Alexey Malashenko
Alexey Malashenko Doctor of History, professor (2003), Scholar-in-Residence, “Religion, Society and Security” Program Co-Chair (Carnegie Moscow Center) Member of the editorial board of “Central Asia and the Caucasus” Member of the editorial board of “Acta Eurasica” Member of presidium of the Federation for Peace and Conciliation Professional Experience: - Professor, State University – Higher School of Economics, 2007 - date - Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), 2000 – 2005 - Senior Scholar-in-Residence, “Religion, Society and Security” Program Co-chair, Carnegie Moscow Center, 1996 – date - Senior Associate, Institute of Oriental Studies RAN (Russian Academy of Sciences), 1999- 2001 - Head of Islamic Department, Institute of Oriental Studies RAN, 1986-1999 - Visiting Professor, Colgate University (USA), 1990 - Editor, journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism", 1982-1986 - Scholar-in-Residence, Institute of Oriental Studies, 1976-1982 - Advisor, RAN expedition (Libya), 1979-1980 - Military service (Algeria), 1974-1976 - Language practice (Egypt, Turkmenistan), 1972 Education: - Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University - Postdoctoral Degree in Political Science, 1995 - Ph.D. in History, 1978 - Diploma in History, 1974 1 Author / Co-author: - Ramzan Kadyrov. The Chechen Version of Russian Authoritarianism, ROSSPEN, Moscow, 2009 - Russia and Islam, ROSSPEN, Moscow, 2007 - The Islamic Alternative and the Islamist Project, Ves’ Mir, Moscow, 2006 - How Chechnya Voted, Carnegie Moscow Center, Moscow, 2006 - Russia's Restless Frontier: The Chechnya Factor in Post-Soviet Russia (Dmitri Trenin), Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2004. - Islamic Factor in the Northern Caucasus, Carnegie Moscow Center, Moscow, 2001 - The Muslim renaissance in contemporary Russia, Carnegie Moscow Center, Moscow, 1998 - The Muslim Community of the CIS, Moscow, 1996 (Arabic translation, 1999) - Islam in Central Asia, Great Britain With L.
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