Building New Nuclear: the Challenges Ahead

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Building New Nuclear: the Challenges Ahead House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee Building New Nuclear: the challenges ahead Sixth Report of Session 2012–13 Volume II Additional written evidence Ordered by the House of Commons to be published Tuesday 26 February 2013 Published on 4 March 2013 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited The Energy and Climate Change Committee The Energy and Climate Change Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department of Energy and Climate Change and associated public bodies. Current membership Mr Tim Yeo MP (Conservative, South Suffolk) (Chair) Dan Byles MP (Conservative, North Warwickshire) Barry Gardiner MP (Labour, Brent North) Ian Lavery MP (Labour, Wansbeck) Dr Phillip Lee MP (Conservative, Bracknell) Rt Hon Peter Lilley MP (Conservative, Hitchin & Harpenden) Albert Owen MP (Labour, Ynys Môn) Christopher Pincher MP (Conservative, Tamworth) John Robertson MP (Labour, Glasgow North West) Sir Robert Smith MP (Liberal Democrat, West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine) Dr Alan Whitehead MP (Labour, Southampton Test) The following members were also members of the committee during the parliament: Gemma Doyle MP (Labour/Co-operative, West Dunbartonshire) Tom Greatrex MP (Labour, Rutherglen and Hamilton West) Laura Sandys MP (Conservative, South Thanet) Powers The committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the internet via Publication The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the internet at The Reports of the Committee, the formal minutes relating to that report, oral evidence taken and written evidence from witnesses are available in a printed volume. Committee staff The current staff of the Committee are Sarah Hartwell-Naguib (Clerk), Liz Bolton (Second Clerk), Jenny Bird (Senior Committee Specialist), Tom Leveridge (Committee Specialist), Luanne Middleton (Inquiry Manager), Shane Pathmanathan (Senior Committee Assistant), Jonathan Olivier Wright (Committee Assistant), Joe Strawson (Committee Support Assistant), and Nick Davies (Media Officer). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Energy and Climate Change Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 2569; the Committee’s email address is [email protected] List of additional written evidence (published in Volume II on the Committee’s website 1 Brian Catt Ev w1 2 David Thorpe Ev w7 3 James Lawton Ev w8 4 Martin Blaiklock Ev w11 5 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Ev w16 6 Gwyn Evans BSc Ceng Ev w20 7 Horizon Nuclear Power Ev w21 8 The Institute of Physics Ev w23 9 Nuclear Industry Association Ev w24 10 Nuclear Issues Ev w28 11 Peter Mellor Ev w28 12 University Of Greenwich Ev w30 13 The Royal Academy of Engineering Ev w35 14 Sir Donald Miller Ev w36 15 SSE Ev w37 16 Tim Deere-Jones Ev w39 17 Weinberg Foundation Ev w83 18 World Wildlife Fund UK Ev w86 cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [SO] Processed: [28-02-2013 15:39] Job: 023038 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/023038/023038_w018_023038_w016_JB_NUC 15 - WWF Scotland.xml Energy and Climate Change Committee: Evidence Ev w1 Written evidence Written evidence submitted by Brian Catt (NUC 32) Thanks for a generally very direct and sometimes probing session on New Nuclear today. It seems energy policy is getting a more rational focus now the inevitable physical undeliverabilities and avoidable expense of subsidising the wrong modalities by law are manifesting themselves. There were specific points made today that lacked either some essential logic or a proper wrap up, which I address summarily by numbers below. Before that: I write to highlight that important assertions crucial to this debate and energy policy as currently practised, that are presented as fact or a legal imperative we must follow by witnesses, in this and other select committees on energy policy, are either simply unsupportable in fact, based on old data, or misrepresent the scientific principles or the data in a partial way for gain, rather than present the objective truth for the greater public prosperity. Energy use ifs 1:1 proportional to GDP and hence everything the country does. Our future prosperity depends on generating more, cheap, electricity, not less expensive. Only a nuclear approach can deliver this at whatever level we require long term to be a truly substantive alternative to fossil energy, without generator subsidies. Current policy is increasingly, avoidably, and very expensively, placing the UK’s economic future in jeopardy, in absolute and competitive terms. This discussion deserves the ruthless application of objective science and economics replaces EC ideology, enacted as undeliverable policy for lobbyist profit. Call that what you like, it can only ever