Welcome to the GC! The Graduate College House Committee welcomes you to the Graduate College community. We hope this packet of information will make your adjustment to graduate life at Princeton a bit smoother. Graduate school may prove to be an academic challenge, but since we cannot make classes any easier, we work at making life outside of the classroom more enjoyable. The House Committee is a volunteer board of fourteen graduate students that makes use of your student dues to provide activities and services to the members of the Graduate College House, i.e. you! House Committee’s work ranges from planning social events to servicing the GC laundry machines. We can be reached is via
[email protected], though if you would like to report a problem with House facilities (e.g. the GC laundry machines), the fastest way is to email
[email protected]. The Committee also maintains a website to useful information about the GC life, including an online copy of this Guide with hyperlinks included. House Committee elections are in February. If you like what we do, we hope that you will consider joining us down the road. You will find that the GC holds many pleasant surprises. Where else can you have an unlimited buffet for dinner during the week, Sunday brunch, and free breakfast; conveniently hang out in the bar in the basement playing pool with your friends; live with about 400 interesting and intelligent scholars; play soccer, tennis, basketball, and volleyball; learn how to play a carillon; and enjoy an entire social program every week? You can even experiment with ant colonies on your windowsill, as the physicist Richard Feynman did when he was here.