Subject Chemistry Paper No and Title Paper 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) Module No and Title Module 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects Module Tag CHE_P1_M1 CHEMISTRY PAPER 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) MODULE 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Learning outcomes 2. Introduction 3. Types of Electronic effects 3.1 Inductive Effect 3.2 Mesomeric or resonance effect 4. Summary CHEMISTRY PAPER 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) MODULE 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects 1. Learning Outcomes After studying this module you shall be able to: Understand inductive effects Classify a group into +I or –I group Understand mesomeric or resonance effect Classify a group into +M or –M group. Apply these effects on organic substrates to locate electron deficient and electron rich sites. 2. Introduction You are already familiar with various electronic effects. But to understand the properties of organic molecules, like acidity, basicity, stability of various species, and to understand the organic reactions and their mechanism, it is very important that we revisit the electronic effects operating especially with a detailed study of conjugated chemical bonding. During most of the organic reactions, reagents either undergo heterolysis to give rise to electrophiles and/ or nucleophiles; or they undergo homolysis to give rise to free radicals. Electrophiles being electron deficient search for electron rich site in the organic substrate to attack and form the bond. But, if there are more than one electron rich sites in the organic substrate, the electrophile obviously would prefer to attack on the most electron rich site. On the other hand, nucleophiles being electron rich, search for electron deficient sites in the organic substrate. How these electron deficient and electron rich sites are created (or occur) in the substrate and how can we predict them by looking at the structure of the substrate so that we may predict the attack CHEMISTRY PAPER 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) MODULE 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects and hence the course of the reaction? This can be done by understanding and analyzing the electronic effects operating or present in the substrate. Electronic effects are the effects originating or present in the organic molecules due to which the reactivity at one part of a molecule is affected by electron attraction or repulsion originating in another part of a molecule. Let us know about different types of electronic effects. 3. Types of Electronic Effects There are four types of electronic effects mainly, viz. inductive effect, mesomeric (or resonance) effect, electromeric effect and hyperconjugative effect. Of these, electromeric effect is temporary while rest are permanent and are exhibited as the dipole moment of the molecule. If we consider hydrocarbons, they are non-polar. But the compound having functional groups i.e having hetero atom (i.e, atoms other than carbon) or groups are polar. While studying all these effects, we shall consider how the presence of a hetero atom/group introduces polarity in the organic molecules. It is in the context of this group which is known to extert different types of effects on the remaining part of the molecule. 3.1 Inductive effect Ideally, a covalent bond between two atoms must share the pair of electrons equally. If the electronegativities of the two atoms are different, this sharing of electrons is not equal and the more electronegative atom gets a fractional negative charge due to the greater attraction of the shared pair of electrons towards itself and the other atom gets a fractional positive charge. Fractional or partial negative charge is represented by - (pronounced as delta minus) and Fractional or partial positive charge is represented by + (pronounced as delta plus), signifying the very less magnitude of charge. For example, C - X (X = halogen) bond is polar with C having a + charge and the halogen having a - charge. The magnitude or value of these fractional charges increases with an increase in the electronegativity of the halogen i.e. for halogens, it is in the order F > Cl > Br > I. Let us consider a carbon chain, with the end carbon joined to a more electronegative atom say Cl, then Cl will attract electrons (σ electrons between C and Cl) more towards itself. Hence, the carbon atom will become slightly electron deficient and get a fractional positive charge (+) due to a difference of electronegativity. This polarization is not restricted till here, but it induces polarity further and hence the name as inductive effect. Let us consider the case of chlorobutane to understand this. CHEMISTRY PAPER 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) MODULE 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects Here, C1 acquires slight positive charge (+) due to the electronegativity of Cl which in turn acquires slight negative charge (-). C1 thus