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The Canadian Parliamentary Guide 284254 NUNC COCNOSCO EX PARTE THOMAS J. BATA LIBRARY TRENT UNIVERSITY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation * •) Entered according to the Act of Parliament, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, by CHARLES H. MACKINTOSH, In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. A*, «r THE CANADIAN AND ANNUAL REGISTER, 18 7 7.' EDITED BY C. H. MACKINTOSH. ESTABLISHED, 1862 OTTAWA : CITIZEN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, SPARKS STREET. 1877. Don de la Disliotheque de la Legislature du Quebec 0^,5 ,f)H- 1*01 ■ . ' /> Clubs in Canada, “.rational ’’—Bay Street, Toronto. Goldwin Smith, Esq M A President; Lieut.-Col. T. C. Scoble, Secretary. ' ’ “Si- Jamesv—Corner of Dorchester and University streets Montieal. W . H. Kerr, Esq., Q.C.,^President; John Brown, Esq Secretary and Manager. ’ “ Stadacona ’’ Corner of St.Anne street and Esplanade, Quebec. Hon. D. E. Price, President; Henry J. Pratten, Esq., Secretary “Halifax—152 and 154, Hollis street, Halifax. Robie Uniacke Esq., President; H. W. Johnston, Esq., Secretary. “ Toronto ” 1 ork street, adjoining Rossin House, Toronto. Hon. William Cayley, President; Major Draper, Hon. Secretary. “ Rideau ’’—Wellington street, facing Parliament Buildings Ottawa. J. M. Currier, Esq., M.P., President; Robert Sinclair! Esq., Secretary. “ Carleton ” — Dufferin Bridge, facing Eastern Departmental Building, Ottawa. T. D. Harington, Esq., President; Edward Waldo, Esq., Secretary, “U- E " ~ King street west, Toronto; A. B. Campbell, Esq., Resident Secretary; Alfred Boultbee, Esq., Corresponding Secretary. 11 Hamilton ’—Corner of James and Main streets, Hamilton. Edward Martin,Esq., Q.C., Chairman of Managing Committee; F. W. Gates, Esq., Secretary. 3 SS84254 Table of Contents. A Full Alphabetical Index will be found on the last pages of the Companion. pABXI._His Excellency the Governor-General and Staff; the Queen’s Privy Council for the Dominion and Members of the Cabinet; Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court; Departmental Committees and Government Commissioners. pART II.—Deputy Heads and Chief Officers of the Civil Service, &c- Part III.—Summary of Parliamentary Terms and Procedure. Part IV._Synopsis of Speakers’ Decisions since Confederation. Part V.—Table of Precedence for the Dominion. Part VI.—Members of the Senate. Part VII.—Members of the House of Commons. Part VIII.—Counties, Districts, Cities and Boroughs returning Members to the House of Commons,with names of Candi¬ dates in each Constituency at last General Election, and at each subsequent Election, and the total vote polled for each candidate respectively, &c. Part IX.—Changes in the Dominion Cabinet from 1867 to 1877. Part X. —The Local Governments and Legislatures, with Electoral Votes, names of Candidates, viz : (1) Ontario, (2) Quebec, (3) Nova Scotia, (4) New Brunswick, (5) Manitoba, (6) British Columbia, (7) Prince Edward Island, (8) North-West Territories. Part XI.—Divisions in the House of Commons by Provinces, from 1867 to 1876. Pavt XII.—Political Organizations. Part XIII.—Miscellaneous ; Party “ Whips ” ; Mover and Seconder of “ Address ” (1877); Chairman of Standing Commit¬ tees, House of Commons ; Addenda. Part XIV.—Index, containing Key to each name, and subject re¬ ferred to. 4 Office of The Canadian Parliamentary Companion. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 25th, 1877. The copyright, together with all title and interest in the Canadian Parliamentary Companion, having been purchased from Mr. Henry J. Morgan, the new proprietor has endeavored to main¬ tain the character of the work in th^s, the first issue under his Editorial Management. He has enlarged the form of the volume ; and, at the expense of much labour and no small pecun¬ iary outlay, endeavoured to add substantially to the general infor¬ mation hitherto supplied. Many changes have taken place since Parliament last met; these have been faithfully chronicled so far as possible, both from a Dominion and Provincial point of view. The Editor has further endeavoured to add to the acknowledged useful¬ ness of the Companion by incorporating several new parts, including a synopsis of Speakers’ Decisions since Confederation; Cabinet Changes from 1867 to 1877 : Important Divisions in the House of Commons from 1867 to 1876, together with a carefully prepared Alphabetical Index, affording ready reference to any particular member of the Commons, Senate, or grade of the public service. The Editor would further impress upon gentlemen in the Legisla¬ tures and service of various Provinces, the importance of supplying reliable information when such is of public importance ; and has to acknowledge himself under many obligations to those who so readily responded to his applications during the past two months. The Companion is now considered a standard authority upon Canadian affairs, and it is the desire of the Editor not alone to maintain the already enviable reputation of the work, but if possible, to add each year to its importance as a book of reference. 