

Judge Declares Submission of Proposal W ill IRISH LIFE SACRED NO MORE SOME SUCCESS ACHIEVED

Ip r N. C. W, C. N ew i S*rvlc«.) (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) Precipitate Religious W ar Dublin.—Catholic life and Catholic Berlin.—-Tlie light against erotic films, propcifty are no longer safe in Ireland. indecent theatre performances and VOL. XVI. No. 9. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. OCT. 14,1920. $2 PER YEAR. The Cirange atrocities in Belfast, accord­ trashy literature is now being waged | MEASURE’S DOOM ALREADY SEALED ing t(| the admittedly low estimate of with great vigor by the Catholics of Gcr-1 the piiblished lists, caused the death of many, assisted in many instances by j CORK’S H EROIC LORD MAYORIBANQUET ARRANGED about ilOO persons. The claims for prop­ clean-living Protestants. The revolution | Ivansing, Mich.—By order of the Su- ing.,James Hamilton, author of the pro­ I prome Court of Michigan, the proposal erly destroyed in the outbreak already did away with the censorship of thea-1 posed amendmont. Hamilton received exceed $12,500,000, and this is n o t the tres and moving pictures. There fol-1 W H O M E N G L A N D ‘ L E F T T O D I E ’ IFOR NEW PRESIDENT to amend tlie state constitution so as to only 18,000 votes in the entire state, complete total. The loss has almost lowed a deluge of unspeakable moving | compel all children between the ages of and less than 2,000 in Detroit. The six and sixteen years of ago to attend ■wholly fallen on Catholics. Jinny Pro­ pictures and lascivious stage productions iOF JESUIT COLLEGE Democratic nominee, like Jlr. Grocsheck, the .public schools will be submitted to testant labor men, however, were also which were fast having, their effect, es­ is also a vigorous opponent of the the voters at the election on Nov./ 2. amendment. Most of the candidates for , victimized because of their stand against pecially upon the minds of the young. Tlie first imblic roco])tion in honor of One justice of the court, in a minority other state offices have denounced the the Oijange outrages. In order to combat this evil there was Rev. Robert JI. Relley, S.J.. llic new presi­ opinion, expriis.sed the belief that sub­ proposal as a scheme for proscribing A desperate campaign is now in prog­ formed, under the leadership of a Catho­ dent of Sacred Heart college, will be mission of the proposed amendment will private schools. ress iri the W est and South. Towns are lic member of the Reichstag, Heijr Fass- lield under tlie auspices of the College “precipitate a bitter religious war” in Lutherans, Adventists and other Pro­ being sacked and burned and factories bender, and Frau Hessberger, a 'society j Alumni association on Tlmrs’day evening, the state. testant persuasions conduct private and creameries destroyed. Inhabitants for decency and morality, which has October 21. In the opinion of the majority of tJie .schools in iuichigan and have joined the are being shot and bayoneted. These at­ been receiving very gratifying support. ■ The alumni plan to make tliis tlie big court it was held that the validity of fight to prevent the adoption of the tacks are carried out by anned British Not only the leaders of the people, 1 event of the year and have secured tlic the proposed amendment could not be amendment. forces.. General Mncready, the comman- but the people themselves, in towns and j new Knights of Columbus hall at lUth decided at this time. The only ques­ After declaring that if the secretary dcr-in-jchief of the British array in Ire­ cities have attacked vigorously the un-1 and Grant streets for tlie occasion. A tions before the court, it was held, were of state might decide whether the pro­ land, I justifies them as “reprisals.” clean drama and the insidious film. In I banquet will be served at 7 p. ni., to whether the amendment could be de­ posed constitution amendment is un­ It mi^it be necessary, he told the spe­ many places Protestants and Jews joined i whicli the Bishoji, Governor, Mayor and clared unconstitutional before its adop­ constitutional and refuse to submit it, cial rdpresentative of the “Petit Pari- with Catholics in protesting against the j the presidents of tlie other colleges tion as part of the constitution, and he might e.xercisc the same power in sien,” t6 shoot fifty of the inhabitants. manner in which confession, celibacy and ! thruout the state have been invited. whether the secretary of state, a ininis- other cases, the court (uriied to the other His fol'ee.s were ready to suppress ruth­ other institutions of the Church were Thc c.xecutivc committee of (he alumni i terial officer, could exercise judicial question involved, and declared: lessly. I It was very simple. Bloyd held up to ridicule. Several successful association also desires, tliru the c«ur- power to exclude the proposition from “No one knows to any certainty George', the Englisli premier, whose demonstrations against these libels were fesy of The Register, to extend un invi- ■ the ballot. whether if the amendment is submitted cabinelj, the “ Xew Statesman” of Lon­ made. In some instances, however, the tatiou to this Imnqnet and reception to ' Three o f the eight judges dissented, to the legal electors, it will receive a don aKseits, organized the anarchy police intervened in favor of the the all friends of the college and particularly One of these three, Justice George M. and frightfulness and the assassination theatrical managers. sufficient number of votes to carry it. to all former students who may .not have Clarke, is a candidate for re-election. o f the |Jlepublican leaders, condoned the If it does not, no one is harmed. If the But much more etfective was the scries I been personally notified. Anyone de- outrages in a speech last wbek. The advocates of the proposal ap­ proposed amendment should receive a of debates held in Parliament in which I siring to meet Father Kelley on this oc- The |towns which have bcoi subjected pealed to the Supreme Court from a for­ majority of the legal votc.s cast, there Herr Fassbender o f tlie Central party, : casion should . eommuuicatc with Mr. to thid terrible experience include For- mal ruling of Attorney General Alex .T, will be time enough to inquire whether by a series of interpellations and mo­ ^ John R Akolt, president of the assoeiu- 'moy. Cove, Bantry, Thurlcs, Ballylan- Grocsheck, who advised secretary of any provision of the federal constitution tions, endeavored to have existing laws ' tion. state Vaughan last -July that the pro- i is violated. Until that time comes, we ders, Newcastlewcst, Limerick, Galway, remedied that the yo^ng people might be posed amendment was in conflict with I must decline to express any opinion on Tuam, Tullow, Doon, Hospital, Middle- protected against menaces to their mor­ article 14 of the federal constitution and | the constitutionality of the proposed ton, Youghal, Templemore, Carrick-on- ality. He also advanced new legislative could not, therefore, legally be placed i amendment.” Shanno^n, Miltown-Malbay, Enniscorthy, measures to check the evil which had , SISTER OF ‘U H L E on tlie officiarbaflot at tlie next elec-; Justice Fellows, who wrote the minor- Balbriggan, and Cork. grown to such widespread proportions. ^ tion. ity opinion, said: The jmufti-niilitaircs (military partly As a result of his efforts the film con- i FLOWER’ SENDS GIF! After giviiigi this opinion, Attoniey “I cannot bring myself to feel that dressed as civilians) perpetrated a deeed sorsWp was re-established. The attempt i General Grocsheck was nominated for ; this court should by a discretionary writ in Dublin which stunned the entire city. to secure a censorship of theatrical pro­ FORNATIONALSHRINE the governorship in the Republican pri-1 of mandamus, compel the secretary of The Rdyal E.xcliange hotel, as is not un­ ductions, however, did not succeed, anil; mary, dcfcatingj oiglit camlidatqs, iiicliid- 1 ((hmtinued from Page 2) known i to American travellers, stands at present there is presented an abnor- | ■Within I two minutes walk of IXiblin raal situation, a decent film generally ■ (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) t (Continued on Page 2.) (Continued on Page 2.) j Washington, D. C.—The sister of the =*= ! “ Little Flower of Jesus” has .sent to i Rev. Dr. Bernard A. JIcKcnna, of tlio Catholic Family Record Catholic university, a copy of the oil por- Bishop Tihen Administers I trait o f Sister Teresa she painted in 1912. It will be hung in (lie .Salve Reg­ Will Be Preserved in U.S. ina chapel at the university. Tlie painter j of the picture is a nun in the Carmelite Confirmation in Wichita (j eonvent at Lisien.x, Franee, where Sis- ' (er Tere.sa spent her last days in tliis National Shrine to Mary world, and is “ C>line,” of whmn the “ Lit­ Rt. ie v . Biatiop J. Henry Tihen is nounced, realized Itow deep was Bishop tle Flower” spehks so often in her auto­ (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) '.'>00 to the volume. For the present, the presently in Wichita giving confinna- Tiben’s sense of loss in parting, as he biography—“ The iStory of a ,‘(oul.” Washington, J). C. In the national \,j]| i^ppt in (|if. office of the tion in the different parishes of the di­ said, with the friend of a lifetime. Lord Mayor MacSwiiiey, who is giving of tlic Irisli people sbiiic with Tliy glory. A Catholic woman of Clcvelaml. who shrine of the Infmacnlatc Conception, on j ,j|„.inp. but on the completion of ilie ocese. [when the late Bishop Hennessy At the suggestion of the priests of the his life to maintain the American prin­ Oh, my God, forever and ever. Amen.’ ” | obtained a gi'cat favor tlirmigli the in-i the grounds of the Catholic university, i of tlie'ba.silica they will no stored was appointed to Wichita he took with diocese Bisliop Tihen is fulfilling the en­ ciple of government with the con.sent of Ixird Mayor MacSwiiicy has also at­ terccs.sion of .Si.ster Tere.sa, m intioncil, will be prcscrv’eil a national Catholic ■ fbere in n fireproof and ilampproi.f vault, him as Wretary the then Father Tihen, gagements tlie late Bishop had made for the governed, Im.s sent from Brixton tained some fame as a jioct. The fol-; the fact to the Carmelites of Lisieiix family record which, it is expected, w ill: indpx which mav be consulted bv a youu| priest. For twenty-five years confirmation in Wichita. Jn this way prison, London, the following message lowing beautiful and prophetic lines, | when she visited (heir convent, and told; become cvcntualiy a repository of inval-' (T,.,ieral public will be made of all the latter acted as pastor and chancellor he is not only afforded an ppportunity to eleven Irish Republicans wlio also are written .souie time before his arrest, are; them of the. Shrine to be erected in , liable historical data. Compilation of names in the volumes, but th e in - tjf the Uioce.se, and ties of the deepest to pay a tribute to the services of the on hunger strike in Cork city jail: unotherprayer, ail appeal to God in verse:,; ■Washington. The “ Little Flower’s” s is -; the record already has begun under the formation jiroper will be held in confi- affection sprang up between the two great Bishop wlioni he loved, hut is en­ “To my comrades in Cbrk: On your God, we enter our last fight; I tor promised then to semi a copy of the | direction o f Right Rev. Thomas J. JShah- i men. abled to visit the cities, parishes and Thou dost see our cause is right; picture. j an, rector of the university. ^ , It was from Wichita that Father eoniraunities amongst the priests and fifty-seventh day, I greet you. I ask ! I Ti. • 1 J iiu i. i- • Provision will be made for changes you to join with me in the following Make us inarch now in Thy sight - 1 It 18 planned that questionnaires now . ' ° Tihen was appointed Bishop of Lincoln, people o f which he had labored so long . iw I i j 1 A! ii 1 -n ami additions in tlic record to register prayer for our people suffering such per­ On to victory. « «-f wr w w w r* being distributed bv the thousands will , , , and thepe who enjoyed the privilege of and formed so many ties of friendship. secution in the presept crisis; ‘Oh, my liCt ns not Thy wrath deserve AUTOMORII F K I I I S information as to i ) , , . being ivith him when the news of He is expected back in Denver next tlUiUlTlUDILL a 1 L L 0 Urth, * continued God, I offer my pain for Ireland. She is In the sacred cause wc serve; the death of Bishop Hennessy was an- w«-k. I .. f. i.- r- i. from year to year and decade to decade Let ns not from danger swerve; I baptism, confirmation, first coininunioii,; • » sfc on the rack. My God, Thou knowest • J r J u 1- • • : until it will represent a roster of prac* Teach us how to die. DENVER ALTAR BOY^' and niarnagc of adults now living, sim-1 * , . . how many times our enemies have put ' • i. J tirallv all Catholic families In the united her there to break her spirit, but by Thy Death for .some is in reserve ■ liar data concenung their parents and ’ ' mercy they have always failed. I offer Before.our flag can fly. N. Marin. Cainpiglia, jr., 9 years o ld ,; pertinent facts regarding tlitir children. | Tlie estimateil cost o f the slirino is Father Marinix Describes my sufferings lierc for our martyred All tho agony of years, of 10;!8 Williams street, was killwl n t ' In this •way a complete riicord o f three 1 people to withstand the present tenor in All the horrors, all the fears, o'clock Jlonday afternoon w hile' generations will be assenibioil on a sin- $5,0ord Dormer have sisters dcnce wfs the fact that a certain large Girl—while the moment one enters the recent meeting of the Hierarchy lield in wore on her person a small crucifix and Seton, a prosperous mereliant. Nine At Ryde, in (lie I.-de of AViglit,' there who lire jirofcsscd nuns fn English tract called “Rome” was owned by a immense rotunda itself, the masterpieces Washington. often expressed astonislunent that this years later, in 1803, when five children is a house of Frjcnch Benedictine mi/is, convents. man named “Pope.” ;of the discoverer of San Salvador and Elizabeth Baylcy, the child destined to | practice was not more prevalent among had been born, Mr. Seton’s health de­ who settled in the island wlieu tlic From prc-Reforniatioii tihics, there The original joint planners of the city, | De Soto on the banks of the Father of i become one of the most remarkable and clined, and a sea voyage being advised Rrcivoh govcniinient jias.scil tiie law.s has liceii an unbroken tradition, both in ■working under a commission appointed [Waters claim instant attention; the por-1 saintly cdiaracters in the history of the by physieian.s, Jlra. Seton decided to ac- against the rcligunis orders. In this the noble families of Ireland and of by President Washington,. were both i traits, besides, of Cabo and La Salle j Church in America, was born in New CATHOUC PRIESTS company her husband abroad, taking' there are niany nuns of noble England, of the women of noble bouses Catholics—Major Charles Peter L’Enfant, I look down from the arabesques, and [York city on August 28, 1774, two years- with her the oldest daughter, Anna, birth, anil among tlicm two ex-qucens, entering religion. For centuries the call French (Engineer, and James Reed Der- Cortez and Pizarro are running around before the Declaration of Independence. A Rj\ES| EO IN IKEl lAND They sailed for Italy, but the tedious one-of "horn had been a confirirfeil in- to religious life meant a voluntary‘>X- inott, clever Irish draughtsman. the rotunda frieze. Her father, Richard Bayley, was an eini-; . j sea-voyage proved too much for Mr. j'al'd for years. a|iiil is wheeled into the ilc, eince tlie convents of tho English Amon^ the sixteen proprietors of tlie Of course, Cliarles Carroll of Carrol- nent physician. Her mother, Catherine Seton’s health and he died in Pisa onlehoir of the Alibhy church iir an iina- and Irish religious orders' were found in Tlio Associated Press i-able.s that Rev. I lands tojlay comprising the district, six ton sits in the second row of signers in Charlton, was the daughter of an Epis­ Deeember 27, 1$03, leaving the widow lid's chair. ilifferent cities of continental Europe, were Catholics, of whom two, Daniel Trumbull’s masterpiece—as little wor­ copal minister. Both were non-Catho- Michael Ol'lanagan, Roscommon, vice-[j^^j daughter among strangers in a Two sisters of Ixiril French are nuns, because tho penal laws forbade their es­ Clarroll, |5rother' o f the Archbishop, and ried, from the serene expression on his lics. One of Mr. Bayley’s sons by a sec­ president of the Irish republic, and R w . I grange land. and file throe aunts of Lord Retro are tablishment in the British Isles. Many Notley 'Yoimg owned the tract then face, it would seem, as tho ho were ond wife, Guy Carlton Btfylcy, was the 0. Meehan, C. C. Castlebar, Jlayo, have | Seton’s business connection had mins. Ijord Trinilostown, an Irish peer, of the religious orders'for women traoo known as the “Ceme Abbey Manor,” and staking two cents on the day’s action, in­ father of James Roosevelt Bayley, who, ^ been anested by British police and; brought him into contact with a promi­ also has three sisters who are nuns. their spiritual ancestry hack to pre-Ref- now located within the confines of the stead of his entire fortune of two mil­ after his conversion, became Archbishop:’military, nent family of Italian Catholics,, the Two sisters of the late Duke of Nor­ orniiition days, and in the case o f the heart of the city of Washington proper. lion dollars. Nor is this mere fancy, of Baltimore. i Father O'Flanagaii lectured in the iFilicehi, who after his death threw open folk arc nuns; the I>ady Jlinna Howard Bridgettines of Syon Abbey, in the dio­ When George Washington called for since the sittings are genuine portraits Elizabeth Bayley, whose mother di,eil | United States some years ago. He is j their doors to his wife and daughter. It 1 is a member of tlie Carmelite Order, and cese of Plymouth, they have an un­ plans and specifications for the “ presi- painted from life at different time.s by when she was quite young, was educated j one of the most celebrated orators of j was while sojourning among the Fllicehi, j the Lady EWieldrWa Howard *a Sister of broken tradition of community-life that gqit’t palace/’ as it wa^ ^en called, .(Continued on Page Z.\ chiefly by her father, a man of great j the Church. ^ (Continued on Page 2.) Charity. The Lady Agnes Foilding, goes back 5{K) years. i 1


