Catalogue of Flower Roots & Seeds J Mason At the Orange Tree, 152 Fleet Street London - 1793

Beans Prussian Prolific Imperial Green Turkey Pearl Sugar Loaf White Turkey Early Mazagan Large Egg Russia Short Prickly Early Longpod Large Royal Oak Hollow, long-sided Sword, or Turkey Longpod Endive Spanish Morotto Red Dutch Common Longpod Batavian, or Broad Leaved Tall Dutch Sugar Mason's True transplanted White Blossomed Green Curled, very fine Dwarf Dutch - ditto - Drumhead Winter, for Cattle Green Nonpariel White Curled White Prolific Common Scotch Sandwich (By some called "Poor Man's Profit") Leek Turnip above the ground Toker Gray Rounceval Flanders Turnip-rooted under -ditto - Taylor's Windsor White Rounceval London of Savoy Green Kentish -ditto- Spanish Dwarf, or Fan Cabbage of Savoy Yellow Lettuce Mumford Bean, Leadman's Dwarf Bruxelles Sprouts Brown, or Bath Cos Dwarf Fan, Bog, or Cluster Chou de Milan Black seeded Green Cos Kidney, or Dwarf Battersea Carrot White Coss French Gravesend Spotted or Aleppo Early Horn Early Red Speckled Egyptian Coss Beet Long Orange, or Sandwich Negro Silesia Green Gipsy Cauliflower Cabbage White Red Yellow Early Cabbage Imperial White Canterbury Late Cabbage Brown Dutch Black Speckled Borcole Celery Hammersmith Hardy Streaked Green Large Italian Prussian Tall Scarlet Running Purple Red Solid Stalked Grand Admirable White - ditto - Broccoli White Solid Stalked Dutch Sugar Pea Early Purple Soup Tennis Ball, or Butter Mason's Early Frame Late - ditto - Celeria, or Turnip rooted Celery Melon Mason's Double Blossomed Dwarf Siberian Cress Black Rock Canteloup Early Golden Hotspur Green Plain Scarlet - ditto - Early Golden Nicholas White Curled Orange Early Golden Charlton Brimstone Colour American Romana Common Charlton Burnet Cucumber Polignac Dwarf Marrowfat Cabbage Green Fleshed Long Prickly Green - ditto - Mason's Earliest Dwarf Very Fine Long Green Mustard Tall - ditto - Mason's Early Battersea - ditto - Southgate Brown Mason's Early York Fine White Spine White Onion Parsnip Savoury, Summer Cichorium Intybus Rape, or Cole Savoury, Winter Clover Deptford Salsafie Thyme Common Red James, Long Keeping Scorzonera of Marl, or Cow Grass Strasburgh Roots Culinary Skirret White Dutch, or Honeysuckle Herbs Sorrel Yellow, Trefoil, or Black Grass White Spanish Artichoke Furze Brown Spanish Spinach Asparagus for natural beds, of one & two years old or for pickling and Ribgrass, Silver-skinned, Prickly, Winter Spring narrow Leaved Plaintain ditto - for forcing, Blood Red Round, Summer three and four years old Rye Grass Welsh Turnip Eschalot Sainfoin Parsley Early Dutch Garlick Tare, Spring Plain Early White Stone, or Stubble Horse Radish Tare, Winter Curled Yellow Potatoe Tare, White Hambro' or Large Rooted White Round Norfolk Early Dwarf, for forcing Hay Seeds Mixed Green Top - ditto - Purslane - ditto - for open ground Lucerne Red Top - ditto - Green Champion Oats Tankard Golden Manley Black Swedish, or Ruta Baga, Small Kidney Radish Very Hardy Dutch Brew Late Red Nosed Kidney Mason's Fine Early Frame Pot & Sweet Essex Ox Noble Scarlet Salmon Herbs Poland Rocambole Dwarf Short top Balm Pea Sea , or Maritima - ditto - Common Rounceval Basil, sweet and Large Grey Long Salmon Grass Other Basil, Bush Marlborough Gray Dwarf Salmon Agricultural Borage White Boiling Long White Seeds Bugloss Turnip Small White Turnip Barley, Isle of Thanet Clary White Norfolk Small Red - ditto - Barley, Norfolk Fennel, Sweet Green Top Black Spanish Beans, Small Essex Fennel, Common Red Top Sandwich, for Sallads Beans, Large Tick Hyssop Stubble Broom Of Divers Lavendar Swedish, or Ruta Bago Buck Wheat Chardoon Marjoram, Pot Tankard Cabbage, Mason's True Chervil Marjoram. Sweet Drumhead Marygold, Double Pot Corn Sallad Cabbage, Common Scotch Rosemary