becomes electron deficient and it exerts a pull on the electrons forming covalent bond between C1 and C2 but less strongly. As a result, C2 acquires a lesser positive charge (+) as that on C1. C3 similarly acquires even lesser positive charge (+) and so on. Thus a polarity is slowly induced throughout the carbon chain. However, the effect is very very less beyond carbon 3 or 4. In pother words, the effect diminishes as one moves further in the carbon chain relative to the position of the group. The phenomenon of transmission of charge arising due to electronegativity difference in a covalent bond (i.e. dipole) through a chain of carbon atoms linked by sigma bonds is called inductive effect. Such an effect is therefore propagated in the entire chain of carbon atoms, which were otherwise non-polar (in the absence of group Cl). So the atom/group responsible for the induction in polarity is Cl. Remember that group Cl attracting electrons towards itself is normal due to the difference of electronegativity but induction of polarity in an otherwise non-polar bond due to the attachment of a more electronegative atom in the chain is known as inductive effect. The atoms/groups like Cl which are more electronegative than carbon gain a slight negative charge on them and withdraw the electrons of the carbon chain towards themselves are known to exert -I Effect (pronounced as “minus I effect”) Similarly, if a more electropositive group (say Y) is attached to an otherwise non-polar carbon chain, the group Y gets a fractional positive charge and the carbon linked to it gets a fractional negative charge. This slightly electron rich carbon then acquires induced electropositive character and shares its excess electron density with the next carbon, which also acquires a fractional negative charge and so on. e.g. Induced electropositive character The atoms/groups which are more electropositive than carbon gain a slight positive charge on them and push the electrons of the carbon chain away from themselves are known to exert +I Effect (pronounced as “plus I effect”) CHEMISTRY PAPER 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) MODULE 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects There are very few atoms or groups forming compounds with carbon which are more electropositive than carbon e.g. H and Mg. However, the most important group exhibiting +I effect is the alkyl group, which due to a difference in electronegativities of hydrogen and carbon, makes the carbon slightly electron rich. Inductive effect has the following characteristics: 1. It is a permanent effect. 2. It operates through sigma bonds. (Note that all the single, double and triple bonds have a sigma bond in them.) 3. Its magnitude goes on decreasing with increase in distance from the atom/group responsible for the same. Inductive effect is almost negligible after the third or fourth atom. 4. -I effect of some groups is in the order + -H < -C6H5 < -OCH3 < -OH < -I < -Br < -Cl < -F < -COOH < -CN < -NO2 < -N (CH3)3 +I effect of some of the groups is in the following order: - H- < D- < -CH3 < -CH2R < CHR2 < -CR3 < -COO Inductive effect is not a hypothetical phenomenon but is actually operative in the molecules. This has been demonstrated by the fact that it is commonly used to explain the properties like origin of dipole moment, increase or decrease in bond lengths, strength of acids or bases, etc. In order to classify most of the neutral groups into +I or –I just look at the following parameters required (given in following table) for the nature of first atom. If it is a charged group, then every positively charged group shall exert –I effect because it shall be electron attracting/withdrawing and similarly every negatively charged group shall exert +I effect because it shall be electron repelling. CHEMISTRY PAPER 1: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- I (Nature of Bonding and Stereochemistry) MODULE 1: Revisit to Electronic Effects: Inductive and Mesomeric Effects Nature of Group - I Effect + I Effect • Neutral groups • If the first atom of the • If the first atom of the group is more group is equal to or electronegative than sp3 lesser electronegative hybridised C than sp3 hybridised C • e.g. O,N,S, Hal, =C • e.g. H, Mg, 3o, 2o and (sp2 C), C (sp C), 1o alkyl groups -C of CCl3 • (Except -CCl3 ) • All positively charged • All negatively charged • Charged groups groups groups + + - - - • e.g. – NH3 , -CH2 • -O , -NH , - CH2 How to compare the extent of –I or +I in the comparable groups (having same first atom)? –I Effect: Here, due to the electronegativity of the first atom, the electrons are withdrawn or pulled towards itself. The further attached atoms or groups shall enhance the –I if they also pull by –I effect, but will decrease the –I effect if they are electron donating by +I effect For example, the order of –I effect between the following groups is -N(CH3)2 < -NH-CH3 < -NH2 < -NH-COCH3 +I Effect: Here, due to the electropositivity of the first atom, the electrons are pushed away from itself.