(Continued 'from Page 1.) . i tA T H O U C POt^ULATlON, OLDiDlES; SAID PRAYER and visiting the beautiful churches of I BOYSCOUTCAMPAlGNlI G reat Reduction Sale Italy, that Catholic devotion made its; On everything in men’s suits, and ladies’ coats, suits and O R T H O D O X BIGOTRY GIVES IN THE STATE SENATE deep impression on !Mrs. Seton. The j AND DIRECT A TROOP Filicchi presented to her the claims of j dresses. Springfield, Mass.—Right Rev. Tlmmas the true faitli and arranged for her a A proof that tlie boy scout program 2*0% to 33% and even 40% off. The stock simply correspondence with Bishop Cheverus W A T INi MUTUAL TOLERANCE D. Beaven, Bishop of Springfield, who continues to interest the older boy was must move— this is your money saving opportunity of a died suddenly of heart disease at the and Bishop Carroll. On the other hand, well demonstrated last Friday week by lifetime. No red tape— pay while you wear. episcopal residence Tuesday week last, another friend, Mr. Hobart, who later Troop 47 at Cathedral Hall when more Wnshington.— Following the ^ e a t . with the . Serbia is now was born and reared in this city and be­ became an Episcopal biuhop, tried to dis­ than three patrols of its regular mem­ war, the kingdom of Serbia, or jatl^cr, beginning to appreciate the spirit and came not only one of its most distin­ suade her from the step she was now bers answered the roll-call at the weekly Jugoslavia, has acquire^ a larger Cath-;j vitality of the Catholic Church. A closer Askin & Marine Coinpany guished residents, but also a figure of contemplating, that of renouncing Angli­ meeting. During the last few wcelcs a olic population than any otljer cpstem , friendship pnd a mutual tolerance will importance in the state at large. canism for Catholicity. number of new applications have been state. The number of Catholics ip Croa-; induce the Jugoslav, both Catholic ana 1521 STOUT ST. Many religious and charitable institu­ Eventually, the answer came to her received for admission to the troop, ne­ tin,- Slovena/Dalmatia, Bosnia-rHerzo- Orthodox, to forgot the religious hatreds tions in the diocese of Springfield re­ prayers for enlightenment. She re­ cessitating the securing jnirmission to»eeeee#eeeeeeeeeeee»o»eeeeaeeeeee»eeeeeeeeei govina, and Serbia exceeds six millions, of old. and to join hands in the Chris- main as so many monuments to the zeal turned to America,, and on Ash Wednes­ for increased enrollment over the al­ Etf-lgrade, .before flip w;ar, had a pppula- tinn revival of their'race. A Sc-rbhin and devotion of Bishop Beaven. In the day, March 14, 1905, was received into lotted number of thirty-two. tion of 15,000 Catholics, who wore de- Bishop, Nicholas Vclimiiovic, who has •tweiity-ciglit years of his episcopal' ad­ the Church by ^hc Rev. Matthew O’Brien Tliis troop has been without an active THE JOHN A. MARTIN DRUG CO. prived of a church because of the iiitol-j lived in the United States, wrote not ministration not fewer than twelve hos­ of St. Peter’s church, ^si-rclay, street, lay scoutmaster for several months but .crartce 4)f. .the Serbian government, and.;,long ago that “ the fences set up between, Corner Fifteenth and Curtis Charles Building pitals, iioines, and orplianages were es­ New York. On March 25, tlie feast of the work has continued under, the direc­ could attend Mass only in flip ilT«pol of the churches are incredibly petty,” and tablished at his instance or with his the Aiuiunciation, she made her first tion of Father Higgins and Father Kelly the Attatriap'legation. .. that tiic niost capjpjete linipiouy wit! co-operation. Holy Oonimunion. who have alternated in attending the For Reliable Drugs and Family Medicines v.The cohaideiablf increase of‘CjatfiCilleR in .Jugcslavia b. tw cn, lie two So cordial was the feeling which the Two great • questions now occupied scout meetings. Owing to added duties in the ancient kingdom of Serbia has e.' pvi'stinmd.s. the Cathrdic and the Orth­ people of Massachusetts had for Bishop Mrs. Seton’s attention. First, that of and responsibilities recently giepn Fa­ erted some influence upon Serbian di- odox. The future of the new nation de Beaven after his s])irit of charity and selecting a more perfect state of life, ther Higign./ at the Cathedral, he lias Prescription Department ploniacy. The older fniiatieism has hi ■ I,-nds upon r. ligiums tolerance. If this pntrioti.sm became manifest in liis life and, second, that of training her chil­ been forced to somewhat abridge his . Ill charge of State registered pharmacist gun to vanish. On June 24. I!il4, the 1)0 duly established and loyally observed. as a priest, and as head of the diocc.se dren, especially in reference to, their work with the sMuts nuidi to their re­ Serbiaq concordat was signed in Konie • lugo-Rlrtv.ia will ui'dmib'.edly iilay an itii- of Springfield, that on Jan. 5, 1910, he ;awn religious welfare. She felt called gret. Father Kelly who has taken over l^rowpt ■•rvlos. Telephone Main 1900 by Cardinal Merry del Val, and the Ser- portant part in the triumph of Catho'iii was invited to oiler pra.j'cr in the jt g t e by Almighty God to devote her life to the chaplaincy of the troop is lapidly 0«U v«i7 to AU Ports of tbs City bias delegate Milenko R. Vesuiei Us ideals and prlTSciplcs in the Eastern senate. He said tlie prayer for tlie.. Igg-, tiause o f religion and charity. winning the friendship of the boys. general tenor is favorable to rtdigious eounlries. islators and tliereby became tlie first While considering these matters, she Of additional iiitei'est at last week’s freedom and the development of th.'-i ______Catliolic ecclc.siastic to receive that rec­ ha^ the happiness of seeing her children meeting was the presence of Field Sccjrc- CtthoUc subjects of the king of Serbia, GERMAN CATHOLICS M AKE & ognition and overcome a prejudice that embrace the true faith. Her two sons tary Frank F. Farrell of the National THE DE SELLEM FUEL FEED COMPANY although in the Serbian constitution, W AR ON INDECENT MOVIES CBA8. A. DeSSU SaC had existed since the earliest days of the entered Georgetown college, and Father Catholic W ar Council— former .scout­ Orthodoxy was qualified as the srate re- ;;------Contipi'.f'd fvom Page 1.) - colonj'. Dnbourg, president of St. Mary’s semi­ master of “47”-#vho never fails to meet ligion, and conversions to the Cathoiic * HHST CLASS FUEL AND FEED being preceded or followed by obscene Bishop Beaven was born in Spring- nary, Baltimore, knowing that she "was with “ his troop” whenever ho is in dfftoe Celapbona Oluuiipo 926 nurty-aftb and Wolnat Sts. were severely forbidden. Owing to th^’ Denysr, Colorado theatrical numbers. field .71 years ago,, and it was tlie inten'- socially ostracized by her former friends, Denver. Bcsldsnoe Pbo&s V a in 4256 concordat, the banner of the Catholic The Calderon society, formed in honor tion of his parents that he .should be- advised her to come to Baltimore, which | —------Church has been raised higher than that of the great priest-dramatist of Spain, edme a lawyer. After liLs graduation .she did, bringing hw three daughters, i of the Orthodox Church. Catholicism has has takeii practical steps to supplant the from Holy Cross college, 'Worcester, at He offered her a house wherein to found | FATH ER M AN N IX W R ITE S OF her independence, and is no instimueivt indecent in theatricals by productions Uic age of 21, he announced that he a private school for the instruction of | G A P I T A L’S ASSOCIATIONS of human politics. Orthodoxy, in full which are pnre and elevating. It has desired to study for the priesthood and loung ladies. In this enterprise, which | ------compliance with the traditions of rc!:-. prospered, she regulated her own actions j (Continued from Page 1.) established in many parts o f Prussia, entered Loyola college, Baltimore. Ho glous Byzantinism, is a state institu­ the aidc-de-carap.of Wasliington, Colonel Silesia and Bavaria centers where mu­ was ordained to the; priesthood in 1873, as if she had already entered upoa the tion. Last year the Minister rf \Vor- John Tirnnimll, who, after the Revolu­ sical evenings are held regularly and when 24 vcars.old. life of a religious, and soon was joined slup in a session of the Serb'nn Natii im' where revivals of the religious festival, by other women who , offered their serv­ tion, ■ devoted. Jiis Jife to the study o f ; Assembly (Skupcina), declared that tbj‘. plan's o f the great Spanish poet are ices in the work. Tlie advisability and art at home and abroad, painting Adams ■ civil power must exercise authcriiy ovrt- BRITISH CABINET TURNS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW : given. They are now enjoying remark- practicability of founding a religious in London while Ambassador there and I the church. The Vesnik (an Orthodox ; able success, a tribute not only to Calde- LOOSE ASSASSINS ON ERIN community was now very seriously dis­ Jefferson the same in Paris. It was i paper, n. 25, 1919) criticized-this .state­ ' ron as a writer for all times and all cussed, especially when Cecilia Conway while in the latter place that he was j ment with acerbity, and pointed out tliat (rontinued from Paze 1.) C “ UTTEIINUTBREAD| ' coimtries, hut to the earnest men and of , who had contemplated able to assemble at the home of Jef- I from this point of view, the Orthodox Castle. Shortly after midnight about a women who with lofty motives are striv- gding to Europe to fulfill a religious vo­ ferson for a sitting the famous French j * Made With Milk | church would be placed on a footing of . ^ dozen men. some in uniform, demanded cation joined the number. officers whose generosity for American j inferiority beside Catholicishi. accommodations. On being told that the Mr. Samuel Cooper, a convert from freedom had brought them across the I hotel was hooked up, tljey held a re-, The strongest Catholic element in Jug­ DETROIT JURV PRAISES Anglicanism and a student for the seas, and whose stately life-like figures 1 ’’g J U III11 ii|i 1 volvcr at the night porter’s liead.aml oslavia is represented by the S'ovenes PUBLIC SPIRIT SHOWN priesthood at Mt. St. Mary’s, now of- now appear in “The Surrender at Yqjk- PHONE MAIN 7377 HENRY WARNECKE. Proj entered forcibly. (1,500,000 in number). Th'-y are n-'-t s'' fered the sum of ten thousand dollars i Lafayette, DeGrasse, Rocham- BY BISHOP GALLAGHER They examined the register. Then a numerous as the Croats, but tbo Cath­ Detroit.—Right Rev. Michael J. Gal­ , 4. ■ 4. 'to further the project which the little; number of them went upstairs to a room ■ , , , , . ' m ix olic faith is rooted more deep'y in Ihe-i- THE CAPITAL CITY SHOE MFG. CO. • lagher, ISshop of Ddtroit, was praised . , , T A T 1 band of women had in inmd. A farm; To attempt to enumerate the events occupied by Mr. J. A. Lynch, a prom-1 , , „ . ' . ^ ^ „ 'and than in Croatia. The war for his “ 100 per Vent Americanism” by a inent Limerick Catholic attorney and ^ Enmiits- and Catholm tone of the famous Rogers ‘ Repair Work Our Specialty, While You Wait. • eakened’ in Slovenia a.s els''wh« 3^) >809, they; Suffice it to .say that, from the Pope of | Get Vonr Statlccsry by the Vonnd. The Cheapeot and Sect*at the .-‘ ■'nnlated immorality. But tljc inf’” jurors were impressed by Bishop Galla­ nature of the dreadful liap,aming w hichpossession^ the original community i I^pie acted as umpire in the New, . nee of the clergy is stil’ strong. Bv re gher’s offer to sell diocesan lai\d to the ensued. The intruders soon departed 1including; W orld » Series between Spain and Por-^ Rodgers Printing & Stationery Co. 11' wed efforts they will re-estab'ish thi : city at the same pricb at, which it was.j ^ { Mother Seton’s'three daughters'and, her jtugar, down to the captain of the [ practice of the ancient ,Chr’s+ian virtues. 4 1 6 1 5 tk Street, Bet. Glenann and irem ont 'purchased, declining thereby to obtain a j that ' the military liad instructed j “Rinta,” there are nine scenes and six-' From a political point of view, th profit of. several thousand dollars. ! them to take charge of a corpse in room establisliing the order, Mother ;een figures in perfectly east iron-all. CathoHo clergy in Sloven’a have shewn UP-TO-DATE PRIWTING. ENGRAVING AND DES'IDNING Some of the land desired by the Board g this stage was it found ' .^oundatiqu n .V.WWren .pf Mother,Cbufcli. Phone htaln 7319. Rush Ord«re Olven Special Atteatloii c’early their devotion to the cause of th« l of Education was included .in a tract i hat Mr. Lynch had been murdered. H e ; raligiqua.:.cpmmmii'fef. In the National Statpary H aU -the old | South Slavic unity. During the time ago had a bullet wound under the cjnn ijnd j jnJiSanco the rule of St. Viii- “itejuse o f Representatives made famous^ many, priests were imprisoned or the site for the new Sacred his - brains .w-ere «»ttered artiuhd t i e , ih<>ps^bter$ 'by Hieidebates of Webster, Hay, Adams' The M iles & D ryer P rin tin g Co. The- Slovene chief in the stniggle for ° , u , . T , Heart scminarv. Tins property has ap- wails. Dublin Ca'stle^rbade the h o l d i n g ^ Prance and adopting the|.a„

YORK 3394 ceivable inetliod of persecution, were MICHIGAN TO VOTE ON I still jiracticing that faitii and holding it PARISH SCHOOLS ISSUE as tlie greatest treasure tliey possess. Swan’s Dru^ Store Father Higgins then explained the cei?- (Continued from Page 1.) state to submit this amendment to the i moiiial of the Churcli. I SEVENTEENTH AVENUE AT PEARL I people, thus precipitating a bitter re­ NEW LECTURE SERIES OPENS LATE SILVER DICK BLAND’S WIFE ligious war in tliis comomnwcalth, in I Fatlicr Higgins Ijcgan the new scries A CATHOLIC. which jieiglibor will he arrayed against, I of lectures to tl^e convert class at the The fact tliat members of the Junior neighbor, church against church, Prot- i j Cathedral ^Monday evening. Altogether Tabernacle society of Denver arc'liaving ostant against Catholics; yes, Protestant; against Protestant and where the net re­ VERY DELICIOUS Used Cars Bought for Spot Cash aliout 500 jieople, including, ilie Catholic Mass celebrated for tlie late Virginia I friends, n;j^e jiroscnt. An organ recital Bland recalls an incident of interest in sult can be but a nullity. The writ Hade of belt bleached Jamaica SOLD ON EASY TERMS AND CONSIGNED WITHOUT sliould be denied. Ginger, sugar and purest and STORAGE CHARGES ; by Professor Marks provided a rare mu- the career of the jioung lady’s father, softest of water, the ...... Deep Rock Artesian “By the fourteontU amendment to the j I sical treat at the opening. tlie late Silver Dick Bland of Missouri. It does not bite nor burn like the ordinary hard water peppery al?. At CARS REPAIRED, STORED AND WASHED I The non-Cathdlic.s, Father Higgins said, Opo of the moat celebrated orators of federal constitution,” Justice Fellows' all high-class stores, tearooms and lestaurants. Insist on the were not strangers in a Catholic church, the Democratic party, :Mr. Bland when continued, “the states of the Utiion did; PETTEPIER GARAGE S )ufi*7ii>ckshlcdiaH ' as tiieir forebears had been Catholic for running for the nomination for tlie not surrender their police powers, but in ! 1517 TREMONT ! M A I N 5 2 5 3 many centuries. 'J’he purpose o f the presidency against AVilliam Jennings my judgment this proposed amendment' D E E P R O C K I class was to present Catholicism to tlie Bryan, syas told by a number of St. is beyond the police powers thus ffB Main 2587 614 27th St, Cor. Wdton I serious-minded with the hope that some Ikmis bigots, prior to tbo Democratic reserved.’-’ jday feelings of light in things religions convention, that he could not be,made The amendment would “ take from the- Denver Distributors for “Original” Maniton Mineral Water. : miglit be made manifest to them. Tlic j president because of his Catholic wife, parent the privilege of educating his j average non-Catholic might ask w hy did Far from making any apology for his children in parochial or private schools,” | F I N A L $ 5 .0 0 S A L E ■they demand that they investigate; wife’s Lith, the distinguished politician Justice^ Fellow s declared. ‘Indeed, it | Wholesale and Retail. Fresh amd Cured Eastern Oorm-Fed ! Cathnlicisin. Their answer was that' told the A. P. A. deputation that if he takes from him the right to exercise; Meats, Fruits, Vefetables, Poultry &nd Game. * * * * * * * * ( j r j - * * * * * * * * j thinking men recognize in common ivith I oould practice the virtues tliat cliar- any •control over the education of his j tlie greatest intelligences on earth that I ucterized the life of his Catholic wife ow'n offspring and gives such right to j. The Market Company I religion is man's concern of first iim ! he ivould feel Iiappy indeed. He led at the state,” Justice Fellow s added. A t ■ 0 . M. Imltk, SSgr. W om en’s Red Crossi Shoes i incut, and that an attitude of indiffer- j tlio convention till the fourth ballot, the same time, he said, it w'onld deprive ^ Tcnce or noiiehalance on tins (jiiestioii, or: when Bryan, following his famous ‘‘cross denominations and corporations'of the! staple and Fancy Groceries, Fish and Oysters WERE $12.00 TO $18.00 A PAIR ’ on the subject of what ehurcli Christ | of gold” speech, won the nomination. right to u^e for educational purposes ,| 15th and California, Deni'^er, Colo. : founded is illogical, because of its inaiii-i Mr.«. Bland came to Denver four years property worth more than $70,000,000. i > PhoaMi Sotall, Main Tonz Molkara ■toM, UOS, 4800, 4804, *906 WJty Wet W outt Oxfords, Pum^s and the Ties— the world I fest importance. They asked uou-|ago On account of the poor liealtli of Opponents of. the measure—Protest- famed foatwear made to fit the foot while jCatliolicR to investigate their olainis ; her daughter Virginia.'wiio died a .shprt ants, as well as Catholics—are confident i the foot is in' action. because Hie Catholic, Chui'ch was the time hack. She has had the happines.s that' even ft should carry at the elec-' oldest and biggest corporation in the to see liev children, one of wliom i.s now tion—wliich is deemed very unlikely— ‘ business of religion. It was the churcli a judge ill Missouri, grow up iti the tl)e courts will hold it unconstitutional, fU E ! of Augustine, Jlicliacl Angelo, Dante, Catluilic faith. and invalid. ; Beethoven, .John CarrplI, Chief Justice ■AVbite and ilarslial Foch. Jlillions !>••• LOM C L 'have died ia testimony of their belief EXCLUSIVE MILLINERV LAUNDRY & Particular AttentioB Cives to Order Work ; in this church, and hundreds of milliops, Take Lawreqee St. PHONE seoo-asza cunris^s^. after n’meteeu centurie.s o f c r c ir con- Mrs. K. Cullen Cer to Colfex Aro. M- 7i7St 1462 Lipan St. WH «F9S„ARTe8iAN WATEis


PUEBLO. IS NEPHEW OF PIONEER PRIEST THIRTEENPRIZES AT THE COUNTY FAIR On the 8th iiutant was duly celebrated Ihe patrnnni feast of Rev. ^^nfller P,e- G E A T CHURCH H E ST A A T COLO. SPRINGS parata, which alway.s means so much for - (St. Patrick’s Parish) Carney, Agno>; Sullivan, Marie Balla.^ |. (By Irene Keating.) Mary of Ali^osa are visiting at the tmth sisters .and pupils. .Mass.was of-j ' . (Rv Anna Prior.) imusical cir. Pnohlo, Colo.--Rpv. Dennis O'Rpg- cs. '^he famiii’ have Ijcen Margaret Kelker, Marguerite Conroy, I Trinidad, Colo.—St. .(oseph's academy home o f Mrs.- ffiiarles L. .lones. Icy, the present ehaplaiii in onlinarv at I^c ve^rforT'c Colo.-St. Marv’.Uresidents of Oakland. Calif., aliout two I/uiise Drady, Hilda Bowlds, Catherine I won thirteen prizes at the county fair, The Very R ev.'^. Bi-ukers, S..I., and St. Mary’.s hospital, is (lie nephew and ^ Im .tIv -iicnJ- l«>Klitorium will lie'turned into a .seen..'of iyears, f’lannery, C'harrie .Mieli, Jlary Otto, 1 of wliieh eleven were first jirizes and Father Michael O’Connor were guests ut namesake of a magnifieent jiionei'r }iricst eaiise o / r T , n " ''1 'I'* '+• ^ Sjih'iidor on Oet, -2H, 20 ami fifl.: Mr. W. Thompson of Canon Cilv is ill tlertrude^ .MeCauley. Anna Pittman, jtw o .second jirizes. The following were of Coloindo, good Katlier Dennis O’Deg- Holy Trinity >n'tnry the first of the Leona Voght. Rhzita Aladl, FninecH ftlio winners: Lucille IVligrini, first ley, who s[ient nearly four years on week. F.athor O'Connor delivered a very (fU -ary, Louise .lagger and Marcella I prize in the eommenfial department; interesting sermon at the 9:30 Mass. the mountain missions of the; ('ohirado Farley. 1 v’ S \ i ‘‘ "<1 'vill 1.0 lai.l iis the homse-guesl o f Mr. and Mrs. A. J ! Delia -Yon Bmldenbroekl ftr.st prize in mining eani|>s. Surely, old timers in On Tuesday night, Oct. .Itb, the nZ DM out to represept, a Far East market i Kiser. 3-1 West Bijou street. .Miss Julia Curran ha.s been appointed itbe eleventh grade; Angela Tnrahino, Knights of Coiumlins installed their new Deadville. lilenwood Springs, Salida and ?k m i’ of t ’/ h «nd the attendants will masque- ...... t'he party given iit Corpus thristi hall secretary of the Vonng laidies’ Sodality j first )>rizc in the seventh grade; Tina officers for (he ensuing year. l>i.slrift other plnees, must remember him, for Iho J Tlcights eoflege hon- irade a.< ckaraelers from the Arallian was a giWt succefis. both so!‘iallv and for tile unexpired term of ,Mi.e;s Viola !Seariana ami Lee. .Stnm-otle, first prizes his priestly ways and kindly deeds made Deputy TomiLsOn of Pueblo haxl cjiarge A M • r ‘f T " * ''’'u- rv store, which fiuaneiallv. Much, credit i* due the .Mcf'ariiey who joined the .Sisters of )iir the sixth grade; Magdelena lYatson, A seue.s ot ).lcasa.it Imppemngs liave; alone will have Ihou.samls'of articles for I'riemls wtieicver he wnrit. He died Just of the installation and Rev. .Tohn J. young ladi.'s wlio., helped to make the ( ’harity a short wliile ago. Mis.s Bessie first jirize in the fifth grni - Billings, .liilia Curran, Mary Connors, lalior. Tjovato. second prize in the first grade. Creek, where they installed the Knights zuch as to give something of the mysti- Her, :Mary, arc visiling .Mrs. C. lYelton sonnel of the High .Mass elHiir is th(‘ .■\ima Clarke and Katlierine Walsh. The The ladies of the Altar soeiefy will of Columbus officers for tlie two conn-, The commemoration of the discovery fism (if fhe Far East. .4rrniigemeiits -of fit; West Bijou street. same as last year. Mrs. ,1. .f. .McDon­ Sodality library is doing a ‘dnnd office” o f our heloved country was oli.scrvcd iii hold u fancy work liazaar the first (lart eils. jnre now hciiig made with a theatiical i Atemhci’s of the Ibeal council. No. ,582, nell is organist and direetor with Mrs. Imsine.ss, more liooks aro needed, and the a truly (Iiristian- and jiatriotie manner. of Deeeuiher for the henefit of fhe schmd On Tueaday .and Wednesday the | I company to furnish Oriental acts for I Knights of (.ulumlu^s,. cclelnafcd Colum- •lohn .Mettann, .Mrs. \V. F. (ienry. Miss young woiueii are now working day and After the ecrcmoiiies irt hmior of the fund. photo play, “The (ireat Itcdceincr,” was] (part of the ontrrtainimmt. Tim dm i- Ims day liv attemlihg High Mass at Kt. .