, the Council have designated that all other streets, or part thereof, that are not stated in the list for ‘Licensed Streets’ or ‘Prohibited Streets’ are classified as ‘consent streets’.

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Oldham Borough Council

Schedule 4 – Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Street Trading – Re-designation of Streets

“With effect from Wednesday 1 st August 2012, the streets in the Borough of Oldham as set out in the Schedule hereunder are re-designated from consent streets and licensed streets to prohibited streets for the purpose of street trading, pursuant to Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.


Saddleworth and Lees


Sugar Lane Woods Lane Platt Lane Sandy Lane


Bank Lane (road leading to Dovestones Reservoir)


Tame Street Buckley Street Chapel Street Wade Row High Street, Uppermill (from its junction New Street, Uppermill (from its junction with New Street to its junction with Church with High Street, to its junction with Road and from its junction with Tame Church Road) Street to its junction with Buckley Street) Church Road, Uppermill (from its junction with High Street to its junction with New Street)


Chadderton Hall Park

• Chadderton Hall Road (from its junction with Mill Brow to its junction with Haigh Lane); • Kiln Hill Lane; • Kiln Hill Close; • Chadderton Fold; • Chadderton Park Road (from its junction with Chadderton Hall Road to it’s junction with Rydal Avenue); • Nordens Drive; • Haigh Lane (from its junction with Chadderton Hall Road to the entrance to the park); • Haigh Lane (B6195) (from its junction with Chadderton Hall Road to its junction with Kenilworth Avenue); • Irk Vale Drive (from its junction with Haigh Lane (B6195) to its junction with Rookwood);

Hunt Lane (from its junction with Bay Tree Avenue (from its junction with Broadway to its junction with Middleton Kensington Avenue to its junction with Road) Laurel Avenue


Croft Head, Royton King Street, Royton Spring Garden Street, Royton Park Street, Royton Sandy Lane, Royton Radcliffe Street, Royton (from its junction with Park Street to its junction with Sandy Lane) Middleton Road, Royton (from its junction Rochdale Road, Royton (from its with Rochdale Road to its junction with Croft junction with Middleton Road to its Head) junction with Whittaker Street).

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