Proquest Dissertations
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 68-2999 HEALY, Frances Patricia, 1923- A HISTORY OF EVELYN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, 1887 TO 1897. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1967 Education, history University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan © Copyright by Prances Patricia Healy 1968 A HISTORY OF EVELYN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 1887 TO 189? DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University B.i Frances Patricia Healy, B,AtJ M.A< x * x * * # The Ohio State University 1967 Adviser School of Education ACKNOWLEDGMENT Many people have helped In the completion of this history—too many to name them all. But to some who have played an especially Important part I wish to give my special thanks: first, to Dr. Robert B. Sutton, my adviser, whose help and advice made this task not only possible but also enjoyable; then to three women who, each in their own way, are most responsible for my successful completion of this work; to Katherine H. Porter, my Freshman English professor, who taught me to appreciate higher education and who over the years has exhibited a belief in me that I cherish; to Esther Brubaker, who as my assistant at Ohio State, saw me through course work and examinations and whose confidence in me I wanted GO justify; to Marjorie M. Trayes, the Dean of Students at Douglass College with whom I have worked for the past seven years—the years in which this history was written, whose genuine concern and complete support was con stantly available; to my family—especially my father who, like my mother before her death, gave me the continual re assurance and encouragement that is a major factor in accomplishing a project such as this; finally to typists, ii librarians, archivists (especially M.
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