\gnos Moroney, Mis.s Mnymo Sullivan. night for Die success of a liazaar, Uk'' great navigator and fhe j • The collection wliieh was taken np at shown at the M'est theatre for the bene-1 fating scheme is la-ing worked out by '.Mary's elmrrh at S ji’idock in a body. On .Miss Belle Bisliolf and Nliss Catherine proceeds of wllicli will he used for this visit of (he luiighls of Columhus to Maher. so]nanos; Mrs. lyce Coats, .Mrs. itlie chureh on Sumlav amounted to lit of the local eouneil Knighte of Co- Miss Ieresa ( olhurn, whii has iiiaih- a jWnlm.sday cveuiiigUhe r.-gnlar inoeting purpose. Hel]i them out, they deserve the house in wliieh Colurnliiis was Imrii. $129.10. lumlius. Every performance was well special study of deeorativ.* work, a n d :o f the eouneil was Jiehl in Eagles’ hall, laike .Maeixaii and .Mis.s Kittia .Metiann. it. as given in the Denver Register, “a full altos; .Mr. .losejdi Oreisemer and .Mr. ! Mrs. lYilliam Dowell .and daughter attended. ha.s been associated with tlie local art 'P. D. Mahinev was in charge of tha en- Thei(‘ will 1m> a High Mass of Re- day” was [iroelaimed aiid spent at City Charles Shiner, latssos; Mr. .less Fitzpat­ (|uim at 8 o’clock. Thursday, October 21, 1pgik. academies. ^ | tertainment committee of which L. K. rick and Mr. Matt -Icrnian, tenors; Mrs. 'Ihe Ijesih lieretofore has been more jJohiisoii was eliairmnn. The ladies were for fhe rc]iose of tlie soul of Clement Visisits from former chaplains, Rev. J. ' .\. .r. Dooner. viidinist ami Nliss Vivian Fenton, who was killed on the field Ll ittiirnhvsp.il'-,,- P i ‘c ’ ...... untiirc of a chureh fair. 'Pliis invited to be present. A program in- LEC1U E COURSE FOR NURSES OPENS AT 1_:____1 ' .1 ■ ■ ’ ’ ^ !'"ia > , were year it is planned to make a wider ap- n'liuling some pleasing musical numbers Kelly, flutists. The High .Mass is at the of battle in the .•\rgonne forest, just j enjoyed during the past week. usual hour—!);3ft o’eloek. T-overs of sne- two years ago on that date. peal and pre.seiit soinetliing more ehilio- was rendered, ami tlie Rev. Father Hig- ved nmsie are assured of a delightful, The funeral of little .Andrew Milton rate beenii.se of the fact lliat the pm- gins spoke' on "Colnmhus.'’ ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL, GRAND JUNCTION ceeds of (he fiesta will go towards the The eouneil already lin« launehed a soul-elevating inogram on every Sun­ O'Byrne took place from the family liome STEELING PARISH NEWS day during the year, hi the mind of at 1118 East Evans avenue, last week. support o f the new school liuildiiig. membership campaign and hopes to liavo the Clnrreh Hie High .Mas.s is the parish I.,<'0 L'allalian and James Bench were Another feature that lends an eastern |a clas.s ready for iiijti.atioii next month, J. O’SnUivaa. Mr. and Mrs. F. Elbe, (liy Lucille A. Kinnev.l Mass, so, every family in the eoiigre- flow'cr bearers, .Mr. and Mr.s. Andrew (By Virginia Callahan.)' jatniosphero to the affair rvill be the : Plan.s for the winter are'Iieing worked Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Storm, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling, Colo.—John Edward gatioii ought to have at least one rep- O’Byrne of Topeka, Kan., grand par­ Grand Jnnetion, Colo.—The course of , . . Ryan, ] many booths at which fniicywork of all out ami th.-v promise much pleasure K P. MeCanii, Mr. and Mrs. AY. .Sehiieihle re.sentalive at it. ents of the child, came to Pueblo for the lectures to lie given to the nur.ses of St. who for the jiast twelve years had made | kinds will he, sold. The fancy >ork booth ,;ml improvcni,ent. of Palisade and Nfr. and Mrs, F. Hall. his The St. Cecelia Ymiiig Ladies’ Sodality burial. Mary’s liospital for the year of 1920 was home vicinity, died at his ; is e.s.sentially Oriental ami the women .St. Alary'.s foothnR eleven met the elioir (U o’clock .Mass) is again under Mr. E. W. Botdorf, who nmlerwent a opened last Tuesday evening. Di-. Bull AVord has lieen received by Afrs. AA'. AA'. H'^dence. 205 Park street, AA'ednesday. : w-ho attend these booths will Ih> attired : AA'a.shingto'n school team Friday after- , the direction of .Sister Rose Mary with serious operation at St. .Mary's hospital gave the first lecture. The other lec­ Brown of the marriage of her niece. Miss The funeral was held Friday morning at !a-S vendors of fancy work oii the .streets noon arid ran up a .score, of 31-0’ troune- Lucille Roberts, to Mr. Harry Gross of ■Miss Eileen Keyes as organist and the early last week, is rapidly convalescing tures will be delivered by Drs. Sicken- St. Anthony’s ehureh, with interment at |of old Rabylon. ;ing their opponents and scoring almost Lillowiiig ehoristeis: Misses Wanda and will soon be np and around* again. burger* Hendcr.sQn, Plumb, Juylor, Sul- San Fraiici.seo. 'I’hey will make their biversule cemetery. Ho w survived b y ! AA’ord ha.s been received of the m ar-j at will. The lineup .af .St. Afarv’i team: Bartley, .Mary Farrell, Bessh' Billings, Mi ss Margaret Kuhne, one of St. Pat­ liviui. Munroe, Warner and Carey. These home ill .San Francisco. his Wife and two small ehildreii, also his I riage of Mis.s Lucille Roberts, former!v ! Drwsmi; fiillhack; tloneke, left half ­ ^eliiip Miidd, .Madge Bartley, Helen rick’s ftigh school seniors, was operated Icetnres are not only very instrnotive A mission society under the patronage mother. two brothers .and one sister. of this city, to Mr. Harry Gross of New Grifihi. right half; Paul (Mnlon, ri"ht. rbyteii. Margaret Ihiliish,-Mayme Byrnes, for appcndieiti.s a few days ago, also at but are made very interesting by the of St'. lYancis Xaxier was org.anized Ittsl- Atinouncements have W n rewived 'o r k . in ,San Fnincisen, Calif., on .Sepi. end; K.-lh-hor, left fend; Paahe. right Mary .lohnslon, .liilia Curriiii. Mary St. .NIary’s anil is doing nicely. Dr. .Mc­ doctors. I Friday among the ehihireii o f St. .lo- filin g 01 the marriage of Miss Alary ;29. -Mr. ami .Mrs. (!ros.s will make tlicir tackle: Cain, left ipokle; Yand'enbere seph’s school. The object of the soclet.y (rRourke. formerly of Fh-ming, to Loo : home in San Fram-isci. .Mrs. Gm.s.s is right guard; McTigu)-, left o-imrd- .lohn I'reiidergast. Catheiiiic Walsh and .Mr.s. Donnell thinks slie will be able to re­ Little Charh's .M. Kelley, seven months K. ]{. Koi'Imt. sopranos; Misses .Marga­ i.s to awaken and foster a love for fhe B. Devlin, ill IVnvcr. AA'ednesday. :a graduate of St. Mary’.s whool here and ;Cmiloii, center; Alfred Daw.saui, ciuarter; sume her studies shortly. iold son of ^Ir. and Ylrs. Kelley of this ret Maher. Fraiiees Stlimpf, Kvelyn foreign missions: to help in the apostolic Mrs.-I. J. (Ainninghani was hostess at was well known in Cnlcirado .Springs ^O’Connor, suh. Mrs. .\. E. Thnyet, formerly of St. city, died at his parents’ honje of acute (laniier., Elizaheth Byrnes and .Mrs. L. work of evangelizing the nations of the a Kensington Friday aftc-rnoou at her Patrick’s piirisli, hut now of thiU Isike indigestion Saturday afternoon. The .MeDiiillan. altos. • Far- Ka.st ami to aeeompli.sh this by home, 119 .Soutli .Second sfrcQ^f. j ('ify. Utah, was in town and called on friends of the family wrre very sur­ St. Agnes Choir (7:.'!0 o’eh^-k .Mass. [ira.vcr, the .'olleeliiig of cancelled stamps The regular meeting of fhe Ifnme Ikn , old friends last week. She reports that prised and aadd*'ned to hear of the little Tleijninis and evening services) is reeniit- and tinfoil and liy “ adopting” Chinese noinics club wa.s held Monday afternoon . her daughter, Madeline, who would be one’.s death. ^DEDICATION OF ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH (sl'from the .Students of St. Patrick’s one of St. Patrick’s High school s*'iiiors babies. Jn the election of officers the at the homo of Afrs, Daniel Reagan, 101 | Mis.s Cert rude Smith and Mr. Fred lligli school. Sister Rose Mary is the (his year, is attending a buisinc.ss cul- following members were eho.sen: Presi­ North Division avenue. nualerator with Miss .Marguerite .Mc­ iege, wliile MiUlred, one of our last yeaFs Billing.sly were married Wednesday liy dent, Alabel Fonder; vice president, CELEBRATED ON ANNIVERSARY AT CALHAN Cauley, organist. It has tw inly-tw o juuiy^rs. is doing fine work at the acade­ Father Conway. Miss Smith was for­ Francis Diltman; secretary, Edward Mc­ ARVADA BUSY ON WORK OF iiieiiiber.s—Miss Mae McDonnell. Helen my of (he Sisters o f llic Holy Cross. merly an employee in tlw tidephone eoni- Namara: treasurer. Gertrude Dooling. > _ BAZAAR. I One of the many evidences of Donnelly, .Marpiret Kiihiie, Maiy Mrs. Beninrd Cullen of -101 East Evans pnny. .She is a devout member of the At Die regular meeting of the Boy the I The entire celebration was indeed a .8hrine of St. Anne, Arvada.—The Aid ; marked and very gratifying renc-wc Donnelly^ Dorolhy -lermaii. lieriiiee aveniH', entertained a large number of Chureh and also of the Young Ladies’ scouts on Friday evening arrangements of spiritual treat long to be remembered. ■soeiety met with Airs. Charles OTooI at | Catholic hfo and activity b "sllian ana Reardon, Margaret Orady. Maurino .Me- the officers, diiectors and members of .sodality. They will make their home were made for a hike to the hills, some­ It was greatly enhanced by the High Ralston station. Fourteen members | the missions attached to it, was the im- St., Patrick’s Altar Society at her home in thi.s city. time during the first week of November. Mass, celebrated by the jiastor, the first were prewnt with the president. Airs, ipressive celebration which took place in Butter Krust Bread on Friday afternoon, flames were played The committee from the local lodge of After the meeting the direetor put the one ia ten years. The Mass of St. Basjl and refreshmenis—eream, cake and cof­ the Knights of Columbus made ar­ boys through a stiff course of gynmns- AIcCuno ill the chair. The afternoon ' St. Michael’s church, Caihan, on Sunday, was rendered in a very satisfactory man­ “ Takes you back home” w.as spent in work for the bazaar. A Oct. 3. The morning of this ideal nu- fee— were served. Evervliody was rangements to in.sure an adequate ties. ner by the newly organized choir, under dainty lunch was served hy tlie hostess,; tumn day sa-w the parishioners from Ra­ pleaseil. Among those jirescnt were celebration of Columbus, day, in the ball A new oourse was added to fhe enr- , . , , the able supervision <|f Aliss Grace Fitz­ nutKzomBSSus lly AD.s. Sohoeeh. Guests for ' mah, Matheson and Holtwood hastening tLYM YER svxsm,inuima- .Mesdames Keyes, Rudolph, Sills, Cos­ that was given at the .Armory Tues­ riculum of !kt. -In.seph's school, wIm'ii the k j gerald as (iircetree.-«--, and Airs. Arnold were: Alisa Elsie Reichert of j to Calhan to participate in its three-fold ABLT. UVtB mCE. tello, Malone, M. E. Slewarf, Schiller, day evening. The memlKTS of the com­ pupils of the eigtith grade were initiated ' ' a:y Edelen as organi.st. .Solos by Aliss Jennie CHURCH OVSrmCATAlOCVB mittee arc T. F. Callahan, William F. to some o f the mysteries of fjatin, and it Pleasant Plain.s, Dh, and Mrs. Charles, festival: the least of it.s patron, St. Richka, Miss Helen Dewhurst and Jo­ EEUSWSy. Hnhcr, Xnnghton, Farrell, Beckham, I to Clnobint' Ill f omdr? Co.. Ctncimi^. Ok .Mahoney, Mc.Mpin. Donovan, tteary, Liston, Albert Ryan, lYilliam Tebedo must be added by way of eoniiilimeiit to meeting will j Michael, the Arjhangel; the fourteenth seph Dewhurst; duets by Misses Jennie Connors, Walpole, Malier, Moylan, Dil­ and Preston Dean, 'fhe grand inarch the ehildren that the professor of Utin i"** at Griffith. anniversary of the dedication of its Risehka and Helen Clear, by Joseph was led by Mr. and Mrs. Ia P. Nfc- never .saw a class so eager tx> master the.! Kathleen Hyne.s of Alimionpolis, | churcli, and the solemn blessing of the i-ewhurst and Neil Burns—all those were FRED F. FISH ER lon, Dunn .1. .1.. Callahan and L. .1. Calla­ han. Cann. Lnncli was served by the nidimeiifs of Hie language of the Clmrcli. '-'I''’'’-. '«ns a guest at the George Keifer , new crucifixion group, donated by Mr. remarkably well rendered, considering Miss Klsi.'Reichert o f . and Airs. Clear, at which blessing the liver sixty members of the Young Idling IxidThs’ sodality and the Ikiy U is feltI- tliat lllUt the IIH hlUU>study IHof J. w ere. A large miniber of ehildren received ...... '' ‘ ______Wboa» m i a 8S54______and very edifying— the pure, clean natur­ 1?n TW WTdHfipiQ p p rip p Aiw j rendei e,i with an artistry of which a Holy Communion Sunday. Next Sihidny ED IN BISHOP S PROGRAM. | cathedral might wy 11 be p^oud. al fa ex's of tlw young pcsiple enlightened is Communion day for the young ladies. and vivified by the grace of the Sacra­ FANCY WORK AMONGST THE FINEST Washington, D. C.—The enforcement: \ t the close of the Mass, Benediction fhe Frank M. Hall mental jirescnce o f Him M'ho is the of Die new Iiealth insurance in England ’ of the Blessed Sacrament was giveh, for “light of the' world” was something and the recommendation of a similar ycata; duiing this tha CATHOLIC CLERGY TELL -ii.TT-i.joii i. 1 of cYnseeratiou to the Sacred Heart Drug Co. worth s<’eing. Yon could not find the EXHIBITS AT PUEBLO STATE FAIR law m the United States by a number , V like of it in a hallrcKim or in a theater, OF AWFUL CONDITION IN ------i ;o f state commi.ssioiis. lalmr unions, gov- The banns of matrimony were pub- I fML LASIXIl k 17TH ITft or anywhere else on earth, except at AUSTRIA AND GERMANY „ CoU. the Banquet Table in a- Cahtolic Church (By .lessie Uonnhuo.) Don. Former studemls of tlie iH.stitnbiim*' ‘ emors boards of charities and other in- iiahed for the first time between Charles where .lesus entertains His loyal friends. Pueblo, Colflt—Visituf's at ihe late attended a pienie, luncheon on the cam­ ■p „ . i i r ij. , 1 . dividuals and organizations calls atten- f*- Holcik and Anna Kucerik. The nup The .Married Kulie.s’ Sodality met on slate fair an* very generous in their pus at 1:39. 'riiis was followcil by a Following are extracts from fhe-letters . 'ial High Alass will be at 10 o’clock, Sunday afternoon and decided to anti­ praise of the work seen in the different short memorial service in honor of of eyewitnesses of the awful conditions ^ \ ¥ E. ROST cipate Halhiw’een by entertaining tlic departments. One which was fiartieu- Alother Pancratia. in Austria and Germany: ’ *" " ProS™"* « f Matt. Kucerik last week donated a iimrrii'd men of the congregation .some hirly interesting was that the fancy 'fhe 'ruesday afternoon Social club Msar Frau ' C. K 11 I reconstructon. Opposition of greet force pair of beautiful seven-bninched candel- evening next week in St. Patrick’s hall. work which, under the charge of Mrs. meets again iie.'xl week at .St. Patrick's ..rpi ,-i’. Z' , has developed against social insurance, fl'® Galhan church. Liiki* Aleix'an for the last It! years, ha.s hall with Mr.s. Aldx'an ns hostess. Groceries and Provisions I’hy en>bersh,p in the KUights of f AMM J. MeFEKLY f Columbus—and there were twelve— will “ Ave Mariii,’’ and .Mrs. IjTC Coats. “ lx>ad yefsity of Colorado, Air. Falirizio nl-; I eral weeks visiting relatives in (,'hicago, industry, ns is now dmie in Ihe ena? of their present low vitality. 'Ninety-six; Attomey-at-Law kindly light," while .Mr. Jell’ Fitzpat­ ways promiiiont in selimil eireles, will be | Milwaukee and AYhitewater, AVis. go to Colorado Springa next week for accident compensation, fhe industry i'’ : ffieir examiiiations. 'Those who have sig- a t Foeter Building rick and -Mr. Charles Shiner rendered miss.xl from file activities at Central. | Airs. Alary Diuigherty who will return per cent are undernourished. AVhat ap-1 Phone 4295 wbich a man is employed should provide nified their intention to become member* “ Don’t yon tniml the sorrow,” A num- l^ast Saturday was homc-eoiiiing day this week from Detroit, will make her plies to the children must necessarily him with all that is necessary to meet can have their applications made out at MOKEISSBY, MAHONE^ k SCOFIELD her of the city officials inelnding Mayor for the lioretto college aliimnno associn-j home at .212 Washington street, with her Uppjy )j,p ypj,| gf tj,p population Attomeye-at-Aaw Stndzinski afteiftled the service. Police ....; v:---:-yr—= dnugliler, Afrs, fjcwis Koiflein ' ' ' all the needs of jiis entire life. Jbe t’«lban.' They are urged oftieers Weiner, (iray, Bertagnolli, Os- ' I "MisT'iiHr'mrerKimnru-a^ I bave. actually seen I can $05-07 Symes Building I rival of .Stj (inll, one of Ireland’s nioKt(„ -Mi rgaret Knime uas oimrated on i Any eontrihution to the insurance fund " '’^^p up"w furnace f.ir the Callian ehureh Iwni, Klliot, Olson. O’Cminor, McCaf- I dLstingnislied saints and .missionaries, reslmg .■omiortably at ,St. M ar/.s (State there is utter poverty, utter des Phone Main 4310 Denver, Colo. from the general revenues of the state, arrived and the work pf excavating ferty and Perkins were pall bearers. A hos)iital. itution, utter helplessness, utter impos- Ho was born about the middle of the c i. 1 r - -J J ■ 1-should bo onlv slight and temporarv. No the basement h-iil be started at once so imXIAM H. ANDREW large escort of police and city firemen, sixtli cenlury of parents who were re­ Airs. ,r. J. Walpole is improving at St. Attomey-at-Law Alary’s lio.spital. sibility* of • help J. from i inside, j ..and grim. and J.. ' contribution should ” be , exacted A Y from r ' any that the lurnaeefurnace can be no instaiieainstalled bef.ireoeiore under the command of Chief Daly and markable both for tkeir piety and for f l5 Charles Building Lire Chief Thomas marelicfL before the threatening disaster standing at the , ^ cold weather sets in. their■ lieu .U.1Krank aiMuiiKamong theme Irishu.sn nuuuuv.nobility. Inrii K'*] I « worker who is not getting a higher wage p,p,Cody, W yo., IFoL Main 1369 Denver, Colohearse from the ehnrch to the C street earlv life he entered a monnsterv'under their r*'guhir nieet.i.g on Phnrsday night i door. .than is required to meet the pre.sent Miss Anna Brernian of Rifle, who viaduct. The uiilooked for death of I’o- the dircetiori of the great St. Colunibanus at Erickson Hull. Several new inemhots Rev. Peter Guilday. gOHir U. SEDDIir, needs of himself and family. The ad- have Seen visiting relatives here, antici- liceinan Hinsdale cast a deep ghrom over of whom ev<-Ty Irishman must luive were ndinitted. Father T. \Yolohaii de­ Attorney and Counselor at Law “After seeing the battlefields of ■ tile entire police force of the city. Him: heard. St. Gall aeeom|innied his teacher livered an excellent address to those ptes- :ministration of tlie insurance laws should •'eturning tu their homes the latter •1S-€14 Ernest and Cranmer Block ent. France, one would imagine lie had seen i part of the month. self and a brother officer were on duty and master on a missionary expcslitioii I be such as to interfere ns little as pos- Seventeenth and Curtis Streets Europe at its .yorst. By no means! j Benediction of the Most Blessed Sac­ Siimhiy evening, October 3, on Northern to England and afterwards into I'ranec, Air. Michael AleGovern is back at work Phene Main U7 Denver, Colo : sible with the individual freedom of the rament was given andiRosary devotions avenue. Both were trying to stop a : where they arrived in the year ,585. From at the Stogl Alill, after a few months’ Here, and hero of all places in the world, i worker and his family. held Jast AYednesday. "speeding'’ autoinohilist. The other o f­ Iheiiec our saint went to Switzerland, spent in the East visiting relati'te.s. can the real horrors o f war he seen. The i During the month of the Holy Rosary ficer fired a shot at the wheel of the where ho converted many pagans to AYnuld you have your wishes eonie Any insurance scheme. or any admin- escaping auto, Imt instead of hitting true'' Tlien go to the splendid ehieken poverty, the horrible poverty is appall ,. , , x, * , , . uevu..,-,..:.devotisns will ucbe m-.uheld v tvery'*-xy Wednesday, T.T-....rnua Christianity, attraeted a large number 1 <■ XI. V -X 1 . , istrative method, that tends to separate „ x i j c- i . .i '• x 7 -m the suiqiOHod ohjeet. fhe bullet pa.ssed dinner AYcvlnesday, October ‘iO, at Eric- ing. In one of the hospitals a wKple ( , , , .Saturdav and Miiiday evening at 7 :J0. of personal followers and built a ii)o-■ jut...... 1 ..Y j..., ______, >, .'the workers, into a distinct and de-. Oii S-inday, Oct. 31, the fifth Sunday, thru the imdy of Hinsdale, inflicting a iia,stic school .111 the shore of the Ix-anti: r i ” ‘I'.r ward of bed-ridden women, starved to inortat \uniml. Ifc was hurried to St. pendent class, that ofl'ends against their we sliall again hav<* the privilegi* of a fill U k c C,instance. Liter on the f.nni- | the bones, raised their gaunt arms to .tfary's ho.spital where everything was (lation of our saint develope*! into a iiia I, I the ladies of (St. Fraiici;, Zavier’s churvli domestic privacy and independence, or High Alass, at 10 o’cloiik. dfflie for him, but without effect. He for the purpose of raising funds for j heaven when the sister told them I was nificent B(*iiedietine abbey, inhabited hy , that threatens individual self-reliance At the recent county fair, ■which ended current cxiKiises. swttlcd up his affairs witli Almighty some. 400 monks. A )Kipulous town rap- jan American, and praised God that Oct. 2, at least one.Catholic boy, Joseph Oml, received the la.st rites of the , , , I ani self-respect, should not be tolerated, idly grew anmud the ahb**y, and hothi, ,% J®*'®, i America had proved itself the land of:„ . ... Dewhurst, won first pri?c in the exhibit Chureh ami died on Monday afternoon. T . ;The ideal to be kept in mind is a condi- work in geometry. tin- town ami the canton, or coiihtT, in j I charity . I saw till my heart',. ■ ,i xi. , ' u Officer Hiiisdnle was born and brought whieli it is situated were eallci S t.'G a ll' «>', rt'<‘ trimmings. i ' ,. , , tion in which all the workers would up ill Pueblo, he was only 21 years of ill honor of their holy patron, and thev 1 -yi'’'' ’^“ ‘rti. a Pucbloan; "Os sick-row after row of bttle beds themselves have the income and the re­ ago, leaves a young wife and a Imhy, still:n . liear...... J.:, his .. name...... D..