The New Zealand Gazette 2963

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The New Zealand Gazette 2963 9 JULY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2963 Tariff Industry Assistance (Advertisement) Notice No. 1985/12 - cont'd Part Appn. *Category Tariff Name and Address II Ref. of Item Description of Goods of Applicant Ref. No. Appn. 84.09.000 Vibrating rollers models, RVS215, RVS315, Youngman Richardson & Co Ltd ;o DN 461907C CA RVS415, RVS515, RVS615 and compact O-G0432 C/- Colebrook Bros. Ltd PO Box 1296 AUCKLAND 84.10.029 Comet low pressure air operated transfer pumps IPSCO (Sales and 10 DN 461110C CA Manufacturing) Ltd PO Box 22 342 Otahuhu AUCKLAND 84.10.029 Commercial shearing hydraulic pumps Vickers Systems Ltd 10 AK 401318C WA PO Box 51 076 Pakuranga AUCKLAND 84.10.029 Hermetic pumps APV Engineering Ltd 10 DN 461908A CA PO Box 33 040 Takapuna AUCKLAND 84.10.029 Mirrlees triro screw pumps of cast iron, cast JF Harrave Ltd 10 DN 461909K CA steel or fabricated steel bodies PO Box 9540 WELLINGTON 84.10.029 Pumps, automatic for condensate recovery to Cable-Price Corporation Ltd 10 DN 461911A CA boilers at high temperature PO Box 10 042 WELLlNGTON 84.10.029 Scienco brand, model EL 12X transfer pump, self BR Homersham Ltd 10 CH 440322 A priming, 30 minutes continuous duty cycle, PO Box 280 approxiamately 15 gallons per minute on light CHRISTCHURCH liquids, 12 volt, DC 84 .11.061 Fans and fan bosses peculiar to use in assembling Email Industries Ltd AK 401358B WA electric motors C/- Trade Consultants Ltd PO Box 4287 AUCKLAND 84.11.061 Hot gas vacuum, for use in making gas fired Combustion Control Ltd DN 461913H CA radiant heaters PO Box 13 454 ONEHUNGA 84.11.061 Microfans, type MF-406C, low noise axial vent, Wormald International Sensory Aids IO CH 440169H A 41 mm x 35 mm, 5.6V, 8.5 cfm PO Box 3044 CHRISTCHURCH 84.13.000 Nozzles for oil burners Cable-Price Corporation Ltd 10 DN 461914F CA PO Box IO 042 WELLINGTON 84.13.000 Stokers: chain grate Cable-Price Corporation Ltd 10 DN 461915D CA PO Box .JO 042 WELLINGTON 84.17 .009 Microwave heat treatment tunnels Alfa Laval (NZ) Ltd 10 AK 401359L A C/- PO Box 1316 HAMILTON 84.17.009 Thermojet one way belt dryer for sliced veneers. Quality Wood Ltd 10 AK 401279J A Model BDII 400/14 C/- Trade Consultants Ltd PO Box 4287 AUCKLAND 84.18.039 Cast iron. Cast steel, stainless steel Y type J F Hargrave Ltd 10 DN 461916B CA strainers, sizes 125 mm (5 in.) and 250 mm PO Box 9540 (10 in) to 918 mm (36 in.) inclusive WELLINGTON 84.18.039 Hako magnetic field water conditioners APV Engineering Ltd 10 DN 461917L CA PO Box 33 040 Takapuna AUCKLAND 84.18.039 Petrol filters, assemblies for, consisting of Cable-Price Corporation Ltd 10 DN 461918J CA bowls, bails. screens. strainers and seats PO Box 10 042 WELLINGTON 84.19.039 Werpack manual & automatic carton sealing AM Satterthwaite & Co Ltd 10 CH 440327 A machines PO Box 881 CHRISTCHURCH 84.21.011 Airco hand held air paint spray guns EPAC Productions Ltd 10 AK 401360D A PO Box 47 101 Ponsonby AUCKLAND 84.21.011 Sharpe Air Operated spray guns, models 775 P.I., Wyatt Machine Tools (Rupes) 10 AK 401425B A 71, 90, P.G. 20C, 20XS, D, detail gun handpieces PO Box 9054 only NEWMARKET 84. 21.011 'Sipair' Low and Medium Pressure Spray Guns S Hindin & Sons Ltd 10 CH 440326 A PO Box 1181 CHRISTCHURCH 84. 22. 009 Components for the manufacture of wickham Crane Accessories Ltd 10 AK 401323K CA goods/personnel hoists viz; base complete, PO Box 79 013 rack and pinion drive gear and control gear AUCKLAND 84. 22. 009 Coreless augers, peculiar to use in making Perfect Poultry Products Ltd 10 DN 461919G CA feeding equipment C/- Trade Consultants Ltd PO Box 4287 AUCKLAND 84. 22. 009 Winches, catalogued parts of (excluding parts of Cable-Price Corporation Ltd 10 DN 461920L CA general us'e), on condition that they will be used PO Box 10 042 only in the repair of winches designed to be WELLINGTON mounted on tractors .
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