Dr Anju K. Gupta Associate Professor Department of Chemistry A.N. College, Patna Lecture note for B.Sc. (I) Subsidiary Inductive Effect If a covalent bond is formed between atoms having similar electronegativity, the bonding electrons will be shared equally between the two atoms. For example, in hydrogen molecule, the two hydrogen atoms have identical electronegativities. Therefore, the electron pair is shared equally between the two hydrogen atoms and so the molecular orbital (σ-bond) will be symmetrically distributed. Similarly, if we consider a chlorine molecule, the molecular orbital (σ- bond) formed between the two identical chlorine atoms is symmetrically distributed. This type of bond is called a non-polar covalent bond. However, if we consider a hydrogen chloride molecule, the electron pair is not equally shared between hydrogen and chlorine because chlorine has a greater electronegativity than hydrogen. Therefore, the electron pair shifts towards the more electronegative atom. This causes polarization in the bond in which the more electronegative atom chlorine acquires a partial positive charge. This type of bond in which unequal sharing of electron pair between two atoms of different electronegativities are involved is called a polar covalent bond. The atom which has a greater share of the paired electrons is given a symbol δ- and the atom with a smaller share is given a symbol δ+. Thus, a polar covalent bond can be represented as: 1 Dr Anju K. Gupta Associate Professor Department of Chemistry A.N. College, Patna Lecture note for B.Sc. (I) Subsidiary Consider a chain of carbon atoms such as C4—C3—C2—C1—X with an atom X at the terminal having higher electronegativity than carbon.
Mesomeric effect +M effect of a methoxy group in an ether The mesomeric effect in chemistry is a property of substituents or functional groups in a chemical compound. It is defined as the polarity produced in the molecule by the interaction of two pi bonds or between a pi bond and lone –M effect of a carbonyl group in acrolein pair of electrons present on an adjacent atom. The effect is used in a qualitative way and describes the electron withdrawing or releasing properties of substituents based on relevant resonance structures and is symbolized by the letter M. The mesomeric effect is negative (–M) when the substituent is an electron-withdrawing group and the effect is positive (+M) when the substituent is an electron donating group. +M EFFECT ORDER : − –O > –NH2 > –NHCOR > –OR > –OCOR > –Ph > –CH3 > –F > –Cl > –Br > –I -M EFFECT ORDER : − –NO2 > –CN > –SO3H > –CHO > –COR > –COOCOR > –COOR > –COOH > –CONH2 > –COO The net electron flow from or to the substituent is determined also by the inductive effect. The mesomeric effect as a result of p-orbital overlap (resonance) has absolutely no effect on this inductive effect, as the inductive effect has purely to do with the electronegativity of the atoms and their topology in the molecule (which atoms are connected to which). The concepts of mesomeric effect, mesomerism and mesomer were introduced by Ingold in 1938 as an alternative to Pauling's synonymous concept of resonance.[1] "Mesomerism" in this context is often encountered in German and French literature, but in English literature the term "resonance" dominates. Contents Mesomerism in conjugated systems See also References External links Mesomerism in conjugated systems Mesomeric effect can be transmitted along any number of carbon atoms in a conjugated system.