‘He died in ,ithe...... yearuntil [ “ ‘.'V,* is touring the country , on which were dying children, slowly ' I while on lier weddnig trip in eastern ■ sponsibility o f iproviding for all the iHirii since his death, to mburii liis loss. 94.), ill the ninety-fifth years of his age, j 1 iier weariiug trip in cas ern ,, j Al.so, his parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. Addi- states. Air. Smith is rcmemlicred liorCi , , „ ‘ amtand hisms memorymeniorv is in hciicdietionnciicuiction among .. x • x i 7 :thx> nast fivo vonm” needs and contingencies of life, both pres­ D r. Watkins .son O. Hinsdale, and two sisters, Dolores the people of Switzerland, of tmlav,^“ " " " m the steel liiisiness. Almiit , ^be past live years. ent and future. and Hortense. Nvli. J forefathers had not strayed from ^ bis company followed him | ------DENTIST ( liiof of Police Italy paid the following the old faith in (he icvohirion of thc .^** Ihnvei. AMERICAN LEGION’S NEW CHAP­ Sand us Catholic news clippings from Pueblo, Colo. Phone Mala 1537. triliiite to the deceased officer; sixteenth eeiiturv. ^ incent, the infant son of Air. and St. Mary’s Branch No. 298—Meets 2d LAIN APPOINTED your local pap*‘rs. "Hinsdale w;vs an ideal peace officer, Next Sunday'will he moiithiv ,.om-: '‘'''"bbn of East Rou^ And 4th Tuesdays in Charles Building. Cleveland, 0.—The Rev. .lohn AAL In- Sacred Heart Branch No. 316—Meets possessing excellent tact and judgmcnl. n,union liav fof tlu- members o f the Alar- ^ ' ' edneclny. ! second and fourth Wednesday evenings Altho lie had only been on ih e force a lied Ijidie.s’ sodality. Every married i ^''s- MoGlumi Steele Duhst ha.s re- ‘ " i oi me x-uat iwpuai, c.iiiucn in Charles building. short time, he-had sliowii unusual ability woman in the jiarish ought to 1h‘ tlicre | ^"’’oed to her home in Denver after a few ! of C3iattanooga, lias been elected na- St. Joseph’s Branch No. 611—Meets in his duty as aii oflieer of the law, and if not yet a member of the s*Klality' sjieut among relatives in tliis dty. | tienal chaplain of the American Ixcgion eeeorid and fourth Thursday evening of eoiuiiiiiing the courage and authority of she should baud in her name in order to | AA'ord lias ^ e n receiviJ from Seattle,, to succeed the Rev. ErancLs Kellev. each month at St. Joseph’s hall, Sixth an oflieer with the cool, sane judgment be ready for flie next eouseeration. Oc-,\\a.sh., of the death of Mrs. Helen! ' ■ avenue and Galapago street. Mrs. Rose of a man in every arrest that he had tolsT is the mouth of Mary's Ro.sary and | Bashford Hammill. wife of Thomas Ham-1 ~ — ------' T. Cullen, president; Miss Mamie Clan­ made. 1 had arranged that he should every Christiaii wife and mother ou gh t! mill. Airs. Haiiiniill, formerly lived in : Father AVolohan officiating. Interinent sup at THE JOYCE HOTEL ton, secretary. take a iiiaiii street heat as soon as iiia to he registered in the family of our ; Pueblo and was at Brest^ France; Mr. (was in Mountain A’iew. St. Mary Magdalane Branch No. 1094— uniform arrived, and 1 feel that in the heavmilv-Queen. The Alarried Alrn's so- ( Hamill is a member of the fourth de-i The funeral of liharles Coiisouari took Meets every first and third Thursday of loss of Hin.sdule the police force as well dality will meet at 4 o'clock on Sunday gree K. of C. and tlie paJHiearers were j place Tuesday at 2 o’clock from tlie fam -, each month at 8 p. m. at 303 Charles ns the city of I’uehlo, have lost a valu­ I afternoon in sodality eliapel. Ixet us seeiseh'cted from, that ord en ' lily home, 312 River street, ami at 2:30 When in Colorado Springs boildinj Mrs. M a ^ 8. Wlrtz, prsii- able man.” I a good gutlK'ring of the heads of St. ( The funeral of Alice .O’fikien w^a held | frem Alt’. Carmel ehureh. ’ Rev. Father Auit; Mary Oarier, recorder. Saturday, October 16, will be the fes- Patricks households. I'frofii the Sacred Heart church. Rev. i A'alcntino conducted the services. ,


PM6 F o n t DENVER‘CATHOLIO REGISTER. TLursdny, October 14, J920 The Denver '"atholic RMTHE'CONGRESS ASKED TO iK iif? K R , Bubinesa Manager. MICHAEL HARKIN’ , News Editor. SL\TTHEW J. W. SMITH, Chief Editorial M’riter. HABIT OF TAKING GOD PROVIDE A SITE FOR Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. Complain When Pastor Asks for Money Published Weekly by INTO O E COUNSELS K. C. WAR MEMORIAL The CATHOLIC PUBLISHING SOCIETY (Inc.) (liy Matthew J. W . Smith) nial sins, it is doubtful whether the law |is nothing wrong with receiving the sac 1930 Curtis Street. The Register for gome time has made would hold. But that is an academic rament of Penance oftener if we wish, (By Rev. Mark TV. Lappen) Members of Congress of l>oth parties Telephone Main 6413 Denver, C(jio. 'it a practice to print short articles ev- question. People who have only venial The Church demands that we receive | TWENYT-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER have signified (heir willingness to work |ery week on Ihe fundamentals of the bins and are able to keep in the state of Conununion within the Easter period' PENTECOST for (he passage of a hill to provide for Catholic religion. .Sometimes these grace are usually frequenters of the holy (always set by the Bishop in his Lc'iiteii 1 “Wherefore, fake unto you (he armor a suitable site in Washington for the 40 Thursday, October 14, 1920 I treatises go no deeper than Ihe cate- sacriitment of Penance. In the early regulations) or we will eommit mortal I of God, that you may he able to resist! $5,fl00,fKK) national memorial lehism. Sometimes, however, they delve days of the Clmrch, the faithful went to sm. ill the ovH ih y amt to stand in all things I building which the Knights of Col'tmthus into interesting theological and apolo- Communion at every Mass. They were The fourth precept of the Church de­ peVfect.’’— Epistle of the .Sunday. have olTcred to the American legion, and OFFICIAL NOTICE 'getic depths. The editors and advisory practically always in the state of grace. mands that we contribute to the sup­ The more observant one is of the mor- i legion posts in all parts of the The Catholic Register has our fullest approval as to its purpose and j board of the paper consider it wise to So no such legislation as the third pre­ port of our pastor. W'e must contribute al and religious conditions of the day Ihe country have wired the K. of C. he.ad- method of .publication. We declare it the official organ of the Diocese of continue this practice, because not many cept was necessary for a long time. But within our means to the upkeep of the greater will be the conviction that the T " ” ;*''';* e.xpressing resolutions of ap- Denver ana earnestly bespeak for it the whole-hearted support of our I persons will go back occasionally to re- tiiially the Church found it necessary to church and parish school. Some jicrsons priests and people. That support will make The Register a strong power Christian in the world shouW rely chiefly P“ ‘eii>lion ol f lie offer, set down definitely how often a person for the spread of God’s Kingdom in Colorado. I view their catechism in the litic book take this command very lightly; they upon God's grace rather than upon his! f'tofo Commander William R. Me- ►J. J. HENRY TIHEN, 1 itself, but they will read newspaper ar­ must confess in order to be considered a are in for a surprise on the' Day of own over-estimated natural poweis. Hu- of Illinois, where the K.-C. offer M » y i. W18. Bishop of Denver. real Catholic. But, of course, she did ticles dealing witli the same subjects. ■ludgment. Holy W rit very explicitly man iiatui-e i.s peculiarly complex and, if originated, sent the following word: not intend to imply that we were to We are now discuHsing the precepts of declares that those who preach the Gos­ left entirely to itself, completely unre­ ‘‘Everyone who had nnyfliing In do wltli T confess only aunually. We should ap­ the Church in this series, and are at the pel should live by tlie Gospel. People liable. Our own experiences as well as the ‘Caseys’ during the war knows their proach the sacrament fre(HK*ntly. In > HE’S NOT A METHODIST third, which commands ns to confess our who kick mo.st about priests’ asking for our observations of the lives of of hers wonderful spirit. This is but another fact, if it is possible she would like to If Maybr MoeSwinor wore a Methodist minister jailed in sins at least once a year. money from the pulpit are the class who should be enough to teach u.s that in the instance of their watchfulness over the Spain, or a -lew .suffering under persecution in Poland, how the This means that we are obliged to go have us go to Confession every week or rarely or never give when asked. You graver problems of life, in matters of ex-service man, u duty they are perform to Confession at least once a year under j^wo and to Communion every day. Prac- iiig as wholeheartedly now us ttiey did sectarian puipiUs and government forums would ring in protest! scarcely ever hear the steady contrib-j j,„portance in whicli the thiiig.s of pain of mortal siii. If we liad only ve-|tically all religious go weekly. There utor complaining. (luring the war.’’ —Catholic Columbiau. ! eternity us well as the peace of iiiiiiil of ! the jirescnt arc at stake, the judgments Explaining the motive of the offer. * « * of tlic human mind are to bo noeepted Supreme Knight James A. Ilaherly, who THEY WILL NOT WAKEN Miracles of Christ Prove That Church only after they have been scrutinized in airivcd in New York, said: W’e With such a man as the Rev. Dr. Parkes Cadman of New ‘ the light of heavenly wisdom. For Ihe hcliovo that ii iiation:il nicinorial in York admitting that there are a million “ Protestant pagans” in • « • I proper'ordering of our lives, for the per-I That city, and with two New York judges having publicly writ­ ten in favor of introducing religion into education, it would seem IS Right in Its hlaborate Ceremonies manhood and womanhood, and for th('i^*‘® memorial should serve a useful as that our non-Catholic brethren ought to be bestirring themselves right l.alanco in allfhing.H,nothing:'''‘‘’* ‘‘» ^ « ‘‘"'''"«*‘“*P“’‘P««^-f“’'‘^'’‘’- (Stories from Christ Series, by Matthew pose the senses properly, liis intellect is Jesus so intended it to he. Today when should be planned, nothing should be u n -; capital neod.s the a little. But they will not. The mere fact that Rome is in favor J. W. Smith) far easier to reach. ’ the t'atholic Church has a Pontifical or a i dertaken without the consideration „f | ‘’ff o r of religion in the schools is the chief reason why most of them Jesus Christ did not need to go thnt Jesus had gone out of the coasts of Solqmn High Mass she does it lor ex­ God’s rights. Amt he who goes forth t o ! '^k'ion. Our gift will probably save light it. Logic does not matter; prejudice is the whole basis of Tyre' and by way of Sidon to the sea of actly the same reason. Ceremonials any ceremoaies to perform miracles. He battle against the evils of the world sin-j taxpayers of the nation from pro- Their doguEitic belief. Galilee, thru the midst of the roasts of cause piety. Igle-handed and unprotected by the grace jbuilding in Washing- is God and could do anything He wished t t t Decapolis. The people brought to him Many Protestants who refuse fo use' of God'will find himself severely liandi- , obviate the necessity of merely by willing it. But He used cere- t one deaf and dumb, beseching Him to (pfgjnonials in ^their churches go to their | eaj,pp,i if „f,t (‘ventuiillv bcalen. drives for this purpose. We know from A NEW LANGUAGE C menials bcchuse it was necessary to im- j lay hands upon the patient and’ cure Masonic and Odd Fellow lodges and use ^ i,„pnrlant, then, for all of scores of representative expressions that Amenco recently contained an article that attracted a good 'press the people who witnessed His him .; all sorts of mysterious rites. They thus | approval'of deal of attention on the language that has grown up in Luxem-1 wonders. Taking the sufferer apart from the implicitly confess that human nature j counsels, of never going forth : bourg. It is not necessary for it to go ver^’ far from its seat of j The Catiroiic Church follows iiis ex- crowd, Christ put His fingers into his craves ceremonials; but because Cathol-1 of life without feeling! Knights of Columbus, in their for-, ears iand, spitting, touched his tongue. [mhlication to find another curious tongue that must now b e 'ample in her rituals. When heretics icity has always stod for elaborate rites, I the armor of God protecting us. At mal statement concerning this offer of Thenj, looking up to heaven. He groaned, admitted as a real language, not as a mere dialect, for it has a break away from her,, they often think and they are protesters against Cathol time.s it may wear heavily upon us, it the largest amount of war relief money and |said: “ Ephpheta.” This, we are literature of its own— Dutch, that strange mix- they are getting “ religion pure and un- icism, they refuse to use them in church. may chafe us and camte u.s to grow fret­ assigned to a single purpose^ state that told jby St. Mark, meant: “Be thou '‘levied” hy prohibiting the use of beau- After Jesus had cured the deaf mute. ful, or tem|)tations may urge u.s to they received approximately !|^t0,000,00*1 ture of German and English which nobody understanding either opened.” from tlie members of their organization Of these tongues can comprehend without special instruction. ceremonials. So they forbid their He charged the crowd not to tell any throw it aside tliat we may be more free Immediately the deaf ears heard, Ihe ifc ito I ministers to wear any sort of vestments one about the miracle. “But the more to follow the wliim of llic moment, but and the general public for welfare, work, * * * ' land some have even gone so far as to string on the mute tongue was loosened He charged them,” says ,St. Mark, “ so there will always be the satisfaction in|*hat in providing camp buildings, huts, THE W^ARS OP POLAND ! consider it sinful to use pipe organs in and the patient spoke. much the more a great deal did they knowing that we arc not unprotected, |‘'‘‘crelaries’ and chaplains’ sen;ices and No matter how much some people may be inclined to criti- theif exercises, NoTv nobody who knows that Oirist I publish it. And so much the more did j that we have a defen.se that the w orld -■ creature comforts during the war, ciso Poland for her present wars, they will have to admit, if they They forget that man has senses. If was divine would argue ttiat all this they wonder, saying: ‘He hath done all j Ung cannot sec nor even npiirccinte. Tliat ''' maintaining nationwide systems : we are to reach his intellect, we have to ceremonial was intrinsically necessary; things well; He hath made both the j armor i.s nothing el.se but the grace o f' tree employment bureaus and voca- look into the matter, that she hardly got a square deal at the get to his senses first. And if we dis- but it was certainly impre.ssive, and ideaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.” ”; God, the supernatural power that lifts! schools, and providing apprixi- ])e;ic(! conference. The land she obtained was not her ancient ------“ US upwards into Ihe realms of the super- 'I'atel.V 500 college scholarships for ex- kingdom, and it does not have mineral deposits enough to make j !man, tlie unfailing .source of high in­ service men after the war,.have fulfilled her independent. spirations, the bulwark of iK'rscnal iii- the wishes of the donors of their relief Catholic Women of America Organize fund. ■ ^ ^ ♦ jlcgrity and holiness. Throw it aside, if only mome,ntarily, and the consequem'os “TJie Knights of Columbus have suf­ STTGMATICS WTIO FELL FROM Gr Ac E may be far beyond our wildest guess ficient money, apart *1'*^ bve mils No matt r how far advanced In viilue we are, wp can never be to Promote National Social W ork; Card. land certainly niucli different tlian we'lions we propose to expend on thi» Amcr- ab.sobuely' sure of salvaLiou unless we have positive evidence j had expected. , ical legion memorial building, to main'- iTom heaven that it is to be given to us. J’/ie Fortnightly Revietc There should be cnougli superstition in reeonstriiction work dn a Urge in its October 1 issue, commenting on the fact that Father Pius Gibbons Commends Their Activities ; every one of us to make us fear even to ! scale,' wifh free schools and em- Pietrelcimi, .'i Oapuchju of San Giovanni Rotonda, Italy, has re­ I I walk into the street without the defense ■b'lri^aiis in untlttrlargri'lflcs ceived the sacred stigmata, remarks, quoting Father Thurston, (By N. C. W. C. News St-rvtce.) Catholic Ccraimunity house in llic Polish of tl^e cuiriculiun of the school and tliej^f God’s grace. Yet it i.s not alarming many small cities, and in offering Washington, D. C.—Inspired by the as­ district of that city. advisability oi securing a new location.: jiiat so many will deliberately seek dan- 1^'*® pohlic purpose we feel iS. J., thtit the Roman authorities are very cautious in judging surance that the Catholic women organ­ Important plans for the future work I'Ollowiiig the inspection of Clifton the ^pjrtual luid temporal, trust-j ’if® continuing our. policy of such cases, as causes other than miracles may play a part., “ The ized in the United States are now every­ of the National Service School for women were leoeived by tiirdinal G’Cou-1 j^g Gieir own resources to guard them out e wishes o f tlie donor*.” truth is that history supplies many sad examples of ecstatics and where cjirolling under the banner of the Women, now being conduclcd at Clif­ .ncll, who assured the directors of his ’ ' 'I and guide them and keep them from all; stigmatics, long held in high repute of sanctity, Avho have after­ National Council of Catholic Women, the ton in the District of Colunibi;i were deep interest in their work and urged The results are too evident w h o r-' whelm us. Our Ixird know.s our weak- wards fallen away, from the faith.” Among these were two Span­ national directors of that organization discussed at the nicetiug and a thoro them to proceed with deliberation and , ^Vc .sec them in the bitter, i “ oil has made ample provisiwn for ish nuns. Magdalen de la Cruz and Mary de la Visitacion, and have gone forth to their respective prov­ inspection of the grounds and facilities patience, with a realization that many i,(.nrt.broken woman ’ 'arioiiH spiritual emergencies that inces, following a three-day session here, h'riar Jurt;in of Hungary, all of whom ended badly. of tlie present School was made on Sun­ diffieiilth's would Iw em'ouiitered in fhe L^.b„_ iru.sting too much in the flowery bound to arise. He ean do no more, with the detennination to make the next The descriptions given of the Capuchin’s stigmata show that day, .Sept. H), when the Rev. John J. initial steps of organizalioii but that j but poisonous words of her wicked com-; fheii, is the duly of making use of six months the most important in the They are somewhat like those in St. Francis of Assisi. Like the Burke, C.S.P., celebrated Muss and ad­ with nnited ctlort and faith in one an-1 pa„ion, threw God aside only to find her- ! * 1 “’ '““'P gives, ours only ia development of Catholic women's activi­ Povcrello, his humble follower is trj’ing to hide his gifts.' A dressed the women diri-ctors. A joint other and above all coiifidenee in God,i j.p|f dutches o f sin. We di.soover, ’ “ sk of wearing the armor that will ties in the United States. committpe from the women’s council auc*e.« would ultimately erxiwn their ; afford absolute immunity from liarnr. special commission has been named by the Church to inquire into The directors were present at the for­ and the social action dcpaitmcnt of the efforis. Previous to the exercises at the j cures he is alleged to have worked. I alone am hopeless and lielple.ss. Christ mal opening of the new National Cath­ National Catholic. TVelfiire Council, opening of the new eonimnnity house in ' ami myself, nnited in heart and soul and The stigmata in St. Francis wore seen by hundreds of per­ olic Welfare house in Baltimore, when with which the wopion will co-operate Baltimore the women xy. re received at a j love, ean go thru the buttles of life un­ sons after lus death. St. Bona venture, a contemporary Pope Cardinal Gibbons gave high praiae to the ill many'of their activitjes, was appoint­ rcc^ l.on by Cardinal Gibbons in his of cli.seipline seat lied, (1ms gaining an eternity of type of welfare activities being carried ed to consider the question of the scope who had seen the marks during the saint’s life-time, and others, ■______I bespeak the habilual carelessness of tlie happiness. out under the direction o f the council, have left us re^cords of this signal proof of Divine favor. No ] inmates in things spiritual. Sad iml(s.*


