Arxiv:2108.10856V1 [Physics.Space-Ph] 24 Aug 2021

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Arxiv:2108.10856V1 [Physics.Space-Ph] 24 Aug 2021 Draft version September 16, 2021 Typeset using LATEX twocolumn style in AASTeX631 Turbulent magneto-genesis in a collisionless plasma F. Pucci,1, 2 M. Viviani,3 F. Valentini,3 G. Lapenta,1 W. H. Matthaeus,4 and S. Servidio3 1Centre for Mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200B, 3001 Leuven, Belgium 2Istituto per la Scienza e Teconologia dei Plasmi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISTP-CNR), Via Amendola 122/D, 70126 Bari, Italy 3Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`adella Calabria, I-87036 Cosenza, Italy 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA ABSTRACT We investigate an efficient mechanism for generating magnetic fields in turbulent, collisionless plas- mas. By using fully kinetic, particle-in-cell simulations of an initially non-magnetized plasma, we inspect the genesis of magnetization, in a nonlinear regime. The complex motion is initiated via a Taylor-Green vortex, and the plasma locally develops strong electron temperature anisotropy, due to the strain tensor of the turbulent flow. Subsequently, in a domino effect, the anisotropy triggers a Weibel instability, localized in space. In such active wave-particle interaction regions, the magnetic field seed grows exponentially and spreads to larger scales due to the interaction with the underlying stirring motion. Such a self-feeding process might explain magneto-genesis in a variety of astrophysical plasmas, wherever turbulence is present. Keywords: Turbulence, dynamo, plasma 1. INTRODUCTION The generation of seed magnetic fields is relevant not Magnetic fields permeate the Universe, but their ori- only in astrophysics but also in laboratory settings such gin still represents an open question Kulsrud & Zweibel as laser-plasma experiments Schoeffler et al.(2016). A (2008), despite years of studies (see Widrow et al.(2012) proposed explanation invokes effects beyond standard and references therein). The magnetic fields of most magnetohydrodynamics, such as the Biermann battery stars and galaxies are believed to be sustained and am- Biermann(1950), which relies on the different inertial plified by hydromagnetic dynamo action Parker(1970), response of electrons and ions to a pressure gradient. an essential element of which is turbulence Kraichnan & In the case of weakly-collisional media, one of the most Nagarajan(1967); Pouquet et al.(1976); Mininni et al. efficient candidates for the so-called magneto-genesis is (2003); Brandenburg(2018). In turn, turbulent motion the kinetic Weibel instability Weibel(1959). This pro- is stirred by the evolution of baryonic and dark mat- cess, based on the instability of strongly anisotropic par- ter, with stellar collisions being suggested as a possible ticle distribution functions, has been verified in a vari- mechanism for increasing local shearing motions Colgate ety of simulations and plasma experiments Huntington et al.(2001). For extragalactic plasmas, also dynamos et al.(2015); Schoeffler & Silva(2020). In the collision- in non-collisional and weakly collisional plasmas have less case, it dominates the dynamics at small scales at been investigated Rincon et al.(2016); St-Onge & Kunz ` ∼ de, where de is the electron inertial length. Although such kinetic instability is a very powerful magnetic field arXiv:2109.07432v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 15 Sep 2021 (2018); Rincon(2019); Pusztai et al.(2020); St-Onge et al.(2020). In both these scenarios, an initial seed source, it requires an existing highly non-Maxwellian of magnetic field is assumed. It is therefore essential plasma, namely an ad-hoc, unstable velocity distribu- to investigate the origin of such seeds from which mag- tion. In the Weibel scenario, such anisotropic distribu- netic fields can emerge and grow as we can observe them tion is a given ingredient. today on large and small scales. More recently, in a sequence of inspiring works, it has been suggested that collisionless plasmas might de- velop large temperature anisotropy, and hence non- [email protected] Maxwellian distributions, not only via an existing mag- Bosonic dark matter in a coherent state driven by thermal fermions Eung Jin Chun1, ∗ 1Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul 02455, Korea If there is a scalar boson field interacting dominantly with a quark or a lepton in the thermal background, its coherent oscillation can be generated through the thermal effect and becomes a good dark matter candidate in a wide range of the coupling and masses. We describe the general features of this mechanism and analyze how it works in various situations considering asymptotic limits where analytic solutions can be obtained. PACS numbers: I. INTRODUCTION One of attractive dark matter