
BRITISH GOVERNMENT GERMAN CATHOLICS i COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE Pray tor the Nat’l Catholic m LOOSE ARMY OF WAGE WAR AGAINSTi Success ui the Weltare Coun. OF ALL CHILDREN AT PUBLIC ASSASSINS IN EFFORT INDECENT FILMS ANDi Catholic Press News Service SCHOOLS FORMS BIG ISSUE TO| IN T IID A T E ERIN UNCLEANIMRATURE; ON WHICH MICHIGAN VOTERS Murders, Burnings, Sackings, Member of Reichstag Forms i and General Terror, the Society of Morality MUST DECIDE NEXT MONTH New British Way. to Combat Evil. Judge Declares Submission of Proposal W ill IRISH LIFE SACRED NO MORE SOME SUCCESS ACHIEVED Ip r N. C. W, C. N ew i S*rvlc«.) (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) Precipitate Religious W ar Dublin.—Catholic life and Catholic Berlin.—-Tlie light against erotic films, propcifty are no longer safe in Ireland. indecent theatre performances and VOL. XVI. No. 9. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. OCT. 14,1920. $2 PER YEAR. The Cirange atrocities in Belfast, accord­ trashy literature is now being waged | MEASURE’S DOOM ALREADY SEALED ing t(| the admittedly low estimate of with great vigor by the Catholics of Gcr-1 the piiblished lists, caused the death of many, assisted in many instances by j CORK’S H EROIC LORD MAYORIBANQUET ARRANGED about ilOO persons. The claims for prop­ clean-living Protestants. The revolution | Ivansing, Mich.—By order of the Su- ing.,James Hamilton, author of the pro­ I prome Court of Michigan, the proposal erly destroyed in the outbreak already did away with the censorship of thea-1 posed amendmont. Hamilton received exceed $12,500,000, and this is n o t the tres and moving pictures. There fol-1 W H O M E N G L A N D ‘ L E F T T O D I E ’ IFOR NEW PRESIDENT to amend tlie state constitution so as to only 18,000 votes in the entire state, complete total. The loss has almost lowed a deluge of unspeakable moving | compel all children between the ages of and less than 2,000 in Detroit. The six and sixteen years of ago to attend ■wholly fallen on Catholics. Jinny Pro­ pictures and lascivious stage productions iOF JESUIT COLLEGE Democratic nominee, like Jlr. Grocsheck, the .public schools will be submitted to testant labor men, however, were also which were fast having, their effect, es­ is also a vigorous opponent of the the voters at the election on Nov./ 2. amendment. Most of the candidates for , victimized because of their stand against pecially upon the minds of the young. Tlie first imblic roco])tion in honor of One justice of the court, in a minority other state offices have denounced the the Oijange outrages. In order to combat this evil there was Rev. Robert JI. Relley, S.J.. llic new presi­ opinion, expriis.sed the belief that sub­ proposal as a scheme for proscribing A desperate campaign is now in prog­ formed, under the leadership of a Catho­ dent of Sacred Heart college, will be mission of the proposed amendment will private schools. ress iri the W est and South. Towns are lic member of the Reichstag, Heijr Fass- lield under tlie auspices of the College “precipitate a bitter religious war” in Lutherans, Adventists and other Pro­ being sacked and burned and factories bender, and Frau Hessberger, a 'society j Alumni association on Tlmrs’day evening, the state. testant persuasions conduct private and creameries destroyed. Inhabitants for decency and morality, which has October 21. In the opinion of the majority of tJie .schools in iuichigan and have joined the are being shot and bayoneted. These at­ been receiving very gratifying support. ■ The alumni plan to make tliis tlie big court it was held that the validity of fight to prevent the adoption of the tacks are carried out by anned British Not only the leaders of the people, 1 event of the year and have secured tlic the proposed amendment could not be amendment. forces.. General Mncready, the comman- but the people themselves, in towns and j new Knights of Columbus hall at lUth decided at this time. The only ques­ After declaring that if the secretary dcr-in-jchief of the British array in Ire­ cities have attacked vigorously the un-1 and Grant streets for tlie occasion. A tions before the court, it was held, were of state might decide whether the pro­ land, I justifies them as “reprisals.” clean drama and the insidious film. In I banquet will be served at 7 p. ni., to whether the amendment could be de­ posed constitution amendment is un­ It mi^it be necessary, he told the spe­ many places Protestants and Jews joined i whicli the Bishoji, Governor, Mayor and clared unconstitutional before its adop­ constitutional and refuse to submit it, cial rdpresentative of the “Petit Pari- with Catholics in protesting against the j the presidents of tlie other colleges tion