(Holy Family Parisli) Rev. M. \\’. lyappcn, pastor of ,St. GIVES A SUCCESSFUL A number of the young peo|ile of the ARE COMPLIMENTED •Mary Magdalen’s elmrch, Edgewater, parish mot Monday evening in the parish left Monday night to attend the exem­ ball lor the jnirpose of organizing dra­ plification of the fourth degree, K. of C., MUSICAL EVENING matic and athletic clubs. The dramatic ON THEIR GOOD WORK at Casper, W yo. Others leaving for the O ctober, R osary M onth club will give a series of ])lays during same purpose are, Hon. John B. McGau- the winter, the first one to be given early (St. Francis de Sales Parish) (St. Patrick’s Parish) ran, Jos. Newman, Gus. Gallagher and A splendid entertainment was enjoyed I in November. Oflicers will be elected at Father, O’Dwyer, the ehaplain of flip Wm. Cody. the ne.xt meeting, which will be held by the members of tlie Dardanella club; Queen’s Daugliters, ]>aid a high tribute The infant son of J. F. Doyle was bap­ ■Monday, the 18, in the parish hall. * On'p line of Rosaries is the most eomplotc of any house in the eountpy. and (heir friends last Monday evening to tlic work of tills organization when tized at the Cathedral Sunday, Ids name 'I'he St. Vincents lie Paul-society held' at Dnnenn hall; A fine orchestra of ho delivered a few remarks to them on being Edward William. The sponsors stringed instruments, organired byi a very successful meeting Monday Sunday., The association..reeeived Holy were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Naughton. evening. W e can furnish a rosary from 15c to |50.00, so Ave liaA'e (hem Avithin the reach of Franjc Smith, a memher of our choir,' Communion in a body at the 9 o’clock Rev. John J. Brown, S..L, wtio 1ms .A troop of boy scouts was organized .Mass. was the Ijcst feature of the evening. been very sick at St. Joseph’s hospital, CA’eryhofiy's pockethok; besides the assortment is so varied that the liistes of all can This kocie.ty will give anothei social last Tuesday evening, thirty boys being The A'onng Ladies’ sodality and the is recovering as rapidly as can be ex­ evening—Hallowe’en party — Siiturday, enrolled., Ralph White, u popular mem­ Children of Mary will receive Holy Com­ pected. After a week or so more of eon- Get. 3, at the same hull. The entertain­ ber of Holy Family parish, lias been ap­ munion next Sunday. As this is'one of valcscence it is hoped that he wilt be ment committee will be Miss Kiln Lud­ pointed scoutmaster. Under his leader­ rile months devoted to the sodalities’ able to return to the college. Two large shipments of Rosaries arrived from Paris direct to us ten days ago, wig, Miss .Marie Fitzgerald, Miss Helen ship we are sure the troop will be the patron, a very large attendance is ex- Rev. E. Beukers, S..L, of the .Missouri O’Kane, Miss .Sidie Pitt and Mr. Celcs- best ill the city. pcctwl. The regular meeting will be province of the Society o( Jesus, fin­ TFc arc the only direct Iiuporters of Church find Reliyious (loods in Denrer. tine Fitzgerald; reception committee, .lolm F. Boyle, jr.. the infant son of held in the afternon at 3 p. ni. Father ished liis work at Sacred Ifcart eollege Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boyle, was bap­ ^liss Alice f^-eighton, ^liss Illnssem Pitt O’Dwycr will continue the series of lec­ last week and left immediately for the and Miss Nora Huston. The l>ardnnella tized Sunday. tures he started last month. Sodality, Jesuit parishes in Pueblo and Triuidad, club showed nntisnul good judgment in The A'oiing Ladies’ sodality will re­ members are requested to return their where he will remain some time and then selecting ,\ir. tVlestine Fitzgerald as its ceive holy Uommunion in a body at the chance books at the meeting. return to St. lx)uis university. During 7:30 .Mass next Sunday. •Mrs. Milton .Sclicumosor has gone io The James Clarke Church Goods House new presiitent to fill the place of the his stay here he was the guest o f Father former president. .Mr. Thomas Egan, Father O’Furroll’s popular assistant. Oak Hill. Colo., where .Mr. Schoumeser is Cbristopher Walsh oii a tour of the Phone Champa 2199 who was obliged to return east. -.Mr. Father .Mrni.s, i.s suffering from the ef­ employed. moimtaiu parks. He greatly enjoyed the 1645-47 California Street Denver, Colo. Fitzgerald is a great favorite in Catholic fects of a severe cold. The funeral of the* late AVilliani -Ahern trip and especially the anecdotes related circles and it is needless to say will The Holy Family choir deserves spec­ was held on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. about the great scout. "Buffalo Bill,” make u very efficient head of any ial mention, us a niinibcr of the best .Mr. .Ahern, who w^s a resident of the whom he Imd heard of in his native awiety. singers in the city arc memhers. With |Muish for many yenrs, Imd been a pa­ Holland. tient invalid for a long lime. .Mr. .Ahern The members of the .Altar society wilt .Mrs. Cotter the alto, Mrs. PerkinS' so­ The many friends of Hon. W. H. .An-1 is survived by a wife, two daughters aud receive t’ommunion in a body next Sun­ prano and Miss Walker the popular or- drew ]iopularly known as “Cap.” An­ FATHER KELLY URGES day at the 8:10 Mass. .All are requested ganisl, the Holy F’amily will challenge a son. ' . drew, , ho is a candidate for the office of CATHEDRAL SOCETY TO to be jiresent. any Catholic choir in (he city. Next The “ hard time jmrty” given by the county judge on the Democratic ticket, scouts will lake )>luoe on Tbursdav, . COMMUNICATE IN A BODY! The Holy Name society was a credit Sunday at the 10:30 Mass the Marvel predict victory for him at the coming to the parish last Sunday, 'rhere were orchestra will assist the choir, imder (he Oct. 14. Mectioii. Mr. .Andrew is well qualified ; over two railings of conununicants, the direction of .1. H. Marvel, a well known Miss Frieda Haugg spent the school for thisUS onioc.ofnev. beingbom^ nnan utti»rnoyattorney o!of i The social meeting whicli the Cathe- largest since the'organization of the .so­ Denver musician. week with Miss Lucille Luev. prominence and iihility, and is ]>4)'sonally 'dral .Altar and Rosarv .socictv held last ciety. Uev. Falher Thmnelly paid them The A’oung Ladies' sodality will-give j iiked for hia many fine human qualities. Friday afternoon at the Knights of ('o- a nice compliment aud hoped that Aery an entertainment Friday, Oct. 20. In the i Inmhim home. 157.7 Grant street, was ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦AAA soon every man iti thu pariah would join parish hall. Music will be furuisliod by ST. VINCENT’S AID SOC’Y ione of the largest of the year; seventy- the Holy \aine society. There is no bet­ the .Manel orchestra. » ♦ CALENDAR OF THE WEEK ♦ five ludie.o were present. ter example of good Catholics. A meet­ + ^ ------♦ ARRANGES CARD PARTY The lioste.sses for the occasion were ing was held Sunday evening in the the wife of James Kenney. The cere­ + Oct. 17, Sunday—^21st after Pent- ♦ I Ale.sdnmes O. L. I’ettepier, J. J. O’Neil, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS The memhers of St. Vineenl'a Aid school luill when several matters were mony was )>erforme future benefit of the nelly, P.R.. an uncle of the groom, in the I society were entertained at the home llfamian ami A’ineeuf Swackenberg. They ♦ The King’s .Account. '-'Saint Mar- + society—both spirtuul and social. pregeuee of a large number of relatives I of Airs. George T. Kearne.s. 132.7 York jwere assisted by (he ofliei'rs of the O F Q U A L IT Y Mr. and Mrs. llichuitl Ooggin. Xlt) and friends. .Miss McKniland wore a ♦ garet Mary, A'irgin; A'isitation ♦ street, Tue.sday afternoon, Oct. n. Fnr- Society., South (Irani stnvt, arc the ])roiid ])ur- most becoming suit of navy bine dnv- ♦ 1090. + jtlicr arrangements were mndo for the hi an appreciated adiiress, (he Rev. ents of a baby daughter who took up etyiie with n Irnt to mutcli and a corsage ♦ Oct. 18, Monday—St. Luke, + eai'd party which will ho given for the Father Kelly, hacristan of the society, her abode at their homo last .Sunday of Ophelia rosc.s. She 4vas attended by l)enelit of St. Vincent’s orphanage nn .said that when we speak of the altar, ♦ Evangelist (and Physician), 90. ♦ morning. .Ali.ss Helen Doyle. Mr. AA’arren .Smith TIuir.sday evening, Oct, -2J at 8 p. m. our minds revert to God and to the A very pretty wedding limk jdaco last was the best man. Folnwing the wed­ ♦ Oct. 19, Tuesday—St. Peter of ♦ at the Knights of C’olumlms home. Six­ [priceless Ir^isure in the altar. AVhen we Tuesday mbrniiig when Miss Ruth Alc- ding the \ omig couple were the hoiimetl + .Alcantara, O.F.M.,-1502. + teenth avenue and Grant street. realize that in taking cure of the altars Farland, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. W il­ guests at a wedding breakfast, after ♦ Oct. 20, Wednesday-—St. .John o f ♦•. J'orty women, prominent in works of ! wo are His keejicrs. His Marthas, liam R. McFurlan^ of this city, btwume which they departed on u honeymoon elinrity, will act as hostesses for the af­ ♦ Kenty, Parish Priest,S’oland. 1473. ♦ i we can appreciate the great privilege of trip. The bride is a very interesting fair which promises to he one of the 'assisting in this work. Nothing, he ♦ Oct. 21, Thursday— SS. Ursula ♦ young lady who attended Ixiretto acad­ m o s t snoeessfiil given in many years. [added, is too gmal to adorn God’s altars, Butter Kruat Bread emy. She is a convert, having received + and Comp., A'irg. Mart., Cologne, ♦ Refreshments will he served and the jaud yon arc the safpguards to protect "Takes you back home" her inslniclions and wa.s baptized by + 4.70. ♦ rooms will he heautifnlly decorated for ithat home. A'onr work i.s consecrated. Rev. t'has. .McDonald of Loyala chapel. the occasion. Mrs. U. d. Dunn is ♦ Oct. 22, F'riday—*St. .Salome, + There is another duty which you are .She was always prominent in Catholic i chairman and Airs. AL .1. O’F'allon vice [all supposed to Mill'dl; and that is to ap- ♦ mother of SS. John and James, + circles. .She is a niece of Air. and Mrs. I chairman. Any further information may : proach the .Sacred Table in a body on Special Pricing of High-Grade Rugs MISS MARY DUFFY Edward Dockbacli. Mr. Kenney is a ♦ Apostles. + : l)c obtained from the above-named .the Ur.st Sunday of each nionth, at the graduate of Sacred Heart college ami is ♦ Oct. 23, Saturday—"St. Ignatius, + ladies or from Alr.s. Daniel .1. Saver or '7:30 Afass. "U ’e have,” he said,“ this Xo inaltei- how exacting you may bo in i-cCoreiicf' to Licensed Chiropodist ciig-agcd in biisinc.ss in Denver. He is j Airs. Ralph \A’. Kelly, telephone A'ork + Bishop of Constantinople, 800. + ; obligation. AA'e promise that we will (jualily, you should find in this assortinont rug.s to your Phon* Champa 309 204 Mack Bldg, the son of .Air. and .Mrs. .Al. J. Kenney. C5S. .-A very large nnmher of tables 'comply. If wo fail, we become spiritual + League of the Sacred Heart ♦ Vox apiMlntment Phone Champa The music was rendered by Miss Fitz­ i have already been reserved, and the [slackers aud dishonest to our society. lilciug imd :it jivieos that nu'aii sforliug ('oononiio.k. ^ 699 after 6 p. m. or until 8 a. m. gerald, Mi.s. Phil Clark, .Mrs. Halter, Mr. ♦ General Intention for October: + ; memhers arc looking forward with I'l'iy to he faithful members of this or­ SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS AValtcrs and Master .lack Halter and was ♦ Workers in Factories. + i pleasure to an enjoyable evening, dc- ganization and we can only he’ devout I unusually fine. + The Liturgical Prayer to St. Mar- ♦ ' voted to a worthy enuse. memhers by attending' holy Cominunion (Mills Seconds) .Afaster Jack Halter lias been accepted j The Rev. AA'illiam S. Neenaii, w^io ad- + garet Mary, Whose Feast Is Cele- ♦ ; once a month." ’ by Henry .Sachs as a violinist for the ! dressed the meeting, spoke o f the inllu- j Father Kelly referred to Christ’s !>xl2,_ioguliU-ly .'^00.00—Halo p rice...... $74.50 HELEN WALSH + brated for the First Time Oct. 17 ♦ Young People’s .Munioipal ordiestru. i enco o f environment, especially in our promise tiuit where two or more were roguiiU'lv 885.00—Side p rice ...... 1 >70-00 Optometrist and Optician which will be organized with Henry ♦ 0, I-ord Jesus f hrist. Who didst + earlier years, aud of the .spiciidiil work Igathercfl ill His name He also would (ixO, regularly 817.50—Sale ]>rice ...... JI41.75 All work receivei my pertonal .Sachs as director. ♦ reveal the miscRpchablc riches of ♦ of the ’.kisterfe of Uluirity, in eariii|^for ■be-thebe. ^ 1 went on to speak of the .A rehearsal of the Junior singers (glee 'the orphans., TIu* nicmliors irf .'Jt.iVin- attention. ♦ Thy Heart .to Blesses, ronnlarly i?7..50—Halo in'ioo.$3.75 do would be to visit the Violet Bay they can to as.sist the teachers. I The ladies w-eie also requested to Parlors, 431 E. 19th Ave. They ore A very entertaining program of piano (Slightly Diimagojl in Ti-aiisit) sincere, honest people, and they !tiin';c nn ellort to bring new mcnilicrs Irive a coarse of ten treatments solos and recitations was given by Airs. ito the November mccling, ns it w-as for 913, or one treatment for 9 1 -SO. Alargarct French during the afternoon. LAUNDRY OF QUALITY 'stated that in a parish as large as the The Violet Bay treatments ore 'Cathedral, there should he at least 1,000 LINOLEUMS absolntelT gnoranteed to rsstore ALTAR SOCIETY CARD PARTY ' mendicrs. your health; and besides yon are dealing with sincere people; not VERY SUCCESSFUL The next ijiceting will be held at the Printed Ijinoletinis', rf'gnlarly 8U35.— jnst mere money grafters. (Sacred Heart Parish) Cathedral rectory, 1501 I’ennsylvniiia street, on (ho second Friday in-Noveni- Hale price ...... $1.10 If we were jnst after money Next Sunday will be Coninmnion day alone, w* wonld not strive to rob . her. the sick and poor, hnt wonld sell for the A’oung Indies' sodality. Inlaid Linoleums, regularly 82.05— Inznries to people who oonld af­ ford them. In the afternoon at I/iyola Chapel, pi'ice* . -...... $1.05 meeting for the gentlemen’s sodality. DENVER PRIESTS TO GET If yon are willing to be helped, Third Floor try one conrse of onr Violet Bays Oct. 12, Columbus ilay, a very success­ HOME BY END OF WEEK for Asthma, Bhenmatism, JTenrl- Phones Main 740, 741 tis, Nervous Affliction, Insomnia, ful card party took plac-e at Adelpldan Palling Hair, Catarrh, Dandruff, Rev. Hugh L. .McMciiaiiiiii, rector of and any and all pains. We are Hall, fur the benefit of the Altar Plant: Cor. 22nd and Larimer Sts. striving for the Sincerity of Abe society. ; the Cathedral p:Arisli, who has been vis- Dincoln, the economy of Ben Franklin, and the lielp of Cod. liliiig his mother and sister in Pennsyl-i , vania, w ill return'do Denver the latter j I dare oay this combination is SCOTTISH PRIESTS IN NEW ST. unbeatable, yet we may not get ! COLUMBA SOCIETY ' part of this week. He was accompanied THE COLORADO FU E & IRON COMPANY riob, but we will mn a good, clean, honorable bnslnesi; and we wish I Glasgow.—Three prominent priests of j on his trip east by Fatbci' McDoiiagh of WIRE NAILS—Miscellaneotu tialli, bride, cement cost«d niile, fn itl, to invite all enccessfnl business Glasgow and vicinity ivere recently in­ [ the Blessed Sacrament church who went blued and galvanized nails, wire spikes, special nails. The Anderson-Harrington Coal Company u men to try just one coarse of onr WIRE—Wire rods, pifun annealed wire, annealed bale v in , plain galvoB- □ treatments for Brain Pag, which S i itiated in the new Knights of St. Co- T o Milford to pay his annual visit t o ' clears the brain and enables yon ized wire, annealed market And stone wire, bright doft market wire, Ithat city where his mother resides. ■. ■ast Bid* IBranoli and | /-«1 \A //\r k /l Bonth Bid* Biasok, to think clearly and distinctly. Iiiniba, the. Scottish equivalent of the galvanized market and stone wire, coppered and liqnor-flnished morkot Mala Offio*, V ^ O d l , TV 0 0 0 , Knights of Columims of the United wire, wire hoops. Nail wire, hard, wift or extra eoft, oolid plrsnlssi ’ Slates. The now society is making nip- clothee lines, wire straightened and cut to lengths, telephona wiro, 3 5 tli ftWalDul H„„c.r.ru;n ^So. Bioadway Violet Ray Parlors twisted cable wire, extra heavy galvanized wire for winding woo4mi VkOBM Mala 865 B 368 X l r t y C l v JI 0 .1 1 1 Pbon*8118 id progre.ss. It is democratic in its or­ THERE ARE THREE stave pipe. - 431 £. 19th Ave., ganization and thoroughly Catholic. VACANCIES IN STAPLES-—Fence staples, polished and galvanized, ponltrr netting itaplH^ *' Denver, Colo. concrete staples, blind staples, faamp sttples, barrel stifles, boakot : ( , FULL LINE OF POULTRY SUPPLIES CONEJOS COUNTY staples, tub staples, hame staples, electricians’ staples, sjpeaking Ub« p n r -n------— ii— ti ...... ii— inW staples, broom staples, clamp staples, bedspring steplss, and othor ipg> FEET HURT? SCHOOLS ciaf staples, double pointed tackk Grover Soft Shoei Tliesa dlatrlcta pay from 9 1 0 0 to SINGLE LtXIP BAI,E TIES, FIELD FENCE, POULTRY FBNOI, PIO 9 1 1 0 oar 9130 p*r month for teach­ IRON—Spiegel, Bessemer, and Open Hearth Blooms and BUltta W ill Cure Them ers holding first grad* csrtificates. STEEL RAILS—Plain splicca and angle bars, angles, ehonnela, track boltB Sparn Dry Goods Go. PBEFBB CA.TBOLICS track spikes, bridge and machine bolts, lag screws, nnts, rlvota, etw ' bands, rolled thread for wooden stave pipe, twisted ban for reinforeod W. 2Sth Avenue and Eliot Correspond at Once With concrete. i ■ W. P. HORAN & SON Phone Gallup 550 BARB WIRE—Barb wire, painted and galvanised, t-pt. end i-pty hof r MBS. WH.D M. THOMAS, and cattle. MANASSA, CODO. BAR IRON AND STEEL—Steel shafting, R. E. steel and iron tire, toe eoUCi ' plow, lay, slight shoe, rough lock, mild and moehinory ateai, iir s i bars, (^st iron wat«- and gas pipe and The Popular Place Think Gallup 1010 when you think STEAM AND DOMESTI0 COAL, OOlJt music and you will have high- class thoughts. Funeral C hapel To Eat — MUSIC AND ENTEBTAINMBNT GENERAL OFFICES: BOSTON BLDG., DENVEJR. COLO. PUBNISHUD FOB THAT PABTY OB BNTBBTAINMENT AT BBASONABDE PBICES THE MABVEL ENTEBTAINEBS Harris Phone Champa 1139 GUIRY BROS., Inc 16th and California All Details Arranged W ilhoul Inconvenience Io Family Painters and Decoraton ' GEORGE CARON Restaurant SEIPEL THE MACX BLOCK OAPB 1435 COURT PLACE. Hot Lnnoli** Sketch** and Katlmat** *ubinm*a 1651 CURTIS STREET JEWEDEB All Kind* of soft Dclnka OPTOECBTBIST free. Denver. Uol^ Positively the Most Reasonable Prices OPTICIAN BEST OF EVERYTHING 16 years' practi­ cal experience in AT WATCH AND HAVE YOUR NEW SUIT MOUNTAIN VIEW BEST MODERATE PRICES TBWB&BT BB- MADE BY 1314 Quitman Street PA IB IN a and Op­ Banltoriom for Nervone and tical -work. Bye Chroulo Dixeas**. Bervic*. M. DUBLIN, TAILOR Milk Diet a Specialty. CUISINE AND SERVICE 1744 Walton BA $50 and Up 1527 Cleveland Place M a in 1 3 6 8 LIDA B. BUSSELL, M. D., UNEXCELLED Phon* Ohompa 387 830 E. Colfax Av. Ph. Oh. 2580 Phone Champa 4316. Manager. Tour patronage sullqlttd.