CONCISE STUDY NOTES for BG 4Th Semester (UNIT: Amines and Heterocyclic Compounds)
CONCISE STUDY NOTES FOR BG 4th Semester (UNIT: Amines and Heterocyclic Compounds) Syllabus Amines: Classification and factors affecting basicity of amines. Mechanistic details (wherever applicable) of methods of formation of alkyl and arylamines through reduction of nitro compounds and nitriles. Gabriel-Phthalamide reaction and Hofmann rearrangement. Mechanisms involved in the formation and reactions of arenediazonium salts including Azo coupling. Heterocyclic compounds bearing one nitrogen atom: Stuctural features of pyrrole, pyrrolidine, pyridine and piperidine and comparative account of their basic strength. Aromaticity and electrophilic substitution reactions of pyrrole and their comparison with those of furan and thiophene.Mechanisms involved in the preparations of Indole and quinoline using Fischer-Indole and Bishlier-Napierlaski syntheses. Amines: Their classification Alkyl, aryl and ar-alkyl derivatives of ammonia are known as amines General formula is RNH2, R2NH, R3NH, where R can be any alkyl, aryl or aralkyl group. Amines are classified in to primary, secondary and tertiary amines depending upon the number of Hydrogen atoms in ammonia replaced by alkyl or aryl group. If one of hydrogen atom in NH3 is replaced by alkyl or aryl group, the derivative of ammonia so obtained is known as primary amine, if two hydrogen atoms in ammonia are replaced by alkyl, aryl or ar-alkyl groups, the derivative obtained is known as secondary amine, while as if all H atoms in ammonia are replaced by alkyl aryl or aralkyl groups, a tertiaty amine is obtained as shown below: The R groups can be alkyl, aryl or aralkyl groups. Further a secondary or tertiary amine may contain same or different R groups.
Pd/S,O-Ligand Catalysed Regioselective C–H Olefination of Anisole Derivates
Bachelor Thesis Scheikunde Pd/S,O-ligand Catalysed Regioselective C–H Olefination of Anisole Derivates door Rianne van Diest 14 december 2020 Studentnummer 11677635 Onderzoeksinstituut Verantwoordelijk docent Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences Dr. M.A. (Tati) Fernández Ibáñez Onderzoeksgroep Begeleider Synthetic Organic Chemistry Verena (Vivi) Sukowski 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 3 Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Popular scientific summary ................................................................................................................. 4 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 C–H activation as attractive strategy for green chemistry ............................................................ 5 1.2 Improving the selectivity of C–H activation with ligands ............................................................ 6 1.3 C–H olefination of anisole derivates ............................................................................................. 7 2. Background information .................................................................................................................. 9 2.1 C–H activation mechanisms .........................................................................................................
The Inductive Effect in Organic Chemistry Comments Upon Models: C
University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications -- Chemistry Department Published Research - Department of Chemistry 2019 The nducI tive Effect in Organic Chemistry Charles A. Kingsbury University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Analytical Chemistry Commons, Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry Commons, and the Other Chemistry Commons Kingsbury, Charles A., "The nductI ive Effect in Organic Chemistry" (2019). Faculty Publications -- Chemistry Department. 155. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Published Research - Department of Chemistry at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications -- Chemistry Department by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. The Inductive Effect in Organic Chemistry Comments upon Models: C. A. Kingsbury Department of Chemistry University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0304 Email: Abstract: The subtle difference between the successive polarization model and the flow of electrons through sigma bonds is explored, as well as the alternating charge model of Pople and the pervasive field model. The present paper is concerned with the ability of alkyl groups to serve as sigma inductive electron donors. The “inductive effect” remains an icon of chemical education and chemical thought. It is appreciated by students as a concept easily grasped, and it is a concept that is well liked by instructors as easy and rapid to present. However, the history of the “inductive effect,” in its various incarnations is hardly as smooth as these complacent attitudes might suggest.
CARBOXYLIC ACIDS 1 Carboxylic Acids Introduction Carboxylic acids are organic compounds containing the carboxyl group (-COOH), wherein the hydroxyl group (-OH) is directly attached to the carbonyl (C=O) group. Carboxylic acids constitute one of the most frequently encountered classes of organic compounds in nature. 2 Natural Carboxylic Acids A great many carboxylic acids are encountered in nature, mostly, in fruits. Indeed carboxylic acids were among the first class of organic compounds to ever be isolated from nature. Edible carboxylic acids found in citrous fruits and fermented milk generally have sharp flavours. 3 Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids The common names of some basic carboxylic acids are derived from Latin names that indicate the first original natural source of the carboxylic acid. Structure of Acid Natural Source Common Name O H C OH Ants (Formica) Formic acid O CH3 C OH Vinegar (Acetum) Acetic acid O CH3CH2 C OH Basic Fat (Propio) Propionic acid O CH3CH2CH2 C OH Rancid butter (Butyrum) Butyric acid Present in aValerian herb Valeric acid O 4 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 C OH Goat (Caper) Caproic acid Common Names of Carboxylic Acids The common name of a carboxylic acid (R-COOH) is derived by adding the suffix –ic acid to a prefix representing the chain length of the carboxylic acid. # of Carbons Prefix Common Name of Acid 1 Form- Formic acid 2 Acet- Acetic acid 3 Propion- Propionic acid 4 Butyr- Butyric acid 5 Valer- Valeric acid 6 Capro- Caproic acid Aromatic acid Benzo- Benzoic acid 5 IUPAC Nomenclature of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids IUPAC names of straight chain aliphatic carboxylic acids are derived by adding the suffix –oic acid to the systematic name of the parent hydrocarbon.