as part of the constitution, and he might e.xercisc the same power in sien,” t6 shoot fifty of the inhabitants. manner in which confession, celibacy and ! thruout the state have been invited. whether the secretary of state, a ininis- other cases, the court (uriied to the other His fol'ee.s were ready to suppress ruth­ other institutions of the Church were Thc c.xecutivc committee of (he alumni i terial officer, could exercise judicial question involved, and declared: lessly. I It was very simple. Bloyd held up to ridicule. Several successful association also desires, tliru the c«ur- power to exclude the proposition from “No one knows to any certainty George', the Englisli premier, whose demonstrations against these libels were fesy of The Register, to extend un invi- ■ the ballot. whether if the amendment is submitted cabinelj, the “ Xew Statesman” of Lon­ made. In some instances, however, the tatiou to this Imnqnet and reception to ' Three o f the eight judges dissented, to the legal electors, it will receive a don aKseits, organized the anarchy police intervened in favor of the the all friends of the college and particularly One of these three, Justice George M. and frightfulness and the assassination theatrical managers. sufficient number of votes to carry it. to all former students who may .not have Clarke, is a candidate for re-election. o f the |Jlepublican leaders, condoned the If it does not, no one is harmed. If the But much more etfective was the scries I been personally notified. Anyone de- outrages in a speech last wbek. The advocates of the proposal ap­ proposed amendment should receive a of debates held in Parliament in which I siring to meet Father Kelley on this oc- The |towns which have bcoi subjected pealed to the Supreme Court from a for­ majority of the legal votc.s cast, there Herr Fassbender o f tlie Central party, : casion should . eommuuicatc with Mr. to thid terrible experience include For- mal ruling of Attorney General Alex .T, will be time enough to inquire whether by a series of interpellations and mo­ ^ John R Akolt, president of the assoeiu- 'moy. Cove, Bantry, Thurlcs, Ballylan- Grocsheck, who advised secretary of any provision of the federal constitution tions, endeavored to have existing laws ' tion. state Vaughan last -July that the pro- i is violated. Until that time comes, we ders, Newcastlewcst, Limerick, Galway, remedied that the yo^ng people might be posed amendment was in conflict with I must decline to express any opinion on Tuam, Tullow, Doon, Hospital, Middle- protected against menaces to their mor­ article 14 of the federal constitution and | the constitutionality of the proposed ton, Youghal, Templemore, Carrick-on- ality. He also advanced new legislative could not, therefore, legally be placed i amendment.” Shanno^n, Miltown-Malbay, Enniscorthy, measures to check the evil which had , SISTER OF ‘U H L E on tlie officiarbaflot at tlie next elec-; Justice Fellows, who wrote the minor- Balbriggan, and Cork. grown to such widespread proportions. ^ tion. ity opinion, said: The jmufti-niilitaircs (military partly As a result of his efforts the film con- i FLOWER’ SENDS GIF! After giviiigi this opinion, Attoniey “I cannot bring myself to feel that dressed as civilians) perpetrated a deeed sorsWp was re-established. The attempt i General Grocsheck was nominated for ; this court should by a discretionary writ in Dublin which stunned the entire city. to secure a censorship of theatrical pro­ FORNATIONALSHRINE the governorship in the Republican pri-1 of mandamus, compel the secretary of The Rdyal E.xcliange hotel, as is not un­ ductions, however, did not succeed, anil; mary, dcfcatingj oiglit camlidatqs, iiicliid- 1 ((hmtinued from Page 2) known i to American travellers, stands at present there is presented an abnor- | ■Within I two minutes walk of IXiblin raal situation, a decent film generally ■ (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) t (Continued on Page 2.) (Continued on Page 2.) j Washington, D. C.—The sister of the =*= ! “ Little Flower of Jesus” has .sent to i Rev. Dr. Bernard A. JIcKcnna, of tlio Catholic Family Record Catholic university, a copy of the oil por- Bishop Tihen Administers I trait o f Sister Teresa she painted in 1912. It will be hung in (lie .Salve Reg­ Will Be Preserved in U.S. ina chapel at the university. Tlie painter j of the picture is a nun in the Carmelite Confirmation in Wichita (j eonvent at Lisien.x, Franee, where Sis- ' (er Tere.sa spent her last days in tliis National Shrine to Mary world, and is “ C>line,” of whmn the “ Lit­ Rt. ie v . Biatiop J. Henry Tihen is nounced, realized Itow deep was Bishop tle Flower” spehks so often in her auto­ (By N.
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