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION J S£ i b c ca a n a oL io h e q i s t e *. U.S. MONEY FINANCES P r e f e r r e d Parish T rading U st ENGUSH TERRORISM, The following dealers, wishing to secure Catholic patronage, aye among the most reliable firms in the State. They a n (K oit of These Items by National Catholic Welfare Council well worthy of your patronage. If you have ever solicited advertising for a Catholic newspaper, you are aware of the fact that News Service.) IN HIE EMERALD ISLE some of the men who do not advertise are not moved by a fear that they won’t get results, but because they know that no news­ CZECH CLERGY ‘LOYAL’ BUT WON’T WOMEN’S VOTE HELPED TO BEATj paper can survive without advertising and they do not wish a Catholic journal to survive. It is well to remember thiafwhen you DISBAND ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN BIGOTS Friends of Freedom Ask That see an ad in a Catholic paper. Prague, Czechoalovakia.—At the an­ Jliss Agnes Regan, secretary of the nual meeting of tlie Association of National Council o f Catholic Women,. > Our Loans to Britain Czechoslovak Catholic clergy, an organ­ joins , with Cardinal Gibbons in an ap-: Be Recalled I ization which exists in the face of the peal to American women to use the] The National Council of the Friends Holy Father’s order to disband, it was vote. She states: “ Today tlie w o-' St. Dominic’ s SlW s and S L E W ? Amnniciation Paiisii St. Francis De Sales Paiisk shown that only 400 priests o f the re­ men of the United States are asked to ^ public had quit its membership and that wield, in the interests of peace, what ial''"’’'^ “sp'-aking in the immc' FEDERAL PHARMACY Henry Oordes |t h e FRANKLIN PHARMACY E. W. ROBINSON 1,800 remain iii its ranks. Tl)is associa­ to many of them a new ^e,^pon_the! "'""y I. H. Caudle, Prop. ' la a t S4th Ava. and Fiaaklla. give their utlegiance to tlie United PBIilSCRIPTION DRUGGIST Lumher tion is to be differentiaied from the ballot. Many of our Catholic women Drugs, Medicines and Sundries Everything In Unign, ChMxaUmla, SoUet ArtlelM, “Sverythlsg for Bnlldlsg" “ National Church,” and has rid itself of opposed auffrage; many doubted its ad-1 '^"'y Prescriptions a Specialty Aodltorliun FlunnuMy ' Xodaka and ribna, Sohool SoppUea and I Snhdziaa. Yards, Office and Woodworking MIU all schi.smatics. visability; but many more realized i t * ! **Wished Republic of Ireland, and to its Stationery and School Supplies Cor. 13th and Curtla Sta. ; Your prescriptions carefully and accur- j w Tn®a Phnn. sintifii value and importance, and liave for year* j Eamonn He Valera in his ef- Phoaa Champa 383 Denver, Colo ately compounded. We deliver anywhera I ^ The president’s report at the associa­ Phone Gallnp 2824 2301 Fed. Boulevard forts to secure its recognition by Telephone Main 8196. ; ~~ tion's meeting proclaimed its fidelity striven to give women a voice in those W. H. Eenaler John Henalei 1 American government. ------^------' A. J. QUMLICK and obedience to the Holy See, and of­ affairs which are most vital in our so- , COTTON PHAR»!ACY cial and political life. Today no woman! protested against the bar- EENSLZR BROS. 0. J. LINDGREN fered in justification of its existence C W. Cotton, Mgr, who realizes her duly will fail to regia- i ^ "8 - the fact tliat more than 80 per cent of MODERN PLUMBERS Health Bread Bakery PLUMBING the Czechoslovak clergy had decided for ter and prepare to vote. ! government to overthrow the Repnb- W1 DELIVSB FESE. iMnodaUaf and fobbing a ■pMUlty i COMPLETE LINE OP BAKERY GOODS ! 248 South Broadway. its continuance. Any suspicion that the ‘It is imperative that the women violation of the Amer- 1M» HABZrOBA M . MADE FRESH DAILY FboM Bonth 158. Ses. Fboae, Bo. 18I8. this country should stand shoulder to P""«P'‘* governments dc- organization favored the schismatic 3M2 Irving S t Pkone Galhif 30*7. n o n e Kaln SStV Phone Mata 697L 1737 Humboldt St church or its ministers was declared to thouldcr with the men in defense just powers from the consent Decorating In all its branches. Riona Booth BIOS Bittmates cheerfuUy furnleb^ . those rights which are near and deari"^ governed” and adds: be Without basis. EAST END WET WASH Dean Kroiher, head of the organiza-. to the hearts of all Catholics—the sane-i submit to our government that' WEST DENVER ELECTRIC CO. H. A. HOLMBEEG tion, declared tlrat only a Catholic priest 1 tity of the home; the indissolubility of!‘''<^ n>''>tan8m ! Xt El. Btetler, Prop. C. W, Wentworth, L. J. Samlde, Propa WALL PAPER AND PAINTf may enter its memliership. In his ad-, marriage and the right to educate their: rampant .n Trelaml under the gov-; WIRING AND FIXTURES • ■ emment of Lloyd George exceeds in I LAUNDRY m SOUTH BROADWAY dress he condemned the institution of Uhildren. It is important that they make , The Five Points Hardware Oov General Repairing and Bupplle* It- (Incorporate.) Phone Bouth 433. DeavMb the schismatic church and disclaimed. an intelligent study of the underlying y « ' ' 'O”* 828 Santa Fe Drive. 3S Lbs. 91.00. prevailed in Cuba under Spanish connection or sympathy with it. The! principles connected with all these prob- ^ prevaioi in .uia un er Kpamsi Tin, ^ c e t lion and Funuce Work. , 18IS East 87th Ave. Phone Main 3630. De TURCK BROTHERS I rule which brought about American in- association voted to suspend from its ' lems. Unless we are prepared to educate AUSTGEN RUBBER CO tervention and the overthrow of Spanish MM Weltoa StiMt ( I 1320 Thirtyeighth SL membership all of tlie priests who liad a ourselves and the women with whom we FANCY GROCERIES k MEAT! tyranny in tiint island, and that tho.se: Phone Champa 3078. T)«nv«r, Cola Goodyear and Goodrich Tirea and Tubes part in the new' schism, Dcnn Kroiher come in contact, to cast our votes in^ conditions amply justify an American GENE&Al^ TIBE XEFAlSmG MaitmPItimbingSHeiitiiigCo. is a senator. te.Higently, we shall be unable to excr- 701 South Logan St. protest against their continuance. As The Rudolph Broi. Mercantile Co. Work Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating Those at the convention expre.sscd the | cise succesifully and effeftiviAy our staple and Taney Orooariea Phone Bouth 784, Denver. Colo. (lie British government is enabled to I 854 Broadway Phone South 2806 Repair work promptly attended to belief that the assoeiation will continue. right of franchise, Com Fed Meata. can y on its war of o.xtenniimtion Phone Champa 1241.' Phone York 8453'THE ALAMEDA GROCERY to 'work construetivelj’ in a Catholic ’ “No jwoman should feel that voting Bakery SpecialtiM for Keceptiena and j against the Irish people and its suppivis- j n. M, Flckel & apn.'Props. spirit and witli the consent of he hier- is a. privilege. It is jnor^ than that—it Partita Baked is Osr Own Bakety. i sion of tlie most clemenfary principles a'rchy. The officials and members seem i» « serious duty. To register means to ( 320. THE TRAMWAY MARKET] u p -t o -d a t e of human'liberty by the use of money ' Phonea Yorh:( ( I8489. 38th A Downing 8ta to feel that because of exceptional con- be qualified to vote when duty calls, Grocery, Meat Market, Bakery .supplied by our goveninumt for the pros­ Shop Phone York '811W Staple and Fancy Groceries ditions the organiz.ation should be per- fHow soon an urgent need for that vote GROSE’S DRUG STORE Fhoaea South 3709 and South 111 ■ ecution of the war against Ylermaiiy, all Res. Phone York t8SIJ mittod. If the national’ association is uiay arise; when some of our most sa- Fbona Toxk*717>?88 MEATS AND FISH 818 BOUTH BROADWAY loans to England should be recalled and Wa Bpaclallsa In Fteaoriptlona V, A. KISER dissolveil and onlv diocesan imions aroivred rights may be in jeopardy, we can I ^ .. . .. 1 the recognition of the British govern SODA DRUGS 1707 East Thirty-fifth Avemio THE BROADWAY tolerated in its stead, no co-operation of 'wt tell. The women of Michigan tje government of Ire CIGARS SUNDRIES Plumbing, Gas Pitting and Hot CANDIES A. D. & Cleaners, D yeh and Tailors the Catholic clergy could lie effected and recent campaign against the Catholic, Water Fitting. jland should be. at once withdrawn. If PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS THE TRAMWAY CAFE 312 Bo. Broadway. Fbona Bonth 16M tlie strongest support of the Church in : schools did valiant service in the cause 3210 E. COLFAX AVE. ‘ this is not done tlie govemment of the Oomtr SSnd and Oowniag Btaaeta Open Night and Day. i the republic would be removed, they of God and country. .They »‘ot only, ^ FINB TAILOBING OUB SFEOZALn: 2300 East Colfax Ave. |/ce Cream, Soda Water and Fancy Cleaning and Dyeing aav. voted, but they surveyed their districts, i »_, , i. at Moderate Prices. i . . , . * a , sponsible for the OTievous wrongs inflict* EDWARD F. O’CONNOR Soft Drinks There are strong and energetic spirits' got m personal touch with every vo er,, MRS. F. J. CARLIN We Call and Deliver anywhere Plumber and Steamfitter 1705 E. 35th Ave. Phone Champa 3579 j m the association, say its spokesmen,; and snceeded in arousing non-Catholic*, <.u„attprablv opposed, as we are, to Exclusive Millinery ~ALAMEDA PHABMa 6 F ~ and if these are to be re.strained, their |« well as Catholics to a sense, of thej^j^^ NOW LOCATES AT 2709 WELTON BT., Floral Designs put up while you w ait. 300 So. Broadway, Denver, Coin. Notions and Hosiery for Men and Wom­ PHONE MAIN 1611 efforts in the task of reconstruction will«tanger tliat w m impending. The mem- misleading and where he will be pleased to serve all of — t h e ------W. A. Lusk, Proprietor. cease, for thev are 8e' en. Ladies’ Fancy Underwear, persuaded that [ *^* [^ , * i j r'u'***^** * wholly unfounded statements recently 'his old patrons, Champa 762. We promise you ixmrteous treatmett, * • ^ % 1 art *WV»\IvT A VW1 Vll]I.T O O i'VrnAV W /\- ' . V . , — i... .1 . . »i mim 11 CURTIS PARK FLiORAL CO. the orgaiiiaztion has accomplished much and fully as regarding it by Governor Cox as ^ Established 1830 honesty, skill, reasonable prices. men m the commuuitv, and cast their: ® ® .... good. . . , , . . ,, inffordinff Ireland an opportunity to ub* Choice Plants and Cut Flowers Phone South 1204. . I votes against bigotry and injustice.” ' z . v . rm a r At With all that may be said lor the or­ Av A • : tain her liberty. The covenant of the Holj Family Pansb Constantly on hand. The election in Michigan was that in _ zr i u _i a a ^ Greenhouses: 34th.and Curtis Streets Remember ganization, its existence is unquestion­ . z. VI. A League niiords no snch opportunity to i ably illegal, according to the present which the author of the hill to compel • _ . , i IreJaiKl. and submitting her case to a Harry L. Gordon, F. W. FELDHAUSER Phope Main 4748 : WERNER’S . all children between the ages of wv and , , a n . .. i .. Codex, which forbids the association of . . , , body controlled by Eiiglaiia would ro- Fanoy Groceries and 3Seate ^ DELICATESSEN sixtcen to attend the public school, was , - . • , V . , POSTOFFIOE GARAGE THE HEBERT GARAGE the clergy of several dioceses, and per­ ; suit only lu giving an intci^tioiml sane* W e Bell at Down-town Prices Open Day and Night mits only diocesan union.s. Accordingly,, * candidate in the Rcimblicau primariea. Fbona Gallnp 897 4170 Tennyson Bt FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT : timi to an adverse decision that would Night and Day Service the Holy See not only did not approve. for ffio gulK-rnatorial nomination. He Authorized Dealer 17 So. Broadway. Phone South 3723W. ; be really English. Recognition by the lifEBIT GROCERY Our Service Car Alwaye Ready to Go this Assoeiation of Czecho-Slovak Cath- overwhelmingly defeated. Firestone Tires and Tubes I government of the United States of the 3660 Downing Street 11982 Ohsapa Main 3292 4995 Lowell Boulevard BAYAUD DRUG STORE olie clergy, but ordered its disband- I" county, whwh includes the , iroland, not an appeal to thci C. H. Reed & Son, Props. ment. The association did not dissolve. «fy of Detroit, tlie 1‘2,000 members of gp Xatioii.s, is the only I Prescriptions, Drugs Instead, the several vicariates d e c l a r e d ' Catholic Women’s league registered Ireland that is worth consider-; AND FULL LINE OF STmSSZM themselves for the union by a largo ma- for the priinanes, ca.st their votes, «"• ; i„g xhe claim tluit tlus recognition t GERMAN PRIESTS HERE TO AID STARVING Opposite the Webber Theater jority. Thus the organization continues vassed the entire eity, ipd ob.Ained between the United: thousands of votes from non-Catholie j Booth Broadway and 8«ya«d in disobedience if not in defiance o f the Bjates and England has no foundation CHILDREN HEIPED BY CARD. GIBBONS NORTH DENVER BANK men and women whom they convinced 1 hierarchy and tlie Apo.stolic See. whaever. England i.s facing insolvency decking and Savings Accounts Solicited of the bigotry which prompted the at- j and cannot make war on a first-class (By N. C. XV. C. New.s Service.) 4% on Sayings , tack on private, including Catholic paro- gation here. Bis eminence- stated tlwt ADDITIONS IN FACULTY power witlwut American money.” Baltimnre.iT-lfariiinal Gibbons last New Safe Deposit Boxes Catbedial Paiisb I chial schools. he had read, at the meeting of the hier­ OF CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY These resolutions were forwarded for week received a delegation of four prom- I When the proposition to exclude Catho-1 archy in W.xahington last week, a letter TWENTY-NINTH AND ZUNI STS. Take your next prescription to Washington, p. C.—More than nine adoption by all branelics of the F. 0 .1- F. inent German priests, representatives of of Cardinal Bertram and the' other O r - ' ------— — ------— j]ic children from the right wf a Catholic • hundred atudenta are enrolled at the ______St. Boniface .society, who have arrived Cathedral Branch' I education is submitted to the voters in man Bi.shops in: b’nlda, setting forth the Phone Galinp 473 Phene Gallnp 749W Catholic University of America for the , BIGOTS ATTEMPT TO PENALIZE jin the United States for the purpose of in.-vn ni i- . ;Michigan in November, a.s its advocates' great distrcs.s in their country. ! CAMPBELL BROS. COAL CO. Temple Drug Stores Oompanj year 1020-21, according to an announce-1 ^ ’ CHURCH’S DOCTRINE. appealing for aid in behalf of the .starv- j ■•I myself." continued the Cardinal, Yard l-tOO W. sand Ave. ment made by the \'erv l!ev. ticorge 1 ----- ^ ;ing children of Germany. They are the t-a,,, ,]epp .,vmpathv with the suffer- oaio* 1401 w. seth Avo. Colfax and Logan. B. Dougherty, the vice-rector. pi,.o ^ London—Protestant denominations o f : Rffcct make it a penal of- templated gathering were intended for ecelesiaC. . Phone* York 1822, 3071 ings. One of the striking features is the] The resignation of the Very Rev. Ed- ,8*®*'^'’®® e episeopa pa ace. lor teach the Catholic doctrine that Catholic education—primary, secondary \\c hn\e, o f course, properly speak-; gj- pppsidgnt Eanionh de Valera Phonl Main 6171 mund T. Shanahdh, for many years pro-' afterwards he returned accompany ^ and higher. The total of the budgets ing, no German Catholies, no Polish from prison and scenes of his reception . J. T. FRARY fesaor of dogmatic theology and whose i ^ ^ ° 1 11 ®'a'’^'age8, althmigh valid as civil con- prepared for tliia purpose was more tlian Catholics, no English Catholics iii this; in this country. Crowded houses at- Decorating, Painting and Paperhasging recent papers, published in the Catholic ■ ^ . p snias ic( spiritually incomplete and not ^3.000,000. Cliarilable institutions— cmintrx'. XVc arc all American C ath-'. tested to the popularity of the film. SIGNS World on the Second Coming of Christ, I “ doors wi h la c an a « true marriages in the sight of God„Or of hospitals, orpliaimgcs, hniiies for the aged ® ' 'httvrmcy -moilA uzQTT intfv + hfl KianfiTk^a . dies. Bu.t we are- all indebted to the 710 Hln«t*«nth Btr**t. having made their way into the Bishop’s | church and the like— were to be the benelieiai-jea have created the most profound discus­ German clement for their great services When FRARY Does It You KNOW Ifo Dona Right sion among biblical critics, being highly palace, seized whatever goods they] Archbishop O’Shea points out that if o f some $2,700,000 of the aggregate. they thought desirable, and the officer (which they have rendered to our Cath- praised by Dr. Hugh Pope in the Dublin i the law is adopted as now written it will Welfare work, such as clubs for men and l„,i^ Therefore, as IN MISSION FIELDS took a considerable share of the plunder. Review, has been announced. Dr. Shana­ mean tijat New Zealand is the first coun­ women, community houses, civic better-j eoneerned, I will do all in ALTA MARKET C. W. RUSSELL, Proprietor. han will do parish work in Boston and try in the British Flmpire to penalize a ment, etc., was to receive something | 'JESUIT TELLS OF JAPAN’S VIEWS U. S. PRIESTS ELEVATED meanwhile will prepare for a series of religious doctrine. "We wiU resist and more than 4500,000. The remainder w.as , commission ha.s come to this : ON THE CHURCH. 324-326 EAST COLFAX AVE. BY THE HOLY FATHER new papers on tlie subject of the Pa- defy such a law, and encourage both 1 to go to miscellaneous aclivitie.s under | Xot oiih* will vou have periiiis- : “A church regarded as identified with Rome.—Appointment of several Amer- rousia^He will be succeeded by the prists and people to disobey,” his Gracq ■ Catliolic auspices. i ,,iocesc-T will eoii- what are considered decadent iiationali-; Fhone Champa 614. Very R^v. D. J. Kennedy, O.P., professor clergymen to new dignities in the is quoted as having stated publicly. ^ In view of the generous response of; persouallv to the noble work.” ; ties and equipped only for ob.scurc h e -' of ------saciamental------...... theology.T announced at . |.\merican Catholics to the calls made requested that t,,e! Other additions to the faculty include \atican. Mgr. Arthur Lane of we- jsHRINE TO ST. ANN DECIDED 0N;«P®» tl'e^ .name of their rel'K*®". j ,|rst take oare of the poor siif- high-school education may win af- 'gon. City, f\my\ Ore., Imhas a 1%/u-t*%been rmade a n eln afiostlcn *\nr,A In i. I lthe l decision«.*.* ^of e £\the ArchbishopsA -1.1.S.. I. —.. .. .and . . . J T)1.1Bish . i ^ ^ I ^ nn-4 m n l,t>4 X. ______J ...... 1 the following: Mr. Paul Lar-wcll, for­ AT NEW ORLEANS. fering priests who had already appealed ' prothonotary; Mgr. Lawrence L. Dunphy. merly of Kenyon college, Ohio, professor iops to consider a survey for nn a]ipoal to Idni and who seemed to have elicited ’ “ ®«‘ I>®"’erful and pro- WALTER EAST of Sutton, Neb., has been appointed do­ (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) i for the support of the National C-atltolic ii i. ■ r , • greasive non-Ciiristian country in the of French; Mr. James M. Fay, instructor the wannest sympathy from him. 1 ,. , , uit mestic . New Orleans.—The erection of a Welfare Council a.ssumcs additional in­ world today.”—Rev. Mark J. McNeal, WholesaM and RataU Dsalw la in mathematics; Dr. Richard J. Purcell, Upon their departure the Cardinal be­ Father Patrick J. Kcanif of Oakland, shrine to St. Ann, similar to that of St. terest. At their recent meeting in XVash- S. J. forraorly of St. Thomas college, instruct­ stowed Ills ble.ssing on the four dele- Cal, Las been nominated titular Bishop Ann o f Beaupre in has been de­ iiigtou the bisliop.s autlwrizod the admin­ Money for the assistance of home or MEATS AND GROCERIES or in American history; Mr. Angelo Vas- gnte.s. foreign mislonary work of the Catholic ; of Samaria and auxiliary Bishop of Sac- cided upon by the Rev. Francis Badeau, istrative committee of the National Church can be sent to any of the follow­ quez, instructor in Spanish. am-g»06 aarfaaag at. Salapkoaaiw pastor of St. Ann’s church'in this city. ing, which societies will gladly forward ' raraento. CathoKe Welfare Council to prepare a It to YOUR ambassador on the battle- The suggestion that such a shrine be survey for an appeal to the Catliolic.s of front of Jesus Christ: CATHOLIC ARTIST GETS Bureau of Oithnlic Indian Mission*. ^ ^ H. A. HAMES ST. LOUIS LOSES VENERABLE ARCHBISHOP SETON NOW erected here was originally made by the the country for an endowment fund. Un­ 2021 H street, N. W „ Washington, D. C. QUALITY AND SERVICE IRELAND INTO MOVIES Ington, D. C. PASTOR WRITING HIS BIOGRAPHY Rev. Father Hattais of the Cioiigrcgation til this survey has been made it will not Cathollo Board for Mission Work Grocery and Market S t' Louis, Mo.—^Parishioners of the of the Fathers of Mercy, who preached be known what amount it is .proposed to i ^ Among Colored People. No. 1, Madison (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) (By N. C. W. C. New.s Serviee.) t avenue. New York. FztssB Ooansitoad. Fisas* OaU aa4 Church of the Immaculate Conception Paris.—Msgr. Setou, Archbishop of the Lenten sennons at .St. Ann’s cluircli raise for the council, assuming that the | Indianapohs, liid.—Hal Reid; the American Foreign Mission Seminary, (Ht* V s a Tzlal Maryknoll, Ossining, N. Y. 9703-4 OXAhlFA n s n * are mourning the loss of the Rev. E. J. Iloliopolis since 1013. and formerly of I in 1002. A new chureli and modern : Bishops apiirove the survey. ; Catholic scenario writer, is author of Address cancelled stamps of rare de­ Fhoaa XalB 1381 Shea, for forty-one years pastor of that; New Jersey, is at Canterets (Hantes j school will be erected soon by Father j In the event tlie survey and rccom-jthc gripping motion picture "For the nominations jewel and(4, 6, other 6. 7. etc.),donations tinfoil, to old Jewels and other donations to church, who died in St. .Tolin’s hospital' Pyrenees) where, with a few friends ho | Badeau, who recently held a tliree-dny 1 meiidatioii.s* submitted to the Bishops arc I'rcedom of Ireland,” wliich has been' Amerlaw Seadquarters'^of the bSSillty of Bt P*t*r Claver for the African A. A. QEISLEB m-ontly. Father Shea was the second celebrated his eighty*’firfit birthdty. j bazaar for the purpose of raising fimds. I approved by them* the lay organizations- drawing cro\Yded houses here during the Missions, Fullerton building, Sevsntb oldest priest in the 8t. Loiii.s’ diocese, j Archbishop Seton is engaged in writing ^ : affiliated with the National Welfare past week. The picture is vivid with in- and Pin* streets. 8t. Louis, Mo. Part Quality Diup, Tailat aai Kakku Cathollo Oinrch Exteaslon aoeiety, He came from Ireland to this country! hia reminiscences, “A Life Trail of' Tell your Catholic neighbor* that thej i Council will conduct the work of soliri-jcidents of Ireland’s struggle for freedom MoCormick building, Chicago (constantly Oooia, Patant MidUBinae. hewing Colorado rural congregations). when a child and was ordained by Arch- Eighty Years,” which will be published j ought to take the Catholic Register. It: tatioii under the supervision and con- and portrays the operations of the Brit- Society for tha Propagation of the Prescriptions Corrsotly CompouB4M. biihop Kendrick in 1868. ^ next year in New York. will help then and u*. ■ stant direction of the Hierarchy. ish military and coprt martial proceed- Fa)th, 143 Lexington avenue, Nsw York, N, Y. 8221 Downing Are. Phone Champa IM t 1 ' i ' ‘