5 Key to Jtbbrsuiations. E.R. signifies East Hiding; W.R., West Riding; N.R., North Riding; SR., South Riding; g.e,, general election; U.C., Upper Canada; L.C, Lower Canada or Legislative Council; N.B., New Brunswick; N.S., Nova Scotia; Ont., Province of Ontario; P.Q., Province of Quebec; B.C., Province of British Columbia; Man., Province of Manitoba; P.E.I,, Province of Prince Edward Island ; L.A., Legislative Assembly ; P.C., Privy Councillor of Canada; Ex. Council, Executive Council; M.L.C., Member of the Legislative Council; M.P., Member of the House of Commons of Canada; Provl. Secy., Provincial Secretary ; V.C., Victoria Cross ; G.C.M.G., Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George ; K.C.M.G., Knight Commander of do; C.M.G., Companion of do; G.C.B., Knight Grand Cross of the Bath; K.C.B , Knight Commander of do; C.B., Commander of do; J.P., Justice of the Peace; N.P., Notary Public; M.D., Doctor of Medicine; LL.D., Doctor of Laws ; D. C. L., Doctor of Civil (or Canon) Law ; B. C. L., Bachelor of Civil Law; B.A., Bachelor of Arts; M.A., Master of Arts; B.L., Bachelor of Letters; Q C., Queen’s Counsel; C.E., Civil Engineer; P.L.S., Provincial Land Surveyor; Hon., Honor¬ able; Batt., Battalion; B., born; S., son; Dau., daughter; M., married; Ed. educated; Co., County or Company; V.M., Volun¬ teer Militia; V.I Vancouver Island or Volunteer Infantry ; Sell., School; U.E. Loyalist, United Empire Loyalist; Am., America or American; Govt., Government; Parlt., Parliament; Mem., Mem¬ ber ; (Jniv., University; Dir., Director. 6 THE FOR 1877. 3>hc (Sowrnor (Smral and Governor General*—His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir Frederick Temple, Eap.l op Ddpferin, Knight of the Most Illus¬ trious Order of Saint Patrick, and Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. B. 21 June, 1826. Ed. at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford. M , 23 October, 1862, Harriet Georgina, old. dau. of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., of Killy- leagh Castle, Co. Down. Succeeded as 5th Baron Dufferin and Clandeboye, in the Peerage of Ireland, on the death of his father, 21 July, 1841. Created Baron Clandeboye of the United Kingdom, 1850 ; and Earl of Dufferin and Viscount Clandeboye (both of the United Kingdom), 1870. Was a Lord in Waiting to the Queen, from 1849 to 1852, and from 1854 to 1858 ; attached to Earl Russell’s special mission to Vienna, Feb., 1855 ; British Commis¬ sioner in Syria, I860 ; Under Secretary of State for India from 1864 to 1866, and for War, from 1866 to following year; and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Paymaster-General, from 1868 to * PREVIOUS GOVERNORS: 1. The Right Hon. Viscount Monck, G.C.M.G., from the Union, 1867, until Nov.. 1868. 2. Right Hon. Lord Lisgar, G.C.M.G., from latter date until May,'1872. 7 8 1872, Appointed Lord Lieutenant of the County Down, 1864; and Governor-General of the Dominion of Canada, 22 May, 1872. (Salary, £10,000 stg.) His Excellency has, since arriving in Canada, done much to make himself conversant with public affairs. He has not only visited all the principal cities and towns of the Dominion, but made extended tours through the sparsely populated Free Grant Districts of Muskoka and other sections. During the year 1875 he re-visited Ireland, and last year (1876) paid a lengthy visit to British Columbia, also attending the Centennial at Philadelphia. In January of the present year (1877) he visited Toronto for a week, being most cordially received by the people. His Excellency is Honorary Colonel of the North Down Rifles. Author of A Tour in Ireland during the Famine, 1847 ; Letters from High Latitudes, 1857 ; Irish Emigration, and Tenure of Land in Ireland, 1867 ; Notes on Ancient Syria, 1867 ; An Examination of Mr. Mills's Plan for the Pacification of Ireland, 1868 ; Enquiry into the State of Ireland, 1869. Residences:—uClandeboye," Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland; “ Rideau Hall," New Edinburgh, Ottawa ; Citadel, Quebec. STAFF: Secretary of the Governor-General.—Lieut.-Col. the Honorable Edward George Percy Littleton, Grenadier Guards. Eld. s. of the second Baron Hatherton, by Lady Margaret Percy, youngest dau of George, fifth Duke of Northumberland. B. 15 Aug., 1842. Ed. at Eton College. M. Charlotte Louisa, dau. of Sir Charles Row- ley, Bart., and the Hon. Lady Rowley, of Tendring Hall, Suffolk, Eng. Entered the army, 1861, and was in Can. with the Brigade of Guards, |from Jan., 1862 to Sept., 1864. Is a Deputy Lieutenant and J. P. for County of Staffordshire. Has been Supdt. of the Military Gymnasia, London, Eng,; Instructor of Musketry to 2nd Batt. Grenadier Guards ; and Regimental Adjutant to the Grenadier Guards. Appointed to present office, 27 Oct., 1875. (Salary, $2,400).—“ Rideau Cottage," New Edinburgh; Travellers' Club.
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