candidate is a light boson in a coherent state. A classic example is the QCD axion whose cosmological population arises from the misalignment mechanism which drives the coherent oscillation of the axion field around the minimum of the effective QCD potential [1]. Another interesting example is a ultra- light bosonic condensate whose de Broglie wavelength extends to a galactic scale affecting the dark matter halo and structure formation [2]. Its abundance could also be due to the misalignment production by a certain effective potential generated, e.g., by a gluon condensate [3]. In this article, we discuss a novel mechanism for the generation of a coherent bosonic state in a thermal background [4, 5]. Suppose that a scalar boson couples to a thermal fermion (quark or lepton). Then its thermal distribution generates temperature-dependent mass and source term in the classical equation of motion governing the cosmological evolution of the coherent state. As a result, it may constitutes the observed dark matter density depending on parameters of the model. In Section II, we describe the general features of the cosmological evolution of a classical boson field coupling to thermal fermions in connection with the freeze-in mechanism and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) constraints. In Sections III and IV, approximate analytic solutions are derived considering various limits depending on the sizes of the Yukawa coupling and masses of the scalar boson field and the thermal fermion. Finally, we conclude in Section V. II. THERMAL EFFECT IN THE EVOLUTION OF A BOSON FIELD We assume a light boson φ with mass mφ that couples to a Standard Model (SM) fermion through a tiny Yukawa coupling yφ: = y φ(f¯ f + f¯ f ) (1) Lφff φ L R R L where f could be a quark q, charged-lepton l, or neutrino ν. This interaction is supposed to arise after the electroweak symmetry breaking from a higher dimensional operator φ SM/Λ where Λ is a cutoff scale and SM = f¯LΦfR + h.c. arXiv:2109.07423v1 [hep-ph] 15 Sep 2021 is a SM Higgs-fermion-fermion operator. In the thermalL background of the fermions, the classicalL boson field φ(t) describing the homogeneous coherent oscillation follows the evolution equation: ∂ φ¨(t)+3H φ˙(t) + (m2 + m2 ) φ(t)= (2) φ T ∂φ hLφff iT 2 where H is the Hubble parameter, and the thermal effect encoded in mT and φff T arises from the thermal distribution of the fermion f. Following the calculation in a finite temperature ([4,hL 5] andi references therein), one obtains g g m T 2 m2 = f y2T 2, and = y φ f f (3) T 24 φ hLφff iT φ 24 ∗Electronic address: [email protected] Prepared for submission to JCAP Structure Formation in the Effective Field Theory of Holographic Dark Energy Alexander Ganz, Chunshan Lin aFaculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, 30-348 Krakow, Poland arXiv:2109.07420v1 [gr-qc] 15 Sep 2021 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. We investigate the structure formation in the effective field theory of the holo- graphic dark energy. The equation of motion for the energy contrast δm of the cold dark matter is the same as the one in the general relativity up to the leading order in the small scale limit k aH, provided the equation of state is Quintessence-like. Our effective field theory breaks down while the equation of state becomes phantom-like. We propose a solution to this problem by eliminating the scalar graviton. SciPost Physics Submission An introduction to axions and their detection Igor G. Irastorza Center for Astroparticle and High Enery Physics (CAPA), Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain. [email protected] September 16, 2021 Abstract In these notes I try to introduce the reader to the topic of axions: their theoretical motivation and expected phenomenology, their role in astrophysics and as dark matter candidate, and the experimental techniques to detect them. Special emphasis is made in this last point, for which a relatively updated review of worldwide efforts and future prospects is made. The material is intended as an introduction to the topic, and it was prepared as lecture notes for Les Houches summer school 2021. Abundant references are included to direct the reader to deeper insight on the different aspects of axion physics. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Introduction to axion theory and phenomenology 3 2.1 The strong CP problem 3 2.2 The Peccei-Quinn mechanism 4 2.3 Axion mixing and mass 5 2.4 Axion-photon coupling 5 2.5 Axion models 6 2.6 Axion-nucleon couplings 7 2.7 Axion-electron coupling 8 2.8 Other phenomenology 8 2.9 Axion-like particles 9 arXiv:2109.07376v1 [hep-ph] 15 Sep 2021 3 Axions in cosmology 9 3.1 Axions as cold dark matter 11 3.1.1 The axion potential and the vacuum realignment (VR) mechanism 11 3.2 Decay of topological defects (TD) 13 3.3 The domain wall problem
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