thing. Nothin’ more to worry about price, why shouldn't I sell?” i instead o f to hl.s fam ily. Perhaps when ! and plenty, laid up for old age. Ain’t “Very well,I’ - she answered. ‘Tve I am away for a while he’ll cqme to , that worth a sacrifice?” nothing more to say. Sell It if you himself. That’s our only hope.” i “John,” she said, turning and raising must, but remember one thing—I won t The boy stood helpless In this con- j her eyes to his face. “Answer me a bo here to see It pass Into the hands flictlon. He knew something of the I straight question. What was the hap­ of strangers.” She straightened her­ depth of the nature of his parents, and ! SCENES IN. piest time in your life? Wasn't it when self up, and there was a fire in her he knew that beneath an undemopsti*a- i we lived in the one-roomed sod shanty, pyo that reminded him of the day when tive exterior they cherished in secret a with scarcely a cent to bless ourselves? she had elected to .share with him the love proportionate to the^strength ot ' WEST INDIES We worked hard then, too, but we had liardships of the wilderness, and in their character. But the 'long course i t time for long walks together across .the spite of. himself some of his old pride down which they had walked together | prairies—time to sit in the dusk by In her returned. "1 leave tomorrow for .seemed now to be separating, through 1 A u lh or o f the water and plan our lives together. a visit, and I poay be gone some time. neither will nor power of tlieir own; It | ^luejdcckets pulling Cb^llmdterrEtc. VVe have done well; we-have laud, You reminded me of your liberality a was as though straight parallel lines i lUuftrationi horses, machinery, money. But have few miniitoa ago; prove It now by suddenly turned apart, and neither doWn the htgh cost by we the happiness we knew when we writing me a check for my expanses. lost Its straightness in the turning. ' Irw}AA1|)r«r*l had 'none of these? On the contrary, Remember, I will expect to travel like So be comforted his mother with ' of ItN^tng ' Cop!/ri^t. A ll KigWs ReseiVed are you not worried morning, noon the wife of a prosperous farmer, a man such words as he could. Loyalty to beam, which meant an afternoon’s de- SYNOPSIS. and night over your work and your whose holdings are worth forty thou­ hl.s father forbade laying any of the . . I lay and, some dollai's of expense. property? Don’t you complain about sand dollars cash.” Iilama on those shoulders, and’ to PRELUDE.-l>espondent because of the j When he had started his meal his the kind of help the farmers have to “So that’s your decision, is it? You blame his mother was unthinkable; so S2cilors V tsiting •cemlngly barren outlook ot his position I w^fe laid the full envelope before him. hire nowadays, and the wages they set me at defiance; you try t’ wreck as a kchool teacher In a small Canadian j “ A letter from Beulah,” she said, with unconscious wisdom he^spoke not town, John Harris determines to leave It i have to pay? .Vnd if you get more land my plans by your owtl stubbornness. of blame at all. r e p u t e d t o m h o f and take up land In Manitoba, a ” Horae- ! W ithout a word he rose from the won’t all your troubles be Increased in You break up ray family piece by “Of course, while we are away, why ■tender** Mary, the girl to whom he ts j table, took the letter in his hand, and proportion? John, sit down and think C o l u m b u s , piece, until all I have left is Allan. shouldn’t yon have a visit?” he said. affianced, declares she will occompany | Ihrust it into the kitchen range. A tills thing over. We don’t need more Thank Ood, the boy, at least, is sound. “Here you have been chained down to I him-' I blue flame slowly cut round tlie en- to ^ o i n - i n g o C l ^ property; what we need Is a chance fp--W ell, • you shall have your \ check, and this farm ever since I can remember, CHAPTER l.-They are married and | ''elope ; the pages began to curl like enjoy the property we already have. I’ll make it a big one that It may carry and before. And then, when I get set­ set out for the unknown, desired country*. | dry leaves in autumn, and presently We have all the chance to choose now you farther.” tled on my own homestead, you’ll come Aleck McCrae, pioneer settler and advls- j file withered ghost o f the missive between life and land; won’t you think Even, in the teeth of his bitterness and keep house for me, won’t you?” er of newcomers, proves an Invaluable i ^way In the dull glare o f the It all over again and let us seek that the mention of Allan’s name strained “You’re sure you’ll want me?” she ! coal Are behind. w ich Is really worth while?” K f the mother’s heart beyond her power asked, greatly comforted by his mood. CHAPTER n.-Leavlns his wife with I » “Now I know where Beulah got her of resistance, and she turned with ont- ‘Terhaps you’ll he getting your owm the fanUly of a fellow settler, Fred Ar- j plowing was finished, nonsense,” he retorted. “All this talk stretchfid.. arms fawards her husband. thurs, Harris and McCrae Journey over i __, . .v ... ^ . housekeeper, too.” r about real life Is very fine, but yon the prairie and select a homestead. Mary i ^md, although the rich smell o f wheat For a moment he wavered, the flame “Not while I can have you,” he an­ Insists on accompanying him, and they '■ in the milk filled the air, it still would don’t get much life, real or any Olier of love, still smouldering in his breast, swered. “You’ll promise, won’t you? It begin their life work of making the pral- j te almost a raontli before the ripen­ kind, unless you have the cash to. pay leaping up before the breath of her re­ lie fertile farm land. Nothing that has happened, or can ing crops were ready for the. binder. down for it. We’ve done pretty well sponse. But it was for a moment only. happen, will keep you from making Harris felt that he could now allow here, as you say, but it’s only a begin- Weaknass would have meant surren­ "C h a p t e r ni.-R eturnlng from selling my home yours, will it? And when his Hirst crop, Harris finds his wife de­ himself a breathing spell, and that nin’ to what we can do. If we set about der, and surrender was the one thing Dad gets settled again, .and gets all spondent almost to insanity from loneli­ the opportunity to investigate the rich It, and don’t wait until the cheap land of whicli Harris waa incapable. So he ness, and with the immediate expectation ■ these worries off his mind, then lands of the Farther West was at is all gone. I don’t see why you .should checked the impulse to take her in Ills ‘ ot becoming a mother. A son was born things’Il be different, and you’ll come, hand. Many a night, while Mary milk­ go back on me at this time o’ life, to them, to whom they give the name of arms, and walked stolidly to his- desk even If he Is there?” Allan.. ed the cows, he had -walked over to Mary. We’ve stood together for a In the parlor. 1 “Yes, I’ll come, even If he is th^e. CWAI'TEK IV.—A quarter ot a century Riles’, and the two had discussed their long while, and I kinda figured I could He returned shortly and placed a i passes and John Harris, with tiis wife If you ask me,” she promised. i i j forthcoming venture until they had count on you." check in her hinds. She looked at it i and son, Allan, and daughter, Beulah, HaiTls did notMine back tliat night. grown almost enthusiastic over it. A “So you can, John; so you can to througli misty e.ves, and read that It 1 have acquired comparative riches. With , A light rain cafiSe up, and he accepted prosperity tlie desRe for wealth has be- ] quarter o f a Century having elapsed the very last, for anything that Is for ! was for $200. It represented a two tlie excuse to sleep at Biles’. The come a part of Harris' life. Beulah, girl-1 since his former homesteading, Har- your own good, but when you set your hundredth part of their Joint earnings, trath was, he feared for his resolution llkd, longs fop something more than the i (.jg ^.gg now eligible again to file on heart on Something that'means more and yet he thought he was dealing lib­ drudgery- of a farm household, Jim Trav- I ,______. , , . „ , , , If it shonld be attacked by both his trouble and hardship and won’t add erally with her; he half expected. In era, her father*s **hlred man,** becomes government la n d ; Allan could do wife and son. Surrender now would to her a little dearer than a more friend. the same, and, by also taking advan­ one Iota to your happiness, I think it fact that his magnanimity would break weakness and weakness was tage of the purchase of script, it was is my duty to persuade you if I can. her down where his firmness had ™ere weakness, ana weakness was CHAP*rER V.—The call of the West, disgrace, and yet be feared for himself possible to still further Increase their We’ve been drifting apart lately; why failed. But slie only whispered a faint where millions of acre* are appealing for If put to the test again. So he stayed holdings.. not let us both go back to the begin­ “Thank you,” and slowly folded the eettlers, has taken hold o f Harris and of nt Biles’, and the two farmers spent Allan, and the two have about decided Harris found the task of disclosing ning and start over again, and by kind- paper in her fingers. He waited fer a much of the night over theif plans. It to make the venture. Performing an act fli.s Intentions to his wife more un­ ness, and fairness, and liberality, and : minute, suspecting tliat she was over- of kindliness for Beulah. Jim Travers I bad been decided that they were to pleasant than he would have sup­ ■and sympathy, try to recover some­ come, but as she said nothing more he has a misunderstanding with Harris and j leave within the next couple «f days, posed, and it took him some days to thing of what we have lost?” nt length turned and left the house, k f r Is discharged. I but Harris broke the news that his make up Ids mind to broach the sub­ “I have always thought I had been saying gruffly as he went out, “When Ch I^FTTUR VT.—"With Travers gone, i wife was going on a visit, and that ar- liberal enough,” he said. “Didn’t I that’s done I’ll send you more If you more work Is put on Beulah, and the girl ject. He felt that he was doing what i rangements would have to be made for build you a good house and buy furni­ write for it” rebels. After a heated dispute with her was for the best, and that his busi­ ] the care of the farm. r V - father she leaves her home secretly, with ness judgment in the matter could ture for It, and do I stint you in what > It was now 10 at night, and almost Biles took the suggestion of a few the connivance of her mother. hardly be challenged; and ybt he had you spend, either on the table or your­ dark.'but Harris’ footsteps Instinctive­ days’ delay with poor grace. an uncomfortable feeling tliat his wife self? More than that, didn’t J put tlie ly turned down the road toward Biles’. CnAP*rER 'VIl.-Harrls, following his “ Yes, an’ while you’re chasing up an’ would not fall in with his plans. That, title to the homestead In your name? At the gate he met Allan, returning daughter,. has reason for believing she down fer a housekeeper the Yankees has gone with Travers. Angered and bit- of course, would not be allowfed to af­ And ain’t I ready to do the same with home from spending a social hour get all the homesteads. They’re corn­ ter in the feeling that she she has not i feet his plans; since*Beulah's depar- the new homestead, if that’s the stick­ with the Grant boys. beon fair to .him, he disowns her. The a in’ in right now by the train load, ture nothing but the most formal con­ er?” “Where going, Dad?” the younger breach between the farmer and hft wife, ' grabbln' up everythin’ in sigh t W e’ll versation had taken place In their “ 1 never thonght o f such a tliing.V man demanded. accentuated by his seeming disregard for monkey round here till the summer’s the higher things of life, becomes wider, j household; yet it would certainly be she protested. “And yon shouldn’t' “Oh, I thonght I’d take a walk over over, an’ then go Out an’ get a sand easier for him if Mary should give her CHARTER 'Yllf.—Beulah reaches the ' t' Biles’. There’s a lot o’ tilings t’ talk j farm, or something like. Couldn’t your encouragement to his undertaking. He West, in the shadow of the great Rockies, about.” ! wife do her visitin’ no other time?” and finds friends In the Arthurs, fellow felt tlmt he was entitled to this, for “What’s tlie mal.te»*, Dad?” The j pioneers of her i>aTente many years ago. ' “I'll tell you. Riles," said Harris, was it not for her that ho was making strained composure of his father’s | Mrs. Harris determines to make a visit | who liad 110 desire to pursue a topic her daughter, and her husband’s stren- | the sacrifice? Was not all he had voice had not escaped him. I which miglit lead him into deep water, uoua Pbjeotions almost cause a "parting hers? And were not all his labors dl- “Nothin’ * * • I might’s well tell | “j'ou go ahead out and get the lay of ot the ways.** Harris arranges with a i reeled toward increasing her reserve you now ; you’ll know It in a little 1 the land, and I’ll follow you within a neighboring farmer. Riles, for the latter against the rainy day? And yet In­ ! while anyway. * • • 1‘our mother is i to take a trip to the West and look over week. I’ ll do thnt for sure, nnd Fll stinctively he felt tliat she would op­ the poBSiblUtJea, with the understanding , goin’ away—^n a 'tIsI^.U I stand part of your expenses for going pose-him. ’ that he and Allan will follow. ! "Like l^ulah’i’^Vislt;*^ti'ppo8c. So ahead, scein’ you will be kind o’ repre­ ~~ II ^ /i^ (Continued' from last week.) It was tlie evening of a long day In I it’s come to this. Tve seen it for some sentin’ me.” 1 July when, very much to Mary’s kup- i time, 6ad, and you must ’ve .seen it The last touch was a stroke of diplo- ' prise, her husband took the handle of I too. But you’re not really goln’ to let “AVe drove home the next day, up a m.icy. The suggestion that Harris I tile cream separator from her. To I her go? Come back to the hou.se witli The Republican Party in Colorado wonderful river valley, deep into the should pay part of his expenses swept j tho sad-hearted woman it seemed that me--surely you two can get together heart of the .foothUls, with the blue away Riles’ had humor, and he agreed STANDS PLEDGED Ihe breach was at length beginning to on this thing. If you try.” mountains always beckoning and re­ to go on the date originally planned, heal, nnd that happiness would short­ “I have tried,” said Harris, “and it’s ceding before us. Mrs. .Arthurs was and get what he. called “a bede on the To education of returned soldiers; reservation of ly return to their heartbside. Below DO use. She’s got those notions like as surprised and delighted as he had easy money,” while Harris completed public domain for their use and liberal credits for ihe din of the separator she actually i Beulah—quittin’ work, and twilights been, and 1 won’ t try to tell yon all his arrangements at home. initial improvements. found herself humming an old love- ! iud sunsets and all that kind o' the things she said to me. She cried He was to get “a bede on the easy song of the 'eighties. thing. There’s no use talkin’ with her; To strict enforcement of the 18th 'Amendment and a little, too, and I’m afraid I came money” in a manner which Harris lit­ reason don't count for anything. I | Volstead Act. near helping her a bit. You know the But her happiness was of short tle suspected. gave her a good pocketful o’ money, | ■ •******« Arthurs lost tlieir .little girl before duration. When the milk had been To prevent manipulation of prices on agricultural and told her to write for more when | tliey left Manitoba, and they have bad j run through, and the noise of the When Harris returned home the products, in which actual farmers ,are to be invited she needed It. She’ll get over her no- j no other. Children. They both seemed ^ whirling bowl no longer prevented to devise, develop aud enforce reinedies. tion.s pretty soon when she gets among | just hungry. ^ conversation, Harris Immediately got I next forenoon he found that Mary bad , To more adequate transportation facilities and the i strangers. Go In and have a talk with “There’s nothing so very fine about Jown to business. i already left for Plafuvllle. Ho sat | I her, boy; there’s no use you bein’ at movement of livestock, fruit and other perishable their home, except the spirit Uiat’s In­ “Allan and me will be leavin’ tpr 1 down nnd tried to think, but the house j I outs with her, loo. As for me, I can’t products at a minimum i^iining time of not less side It. I can’t describe it, but It’s the West in a day or two,” he said. “I I was very quiet, and the silence op- j ! do anything more.” than 15 miles per hour. there a—certain leisurely way of do­ suppose you can get along all right j pressed him. • * • H e,looked ^t his*. ing things, a sense that they have j for a few weeks until harvest Bill , V u I watch, and concluded he had still To a revised Highway Law, wliich will produce one "1 suppo.se you know best," he an- , (the hired man) will be here.” dollar’s worth of road for every one dollar ex­ swererf ‘^but it seems-hang It, lta | , made work their servant Instead of In an Instant she saw the motive penditure. against a 1 reason that you two-that j s„„endcr, and surrender meant j their ma^er. And 'still tlicy’re cer­ (>cbind bis apparent kindness, and the Write Republican State Central Committee, Denver, for infor­ this should happen.” | ! tainly not lazy, and they’ve accom­ hopes she had jnst entertained only "You!” Ho Exclaimed. “You Plannln’ mation on any of these subjects, “ O f course it Is.. That’s what I said ■ ^ ___ i plished more than we have. When deepened the flood of resentment a T rip !” a minute ago. But reason don’t count they left Manitoba in the early days, which swept over them. But she an­ claim too much credit for putting the CHAPTER IX. I Just now. But you have your talk __ j disconraged, with successive frosts, swered quietly and without apparent homestead quarter in my name. Y'ou with her, and give her any help you REGISTER AND VOTE they came right oht here into the foot­ emotion: “That’s unfortunate, as I A Whiff of New Atmosphere. know when you bought the first rail­ can If she wants t’ get away at once." hills with their few head *of stock. was planning for a little trip myself.” Biles found the journey westward a 1 THE REPUBLICAN TICKET road land you wore none too sure how Allan found bis mother In her room, N ow their cf^ttle , are numbered In “You I” he exclaimed. “You plannln’ tiresome affair. It was his first long i things would come out, nnd you packing a trunk and gently weeping rail journey in over 20 yonr.s, hut his i President, W ARREN G. HARDING thousands, and they have about a a trip! AVhere In the world do you thought It might be a wise precaution into It. He laid his hand upon her, want to go?” Such a thing as Mary thoughts were on the cost of travel j township of land. And still they seem to have the old farm stand In your and presently he found her work-wcmi Vice President, CALVIN COOLIDGE to live for the pure happiness they wife’s name." rather than on the wonderful strides ; going on a trip, and, above all, unac­ frame resting in his strong arms. U. S. Senator, SAMUEL D. NICHOLSON find In life,,and only to tliink of their “That’s all the tlianks I get,” he said I which bad been made IP Its comfort , companied by himself, was unheard “You’re not going to leave us, moth- pre^perty as a secondary considera­ bitterly. “Well, I'll take the new one : and convenience. ' ; Governor, OLIVER H. SHOUP of and unthinkable. tion. in my own name, but I’ll take it just ; As fate would have It, Riles selected | Congressman, First District, W ILLIA M N. V A IL E “Yes, I thought I would take a lit­ “Now I really must close. Mrs. Ar­ the same. If you don’t want to share , as the base of his homestead opera- Congressman, Second District, C H A R LES B. TIM B E R LA K F; tle trip,” she continued. “I’ve been thurs sends a note, and I’m quite sure in It you won’t have to. But for the I tiou.s the very footbill town to which | Congressman, Third District, G U Y U. H AR D Y working here pretty hard for some­ Congressman, Fourth District, M ER LE D. V IN C E N T U’8 an invitation. Oh, mother,, what present it’s your duty to stay here nnd j Beulall Harris Kftd dome a few weeks i thing over twenty-five years, and you liefote. lie sought Out lire oheapost i Judge of Supreme Court, G R E E L E Y W. W H ITF O R D could be lovelier! Now, don’t say you nin things till we get back.” i Secretary of State, CARL S, M IL L IK E N may say I’ve never been off the place. hotel, nnd having thrown his few be- , can’t Father has plenty of money; “What are you going 1o do after you ■ State Treasurer, A R TH U R M. STONQ A bit of a holiday shouldn’t do me ! longings on the bed, betook blmself to i let him hire a housekeeper for a get your new farm? You can’t work ' Superintendent Public Instruction, K A T H E R IN E CRAIG any harm.” ; tlie bar room, which seemed the chief while. The change will do him good. two farms a thousand miles apart, can j Lieutenant Governor, EARL COOLEY “Where do you think of goln’?” he ! center of activity, not only of the bo- *T,ove to you, dearest, aud to Allan, you?” I State Auditor, H ARR Y E. M U LN IX demanded, a sudden suspicion arising I tel Itself, but of the little town. Men W he still thinks of me. ”Oh, I guess that won’t worry us ; Attorney General. V IC TO R E. K EYES In his mind. “Goin’ to visit Jim and I were lined three deep'against the ca- Regents— Earl W. Haskins, Dr. O. S, Fowjer, Frank H. Means, ■ “BEULAH. long. The Americans are cornin’ in , Beulah?” I paclous bar, shouting, swearing, and Clarke G. Mitchell, Thomas L. Wilkinson "P. S.— forgot to mention that Jim DOW with lots o’ good money. I was ' i “I think you might at least be fair ! singing, and spending their n^oney with Travers left Plainville on the same figurin’ up that this place, as a goin’ I to Beulah,” she retorted. “If you had an abandon n b f to lie found in mil- train as I did. He could hardly be­ concern, ought to bring about forty j read her letter, Instead of putting it tlonalres. lieve his eyes when he saw me there. thousapd dollars, and I’ll bet I could In the stove, you would have known Biles debated with himself whether ' I told him I was going west on a sell It inside of a week.” ; better.” the occa.slon justified the expenditure , visit, but I don’t know how ranch he "Sell it?” she exclaimed. “You don’t maren wtth wbioli Kllc.s was endeavov- j “I ain’t interested In anythin’ Beu- o f 10 cents for a drink when a hand | guessed. Said he was going west him­ mean that you intend to sell this Ing to find his 'amp. His visitof was a ,£ a r n More Money I lah may have to say, and any other was placed on his shoulder, and a ' man of twonty-oight or tlilrty years, self to take up land, but he wanted to farm ?” Come to the Ooatral BniinaRS Ooltoge I letters that fall into my hands will voice said, “Have one with me, nelgli- I with clear eyes ami well-cut face, and call on some friends first, and he got “Why not? If somebody else wants . if you really wish to become an expert In I go in the same direction. And what's hor.” He found liunself addressed by j .vet with some subtle quality in his ex­ off a few stations from PlalnvlUe. Be­ It worse’n we do, and has tlie money to Shorthand, Typewriting', Accounting, etc. i mor«, she’s not goin’ to have a visit j a iuan of about Ills own age, shorter ■ tween you and me, I .believe he pay for it, why shouldn’t I sell It?” pression that implied that uiuler bis from any member of this family at The tears stood in her eyes as she j and somewhat lighter of frame and fair exterior lay a deep cvniiiiig, and Learn the best and mo^t modem busi- changed his plan so that the incident j with a growing hint of coiTulence. the present time. I’m goln’ out west answered : “In all these years while that he was a man not to be trustedi I ness methods. Central will train you -^ u r being on the train together, you thoroughly^ and place you in a respoOsl- to take up land, nnd Allan’s going we have been building up this home j The stranger wore a good pepiver-and- in matters .where his own interests know—could not be misunderstood If I ble po.sition. with me. It ain’t fair or rea.sonable I salt suit, and the stone on his finger j mi.ght be at slake. tlie neighbors got to know of it. It '. never once thought o f It as some­ for you to try to upset our plans by thing to sell. It was too near for that I d,*inced like a real diamond. | “ Hello, Illrain,” he said quietly.' 1 PACK YOCH GRU’ and Come Today. would be j- St like Jim to do that.” a notion of this kind.” ! “Don’t mind if I do, since y’ mention : I Y.ou’U have to Hurry or you will mi.ss —a part of ourselves, of our very life. “You didn’t figure on seeing me here, I our Fall Term. Send today for catalogue With Beu ah’s letter was a short but “ It Isn’t a notion, .John, It’s a re­ It seemed more like—like one of the j It,” said Riles, with an attempted smile i did you?” land ask how you may earn your expenses earnest note from Lilian Arthurs, as­ I while in attendance. solve. If you are bound to take up children, than a mere possessipn. And I which his bad eye rendered futile. Ofie i At first glance Riles did not recog­ suring .the mother of ’'cr daughter’s more land, with more work and more n6w you would sell it, just as you I of tlie bartenders put something in ! nize Lira, and he raised the oil lamp w'elfare, and pressing an invitation to | woriy, wdiy go ahead, but remember might sell a load of wheat or a fat ‘ his glass which cut all the way down, | to turn the light better on the strang-' spend the autumn in the glorious I it’s your own undertaking. I helped steer. Is this place—this home’'where hut Riles speedily forgot It .in a more er’s face. scenery and weather of the foothill j to make one home In the wilderness, we have grown old and gray—nothing exciting incident. The man in the “Well, If It ain’t Gardiner!” he ex­ country. Jlary Harris rend bofli let- i and one home’s enough for me.” to you? Have you no sentiment that pepper-and-salt suit had laid half, a claimed. “Wlicre in Sam Hill did yon ters over again, with frequent nib- : “Don’t be unreasonable,” he an- will sav.^it from the highest bidder?” "You’re Not Going to Leave Us, Moth dollar on the bar, and no change came ' come from?” 1 back. Biles congratulatedjiimself on ‘ 2l't Slrect, PgNVER hlng of her glasses. Love for her j swered. “There’s a great opportunity “Sentiment is a poor affair in busl- er. Are You?" “A man of some .judgment I see,” daughter, desire to see her old friend I his owp naiTow escape, right now to get land for nothin’ that nc.s's,” he answered. “Property was j said bis new acquaintance, quite un­ Cleveland and 15th Street, Denver. once more, and growing dlssatl.sf.nc- are you?” he said, "You Wouldn’ter, i “You’ll be looking for land?” In- | in a few years will be worth as much made t’ sell; money was made t’ buy : abashed. “Well, I don’t blame youafor Evening Sesoione Monday, 'Wednesday tlou with comlitions at home, all cOn*-; quired the stranger, when both were i or more than thl,s here. I’m ready to ft with. ’The successful man is the | do that?” i keeping your own counsel. Tl»e roslt and Friday. blued to give weight to the invitation breathing easily again. ; go through the hardship and the work one who has "his price for everj’tliln’, “Not if It could be.-helped, .Allan. ; of people and money into the West has “Well, maybe I am, and maybe I SO earnestly extended. “If I only | for tlie sake of what it will do for usi nnd knows how t’ get it. As for grow- But there is no help. Tour father has i brought all kinds o f ■ floaters in h;s ain’t,” said Riles guardedly. He bad 1Q Get subscriptions for. The Reg­ could 1 But it would cost so much.” I We cau be Independently rich in five iu’ old and gray on this farm, why, set his heart ou more land, and more train. Why”—with growing confidence heard something of tlie ways of confi­ The dinner was late that day, and. 1 years, if . we just stani together.” Dmt’s a grudge I have against It, work, and giving* up this home, and I —“ the o(.luu.*. night------” ister, Big comraission. Refer- Harris was In worse humor than “ Independent o f what?” .she a.sked. tliough I don’t think I’m very gray nnd might as well go first as last. More dence men and was defermtned ndt to usual. He had jnst broken a plw- -llW kyi. ifidem deat -o£*rrof _every- I don’t feel verx. old. And if 1 get au and more he is giving his love to-Vork be taken for m i easy marjt. , (To be continued) iducea uece#8*ry, ; .