cost the UK to eventually fail on the physics. Our nation’s future prosperity must exclude the politics, aside from the rate at which we spend on the best solution, and we should certainly stop marching our energy future and disposable incomes off a cliff on the orders of unelected foreign legislators and their lobbyists, based on a set of self- evidently false assertions, anyone can disprove with AS physics, DUKES data and a scientific calculator. Such a vital committee should all be able to do this for themselves. None of these directives can deliver the core objectives of energy policy in the UK. On the evidence they are predictably and expensively failing in Germany as physics meets ideology—there is only ever one winner in this contest. Bio fuels do the opposite—double the cost and more CO2 than coal even, etc. We have the technology to get it right, in fact do it best, without any subsidies. So let’s do nuclear (and gas) well, and not self harm our energy supply on an undeliverable energy fantasy like Germany and Denmark, especially when Island UK has no “Get Out of Jail Expensively” Euro Grid card, and shouldn’t need one. Most EC countries have no “energy security” and are utterly interdependent. Apart from France on 80% nuclear and 20% hydro, of course. While energy policy is under review I strongly suggest the committee call the DECC’s Chief Scientific Advisor Prof David MacKay to give evidence on the particular areas of intensity, adequacy, controllability and sustainability which he has written on extensively (iv), and ask him about the capabilities of the “alternative” modalities the law current law massively subsidises to deliver these objectives, in particular whether preferred “alternatives” are the best way to deliver our future electrical energy needs of adequate, affordable, controllable, sustainable, secure or even zero carbon generation at the levels that we will require in future, and what part nuclear should play in this long term. Based on a study of MacKay’s work, and that of many other independent experts, including Prof Colin McInnes (v) and his useful references Ausubel (i) , Marchetti(ii) and Smil (iii), it is clear and simple to demonstrate that none of our policy objectives can be met by prescribed alternatives in full, and should not be met in part by them when they are avoidably expensive, inadequate for the job and obsolete without fossil backup—which also denies the claims of energy security made for them. I can demonstrate, as can Prof MacKay, that subsidy preferred alternatives aren’t adequate, affordable, controllable, sustainable, secure or even zero carbon. Not alternative to fossil at the level required, in fact, and cannot be for the reasons of intensity and variability alone. The energy source is renewable, yes, but not the generation which is massively expensive through weakness of its source and fossil dependent through both variability and inadequacy in any realistic deployment. In reality, and uniquely, only nuclear technology can deliver all these objectives after fossil. We can even make nuclear power by far the most sustainable and renewable modality by using transmutation to create new fuel and minimise high level waste, we are now nuclear alchemists. I suggest the most important technology of the late 21st and 22nd Century will be nuclear processing, using both fission and fusion fast neutron sources as we approach sustainable fusion power—ignition. We can go there, or back to the Third World. And it can all be much easier than it appeared in committee to make the next set of nuclear choices well, if our elected representatives take good INDEPENDENT advice, ask the right questions with advice from cobber Pack: U PL: COE1 [E] Processed: [28-02-2013 15:39] Job: 023038 Unit: PG01 Source: /MILES/PKU/INPUT/023038/023038_w018_023038_w016_JB_NUC 15 - WWF Scotland.xml Ev w2 Energy and Climate Change Committee: Evidence independent experts, and lead this process with generators, rather than being led by generators and lobbyist law enacted as EC directives and political dogma. General Observation on The Realities of Electrical Generation in a Developed Economy with Nuclear Emphasis: Over a century we developed the most efficient electricity generation and distribution system by maximising the use of controllable intense energy sources, consolidated at the core of a grid distribution system to match variable demand across the grid in real time. This has proven to be the most cost effective way to operate an electricity system on a national scale. Nuclear can simply carry that forward, using the existing infrastructure and its more intense energy source when fossil has gone. Gas can fill gaps while reducing carbon emissions, CCGT is very compact, intense, clean, 60% thermally efficient and can be built inside major coal fired facilities, as with Didcot A and B.
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