(Iowa City, Iowa), 1982-07-30
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DaiJylowan uly 29, 1982 - Plgea Still a dime Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Friday, July 30, 1982 I""' ",,""' """"" ""' 'oc. [Gilson pleads PtO agrees to withdraw neglect By Susan Fisher r IIId Jenniler Marme·Ruggeberg Stall Wllters from Beirut ard Tami Marie Gilson. the 22-year-old United Press Internationat and get the Israelis to withdraw totally jItIOlher charged with wanton neglect. from Lebanon . ~eaded guilty to abandoning her 4· The Palestine Liberation Organiza It also said, "The PLO announced its rm-()ld daughter al an Iowa City tion signed a six'point document Thurs decision to move its armed forces from nts of murch Julv 9. day at a meeting of the Arab League Beirut" and the "necessary guaran· I took her to the church. hoping and committing the guerrillas for the first tees" for a safe exodus would be deter ~mking Ihere would be somebody time to withdraw "its armed forces" mined in talks i'>etween the PLO and from Beirut, PLO officials at the Un· the Lebanese government. irerilent Iter." Gilson said during her court ap· ited Nations and in Lebanon said . Following a withdrawal, the docu· ptarance Thursday. The announcement occurred as U.S. ment said the Lebanese government Gilson said she left Bobbi Jo envoy Philip Habib met with Lebanese must provide security for Palestinian ring Mwood at the Congregalional United mediators for the PLO in Beirut to civilians in refugee camps, with the Church of Christ al 9 p.m. and returned seek an " unequivocal commitment" " participation of international (UPl) - Sugar Ray lite next morning . from PLO chief Vasser Arafat to lead forces, " if necessary. his 6.000 trapped fighters out of recuperating from eye sur· [ Police located Gilson in front of the ing fie may retire from the Lebanon. A PLO SOURCE in Beirut cautioned. mUfch July \0 . Police arrested her af· PLa sources said the Arab League however, that the communique was because the love he had for ler she t~rned herself over to the "died out. " statement did not fulfill that commit· only the opening PLO position in future Jaltnson County Sheriff's office that ment, but they said it was "one step" discussions on an exodus from don 't even think about II /I·ening. on a " tightrope" toward a possible Lebanon. "It does not even say all ar " the world welterweighl ~ Gilson spent II days in jall until bond solution to the Israeli invasion, which med men , and it only mt!ntions a told The Washington Post m posted by an Iowa doctor. ac began June 6. withdrawal from Beirut," he said . months after he lOrding to Gilson's allorney Clemens Israeli Prime Minister Menachem "Everyone moves a short step at a his crown against Roger Erdahl. Begin had said Habib promised Wed· time." . " I don't get the urge. I don'l r A enlencing date was set for Sept. 3 nesday to obtain within 48 hours a PLO At the United Nations, Lebanese Am· I can relate to what they go and Gilson will [ace a custody hearing commitment to withdraw. bassador Ghassan Tueni said it could But the pistons don't budge. illay. The six-point Arab League statement be assumed that agreement had boxing now as a spectator. I was drafted at the end of a two-day already been reached on where the the talent." said Leonard. ERDAHL SAID Gilson wants ministerial meeting in the Saudi PLa forces should move, but the State earned approximately $4G custody of her child and one reason she capital of Jeddah and was signed by Department cautioned no agreement in his career. "The love that I pleaded guilty was so juvenile court of· Arafat's key political adviser, Farouk existed on "the terms of the departure, Kaddoumi, the United Arab Emirates died out. " fiNis would be assured she will be out the timing and the destinations." of jail and able to take care of her News Agency WAM said. Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq all dliid . have told Habib they would accept AT THE UNITED Nations, PLO some of the PLQ guerrillas, sources 26, underwent surgery Theserious misdemeanor Gilson was a partially detached retina representative Zehdi Labib Teni, read said . charged with carnes a sentence of up the text of the Jeddah statement to the Lebanese political sources in Beirut He said he may announce in \lit \0 one ~ear in jail. $l,(lOO Ene or both. Security Council and declared the PLa said the exact conditions of a PLO to three months a decisioo on Assistant Johnson County Attorney plans. fully supports the Arab League state· departure from Beirut were the sub· Daniel Bray said the mother pleaded ment. ject of talks between Arafat and for ~ullty as a part of an agreement bet· The Security Council also passed a mer Prime Minister Saeb Salam, a key :een Gilson 's attorney and the county resolution IH) demanding Israel 11ft its mediator. But publicly , PLO officials aUorney' office. Bray recommended siege of Beirut to let food, medicine continued to insist there would be no day I'm away from boxing. 