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION p w r v j B i mjmmw mmimm . Thursday, October 1 4 ,1920

□□DC 3 0 0 0 n □ HOW DO YOU KNOW? BRITBH ■ BO YeOTTjU. S. CATHOUCS' WAR a '‘My ryes are strong. I ran read anything,” is the boast of many suf­ =IC3C q c 3 C 3 0 ferers from a form of eyestrain,.wluchif pennitted to go unchecked develops OC WYERB U. S. UNER'WORK TO BE SHOWN o a into a serious ease of poor %-iaion. As optical specialists wc can tell you when .you newl glasses. Have us examine your eyes regularly and take no chances. FROM IRISH HARBORllN PICTURES HERE CORPORATIONS H ie Swigeit Bros. Optical Co. I The ‘Taiihaudle State,” first of the j Robert G. Di-ady of Washington, D. G., ' new steamships built by an American representing the patriotic motion nirturc FIRMS ^ _^Whott Reputation and Equipment Gira ; line for passenger and cargo service be- review of the National Catholic War j tween New York and Ireland direct, and Council, was in Denver this week ar­ Ton the Highest Grade of Service. Devoted Xxoloalveljr te tbeVlttlBff aadllMuiXa** Itheu tfli England and France, skilcd ranging for the presentation of the film. INDIVIDUALS tuiar of Olawee. 1660 California St. D e n v e r i for Cove of Cork despite the Brit- The picture, entitled, “American Cath­ ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AVAIL i ish , admiralty's order against transat­ olics in W(ir and Reconstruction,” will lantic liners calling at. the greatest of be shown in the parishes of this city THEMSELVES OF OUa ADEQUATE SESVIOE llio Irish ports.. By direct ion of the U. during the’ -month of'Decemljer. The WE OPPEIl THE 510DERX P.IOILITIES OP S. State Department, the steamer, how­ first presentation will probably take; Hartiord-MeConaty ever, was subsequently‘ diverted' from place under the auspices of the Knights Irish waters in view of thd British pro­ pf Columbus with Bishop Tihen as Ihei A COMMERCIAL B A N K Undertaking Co. hibition. This is the way England inter­ honored guest. Mr. Jos. J, Walsh, lec­ y^ebavc prets the ‘‘freedom of the seas.” turer, has kindly voluntered to assist in A S A V I N G S B A N K stood the 1455-57 GLENARM ST. ) the Denver exliibitions. There is na j tertof PHONE MAIN r r n i charge for the use of the pictuics, and j A TRUST COMPANY time. Ka- ‘HOME-CdMINC HEBD tablidied .admission also is free. Mr. Walsh will i U74. AT tORETTO HEIGHTS j arrange,dates with pastors and others j A SAFE DEPOSITORY wishing to present the film. Death and Ftmeral K oU c m A perfect autumn day graced the oc- 4% On Savings Accounts i casiou 'of the annual return of the dear B y The Olinger M ortnarj GOOD SHEPHERD AID ‘‘Old Girls” to the home of their child­ IN ADDITION TO OUR GENERAL BANKING i DISPLAYS BAZAAR WORK CAPETAN JOHN JAROSZYNSKI. age hood. ' The beautiful grounds were a p DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A WELL-EQUIPPED 4S ye.irs, at St. Anthony's hospital, late riot of glowing colors, while the golden j FOREIGN DEPARTMENT of 4850 Washington, husband of JqUa The Good Shepherd Aid society met at H. R. Jaro.szyn.skl. Services were held sunshine o f Colorado flooded, the scene. THE D EN e MARBU from St. Joseph's church (Globcville). the liotnc of Mrs. Colui Macbeth Tues­ l-Ylday, at 9 a. m. Interment at Mount This home-coming day is not for the day, Oct. 1'2, The attendance was very Olivet. alumnae alone, but ror "Loretto girls,” The Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. ELIZABETH JEAN FITZGERALD, good; ail unusual amount of fine needle aged 12 yeans; beloved daughter of Mr. whether they graduated or not. A re­ and GRANITE CO. and Mrs. Charles I. Fitzgerald, 600 Sopth work and bungalow aprons, which are C H A M P A & FIFTEENTH STS. DENVER, COLO. I'c,irl street. Services were held from ception, during which the college and the residence Monday morning at 9:00 to be sold at the December bazaar, were MOirUHENTf AND the .senior flcademie class were presented o'clock. Interment Mount Olivet. ■ on display. Revi R. Kirschenheiiter * MAUIOLEUMI to the aluuinac, \vas the first feature of gave a very interesting and encouraging j the. daj','. After this, a delicious luncheon Office and Worka talk to the ladies, who inviteJ hini fb OBITUART. was .served. Then all went to the Sis- iOM Law m oe It., Denver, Oole. attend future ■ meetings agaiiu JOHN PATRICK L a NE, son q f MG tors’ cemetcr.v, Where prayers were of- Fhone Main 1811 and Mrs,Mrs. P. H. Lane, 1624 Krameriat faiy.d for tin* reofme of tli sonls of The ladies were sotry to liear that street.. died September 30. Besides hll; ““ ' .^ster Mary Caspar is suffciing wit'i a parent.s... he .leaves . ------ta mourn.— his JoSs Mettier two J’ancratia 5hd all of the dear brothers arfd ttvo .sitteps: Joaepn. James, fractured wrist. Several vocal selcc-'i SACRED HEART BOYS TO Mary and Ro.se. John would naVe been Sisters-'resting m this peaceful spot. A ARTISTIC ten years of age on October 2 (fea.st of tions were rendered by Jlrs. James i CfO.ON^ETREAT, DEO. 9 beaiififdl:, lueihdrial .'tvroath Was placed Holy Angles). He made his First Holy Lynch, accompanied by Mrs. Kieffer.il; . ‘ Communion when six years of ago. He., on ^Mother’s nionumeut. MEMORIALS attended llie Cathedral school' was In The theatre benefit proved very fne-':.-. The choice of-Father Conroy. S.J.. the the fifth gTad)^' 'In^July he made a trip, Returning to the college, the alumnae Classy, English, with his parents to St. Ann Da Beaupre.jj, ,, ■ , cqssful and the ladies ..who. were iu | g ,,tiio r.o f‘‘TalJk^ to.BoyV’ and ”'Oi|t to Canada, and enjoyed the trip. Funeral* ^ Short Imsincss meeting, It was wjth Requiem High Ma.ss at St. Jame'a dctjidjKl to give a, tuition .scholarship to charge .received a vote of thanks. Tim | \yjn » .tetTeat-jnaster to tlfc bqys church. Interment. tU, Holy iie.xt'meeting will be at the home of | was amiounced last week. He will .be- Omaha. Loretto Heights college, ■ to be called JOSEPH WALSER of 2318 BlaKe: i> , , i ...t- Mrs. Flood. I f.xerciscs oii the fith of Deccra^' Overcoats street. Funeral services were held) The Mother 1 dncratia sclioltirslup, Thursday afternoon. .October 7. at the phe rest of the afternoon ' ' her. The selection of this well-known $125, $115, $100 VALUES W. P. Horan & Son funeral chapel at 2 was spent o'clock. Interment Mount -Olivet ceme­ visiting the Sisters and recalling pleas­ DUSTER M AILS IS PRODUCT Ihiissioner is a fortunate one. 11 tery. OF ST. M ARY’S COLLEGE Coach Shafer is wearing a broad smile; JOHN’ GERBIC of 5156 Clarkson ant school days. $75.00 street. Funeral Sunday morning from Next Friday afternoon the Rev. Wil­ (By N. C. W. C. Newa Service.) ' IhMC bays and is willing to tell anyone the residence at 9:30 o'clock. Services Direct from fashionable Lou­ at the Holy Rosary church at 10 o'clock. liam O'Ryan will lecture on “ Some Brooklyn.---‘‘Duster” Mails, the, port the reason. It is evident. In all thci Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, under iaide Dinger of the Cleveland Indrana, football games played this season thC| direction o f W. P. Horan & Son. phases of the Renaissance.’’ don to Denver. Unpacked just FLORENCE .MAZZOLA o f 2425 Rlgh- j who showed undisputed class after he | college goal ha.s not been crossed by an last Aveek. They're making a big ! tcenth street. Funeral Sunday afternoon from the residence at 1:45 o'clock. Berv- j had relieved Cald-wcll in the third game ■ opposinl;: team. Ijist Saturday his grid- hit' Avith the dressy men and I ices at Mount Carmel church at 2 o’clock. SWISS BISHOP IN U. S. I i Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, under j jo f the world series here last week, is a iron stars dcfoateil the. sturdy South young men, Avho admire these f direction o f W. T’. Horan & Son. TO STUDY WELFARE WORK product of a Catholic college, St. Mary’s, | Denver JDgh aggregation by a score of 7 I MARGARET WILLIAMS at 3H6 West i Scotch Fluffs, TAA'ceds and I f ' Thh-ty-sccond avenue. Reloved mother ! I in Oakland, Calif. Mails is the latest ad- ■ to 0, while the previous Wednesday they j ; of Mrs. Mary Larsen. Arthur and David ; (By N. C. w . c . N«w« Sarvic#,) F luffy Avoolcns. Hero in Hcatlb j dition to the great galaxy of basebail won a 27 to 0 victory over the much.. ■Williams. Funeral, Monday morning New York.—The Right Rev Gregor- cr mixtures, broAvns and plaids from the residence at 8:30 o’clock. Re* ,. . . stars wbo call St. Mary’s their alma heavier Fort. . post team. The! quiem Mass at St. Dominic's church at i ms von Greuncck, Bishop of Cliur, whicli mater. Included in the list are many work of C'ulliahe in last Saturday’s | and grays. Tlie funeral of the late WILLIAM J. of the oldest and largest dio- •^WERN whs Hold (^Rturdnv sit S^30 p. in. ■ df Switz^plniid airivi'd {players who fiav» broken into- the lime- game was a feature as was that of Jdhn i from t\re parlors o f HaPttford A McCon-j , . wixzermiia, a rm ca ncrc lor Como in, and see tltese from 81LL8 BROS. aty, St. Patrick’s church at 3 o’dloqk.! the purpose of studying welfare work as “ oA*er-ist;as^ models. You don't Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. f •/-.! i • x-i.a- S. 0l Propr.- FREDERICK W. ‘VORVTERK, late ’ Df Cathohe inshtuOons m have to buy—unless yon AAunt 771 Broadway I the United States, and is a guest o f the morning In St. Leo .s church at 9 o clock;’| “ Sox, titk’-winners of 1912, A peculiar, both the first--amL.aeeond. .teams simply; to, but Avo want you to see them ; Talm for T«r,t H«Mp. Interment at Mount Olivet cemetery, un-' Redemptorist Fathers at the Churt-h of dcr direction of W. P. Horan & son. I the Hedy Redcehleri - fact about Mails,’ which also holds good | oa'crpowercd their adversaries by their j before you do buy. JOHN LEHMAN, at SI. Anthoi^-’s lioj)- of Duffy Is, is that* he never ad-1 Superior playing and this in spit? of th e' pitpl. Itequiem High Mass Tuesday Bishop Van Grcuiiick’s diocese has a WILLIAM £. RUSSELL, mtfrning at St. Afithohy’ s chapel at 8 vanted highkr than a sccoml string man {fact that half of the first team was n o t , 2 0 % Discount Dealer In -'sJt o'clock. Interment Mount Olivet ceme­ population bf 260,000 Catholics, and in­ tery, under direction-of W. P. Iloran & on-St; Mary’s team. r, 4n the game. ,, 1 on Imported English 'Whiiicord C O K E . W O O D Son. cludes* the city'-'of'Zurich; which alone PETER IVALLACE. at 3541 MarloH has close fo 30,000 Catholics. Its (Cathe­ and Domestic Gabardines. AND CHARCOAL DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART street. Funeral Wedneaday mornlnB dral dates back to the 6ighth century. Ofio«,. 1533 Wtlton------Bt- from the residence at 8:30 oYlock. Ile- SPREADING IN ENGLAND U. S. JESUIT ]BECpIVED *•*“ V : quiem JIass at the Annunciation church The, visiting prelate is particularly in­ Wo. 3, Otlpla and at 9 o’clock. Interment Mount Olivet i -(By*N-. C. W. C. News Service,) BY THE HOLV FATHER | _ main 585,586, 678. ^ cemetery, under direction of W. P. Hof- terested in the sj'stom of night schools Tajtf |lo. 8 , W. Alameda and OherokMian & Son. Londonv-'-fivery Catholic home- ia the Hewa Sarvlca.) | being operated by - the Knights of ^ ^ ■ JOHN STEPANSKI o f 4521 Penn.syl- Ismail town of Olney, in Kortlwrapton, f Ronic.-Fathor’ Edward F. Garesche,; •UY YOVR rtJEL AND FEED OF vania street. Funeral Wednesday morn­ Columbus.' ing from the re.sldence at 8:30 o'clock. ihas been con.secrat’ed to the . > ’CLOTHIH"fsr; Naples., en route to make their ad IStli aid Victor, St. Lonls, Bio. I i ing at the home of their daughter, Mrs. 1 Follow BlreeUoas. liniina' visits to Rome. Xdfe o f BUter Bt. M e m . The Oer- | ' Ernest Lidle. I mollte nun to whom our Ijord deixaed te { Bxcelleat Mrs. Harry Middleton returned to ber Butter Krust Bread REGIS1ER WANT ADS reveel the wonderful effleaer of dere- for homo-at S t Joseph, JIo., after a two- Takes you back home** ; LADY wants to do wending in Oth- tlon to Ulo oufferlnf Face. ‘The Arch- i j u’ceka visit at the home of her parents, Flat Fabrics toHc families by the day; also competent confretomlty^of the Holy Feee" counti i ▼amlsh Bnrlseea ; Jtr. ami Mrs. Julius Bcaiivais. 3 o a Jto do kindergarten Work in homes; will- thousands o f m em boraln the U. a an4 i Fainted Bnrfaoss { Arthur Rayhawk, one Of St. liCander’s S f 16 oentf I Baameled Burfaesa j ing to make arrangemeoii to suit indi* | many more throufhout Buropa Flae for W ash Day {boys, who is eompleting his school work , vidual families. Address H. M. C., cere 1 and poetage. Theodore i ill St. Patrick’s high school, has again DIGNITY Made in Denver iMrs. Thonlas Herbert, 521 East Colfax.' Hjrma te.-tM Holy Jeoe. H, cent* eaO Grocery, Paint and ; ______, ______; postage. ’ - 1 ■ ; obtained the lughest average of his TACTFUL CARE IK AR­ Hardware Stores . JACQUES BROS. : class— the titelftii grade. Other pupils AVANTED— Good Catholic woman forf l i f e o f Bleesad Aaaa of B6. Baxteete Bell It. RANGING FOPv DIGNI­ ___ 1 ■ii'-'.:-'- k.-/.', --.it m«w. companion to Sleter Tereea. 71 MONUMENTS I who finished the eighth grade at St. general honSewwFb. AVe’gea $W.0>7, and, postage. Hackethal I Ix'anderia and are ■ now attending St. FIED BURIAL IS AP- Nonesuch Faint Cleaner Oo. MAUSOLEUMS gdod home.’ 18(16 Race st., I hone York' Ts**tahU Veraaa MargarH, ) -Patrick's high school arc George Bmu- PRECIATED AND RE­ 8882. ' " is taoomipt Oflea and Yards, 28 E Sixth Are. young sitd tovetr. her body Fhone Champs S619 Dsaysr, Oolo. Ivaisi, Joseph Fitzgerald, Cecelia Lidic, SPECTED BY THE — — ’ ■ 116 cents and postage Telephone South 73. j Alice Mullahay and Frances O’Leary. . WANTED—Boarders ami roomers,; gt. siu s and tha Order ot OanaaL I Justine Anna and Elsie Russ, arc attend- RELATIVES OF THE men or women. Rates reasonable. 24 ; t6 cents and postagh. ..JIECEASED- Book Mark of Blsttr Cefeaa. 16 oeatt FUNERAL I ing Loretto dcademy. - i-. ------'East Ninth avenue. __ end irastaga. DR. J. J. M EEHAN PRIAfILEGE of renting six-room house .^Fteteres of Kstee *ncsa, Bmall ...... '6 0 oenta per 100; larger. 2 for 6 ceata to parties buying’furniture; rooms al­ DENTIST Doyle’s Pharm acy MATRIMONIAL PARLORS GEO. P. HACKETHAL ways rented. Call 1207 Glenarm street. PYORRHEA AND DENTAL Z-KAY THE PARTICULAR DRUGGIST AVe assist sincere practical Cath­ I a t t h e Houra l - l l a. m „ 1-6 p. m. 1449-51 Ealamath St. olics in making an honorable ac­ Kodak Hawdquiten Ittk A t8. k Clarkion St FOR RENT—Furnished front room i 4UITB 601 MACK BU:. PH. IL UM quaintance. Apply for circular to PhoM York 9336. Free Dellrery. suitable for fsdy. 763 South Pcnn.syl- 16tb and California. CATHOLIC LETTER CLUB RESIDENCE vania street. CAMERAS AND FILMS. Fhone Main 3658 Lock Box 17, Mt. Angel, Ore. '"KODAKS I FOR RENT— Sleeping rooni for man | *"«'» ...... MORTUARY Res. Phone Main 3250 {employed during day. One-block, from' FILMS AND 14th and Glenarm Ihe A. W. Clark Drue Co. 3 t = 3 c a a g I Civic Center, 1249 ISannock street. PHOTO GOODS TWO STORES: James Sweeney Cigar Co. Phone Champa SlSl Davalop Film lOe RoO. WANTED— Elderly lady to help with; Gamer Stk Ava. and Jaaoa t t Dr. M urphy's Root Beer Tko OlWoot oVl Moot Reltablo A««Bti to( I ] housework - for- good home and small i Third Ava and Kkti St. {wages. .350. Bannock street. Phone' F O R D ^ 3 sixteenth St it • Phone Champa 3816 Hotel Holp In tho WoiL | Snyai, Oolondo. Mount Olivet . South, 1'>63:AV, EVERYTHING IN DRUGS ' ______. .. . . ; •traai Iktater Bnilding, 1634 Cuxtia St ifaia and Fomalo Holp Boat Hroryirhoro | Mail ardara aolloltaA Catalega aaailad arhoa R. B. W*t* to Adranood, ' . GOOD Catholic widow with son 151 fraa on raquaat. . DENVER, OOLO. j years old wants posUienr as housekeeper: PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. C A N A D IA N ! ! or cook on ranch; must be near Gatholiel PhoDU Osllnp 178, Gallup 188 i school; boy strong and able to help w ith ! chores, Address Mrs. Katherine F/cdsoij, a c 3 0 EMPLOYMENT! -Orchard, Colo. DUFFY J. B. GARVIN THE D r u g g is t AGENCY ONLY CEMETERY FOR EXPERIENCED Catholic laJy, capa- j I ble of managing simple as we)I aa more i S T O R A G E a n d m o v i n g 2401 W . Thirty-second Are. Mala 411. 1111 Larlmor. Donror, Colo. CATHOLIC PEOPLE {elaborate household, fine cook, wonI<)| Waiahonea, 1521 Twantlath S t Denrez, Colo. I like position as housekeeper with good j •■ tebUahad 1881. Mra. J. Whitei Fro» OF DE2JVER {Catholic family. Address V. B., care |- Phone Main 1340 Office, 601 Fifteenth St % Denver Catholic Register.

City Office U. O’KEEFE, President W. J. KERAVIN, Vice-President.

4 0 3 G a b & Electric Bldg. Hat DIAMONDS O^Bnen^ssbtore The W indsor Farm Dairy 1855 Blake Street. , .Phones Main 5136-5137 1112 16th St.

M. O ’Keefe Jewelry Co. NEW FALL HATS Our reputation demands that . , Honrs, 9 to 12; 1 to 6. AVe have the best selection of K. of C. emblem goods in the city. Phone Main 3437, we distribute only RnidcoM Phone York 2383 A B E H E R E | The Store of Quality POPULAR PRICES { 827 Fiftew th Street Phono Main 644C' DR. J. J. O 'N EIL— • T h e B e s t M i l k a n d C r e a m Margaret O’Keefe, See’y-Treae. Fred B n n a Snite 722 M u k BniUtag. IMk and Cahfotnia Straata. Prom $5.00 to $12.00 mOH-OLASB 8EBVX0B mmuemrnmimmmmimmmmmismmiUKmmamsmmmmmmmummmmmmtli