Principles of Drug Action 1, Spring 2005, Resonance and Induction
Principles Of Drug Action 1, Spring 2005, Resonance and Induction RESONANCE AND INDUCTION TUTORIAL Jack DeRuiter The terms "resonance" and "induction" refer to the electronic effects that atoms or functional groups may have within a compound. These effects are defined below and are dependent on the valence, bonding order and electronegativity of atoms, as well as the molecular geometry. Thus it is important that you understand these concepts prior to reviewing this tutorial. I. INDUCTION Induction or the inductive effect of an atom or functional group is a function of that groups 1). electronegativity, 2). bonding order and charge and 3). position within a structure. Inductive effects refer to those electronic effects of an atom or functional group can contribute through single bonds such as saturated (sp3) carbon atoms! This is very different from resonance effects discussed later in this section. The contribution of electronegativity, bonding order and position toward induction is as follows: Electronegativity: Atoms or functional groups that are electronegative relative to hydrogen such as the halogens, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. may have a negative inductive effect (-I), depending on their bonding order (see the Table below). Thus these atoms withdraw electron density through the single bond structure of a compound and can assist in the stabilization of negative charge that may form in reactions. One such reaction where -I groups can have a stabilizing (enhancing) effect is the ionization of acids. Consider the case of acetic acid, chloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid shown below. All three of these compounds can ionize (loss of proton from the carboxyl OH).
Electronic Effects-I Inductive Effect If a Covalent Bond Is Formed Between
Electronic Effects-I Inductive Effect If a covalent bond is formed between atoms having similar electronegativity, the bonding electrons will be shared equally between the two atoms. For example, in hydrogen molecule, the two hydrogen atoms have identical electronegativities. Therefore, the electron pair is shared equally between the two hydrogen atoms and so the molecular orbital (σ-bond) will be symmetrically distributed. Similarly, if we consider a chlorine molecule, the molecular orbital (σ- bond) formed between the two identical chlorine atoms is symmetrically distributed. This type of bond is called a non-polar covalent bond. When an electron-releasing or an electron- withdrawing species is introduced to a chain of atoms (generally a carbon chain), the corresponding negative or positive charge is relayed through the carbon chain by the atoms belonging to it. This causes a permanent dipole to arise in the molecule and is referred to as the inductive effect 1 H-Cl However, if we consider a hydrogen chloride molecule, the electron pair is not equally shared between hydrogen and chlorine because chlorine has a greater electronegativity than hydrogen. Therefore, the electron pair shifts towards the more electronegative atom. This causes polarization in the bond in which the more electronegative atom chlorine acquires a partial negative charge. This type of bond in which unequal sharing of electron pair between two atoms of different electronegativities are involved is called a polar covalent bond. The atom which has a greater share of the paired electrons is given a symbol δ- and the atom with a smaller share is given a symbol δ+.