10 the judge that Gilson be given a one· and emergency supplies for civilians withdrawal. are much slimmer I will year suspended jail sentence. into the ravaged western ha If of the Abu Iyad, deputy chief of AI Fatah, going back ," he told the Posl Judge Joseph Thornton told Gilson city, controlled by the PLO. the largest guerrilla group with the terview at his home in the court was not bound to the agree- The Jeddah communique marked the PLO, said Habib's negotiations were . Md . ment. "If you plead guilty, you're ad· first time the guerrilla leadership has "back to square one" and the 6,000 mitting to abandoning the child ," pledged to withdraw its " armed guerrillas were ready to fight Israel the ultimate would be forces" from the Lebanese capital. "[rom street to street." do color for CBS (which Gilson said she understood . The Israel, however, has demanded the en As the seventh cease-fire of the war 's Thomas Hearns· rprocedure continued as Gilson ex· tire PLO - political and military, held , Abu lyad said Habib returned ~ Cr.ackj>.n fight), If I didn·t gel plai ned the events of July 9. leave Lebanon entirely. from Israel Wednesday without provi , if I didn 't get the feeling for "We were in (bad) economic times, The Jeddah statement said the Arab sions for an Israeli withdrawal or an in· I said. 'I won 't ever get il and I was in poor health, a IQt of family League ministerial committee found ternational peace-keeping force sought didn't get it. stress. So I took my Bobbi to the "complete agreement" to "work to by the PLa in return for an agreement walk away. I don 't rely on church .... T knew at the time that she lift" the Israeli siege of West Beirut to leave Beirut. '77. yes. I relied on boxing. It 'liaS not old enough to fend for herself "" u,av'f. yes. I did it for love. and knew I was wrong, but I had gone vanishing. diminishing. back the next morning ," a sign of retirement." r SHE SAID WHEN she left the child Roberts nominated II the church she returned to a The Dally Iowan/ Dirk VanDerwerkOf Coralville truckstop with her boyfriend Rick Thompson . Lowering the boom The judge read a note that police for supervisor slot Three days was all It took for Cedar ServIce Co. of Cedar flnllhing Thurlday, Oennll Carmen lowerl part, of the me time to lay back. see See Gilson . page 5 Rapids to put new roofing on E.C. Mable Theater. AHer power-driven boom uled to 11ft materlall to the rool. By Jeff Beck position vacated by the death of his and don't want. I'm in a and Mark Leonard mother, Lorada . the map. I have time off to Stall Writers is okay. this is not.' I've been :S/6H..' "WHEN I WAS on the city council, such a fast pace. I haven't Former Iowa City Councilman Glenn we had quite a few meetings with the what I've accomplished, whal Roberts has been selected by the county and I got to know Lorada very in the bank . I never knew the Nancy Reagan is coming to UI Republicans to face the Democratic well," Roberts said. "I feel I can get ~ .nificance of Sugar Ray candidate in the November Johnson along with them and work with them ." County Board of Supervisors race. Co·chairman of the county At the county Republican convention Republican Party Donald Johnson said noted his fans may not believe Thursday night , Roberts was the only -to meet drug abuse counselors Roberts can take the seat, which has announcement. Last '01' till fall nominee, and 67 party members un· The summer session Is over today , and Texas, to allend 11 session of the Palmer Drug Abuse been held by the Democrats the past 24 I say. ·Yes. 1 will con· By Mark Leonard animously approved the selection. lliat means The Daily Iowan goes on 8 years. ·No. I won't,' how much of Slatl Writer Program. "I am very bappy to be nominated Short vacation until fall. The lirsl issue - VI President James O. Freedman said he is " very will believe it? After the for the office, " he said. "I've had both "It's going to take an outstanding Which will Include Ihe annual Universlly First lady Nancy Reagan will come to the UI Aug. 5 to pleased" about the first lady's plans to visit the UI and .