CHM 8304 Physical Organic Chemistry Thermodynamics and kinetics Outline: Isotope effects • see section 8.1 of A&D – experimental approach – primary isotope effect – secondary isotope effect – equilibrium isotope effect – solvent isotope effect – heavy atom isotope effects 2 Thermodynamics and kinetics 1 CHM 8304 Measurement of an isotope effect • performed to determine if a bond changes in a certain way during the rate-limiting step • expressed as a ratio whose numerator is the rate constant measured for the naturally abundant isotope and the denominator is the rate constant measured for the varied isotope – e.g. kH/kD 3 Types of isotope effects • kinetic isotope effects (kie): result from a change in the rate constant of a reaction : – normal effect: ratio > 1 – inverse effect: ratio < 1 – primary isotope effect: when the isotopically substituted bond is cleaved during the rate-limiting step – secondary isotope effect : attributable to a change of hybridation state, not cleavage of bonds • equilibrium isotope effects: result from displacement of an equilibrium 4 Thermodynamics and kinetics 2 CHM 8304 Origin of isotope effects • the origin of all isotope effects is a difference in the frequency of vibrational modes of a substituted molecule with respect to an unsubstituted molecule • it is these vibrational modes that principally affect the shape of the potential energy well on an energy surface 5 Zero point energy • zero point energy (ZPE) is the energy level of the vibrational ground state for most molecules at ambient temperature •
C. K. Ingold's Development of the Concept of Mesomerism
Bull. Hist, Chem. (1996) 25 C. K. INGOLD'S DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF MESOMERISM Mrtn . Sltzn, rvdn Cll Charles W. Shoppee , in his obituary notice for Sir Chris- G. N. Lewis (1875-1946) provided little leadership topher Kelk Ingold (1893-1970), wrote(1): to the organic chemical community in how to apply his ideas to the prob- ..he was a chemical genius, an excellent physicist, lems of structure, and a talented mathematician, able to employ and to reactivity, and combine all aspects of organic, inorganic, and physi- mechanism. In cal chemistry. 1919 Irving Ingold's enormous output totaling 443 papers covered a Langmuir (1881- vast array of subjects and set the research agenda for 1957) elaborated physical organic chemistry for several decades. His upon the foundation Chemical Reviews paper "Principles of an Electron established by Theory of Organic Reactions(2)" published in I934 was Lewis and intro- for many years the only source for understanding the duced the octet and pioneering work he and other British chemists had done covalent bond con- on the interpretations of reactions mechanisms. This cept into chemical paper will deal with one aspect of his work: his antici- thinking. Through pation of a development of the concept of mesomerism, his many papers and which he derived from both physical and chemical evi- lectures Langmuir dence. Linus Pauling (1901-1995), using quantum me- was to have more of chanics, developed resonance theory at the same time. an impact than G. Ingold realized that the Lewis theory was a first N. Lewis on organic step in relating structure and reactivity, but that it did chemists.
John William Baker and the Origin of the Baker-Nathan Effect
82 Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 37, Number 2 (2012) JOHN WILLIAM BAKER AND THE ORIGIN OF THE BAKER-NATHAN EFFECT Martin D. Saltzman, Providence College, The Baker-Nathan effect was a theory proposed by independent school in west London from 1909-1916. He John William Baker (1898-1967) and Wilfred Samuel was awarded a Royal Scholarship in Chemistry which Nathan (1910-1961) of Leeds University in 1935 to allowed him to enroll at the Imperial College of Science explain certain anomalous results obtained in SN2 reac- and Technology in London. His exceptional aptitude for tions carried out in solution. The explanation produced chemistry was shown by his passing the intermediate by them was expanded to a general type of no-bond exams for the B.Sc. Degree by the end of 1916. In April resonance known as hyperconjugation by Mulliken in 1917 he was conscripted and assigned to the Royal En- papers published in 1939 and 1941 (1). Hyperconjuga- gineers where he was commissioned a Lieutenant. His tion is today defined as the conjugation of polarized major responsibilities were in the area of water purifica- sigma bonds and adjacent pi orbitals. This theory has tion. In May 1918 he was sent to Mesopotamia (now Iraq) been applied to a host of anomalous physical measure- where he was assigned the same duties. He was finally ments such as bond lengths and dipole moments. The demobilized in 1920 and returned to Imperial where he Baker-Nathan effect as it was originally framed is no was awarded his B.Sc.